The News and Observer. VOL. XLVII. NO. 30. IMDB *ll MONTH CAMHIM DAILIES ik NEWS AID CIRCULATION. 1 o 9 31 V &" W&is£Sggßm& i^i*?^ .'■;. ;*' ♦&' 4WW’ v. * flSjjfcfcjttifc^/, '* s RICHARD H. BATTLE, President of Fair. RALEIGH, INORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15. I 89». OFFICERS OF THE STATE FAIR. PRESIDENT: lion. Richard 11. Hattie, of Raleigh. . PERM A NEXT VICE-PRESII >ENTS: lion. Kemp I*. Battle, of Orange. Gen. Julian S. Carr, of Durham. Col. Benehan Cameron,-of Durham. ( 01. J. S. Cunningham, of Person. D1 STRICT V1 ( l E-PRESII)ENTS. 1 District —Dr. W. R. Capehart, of Bertie. 2 District —Dr. L. L. Staton, of Edgecombe. 3 District —Hon. W. J. Green, of Cumberland. 4 District—Maj. J. M* Crenshaw, of Wake. 5 District —L. Banks Holt, of Alamance. 0 District —W. A. Smith, of Anson. 7 District —E. B. 0. Hainbley, of Rowan. 8 District —S. E. Patterson, of Caldwell. !) District —G. F. Weston, of Buncombe. SECRETARY. TREASURER. -los. E. Pogue, of Raleigh. ('apt. ('. B. Denson, of Raleigh. DIRECTORS OF DEPARTMENTS. Department A.—Field and Garden 1 rops. .J. Bryan Grime*. Bl—Horses Ivi,n M y Froctor. B2—Cattle ‘ A \- F- Weston. (’’.—Poultry, Pigeons, Etc J; Iv - Elinor. I).—Horticulture. Etc 0. W. Blaeknad. E. —Pantry Supplies £ S. \ ynne F. —Manufactures • *\, T ‘ eN ' (U—General I Hsplays • • N ) V • XV cst IT.—Ladies’ Work Jas R Young I.—Fine Arts, Paintings, Etc.. .\\ S I ninroae. K. Agricultural Implements. .D. A. L. —Educational - • l '‘ s< T ' M. Historical, Displays, etc... W. A. Withers. N. —Minerals, Building Stones,Etc.. .AY. L. 1 oteat- Official Programme of the Fair. __—_____ MONDAY, OCTOBER 16TH. This day will he devoted to installing exhibits and preparations. As all articles must be entered by 12 r cV, day, exhibitors will take notice, and employee will die grounds to assist. OPEN ING DAY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17TH. * o A. M. —Music on Fayetteville street tv the Centerville Cornet Band, from Winston-Salem. 10 A. M. —Procession to Fair Grounds of Chief Marshal L. A. Chirr and assistants escorting His Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina; President R. 11. Battle and officers, and invited guests. 12 M. —Opening of the Fair by His Excellency, Daniel L. Russell, Governor of North Carolina, and address. RACES TUESDAY, 17TH. Horses will be called at 12:30 daily, and races begin at 1 p. m. 2:50 class, trotting and pacing—for purse of S2OO. Running Race—Five-fifths of a mile heats, best two in three, SIOO. 3:30 P. M.—Grand Balloon Ascension of the Belmont Sisters. 4 P. M. —Meeting of the Democratic Press Association at the Capitol. INDUSTRIAL DAY—WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18TII. 10:30 A. M. —Industrial Procession to the Grounds of the manufacturers, merchants and business interests of Raleigh, and neighboring towns. Races begin promptly at 1 p- m. 1 P. M. —Trotting race, 3:00 class, $l5O. Trotting and pacing, 2:35 class, S2OO. Running race, one mile heats, best two in three, $l5O. 3:30 P. M. —Balloon Ascension by the Belmont Sisters. 8:30 P. M. —Annual meeting of the Confederate Veterans’ Association at the Senate Chamber of the Capitol. President’s address bv General Julian S. Garr. Truckers’ Convention, Wednesday, 4 p. in. at Senate Cham ber. 8:30 P. M. —Convention of Cotton Growers of North Caro lina in the House of Representatives. State Dairyman’s Association, House of Representatives, 8 p. m. N. C. Swine Breeders’ Association, House of Representa tives, 8:30 p. m. RALEIGH DAY—THURSDAY, OCT. 19TH. 10 A. M. —Procession of Marshals, escorting officers to the grounds. I P* M. —Trotting and pacing, 2:20 class, S2OO. Running race, one mile heats, best two in three, S2OO. Trotting race, 2:30 class, SSOO. 3:30 P. M. —Balloon Ascension of the Belmont Sisters. 8:30 P. M. —Annual meeting of the North Carolina Agri cultural Society in the House of Representatives. CHILDREN’S DAY—FRIDAY, OCT. 20TH. 10 A. M. —Procession of Marshals, escorting officers to the grounds. 1 P. M.—Trotting race, 2:25 class, S2OO. Running race, five-eighths mile heats, best two in three, SIOO. Daily exhibitions on the track of the famous horse Forest Tempest. . _ , ! e SOCIAL ENTERTAINMENTS. Monday Night—German at Henry Hall, given by the young men of Raleigh. Tuesday Night—Capital Club German. Wednesday Night —A. and M. College. College German. Thursday Night—Capital Club. Capital Club German. Friday Night—Capital Club. Marshal’s Ball. Opera at Acadamy of Music every Night. e. 21. - - 4'-* * % j ' n? j v ; i- A ' "' . J Jr f mjjjjf v w JOSEPH E. POGUE, Swretarv of Fair. PART ONE-PAGES 1 TO 4 PRICE FIVEJCENTS.