8 The News and Observer SATURDAY, .... November 22, 1902. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily Going North. Going South. 1:35 a. m. 4:12 a. m. 11:05 a. m. 3:55 p. m. 11:35 a. m. 7:27 p. m. Going East. Going West. 5:25 a. m. 12:50 a. ni. 10:30 a. in. 8:56 a. in. 4:10 p. m. 4:02 p. m. RALEIGH & CAPE HEAR. 7:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. THE WEATHER TO-DAY. Local forecast for Raleigh and vicinity to 8 p. xr..: Fair Saturday, probably with clearing aky. Local data for Raleigh yesterday: Maximum temperature, 62; minimum temperature, 53; mean temperature, 58, rainfall, 0. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. Uishop Cheshire will conduct services at Trinity Episcopal church in Mt. Airy on Sunday. The condition, of Cadet C. C. Harrell, sick at the A. and M. College, shows very little change. Julius Bakor, the white man who was knocked from the track by the Southern Railway train Thursday afternoon is get ting on well at Rex Hospital. The Agricultural Department is out of coal and is minus fires. Only a liew tons are on hand to get up steam in the Capitol and in the Supreme Cour.t build ing- - . . . > * State Chemist, B. W. Kilgore, went to Smithfield Yesterday to join Commission er Patterson. Prof. Massey and Dr. But x ler at the meeting of the Farmers’ In stitute. j Rev. Dr. I. McK. Pittenger returned yesterday from Atlanta and other points South, where he went to inspect marble and granite for the new building for the Church of the Good Shepherd. ‘ The King : s Daughters, assisted by Rev. R. S. Stephenson, city missionary, have been doing some work among fallen wo men here, and five of these women have been sent North to a reformatory. * "i" The North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society will meet here today at 11 o'clock in the State Chemist’s office. All persons interested are invited. Nine papers will be read. The State has this year received $4,500 from the inheritance tax. The largest amount paid in this county from that source was on the estate of Mrs. A . B. Swepson. The license tax on railroad? brought in $14,000. Mr. 11. J. Goodwin, who lives six miles from Raleigh on rural free deliv ery route No. 4, has sent the office a big turnip, 25’A inches around, weighing 7*2 pounds. Mr. Goodwin is a splendid farmer ami one of the best citizens of the county. PERSON AES. Mr. J. T. Makepeace, of Jonesboro, is in the city. Mr. D. R. Julian, of Salisbury, was here yesterday. Mr. D. It. Hoover, of Concord, was here yesterday. Mr. E. J- Parker returned yesterday from Asheville. Mr. A. C. Dover, of Charlotte, was in Raleigh yesterday. Mr. E. C. Boomer, of Morehead City, is a visitor to Raleigh. Mr. M. J. Filiman, of Concord, was a visitor to Raleigh yesterday. Senator F. M. Simmons returned to the city yesterday from New Bern. District Attorney Harry Skinner went to Greenville yesterday morning. General James D. Glenn, of Greens boro, was hero on business yesterday. Judge C. M. Cook left for his home in Louisburg yesterday after a visit to the city. Mr. W. C Brewer left for his home in Wake Forest yesterday morning, after a short, visit. Mr. R. N. Haekett, of Wilkesboro, who has been in the city on business, left yesterday. Mr. Irwin T. Jones was reported better yesterday, although his fever has not entirely disappeared. Mr. Carey J. Hunter left yesterday morning for Dtirham and points in the western part of the State. Judge Thomas R. Purnell has return ed from Richmond, where he has been attending the Circuit Court of Appeals. Messrs. W. P. Robinson and B. B. Fer rell, of. Wakefield, returned yesterday morning from a visit to Washington, D. C, Mr. A. R. Thorpe, of Rocky Mount, is a visitor to the city, having returned there from the Wyche-Jordan wedding at Henderson. Mr. A. Roscower. of the Goldsboro Headlight, tvas here yesterday on his way home from Henderson, where he at tended the Wyche-Jordan marriage. Corporation Commissioner S. L. Rogers left yesterday for Rutherfordton on official business, looking over Sea board Air Line improvements along the line of the road. NEW SEABOARD SCHEDULE. This 0308 Into Effect With Few Changes on Sunday- Notice was issued yesterday of changes of schedule to go into effect on the Sea board Air Line here next Sunday. The most important changes are that the southbound instead of reaching here at 7:24 p. m., will come at 6:55 p. m. and the northbound mail arriving at 11 will come at 11:10. There is but a slight, change in the schedule. The schedule after Sunday will be as follows: NORTHBOUND. Arrive. Leave. No. 34 1:30 a. m. 1:35 a.m. No. 38 11:10 a.m. 11:15 a.m. No. 66 11:45a.m. 11:50a.m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 31 410a. m. 4:15 a.m. No. 41 3:40 p.m. 3:45 p.m. No. 27 6:55 p.m. 6:58 p. in. RALEIGH POST-OFFICE. Its Record Shows it Stands Second in Money Made. The Auditor's report for the postoffice department for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 102, is out. It shows four first class postoffices in North Carolina. The business of these four offices was as fol lows: * x » <3? O W a: [j. of O 3 „ jj & * 8 * 5 ® a c v y< Charlotte $59,882 87,000 $ 8,959 $39,937 Wins’n-Sal’m . 51,308 8,101 10,130 27,879 Wilmington .. 50,269 9,090 8,874 25.478 Raleigh 46,125 7,077 6,356 28,638 The Charlotte office makes the best showing. The Raleigh office took in less than the’ other three, yet made more money for the government than either V.ilmington or Winston-Salem. Greens boro and Asheville both took in over $36,000 and will probably be first class of fices in another year. Pus Cent a Word. NO ADVERTISEMENTS TAKEN FOR LESS THAN K CENTS AN INSERTION. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. SPE CIAL DISCOUNTS ON LONG CON TRACTS. PATENTS—PROTECT YOUR IDEAS. No allowance, no fee. Consultation free. Established 1864. Milo B. Stev ens & Co.. 817 14th street, Washington, D. C. WANTED—RELIABLE PERSON IN each district to manage business for old house. Salary $lB weekly. Ex penses advanced. Permanent position. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Man ager, 342 Caxton Buldg., Chicago, t 11-9-Bt-sat and sun. FOR SALE.—ONE CYPHER S NO. 2, 220 egg Incubator; one Cypher’s, No. 3, 360 egg Incubator; one Cypher’s, style A, out-door brooder; one Cypher’s, 4 section, sectional brooder, all in good condition and gully guaran teed. F. G. Battle. Durham, N- C. 11-21-3 t. FOR SALE.—SOO ACRES OF GOOD tobacco and cotton land, near Garner and Auburn, For terms, etc., apply to B. Banks, Garner, N. C. 11-20-4 t WANTED.—TO RENT OR BUY A seven or eight room house, with mod ern conveniences on North Blount, North Wilmington, or North Halifax street. Apply X., News and Observer. WAN TE D—E N G AGEMENTS BY Prof. Levin’s Orchestra; first-class music. Can be furnished latest and most popular music up-to-date for all occasions; any number of men desired at reasonable terms. Mr. W. B. Wright is no more connected with iny orches tra. This is the only Professional Or chestra in Raleigh. Guaranteed full satisfaction. All engagements will be attended to promptly. Prof. Levin, Leader and Manager. Office and studio 411 W. Hargett St., P. O. Box 347. WANTED—FIRST-CLASS MACHIN ist and two strong boys to learn the moulding business. Address, J. IP Gill’s Foundry and Machine Lhops, Raleigh, N. C. 11-15-12 t. $50,000 TO LOAN AT SIX PER CENT, interest on approved collateral se curity. Raleigh Savings Bank. 11-15-ts. BEFORE YOU DECIDE ON THE present for your friend, see our Fancy Baskets and Boxes, filled with "ROYS TER’S CANDY.” HARRIS’ STEAM DYE WORKS WILL clean and dye your clothing and make new hats of vour old ones. Second hand goods bought and sold. East Hargett street. 13-ts THE VERDICT OF THE CONSUMERS of fine Candy, Is that "ROYSTER’S 55” is the best. ACADEMY OF MUSIC WEEK COMMENCING Monday Night, November 24. THE Grahame-Goodwin Comedy Co. The representative popular price or ganization of the South. 10c. 20c. and 30c. Change of play each night. 6 Big Vaudeville Acts-—6 A fancy show without the fancy price. MONDAY NIGHT. A SILENT PARTNER. Ladies free Monday night only, pro vided each is accompanied by one paid 30 cent ticket, and same reserved be fore 6 p. m. after opening day at usual place. Reserved scat sale opens Satur day morning at Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co. Indigestion, Pains, Disagreeable Feeling, Sour Stomach, Etc. Cured Immediately By CAPUDINE. Sold at all Drugstores. For Croup use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SATtKDAV MORNING. NOV. 22. 1902. Imported Millinery! — Every woman of fashion must have one of our Imported Models or New De signs, manufactured in our own work rooms. There is satisfaction in knowing when you buy here you obtain only the latest and most desirable creations of Fashion, foreign or domestic. All prices at and betweo $3 and S3O. Ready=to-Wear Hats. For the Opening Sales of Fine Mid- Winter Millinery we ordered largely of the Ready-to-wear of the highest grades Hats, and they sell in a hurry. New" lots and better styles will now be shown at the same low prices— s2.so. $3 50, $5.00 up. Ready-made Coat Suits. The styles we show are the latest. The material and workmanship of the best; perfect satisfaction in the fit and best of all, for the same qualities jthe prices are always lower than anywhere else — SIO.OO ,$12.50, $15.00, i 518.75, $25.00 up. Cloth and Silk Coats. MONTE CARLO COATS have that dash and smartness found in no other styles. They are the correct wear, and outsell anything in the Coat line. New arrivals every week — $7.50, SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00 up. Dressy Silk Waists. New r China Silk Stripes, Plain Taffetas in all colors and black — $4 00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50. f ; . Our Fail and * TTT • J Ft J 1 Winter Stock. The best and most up-to date line we have ever had. Men’s and youths’ suits, latest A full line of Overcoats for Men, Youth and Children in all styles and colors. The best selected line of Boys’ and Children’s Suits at lowest prices. Full line of Gents’ Furnishing Goods, We invite you to call and examine our stock before you J. Rosengarten. VojyrtfcM, 1002' Dy D EowaniwMSi * W The J. D. Riggan Co., (Incorporated). Special sales. Special goods. Special prices. .* ; Special offerings. Specially bought. Specially sold. Special for particular people. Special dolls. Special toys. Special games. Special china. Special toilet sets. Special candy. Specially good. j ' Special jardinieres. Special half price, and it will do* you Special good to visit. The J. D. Riggan Co’s Place, i Ladies’ Wool Waists. All Wool Flannel Waists—stitched, hemstitched, tucked and hand em broidered, full color You’ll find just what you want— sl,2s, $1.50, $2.00 up. Separate Skirts. Dress Skirts, dress and walking lengths in Oxford Greys, Blue and Black Cheviots. Cloth and rough Snow Flake materials — $1.75, $3.50, $5.00 and $7.50. Kimonas and Sacques. Japanese Silk Kimonas and Dressing Sacques in Silk, plain quilted and hand somely embroidered- They are luxurious. $7.50, $15.00 and $20.00. LADIES’ FLANNELETTE WRAP pers in very attractive patterns, Flounce on Skirts, Ruffle over shoulder. Yoke trimmed with plain and fancy braids. Prices SI.OO, ($1.25, $1.50 up. Infants’ Long Coats. Fine Cashmere, Bedford Cords, em broidered and ribbon trimmed— sl.so, $1.75, $2.00 up Knit Skirts. Cotton, mixed and all wool, Knit Skirts, medium and heavy weights— -60c., 75c., SI.OO, $1.25 up. For For division of the estate of the late Wm. C. Stron ach, I offer for sale beau tiful building lots situated in the northern part of the city; also a farm in high state of cultivation and well stocked, situated about two miles from Ral eigh; also property in east Raleigh. For information apply at W. C. Stronach’s Sons, Fayetteville street. Alexander Stronach, Executor. Raleigh, N. C. Every Day Has Its Own Attractions A. B. STRONACH CO. ♦♦ ♦+ Thanksgiving will soon be here. If thinking of something extra nice for the day, be sure to see these. ; Fine Satin Finish Table Linens with Napkins to match. In Ivy Leaf, Chrys anthemums, Crocus, Psfosy, Buttercups, Fleur de Lis. Rose. Scroll, Daisy, Wild Rose, Polka Dot Table Linens, 50c to $1.50 yd. Napkins to match, 85c to $4.00 doz. NEW EXTRA VALUE CURTAINS. French Cottage Muslin Curtains $1.25 to $2.25. English Bobbinet Curtains $1.35 to $4.25. EXTRA VALUE BLANKET OFFERING. Fine ail Wool (gray only) $4.00 Blanket for $2.75. Fine ail Wool (gray only) $5.00 Blanket for $3.25. GOOD THINGS FOR YOU % $21.50 FOR $16.50 % _ IN _ ♦J* This is the story of our offering in *> Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ribbons, Neclc * CLOTH SUITS, all colors. ❖ wear » Corsets, Jewelry, Knit Un ... ♦♦♦ derwear. Hosiery, Etc. ♦ O«MH-M' M £ H frs**♦'"fr‘I 1 Fayetteville and Wilmington Sts. A. B. Stronach Co. "ioyian, Pearce k Co. ++44 THANKSGIVING SALE Os Linens, Napkins, Towels and Crash, at Prices You’ll Be Glad to Pay. Our Annual Sale of Thanksgiving Linens begins today. The event will be of extraordinary interest to hotel keepers, boarding-house keepers, restaurant men and linen users in genera!. It affords a rare chance to replenish the linen clos et at a considerable saving. The goods are all new, fresh weaves, and every yard is guananteed absolutely perfect. To make this event doubly interesting, we will hem all linens bought from us during this sale absolutely free of charge. No matter whether you buy Bc. crash, 25c, Tuikey Red, or 51.50 Damask, there’ll be no charge for hemming, and the work will be done in a faultless manner by clever operators. You can clearly see the advantage to be gained by buying lib erally. You are assured of money saving on what you buy, and relieved of the worry and trouble of hemming, Special val ues on Table Linens, Napkins, Doylies, Tray Covers, Crash, Towels, Etc. Call early. BOYLAN, PEARCE & CO. YOU LOOK RIGHT And you feel right when your work is turned out here. Our customres will tell you our work is pretly and the service is quick. Telephone tor our wagon to call. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, J. K. MARSHALL, Proprietor. INTERSTATE 87. BELL 1331. RALEIGH 87. J, H. KING, President. F. J* HOLDER. Vice-President. RALEICH, N. C. A personal investigation will convince any one■ that KING’Si is absolutely'the best equipped and the most successful college of Bl - INES**- SHORTHAND, 1 YPEWKITING, PENMANSHIP and ENGLISH in North Carolina, regardless of any claim any competitor may make. We qualify and place more students into positions than any other school in this State. Strong financial backing. Reference, any leading business concern in Raleigh College Journal and Special Offer free. No vacation. Enter any time. riUSIC AND MACHINES We ship goods all jStgm over the United States on Credit, small FjISSr ggg"S prepay freight. Ship 13111 * rom Factories, All Goods Guaranteed. Organs, $35 00 to SSOO. 5 Drawer, Drop Head, $15.00 delivered; 10 year guarantee. PIANOS. We sell several makes. Prices from $160.00 to SI,OOO. Send us your orders. Write for Catalogues and full particulars. LOUISBURG MERCANTILE CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LOUISBURG. N. C.

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