The Weather Today: ISBJKBTi FAIR. The News and Observer. VOL. 1111. NO. 62. ■' ■ ■■■ - b I *l n [f L®sri]@ aoDD KJ®o°tt[)D ©fflD°®ODDHsi [Pffl|p®[p@ Bno EBoftOti NtaiTi’ >.O ©SreooOaftltonn BISHOP COKE SMITH IS LIKE K VETERAN Splendid Impression at His First Conference, ___ HISCHARGETO THECLASS Full of Wisdom and Sound Sense it Pleased ail —A Prosperous Conference Year Closes—The Circuit Riders are Flegantlv Entertained, (Editorial Correspondence.) Monroe, N. C., Nov. 22.—1 verily be lieve the high, stiff hats, called “beavers” in North Carolina, are going out of fash ion. At the Methodist Conference here this week I saw fewer than in a dozen years. Whether it is because the people paid up the preachers what they owed this year, and didn't feel it necessary to make them presents of unbecoming hats, or whether it is good seed I have been sowing, I cannot tell, but it is a good change. Ten years ago, in a letter from a Methodist Conference, I told the story of how a beaver hat was an obstruction in the way of preacher’s doing good. It was this way: A woman was in deep trou ble and the preacher came to see ‘her. He had a shiny beaver hat. She lived in an humble cottage and kept no servant. When he came in she was so afraid that his slick tile would get dust on it that she couldn’t hear a word he said, and while they were at prayers she got up from her knees and dusted it. A "beaver” doesn’t look right on a meek and lowly preacher anyhow, it looks too "flxy,” and while some of the very best stick to them for one cause or another, they are growing fewer and fewer every year. The same thing is true of gold-headed canes. I am sure John Wesley would regard it as a good change to see both going into innocuous desuetude. Apropos, a preacher's dress, it is noted that the members of the conference now in session here do not look like they are wearing their best. They look like a body of well-dressed gentlemen, with out the look of brand new clothes. This is also another evidence that the peo ple are paying the preachers better so that they don’t need to be saving their best suits for conference, as in ye olden time. ‘I remember,” said on old cir cuit rider, ‘‘the time when a salary of S4OO was considered large, and if had one real good suit to keep for conference I felt all right. Now I can have a real good suit to wear every day in the week.” The preachers are setting a good exam ple of good taste in dress. The old-fash ioned Methodists put too much emphasis on simplicity and plainness, hut latterly the tendency has been in the other direc tion. Now the pendulum has swung hack to the idea of better taste and greater simplicity. The first impression upon entering conference is ihe number of young and fine looking men who make up its mem bership. It is a. body of progressive, looking-forward, militant preachers, full of faith and full of courage. There arc not a few old men still in the active ministry, some of them who set an exam ple of abundant labors to the younger men. “I have enjoyed better health the past year than at any period of my life,” said the veteran Rev. J. J. Rrnn, pre siding elder of the Mount Airy district, “and I have been much of my times in the mountains. Last winter I travelled hundreds of miles in the snow and ice and it did me good. That is a glorious country in Surry, Ashe, Alleghany and Watauga and the mountain region. In the East the tendency has been for the en terprising young men to go to the towns. Here th?y stay in the country and no where in the world will you find better people and a finer climate." The truth is that Dr. Renn has renewed his youth in the altitudes and no wonder he is en thusiastic about the country. There : s no body of men where the comradeship is sweeter than among the circuit-riders. The old man recalls his >outh when he sees the young men com ing into conference, and the young man sees his own last days when he looks upon ihe supnranunated preachers. Time deals gently with the older men. but they arc admonished that they have not the strength of other days. Among the older men here, who receive the warm greeting of all. are Revs. John R. Brooks. Frank H. Wood, and Paul J. Caraway. For nearly half a century they have been in the harness and have held the most important positions in the gift of the conference. The first two have been forced, at lyat for awhile, to retire from active work. Mr. Caraway, the old est of the trio, continues in the pas torate, but not in the more burdensome offices which he filled a few years ago. Co where you will and you will not find a trinity of men who in their day and generation have done more for North Carolina. They are North Carolinians to the bone, they love their State and their church, and their lives and characters and usefulness are an inspiration to the younger men. There are others among the older men here as worthy. I men tion these three as types of a class and because I have known them for many years and been helped by their minis trations. “Reserve the front pews for the older men.” said Bishop Coke Smith yester day morning. “Their hearing is not so good as it once was and we want to give them the seats where they can hear the best.*' That expresses the snirit man ifested toward the older men. It is beau- tiful to see the young men, ready to carry the heaviest loads, deferring to those whose strength is well nigh spent. * * * Talk about your heroes ! The circuit riders of America, braving hardships and perils, went with the pioneer and where the early settler pitched his tent there the militant circuit-rider stopped to preach the gospel. With no earthly hon ors and no reward this side the grave, the itinerant preacher laid the founda tions of a healthy Christian civilization in this Republic. • * * This is the first conference over which Bishop Smith presides. He is fortunate in having a short name, and he is gen erally called “Bishop Coke Smith.” The name sounds not unlike Hoke Smith, who is nearly always given his full name. It is a good thing for a man named Smith to have a distinguishing handle. A rather amusing thing happened in the confer ence yesterday morning. The Bishop could not catch the name of a preacher who was addressing him and several lines said "I cannot understand the broth er's name.” The congregation thought the name must be a jaw-breaker. It turned out to be Smith, and when the Bishop recognized “Brother Smith” a smile went round the church. Bishop Coke Smith, as I said, is a freshman among bishops. This is his first conference, but he is holding it like a veteran. He is rather small of size and belongs to the large company of men of small build who have come into great places in spite of short stature. He has none of the helps that come from a commanding presence or an authoritative voice. He has been elevated to the bishopric because of his scholarship, his abundant labors, his sweet spirit, his all round capacity anl equipoise. He is the soul of courtesy and consideration. He illustrates his doctrine that a Christian should be first of all a gentleman—kind, considerate of the feelings of others, cour teous and agreeable. On Friday at 11 o’clock, the Bishop delivered an address to the class of young preachers who were received into full connection. It was a solemn hour. It is the most important service at a Methodist Conference. It is the Appi Forum in the progress of the young minister. He has been preaching on trial. Now, after passing his exami nations, he is to take his place as a life long itenerant. The obligations he takes are of the most sacred character, and no man can sit and hear them without a feeling of solemnity. It is the custom of the bishops to impress these obli gations with an exortation, an admoni tion, a solemn recounting of the vows. It is in this address that the Bishop can be best judged himself. It is on a much larger scale than the charge of the up right judge to the grand jury, an expo sition of the law to the crowded court house as well as to the men j.o whom it is particularly addressed. Upright judges, who regard this charge as a solemn duty to teach the people, per form a great duty and bless the people wherever they go. The class of young preachers received this year is said to be composed of men of approved worth and usefulness and of great promise. The bore themselves as men called of God to poach His word. Bishop Smith delivered his charge with seriousness and with power. It was sound, it was practical, it was full of sense and every-day deligion. I wish it could be printed in full. Here, are a few of the sentences: “I have seen some men who professed such great love for God that they seemed to be mad at everybody else, but this is not the true idea.” “You can build high on an emotional religion, but you can't build broad on it. T believe in an emotional religion, but I believe in an intelligent religion as well. The heart won’t go where the in tellect will not follow.” . ' God has no place in this world for a lazy man.” “Don’t scold people from the pulpit, but ’Ain them by personal contact. Never give a man up as long as there is a chance to save him. Remember that never until the betrayal did our Lord give up Judas Iscariot.” "You can’t rule other people if you are not willing to be ruled yourself. If you are not willing to submit to au thority yourself you are not fit to use authority yourself.” “Don't think to save men by prohibi tion or denunciation. Preach on lofty themes, on the great essentials and don’t waste your time preaching on little things.” He was particularly effective his con demnation of judging men by appearances, of measuring every man by the same rule, of demanding a sameness in bearing, in dress, in giving up. He gave several striking incidents illustrating and enforc ing his admonitions that were particu larly fine. The best part of his address was one for which he apologized. He was speak ing to the young men about marriage, i about the importance of a minister mar- ; rying a woman who would be a true and helpful preachers’ wife, and he made a tender and beautiful allusion to his own wife —“the little woman who all these years has walked by my side and shared my work. Every honor that has come to me I have tak ?n and 'aid at her feet, for I owe it all to her helpfulness.” That was all —but that was enough to give a glimpse into the soul of the devoted husband and the man! It was in excel lent taste and spirit, and touched every heart. He inveighed against the narrow spirit that wished conformity in outward ways, agairst the spirit of lecturing the people for doing those things not in themselves, wrong instead of seeking to lead them upon such planes that would make them find happiness only in the higher realms of pleasure. But I took no notes and did not start out to do the Bishop the wrong of re porting his exquisite exhortation. * * * This is a body of men and confer ence is proceeding without a jar. The year just closed has been one of success (Continued on Page Five.) RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1902. THE MILL MERGER PLAH OF FRIES COES To be Incorporated Under New Jersey Laws. COMMITTEE ADJOURNS % The Work cf Passing Upon ail Properties Thus far Submitted Practically Completed — Over a Hundred Plants Have Been Accepted. (Special to News and Observer.) Greensboro, N. C., Nov. 22.—The cotton | mill merger committee practically com- I pleted its work here last night, having finally passed upon all properties offered them, and there will be another meeting here in about three weeks to pass upon properties that were accepted Hi every respect, except that some formalities, such as affixing seal, etc., to papers sub mitted had been omitted. At this adjournment meeting, new op tions, which are constantly coming in, will be examined and passed upon by the committee. A leading member of the ■committee gives the information that over a hundred plants have so far been i accepted, and that several, which are all right, except for defects in prepara tion above alluded to will, upon supply ing these defects, be admitted. He also says that while not a single “rattle trgp” plant was seriously considered, there were many rejected, whose physi cal and financial condition was all right, but the price asked was considered too high. Many of these may also be in cluded in the merger at the next meet ing upon the amendment of option price. “The merger plan is no w an accom plished fact, said he. “In every in stance we have allowed just about the price for each they would have brought if new. The papers have been forwarded to the underwriters in New York, or will be in a few days, and the incorporation articles will be taken out in New Jersey in the course of a few days.” FOR M. P. COLLEGE Over Thirty-five Thousand Dollars Now Pledged. The Sessions of the Methodist Protestant Con ference Grow in Interest —enthusiam Among the Delegates. (bpecial to News and Observer.) Asheboro, N. C., Nov. 22,-The sessions of the Methodist Protestant Conference are growing in interest. Nearly all the delegates want to take part in advocating and advancing the work in the various lines. Jhe large church building is filled to overflowing it the night sessions. Rev. C. E. Forlines delivered a in teresting address last night on Method ist Protestantism in America. Commit tee on Education reported about $30,000 pledged for the Methodist Protestant Col lege. This amount was Increased last night by about $5,500. The different pulpits will be filled to morrow by ministers of the Methodist Protestant Conference. FTSSENDEN AT ROANOKE, Will Sell His Invention to the Guvernment--- Btation to be at Hatteras. (Special to News and Observer.) Washington, N. C., Nay. 22.—Reginald A. Fessenden is again on Roanoke Is land testing his wireless telegraph sys tem. He has received a new instrument from a Philadelphia electrical firm, which they had been under rush orders to finish and since its arrival Prof. Fessenden lias much improved his method by daily wire less conversation with Washington, D. C. Prof. Fessenden will sell his inven tion to the government and not go into a private company. There will be a sta tion at Hatteras, in this State. M. F. Watson, of the Washington Soap Company stole $65 from a man in Kinston Wednesday, while the man was drunk. Watson got out a money order for S4O to his wife in this town and mailed it. It is a queer coincidence that Watson was also drunk when he took the money from the other man. A telegram from the postmistress at Kinston today instructs the postmaster here to hold up the or der upon order from the government, so that part restitution may be made to the loser. Lyrching Story a Fake, (Special to News and Observer.) Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 22.—Informa tion comes from Bladen county that there was no lynching there this week as was reported in an Associated Press dispatch. The white man, Ed. Davis, and his son, whom it was thought were lynched, dis appeared from home to escape arre6t. % Greensboro, N. <\, Nov. 22.—A derailed freight o ntho Winston track at Pomona delayed the passenger train two hours tonight. No one was injured and the damage was slight- 16 Pages--SECTION ONE-PAGES I TO 8. YULE KICKS HARVARD CLEANOFFTHEEARTH And Twenty-three to Nothirg Stands the Score, THEGAMENEVERINDOUBT * Nothing of Spectacular Brilliancy is in the Playinff—The Redskins Bite the Dust Before the Cavaliers of Virginia. (By the Associated Press.) New Haven, Conn., Nov. 22.—Yale University established her supremacy in the East on Yale field this afternoon by defeating Harvard in the annual game in unmistakable style. When time was called in the darkness of the early even ing the score stood 23 to 0. and Yale’s shouting thousands overwhelmed their victorious heroes while Harvard partisans with cheer after cheer encouraged their defeated but plucky fighters. Nearly thirty thousand spectators wit nessed the great game, under weather conditions that could not be improved from the standpoint of the onlookers. It was a trifle too warm for the players, but the temperature did not cause the contestants to let up a moment during the game. It took the Yale men five minutes or more to get their football stride. After that the outcome never was in doubt, for the New Haven collegians demonstrated that it was Yale's day. In strength, in resources, generalship and versatility, the Yale men had a big advantage over their Harvard rivals. Four times Har vard's goal line was crossed for Yale touchdowns. Three of the touchdowns were converted into goals. Yale’s play was consistent throughout and of the highest order. The scoring was divided almost equally between the halves, two touchdowns coming in each period. The Yale victory was the result rather of straight foot ball than of spectacular brilliancy. Three of the touchdowns came after heart breaking plunges of the Yale men through Harvard’s defence. Practically the only play of the day was witnessed when .Metcalf, the Yale half back, duplicated the work of aptain Chadwick at Prince ton last week, and leaping through a yawning gap in Harvard’s line ran twenty-sejen yards for the second touch down of the game. He did not find a clear field, but he was given superb in terference until he was able to clear all Harvard tacklers except Mills, whom he eluded by clever dodging. Yale's other throe scores wore made bv Chadwick, Kir.ney and Hogan, all of whom were pushed over the line, in mass plays di rected at the center of Harvard’s line. Only twice during the game did Har vard have a chance to score. Once by magnificent line breaking the Cambridge players forced Yale back from Eli's forty yard line to a point wthin eight yards of the goal line. A fumble by Captain Kernan in a play that started viciously and gave promise of success was follow ed by a Yale stand, which took the ball from Harvard on downs. In the second half Harvard succeeded in reaching Yale’s twenty-two-yard line, but Yale here developed a stone wall defence and a kick was Harvard’s only hope. Mar shall tried for a goal from the field, and missed by yards. Otherwise the play was almost entirely in Harvard’s terri tory and the Yale advance was con sistent. Except at long intervals the Cambridge players were constantly on the defence. Now and then a crimson brace would come, and for the moment the Harvard enthusiasts were encouraged, but the strength of Yale was too great and the spectators early began to dis cuss the probable size of Yale’s score. The game was one of the cleanest ever seen in New Haven. DOWN GO THE INDIANS. The Virginians Win by a Bcore of Six to Five. (By the Associated Press ) Norfolk. Va., Nov. 22.—1 n an Intensely interesting game this afternoon, the Car lisle Indians met defeat at the hands ot the University of Virginia team. The results was a gratifying surprise to the Virginians' most enthusiastic admirers. Although the betting as 5 to 1 thhi Virginia would be defeated and even money that she would not score, the University boys defeated Carlisle by a score of 6 to 5 and the rooters foe the college lads went wild. Virginia made <5 in the first half and failed to score in the second, when Carlise scored 5. Virginia’s touch-down was made by Johnson and Harris kicked goal. Yar lote scored for Carlisle and Charles, who had succeeded Captain Williams as full back, missed the goal, the ball striking an upright and bounding back. * COFFIN AGAIN TESTIFIES Damaging Testimony Against Breese by Col Burgwyn, C B Leonard, and Others, (Special to News and Observer.) Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 22.—Mr. George M. offin, deputy comptroller of the cur rency, who was on the stand yesterday evening at the time for adjournment, was again the main witness in the Breese’s trial today. Mr. Coffin testified that shortly before the First National Bank of Asheville went under, Major Bree.s came to Wash ington and had a long talk with him. He said at that time Major Breese was very anxious to convert the bank into a State bank. At one time he thought his plans had matured, but a bank in Baltimore, a creditor of the Asheville bank, refused to consider the proposition. The Government's contention along this lino was that Major Breese sought to change the bank into a State institution in order to escape the prosecution of the government. Mr. Coffin also testified as to a lot of worthless paper that was included in the solveut credits of the institution. Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn, of Henderson, formerly a bank examiner, was placed on the stand by the government. Colonel Burgwyn testified to substantially the same facts as were related by Mr. George M. Coffin. He corroborated the witness at all material points. Mr. C. B. Leonard, of Chattanooga, Tcnn., followed Colonel Burgwyn for the government. It was on account of this witness that the government asked for continuance, because of his not appearing on Tuesday. Mr. Leonard testified that he had been given several papers by Ma jor Breese asking that signatures be ob tained in order that certain banking rules might be carried out. Leonard ad mitted that he secured the endorsement of several names to these papers. The government intends to establish the fact that Leonard w r as employed by Major Breese to secure these endorse ments for the purpose of defrauding those who had entrusted their money to the bank. J. Frank Aldrich, of Buffalo, New York, receiver of the defunct bank, testified that out of $240,000 of papers supposed to be assets of the First National Bank, he had only been able to realize some thing over $4,000. The witness regarded the balance of the notes and other pa pers as absolutely worthless. IHE ELECTRIC LIRE Fo Connect High Point, Win ston, Greensboro. franchises Obtained at Greensboro and High Point —Rail Laying to Begin on Dur- ham and Charlotte Road. Special to the News and Observer.) Greensboro, N. C., Nov. 22.—Tho Board of Aldermen, at a special session last night, granted a franchise for sitxy years to tho High Point Electric Rail way Company, on application of King & Kimball, attorneys for the incorporators. Green Cohen, F. W. Darlington, D. A. Waters and E. D. Steele. With the ex ception of the latter, who is a local capitalist, these gentlemen represent an immense Philadelphia syndicate, Mr. Waters himself being a millionaire man ufacturer of wood-working machinery of all kinds. Ex-Mayor Z. Y. Taylor as general manager and attorney for the Greens boro Electric Company, appeared before tho council and made a fine argument against granting tho proposed franchise for a term of sixty years, when only twenty years were given the company which had just put in a splendid street car and electric service for the city. A franchise for this road lias already been obtained at High. Point, and the purpose of the company now is to se cure one at Winston-Salem, thus con necting these three important manufac turing centers, giving freight competi tion between the Southern and the Nor folk and Western Railroad at Winston- Salem, and at Greensboro with the Southern and Seaboard Air Line, soon to have connection here through the com ing Durham and Charlotte Road from Pittsboro. Superintendent F. D. Jones, of the proposed Durham and Charlotte Rail way, is in the city, and assures this cor respondent that next, month his force will begin laying rails at Pittsboro, an S. A. L. point, for the Pittsboro-Grcens boro extension of fifty miles. Ho says the line will strike Haw River, going to Graham, Burlington, thence north, leaving the Southern at this point, to Ossipee Mills in Alamance, thence to the new Cone Whit Oaek Mills, nar Greensboro, and to Revolution and Prox imity, having its termination on the im mediate northern corporation limit of the city, near the Empire Steel and Iron Company’s plant. When this charter was granted a clause was specially inserted, prohibiting it from crossing, trans ferring, assigning or selling to the Richmond and Danville Railroad, its assigns, lessees or successors. This, it would seem, will prevent the Southern Railway from scooping this splendid competjng property. This line will traverse the very heart of the cotton mill industry of the State, and in connection with the proposed electric line to High Point and Winston- Salem, will have a feeder in competition with the Norfolk and’ Western and the Southern, for the immense furniture manufacturing output of High Point and Winston, as well as the tremendous cot ton mill, fiour mill, knitting mill, mer cantile and tobacco manufacturing in dustries of Winston-Salem. Mother of Famous Actress Deajd. (By the Associated Tress.) London, Nov. 21.—Mrs. Le Breton, mother of Mrs. Langley (Mrs. De Bathe) the actress, died today at her residence on the Island of Jersey. An Infant’s Death. On Satuiday evening, November 22, 1902, at 4:45 o'clock, Kale Miller the in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben Young, passed away. Services will be held at 3:30 this afternoon in Oak wood. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DR, E,H, LAW PLEADS FOR MORE BIBLES The Conference Hears Sev eral Reports. ij —— SERMON BY A JAPANESE Free Will OfFerirg That Will Enable Him to Complete His Course at Trinit}— Col lection for Colored Church — 1 rials Proceed Slowly (Special to News and Observer.) Monroe, N. C.. Nov. 22.—Rev. F. L. Townsend, of Waynesville, conducted the opening exercises of the fourth days session of the Western North Carolina Conference this morning. Bishop 'A. Coke Smith announced the transfer of T. E. Weaver from the Holston Confer ence. The report of the trustees of Davenport ollcge was read and referred. Considerable time was given to routine business under* the call of questions three, ten, twelve and twenty. Dr. L. W. Crawford, of Greensboro, made a state ment as to the Weddington property late ly bequeathed to the conference in Meck lenburg. Greetings were received from the Methodist Protestant Conference in session at Ashboro. J. S. Martin, treasurer of the joint board of finance submitted his report and distributed cheeks for conference claimants. Rev. T. N. Ivey, D. D.,» editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, was intro duced to the conference. Rev. Dr. T. H. Law of the American Bible Society, was introduced and spoke in behalf of larger collections that Bibles may be more lib erally distributed. The Committee on Conference Relations reported through Rev. W. H. Vestal, recommending the granting of superan nuated and supernunary relations as ask eed in all cases except Reverends James Wilson and R. G. Abernethy, and the same was adopted. Resolutions of sympathy for Dr. and Mrs. James Atkins, whoso son lies critically ill in Nashville, were passed. A letter from the Sabbath Observance League of America was received and in ferred to a special committee. Reverends J. W. Roberts and J. M. Stanton, fra ternal messengers from the colored Methodist Episcopal Conference, also in session here, were introduced and made hort talks, to which Ilishon Smith and others responded, and a collection of $60.00 was raised for the colored church located here. Dr. H. M. Harrill, of Nashvillo,-*spoko briefly of the Sunday school interests. The Conference adjourned at one o’clock with benediction by Rev. F. H. Wood, D. D. Rev. T. K. Kugimiga, of Japan, preach ed an earnest sermon this afternoon, which made a deep impression and tlie meeting wound up in old fashioned camp meeting style. A free will offering was made to Mr. Kugimiga, which will en able him to complete liis course at Trinity College. Tonight a meeting was hold in tho interest of Sunday school work and ad dresses made by Rev. 11. M. Harrill and others. Visiting ministers will fill all the local pulpits here tomorrow and nearby towns and villages. The trials of two suspended members of the conference proceed slowly, and the conference may not adjourn as a re sult before Tuesday or Wednesday next. POISON IN A MINERAL WATER BOITLE NEARLY CAUSES DEATH. Kiss Marjorie Lyon Drank Frcm tho Bottle , and Was Only Bayed by Prompt Med ical Attention, (Special to the News and Observer ) Greensboro, N. C., Nov. 22.—At 2 o’clock today this city was startled by the intelligence that Miss Marjorio Lyon, the beautiful and popular* young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lyon, was dead from the effects of poison. Investigation proved that while Miss Lyon had swallowed poison, and was thought to be dying, the early arrival of physicians, and prompt use of antidotes had resuscitated her. At nine o’clock she is reported out of danger, but as being restless and in great paint. Miss Lyon had been taking a mineral water for indigestion and one cf (he empty bottles had been converted into a receptacle for wood alchohol used in a chafing dish. Without noticing she poured out a glass of this and drank it. Dr. Michaux, fortunately, was passing the residence when the dreadful mistake was discovered, and by prompt attention, in which he was assisted by Dr. Battle, who was hastily' summoned, fatal re sults were averted. “Yes,” remarked Col. Carr, to a Wash ington Post reporter, *‘l am a candidate for the seat in the United States Senate now held by Senator Pritchard. I have had a pretty busy career and have tried to be of some service to my countrymen, and am willing to admit that if the people should choose me Senator a cherished ambition would be realized. I know nothing of machine politics, and my sole aim would be to promote the welfare of my State and of ihe whole country.” The result of the football game be tween Guilford and Davidson yesterday was nothing to nothing.

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