I ? Sms'* THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Offers to young women thorough literary, classical, scientific and indus trial education, and special pedagogical training: Annual Expenses, including Board, s9l) to $l3O For Non-Residents of the State, - - 150 Farult) of Thirty Members, representing in their culture and train ing many of the leading Colleges and Universities of this country and Europe. More than 400 regular students in daily attendance, from "every section of North Carolina. More than lfiOO matriculates during past seven years. -*■* -■ • ■ r nr " ~ ,TITE ADVANCED, THOROUGH, SELECT. ONE OF THE BEST SCHOOLS IN THE SOUTH. REGULAR CONSERV ATORY OF MUSIC. TERMS VERY MODERATE. FALL TERM COMMENCES SEPT. 14. 1899. SEND FOR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE TO JAS. DINWIDDIE, M. A., (University of Virginia,) Principal. THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN PERSONS ARE STOCKHOLDERS: J. C. Drewry J. S. Wynne C. G. Latta W S. Primrose B. S. Jernian J. N. Holding L. M. Allen R. H. Bradley Rev. A. W. Curtis . C. Crabtree W. B. Mann A. A. Thompson Jesse A. Jones A. M. Powell Millard Mini A. R. D. Johnson F. F. Harding B. R. Harding H. C. Butler John Ward Dr. R. H. Lewis C. B. Edwards N. B. Broughton Thos. Pescud T. B. Mosel y W. A. Withers H. Steinmetz H. T. Hieks W. C. Riddick E. B. Barbee G. W. Thompson Guy V. Barnes C. .1. Parker W. Woolloott ('has. L. Ives W. L. London B. Nooe, Jr J.S Carr J. H. Southgate W. H. Hanks L. D. Heartt W. K. Young W. J. Wyatt C. R. Harding Mrs. W. T Tucker Mrs M. T. Shipp Rev. J. E. White C. W. Blanchard Josephus Daniels W. G. Randal] And More than 100 Others 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 HU I Li: SHOES SHOES SHOES J ' §g A neatly dressed foot is as necessary to the Man or Woman as a glove is to the hand. S. C. POOL, NORTH CAROLINA’S ! Leading Shoe Dealer, • Can Dress your Feet in * THE LATEST STYLES. All North Carolina is his ground, all people who desire the best his patrons. THE MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Is the Channel through w hich this is accomplished; Promptness, Prices and Quality the Triumvirate of his basic success. Write for Catalogue. 131 FayCttC St., RALEIGH, N. C. SHOES SHOES SHOES I [llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllirr For Catalogue and other information address, PRESIDENT McIVEH, Greensboro, N. C. Mechanics and Investors Union OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. A LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. ORGANIZED MAY, 1893. BY J. C. DREWRY, Pres.; .1. 8. WYNNE, V-Pres.; B. 8. .JERMAN, Treas.; GEORGE ALLEN. Secy.; J. N. HOLDING, Atty.: W. 8. PRIMRORE and C. G. LATTA, (all are Directors) aided by many other valuable stockholders. This is one of the most successful and profitable Investment Companies in North Carolina, and for the following reasons : 1. It is operated under plans carefully prepared by financial and legal experts, in exact accordance with the State Laws. The plan requires one hundred payments from the investing or borrowing member, which completes the transaction and doses the contract. The investor will have paid s(>fi.()o and will receive SIOO.OO. The borrower will receive (including the loan) all that he lias paid to the Union, less an amount equal to six per cent, per annum on amount loaned for one-half the time. 2. The contracts with the investing and borrowing members are liberal and equit able; both parties share in the profits of the company, and are fully protected by the “GUARANTEE FUND, " making it impossible for the family to lose the investment or the “HOME. " 3. The funds and income of the company are invested in first mortgage bonds on desirable residence property, and said securities are held in trust by B. S. .Jernian, treasurer, for the protection and final settlement with the members. 4. The company does a cash business, owes no debts, has no outside transactions of any kind, has well secured assets for every dollar due its members, has money with which to make advances to its members, and by special provisions in by-laws it cannot be damaged by panics. 5. The utmost economy in salaries and expenses, consistent with a safe, proper and vigorous management of the business. The managers, relying upon their most excellent plan, confidently expect with continued careful management to carry each monthly series to successful maturity within the promised time of one hundred months, and feel that they are offering to the citizens of North Carolina, a safe and profitable investment in the stock of the Union. For information regarding Investment or Loans, address GEORGE ALLEN, Sec’y, Pullen Bldg., RALEIGH. Practice and Observation School of eight grades and over two hundred children, under the direction of skillful supervising teachers. COURSES OK STUDY: 1. Four regular courses leading to the diploma of the College. 2. Post graduate courses in special subjects. :{. Correspondence courses. 4. Special course for teachers during last two months of the scholastic year. Correspondence invited from those desiring trained teachers. To secure board in dormitories all free tuition applications should be made before Aug. Ist. Free tuition to all who take a pledge to teach in North Carolina. for Young Ladies RALEIGH, N. C. h. RICHARDSON DRUG CO. GREENSBORO, N. C. A North Carolina Company which wholesales Drugs at New York Prices. In buying from us you not only save money in freight, express and time, but you encourage home industries. A postal will bring facts and prices. AMONG OUR PROPRIETARY SPECIALTIES ARE : VICK'S LITTLE VICK'S MAIJIC KADOK HEADACHE VICK'S TAR-HEEL VICK’S CAROLINA LIVER PILLS. CROUP SALVE. POWDERS. SARSAPARILLA. LACTATED DEAD-SHOT They keep the The croup Snap-shots on SI.OO value TASTELESS family well. policeman. all Headaches. for 50c. CHILL TONIC. VERMIFUOE. GREENSBORO, N.C. For the treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE and other Drug Addictions. The Tobbacco Habit, Nerve Exhaustion MODERN [NG raving &UCTROTYPING Metal Engraving m 'WorWork, THE DIUIPI* L X FLAT-BED PEFFEGTRIG PRESS. WHAT THE USERS CALL IT: ‘“A Labor-Saving Machine.” —Atlantic City (N. J.) Press. ‘•A Mechanical Wonder.”— Davenport (la.) Leader. “The Wonder of the Century ’’—Patterson (N. J.) Press. “A Machine of Great Value,” —Journal of Com. and Coin’l Bulletin (N. Y ) “It U Beyond all Uamparison.”-Canton (Ohio) Repository. “The Creates) Press.”— Duluth (Minn.) Evening Herald. “The Most Economical Press.”- Cedar Rapids (la.) Gazette. ‘‘A Beautiful Piece of Mechanism."— York (Pa.) Gazette. “The Best in the Market.”— Cortland (N. Y.) Standard. “A Beauty "—Elgin (111.) News. “A Great Machine.”— St. Johns(N. F.) Herald. “An Unrivaled Machine.”— Anderson (Iml.) Herald. “A Great Time-Saver.”— Davenport (la.) Times. “A Mechanical Marvel.” —Newport News (Va.) Press. “A Marvelous Machine.” —Zanesville (O.) Times-Recorder. “A W'onder of Ingenuity.”— Greensburg (Pa.) Press. “A Moving Thing of Beauty.”— Taunton (Mass.) Herald. “A Complete Perfecting Machine.”— Raleigh (N. C.) News and Observer. “The Ne Plus Ultra of Machinists' Art.”— Niagara Falls (N. Y.) Gatette. “‘A Big Promoter of Circulation.” —Woodstock (Out.) Sentinel-Review. “A Marvel ofStrenglh, Beauty and Speed.”— Watertown (N.Y.) Standard. “An Economical Piece of Machinery.”— Kalamazoo (Mieh.) Telegraph. “A Mastodon of Power.”— Saginaw (Mieh.) News. “An Ideal Machine.”— Johannesburg (S. Africa) Star. “A God-Send and Money-Maker.”— Altoona (Pa.) Mirror. “Satisfactory in Every Particular.”— Zanesville (Ohio) Courier. “The Best Machine on the Market.”— Jackson (Mich.) Citizen. “A Wonderful Mechanical Achievement.”— South Bend (Ind.) Times. “The Finest Perfecting Press.”— Kalamazoo (Mieh.) News. “The Best to be Found.”— Joliet (111.) Republican. “Beautiful and Durable.”— Philadelphia (Pa.) Sonntags-Jo’ rnal. “A Marvel of Simplicity and Speed.”— Halifax (N. S.) He aid. “A Marvel of Mechanical Skill.” — Scarborough (Eng.) Post. “The Latest Triumph.”— Springfield (Ohio) Sun. “The Most Up-to-Date Press.”— Portsmouth (N. II.) Chronicle. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll SHOES THE ABOVE ARE SAMPLES. THEBE ABE OTHERS. Duplex Printing Press Company, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. ENGRAVING! “Advertising an Art.” First-class illustrations are as necessary in illustrated ads as cleverly worded reading matter. Money spent on poor engravings is money thrown away, besides often ruining the sale of the article illustrated. We engrave by all modern methods and guar antee our cuts to please in every sense of the word. Upon request will quote prices and send samples in any line. Also will take pleasure in submitting pencil sketches of labels, ads, etc. We cordially invite those who have not made our acquaintance to test the claim that we make the highest grade of work at the lowest prices. PROMPTNESS, First-class Work, a and Reasonable Prices Are the Special Advantages we Offer. R. W. WEISBRODT, Cincinnati, Ohio. “The Most Perfect Machine.”— Columbia (S. C.) State. “The Most Modern Machine Made.”— Davenport (la.) Democrat. “A Wonderful Machine.”— Portsmouth (N. H.) Times. “A Mechanical Triumph.”— Nyack (N. Y.) Star. “A Great Money-Saver.”— New Jersey Freie Zeitung (Newark). “The Very Thing.”— Hamilton (Ohio) Democrat. ‘ A Wonderfhl Arrangement of Machinery.” —Phoenix (Ariz.) Republican. “It Stands Without a Peer.*’— Kingston (Ont.) Whig. “In Every W'ay Satisfactory.”— Cape Town (S. Africa) Argus. “A Marvel of Strength and Solidity.”— Mansfield (Ohio) News. “A Modern Press.”— Manchester (N. H.) Mirror. “A Splendid Triumph of luventive Genius Lexington (Ky.) Leader. “Marvelous Result of Thought and Skill.”— Batavia (N. Y.) News. “A Model Press.” —Sandusky (Ohio) Register. “The Great Triumph of Man's Brain.”— Galesburg (111.) Rep.-Registor. “The Very Best.”— Trenton (N. J.) Times. “A Most Wonderful Achievement.”— Rockford (111.) Republic. “A Perfect Piece of Newspaper Mechanism.”— Quincy (111.) Herald. “The Best Made.”— McKeesport (Pa.) Times. “A Wonderful Piece of Mechanism.”— Leadville (Colo.) Herald-Democrat “A Remarkable Mechanical Achievement.”— Exeter (Eng.i Gazette. “A Marvel of Mechanical Beauty.”— Butte City (Mont.) Miner. “The Wonder.”— South Norwalk (Conn.) Sentinel. “The Finest Maehiue of the Age.”— Cumberland (Md.) Times. “A Triumph of the Human Brain.”— Bridgeton (N. J.)News. “Simple, yet Wonderful.”— Washington (Pa.) Reporter. “A Magnificent Piece of Mechanism.”— Hornellsville (N.Y.) Tribune. “A Triumph.”— Charlotte (N. C.) Observer. “Extremely Simple in Action.”— Newport (R. I.) News. “No Equal in the Market.”— Norristown (Pa.) Register. “A Thing of Beauty.”— Lancaster (Pa.) Examiner. “It Seems Almost Human.”— Hamilton (Ohio) News. “A Marvel of Mechanism.”— Evansville (Ind.) Journal. “Acts Like a Human Being.”— Rock Island (111.) Argus. “Is Without a Rival.”— Keene (N. H.) Sentinel.

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