2 SEVEN MEN PERISH IN A FIERCE EIRE Lumber Carnp on Otter Creek Destroyed. CAUGHT IN IRAPOFFLAME Mad Rush to Email Wiudows and Narrow Stairs. SAW COMPANIONS IN BUNDING FLAMES Those Who Escaped Lost Their Clothing and Had to Travel Almost Naked Through Eight Indus of Snow to An other Camp. (Tty the Associated Press.) Hattibleton, \V. Va., Jan. 21. —About 4 o'clock this morning the camp of the otfer Creek Boom and Lumber Company, several miles from here, caught fire and was destroyed. An explosion is believed to have started the flames, which spread with I’eadful rapidity. There were, forty men sleeping in the camp and of these seven perished. Tiie surrounding forest caught fire from the conflagration. Following is the list of the dead: JOHN MORKISKY. JOHN RILEY. GEORGE VANHORN. ARTHUR HEDRICKS. THOMAS HICKEY. MIKE CANNON. FORREST MAKARD. BUD WELSH was so badly burned that he Is in a critical condition. It was not more than five minutes from the time when the alarm was given until there was no chance of escape. The (limp was 22 by 50 feet and the upper part all in one room, and in this the for ty men were sleeping. Two very small windows and the nar row stairs afforded the only ways of es cape, and of those who went to the win dows. a dozen or more had to jump twelve or fifteen feet, the others rush ing down the steps like sheep, pushing and tumbling and falling over each other. After they were out. some of the men inside could be seen in the Haines, but not a cry came from tlit* building. The dead were almost entirely cre mated. There were scarcely forty pounds of the flesh and bones of the seven brought here tonight in a lit tie box. The men who escaped lost their cloth ing and were compelled to travel through eight inches of snow almost naked to another camp u mile away. IDENTIFIES HER ASSAILANT The Boanoko Blues Under A rmi to Protect the ' Negro Higginbotham (By the Associated Press.) Roanoke, Va., Jan. 21.—Mrs. Ralph Webber, who was criminally assaulted by a negro, who then cut her throat and left her for dead near Lynchburg, on the 11th instant, was brought here tonight and taken to the jail where Joe Higgin botham, who is charged with the crime, has been confined for the past week. When Higginbotham was brought before Mrs. Webber she at once identified him as the man who assaulted her. The negro broke down and confessed to the crime with which he was charged. The Roanoke Blues, a military com pany, arc? in their armory tonight under anna, and it is a,id several out of town military organizations will arrive here tomorrow to escort Higginbotham to Lynchburg. Tillman and landis in Joint Rebate. Fredonia, N. Y., Jau. 21.—Benjamin R. Tillman. United States Senator from South Carolina, anti Charles B. Landis, representative in Congress from Indiana, engaged in a spirited joint debate in Dunkirk tonight on the question of “Democracy vs. Republicanism." Two thousand persons listened to the ad dresses, which were along the lines of the platforms of 11)00. Arrested for “Raising” Notes. (By the Associated Press.) Houston. Tex., Jan. 21. —United States court officials report the arrest at Gainesville of T. H. Reagan, against whom fifteen indictments have been found by the Federal grand jury now in session at Dallas. Reagan is accused of mising silver ceitificptes and other treasury notes from small denominations to large ones, the counterfeits being so cleverly executed that some of them passed through the Texas banks. Marconi Releases Bis Fiancee. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Jaa. 21. —Mrs. H. B. Hol man. of this city, announced, today that her daughter Josephine had asked Wil liam Marconi, the developer of wireless telegraphy to release her fr&m her en gagement to marry him and that Mr. Marconi had complied with her request. Norfolk Peannt Market. (By the Associated Pres.) Norfolk, Va., Jan. 1. —Peanuts dull; old stock and machines 2M*. New—Fancy strictly prime 3c; prime 2%. Span ish 77 1 <2. _ DB AND MRP F- H TAYLOB. Bay Good bye and Speak Most Pleasantly cf Raleigh Dr. and Mrs. F. Howard Taylor, whose sermons on the Inland ( hina. Mission have created so much interest in Ral eigh, accompanied by Miss Margaret Cut- The Non-Irritating Cathartic Lgsy to take, easy to operate— Mood's Pills iter, who is with them, left yesterday for Danville, Va., where ihey will preach Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Saturday they go to Richmond for a week. Both Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spoke in strong terms of their stay in Raleigh. Speaking of results Dr. Taylor said: “We've certainly aroused much interest in foreign missions and in Inland Mission Work in China. Besides this we have been able to put in circulation some of our literature, about SBO worth, and bet ter still we have two or three parties who are talking to us of becoming mis sionaries and entering on the work in China.” As Dr. and Mrs. Taylor were shaking hands with friends Dr. Taylor said: "Please say to the people of Raleigh I from both of us that we desire to express a deep apreeiation of the hospitality and courtesy shown us in Raleigh. Our treat ment was so pleasant that we can never forget the week spent here.” "SCHLEY AND 8ANTIAOO" | A Book of Which the Admiral Say* the Facts Are Correct (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Jan. 21.—The first copy of ‘‘Schley and Santiago" left the presses of the W. B. Conkey Company today. The book contains many striking historical events, including facsimiles of autograph letters. The following ietttr bearing the l Admiral’s signature and dated Hotel Richmond, Washington, January 1, lf»02, referring to the author, says: i "Mr. Graham served with me on the Brooklyn from the beginning to the end of the campaign against Cevera’s fleet. He was in a position in the open to know j the facts of all the operations against i it, and has given them as he saw them. | The personal views and criticisms of the ] author I do not endorse, though the I facts of the story of the movements and operations of the Flying Squadron as he tells them in the book, are correct, so far as I can remember. (Signed.) “W. S. SCHLEY, "Rear Admiral, U. S. N.” The publisher.-, will send to President Roosevelt, a copy of ihe edition de luxe and within a few days will star) a spe cial messenger to Europe, where he will first deliver to the American Ambassador, in London, two copies of the book, one of i them to be presented to King Edward VII. NOTHING IN IT i , Mr R. E L- Bunch Remains Wun Beaboaid Supt Barger Start* in at Once. Seaboard Air Line officials in Raleigh | end friends of Mr. R. E. L Bunch, the j General Passenger Agent or' the road, | all deny that Mr. Bunch is either to , resign or to lose his position with that ! road. I "There's nothing in it at all, ' said I a Seaboard i mn vest-id.ly. "Who start- I ed the rumor no one knows, but the re ! lations between Mr. Bunch and the road j are as pleasant a* ever, and he will i continue to hold his. position. He has I stated this hires*'*'. Major F. K. linger, who resigned 1 is I position as superintendent of the Second , division of the Seaboard Air Line, will I have for his old home in Charleston on } Friday with Mv. Huger. His .-igimticn ! goes into effect cn the 25th., when his successor, Mr. D. H. Barger, who was lately with the Norfolk and Western, takes hold of things. He is an exper ienced railroader and a man of ability. : His headquarters will be in Raleigh. THE NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN —-—._ Official Statement Regarding Merger to Con trol N. C. 8ho r e Industries (By the Associated Press.) | New York, Jan. 21. —An official state ment issued by Uu* Norfolk and South ern Company, says the company, which was formed to acquire the stock of ihe Norfolk and Southern Railroad and the bonds and stock of the Lake Drummond j Canal and Water Company will issue i $1,300,000 of stock and $3,500,000 of five ; per cVnt fifty year gold bonds, j This merger places under one direction the two properties which control the shore industries of North Carolina. The i Norfolk and Southern has 174 miles of road and owns thirty steamers. The canal, which was re-opened a year ago after extensive improvements costing lias developed a large traffic and tne fleet of steamers and barges ob tained through the purchase of the Nor folk and Southern Railroad Company be comes immediately available for the canal. NATIONAL OUARO ABBOCIATION General B. 8. Royster Elected One of the Vice Presidents. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, L>. C., Jan. 21. —The draft of the bill providing for a general re-or ganization of the National Guard in the , various States and placing them on a I uniform footing was submitted today to the National Guards Association which the Adjutant Generals of many States are attending. The bill* which was ap proved looks to the greater efficiency of the National Guard, particularly in the matter of equipment. Charles F. Dick, of Ohio, was elected president of the association and B. S. Royster, of North Carolina, one of the vice-presidents. Tobacco Trust to Invade Mexico. (By the Associated Press.) Laredo, Texas, Jan. 21.—A Monterey, Mexico, special says; That the American Tobacco Company is preparing to invade Mexico for the purpose of securing con trol of the tobacco industry is practically admitted by Wells Baldwin, of New York, j one of the general representatives of the j company. j Mr. Baldwin said be was not at liberty j at present to talk about any plans that the company have in reference to Mexico. Mr. Baldwin left tonight for the City lof Mexico, and from there will travel i through the Southern tobacco country. The control of the Mexican tobacco sit uation by the American Tobacco Company is said to be only a matter of a short . time. At Discretion of County Board. i The State Superintendent of Public In struction. in deciding the Buncombe coun ty school matter, holds that a county board shall reserve what funds are neces- ; sary to pay expenses, including those on school houses, before making the appor -1 tiomnent. THE NEWS AND OJiSfiV Kit. THIKSDA Y MORNiNU. .UN. 1902. \ CAUOHT NAPPING. c=s Story of How a Drowsy Drum! Helped the Ends of Justice. A soporiferous jag caused the capture of “Steeple Climber Clark” here yester day morning. He was wanted in Hen derson for purloining an overcoat and a pair of glcves, but might have got off had he not yielded to tie* alluring charms of a good old drunk. He was picked up here yesterday morning about 5 o'clock, where he had carelessly retired for the rest of tlie* night in ttie street. At the station house he gave his name as C. F. Clark, and was consigned to a cell to sleep it off. Being a stranger in the city, he would have been discharged when he awoke, but in the meantime a telegram was received by Chi* f .Vlullins from Hen derson saying that .Stephen Chase Clark was wanted there for larceny of an over coat and pair of gloves. Noticing a similarity in the description given, Chief Mullins straight away visit ed his slumbering prisoner and completed the identification. Chief of Police Tom Ansby came after the convivial lnreenist and took him back to Henderson on tlie freight last night. TO BUCCEED HUGER The Official Announcement of Barger* Ap pointmeut is Made (By the Associated Press.) Roanoke, Va., Jan. 21. —It was officially announced tonight that I). H. Barger, tor the past five years general claim agent of the Norfolk and Western rail way with offices in this city, will, on February Ist. become superintendent of the second division of the Seaboard Air Line Railway with headquarters at Ral iegh, N. C., relieving F. K. Huger, who has resigned to become Superintendent of the Charleston, S. C., division of the Southern Railway with headquarters at Charleston. Mr. Barger has been con nected with the Norfolk and Western system for twenty-seven years. Burglars at Work. Burglars got in their work at Mr. Ben jamin Sasser’s, on North Person street. Saturday morning about four o'clock. Managing to get into the house they stole from Mr. Sasser’s clothes about $3.00 and two silk handkerchiefs. On getting up Mr. Sasser found part of his clothing under the house. Mr. S. R. House also had an experience. He lives on Smithiield street, and was awakened a few uights ago by a noise. He got his pistol and, as he opened the door of the adjoining room he heard some one drop to the ground and run. He fol lowed but they were out of sight. Mr. House's awakening prevented the rob bers from accomplishing their purpose. Croker Sails For Europe Today. (By tlie Associated Press.) New York. Jan. 21. —Richard Croker was given a dinner and a silver service tonight by the honorary staff of the First Battery, New York National Guard. In ieply to the speech of Andrew Freed man in presenting the service Mr. Croker said he had retired from politics for good. Mr. Croker frequently referred to Lewis Nixon, his successor, as leader of Tammany Hall and then astonished all by announcing that he was to sail for England tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. He closed by saying that his stay abroad would be but for a short time. He Sues Fayetteville. (Special to News and Observer.) Fayetteville, N. <\, Jan. 21.—W. T. Hughes has entered suit against the city lor damages. He bases his suit on the conviction of Policeman J. W. Maulfsby. in the Superior court last week, who was charged with assaulting him while he was in custody. Maultsby appealed to the Supreme Court, and is now under a S2OO bond. He is bonded to the city to i lie amount of SSOO and the suit may not ask for more than that. In the ’Squire’s Court. George Brice, colored, was sent to the roads for thirty days by Magistrate Yearby, in default of a fine of $2.50. Brice was charged with assault on June young, also colored. A1 Ferrell, who charged Mamie Beil with asault and battery, yesterday sub mitted the case before Justice Reid, and defendant was discharged on payment of costs. Att mpts to Burn Shinnston. (By the Associated Press.) Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 21.—An unsuc cessful attempt was made to burn the town of Shinnston, in Harrison county, Ohio, today. Several houses were set on fire at tlie* same time, but prompt discov ery saved the town. Trouble over ille gal liquor traffic is said to be the cause, but there is no clue to the miscreants. Hie Mule Walked In A mule iu a restaurant was an event Sunday when one of the "haw haws” walked in the cook shop of Emma Stark, a colored woman on Martin street. The colored men who were eating, after some persuasion induced his muleship to have. Whether it was a “hoodoo" or good luck the crowd has not yet decided. To Build Catholic Church. (Special to News and Observer.) Hendersonville, Jan. 21. —A trade has been closed by Father Marion, of Nash ville, with Dr. G. H. P. Cole, for the purchase of a lot hert on which it is said a Catholic church will be built. IMPROVE PASSENGER SERVICE TO THE NORTHWEST, VTA S. A. L. R. R. Leave Raleigh 10:20 a. m. Arrive Washington 6:35 p. m. Leave Washington 7:45 p. in. Arrive Harrisburg 11:40 p. m. Arrive Buffalo 10:15 a. ni. Arrive Pittsburg 7:15 a. m. Arrive Cleveland 6:30 p. m. Arrive Toledo 3:30 p. m. Arrive Detroit 8:25 p. ni. Arrive Columbus 0:45 a. m. Arrive Chicago 5:00 p. m. Through Pullman aud day coaches be tween Raleigh and Washington, where close .'onuection is made in Union Station with Pennsylvania Railroad trains. No. 7 and 10, for all irincipal points West. For tickets, Pullman reservation, or anv information, apply to C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T A.. Telephones 117. Raleigh, N. C. THREE CHICAGO DOCTORS Failed to i)o for >labelle L. La Monte, \X li.it Was Accom plished by Lydia L. Pinkliaiu's Vegetable t urn pound. “Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I was in an awful state for nearly three years with a complication of female troubles which three physicians called by dif ferent names, but the pains were all the same. I dreaded the time of my MABELLE L. La MONTE. monthly periods for it meant a couple of days'in bed in awful ag-ony. 1 final ly made up my mind that the good doctors were gee-sing : and hearing from different friends such good re ports of Lydia K. Plnkliam’s \ etable Coin pound, I tried that. 1 bless the day I did. for it was the dawning of a* new life for me. I used five bottles before I was cured, bi t when they were taken I was a well woman once more, V our Compound is certainly wonderful. Several of my friends have used it since, and nothing but the best do 1 ever hear from ns use.” — Yours. Marii.ikL. La Monts, 222 E. 31st St.. Chicago, 111. —fsoou forfeit if above testimonial is not genuine. If Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound eould cure Miss LaMonte—why irot you? Try it ami see for yourself. Mrs. Pinkliam advises siek wo xneifi Address, Lynn, Mass. On Sunday night, at the Caledonia State farm, on the Roanoke, the cotton gin w.is burned. There was not much cotton in it at the time and the loss is not very great, tlie gir. itself being the main pan. WINTER EXCURSION RATES. Seaboard Air Line Railway .o Florida, Cuba, Savannah, Camden. Southern Pine and Pinehurst, N. C. Winter excursion tickets were placed on sale October loth to the principal win ter resorts in North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Cuba nnd will re main on sale during the season, with linal return limit May 31, 11)02. Following are the rates to-wit: Southern Pines, N. C. S 3.50 Pinehurst, N. C 3.75 Camden, S. C. 2.60 Jacksonville, Fla 27 45 St Augustine, Fla 30.35 Tampa, Fla 3‘i.05 Tallahassee, Fla 2 < *'s Thomasville, Ga. 26.15 Havana, Cuba 80.55 To reach any of these points the service of the Seaboard Air Line Railway "Capi tal City Route” will be found the best and most attractive. In addition to the superior service now operated. Case Cars were placed in service on the Hamlet and Atlanta and Hamlet, Jacksonville lines December Ist. Following this the Florida and Metropolitan Limited will be Inaugurated about January 15, 1962, with sumptuooux apartments au 1 superb equipment, including dining and duo cars. See that your Winter Tourist Tickets read via the Florida and V.'cst India Short Line, Seaboard Air Line Railway. For further particulars regarding dates, schedules, sleeping car reservations cr pamphlets of winter resorts, address, C. H. GATTrS, C. P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. H. S. LEARD, T. P. A. Ralilgh, N. C. SPECIAL RATES TO CHARLESTON, s. C., EXPOSITION VIA SEA BOARD AIR LINE R'Y. ss.6s—Limited seveu (7) days from date of sale, route via Cheraw. s7.oo—Limited seven (7) days from date of sale, route via Columbia. sß.9s—Limited ten (1.0) days from date of sale, route via Columbia. $12.25 Limited until June 3rd, 1902, route via Columbia. Following is schedules between Ral eigh and Charleston, only twelve hours via Seaboard Air Line Railway, changing cars at Columbia only: Lv. Raleigh 3:32 am, 7:35 pm Ar. Columbia 9:35 am. 2:00 am Lv. Columbia 11:40 am 7:00 am Ar. Charleston 3:35 pm. 11:16 am For further information call at City Ticket Office, Telephone Nos. 117. C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINK Jt. R. COND*NS*H> tSCHrnULM Dated January 13th. 1901. ~No. iNo j ~ ~~ | No. | N*. !103 | *49 j | *4B | JlOi —| 1 STATIONS. | H P. L. jA. M. | |P. M. |A. M. • 1 , j 1 2 20| 9 00| Lv.Norfolk Ar.j 5 65] 10 21 2 401 9 22| Pinner* Point | 6 30| 10 02 3 03] 9 511 ...Driver*... | 6 05] 954 3 17j 10 05j ....Suffolk.... | 4 60j 919 8 60] 10 351 ....Gate* ....( 4 20| 842 4 IS] 10 50| ....Tuni*.... j 4 OOj S 23 4 36] 11 06| ...Aho*key... | S 41] 8 0b 4 53( 11 211 ...Aulander... | 3 27| 7 50 6 35| 12 001 ...Hobgood... | 2 53] 7OJ 6 00] 12 21| Ar.Tarboro Lv. 5 31| <4l 1 ] , 1 |Ar. Lv.j f 6 36! 12 50| Rocky Mount | 1 6S| • V P. M. jP. M. | IP- M. | A. C. •Daily. ’Daily except Sunday. Trains No. 49 and 48 solid train* be* tween Pinner’* Point and Wilmington Train No. 49 connects at Rocky Mounl with train 23 for all points South aau Nf. 78 train tor all point* North. J. R. KENLY, General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Managr^. «. m. General Passenger Ag«M. Retail Clerks’ Union. Raleigh now has a full-fledged Retail Clerks Union. Local Rranch No. 48 ( of the National Association of Retail < Merks. The organization was completed just before Christmas, with Mr. R- R. Dixon, who is employed by the firm of Lee & Broughton, as President, At th*» last meeting, held on Monday night, a resolution was adopted to the effect that all ladles employed iu the dif ferent stores be admitted to membership without initiation fee, and that the first quarter’s dues be waived, so that it Will cost the ladies absolutely nothing for the first quarter. Goes to U. S. Supreme Court Application has been made to the Su preme court of the United States for a writ of certiorari in order that the Dare county matter may be reviewed by that court, as the findings of the Circuit Court of Appeals sustained Judge Purnell's, or der for the sale of 185,000 acres of land in Dare county. FINE CIGARS Cigars that will please the most Fas tidious Tastes. BRENAMAN'S OLD RELIABLE. “Solon Shingle,” “Live Indian” ■»> ‘La Elita' Kra,,d » The above Cigars are made of carefully selected tobaccos, expressly for the retail trade, and are sold on their merit alone by the leading druggists, grocers and cases of Raleigh aud throughout the Southern States. If you enjoy a fine smoke, ask your dealer for them. C. H. Brenaman & Co 422 Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md. MAKERS. IHE WORTH CO. / Successors to (Worth & Worth.) Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. HANDLE COTTON AND NAVAL STORES. SELL GENERAL GROCERIES, FARM SUPPLIES, LIME, CEMENT, NAILS, HAY AND GRAIN. IMPORTERS WEST INDIA MOLASSES. WILMINGTON, N. C. Salt Fish. Our # facilities for Salting Fish, enable us to offer the Trade, the "BEST” quality of Salt Mullets ever put on any market. We SPLIT, WASH and SALT in a Cold Storage building, thereby avoiding TAINT, RUST and SAND. TODAY’S PRICES ; Bbl. 100 lbs. of Mullets $4 q 0 1-2 Bbl. 50 lbs. “ “ 2.50 50 “ “ ‘ with 2 doz, large Mullet Roe in same package #3 00. All large Mullets. Prices subject to change. Wm E. WORTH & CO-, Wilmington, N. C. J. L. O’QUINN & CO. FM Anl dHT CARNATIONS rLuKIS I , a SPECIALTY RALEIGH. N. C. Bouquets and floral decorations ar ranged in the best style at short notice. Palms, Ferns and all Pot Plants for house and window decoration#. BULBS. Hyacinths, Narcissus and Tulips in va riety. Freesions, Liliams, and all bulb ready now, 'Phones 149. J. M. PACE —DEALER IN— MULES-HORSES. 1 have Just received a car load of extra good mules and horses. Always a good supply on hand. J. M. PACE. 11l East Martin St.. RALEIGH. N. C. J Contains fifty designs i K of private and public 6 I buildings. You can / obtain the book by 4 ► sending me 10 cents * l postage. C ft WM. P. ROSE. « Architect. Raleigh, N C I SOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the North Carolina Home Insurance Company will be held at their officfc in this city on Wednesday, the stb day of February, 1902, at 12 o’clock m. CHAS. ROOT. Secretary, urn* WJ atmb uu Morphineatid Whisutey hat>- finiTl n If it* treated without pam or Xf] * 5 fj I Eg I] confinement. Car? guaran* i > | BUS gif* teed or no pay- fi. H. V’HAL, I J IS E\f I Man sir Utlua springs van ® **rium, S-x 3. Aiatnl, Seaboard Air Line R« . "CAPITAL CITY ROtITK.” Short Line to principal chip* of the South oinl Southwest, Florida, Cuba, Texas, California an. ::i. No. 27. l.v. Raleigh, S. A. 1 3:11:: am ?:3o pm Ar. llandet, S. A. 1 f, : 20 am 10:25 am Arrive Columbia, S. A. 1..,. 8:86 am 1:00 am Ar. Savannah, N. A. 1 12:05 pm 4 :40 am Ar. Jacksonville, S. A. 1,... :!;. r >o pin 0:05 am Ar. Tampa, S. A. 1 5:09 am 5:04 pm No. IU No. jl l.v. Raleigh, S. A. 1 2:60 am 3:56 pm Ar. Hamlet, S. A. L 5:55 am 7:80 pm Ar. Wilmington, S. A. 1... 12:05 pm Ar. Charlotte, S. A. I, 0:83 am 10:3U pm Ar. Atlanta, S. A. 1 0:55 pm 7:50 am Ar. Augusta, C. tt W. C.... 5:40 pm Ar. Macon, C. of Ga 7:20 pm 11:20 am Ar, Montg’ry, A. AW. P... 9:20 pin 0:30 pm Ar. Mobile, 1„ k S 2:55 ain Ar. N. Orleans, 1„ k N 7:25 am Ar. Nashville, S. k St. L 3:00 am (5:55 pm Ar. Memphis N. C. kS. L. 4:10 pm 8:25 am NORTHWARD. Dally. Daily. N. 32 No. 38. l.v. Raleigh, S. A. 1 2:05 am 11:05 am Ar. Norlina, S. A. L 3:50 am J :06 pm Ar. Portsmouth, S. A. 1 7:15 am 6:25 pm Ar. Waslit’n, N. At W. 8. B C:56 am Ar. Baltimore, U. S. p. C 6:46 am Ar. N. Y., O. I>. S. S. Co 1:30 pm Ar. Pliila, N. V. I*. A N’.. 5:40 pm 610 um Ar. N. York, X. Y. P, kN. 8:16 pin 8:00 am No. 34. No. 60. l.v. Raleigh, S. A. L. 1:35 am 10:20 am Ar. Norlina, S. A. 1> 3:30 am 11:55 am Ar. Richmond, S. A. 1 0:35 am 3:ospm Ar. Washington, P. R. R... 10:10 am 0:35 pin Ar. Baltimore, I*. U. R 11:25 ;un 11:25 pm \r. Philadelphia, P. if. 1t... 1:30 pin 2:50 am Ar. New York, P. It. It 4:13 pin 6:30 am Note—a Daily except* Monday. b —Eastern Time. Connections at Jacksonville and Tampa, for all Florida East. Coast points, and Cuba and ,Porto Itico. At New Orleans, for all points In Texas, Mexico and California. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Nos. 31 and 34 —Florida and Metropolitan Lim ited. Drawing Itoom Sleeping, and Through Day Coacltea between New York and Jacksonville. Through Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Cars be tween New York and Atlanta. Nos. 31 and 34, 32 and 33 carry Case Cars be tween Hamlet and Savannah, liamlet and Athens. Nos. 27 and CO—-Florida and Atlanta Fast Mail. Through Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Cars be tween New Y'ork and acksonville, connecting at Hamlet with Sleeping far to and from Atlanta. Tickets on sale to all points. Pullman Berths Reserved and reservations made on outgoing steamers from Norfolk. Baggage checked from hotel and residences without extra charge at Up-Town Ticket Office, v arboro House Building. 0. H. GATTIS, C. T. and P. A. Bell, Raleigh and Interstate ’Phones, 117. 11. S. LEARD, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. R. K. L. BUNCH, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portsmouth, Virginia. JAMES M. BARR, First Vice*President and Atlantic Coast Line R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. rUTED St jt?,-. Hi S^S;, Dec, 22nd, 1901. c’S c"5 o’S - c 5 c y.z. kg v. -j. y-Q y - |A M. |P. M.IP. M.jA.M. |P. M. Weldon ill 50! 9 381 j j..... Ar. Rocky Mt 1 l 00 10 32 ] fp. M.j ; ; ] Leave Taroro |l2 22] ] 7 22] | Lv. Rockv Mt ] 1 06 10 02] 7 52! 6 45:12 52 Leave Wilson j 1 6ftlll 101 881 0 ‘2«l 240 Leave Selma 1 2 55.11 60! ] Lv. Fayetteville ‘ 4 80 1 12' j j Ar. Florence 1 7 86! 3 15! ' | ]P* M.jA.M.j j | Ar. Goldsboro ! | ] 9 20J.....1 Lv. Goldsboro | 7 301 3 15 Lv. Magnolia 1 j ] 8 371 4 26 Ar. Wilmington ’ !10 lOJ C no | | ,P M. A.M,;P, M. TRAIN'S GOING NORTH. - -j—y M i ,““ jit S t.i Si J s'i 4jj Lv. Florence 10 05! 1 8 o.>; | Lv. Fayetteville ....'l2 40- jlO oft j Leave Selma t 2 10 jit 25 | Arrive Wilson ] 2 57' [l2 07] ] j |A.M.| IP. M.]A.M. Lv. Wilmington ! j ' " '**] ft JO l.v. Magnolia I j 8 30]ll o.> l. Goldsboro ! ] 730 jj 9 37|12 ‘-0 IP. M,| |A.M.|P. M.jP. M Leave Wilson I 2 35; 8 20,11 34 10 461 1 IS Ar. Rocky Mt j 3 30] ft 00112 10jll 23 168 Anive Tarboro | ] ft >°>4 ! I lyoave Tarboro j 2 31! ] , ] Lv. Rocky Mt j 3 501 112 43! | Ar. Weldon ] 4 68] ! 1 37, j Yadkin Division Main f.ine—Train leaves Wil mington, ft: 10 a. in., arrives Fayetteville 12:20 p. ni., leaves Fayetteville 12:42 p, in., arrives San ford 1:58 p. in. Returning leaves Sanford 3:05 p. m., arrive Fayetteville 4:20 p. in., leave Fay etteville 4:30 p. in., arrives Wilmington 7:15 p. nr. Bennettsville Branch —Train leaves Bennettsville 8:10 a. m., Maxton 9:05 a. m., Red Springs 9:32 a. m., l’arkton 10:41 a. m., Hope Milla 10:55 a. m. arrive Fayetteville 4:45 p. in., Hope Mills 6:00 p. ni. Red Springs 5:48 p. m., Maxton 6:10 p. m., arrives Bennettsville 7:15 p. ni. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78 at Maxton with Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p in., Halifax 8:29 p. in., arrives Scotland Neck at 4:1(7 p. in., Greenville 5:47 p. m., Kinston 0 - 45 p. in. Returning leaves Kin ston 7:30 a. m., Greenville 8:30 a. in., arriving Halifav Ht 11:05 a. ni., Weldon 11:20 a. m., daily except Sunday. , . Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8:00 a. in. and 2:45 p. m., arrive I‘armele 8:55 a. m., and 4:10 p. in., returning leave 1 armele H:10 a. m. and 5:22 p. m., arrive Washington 12:30 a. in. and 6:15 p. in., daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. 0., Gaily except Sun day 4:35 p. m., Sunday 4:35 p. in., arrives I'l.v mouth 6:85 p. m., 6:30 p. m. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7:JO a in., and Sunday 9:00 a. m., arrives Tarboro 9:5a a. m.. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boio daily, except Sunday, 5:00 a. in., arriving Smithfleid 6:10 a. m. Returning leaves Smith- Held 7-00 a. ni., arrives at Goldsboro a. m. Trains on Nashville Brandi leave Rocky Mount at 9:30 a. in., 4:00 p m., arrive Nashville 10-20 a, m., 4:23 p. ni., Spring Hope 11:00 am., 4.1a p. m. Returning leave Spring Hope l* : ‘-0 a - m » 515 t». ni., Nashville 11:45 a. m., 5:45 p. m., arrive at Rocky Mount 12:10 p. m., 6:20 p. in., daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Blanch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11:40 a. in. and 4:15 p, ni. Returning leaves Clinton at 6:45 a. in. and 2:50 p. ni. ...... Train No. 7K makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily all rail via Richmond. 11. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, j. R. KENLY, General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. SPECIAL RATES VIA SEABOARD AIK LINE RAILWAY. Five dollars to Charlotte, N. C., and re turn, account Fifth Annual Poultry Show, January 7-10. Tickets to be sold Janu ary 6,7, 8 and 9, final return limit January 11. C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A.. Yarborough House, Raleigh, N. C.