2 BILL FIXES THE GOLD STANDARD Provides for Selling Bonds to Maintain Reserve, NO TAX ON CIRCULATION THAT ON ISSFE OF NATIONAL HANKS HOP FA LEI). WAY ISSUE TO PAR WITH BONDS HELD Naf'onal Banks May Be Creranized With a Capital of Twenty-five Thousand Dol lars in Towns of Two Thous and Inhabitants. Washington. Nov. 28.—Copies of the bill and report prepared by the Republi ean canons committee, met at Atlantic City last spring, were mailed this evening to the Republican members of the House. The purpose of the bill is to remove any doubt that may exist as to the character of the standard. It contains a number of distinct proposi tions. 1. The standard unit of value shall be the gold dollar. 2. United States bonds. United States notes ami Treasury notes, shall lie paid in gold, and all other public and private obligations shall be paid in con formity with the standard. * 3. The establishment of a division of issues and redemption in the Treasury to separate the note issue from the fis cal operations of the department and the creation of a gold reserve equal to twenty-five per cent, of the outstanding United States notes and Treasury notes. 4. The sale of 2 per cent, gold bonds to maintain the gold reserve. A. Hold coin may be exchanged for any other money, when necessary to maintain the parity, and United States notes and Treasury notes redeemed in gold shall not be disbursed except in ex change for gold. 0. Subsidiary silver may be coined from any silver bullion purchased under the act of July 14th, 18!MI, and Treasury notes equal to the cost of the bullion contained in such coin shall he win celled. 7. All worn and uncurrent subsidiary silver coin may be re-coined. 8. Silver certificates shall he limited in denominations to .sl. .$2. and $5. 0. National hanks may issue circula tion to the value of the bonds deposit ed by them. 10. The tax on national bank circu lation is repealed and a tax of one fifth of one per cent, per annum is placed upon the franchise of the banks as measured by their capital, surplus and undivided profits. 11. National banks may lie organised tilth a capital of twenty-five thousand dollars in towns of two thousand in habitants. The fact is pointed out that the Treas ury tat the beginning of October had a aaet gold reserve of more than $250,- 000,000, that there ant, and tittle impurities of the blood, if not attended to, bring a “Want" of health, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one and only specific that will remove all blood humors and impurities, thereby put ting you into a condition of perfect health. Bad Stomach — 1 " Headaches and tired feeling, bad condition of stomach, caused me to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It stopped all faint trouble Charles c ßo c ver, Glens Falls, N. Y. Hood’s fills cure liver ills; the non irritating and only i-athartl'i to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. ATWATER AGAINST ROBERTS. Our Congressman Says He Will Op pose His Being Seated. Congressman-elect John W. Atwater was here yesterday. lie left on the af ternoon train for his home in Chatham county to spend Thanksgiving. On Fri day he will start to Washington to be present at the opening of Congress. “And when it does open.” lie said. “1 shall protest, if Congressman-elect Rob erts, of Utah comes there, to his taking his seat. “In fact,” he added. “I shall protest sooner than that. 1 shall object to his taking the oath.” “On what ground?” I asked. "Oh. on general principles. He's a polygamist. That’s enough. From my youth up I’ve been a believer in the principle laid down by Jefferson: Equal rights to all and special privileges to none. Roberts is enjoying some special privileges in tin* way of having more than one wife, and I'm like the Irishman was by thi‘ government. ‘l’m agi'n ’ini-’ ” Congressman Atwater, though he once was ft middle-of-the-road Populist an nounced immediately after his election that he would go into the Democralic caucus and affiliate with that party. As to Congressman. Roberts, it is sairt that the procedure will he against the State ol‘ Utah instead of against Rob erts personally, and that the question to be decided will lie whether Utah has by the violation of her compact with the United States not to permit polyg amy forfeited her right to representa tion in Congress. The enabling act through which Utah was admitted as a State made a condition precedent that polygamy should forever be prohibited in tlte State. The. intention is to have the judiciary committee make an in vestigation of the matter. No Uprising Feared. Washington. Nov. 28.—Nothing is known here in official circles to warrant the published j>redietions to the effect that an uprising on a large scale is set for Thanksgiving day in Cuba, directed against the Americans. On the contrary, all advices from official sources to tin* War Department go to show that gener ally conditions in Culm are most satis factory. The story is ascribed here to discontented members of the late Cuban war party. USED BY BRITISH SOLDIERS IN AFRICA. Capt. C. G. Dennison Is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured the famous rebel Galishe. Under date of November 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Beehuanaland, he writes: “Be fore starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most beneficial.” For sale everywhere. Bob bitt-Wynne Drug Co., and H. T. Hicks, Druggists, Raleigh. W. T. Channell Respited. Savannah. Ga., Nov. 28.—W. T. Chan nel (white), the convicted murderer of Post nun st Thompson of Glenwood, Montgomery county, who is now con fined in the Savannah jail, will not bang on Friday at Mount Vernon. Governor Candler bins signed a respite for thirty days so that the board of pardon com missioners will have time to review the case. “One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like it.” writes 11. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and sill throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents con sumption. Bobbitt He Wynne Drug Company, W. 11. King, Adams iN Moye, William Simps in Fleming Tried and Discharge d Norfolk, Va„ Nov. 28.—Oscar I. Flem ing, the Princess Anne county magis trate. who is charged with having killed two men recently on his place, was given a trial 'in the police court this morning on the charge of threatening to shoot into a oroAvd while in this 1 city two weeks ago. He was discharged. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for consti pation and liver Bobbitt & Wynne Drug Co., W. H. King, Adams & Moye, William Simpson The Emperor ami Empress of Ger many arrived at Port Victoria yester day. The Hohenzollcrn sails for Flush ing today, where they will be welcomed by Queen Wilhelmina and her mother. Victoria has promised to visit Germany in the latter part of April. For Whcoping Cough ups CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. TUG SINKS A ROW BOAT. Two of the Occupants of the Row Boat Were Drowned. Savannah. Ga.,' Nov. 28. Lns-t night the tug Weymouth freon Warsaw Savannah while in Wilmington River, ran into titl'd sank a row boat eonlaining four persons, one a woman. Ihe "' the ooateffie* GAS GAS GAS Burn Gas. The Weis Bach Burner gives the most satisfactory light on earth. Always reliable. Once used, nothing can take it's place. Gas stoves, ranges and water heaters in full operation at our office, No. 11 West Hargett street, where we will be pleased to demonstrate the economy of their use. Standard Gas &. Electric Co. C. H. NORTON Builder & Contractor DURHAM, N. C. Cotton factories, residence, churchss, business buildings and all classes of heavy and fancy building. w * VAST INDIA "9—S MenstrulinE Is the only remedy k nown to medical science that will positively re lieve Female Irregularit ies without any injurious effect . Relief guaranteed til 12 to 56 hours. No Pill Price f\ 00 Circulars free INDI A MEDICAL CO.. 41 I’nion Square, Room > 012-413. New York. NOTICE TO CITY TAX PAYERS. According to our city charter the penalty of one per centum per month will begin on December Ist, 1899. This part of the charter is very emphatic, and gives the collector no discretion whatever; and according to his oath of office and his bond, he is compelled to put on the penalty at the time mentioned in said charter. Tlte Board of Aldermen will hold the collector to a strict ac count for the faithful performance of this duty. Better call and settle your city taxes at once. Respectfully CHARLES F. LUMSDEN, City Tax Collector. Fancy go<«fls in Silver Novelties. Ink Stands, Pen Holders, etc., Foun tain Pens. Gold Pens and Holders. Pocket Books and Card Oases, Music Rolls, Lap Desks, ati«l portfolios, World Boxes, and Fancy Box Papers, Paints and Artist Materials. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. Sfaudat'tl Diaries, 1900. Send for Catalogues and prices.