NORTH CAROLINA BANKING EDITION.—PAGES 1 TO 8. The News and Observer. vol: liii. no. 90. U.sai'iDs sDD Klocp-GDd ©®np®Dßntiai HDsßDsf IPaipsD 0 ® Odd H®ftDD Kl®w® amoD ©BD°®QoDfflfiß®aQ Bankers State Association Held Most Successful Meeting in its His tory at Wrightsville, June 24th and June 25th. LEE. H. BATTLE CHOSEN PRESIDENT Addresses by Caldwell Hardy President of Asso ciation and Other Prom inent Bankers. Prove Royal Hosts. Fuli Re port of The Proceedings And Full Text of Ad dresses. (Special to News and Observer.) Wrightsville, N. C., June 27.—The North Carolina Bankers Association closed the most interesting and successful history of the Association yesterday afternoon after the election of officers for