The News and Observer. VOL.XLVII. NO. 0. HMDS Ml NORTH CAROUNA DAILIES « NEWS 111 CIF/JjLATIOII. UNPARALLELED ACHIEVEMENT The News and Observers Twentieth Century State Edition. A CHEAT BENEFIT TO NORTH CAROLINA Worth More Than All the Politicians, More Valuable Than the Histories of the State, the Greatest Engine of Progress, a Triumph of the Printer’s Art, a Stupendous Undertaking, and Most Re markable Achievement in the History of Journalism, The reception of the two hundred and twenty-eight-jMige TWENTIETH CEN TURY STATE EDITION OF THE NEWS AND OBSERVER has been must gratifying. From all sections of the country have come expressions of astonishment that the greatest paper ever issued in the world should come from a small Southern city, and the story of North Carolina's business, manufacturing and educational progress should be s*o marked as to make i»os sible the publication of a paper devoted to telling uljout the State’s progressive towns and enterprises and the men whose industry and genius have made North Carolina "the Empire State of the South.” Copies of this issue have been sent to every country on the glol>e, letters come daily from bankers and investors in many Northern cities for copies of tin* splendid edition, and in North Carolina the men whose generous co-operation made the great paper possible are sur prised at the recital of the life and progress of their own Commonwealth. Each town and county in the State has been busy with its own industries, see ing the result of its own and its neigh bor's labor, but none of us hero at home knew that the whole State was like wise alive until the 228-page News amt Observer told of the general growth and progress that have quickened every town and city of the'Commonwealth. Immigration agents, capitalists, rail roads, bankers, investors, promoters, speculators—all who are looking for the best opening for investments and for building homes —are sending for copies and having them bound in permanent form for permanent reference. We could till the whole sixteen pages with extracts from private letters and editorial extracts commending the edi tion as the marvel of modern journal ism. We Jiave heretofore published a few extracts. Below will Ik> found a few other extracts from newspapers in this and other States in addition to those already printed. We cannot give extracts from other papers or from pri vate letters because they are too many, and would take up too much space. One banker in Raleigh sent copies to liis banker associates In other States, and we give a few of the replies re ceived : A Baltimore banker writes: “It is in deed a massive affair and speaks well of enterprise, both from a journalistic and business standpoint. . . On Sunday after dinner, with good cigars at hand, we will endeavor to dissect the entire paper.” A Norfolk banker wrote: “The big edition of the News and Observer is far ahead of anything we have ever seen in the way of progressive Journal ism.” A Petersburg banker writes: “It looks very imposing, not to say formidable. A Richmond hanker writes: ’lt is a feat of journalism.” One of the first, railroad men of America received one copy and tele graphed for fifteen more. Many progressive business men ot America, and all in North Carolina, have joined in terms of warmest com mendation. Among the comments we value are the following In addition to those already printed: A MAMMOTH NEWSPAPER. Jacksonville (Fla.) Times-Union and < 'itizen. The Raleigh (N. C.) News and Ob • CREDIT TO AMERICAN JOURNALISM. % • 2 • (Manufacturer g, Record.) • • • 0 “The Twentieth Century State Edition of the News and Observer, of & 0 Raleigh, N. is one of the most ambitious and enterprising issues ever © 0 made by a Southern newspaper. The News and Observer lias dnringJlie 0 0 past, few years published live special editions which attracted wide alien- 0 0 tion, but its latest effort on that line eclipses all the others. It is in 0 0 reality ia bound volume of 228 pages, with a handsome lithographed cover, 0 0 and with illustrations of leading citizens and prominent not 0 0 only of Raleigh, but of many other progressive communities of North Caro- 0 0 Una. the resources and achievements, each of which are treated at length 0 0 in the edition. The publication is n credit to American journalism and is a 0 0 splendid index to the commercial and industrial advance of North Caro- 0 0 lina. • server has published a Twentieth Cen tury State Edition that is mammoth in size, excellent in mechanical execution, and admirable in news and special fea tures. It comprises 228 six-column pages, and is claimed, with good rea son, to he the “biggest newspaper ever printed in the world.” It carries nearly half a mile of reading matter of column width —273,600 lines, or nine miles of type—and contains more reading matter than an entire year's issue of a six-col umn folio weekly. Such a piece of newspaper enterprise as this, emanating from a city of Ral eigh's size, is astonishing. As the News and Observer says: ‘Twenty, ten, even live years ago, such an edition of a newspaper in this State would have been an impossibility; that it is possible today is in itself a matter of sufficient significance to attract the attention of people beyond its borders whose ideas are of the North Carolina of a quarter of a century ago rather than of the North Carolina of today.” The entire edition is a triumph of the printer’s art as applied to newspaper manufacture. The front cover is a handsome emblematic design in black, brown and olive green, and profusely scattered throughout the succeeding 227 pages are splendid half-tones ami zinc-etchings of persons and places noted in the modern history of the Old North State. The enormous amount of work— edi torially considered—in tills mammoth edition can he adequately comprehended and appreciated only by the trained newspaper man. It reflects the highest credit upon the business and editorial branches of the News and Observer, and should prove, as it will, a monu ment to the brains and ability of the men who engineered this unique enterprise. LA IK JEST EVER ISSED. Atlanta Constitution. To the Raleigh News and Observer must go the credit of publishing the largest single issue of a new spaper ever attempted. The size and the puri>ose of tliis monster issue Is best told by tin* journal in question.—(Hen* follows an extract from the issue.—Ed.) The nearest approach to tills issue of the News and Observer was a pa per of 1(58 pages, issued at Melbourne, Australia. It carries nearly half a mile of reading matter, in columns making a length of nine miles. By far the greatest achievement, how ever. is the excellence of the matter furnished and the showing made for the liroeperity and enterprise of the State of North Carolina. One of the great est engines of progress which a State can have is a bright and up-to-date newspiqier, which knows how to keep abreast of the times, and which does it. lion. Josephus Daniels lias struck the chord, and in the present issue of the News and Otiserver shows that lie is entitled to recognition for leading the way in his native State. SHOULD HAVE WIDE CIRCULA TION. Baltimore Sun. Tile “Twentieth Century State Edi tion” of the Raleigh (N, C.) News and Observer is a credit to the enterprise of the publishers of that live journal. This edition contains 22N pages and is adorned by many illustrations of public and business houses, churches and prom inent citizens of the /‘Tarheel State." Every town of importance in the State is well written up, and the advantages and attractions of each set forth. Tin* industrial development and the agricul tural possibilities of the Stall' an* also forcibly presented. As an advertise ment of North Carolina this "Twenti eth Century Edition” should have a wide circulation throughout the coun try. A STUPENDOUS UNDEBTAKINO. Norfolk Band mark. Think of a single newspaper contain ing over 200 pages! That's the size 0 f the "Twentieth Century Edition" of RALEIGII, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 189!). the Raleigh News ami Observer, ii copy of which wo bos 'to acknowledge. AN o haven't road the whole thing yet, it i' s true; for there are about ninety miles of type included in its make-up. Never theless, we have examined the edition closely enough 'to testily to its being a remarkable production in every way. Nothing of interest in tin* State of North Carolina is neglected. All the industries of the llourishinu commonwealth, all its magnificent natural attractions, and all its big men cotne in for a share of the glory. Editor Daniels asserts with con fidence that this issue of the News and Observer is larger than any other ever published on earth by it newkpaper, and up to this time there has been none to say him nay. The Landmark felici tatesl its contemporary upon the success ful completion of a stupendous under taking. FULL OF ENTERPRISE AND PLUCK. Norfolk Virginian and Pilot. This special edition is devoted to the educational, agricultural, industrial and political conditions in the Old North State, and, as every town of note is represented, it is invaluable as a refer ence book. It was a tremendous- under taking. but the News and Observer pi*o ple are full of enterprise and pluck, and always acquit themselves with credit. A MAMMOTH NEWSPAPER. Petersburg I ndex-Appeal. The Twentieth Century State Edition FAC SIMILE OF FRONTISPIECE O F 20TII CENTURY EDITION. of llie Raleigh News and Observer is a most ambitious effort ia the line of .special trade journalistic work, and is a high tribute to the skill, energy and enterprise* of its projectors. It com prises 228 | agt s of matter not including a beautifully illustrated four-page cover, ami is probably the largest publication of its kind ever before made in the world. It seems to be an accurate and carefully prepared comjyeiuliuTn of North Carolina up-to-date. UN PA lIA LLBLE D AC 111 BY KM ENT Southern Tobacco Journal. North Carolina used to be accounted slow. Well, she isn't any more. She lias “got. a move on her” in late years. She* is iic line with her sister States in more respects and ahead of them in some. The Raleigh News and Observer has just ismied a “Twentieth Century State Edition.” I't is a splendid number, with a wealth of information about North Carolina, it contains 228 pages, and is the largest newxpap r ever printed, the next largest being the one gotten, out in California, and having 140 pages. Sev eral New York papers an done in Flori da. the Jacksonville Times-'Union and Citizen, have produced 100-pagc papers. We heartily congratulate the News and Observer on its fine, unparalleled achievement, so highly creditable to it self, to North Carolina and to the jour nalism of the State. CREDIT TO TUB STATE. Wilmington Star. It required no little enterprise and courage to undertake such a work, and with this istupicnduus amount of kilter to compile and present it in such intelli gible form. The success and cleverness with which (Ids has been done reflects no little credit on the publishers and compilers, hut als > on the State, of whose progress it mji splendid exhibit. ‘THE (GREATEST S INC LB ACEN CY.” The Anglo Saxon. Otir people were expecting something big, but they were genuinely surprised at the magnitude of the News and Ob server's Twentieth Century Edition when it finally came a few days ago. They were also much pleased with its cent cuts, its convenient shape, etc*. It contained 228 newspaper pages, well il lustrated, well printed and bound. It conlaiucd a write-up of every important town in the State, and was the largest paper ever published in the world. It is a testimonial to the energy of the men who got it up, and it is much more its unparalleled success is a tes* tim.onial of the appreciation by the peo ple of North Carolina of the great service rendered the State by the News and Observer last year. We would dis parage mi others, but the News and Observer was the greatest single agency in bringing the people of North Carolina to a realization of the varied and ex tensive evils of the fusion government. It was in appreciation of this fact, large ly, that tin* people all over the State welcomed its representatives and con tributed so largely to its special edi tion that it grew to the mammoth size of 228 pages. We take pleasure in its phenomenal success and are glad that it proved profit able, as it doubtless did, ami as certainly deserved to. TAKES HIE RUSH, RAG AND ALL. Sn.'itish Chief. We have before us a newspaper that takes tin* bush, rag and all. Our very (Uterprising contemporary Josephus Da »- iels Iras ituurod out an edition of his pa* per that contains 228 pages, and .presents a panoramic view of the old North State, from Currituck to Transylvania and from the Southern border binding on the Palmetto State, 'to the cd;g|e of old Virginia. This editiom represents an amount of brain work and toilsome re search ' that reflects great credit upon its projectors, and must bring a harvest of good results to them and to the State they have so well served. To i\ stranger who desires to seek a home in the South this Twentieth Cen ;ur.v edition of the News and Observer would be in valuable. lie can see at a glali’iee. what advantages are offered to 'him. what industries are most profitable, in each section of the State and his in formation is surely accurate because of tin* practical results already attained along each line of 'industry as he sees those results presented to ldm in this paper. There are valuable sketches of the leading bikmi in all lines of Industry in polities, in our educational institu tions a,ml the stranger can see lirnv those men look who.have pushed forward the o.u North State until she now stands a peer among tin* State of a great coun try. iliiis edition of the News and Ob server should be circulated In every State in the I’nioii. especially ainlong lnanu'factuceirs « HEATS ALL THE HISTORIES. Windsor Ledger. The Twentieth Century Edition of the News and Observer is an undertaking in journalism that is worthy flic era it perpetuates. No paper in America ever published so extensive and varied assort ment of matter. It as a history of North Carolina in every department of her life. The Staite owes our friend a debt of gratitude. We were looking for something great; hut this edition is be yond our dreams. Every public school in North Carolina should have a copy. It beats all the histories of the State. A TWO FOLD OBJECT. La sirin Im rg Ex eh a nge. The Twentieth Century State Edi tion contains 228 pages, devoted mainly to 'a discussion of industrial develop ment in North Carolina, and is, wo sup pose, the biggest edition of a daily pa per ever issued. It was not gotten out for tlie purpose of aternpting to give the State a spasmodic boom, but • MOST REMARKABLE IN THE HISTORY OF JOURNALISM. • f Washington Post.) # • The Twentieth Century State Edition of the Raleigh, <N. C.) News and # • Observer, issued under date of August 24, is a remarkable achievement • g, in a newspaper way—the most remarkable, perhaps, in the history of • 9 journalism in the South. It consists of 228 pages—aggregating 1,3(18 £ • columns—well printed and handsomely illustrated, and all cut and pasted 9 • in one huge volume. It is devoted to the educational, agricultural, ihdus- O 9 trial and political conditions of the Old North State, including a busi- 9 ® ness review of each of the cities. A magnificent showing is made. Editor • £ Daniels is to be congratulated upon the signal enterprise thus displayed by • • his progressive and wide-awake paper. North Carolinians will be duly • • appreciative of it. \ •••••••••••#•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• as we see it, its object was two-fold —first, to let the States of the Union know just where North Carolina stands in this great industrial wave that is spreading over the entire country also to let the public know that in point of journalistic enterprise the News and Observer is strictly in "the band wag on.” The News and Observer has erect ed two monuments to its memory which will abide in the hearts and mimls of men—its Twentieth Century Edition and its firm allegiance to the great princi ples of a white man’s government in the campaign of ’9B will not he forgotten by an intelligent and appreciative pub lic. WILL ACCOMPLISH GREAT G(foD Charity and Children. The Twentieth Century Edition of the News and Observer came duly to hand last week. It is the biggest thing ever undertaken by a North Carolina newspaper, and it is well done, too, and will acomplish a great deal for the State. But it js pretty heavy to lug around. MASTER STROKE IN JOURNAL ISM. Milton Herald. We expected great things from the “Twentieth Century State Edition” of the Raleigh News and Observer, and we were by ifb means disappointed. A single edition of 228 pages, filled with valuable information of the State's re sources, industries, prominent citizens, etc., is indeed a master stroke in jour nalism. It is the largest newspaper ever printed in the world, and should he a source of pride to North Caro linians. We congratulate the News and Observer upon its splendid achieve ment. PRAISE FROM EVERY QUARTER. Louisburg Times. The Raleigh News and Observer’s Twentieth Century edition is the big gest thing of the kind ever published in the United States, and Editor Dan iels is getting the praise from every quarter for this great stroke of enter prise. A LASTING MONUMENT. Roanoke Beacon. The Twentieth Century State Edition of the Raleigh News and Observer is before os, and its mammoth size is as tonishing, containing 22S six-column pages filled with the most interesting reading pertaining to the industries and natural advantages offered by our State from the mountains to the sea, and is a lasting monument to the brain and en terprise of those who engineered it through to such perfect success. It is printed for the benefit and upbuilding of the South, in general, and North Carolina in particular, first, last and all the time. COMPREHENSIVE IDEA OF THE V STATE. Mt. Olive Advertiser. The Twentieth Century State Edition of the Raleigh News and Observer is a wonderful example of the capability and energy of that paper and the great wealth and unlimited resources of the State. It is the largest paper ever is sued in any country, it contains 228 pages of choice matter profusely illus trated, and by the time the reader has absorbed the interesting facts contained in its nine miles of type, he will have a comprehensive idea of the Old North State, its people and its people and its enterprises. !A GREAT ACHIEVEMENT. Henderson Gold Leaf. The Twentieth Century Ediiiciis of the Raleigh News and Observer is one ot the greatest achievements of modern era journalism in the United States, and marks a new ora im tin* history ot tin* State’s capital city. This special edition or the News and Observer with 2-’S pages, 'and giving accounts of the growth and progress of every county in ihc State, and a general write-up of their respective towns clearly shows tie* en terprise which Iras always been char acteristic in omr esteemed contemporary, and will accomplish much good for our glorious old conunonlweallh The edition is a credit, not only to iits promulgators. 0 WORTH ALL THE POLITICIANS. 0 2 (B. City Economist. 0 0 Well. I van!” Josephus Daniels, of the Raleigh News and Observer, 0 0 has beat the State in newspaper industry and enterprise. It is a pano- 0 0 nunii, cyclopedia, and cornucopia of North Carolina’s current industrial, 0 0 architectural, agricultural, piscatorial and personal history, taken on the 0 0 tly. Josephus is a little man, if he has not grown in stature, as in reput a- 0 0 tion since we saw him. Rut he’s loud. 0 0 If a man who makes two ears of corn grow where but one grew before 0 0 is worth more than all the politicians put together,, then a man, like Joe 0 0 Daniels, who sends out a newspaper picture of the State of North Caro- 0 0 lina that is as beautiful as a houri and heavier than an ass’s load, and 0 0 that has cost a year’s hard labor to get it up, worth as much to his 0 0 State and to his kindred and friends as all the politicians in North Caro- 0 0 lina put in a row aud repeated twenty times over.. We think as much. 0 0 0 SECTION ONE—Pages 1 to 8. . RICE FIVE CENTS. hut to the South, and especially North Carolina. ! A WONDERFUL FEAT. Warren Record, The Twentieth Century Stale Edition of the News and Observer isone of the most immense newspapers ever seen. In fact it is said to Ik* the largest news paper ever published in the world. it has 228 pages, profusely illustrated and is a real valuable publication, being a directory for the entire State of North Carolina. Brother Daniels is to he con gratulated for this mammoth, wonder fully successful feat of modern journal ism. Speaks much for push. Jonesboro Pn>gress. The long expected State edition of the News and Observer is at bland and a monster tiling it is. It contains 228 pages of matter, all relating t'o North Carolina’s past, present and future along all lilies of development. It is profusely illustrated, and contains much that is valuable for those who want to know about North Carolina. It in non-parti sum except that Editor Daniels could not resist putting in a few licks for the amendment. It speaks much for the push, and energy of the Observer. BOOK OF AUTHORITATIVE REF ERENCE. | Ixmoir NT ws. The News and Observer’s Twentieth { Century State* Edition is the "biggest” i thing in the world of. the newspaper ! kiird. We are truly glad to we North l Carolina ahead i:i this as she is in a good many other things. Every North Car olinian should feel justly proud of this great achievement of the News and Oh- v server. The 22,8 pages are crowded with matter of great 'interest ito all North ( aroliniaiis. and make a compendium of authoritative reference that should be oa retaily preset veil. OUTSTRIPS ANYTHING YET AT TEMPTED. Oxford Public Ledger. it is a splendid directory off the leading 1 unities inttn of our grand old State, and is a great big feather in the typical slouch hat of Josephus Daniels, and, the Public* Ledger congratulates him upon the great achievement of outstriping auy i thing yet attempted in the newspaper i line. ! WAYNESVILLE IN THE BAND WAGON. Waynesville Courier. The big special edition of the News and j Observer is out. It is the largest, paper ever printed in the United’ States, so far as our knowledge goes. It contains a write up of nearly every town and city in the State and shows omr State j off to great advantage. It was a ina.m- I moth undertaking. Waynesville took five pages and has more space to its si/e than any town in the State. CRIED IT TO THE STATE. Reid aval le Rev iew. It is beyond doubt the biggest news paper ever issued, having 228 pages, a id is a great credit for the city and State. HONOR TO THE STATES*, Watauga Democrat. The paper is an honor to the publish ers, to the State, and every true North f Carolinian should try to procure a copy. AHEAD OF ANYTHING. Red Springs Citizen. The Raleigh News and Observer’s Twentieth Century Edition is ahead of anything ever before accomplished by a newspaper, and we heartily join our State press in according that wide-awake 1 kMtioeraf'ie paper honor and praise in its successful undertaking. MOST IMPORTANT INFORMA TION. Lenoir Topic. North Carolina leads the world in ■ journalistic enterprise as demonstrated by the News and Observer in its Twen tieth Century State edition just out The pa tier is full of most important in formation about our grand old State. It was a stupendous undertaking suc cessfully consummated.

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