The Weather Today: Partly Cloudy and Warmer. The News and Observer. VOL. LI I. NO. 54. Leads all North Carolina Dailies in Mews and Circulation THE CONFESSION OF FAITH AS REVISED The Report Given to Lthe ' General Assembly IN SIXTEEN ARTICLES All Who Die in Infancy Are Saved by Christ. MAN’S FREEDOM IS NOT TAKEN AWAY .Cod’s All Sufficient Salvation is Freely Offered to All Men. TheDocdine of Elec tion and the Final Triumph □of the Saints. (By the Associated Press.) New Yorl:, May 16. —The re port of the Presbyterian General Assembly's special Committee on Revis ion of the confession of faith covers two divisions, the work assigned to the com mittee having been so outlined by the Assembly. In the first place, the com mittee says .t was to prepare “a brief statement of the reformed faith” to be submitted to this Assembly “for such disposition as may be judged to be wise.” The other part of the work was the preparation and submission to this as sembly of certain revisions of the con fessions of faith, in certain specified parts of it. and concerning certain speci fied subjects, by the method of textual modification or by declaratory statement, or of additional statements, undoubtedly with tlie view to their subsequent adop tion by the Presbyteries and by the Gen eral Assembly. Additional statements are recommend ed concerning the love of God for all men. missions and holy spirit, in the form of new chapters to be added to the confession. Also certain textual modi fications. The committee proposes the following Overture No. 3.—Shall the following declaratory statement be adopted as to < hapter X, Section 3, of the Confession of Faith? Second. —V.’ith reference to Chapter X, Section 2, of the Confession of Faith, that it is not to be regarded as teaching that any who die in infancy are lost. We believe that all dying in infancy are in cluded in the election of grace, and are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit, who works when and where and how He pleases. fbe committee says concerning the brief statement of the Reformed Faith that it was to be prepared ‘‘with the view t > its being employed to give in formation and a better understanding of our doctrinal beliefs, and not with a view to its becoming a substitute for. or an alternative of our Confession of Fnith.” The committee then presents ‘‘for such disposition as may be judged wise,” the following as a Brief Statement of the Reformed Faith. Article I.—Of God. We be lie vein the ever-living God, who is a Spirit, and ihr Father of our spirits: infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His being and perfections; the Lord Al mighty; most just in all His ways, most glorious in holiness, unsearchable in wis dom and plenteous in mercy, full of love nnd compassion, and abundant n good ness and truth. We worship Him. Fath er. Son. and Holy Spiiit, three persons in one Godhead, one in substance and equal in power and glory. Article II. —Os Revelation. We believe that God is revealed in na ture, in history, and in the hearts of man; that He has made gracious and clearer revelations of Himself to men of God who spoke as thuev were moved by the Holy Spirit; and that Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, is the brightness of Ihe Tatnors glory and the express image of His person. We gratefully receive the Holy Scriptures, given by inspiration, to be the faithful record of God’s gra cious revelations and the sure witness to Christ, as the Word of God. the only in fallible rule of faith and life. Article 111. —Os the Eternal Purpose. We believe that the eternal, wise, holv nn<’ loving purpose of God embraces all events, so that while the freedom of man 5s not taken away nor is God the au thor of sin. yet in His providence He makes all things work together in the fulfillment of His sovereign design and the manifestation of His glory; where fore. humbly acknowledging the mystery of this truth, we trust in His protecting care ard set our Jiearts to do His will. Article TV.—Of me Creation. Wo believe that God is the creator, up holder, and governor of all tilings; that lie is above all His works and in them all; and that He made man in His own image, meet for fellowship with him. free and able to choose between good and evil, and forever responsible to his Ma her anl Lord. Article V.—Of the Sin of Man. We believe that our first parents, be ing tempted, chose evil, and so fell away from God and came under the • powtfr of sin, the penalty of which is eternal death; and we confess that, bv reason of This we and all men arc born with a sinT?feisnature, that we have bro ken God's !av.v"»nd that no man can be raved but by His\ grace. Article vr.— Of 1 the Grace of God. We believe that\ God, out of His great love for the worlA, has given His only begotten Son to of sin-. m rs. and in the Gospel freely offers His all-sufficient salvation to all men. And we praise Him for the unspeakable grace wherein He has provided away of eter nal life for all mankind. , Article VII.—Of Election. We believe that God, from the begin ning. in His own great good pleasure, gave to His Son a people, an innumer able niulttude, ihos.n in Christ unto holiness, service and salvation; wo be lieve that all who come to years of dis r. etion can receive this salvation only through faith and repentance; and we be lieve that all who die in infancy, and all others given by the Father to the Son who are beyond the reach of the cut ward means of grace, are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit, who works when and where and how ile pleases. Article VIII. —Os Our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in and confess the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Mediator between God and man, who, being the Eciernal Son of God, for us men and for our sal vation became truly man, being con ceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary, without.sin; unto us He has revealed the Father, by His Word and Spirit making known the perfect will of Gcd; for us He fulfilled all righteous ness and satisfied eternal justice, offer ing Himself a perfect sacrifice upon the cross to take away the sin of the world; for us He rose from the dead •»ml as cended -into Heaven where lie ever in tercedes for us: in our hearts, joined to Him by faith, He abides forever ns the indwelling Christ; over us, and over all for us, He rules, wherefore, unto Him we render love, obedience, and adoration as our Prophet, Priest and King forever. Article IX- Os Faith and Repentance. We believe that God pardons our sics and accepts us as righteous, solely on the ground of the perfect obedience and sacrifice of Christ, received *®y faith alone; and that this saving faith is al ways accompanied by repentance, where in we confess and forsake our sins with full purpose of, and endeavor after, a new obedience to God. Article X. of the Holy Spirit- We believe in \he Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who moves every (Continued on Fifth Pago.) SEABOftHO MAKES IT A Purchase That Gives it an Entrance to Birming / ham. (By the Associated Press.) Baltimore, May 16. —A syndicate of which Ladenburg, Thalman & Company, of New York, are the managers, has bought the East and West Railroad of Alabama from the Kelly estate of New York. The purchase is in the interest of the Seaboard Air Line to take that system to Birmingham, Ala. The terminals at Birmingham are to be secured by purchase of the Birming ham belt railroad. H. M. Atkinson, of Atlanta, bought the belt line last year for the Old Colony Trust Company of Boston, and as a part of the Seaboard Plans. Short connecting lines are to be built to unite the Seaboard with the East and West Railroad with the recon struction of the latter will bring the total cost up to $4,000,000. Atlanta, Ga., May 16.—The East and West Railroad runs from Cartersville, Ga., to Pell City, Ala., a distance of 117 miles From Pell City to Birmingham the listance is about 50 miles. The con nection from Pell City with the Birming ham belt road is yet to be built. It is not believed here that the Seaboard will build from Atlanta to Cartersville, 50 miles, but will make the connection with the East and West in the vicinity of An niston, Ala., a surveying party supposedly under the direction of the Seaboard rav ing been at work for several weeks on a route between Atlanta and Birmingham. A Philippines Victim. (By the Associated Press.) Cincinnati, May 16.—Clifford 3. Rob erts, of Company I), Third Infantry, committed suicide today at Fort Thomas by taking morphine. His officers and comrades say . the deed was due to af fliction that followed the privation cf hard campaigning in the Philippines. His mother and brother at Savannah, Ga., have been notified. Roberts was formerly a printer and stood high in his regiment. Young Girls Death. Yesterday morning, after an illness of several weeks, Miss Jennie Buffalo, aged eleven, died at the home of her mother on Haywood street. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. W- D. Hubbard at the residence at eleven o’clock this morning. An Infant’s lDeath. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Boyd died last night at nine o’clock. The funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at four o’clock at the residence, 702 East Hargett street, by Rev. G. T. Adams, and the interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. Chemists Meet Today. The sixth annual meeting of the North Carolina section of the American Chemi cal Society will be held in the Agricul tural building this morning at eleven o eloo&. A very elaborate and interest ing programme has been arranged, and a large attendance is expected. All inter csled j|n the promotion of chemical science in any' way are most cordially invited to be present and participate in the meet ",g - RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY MORNING. MAY Y 6, 190Sj. WAGE UMBER DISTURB BUSINESS Excessive Moisture and Low Temperatures RAILWAY EARNINGS GOOD Record Breaking Distribution of Pay in Pittsburg Region. PIG IRON PRODUCTION IS ENORMOUS Evidence