2 EX-SENATOR ALLEN Appointed Senator by Gover nor Poynter of Neb, His Appointment Said to Have Been Made Cer tain by a Telegram From Bryan Urging His Selection. Omaha, NvK. Dim*. 13,—Governor Piynter tuns ex-Senator Alton to till tho Senatorial vacaoey oattsni by tho death of Hayward. Senator Allen will ptiW’ced at once to Washington. It is announced that the appointment of Allen was amnio certain hy the re ceipt of a telegram from William Jen ninors Bryan hy the Governor. in which Air. Bryan urged that coed faith ami party expediency 'demanded Allen’s ap pointment. . A WISH APPOINTMENT. Austin, ex.. l>ec. 13.—When asked to day hy an Associated Press oorreispend ent as to what lie thought of Mr. Allen s appointment ns Senator from Nebraska. Air. Bryan replied: “I think the npirointment of Mr. Allen ought to give universal satisfaction. He made a pood record in the Senate ami last, year had the unanimous support of the Fusion members, of the Legislature. I think that in making this appointment the Governor acted wisely. There are several Democrats in> the State "who would have tilled the office acceptably, but the fact that Allen was last year the choice of all three parties makes him the logical man for the place. I have no doubt that a Democrat will toe chosen next year to succeed Senator Thurston and that, will give our State a Populist •and a Democrat in the Senate. THE TREATY OF JOLO. The Document Sent to the Senate by the President. Washington. Dec. 13.—The agreement, between General Bates and the Sultan of Join, bitter known as the Jolo Treaty, which has been sent to the Senate by the President, is in substance as follows: Articles I and II provide for United States sovereignty over the archipelago of Jolo and its dependencies and the use of the United States flag; 111. rights •and dignities of tin* Sultan and his Dato** to l>e respected and all religions to lie respected; IV. no encroachment on the royal lands excepts under pressure of military necessity in time of war. and any person may purchase and hold land by consent of the Sultan; V, trade in domestic products under the United States flag with the Philippines to lie free; VI allows the Sultan to make com plaint against the American authorities direct to the Governor General of the Philippines; ATI. introduction of fire aims forbidden, except under specific au thority of the Governor General; ATI I. Sultan must aid in suppressing piracy; IX, crimes es Moros against Mores to be punished by the Sultan, all other crimes by the United States authorities; X. any slave may purchase .freedom by paying his master the usual market) price; XI. careful investigation by United States authorities in cases of trouble with the* natives be fore resorting to harsh mea sures; XII. foreigners wishing to travel in the. country should ask the Moro authorities for an escort; XIII promises protection to the Moros from imposition by any foreign power; XIA’. no sale of any part of the Jolo Archipel ago without the Sultan’s consent. Article XV. The United States Government will pay the following monthly salaries in Mexican dollars: To tlie Sultan, $250.00; to Ditto Rajah Alvda. $75.00; to Dato Attik. $00.00; to Dato Cal hi. $75.00; to Dato Joakanain. $73.00; to Dato Puyo, $60.00; to Dato Amir Hussin. $80.00; to H'anji Butu. $50.00; to Habib Mura. $40.00; to Series S again. $15.00. Tin* treaty is signed in triplicate, in English and Stilu, by J. C. ? Bates, Brigadier General IT. S. A’olunteers; Multan of Jolo, Dato Rajah Mttda, Dato Jittik, Dato Calbi and Dato Joakanain. A POSTMASTER CARTER GUILTY. He Stole Funds For Campaign Pur poses and Goes to Prison. Savannah, Ga.. Dec. 13. —AV. F. Carter, ex-postmaster at Aleidrim, Ga., pleaded guilty in the United States Dis trict court today to the charge of em bezzling funds of the Government to the extent of S3OO. and was sentenced to two years in the Federal penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio. In entering bis plea of guilty Carter’s attorney made a statement to the court in which he said thait while the accused was postmaster at Alehlrrm he was also chairman of the Georgia Populist Executive committee. The committee needed funds for cam paign expenses, mem tiers of the camin.t ft*t* assured Carter that all that was needed to carry the State was a little money. Said the attorney: “They painted a beautiful picture to Carter. He was promised a good office one that would pay well. He listened to the tempters and gave them the money and of course, he is guilty of the misappropriation of funds. The Populists failed to carry the St ate, Carter’s friends failed to come to his assistance and he gots to prison. A NIGHT OF TERROR. “Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Me chias. Ale., when the doctors said she could not live till morning.” writes Mrs. S. 11. Lincoln, who attenled lie- IVit fearful night. “All thought she must booh die from Pneumonia, but she bog ged for Dr. King's New Discovery, sav ing it had more than once saved her life, mud had cured her of Consumption. As tor three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cimsl her.” This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat. Chest and I mug Diseases. Only 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles 10c., at all drug stores. ►■hate Senator Charles IT MeCerkle, of Rockbridge, died at Richmond, A r n., about midnight. CASTORIA lor Infants and Children. The Kind.Toii Have Always Bought THE HUNTED DEER. [ oojrrtKCsn from first pa or. ] his head. His followers tried t<> carry away the body, but were compelled to lay it down. “Two of the Americans were ki'h’d and were buried by their comrades where they fell. The others, carrying nine wounded, camped for the night on top of the mountain, an eminence »r 4.000 feet suffering greatly from ‘he cold blasts. In the morning they moved down the trail to Pugaqui, - where they learned that Aguitialdo. with a row men and three women, all carried on lit ters borne by •Igorrotes had pa sen along the same trail to Cervantes, w hen* he was during the light. A runner had brought him the news of the death of his chief of staff, lie was greatly af fected and prepared instantly f<*’ { ’ I iyhf. “General Concepcion, with six ofli eers. who had deserted Aguinaldo. sur rendered when Major March reached Cayan. Province of IVpatuo. “On arriving at Cervantes, Major March's battalion was without food, ex cept rice, and had only a small supply of ammunition. “Major March secured live days’ ra tions, made arrangements for his sick and wounded, and having chosen twenty five mounted and 100 unmounted men, resumed the chase at daybreak.” IN A CUTTING AFPRAY. Particulars of the Killing of “Lilly " Rcss. Durham. X. C., Dec. 13. —(Special.)— There was a rutting scrape in AVePt Durham yesterday afternoon, in which Manning Storey inflicted several wounds upon J. F. Miller with a knife. Richard Rose also struck Miller with a bobbin. All the parties ere employes of tho Erwin Cotton mills. This morning a hearing of the ease was hail before Justice D. C. Gunter. Storey, who was under a bond of $250 for his appearance at trial, failed to appear. Rose was fined $1 and costs. Miller. Ihe man who was stabbed, is at work, and his injuries are in no wise serious. B. A. Griswold, one of Durham’s estimable young men, left tliis morning for Kinston, where he will lx* united in marriage tomorrow morning to Miss Mary Elizabeth Wooten, daughter of X. B. Wooten. It will be a quiet home marriage. Air. Griswold lias engaged rooms at the Yearby House, on East Alain street. • The newly elected vestry of St. Philip's Episcopal church held their first meeting last night. The following officers were elected: Senior Warden, Major W. A. Guthrie: Junior Warden, Capt. AV. L. Wall; Secretary and Treas urer, Albert Kramer. Air. Geo. AA r . AA'atts, one of the direc tors of Barium Springs Hospita#. at tended a meeting of the directors at Cb'irlotte this week. There are now 125 orphans cared for In that orphan age. Air. Boyd was re-elected superin tendent and all the old iff fleers were re-elected. Miss Blanche Boyd succeeds her mother as lady manager. Air. Watts is a lilieral contributor to this in stil vi ion. lie erected one of the build ings: called tin* Annie Ixmise Home in honor of his daughter, who was recent ly married to Air. Hill. Upon the occa sion of her marriage the children li» the Lome sent her greetings. J. P. Cash, of Walton, Granville county, was here and gives some parti culars concerning the killing of “Lilly" Rose by A. K. Babbitt, which occurred there. Lust year Ross was a tenant of Bobbitt. In a final settlement they dis agreed. Recently Ross borrowed $1 from Bobbitt. He stated to some people afterwards that Bobbitt hail cheated him in settling and for tins reason he did not intend to return the borrowed money. Last Sunday evening, while under the influence of whiskey, Ross armed himself with rocks tand declared that he was going to Bobbitt’s house to beat him. His family tried to dissuade him from doing this, but to no avail. He called Bobbitt out of the house and threw a rock at him, which he dodged As Ross threw the second rock, Bobbitt gathered a stick and struck Ross over the left eye. from which he died Mon day afternoon. Air. Cash, who told of tine occurrence here, deft before the coroner’s inquest was held. The affair is very* much regretted in the neighbor hood where it occurred. Air. Bobbitt has been regarded by his neighbors and friends as a very exemplary citizen. A later special to tho News and Ob server, says that the coroner’s jury sit ting on the above ease rendered a verdict of justifiable homicide. Match sympathy is expressed for Mr. Bobbitt who is a quiet and peaceable man. Planning a Southern Ice Trust. (Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 13?—The Constitu tion tomorrow will say: “Efforts are being made by certain promoters and financial interests in the East to form n combine of all ice manu facturing plants in the principal cities of the 'South. An agescit of the promoters has been in Atlanta for the past two days looking over the local field, and talking with the owners of the various ice plants. “He has investigated the situation in Alacon, Montgomery, Birmingham, Chattanooga and Nashville and from Atlanta it is understood he will go to Memphis. Other groups of cities may be selected for other combines, butt it is said the present movement will in clude only the places mentioned. The plan of 'the promoters is understood to tie the purchase outright of the plants.” Death of Mary Banister. Fayetteville, X. C., Dec. 13. —(Spo- ciaL) —Alary Banister, daughter of Fan nie and William Henry Morrow, M. IT. died at her home in Fayetteville on Wed nesday, December 13th. The funeral will take place Friday morn.ng. t- or Asthma use CH ENEY’S EXPECTORANT. Tickets on sale for the Christmas holi days by the Seaboard Air Line, Decem ber 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, also Decem ber 30th and 31st. 1869, anil January Ist, 1900, good until January 4th, inc-lu si ve. Bears the sign r e^^®r THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 14. 1899. GOVERNOR OF CUBA Major General Leonard Wood Will Succeed Brooke. His Assignment by the President. Brooke Or dered to Washington. May be Put Over Department of Lakes. AVasbingfon. Dee. 13. — By direction of the President. Major General Leonard AVood. T T . S. V.. was today assigned to tin* command of the Division of Gulin, relieving Major General Joint It. Brooke, P. S. A. Major General AVood will in addition to his duties as division com mander. exercise the authority of Mili tary Governor of the island. Out/ completion of the transfer of the command. Alnjor General Brooke is or dered to repair to this city and report to the Adjutant General of the army for further orders of the (Secretary of War. Hie will he accompanied by his authorized aides*. In relieving Major General Brooke the President expresses his high appre ciation of and thanks for the faithful amid efficient service rendered by that officer ns Military Governor of Cuba. Secretary Root said, this afternoon that General Brooke had been ordered to Washington', but beyond that it had pot. lM*eu settled with regard to his as signment. ‘His presence i.n* this city is desired by the President for the pur pose of securing information in regard to the actual condition of affairs in Cuba. 'Hie impression prevails that General Brooke will be assigned to the command of the military Department of t-e Lakes. General Wood said that he would start for Havana at. once, and if possible would leave New York city tomorrow. Democrats Demand a Contest. Frankfort. K.v., Doc. 13. —The Demo cratic leaders arc gathering here tonight for tomorrow’s meeting of tihe partly committees at which it will Im* decided whether or not ►Senator Goel**l and J. C. AV. Beckhamt shall file contests be fore the State Legislature for the office of Governor- and Lieutenant Governor, into which, AV. S. Taylor and John Mar shall were inaugurated yesterday toy the Repuiblieants. The .members of the dif ferent committees who are to arrive to night are all demanding that the con test be made and the impression is that this plan will be decided upon almost unanimously. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Philadelphia and Chicago have begun active work to secure the Republican Xati on a 1 Co n ven t ion. lAt Detroit the Federation of Labor last night appointed a committee to as sist the farmers in organizing. The executive committee of the Pro hibition Party decided to hold the Na tional 'Convention in Chicago June 27. Adalbert S. Ilay, recently appointed United States Consul at Pretoria, sailed from New York yesterday on the Ameri can Line steamer St. Louis. The rational anti-trust conference is called to meet in Chicago on the anni versary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. February 13, 1900. Elaborate preparations have been made in AVashington for the cele bration today of the centennial anniver sary of George AA'ashington’s death. At Norfolk the Second Presbyterian church has milled Rev. J. Ernest Wad ler, of Alexanddrin, as pastor, to suc ceed Rev. A\'. S. Lacy. D. D.. deceased. Among the House measures Introduced today was one by Air. AVMte (North Carolina) for a special commissioner to the Paris Exposition to report on negro education anil advancement. At Baltimore. Aid., the stockholders of the Seaboard and Itoanokc Railroad Company, the Raleigh and Gaston Rail road Company and tho Baltimore Steam Packet Company, have presented to It. Curzon Hoffman. former President of the Seaboard Air Une, a richly wrought set of silver “in honor of integrity, fidel ity. capacity and courage, which won esteem and achieved success.” Christmas is the time for coming to gether. Go home by the Seaboard An- Line. One and one-third fares for the round trip. THE CLEANSING 1 ANI> HEALING CURE FOB CATARRH is Ely’s Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious (Inur. It is quick y abs n rbed. Gives relief at once. It • pens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Adaya inflammation. Heals and pro tots the membrane. Restores the e eDses of Taste and Smell. Large sze rOc. at di-ucghts ' r by mail; trial size Stic, by man. ELY BROTHERS, < 6 Warren Street, Nes» York ROSES AND CARNATIONS A SPECIALTY. Bouquets and Floral Designs arranged in best style on short notice. Palms. Ferns aiul other Fotplants for Home and Window Decorations. Fern dishes a sjieeialty. Shade trees, Evergreens and Sbruberies, together with all kinds of green house and out door stock. Vegetable Plants of all kinds in sea sons. ■See ©nr show window at .T. T. Johnson’s drug store. Leave orders there or call ’Phone 14‘d. J.L O’QUINN £ CO. Florists, Cor. Polk and Swain Streets, RALEIGH, N. C. CATARRH COu/iTeAD “He is Wise Who Talks But Little." This is only a half truth. If wise men had held their tongues, we should know nothing about the circulation of the blood. If it *e not for this advertisem & you might never knowthai hood' s Sarsaparilla is the greatest medicine in the world to purify and enrich your blood, create an appetite, give you strength and steady nerves. Impure 8100d —"Mycomplexionnvas bad. Hood’s Sarsaparilla did much good by purifying my blood. SMy skin is nerw clear." cAnnieD.McCoy, Watsonlcnvn, Pa. SaUukmi^a jwmsSny Hood’s Pills cmm liver Ills; tlie non-irrltHtlng and only cu t hartln to take wit h i i pod’s Sioaaparl I*. | OUR STOCK.... f —Ol l GOLD, SILVER f 4 4 j FANCY WARES I I FOR THE • | ! HOLIDAYS! 4 4 ♦ Surpasses all our previous efforts X iii the display of things heauUful X ♦ as a personal inspection will X prove. X 4 ...OUR SUGGESTION 800 K... | X Can. be had for the asking. T 4 4 l H. MAHLER’S SONS, | ♦ Jewelers, Raleigh, N. C. ♦ 44444444444444444444444444 NERVOUS DISEASES. After eight years dealing exclusively with physicians, who endorse our pro ducts, we have opened a Correspondence Department and will treat patients by mail. All communications confidential. Lady physicians iu charge of Ladies’ Department. No professional fees charged. Our Specialties are: Nervous Dis eases, Loss of Nerve Power, Mental AA'eakness, all diseases and weakness of the reproductive organs (both sexes), Iyiss of Sexual Power, cases requiring expert and scientific treatment. Invalids, convalescents, public speak-* ers, preachers, students tat examina tions), lawyers (pleading intricate cases), athletes, actors, sportsmen, will appre ciate our preparation. PIL ORIENTALS. Contains the extract ‘Ambrosia Orien-- talis,” which is imported from East India solely by ourselves. The value of this extract as a power ful nerve and brain tonic, and power ful stimulant of the reproductive or gan.se in both sexes, cannot lie over-esti mated. It is not an irritant to the or gans of generation, but a recuperator and supporter, and lifts been known to the native priests of India, Btirmah and Ceylon for ages, and lias been a harem secret in all the countries where the Islam has plantted the standard of polyg amy. A sample with medical literature sent on receipt of 10c. Sunflower Chili Capsules. Quick and effective cure; no recur rence. Different action to quinine and other anti-chill preparations. IMMUNE TABLETS Prevent smallpox, yellow fever and all malarial fevers, contain the new drug, Helian thin urn, the active principle of the sunflower. Pil Orientalist are sold at sl. Chill Capsules 50c. Immune Tablets 50c per box, hy mail. The Immune Tablet Co,, WASHINGTON. D. C. The "3 Days” Cure. (FOR MEN.) DRUGGISTS REFUND THE MONEY if it fails to cure. Guarantee on the package. Price SI.OO. Also by mail on receipt of price. THE “3 DAYS’ ” OURE CO., AVasbmgtcsL to G. ALLEN-:-&-:-CRAM MACHINE COMPANY, RALEIGH, - - - N. C. We regard the liberal patronage that wo have had in our line during the last twenty-nine year's as evidence of oui* ability in the Machine Business. We are still on hand with a full line of engine boilers, saw and grist mills, tram cars, the celebrated Champion Reapers and Mowers and brick making ma chines. 1 Repairing done Promptly. Excelsior Steam laundry*^ IF AND the neckband on your shirts’are worn if your collars are being-broken, send anil hurts your neck, send them to ns. them , 0 Wo guarantee not to break AVe will replace the old ones with a th