K'‘ tt ' lE' K ■»*—ll-- c m gfilHi si Sr, a 6g f£->£? e fit Sg I 'j Jimmm. 1 Mumm gmJMMS UMMI £ \ I g mm » '" ' ~ —.—-J ROSE & BARRETT, ARCHITECTS, X fT\J —r" itl N^SwV We invite an examination and comparison of our work. We put nothing on paper that will not work out in wood, hrick or stone. Our professional charges are rea sonable, and we can please you at all points. Examine the illustrations here, and hunt up our exhibit at the Fair; ’tis there. You will need one of our books, “Southland Homes,” this winter to give you ideas on planning your new home. r jsbsL ' ~~ , •-IT IS A FACT THAT Our work is up to date, artistic and thoroughly practical. We are doing some of the best Residence work in the State at the present time, and have been doing it from the start. Our working drawings are the perfection of completeness, and an examination will prove this state ment. Come and see. , ~Ws« RALEIGH, N. C. TUCKER BUILDING.