The Weather Today: ! f JakS2Sa| Fair; Rising Tempe^^ire. The News and Observe**- VOL. LI I. NO. 29. Leads allWorthCaroliim Dailies in News and Circulation TODAY COMES TOE FINAL TOG Os WAR Effort to Force a Vote on Reciprocity. * • PARTIES ARE BADLY SPLIT Cushman Attacks the Power of the Speaker. MORGAN MAKES'A SPEECH IN THE SENATE For Four Hours He Talks of the Great Canal Project and Strenuously Argues For the Selection of the Nica raguan Route. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, D. C., April 17.—The gen eral debate upon the Cuban Reciprocity Bill closes tomorrow at three o’clock and it is the intention of the House leaders if possible to force a final vote upon the passage of the bill before adjournment tomorrow night. All day long the leaders were count ing noses and preparing generally for the final struggle tomorrow. The Demo crats are so badly split up on this prop osition that a caucus was held tonight. The opponents of the bill occupied most of the time of the debate (oday. The feature being a vigorous speech by Mr. Cushman (Washn.), Republican, against the measure. Mr. Cushman arraigned the Committee on Rules and the House leaders in a breezy and at times sensa tional fashion. A portion of his criticism was in a semi -humorous vein, but some of it was decidedly caustic. Mr. DeArmond, one of the lead ing Democrats of the House, de livered a forcible speech in fa \or of tariff reduction on trust articles. The other speakers were Messrs. Pierce, (Tenn.j, W. W. Kitchin (N. C.), Douglass (N. Y.I, and Daeey (la.), for the bill and Messrs. Jenkins (Wis.), Gaines (W. Va.), Warner (Ills.), Gardiner (Mich.), Jones (Washn.), and Loud (Cala.), against it. Mr. Loud declared that di rectly and indirectly Cuba had already cost the United States one thousand mil lion dollars. Mr. DeArmond, of Missouri, employed his \itriolic comment upon the attitude of the members with his x accustomed freedom. Calling attention to the tact that members on both sides, whether they opposed or advocated the measure, justified their course by an appeal to th