The Weather Today: Unsettled. The News and Observer. VOL. LII. NO. 82. o=®®'!]® soDO RQ®[p-fiDo ©ffltp®Dfionai DDanEIDy IP®fP®iP® 800 UMDd R3®w® ®nod] ©O'tpoouuS’fl®® SENATE VOTES FOR THE PANAMA CANAL Amended Spouner Bill Fassed by 67 to 6, MALLORY FIGHTS DELAY If Title Can’t be Had in a Tear Take Nicaragua Route. AND THIS AMENDMENT IS REJECTED The Spconer Substitute For the Hepburn Nicar agua Canal Bill Adopted by the Senate by Forty-Two to Thirty* Four. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, June 19.—An Isthmian canal, while not yet absolutely assured, is nearer to construction than it ever has been. The Senate today by a major ity of eight votes adopted the Spooner substitute for the Hepburn Nicaragua Canal bill. The vote on the substitute being 42 to 34. The detailed vote fol ia ws: Yeas: Aldrich, Allison, Bard, Bever idge, Burnham, Burrows, Burton, Clark, (Wyo.), Cullom, Deboe, Deitrieh, Dry den, Fairbanks, Foraker, Foster, (Wash.), Frye, Gallinger, Gamble, Hale, Hanna, Hansbrougb, Hoar, Jones, (Ark.), Jones, (Nev.), Kean, . Ivittridge, Dodge, McComas, McCumber, McMillan, Mason, Millard, Platt, (Conn ), Pritch ard, Proctor, Quarles, Scott, Spooner, Teller, Warren, Wellington, Wetmore— forty-two. Nays: Bacon, Bailey, Bate, Berry, Blackburn, Carmack, Clapp, Clark, (Mont ), Clay, Cockrell, Culberson, Dan iel, Duboise, Foster, (La.), Harris, Hawley, Heitfeld, McLaurin, (Miss.), Mallory, Martin, Mitchell, Morgan, Nel son, Patterson, Perkins, Pettus, Platt, (N. Y.), Quay, Simmons, Stewart, Talia ferro, Turner, Vest—thirty-four. The following pairs were announced, the first named in each case being fav orable to Panama and the second against it: Depew with McEnery; Dillingham with Tillman; Dolliver with Money; Kearns with Gibson; McLaurin, (S- C.), with Simon. Elkins and Rawlins were absent and unpaired. After two amendments to the measure had been adopted one providing for a commission to supervise the construction of the canal and the other providing for tlie issuance of bonds to construct the water way, it was passed by a vote of 67 to G, the votes in the negative being cast by Messrs. Bate, (Tenn.); Cockrell, (Mo); Daniel, (Va.); Dubois, (Idaho); Pettus, (Ala.), and Vest, (Mo). It has been evident for several days that the Spooner substitute would com mand the votes of a majority of the Senate. The Panama route was consid ered more desirable by the Senate than the Nicaraguan route. The only ques tion left open is the title to the property and that the President will determine, if the House shall adopt the Senate amendments to the bill. Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, closed to day s debate with an earnest appeal for the adoption of the Nicaragua route. He had been preceded by Mr- Clark, of Mon tana, in support of the Nicaragua route, and Mr. Allison, of lowa, in support of the Spooner proposition. Only minor amendments, except those indicated, were adopted, all others being voted down. Mr. Bacon,