2 ANOTHER EFFORT FOR SETTLEMENT Mine Lords and Men Seek to Get Together. WEARIED BY THE DELAY A Proposition by Which the Diff fences Be tween Th m May b 3 Adjjstcd Ou> side of the Strike Commission M jets With Favor, (By the Associated Press.) Scranton, Pa., Nov. 21.—The mine work ers, through their representatives, have agreed with the mine owners to attempt to adjust the differences existing be tween them outside the Anthracite Coal Commission. The proposition as made on a compromise basis, and nego tiations, it is expected, will be at once entered upon, with a reasonable hone of settlement with the aid of the arbitra tors. The rough proposition, which is to form the basis of negotiations, is a ton per cent mrYc 4 a9p'4n wages, a nine-hour day, sind trade agreements between the miners and the company by whom they are em ployed. The only one of the four de mands not touched upon is that of the weighing of coal by the legal ton. While both sides haxc expressed the willingness to settle their differences among themselves, it is not to be con strued that it carries with it the ac ceptance of the terms proposed. They are mentioned only as a basis, it is understood from which a settlement is to be effected. It is possible that the foundation already laid can be wrecked by either party holding out too strongly against some question and thus leave ihc whole matter in the hands of the commissioners, who, in the meantime, will act as a sort of a board of con ciliation, rather than as a board of arbi tration. Few persons were aware that an at tempt would be made at an outside set tlement until it was practically intimated by Judge Gray, the chairman of the com mission, who read a carefully prepared announcement from the "beomh,” move, one of the most important in the whole history of the coal strike, created a mild sensation when it became known. The surprise was all the greater when it will be remembered that numerous per sons from the President of the United States down and that many organizations from the National Civic Federation to the small boards of trade of the mining towns failed to bring the two parties to gether. It is said it was all brought about by both sides seeing that the proceedings before the commission would be interminable, and that in the inter mingling of the lawyers for both sides the outside agreement proposition was broached and taken up. It cannot be officially stated which par ty made the proposition first. The at torneys for both sides are averse to talk ing. but those who were inclined to say something differ in their statements. One attorney for one of fche railroads said it fame from the miners' side, while one lawyer from the miners said it came from the operators. Another representative of the operators said it was a “spontan eous” proposition. It is generally be lieved. however, that the operators were the first to make the proposition. Wayne MaeVeagh, who carried on such a bril liant cross-examination of President Mitchell, is given credit for bringing .shout the present situation. He went to New York after he finished with Mr. Mitchell and had a conference with cer tain persons connected with the*coal in dustry. among it is reported, J. Piorpont Morgan. He was in New York today in connection with the matter. The commissioners were informed of the new turn of affairs last night, and nrouieseed in the proposed arrangement. The subject did not directly come up in ihe public hearing today-and the ad journment proposition was made osten sibly to permit both sides to complete] th< ir work of preparing documentary evidence. Clarence S. Darrow. of Chi cago, one of Mr. Mitchell’s attorneys, brought the matter out when, near the close of todavs session, he suggested that the miners be given a little* more tim*> to prepare their evidnee. The miners wanted to present the due bills or wage statements of thousands of miners run ning back for several years, and tjiey found that the task of presenting them in a proper manner was a stupendous one. They also wanted carefully ’o examine the company books, and this, too, would take considerable time. While Mr. Darrow was saying this tile commissioners were all attentive, ami no one outside of them and a few representatives on each side of the case knew what was coming. Judge Gray, in reply to Mr. Darrow. said that the com mission would be very glad to co-operate in bringing about the accomplishment of that end. "We have been aware for some time.” lie said “that while the testimony that has been adduced has been very interesting, and T will not say that it has not been of value, still it has not yet borne directly upon the points at issue between the parties to this con troversy." After delivering this, the chairman read the announcement which had been John Wanamaker’s chef %/F says of Presto 13 very poor!, most excellent. It is much quicker than any other method too. It is the best I have ever tried. The biscuits arc delicious. ||| sBH Jenkintown, Pa. October 18th, 1902. (Signed) Ernest Zuberano, with John Wanatnak6f, fifil The H-O { Oatmeal t Company , What does vour cook say? JL JL V V V Vr prepared by the commission in advance- It was as follows: “According to the suggestion justs made by counsel that an interval of time be taken for the (preparation of the docu mentary evidence and for a possible | agreement as to certain facts and figures which would forward the work of the commission, the commission desires to express the hope that an effort will ba made by the parties to cotne to an agree merit upon nearly all. if not all, the mat ters now on controversy, and that they will adopt the suggestion herctofor j made by the commission to counsel on both sides, that we aid them in such an effort by our conciliatory offices. It. seems to us that many of the conditions complained of and which have been ths subject and study of our examination might be better remedied by the partii s to the controversy approaching the sub j ject in the proper spirit and with the purpose of fairly adjusting them. We hope, gentlemen, that the internal of time to be granted may be availed of with this end in view. Os course, in thej meantime, we shall proceed with the work before us as we have begun it." After this announcement, Everett A\ar-J ren, of counsel for the Pennsylvania Coal Company and the Hillside Coal and Iron Company, stated the difficulty of his company in being able to present their pay rools and other evidence in a brief time, and approved of an adjournment of a week or ten days. This was all agreed to and in order to give all parties an op portunity to confer on the new state of affairs an adjournment was taken at 12:45 until tomorrow morning. It is probable the suggestion for a week or ten days’ adjournment will be adopted. During the entire proceedings the mat ter of a settlement was not spoken of except in the commission’s announce ment. It was learned tonight by the corre spondent of the Associated Press that all the large companies have not yet as sented to the proposed outside agreement, but that in all probability they will con sent and continue to work as a unit as they did during the strike. The Phila delphia and Reading Coal and Iron Com pany, one of the corporations, it is under stood, has not yet been heard from on the matter. Those which are said to he in the agreement scheme are the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western, the Lehigh Valley, the Delaware and Hudson, and the Erie Company, which controls the Pennsylvania Coal Company and the Hillside Coal and Iron Company. The attorneys for some of the other com panies arc hourly expecting to hear from *he head officials of the corporations (hey represent. A TREATY OF FE&CE- Signttl Sctwepn, Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Forces. v. (By the Associated Press.) Panama, Nov. 21. —Consul-General Gud ger landed from the Wisconsin at four o'clock this afternoon, bringing the news that a treaty of peace has been signed this afternoon Ly the revolutionary Gen eral Herrera and the government com missioners. Rear-Admiral ( asey wiii sail tomorrow. Col Ochiltree Very 111. (By the Associated Press.) Hot Springs, Va.; Nay.. 21. Colonel Thomas Ochiltree is criticall.W'-AU„,} icr c and is suffering repeated attacks of trouble. There is no hope for bis re covery and news of his death would come as no surprise to those watching his ease here. Today he is not quite so well a§ yesterday. He was sent here a fort night ago by Dr. L. R. Morris, of New York, in the hope that the change would be beneficial, bui he came too late. The heart trouble is a result of pneumonia contracted a year ago. During Polonel Ochiltree’s quiet moments he talks hope fully of spending the winter in Bermuda. He i kept up entirely on heart stimu lants. He has with him only a man servant and a trained nurse. As one of his acquaintances remarked: “It is strange and sad that a man who has friends nil over the world should be dying here practically alone." Rocsweit in WashiDgton. (Hy the Associated Press.) Washington, D- <’., Nov. 21. —President Roosevelt arrived here at 8 o’clock this morning over the Southern Railroad. A little crowd was at the station to we'-, comp his return. As he-left the train he shook hands with the engineer and fireman and thanked them for the safe run they had made. The President and Secretary Cortelyou were driven direct to the White House*. The Ryder Wagon Works. (By the Associated Press.) Dover, Del. Nov. 21.—A certificate of incorporation was filed here today for the Ryder Wagon Works (incorporated) of Charlotte. N. capital. SIOO,OOO. Therp will be a Mormon Conference at the Metropolitan Hall tomorrow and Monday. The times of meeting each day will be 10 a. m., 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. The services will be conducted by E. H. Nye, President of the Southern States Mission. He will be assisted by twen ty other Elders. Seats will be free. Several of ihe elders are already here, arid more are expected today. Messrs. Janies Royall and E. J. Sher wood, who are to represent Wake For • st, in the debate on Thanksgiving night with Richmond College, were in the city] yesterday. j THE NEWS AM) OBSERVER, SATURDAY MORNING. NOV. 22. 1902. Character in the Gait Yes, Phillips Brooks said he could tell an insured man by his step, and when a man is insured amply in The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, he says by his bearing: “I am insured in the strongest company, and I do not worry about the future of my family or my business if I should die.” The Assets of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York exceed those of any other life insurance company in existence. They are over $35 2 ,000,000 LIABILITIES Ll.-.l'ility for Policy Reserves, etc. $289,052,380 84 Liability for Contingent Guar. Fund 60,706,582 83 Liability for Authorized Dividends 2,480,000 OO $352,838,971137 It has paid Policy-holders over $5 6 9 ,000,000 which is more thaii.any other life insurance company in the world has disbursed. Write to-day for “Where Shall I Insure?" The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York , Richard A. McCurdy, Preaident. HARRIS R. WILCOX. Manager, Char lotte, N, C. H. E BIGGS, Dist. Supt., Raleigh, N. C. H. & B. Beer’s Market Letter. (Special to the News and Observer.') New Orleans, La., Nov. 21.—Early Liverpool advices were not encouraging, consekucntly our market opened 5 to <* points lower, subsequently improved 5 to 7 points on the later steadiness in Liverpool, which brought in fresh buy ing predicated on the continuance of rains in northern Texas. After this de mand was filled the restricted demand for spots and the bearish weekly statis tics occasioned a break of 7 points from the top, making the net Joss 5 to 6 points on Ike day. Rains were general in the western port of the belt, while cloudy weather prevailed over the east. ihe temperature is above 60 degrees over 'lie western section and is generally about 50 in the eastern. Showers arc predicted to occur over the greater portion of this district tonight or Saturday, and the temperature w'!l tail over the northern portion, otherwise it will remain station ary. Bhp heavy rains prevalent in Texas for the last week or ten days have re tarded picking and made roads impns- B^tiI p therefore it is anticipated that the mot s**nt from that State during the next fiftcfcnnLays will be much lighter than lasi brisk demand for «pots, which existed for a week, seems to be about Exporters claim that spinners refuse to follow the ad vance and will only buy on a declining market, as they believe the 'crop is large. The premium ruling in deliveries over spots and the apathy shown spin ners whenever values are advanced pre cludes any marked enhancement. Large purchases have been made on the ex pectation of a small bureau estimate on December 3rd. We again suggest work uwi,,on conservative lines, the receipts. the demand for spots will continue toSwwj^rn. H. & B. BEER. A BIG FIRE NEAR SOltFftLK The Tunis Lumber Company Damaged to the Extent of $50,000, (By the Associated Press.) Norfolk, Ya., Nov. 21.—Fire broke out about 6:15 o’clock this evening in the fan room of the immense Tunis Lumber Company's kiln system on the Southern branch of the Elizabeth River, about three miles from Norfolk, and before it could be gotten under control, one mil lion feet of lumber, the entire kiln sys tem and much valuable machinery, had been destroyed by the flames. A telephone alarm was sent to the fire department' of Berkley as soon as the blaze was discovered, and an engine company responded. The Norfolk De partment was asked for aid and sent over an engine and hose and several fire tugs assisted from the wafer front. For a time it looked as though the large Barnes and Greeuleaf Johnson lum ber mills and kilns would catch from the flying embers, for these two plants are onlv across a small creek from the Tunis plant, that is now leased by the Surry Lumber Company. A very conservative estimate of the loss is $50,000, with insurance on the buildings and stock. It inay reach a higher figure. At 0 o’clock the fire is under control. The origin is unknown. James B. Baker Dead. (By the Associated Press.) Charlottesville, Va., Nov. 21.—-James if Baker, secretary of the faculty of the University of Virginia for twenty years, died this morning, aged 63 years. \V ANTE D.—G EXER AL M BRC A NTILE business man; prefer single: state ii what lines experienced and where ob tained; age, energy, habits, ability of business turn, etc. How long will ac cept situation; salary expected and ref erence. Address General Merchant, Box 35, Louisburg, N. C. CARRIE OHWIR PATH Take off Such Disgraceful Clothes She Screams to the Vanderbilts. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 20.—Mrs. Carrie Na tion created a sensation at the horse show today. She harangued the great gathering on the evils of over-dress, at tempted to break a bottle of champagne, and finally was ejected from the building by the police. Mrs. Nation entered the Garden quietly and took a seat in the tier. She had been there only a few minutes when her gaze rested on the box where some mem bers of the Vanderbilt family were sit ting. She studied her programme and then descended to the promenade. Sta tioning herself in front of the Vanderbilt box, she delivered a tirade on over-dress. In the box were seated Mrs. Alfred G. Vanderbilt, Reginald Vanderbilt, and Miss Nielson. Alfred G. Vanderbilt was leaning against the rail of the prome nade and did not see Mrs. Nation ap proach. “You ought to be ashamed of your selves," the woman screamed at them. ••You ought to be ashamed to wear such disgraceful clothes. Take them off, take them off at once, and attire yourselves more modestly.’’ Alfred G. Vanderbilt hastily left his position at the rail and came over to where Mrs. Nation was standing wiping her forehead with a handkerchief. He whispered something in her ear and pushed her away. The outburst of the woman attracted a great crowd of peo ple and the occupants of the Vanderbilt box were evidently very much embarrass ed. Mrs. Nation then turned her atten tion to other boxes. Finally she started for the case, where she bore down on a party of men who were drinking wine, Mrs. Nation seized the bottle and glaring at the men shouted: “Young men, don’t drink such filthy stuff. You are going straight to hell Where is the man who sells this stuff? Show him to me and I will tell him what I think of him.’’ Mrs. Nation’s request was speedily granted by the sudden appearance of M. Villepigue, the caterer at the Garden. “Get out of this horrible business." slit shouted at him. “You are also going to hell and ruining the bodies and soult of men. You are dragging them down with you. Shame on you! Shame on you! 1 The Frenchman, however, ran to Mrs Nation and rescued the bottle which sh* Dad repeatedly brandished in the air to emphasize her remarks. Then he pushed her out of the loor. Here the police took hold of the Kansas reformer and forced her out of the building. TO PREVENT COMPETITION Northern Secaritios Director Admits the Com pany was Organized for this Purp:so. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 20.—John S. Kennedy, a director of the Northern Securities Cohfpany, gave testimony at the hearing of the ca?£ of Minnesota against the company today. -J.hjring the recess after Mr. Kennedy had testified*..Marcus D. Minin, counsel for the State of SlTni’rcstrta,- said: “Mr. Kennedy practically admitted that the Northern Securities Company was organized for the express purpose of combining the parallel railroads to pre vent competition. That i 3 all we charge the company with and that is what the laws of Minnesota say is illegal.’’ v Mr. Kennedy was asked by Mr. Munn: '"'Wasn't it understood that the hold ing company was to get enough stock of each of the railway companies to make sure that there would n< » r com bination against the Great Northern?*’ asked Mr. Munn. “That’s was I understood." Did you understand that the stock holders of the holding company would obtain enough to control the policies of both companies?’’ asked Mr. Munn. “I understand,” Mr. Kennedy replied, “that the Northern Securities stockhold ers would own enough stock in the rail way companies to elect the officers and directors of both railroads.” KEEP UP WITH THE PROCESSION By using S' I *. JACOBS OIL for Rh'”i m.'lism. Neuralgia. Sciatica. Lameness, Lumbago. Gout, Stiffness of the Mus cles, Soreness, ar.d eii aches ar.d pains. St Jacobs Oil Has cured hundreds: its effect is in stantaneous and marvelous; it pene trates to the very foundation of pain and removes the cause. Price, 25 els. rad 50 cts. ACTS LIKE MAGIC! Conquers Pain M ® Hair Vigor jj to jrj? jr your gray hair shows you |S should use it unless you « A like to look old I Lowell Mass i< ’•S? »■' i' AGAINST APPOINTMENT OF PRITCHARD AS JUDGE. Prominent Negroes in the North and West Said to be Circulating a Petition---Young Tar Heel's Success. (Special to the Nows and Observer.) Washlnton, D. C., Nov. 20. —A North Carolina colored official here asserts that prominent negroes of the North and West are now circulating a petition protesting against the appointment of Senator Pritchard as United States cir cuit judge. Roscoe C. Mitchell, a well known young newspaper man of North Caro lina, has accepted a position on the staff of the Washington Post. Robert D. Graham, son of the late Governor Graham, and a prominent law yer of this city, has just completed a history of the Alamance Regulators and the Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde pendence. The book will be a volume of about four hundred pages, and will be published during the early part of the coming year. One Killed and Eleven Injured. (By the Associated Press.) Sherman, Texas, Nov. 20. —One man was killed outiight and eleven were injured this afternoon at Langley’s Spur,a siding on the 'Frisco road, a few miles from ibis city, by the explosion of a large quantity of blasting powder and dyna mite in a magazine of the ’Frisco Com pany. The magazine was struck by light ning, the shock setting off the powder. The explosion wrecked a workmen's camp <‘lose by, where one hundred and fifty men were quartered. One man was killed and eleven injured by falling tim bers from buildings wrecked by the shock of the explosion. Phosphate Plant Burned (By the Associated Press.) F.artow, Fla.. Nov. 20.—The Land Pebble phosphate plant, the oldest phos phate works in Polk county, was burned this afternoon. The fire is supposed to have caught from hot rocks in the bin. The loss and insurance carried is un known. The plant was established twelve years ago, costing nearly a quar ter million of dollars. It. G. Rhctt, of Charleston. S. C., is president and treasurer; L. W. Haskell, of Savannah, is selling agent, and B- H. Hey wood, of Atlanta, is goneial man ager. Paul Leicester Ford’s Will. Bv the Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 20.—Paul Leicester Ford, the author, who was killed last j May by his brother? Malcolm, left sonal property wort!**:4,6*^ >f daughter, born a month after the mur- j tier’will get $137,048. Under the writer’s j will his wife, Mrs. Grace Kidder Ford, j was to receive the major portion of the estate, but the birth of the posthumous child made the will invalid as it stood. Martial Law Repealed. (By the Associated Press.) Pretoria, Nov. 20.—Martial law’ was today repealed throughout the new col onies. The proclamation, however, re serves the right to re-impose military rule in case of necessity, provides for the expulsion of every one considered danger ous to the peace of the country, and authorizes the arrest without a warrant of any one suspected of sedition. Jusserand at Paris. (By the Associated Press.) Paris, Nov. 20. —Ambassador Jusserand arrived here yesterday from C openhagen on his first visit to Paris since his ap pointment to the post. He comes now to confer with Foreign Min ! ister Delcasse in order to receive in ! structions and to arrange for the de parture of himself and family for Wash ington, where he expects to arrive early in the new year. Mr J. A. Long, Jr., 111. (Special to News and Observer.) Roxboro, N. C., Nov. 20. —Mr. J. A. Long, Jr., has returned from Trinity Col lege and is critically ill. He was brought home by Dr. Manning, of Durham, and while his condition is serious the friends of the family hope for the best. "Wreck on S A L. A freight wreck between Washington and Richmond kept the S. A. L. fast train, due here at 4:15 yesterday morn ing, from reaching here till 10:40. The passengers! reported that the freight w reck was a bad one, and that forty cars were totally demolished on the main line between Washington and Rich mond on the Richmond. Fredericksburg and Potomac road, which is used by the Seaboard Air Line. The train which was } late here had to run over the Chesapeake ! and Ohio road, several miles out of the I way to get into Richmond, which caused the delay. BEDRAGGLED STILL HUNTERS. A Still Captured by Federal Deputies After a Very Sharp Fight. Three revenue officers came in late Wednesday night, and had a story of troubles in Franklin county, eight miles from Youngsville. These were Starkey Hare, J. J. Perkins and Deputy Samuels, Pilot Mountain. They were after illicit distillers, and sighting smoke on Wednesday they crept through the undergrowth and forest close enough to find a crowd of a dozen or fifteen negroes gathered about a roaring log fire playing cards and drinking. They tried to surround the crowd, when the men scattered in every direction. Starkey Hare seized a negro who came his way. There was a struggle and both fell into a creek, but Haro held on to his man. and each officer bad a prisoner. The still was found. It was about thirty yards front the capture, and 500 gallons of beer was destroyed. While the officers were tackling this band of card playing negroes the real moon shiners got away with the most valuable parts of the still. No evidence could be secured to show that the three negro prisoners caught were operating the still so they had to be discharged. The officers were bedraggled, but they had made a good fight. SENSATIONAL ELOPEMENT A Married Man and a Married Woman of Pam lico County Concerned- The New Bern Journal tells of a sen sational olopment, in which a married man and a married woman belonging to well known families at Alliance, in Pamlico county, are believed to have eloped and gone to New York together. The Journal says: “They left their homes Tuesday night and came to New Bern, riding part ot the way and walking the rest. Thfo reached this city early Wednesday turn ing, the woman going to a iaslmling house, while the man buskjfi himself making arrangements for further flight. They engaged a double rig to take them jto Core Creek Wednesday afternoon, | from whence they took the northbound I train, starting for New York, where the mail has relatives. These people leave families behind them, each having sev eral children. The wife and husband who are deserted are brother and sister.” BfFIISIS’ SILENDID WORK. A Forward Movement in Eveiy Work Except on State Missions. • The last of the Baptist Associations met this week in Robeson county, at Lumbcrton, and the result of these as sociation meetings e’’” 11 Jj'_ J Htto’i irTTitn" 4 -— State convention, which meets j at Durham on the tenth of December. I Rev. Livingston Johnston, the corre sponding secretary of the State Board, said yesterday that all the associations had made splendid reports and that the outlook was undoubtedly brighter than in any previous year. “It is the great est year’s work in the history of the convention,” said he. “The increase is in the educational fund in foreign and in Home Missions. In State Missions it is about the same as last year, and it will take a strong pull to bring the depart ment out of debt.” PULLEN PARK SPRISG The City Officials Should Inyestigite its Con dition at Once- Inquiry yesterday of the city officials brought the reply that no steps had been taken to investigate the reported bad condition of the spring at Pullen Park, from which the cadets at the A. and M. College had been forbidden to drink. If the spring is in bad condition, and is contaminated it should be closed. It is easy to have the wafers analyzed. The experiment station will do this without cost. If there is nothing the matter with the water it should be stated- The cadets are forbidden to drink of" the spring water. The authorities of tin. A. and M. College think *it unhealthy. The Pullen Park officials should take some action, for the matter has been called to their attention. THE DAY NUISERY. i It Opens Tc-day on Salisbury Street and Will do Much Good. The day nursery opens today and Mrs. W. H. Williamson is to be congratulated upon the realization of her project for the aid of the working mothers of this city. A trained nurse is in charge and the Nursery will be open to visitors this afternoon from three to six o’clock. It is admirably situated on Salisbury street, just beyond the residence of Mr. John < ’. Drewry. For the first week no charge will be made to mothers whose children are cared for. After that the charge is five cents a day. It is a noble work which Mrs. Wil liamson has inaugurated and it deserved the commendation and aid of all-

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