2 COMMISSION TO VISIT ISTHMUS / To Determine Best Canal Route Across Panama WILL SAIL ON SATURDAY A NEW ROUTE MAY HE DECIDED UN. DEPENDS ON COMMISS ON’S DISCOVERIES if a Better Than the Old Panama and Nicaragua Routes is Found it Will . be Gwen. The Commis sion’s Route. New York, .lay. 3—Bte commission capivunted by President McKinley under ia act of (Nuigre>\s to determine the most feasible and praeticable route for a canal across the Isthmus of Panama "’ill said on Saturday for the scene of its labor by a steamer of the Atlas Line. L*be members of the commission are: Rear Admiral Walker, I’. S. .V, re lived. chairman; Prof. Emory R. .John son.’ of the University of Pennsylvania: Prof. W. 11. Burr, of Üblumbia Univer sity; George S. Morrison, Civil engineer. New York; ex-Dniteu '.states Senator Pasco, of Florida: Alfred Noble, civil en gineer. Chicago; General Peter Haims. 1 . S. A.; Prof. L. M. Haunt, of the i niver.sity of Pennsylvania; General O. 11. Ernst. U.’S. A. A member of the commission said to daj’i “I he duty of the eommisison is not io decide between the claims of the Panama Canal and the Nicaragua Canal thotigh it may come to that—but to de termine ‘the most feasible and practica ble route, wherever that may be, wheth er there is any route preferable to either •>f these which have* become so well known, we shall do our utmost to dis cover. “We shall sail directly to Greytown whence we shall proceed to make a full •examination of the Nicaragua Canal route. I ’jhm reaching tin* Pacific side we -hall go down the coast to Panama and follow the route of the French canal back to the Atlantic side.' Alternative routes will then be considered and their investigation undertaken. We shall be kept ait the isthmus for probably three months. We shall, of course, avail our selves of all the best existing means of travel, but expect that some of the jour ney will have to lie accomplished on foot.” THE SHORT TERM FIGHT. The Rattle Between Lowry andSuli van Grows Warm. Jackson. Miss., Jan. 3. —The contest for the short term United States Sena torship from Mississippi is to night an •open question. There were several eail euses of rhe Sullivan men today. The vlaim put forth by them several days ago was that their man would have a majority of 25. At this morning's eail eus it was seen that the majority had narrowed down to twelve and at a late hour tonight Senator Sullivan's sup porters claim lie will receive a majority of six on joint ballot. The sensational charges brought against Mr. Sullivan • luring the past three months have appar ently had some effect, and it is believed 5 hat he "ill have a hard tight to defeat Lowry. Many rumors are afloat, among them living one to the effect that a por tion of rhe instructed vote is prepared to holt. Little credence can be placed in the story as tin* individual mein Iters who are supposed to be party to the scheme, deny that they have any such intentions. It has not yet been decided when tile •deqtion of the short term Senator will bo brought lief ore the joint session. McLaurin Named For Long Term. Jackson. Miss.. Jan. “.--The Demo cratic caucus here tonight unanimously nominated ex-Governor A. J. McLaurin Tor the long term Senator-ship. Col. Morehead’s New House. A\ ashiugtmi. I). U.. Jan. 3.—(Special.! Among the North < 'arolinians receiv ing New Year's day wee Senator and Mrs. Butler and Coi. and Mrs. John M. Aloreliead. They say Mrs. Butler made the best eggnog and punch in the city and was assisted by a bevy of pretty girls. Col. Moreliead has recently purchased a lino $150.(100 house here which he and Mrs. Moreliead are furnishing with great care and taste. Uol. James E. Boyd. First Assistant: Attorney General, made the rounds, be ginning at the White House* and wind ing up at tlie hospitable home of the pastor of the Church of the Covenant, a Presbyterian communion to which his I charming and popular wife belongs. Mrs. i Boyd does not. care very much for rou- 1 tine official society, bur devotes her spire time in making North Carolina visitors have a good time. Lieut. Richard Henderson and Mr. W. 8. Woodard ar** at the Metropolitan Hotel. The Carter Conspiracy Case. New Y ork. Jan. 23. —The examination of Benjamin I>. Greene, John F. Gay tan*. William T. Gay nor and Edward 11. Gayuor, indicted on a charge of defraud ing the United States Government out of $575,570 in connection with the Sa vannah River and Cumberland Sound improvements, was called today before United States Uohtmissioner Shields. Evidence having Iteeii submitted so prove the Identity of the men and prob able cause* on which to hold them, the Government rested its ease. The de fense will present it> ease tomorrow - . CASTORIA For infants ana Children. The Kind Youjiaye Always Bought THREE ONLY FOUND GUILTY. Deroulede, Guerin and Buffet Must Go to Prison. Paris. Jan. 3. —The conspricay trial be fore the Senate sitting as the high court came to an end today except for the sentences in the case of those convicted. Out of the 75 alleged conspirators who Were thrown into prison five months ago and who have been since release*! in hatches, owing to want of evidence, only MM. Deroulede, Guerin and Buffet have been found guilty; and these three ar~ accorded ’‘extenuating circumstances,” which reduces their punishment to deten tion in a fortress or banMiment. It is understood that the sentence will vary between live and ten years' detention. President Louhet may extend pardons in accordance with the Bereuger law in favor of lirst offenders. Strong precautionary measures were taken today in flu* vicinity of the Sen ate house, but there was no sign of dis order any when* when the judgments were rendered. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Winston Churchill has been appointed a squadron leader in the South African horse. William Wahloff As tor has contribut ed 1,000 pounds sterling to the Prince of Wales Hospital Fund. It. is reported at Durban that the eao tim d German steamer Buulesrath had on board five big guns, 50 tons of shells and 180 trained artillerymen. Until all danger of a spread of the plague now prevalent in Honolulu is past, .transports from ISan Francisco to the Philippines will not stop there. The schooner Eva 1). Rose, from Nor folk. for Camden. X. J., which went ashore Tuesday at Cold Spring harbor. N. J., remains in the same position. Governor Roosevelt, in his message to tlie Legislature, recommends the repeal of the Horton Boxing Law. permitting prize fighting in the State of New York. At Vallejo, Cal., yesterday Commodore Farnagut's flagship, the Hartford, was floated out of dry docks, where she has Ik*cu for the past three months under going repairs. The schooner S. P. Hitchcock from Brunswick. Ga., for Both. Maine, loaded with lumber, went ashore at Moriches, Long Island, sonic time during Tuesday night. The ve"el lies easy. At Adairsvillc. Ivy., yesterday, in an altercation which occurred in Dr. Gays' of lice Dr. M T. Gays shot and killed Ed O. Griffey, then shot himself through the heart. Both died instantly Some Macon negroes are taking steps to see if the operations of tin* National Ex-Slave Mutual Relief Bounty and Pension Association of tlie United States of America cannot la* stopped by law. At Tampa. Fla., a Cuban club, El Na cional, lias been organized with a large membership to work for Cuban inde pendence. Its purpose is said to be t|o co-operate with Cuban lenders in Havana. Yesterday General Wood issued an im portant order giving freedom to forty nun in the provin<*c of Saiitai Clara. Some of them had been detained without trial and others were suffering exces sive punishment. lEmperor Nicholas has assured the Brit ish Ambassador at St. Petersburg, odgen. Alpharetta. Ga. Thousands h ive been cured of rheumatism by this remedy. One application reb'eves the pain. For sale everywhere. Bobbitt - Wynne Drug Co. and H. T. Hi :ks, Drag gists. Raleigh. The United States quartermaster itlli: Resolute. Captain George Loring, was sunk in Boston harbor early last night in a collision with the steel ocean tug Swatara. of the Philadelphia and Read ing Coal Company's tleet. All on hoard are believed Ito have beciii saved except Engineer Henry Cutcliine, who had unit Isa*n found at a bite hour last night. J. J. Bevry, Logauton, Pa., writes, ‘*l am willing to take my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minute Cough Core after doctors failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough.” Quickly relieves and cures coughs*, colds, croup, grippe tuid throat and lung troubles. Children till like it. Mothers endorse it. Bobbitt & Wynne Drug Co.. W. H. King. Adams & Moye, Wm. Simpson. Bears the _ y? slßn :r e {ZsvtfZz&i 7 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4. 1 00. CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY. A $35,000,000 Concern That Has Ab sorbed Most Others, New York, Jan. 3. —O. E. Zollikotfer, Secretary of the Consolidated Gas Coin puny, today made the following state ment : "It is a fact that this company has acquired a majority of the lighting in terest' of the city of New York, but it is too early an the organization to make public any further details*. The acquire ment <>f those added interests does not change the position of the Consolidated Gas Company with regard to the other gas companies mi Manhattan Island,” Tin* New York Gas and Electric Light. Hear and Power Company was incor porated in November. I HUS. and later acquired control of about all the light ing plants in this city. Its organization sprang from the group of capitalists in which W. C. Whitney is the leader. The president of the company is Anthony N. Brady. The chief property it acquired was the Edison Electric Illuminating Company. The company’s capital stock is $.”<>,000,000. It owns a large plot of real estate on the East River at Ninety-seventh street, where it has been erecting power houses of very great ca pacity. It also controls about 800 miles of surveys in the city. Other compan ies embraced in it. beside the Edison, are the Mount Morris, the North River, the Block and the Manhattan Electric com pa nit s. GROWTH OF MORMONISM. McLaurin's Message to the Mississippi Legislature a Surprise. Jackson. Miss.. Jan. 3.—-The reading of Governor McLaurin’s message in the Legislature today created quite a sur prise when the section referring to tin* growth of Mormonisiu in Mississippi was reached. The Governor denounced the Mormon sect in scathing terms and re commended tin* adoption of laws that will prevent the teachings of the doc trine in the State. During the discus sion of the subject In* said: "There is no threatened danger to I lie State more baneful than the lecher ous leaching of the Mormon apostles of polygamy. It is more dangerous be cause it is taught under the guise of Ihe ministry of the gospel. The Mor mons disclaim the open teachings of jxily gamy in the pulpit, but they reach it in the corner, and the ministers’ cloak gives potency to their speech." WILL NOT TAKE DELAGOA BAY. Great Britain Contemplates r.o Such Action, it is Said. London, Jan. 3. —A. representative of The Associated Dross has been informed on g<**l authority that Great Britain will not take Delagoa Bay. The British Gov ernment, it is added, does not contemplate any such step, in spite of the clamor of the press and public opinion upon the advisability of so doing. FOUNDERED OFF FINI3TERRE. British Steamer Borghse Lost. Twenty Two of the Crew Drowned. London. Jan. 4. —f Thursday.) A dis patch from Bristol at nouiiees that the British steamer Borgbese, of Glasgow, foundered off Caii** Fii list err e last Fri day during a hurricane. Twenty two of it be crew were drowned. The survivors, nine in number, have just arrived at Bristol. Promising Filipino Freedom. Washington!, Jan. 3. —Representative Mcßae, of Arkansas, today introduced the following joint resolution: "Be it resolved, etc., that the United States hereby declare that tluir purpose in acquiring jurisdiction and control over the Philippine Islands was and is to secure to the inhabitants- thereof, as soon as practicable after the suppression of the existing rebel lion therein, a free, in dependent stable government. Republican in form and that the United States guar antee to said inhabitants protection against all foreign invasion.” Death Sentence Commuted. Savannah. Ga.. Jan. 3. —The sentence of death upon Walter Channell. which was to have been executed Friday next, has been commuted by the Governor. Channell was railroad agent at Glen wood. Montgomery county, and killed Postmaster Thompson of that place some months ago. The defense was that Thompson had made improper proposals to Chan Hell's wife. Bubonic Plague in Brazil. Rio Janeiro. Jan. 3.—The bubonic plague bus broken out in the city and neighborhood of Sao Paulo. Captain J. MeO. Baker, for many years a commander of vessels of the Morgan Line of New Orleans, ito New York, Gulf und Cuban ports, and more recently a member of the board of United States inspectors of steam vessels, died at New Orleans yesterday, aged has tears of joy, for she took Hood s, K. FELIX T, GOUKAID S Oriental Cream, or Magical Beautlfier. € # jP w/ /-s V*-j/ v-- e!>ses, and eve ry blemish on beauty and deOes detection. On its virtues it has stood the test of M yea s; no other has, and is so harmless wo taste it to be sure itjs properly made. Arc pt no cmnter- | feit of similar name. The distinguished Dr L. ] A Sayre, sa d to a lady of the naut r>n (ipi- i tientl: ‘-As you laoi'e* wil u e them, I rec'ou niend-‘Gouraud’s Crevni* ai the least harmful «d all tbe skin preparations” One bottle will last six monti s, usiDg ; t eve y day. Also Pou dre Subtile removes superfluiui hair without injury to the skin. FERD T. HOPKINS, Propr., 37 Great Jones .t.. N. Y. For sa'e by all Druggbts and Fancy Goo 's DeHers thr. ugLout the U. S , Cana.a and Eu rope. else ft und in V. Y. City at U. H Mary’s, Wanam*ker’s, and other Fane* Goods Dealers. Beware rs Ba>e imitations. SSVOO rsrd !or ar rest and proof of .*ny t lie selling the same. H. STEINMETZ. • FLORIST Choice Cut Flowers—Roses, Cam at ions, Etc, Floral Designs at short notice. Ilya chit ns, Tulips and various other bulbs for forcing or outside planting. Fine Pansy plants. A large stock of Palms. Ferns. Primroses. Asparagus, Plenerosa for house culture. TL STEINMETZ. Thones 113, Raleigh, X. 0. GREETING. We wish all a bright and prosperous New Year, especially those who are the happy pos sessors of one of our A ROYAL ELASTIC FELT MATTRESS. We hope the success cf every reader of this paper is as well assured as is the success of our mattress, The sale of same grows steadily, and the most gratifying part of it is the dailv receipt of voluntary letters from new customers, expressive of great satistaction and comfort derived from use of same It are interested in good bedding, and all ought to be, call on your nearest dealer. If he does not handle them, write to us direct for descriptive pamphlet. Yours truly, RQTALL l BORDEN Goldsboro N. C. 1 PEACE INSTITUTE, RiiiTgh, jj A FAMOUS SCHOLL FOR GIRLS . VERY THOROUGH AND OF HIGH GRADS, j [ Judge Geo. D. Gray, Culpepper, Va., says: “I sincerely believe it is the very best i I Female School of which I have any knowledge. Certainly, if I had the choice of all < 1 the schools known to me, North or South, East or West, I would unhesitatingly ( | -i $ choose Peace Institute. } j $ Jas. Dtnwiddie, M. A., Illustrated Catalogue free to all who app'y PRINCIPAL, 4b |j ESTABLISHED ISGS. 1 1 nONT iot * rom your mcmor Y the FAC-T | aj j j l.crc Keje f Nails. B M Stfi I jSI 250 Kegs of Powder, | jj § gj 275 Kegs Horse and Mule Shoes. Stoves atd Ranges are the 200 GUNS Hammer and ITam- Reccollecl Please that Montague .* Co. n e less. i| —I Sewer pipe is the kind that will stand 1 T " er ' s ' nci ” I all the tests. J a 'MURKSCO," i ffl ■H ‘ And the best -4 Brothers I— Axle Grease. The world’s finest FI *7 The best Wall Finish | Hample free from store. 2-cent stamp gets sample by mail. t- on the planet. Write ■ Peters Cartridges. We are Sole Agents for above goods. for color card and n . 2 price,. Vcr y | Julius Lewi> Hardware Co. I fij RALEIGH, N. t\ The Pure Food Question it n«l a new qontrion witk ■>. W# have beea advocatinjc pur* food f or more than a dozen year*, tad we are rejoiced to tie others tt»lng k up. We like to to* me» ts science takiDg hold of it and thowiog people tka necottlty *f *airoj Only Pure Food, and it by analyti cal and other scientidc testa, and wh think that everybody should read Prof. Wither’* lecture on tin* important question. XV© ad foeate pure food buying and pure food eating, in tlie only practical way by buying and sell ing only that which i» port. Our prices may not always bt the lowest, but they are aa low as the elssb es goodt we deal la eaa ha bought at. “PURiC FOOD IS OCR MOTTO” Thos. Pesctid, GROCER. Ik sew qoartera--305 Fay«tt**Hl* s*- •itixwit* tk* n.wt(,rri*» stockholders meejing. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Mechanics Dime Savings Bank will be held in the rooms of the bank on Tuesday evening. January Oth. at 8 o'clock. B R. LACY. Cashier. I 1 vr I'URIFiES AS WELL AS Beautfies the Skia. No other co»- metic will do it rt-*mov«a Tan, Pimples, Freck le-, M o t h - l’atche ■. Rash and Skin Dis-