COTTON MANES ANOTHER BULGE Advance Within a Week of 53 to 58 Points. CABLES ARE VERY STRONG The Movements of Leading Stocks are Irregu lar, the Condition Being Due Largely to the Increased Strength in Foreign Fxcharge. (y the Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 24.—The market shows the same quiet conditions today as prevailed last week. The demand for all descriptions of cotton goods has been or an average character at previous prices in this market and print cloths are quiet and unchanged. The market is steady lor cotton hosiery and underwear, with fair trade in progress. NEW YOR COTTON. New York, Nov. 24.—The cotton mark et opened firm at an advance of 8 to 11 points. The advance was increased to 18 to 19 points for the day on the more active positions, this being a net rise of 53 to 58 points within a little more than a week. Today’s improvement was largely on strong cables, Liverpool re porting an advance of 7 to 8 points, which accounted chiefly for the opening im provement here. Later in the session the weather reports became a factor and buying was upon an enormous scale and from all classes of operators. Eu rope and the shorts were particularly heavy buyers. Contributing to the im provement were strong advices from spot markets of the country, the South in general reporting an advance of 1-1 G to 3-16, and .large activity on the part of exporters and spinners, especially the former. Today’s reported large areas of lowlands more or less washed out with heavy rains still falling. Other parts of the cotton belt reported killing frosts with temperature and conditions gen erally prevailing through the cotton region adverse to top crop prospects. At the same time tbe movement of cotton was of disappointing proportion, and not in keeping with the larger crop estimated current a few weeks ago. Still another factor stimulating demand was a grow ing fear that following lately adverse climatic conditions the bureau report from Washington, due December 3rd, will indicate a low yield, as the data will include the unfavorable conditions now being reported. Total transactions to day are estimated at not less than 500,- 000 bales with public demand a large factor, and giving preference to March, May and July, while spot houses and the larger shorts bought the nearer positions very freely. The demand was met chiefly by parties who had bought cotton last week. Nkw York- Nov. 22.—Cotton futures open €«i firm Cotton futures closed steady. Open. Clos. November 8.31 *-.41 December 8..30 743 January 8.40 8.46 February 8.27 8. '5 March 8..30 8.3 7 April 831 8.38 May 8..0 8 38 Juue 8- 2 8.38 July 8.31 8.38 August 8-25 Spot cotton closed quiet: middling up lands 8 60: middling Gulf 8.85; sales 100 bales. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, Nov. 22 4p. m.—Cooton - Spot moderate business; American middling fair 5.14; good middling 4.68: middling 4.5»; low middling 4.48; good ordinary 4 36; ordi nary 4-24. The sa es of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 300 were for and export, and included 6,500 American. Recipts 23,000 bales, including 9,800 Amer ican. Futures opened Arm uiet and closed steady. American middlieg, g. o. c.: November ... . 4.53 November and December 4.49 December and January 4.47 January and February 4.46 February and March 4.J5 Mar hand April 445 April and May 4.45 May and June 4.45 Sune and July 4.45 July and August 4.44 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans. Nov. 24. —The market for spot cotton was decidedly active today. Quotations %o. higher on all grades. Futures were active, especially for January and February positions. The opening prices were 5 to 10 points higher than Saturday s closing. After the open ing prices eased off a few points, but during the afternoon there ensued a series of moderately wide fluctuations wltr ha decided tendency to highe figures. At the close, the board showed net gains of 13 to 15 points. New Orleans, La. Nov. 22. - Cotton futures closed steady. November....- BOB bid December 8.12&8.13 January 8. 2?® 8-23 February B.2*® ".26 March 8-52*8.33 Aptil. 8.34@83- May 8.33»8.37 June 8.37® 8.39 July . 8J9®8.41 RALEIGH SPOT COTTON MARKET. Receipts .. 89 bales. Receipts this day last year 3 * bales Prices today 7ft®3ft Prices this day last year 7* Receipts this season .... 8.867 Recipts last season 4,8^5 OTHER COTTON MARKETS. rORT. TORS. MID. RECEIPT! 1 . Galveston firm 83-16 14‘116 Norfolk firm Bft "323 Baltimore uominal 8q Boston quiet 8..i1l 406 iVUmington firm 7* 1,690 Philadelphia.... firm 8.85 25 .avann&h firm 7 15-16 8 730 7 ew Oriean*.... firm 8 19.681 -"bile... steady 7ft Memphis fini 8 8 337 Augusta fl rm 8 3-16 954 Charleston firm 7 15-16 385 Cincinnati stead/ | 8 9(,; Louisville....... firm j 8 o ‘. Louis... ... firm 7 15-10 800 H >uston steady | 8 3-10 8 509 New York .... quiet j 8 00 353 Fecsaeola . .. Sabin Pass and .... Port Arthur .... j .... Vranswick . ..I .... SEABOARD STOCKS AND BONDS. Baltimore. Nov. ?2. Seaboard Air Line common 2*®27K; preferred 47ft bid. Bonds—4’s. 8 » asked. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, Nov. 24. —Trading in the grain pits was rather inactive today and after a slight bulge at the opening, prices The Aetna Lite Insurance Co. IS MAKING A SPECIALTY OF “.ffitna 5 Per Cent. Gold Bonds.” Their values are larger and their rates lower than any others. The 20-year Endowment 5 per cent. Gold Bonds of the Aetna Life offer greater advantages than any other Investment, carrying at the same time absolute protection. For Information addresa Chas. 1.. Van Noppen Superintendent of Agents. J. D. BOUSHALL, Manager, Raleigh, N. C. weakened ami the close was easy with December when! % to %c. lower, and December corn l%c. lower. December oats closed %c. higher, while January provisions were from 2% to 12%c. higher. Leading futures ranged as iotiows ; OPEMNO.miaHEST. | LOWEST. CLON'HU. Wheat. 1 J Dec 75* 75ft 743£ 74 ft Mav 70\@7Cft 7C,ft®.77 70 76ft@78* Corn— | ) Dec 54 (fts4*4 55ft 53ft 53ft May 42ft@42ft 43ft 42ft 4.ft Oats— Dec 31 '3lft 31 .'ll ft® 31 ft May.. 31st @32 ft 32* 51 ft @32 32ft Pork— I fan. .. 15 70 15 75 'ls 05 15 07* May...... 14 75 14 75 114 07ft 14 70 Lard tau 9 35 9 50 9.35 9 42ft May ... 8 72ft 89j 8 72ft 8 77ft ki bi- Jan 8 ’2ft 8 17ft 8 12ft 8 12 May 792 ft 792 ft 787 ft 790 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour was steady: winter patent* $.150® 3.00 straights $3.10® 3.40; clears |s2 70®3.10: > o. apnug specials 4.20; sunug patents 63.40@3.70: do straights $2.90@3.20 bakers $2.30@2.75. Wheat—No. S spriug 74ft@75ft: No. 3,72®73ft: No. 2 red. 74ft©75 Corn—>« 2 511 ft; .No. 2 veilow 53ft. Oats—No. 31st; No. 2, write 29ft; No. 3 white 31ft®34. No. 2, 493k(i(50. B iriev- g'«jd feeding 35@38; fair’ to choice mull ing 44®58; No. 1 flax »eeu 11.15; No i north western $1.21 Prime timothy seed $3.00. Mess per 6oi. 10.8717.00. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 10.07ft@10.70. Short ribs sides (loos'd $9.00®, 9.25. Or.v- alted snoulders 9.3750: Short clear sides (boxed) s9.sof> 9.75. Whiskey $1.32. Clover contract grade, $10.50. NEW YORK. New York, Nov, ‘22—Flour active and firm Minnesota patents $3.90®)4.15; do. baKerv $3.15®,3.35; winter straights $3.00® 3.90: winters patents $3 UO®3.UO: low grades $2.95@3.15. Rve flcurqiuet: good $3.1f’®3.40; cuoiceto fancy s3ls® 3.40 Corn meal sU«dy; vellow western $1.25; cit/,,; brandy wine $3.45@3 55. Ryedu'i; r»o 2, western 58ft; Sta'.e 56. baney steadv; feeding 41. malum 51@51ft parley malt quiet; western 65®;00. Wi.eai — l pot easy; No. 2, red, 78ft. Options March —; May 70ft; October . ; December 80'l dull and largely professional until the afternoon when a new- movement in Manhattan ad vanced that stock to 158, from which it declined 3 points, closing with a net gain of 2 points on very large transactions. The great bulk of Manhattan buying was by Gould brokers. The movement in Manhattan stimulated buying in New York Central and Pennsylvania, but Metropolitan and Brooklyn Transit were little affected either way. The bear fac tion traded cautiously, but took courage from the absence of any news regarding the so-called Manhattan “deal’’ and made a successful attack on that and other stocks. New York Central and St. Paul were forced down, while attempts to move Amalgamated Copper met with Boston selling. Short covering in the final dealings was hardly sufficient vol ume to prevent an irregular close. Lon don sold fully 20,000 shares, a total of about 155,000 in the last four days, and bought nothing. The lack of London buy ing was attributed partly to the ap proaching fortnightly settlement there Bonds were irregular and rather dull. Early losses were largely recovered when the stock market developed strength. Total sales (par value) $2,000,000. United States 2’s and the s’s declined *4 per Cent on the last call. Total sales of stocks today were 882,- 100 shares, including Atchison, 29,800; Manhattan L., 155,300; Metropolitan Street Railway. 9,300; Missouri Pacific, 26,800; New York Central. 47.900; Nor folk and Western, 6,200; Ontario and Western, 6,400: Pennsylvania, 68,840; Reading, 100,400; Reading, second pre ferred, 4,800; St. Paul, 41,900; Southern Pacific, 21,500; Southern Railway, 14,500; Union Pacific. 33,400; Amalgamated Cop per. 12,900; Brooklyn Rapid Transit, 30,300; Colorado Fuel and Iron. 8,500; Sugar, 10,700; United States Steel, 12,- 800; United States Steel, preferred, 5,300; Rock Island, 74,600; Rock Island, pre ferred, 12,180. Atchison 83 ft to pref 98ft Balt. & 0h10....1°0ft do pref * 5 Canad’n PacJflr 128 ft Can. Southerv 81st Chesa. & Ohio .. 46ft Chic. & Alton ?3ft do. pref 70ft Chi- B. & Q- ... Chi.. I. & L 74 do pref 86 Chi. & E. 111... 205 Chi. & G. W.... 26 do. A. pref. .. 83 do B. pref.... 40 thi. & N W....222ft Hock Is’and, ... 46ft do. pref 83ft Chi. Ter.&T 17ft do. pref 3 3ft C C C &5t.L.... 97 Col. Southern... 30ft do. Ist pref .. 71 do 2d pre'.... Del- & Hudson.. 163 ft Del.. L. &W.. 238 Den. & Rio G • .. 40ft do. pref SO Erie 34ft do. Ist pies.... -6ft do’ 2d pref 76ft St. L- & S- F.... 7 2% do. Ist pref.... 80 do-2nd pref .. 70ft St. L. S. W 28 do. pr a f 64 St. Paul 177 M p*ef 191 Ssuth.Pac .... 6o.ft STOCKS. So. Railway .. 32ft do- pref 92ft Texas & Pacific.. 43ft Tol. St- L&W.. 29-ft do. pref 46* U- Pacific 101 do. pref 91st Wabash 30ft do. pref 44ft Wheel. &L-K .. 25 do-2nd pref... 35 Wls Central... 25 do. pref 50ft P. C. C & St. L KXPKKSS CO’S. Adams Express..2oo American Ex.... 230 United States. .131 Wells Fareo 210 MISCELLANKI; Araalg.Copper.. 56ft Am. C. & F 35 do, pref 90ft Amer. L- 0 16ft do- pref ....... 41 Am. Srael. & Kef 42ft do. pref 92ft Am. Tobacco Ana-Min-C 0.... 87 Brooklyn R. T.. 62ft Col F& 1r0n... ssft Consol Gas 212* Cont. Tobacco do. pref 117 ft Gen. Electric....l7B Glucose Sugar.. •• Hock Coal 20 lnterna'l Paper. 18 do. pref 72 Int. Power 58 LaClede Gas Nat. Biscuit 45 Nat. Lead 28 Nat. Salt do. pref No. Amer 120 Pacific Coast.... 70ft Pacific Mall 39 People’s Gas... 101st Pressed 8. Car.. 59ft do. pref 91 Pull. Pal. Car.. 226 Rep. Steel 19 do. pref 76ft Sugar 120 ft T. C- & Iron 58ft U B. &P. C 12ft do. pref 77 U. S- Learner.... 12ft do pref 88* 0. 8 Rubber.... 16ft do. pref 52 ft U 8. Steel 36ft do- pref 13ft Ya. Ca. Chem Co 6 do- pref’d •• *124 West. Union 89 Standard Oil 680 BONDS. u.B.Ref. 2’s reg..lOt'ft S. B.Kof. 2’s cou Itß* U. B.3’s reg 108 " COUP 108 U. S.'tiew 4’B reg 135 ft " coup 135 ft a. S. old 4’s ree.lCGft " coup lo;ft (J. S. s’« re* K 3ft " coup 103 ft Atch’sn Gen, 4’8.101 ft " adj 4’s 91st Balt. & O. 4’5...101 do 3 1-2’s. 94ft do conv* 4’8.107 Can. So. 2nd5.... 107 ft C. of G. s’s 107* ** Ist Incomes. 75 C, & O. 4ft’s 104 ft C. * A. 3 1-2’5... 79ft C.. B. &Q. 4 .S . 95ft CM&BtP gen 4’5113 C. & N. con 7’s. .134 0-. K. I. & P. 4’s.loßft CCC&B Loren 4’s. 101 Chicago Ter 4’s. 87 Colo. So. 4’s 92* D &. Rt0G.4’3... 100 ft e. prior lien 4’s. 98 Erie Gen 4’s B*J \ F.W.&.D.C.lstsll4 Hock. Y. 4 1-2 8,109 L.fcN.uni.4’B ..101ft RALEIGH STOCK MARKET. (Corrected daily by Grimes & Vnss.) BONDS. Bid. Asked. North Carolina 6’s, 1919 130 North Carolina 4’s, 1919 — Virginia new 3’s 98 99 Virginia Centuries, 1901 99 99^ Southern Railway s’s, 1994 ..118 S. A. L. 4’s 84 85 Western N. C. R. R. 6’s, 1914.118 Ga., Car. & Northern s’s, 1929.112% —- Carolina Central Railway 4’s.— 100 Ga., So. & Fla. R. R„ 1945....115 STOCKS. Va.-Car. Chem., pref 124% 125 Va.-Car. Chem., com G 2% 63 Seaboard Railway, pref 45 46 Seaboard Railway, com 26 27 Southern Railway, pref 91 92 Southern Railway, com 32% 33% Atlantic Coast Line, com 165 N. C. r„ R. Co 171 175 NAVAL STORES. Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 22. -Tupentine firm at 50 *: receipts -*0 casks- Rosin firm at SI • 25® t. 30; receipts 4>l. Crude, firm at sl.7.‘® 1,00; receipts 77 bar rels Tar firm at $1.50: receiptsl2os. Savannah, Ga- N0v.22 Turpentine firm at 50ft; receipts 1.4 i 6; sales 639; exports 116. Rosin firm; receipts 4,802; sales ; exports 2,863- , Quote A. B. C. Sl.37ft; D. sl-37ft; E. St 42ft; F. sl.47ft; G,*l.s7ft; H. $1.80; I. 2-05; K. $2.55; M. 83 00; N. $3 50; WO, $3 75; WW Chapleston. S- C., Nov. 22.-Spirits tur pentine firm at 49; receipts sales so; exports Kosin firm receipts . .. .; sales 2CO; ex- P< Quote A. B. C, D. E S» 35; F. *145; G. $.155; H. 51.75; 1.82 00; K. S’.SO; M. S 3 OJ; N. 83 50; WGJ-IS; WWS4.IS. Barbee & Co.’s Cotton Letter. (Special to News and Observer.) New York, Nov. 24.—At 8.34, the price touched this morning, March cotton has enjoyed the substantial advance of 50 points in less than ten trading days. In view of all the circumstances this is a noteworthy gain and one that inclines the conservative holder to take profits regardless of the future in store for the market. It may be that the cotton world is all wrong and prices are now on the way to nine cents before the bureau re port. It may be the crop is really only 10,000,000 or 10,500,000 bales, and there are sensational developments ahead of us. All this may be, but it will be re membered that less than two weeks ago we said we believed in buying cotton on every break, and it was many a weary day before this cotton showed a profit. Now we are having the other turn of the wheel. As buying against the tide was the safe thing to do below Bc., so selling for profits on an advance of 50 points is the right thing to do now. There is no saving, the market will go higher. Prices are running in big waves now, and there is no telling what can take place. But a trader in the market for money to be obtained from conserva tive speculation will take profit on such bulges as these, for we are likely to have a change at any time. From ru mors in the market, the spot interests are working for this advance, and we are likely to see a narrower difference between January and Mnrch. We are prepared to see general delivery on Jan uary when the time comes, and some dif ficulty in shorts getting in their March without showing up the price from a dis count under to a premium over January. Weather is bad, frosts are more likely to appear and Liverpool is in a demoral ized condition. Sell long cotton on very advance. BARBEE & CO. Tarrant & King’s Cotton Letter. (Special to the News and Observer.) New York, Nov. 24. —As indicated in our recent advices the cotton market has been under the influence of heavy bear pressure and has become largely over sold, the extreme decline representing fictitious prices due to unnatural in fluences. There is an investment demand sufficient to carry the market very much higher, to say nothing of the enormous absorption of spot cotton for consump tion. * In view of the recent decline it would appear sensational to predict 10 cents for cotton, but we feel confident that the murket will reach that level this winter. TARRANT & KING, 6S Broad Street. ForCrouo use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. COTTON YARNS. Buckingham, Paulson & Go. Commission Merchants. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO • Solicit correspondence. We are prepared to 1o we orders for prompt or future delivery for A ambers of yarn to full advanced price. Mex. Cen. 4’5.,.. 80 do Ist Inc ... 26ft Minn. & St. L 4’slo3ft M. K. &T. 45.• • ICO* ** 2nd* 81* N. Y. C. lsts 102 ft do gen 3 1-2’. 105 N J. C. sen. 5’5..136ft No. Pac. 4’s 103 M 3’s 73 N, &■ W con. 4’s,looft Reading een. 4’s 96ft St L & 1 Mtons’s 113 ft St L &S Fgen4’?loo St L. S’wes l’s.. 96ft do 2’s Fsft S. 4* 86ft So. Pac. 4’s ....’. 93% So. Railway s’s..ll«ft T. & P. lsts 120 ft T.,St-LAW. 4’s.. 80 Union Pac. 4’s..lt4ft do. conv. 4’s-106* Wabash lsts 116 " 2nd* 108 ft "do. Deb. 8.... 78 West Snore 4 5..113ft W A L, E. 4’s •• 92 »»ls. Cen. 4’5.... 9lft Mobile &O. 4’s. 96 C. of Ga.cons’s.. 36ft " Ist Incomes. 81 " 2d tnesmes 36ft Con. Tob.. 4’5... 6 % I KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASE. 1 ■^■ re always serious and demand the skill of an § expert. Pains in the back or loins, irregularities Hj S urine, such as scantiness, smarting, burn- |j | * up * incontinence, etc., are danger signals which | should be promptly heeded. My treatment of I hese diseases has been uniformly successful, and Q 1 l have cured some of the worst cases on record. B Each case gets careful, Individual treatment. 1 MAKE NO MISTAKE by being misled by adver- I Used quick cures, free prescriptions, free samples | ant * °^ e n forms of cheap advertising by special- jjj Jyfea lsts who claim that they are the only ones who | Lfflqrfiylsaßgßfcfc. ’•eat patients personally. You can consult Dr. ! DR. HATHAWAY. Hathaway PERSONALLY and you have the addi- 3 Recognized as the Leading tional benefit of his trained staff of skilled spe- jy and most Successful Spe- oialists in each department, which no other office ■ dalist. jn the South has. A responsible guarantee of |i cure which means something, and backed by leading banks, ik given when j| (required. I J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D., 35 Inman Bldg., 22% S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. g Fortunes Are Being Made Daily. Now ig your chance. Don’t let it pass. We will sell you mining and smelter stocks and guarantee against loss. Now don’t say we can t do it for we can and will pFove it if you will drop us a card and let us moil you one of our “Plain Talks and Brief Facts.” Our guarantee against loss is based on the plan of general averages, the same as Insurance Company Policies!. Write to us now; don't put it off. Respectfully, DOUGLAS, LACEY & CO,, Branch: Room 213 Citizen's Bank Building, Norfolk, Virginia. CAROLINA TRUST COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C, Capital, SIOO,OOO. Out of Business GENERAL BANKING—Money received bn deposit, subject to check. SAVINGS BANKlNG—lnterest paid on deposits. TRUSTS—Acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Assignee, Receiver, Broker, Agent, Trustee. Assumes the management of’entire Estates; also property for the use and benetit ot others. . , . _ FINANCIAL AGENT for floating Stocks and Bonds of Corporations. Especial and separate arrangements and conveniences for gentlemen and lady customers. OFFICERS.—W. YV. Mills, President; Leo. D. Ileartt, Vice-President and General Manager; Robert, C. Strong, Trust Officer and General Counsel: William Hayes, Cashier. DIRECTORS.—James \Vehb, .J D.Riggan, Charles B. Hart, Alexander Webb, Julius Lewis, Leo. 1). ileartt:, F. T. -Ward, W. W. Mills, Allen J. Ruffin, W. C. Petty, I*. R. Albright and Robert C Strong. Offices in Carolina Trust Building, Raleigh, N. C. Correspondence Solicited. Barbee & Company, RALEIGH. DURHAM. Members New York Cotton Excnange. Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions. Private wires to New York and Chicago. Instantaneous quotations. All transactions made direct with Exchange. Market information cheerfully given by ’Phone, wire or mail. Inter-state and Bell ’Phones Ne. 81. GREATER ADVANTAGES THAN EVER Offered to Agents and Insurers by the |% MUTUAL ippwi Penn life insurance 4 * ****** CO. OFPHILA,, It having adopted a 3 per cent Reserve basis, thereby guaranteeing the largest Cash Surrender, Loan, Paid Up and Extension Values. Tlrs and the PENN’S more'liberal policies and dividends, furnish absolu 4-0 se curity at the lowest possible cost, Send tor liter ature. Desirable contracts to desirable Agents. R. B, RANEY, Gen. Agt. tor N. G\ Raleigh, N C. PUBLIC OPINION^ § YDNOR ft HUNDLEY, for value* true, are un*urpa*sed the city throug H lelding to none, for style* new, the choicest Furniture, alt* for yo XJ J 3 ur*hle and elegant, ornate or plain, auch Suites elsewhere we »eek In val Ks oted for UPHOLSTERY, here we find a grand selection of every kin D 0 ornamental DRAPERIES, it la known well, In perfect taste, they do exce Jj JUb ight at 711 *. Broad St., of MIRRORS ft PICTURES, the stock’* complet E for Beauty and Quality we can rely on all SYDNOR A HUNDLEY de suppl "Y This Great Store is 709-7n-7i3 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va. £tocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions. Small accounts receive the same careful attention as ones. All inquiries promptly and cheerfully answered. TARRANT & KING. $8 Broad Street, Morris Building, NEW YORK. Much MAC Rae SL Co. BANKERS. Miscellaneous Southern Securities, Cotton Mill Stocks A SPECIALTY. WILMINGTON. N. O. Jacob Berry & Co. viwmowwh I Consolidated Btock Exchange MEMBERS { N y Produce Exchange. Stocks, Bonds, Grain Cotton. E3tablished 1865, 44 Brsadway, New Ysrk. *O9 Main Bt.. Durham, N. C. Phlla. Office, Drexel Building, Telephone No. 7. Send for market etteri and pamphlet. Prompt servic* on all busl ness. . “Leßoy Davidson Promoter and Dealer in Investments. Securities, Offices: Hoorn 118, 60 Broadway New ork, and Charlotte, N. C. • 9 Money advanced on valu - able plants and well locat • ed business properties.” ESTABLISHED IN 1872. HENRY BEER, BERTRAND BEER, EDGAR H. BRIGHT. H. & B. BEER, , Cotton Merchants. NEW ORLEANS. MEMBERS OF: New Orleans Cotton xcbange, New York Cotton Exchange, and Associate Members Liverpool Cetton * Association. •? Special attention given to the execution 1 of contracts for future delivery In cotton. 7