8 The News and Observer FRIDAY, ...... November 21, 1902. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily Going North. Going South. 1:35 a. m. 4:12 a - m -11:05 a. m. 3:55 p. m. 11:35 a. m. 7:27 p. m. Going East. Going West. 6:25 a. m. 12:50 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:5<5 a - m -4:10 p. m. 4:02 p. m. RALEIGH & CAPE FEAR. 7:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. THE WEATHER TO-DAY. Focal forecast for Raleigh and vicinity to S p. m.: Fair, warmer Friday. Local data for Raleigh yesterday: Maximum temperature, 62; minimum temperature, 46; mean temperature, 54; rainfall, 0. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. The city is seeing a fine supply of tur keys for Thanksgiving. Ton cents a pound was the price yesterday. A crazy woman created considerable excitement in Nash Square yesterday. She was finally taken in charge by friends^ Some of the merchants on Fayette ville street were filling up their erst while coal cellars yesterday with wood. fadet Fail C. Harrell, of Bertie, ill with peritonitis at the A. and M. Col lege, was reported slightly better yes terday. Work is being done in cleaning up the Capitol Square. Wagon loads of leaves were hauled off yesterday and many piles \>oro burned. The L. O’R. Branch Camp of Confed erate Veterans meet this afternoon at two o’clock at the mayor’s office in order to attend the funeral of Mr. J. R. Bark ley. , > “Jimmie,” the valuable setter dog of Mr. Perrin Busbee, which disappeared during the State Fair, has been returned to him by express from a town in the State. The Seaboard Atr Line has just issued a splendid little handbook telling about hunting and fishing along their line of road. It is a valuable reference book for hunters and fishers. Mr. L. Pearsall, who has been with the Hicks Drug Company, left yesterday for Pinehurst, where he takes a position in the prescription department at the hotel. He is an able young druggist. The funeral of the late Cora Cotton, colored, mother of Dr. J. H. Love, of the Capital Pharmacy, was held yester day morning, and many friends of ihe deceased were present at Davie Street Presbyterian church. Company B, Raleigh Light Tnfantry. will he inspected by Col. T. H. Bain. In spector General, tonight at eight o'clock sharp Every member of the company is evpected to be at the armory by seven o'clock sharp to make ready for the in spection. PERSONAM. Mr. John C. Lamb, of Williamston. is in the city. , Rev. J. H. Booth, of Elkin, is in the city visiting friends. Mr. John R. Morris, of Goldsboro, is a visitor to Raleigh. Col. A. C. Davis, of Goldsboro, arrived in the city yesterday. Dr. J. H. Harris, of Franklinton, was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. H. Gill went to Durham yester day morning on business. Mr. W. M. Cohen and Mr. J. J. Daniel, of Weldon, are in the city. Mr. J. R. Young returned to the city from Henderson yesterday. Mr. R. L. Prempert arrived in the city yesterday morning from Washington City. Mr. O. K. Holding and Mr. T. E. Hold ing. of Wake Forest, were in the city yesterday. Prof: Wm. Royall, of the Blind Insti tution went to Wake Forest yesterday morning on a visit to his parents. Mr. Andrew Joyner, of Greensboro, one of the livest and brightest newspaper correspondents in the State, is in the city. Mr. C. M. Busbee returned yesterday from Charlotte, where lie attended the wedding of his nephew, Mr. Richard Busbee. Mr. Josephus Daniels, editor of the News and Observer, left yesterday for Monroe to visit the Western North Car olina Conference of the Methodist church. COMEDY-DRAMA. A Popular Company of Popular Prices all Next Week in Raleigh The Grahame-Goodwin Company, which is to appear here all next week at the Academy of Music at popular prices are highly spoken of by the press. The Winston-Salem Journal of the 15th says: Comedy Drama will hold the boards at the Armory Hall for the coming week and heralded as the organization is by flattering notices from previous engage ments should play to the capacity of the house during their stay, and Captain Bessent can be congratulated on his booking. No play will be repeated and no specialty performed twice. The spe cialties are said to be very strong and the following from the Augusta Herald of the 4th inst. speaks for itself: One of the largest houses of the season greeted the initial performance of the Grahame-Goodwin company at the Grand last night. The play, “In Indiana,” gave scope of very excellent work on the part of Ferdinand Grahame, the leading man, and Miss Lillian Dean, the leading wo man. who Were ably seconded by Jack Goodwin and Miss Flora Nelson. The audience was especially apprecia tive of the specialties. Baby Edna, the talented child actress who sings and dances delightfully, was the star of the evening. Other noted specialties were the buck dances by Cliff Austin and the musical sketch by Mr. Grahame and Miss Dean, which were repeatedly encored. For Croup u«e CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. THE WORST FORM. Multitudes sing the praises of Kodol. which is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat, and by transforming their food into pure, rich, blood. Mrs. Cranfill, of Troy, I. T., writes: “For a number of years I was troubled with indigestion in the worst form. Finally I was induced to use Kodol and after four bottles I am entirely cured. —W. 11. King Drug Co. Cities are full of eminent lawyers, but there is still plenty of room in the pre-eminent class. One Cent a Word. NO ADVERTISEMENTS TAKEN FOR LESS THAN K CENTS AN INSERTION. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. SPE CIAL DISCOUNTS ON LONG CON TRACT*. FOR SALE. —ONE CYPHER’S NO. 2, 220 egg Incubator; one Cypher’s, No. 3, 360 egg Incubator; one Cypher's, style A, out-door brooder; one Cypher’s, 4 section, sectional brooder, all in good condition and gully guaran teed. F. G. Battle, Durham, N- C. 11-21-3 t. WANTED AT ONCE—GOOD SOBER, all-round printer for news and job office. Wages $8.50 per week. Steady job. None but good printers need ap ply. D. H. Petree, LaOrange, N. O. REGISTERED PHARMACIST WANTS position at once; single. ‘“Salol,” care News and Observer. 11-19-e. o. d. 4t. FOR SALE.—SOO ACRES OF GOOD tobacco and cotton land, near Garner and Auburn. For terms, etc., apply to B. Banks, Garner, N. C. 11-20-4 t WANTED.—TO RENT OR BUY A seven or eight room house, with mod ern conveniences on North Blount, North Wilmington, or North Halifax street. Apply X., News and Observer. WAN TE D—E N G AGEMENTS BY Prof. Levin’s Orchestra; first-class music. Can be furnished latest and most popular music up-to-date for all occasions; any number of men desired at reasonabie terms. Mr. W. B. W'right is no more connected with my orches tra. This is the only Professional Or chestra in Raleigh. Guaranteed full satisfaction. All engagements will be attended to promptly. Prof. Levin, Leader and Manager. Office and studio 411 W. Hargett St., P. O. Box 247. WANTED—FIRST-CLASS MACHIN ist and two strong boys to learn the moulding business. Address, J. H- Gill’s Foundry and Machine Shops, Raleigh, N. C. 11-15-12 t. $50,000 TO LOAN AT SIX PER CENT, interest on approved collateral se curity. Raleigh Savings Bank. 11-15-ts. i BEFORE YOU DECIDE ON THE present for your friend, see our Fancy Baskets and Boxes, filled with “ROYS TER’S CANDY.” HARRIS’ STEAM DYE WORKS WILL clean and dye your clothing and make new hats of vour old ones. Second hand goods bought and sold. East Hargett street. 13-ts THE VERDICT OF THE CONSUMERS of fine Candy, is that “ROYSTER’S 55” is the best. § 2 « Indigestion, f 1 Pains, I 2 Disagreeable Feeling, | | Sour Stomach, Etc. g * Cured Immediately g § By | I CAPUDINE. | g Sold at all Drugstores. g { C. E. HARTGE, j | ARCHITECT, I f RALEIGH, N. C. * £ Office in Carolina Trust Building. £ 4 >}< «t 4* +t 4 *!* 4* +* mum SPECIALTIES. 54-inch Dress Cloth in black, gray and brown 50c. and brown at 50c. All Wool Waistings In light shades at 29 to 50c. 54-inch Broad-cloth in black and colors at ... SI.OO Monte Carlo Jackets at $7.50 to $15.00 Woolen Shirt Waists at SI.OO to $2.25 Dress Skirts from $2.00 to $7.00 Our stock of Ready-to-Wear Hats; also Dress Hats has been very much replenished recently. I. ROSENTHAL. For LaGrinpeand Influenza use CHENEY’S tXPECTO RANT. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. i’BIDAY MORNING. NOV. 21.1902. Imported Millinery! -- —" Every woman of fashion must have one of our Imported Models or New De signs, manufactured in our own work rooms. There is satisfaction in knowing when you buy here you obtain only the latest and most desirable creations of Fashion, foreign or domestic. All prices at and betweo $3 and S3O. Ready~to Wear Hats. For the Opening Sales of Fine Mid- Winter Millinery we ordered largely of the Ready-to-wear of the highest grades Hats, and they sell in a hurry. New lots and better styles will now be shown at the same low prices— s2.so, $3 50, $5.00 up. Ready=made Coat Suits. The styles we show are the latest, j The material and workmanship of the j best; perfect satisfaction in the fit and j best of all, for the same qualities the j prices are always lower than anywhere else— slo.oo ,$12.50, sls 00, .$18.75, $25.00 up. Cloth and Silk Coats. MONTE CARLO COATS have that dash and smartness found in no other styles. They are the correct wear, and outsell : anything in the Coat line. New arrivals j every week— s7.so, SIO.OO, $12.50, sls 00 up. Dressy Silk Waists. New China Silk Stripes, Plain Taffetas in all colors and black— s 4 00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50. /a - . Our Fail and iCa g TTT • i rt J 1 ff Winter Mock. date line we have ever had. Men’s and youths’ suits, latest A full line of Overcoats for Men, Youth and Children in all styles and colors. The best selected line of Boys’ and Children’s Suffs at lowest prices. Full line of Gents’ Fiirnisliinst Goods, We invite you to call and examine our stock before you J. Rosengarten. 213 Fayetteville St. The j. D. Riggan Co.,| (Incorporated). Special sales. Special goods. Special prices. Special offerings. Specially bought. Specially sold. Special for particular people. Special dolls. Special toys. Special games. Special cliina. Special toilet sets. Special candy. Specially good. Special jardinieres. Special half price, and it will do you , Special good to visit. j The J. D. Kiggan Co’s Place. I Ladies’ Wool Waists. All Wool Flannel Waists—stitched, hemstitched, tucked and hand em broidered, full color line. You'll find just what you want— sl,2s, $1.50, $2.00 up. Separate Skirts. Dross Skirts, dress and walking ! lengths in Oxford Greys, Blue and ! Black Cheviots. Cloth and rough Snow Flake materials— sl.7s, $3.50, $5.00 and $7.50. Kimonas and Sacques. Japanese Silk Kimonas and Dressing Sacques in Silk, plaiu quilted and hand somely embroidered- They are luxurious. $7.50, $15.00 and $20.00. LADIES’ FLANNELETTE WRAP pers in very attractive patterns, Flounce on Skirts, Ruffle over shoulder. Yoke trimmed with plain and fancy braids. Prices SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 up. Infants’ Long Coats. Fine Cashmere, Bedford Cords, em broidered and ribbon trimmed — $1.50, $1.75, $2 00 up Knit Skirts. Cotton, mixed and all wool, Knit Skirts, medium and heavy weights— -60c., 75c., SI.OO, $1.25 up. For Sale. r > For division of the estate of the late Wm. C. Stron ach, I offer for sale beau tiful building lots situated in the northern part of the city; also a farm in high state of cultivation and well stocked, situated about two miles from Ral eigh; also property in east Raleigh. For information apply at YV. C. Stronach’s Sons, Fayetteville street. Alexander Stronach, Executor. I Raleigh, N. C. Every Day Has Its Own Attractions A. B. STRONACH CO. ♦♦ ♦♦ Thanksgiving will soon be here. If thinking of something extra nice for the day, be sure to see these. ! Fine Satin Finish Table Linens with Napkins to match. In Ivy Leaf, Chrys- V antherr.ums, Crocus, Pansy, Buttercups, Fleur de Lis. Rose, Scroll, Dajjsy, Wild Rose, Polka Dot Table Linens, 50c to $1.50 yd. Napkins to match, 85c to $4.00 doz. NEW EXTRA VALUE CURTAINS. French Cottage Muslin Curtains $1.25 to $2.25. English Bobbinet Curtains $1.35 to $4.25. EXTRA VALUE BLANKET OFFERING. Fine all Wool (gray only) $4.00 Blanket for $2.75. Fine ali Wool (gray only) $5.00 Blanket for $3.25. o * ❖ ‘l* *x- ** &- *** o GOOD THINGS FOR YOU | $21.50 FOR $16.50 I ♦J. This is the story of our offering in Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ribbons, Neclt ❖ CLOTH SUITS, all colors. * wear, Corsets, Jewelry, Knit Un ,»« ♦♦♦ derwear. Hosiery, Etc. O* **o Fayetteville and Wilmington Sts. A. B. Stronach Co. Boylan, Pearce I Co. *♦♦♦ — THANKSGIVING SALE Os Linens, Napkins, Towels and Crash, at Prices You’ll Be Glad to Pay. Our Annual Sale ot Thanksgiving Linens begins today. The event will be of extraordinary interest to hotel keepers, boarding-house keepers, restaurant men and linen users in general. It affords a rare chance to replenish the linen clos et at a considerable saving. The goods are all new, fresh weaves, and every yard is guananteed absolutely perfect. To make this event doubly interesting, we will hem all linens bought from us during this sale absolutely free of charge. No matter whether you buy Bc. crash, 25c, Tuikey Red, or $1.50 Damask, there’ll be no charge for hemming, and the work will be done in a faultless manner by clever operators. You can clearly see the advantage to be gained by buying lib erally. You are assured of money saving on what you buy, and relieved ol the worry and trouble of hemming, Special val ues on Table Linens, Napkins, Doylies, Tray Covers, Crash, Towels, Etc. Call early. BOYLAN. PEARCE ft CO. rnGhf “ 1 And you feel right when your work is turned out j here. Our customres will tell you our work is pretty j and the service is quick. Telephone for our wagon to call. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, f J. K. MARSHALL, Proprietor. INTERSTATE 87. BELL 1331. KALEICH 87. j| J. H. KING, President. F. J. HOLDER. Vice-President. RALEIGH, N. C. A personal investigation will convince that KTNCPS is ahsohitelv the best equipped, and the most successful college of BUXINES- - *. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP and ENGLISH in North Carolina, regardless of any claim any competitor may make. We qualify and place more students into positions than any other school in this State- Strong financial hacking- Reference, any leading business concern in lvaleigh College Journal and Special Offer free. No vacation. En;er anytime -14, PUZZLED. ' J zT * Can’t you quite make up your || mind about that new wall paper? H U-C Can’t tell just what patterns and shades would blend most harmon- || iVVrrJ!l/fi'il j iously in the color-scheme of the M / iUiLcf'f various rooms. Can’t decide on the j f jl HiJpf amount you’d care to spend for new ; | ■Josyffl''- Your perplexities will be smoothed Yr"v out ’ y° ur doubts will vanish, if you I 7’/ 'HU come here. Your selection will be fa WAm \ .-aWT \l\ \\\ an easy matter, if you choose from | fi| « // T|j \\V \\\ our new and up-to-date stock of Nj I U f l) kiyKY* choicest paperings. £ TfMwa. And you won't about the | cost either. ‘cf Leave it to us, we’ll satisfy your « % decorating needs, and at least ex- | /? pense. . k g WEATHERS & UTLEY, « ; Interior Decoraters, RalelahN. C. |s