8 The News and Observer. THURSDAY November 9. 1905 i RAINS LEAVE RALEIGH DAILY. Going North. Going South. 1:30 a. m. 3:25 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 11:60 a.m. 7:15 p.m. 5:00 p. m. Going East. Going West. 5:15 a. m. 1:40 a. m. 10:30 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 4:36 p.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:30 p. m. Raleigh and Southport. 7:20 a. m. 4:15 p. m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I.mlden & Bates —Wanted. Sherwood Higgs & Co. —Os Interest >o Every Wortian. THE WEATHER TODAY. Forecast for North Carolina: Fair, except rain in extreme west portions; Friday, rain, fresh west winds be coming east. The Weather Yesterday. Maximum temperature, 62; mini mum temperature, 44; total precipita tion, .02. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. Justice Reid yesterday sent George Brooks, colored, to the roads for thirty days for vagrancy and beating rides on the train. Alice Grady, white, was charged with the costs in her case, being tried by the Police Justice yesterday for dis orderly conduct. Andrew Boon, colored, was sentenc ed to jail yesterday for thirty days by Justice Separk. Boon was charged with beating his wife. Messrs. B. C. Beckwith and R. A. Morrow, of the Board of Internal improvements, left yesterday far Greensboro on official business. Secretary Joseph E. Pogue, of the State Fair, announces that checks are ready at the fair headquarters for all the winners of premiums at the State Fair. A delegation of twenty Knights of Columbus and candidates will leave here for Wilmington this week where a council of that order will be insti tuted Sunday. Sergeant Crabtree, of the police of >urham, brought Jasper Wilson, a ne ro, to the jail here yesterday, the darkey being wanted here for carry ing concealed weapons. Messrs. J. J. Skinner and J. C. Britton, of the National Department of Agriculture, arrived in the city yesterday, and will conduct special ex perimental work with State Chemist u. VV. Kilgore. The pilot of the Southern Railway yard engine was crashed into by a Southern East bound train at the Southern freight yards, early yester day morning which ran into an open switch. No persons were reported in jured. The argument in the Clark case will begin this afternoon at three o'clock in the Mayor’s office. Messrs. Harris & Harris will defend Clark and Messrs. Snow and Armistead Jones will represent the State. Several milk dealers have not paid the new tax to the city, and Mayor Johnson said yesterday that umess these delinquents pay at once the clerk will be ordered to issue warrants for them. Mr. T. K. Bruner, of the Depart ment of Agriculture, left yesterday for Chattanooga to attend the meet ing of the governors of the Southern States, who are to discuss immigra tion, the quarantine laws and indus trial questions. Columbus and Sampson counties have petitioned the Governor to order special terms of civil' court in these counties to release the congested civil docket. Governor Glenn is in Chat tanooga. and will not announce his intention until he returns. Rev. John E. White, of Atlanta, was here yesterday returning from Franfclinton, where he attended the marriage of his brother, Mr. R. Bruce White and Miss Virginia Green Joy ner. He went to Apex in the after noon and preached there last night. Mr. Charles U. Harris has been em ployed to defend Burton Garrell, one of the negroes brought to Wake coun ty for safe keeping from Warren county. Garrell and Hicks, the other negro, will be carried to Warrenton for trial November 21st. at a special term of Warren court. Messrs- Harris & Harris, attorneys for Sam Scarboro, the R. F. D. car rier operating from Kinston, who was recently convicting of sending obscene literature through the mails, and was sentenced to twelve months in the Federal penitentiary at .Atlanta, will make an effort to have the sentence remitted. Scarboro is now in Wake county jail. TRIED TO POISON FAMILY Negro Woman Sent to Penitentiary. Thomas \V. Dewey Begins _ Sentence. Sheriff W. J. Jackson, of Washing ton county, arrived in the city yester day with a negro woman who was sentenced to six months in the peni tentiary for attempting to poison an entire negro family. Sheriff Taylor, of Jones county, brought a negro to the penitentiary for stealing a pig. ife was sentenced to twelve months. Norah Hester, a negro, was p’aced in the penitentiary by Deputies Vestal and Cheek, from Alamance, for at tempting to poison a white family. These officers also brought a negi o -outh, Ed. Watts, who will serve a term of seven years for burglary. This s Watts’ sixth term- Thomas W. Dewey, the New Bern bank cashier, sentenced to six years in the penitentiary for defalv’ lions while cashier of the Farmers and Mer chants Bank, of New Bern, arrived by himself, and surrendered at the pen, being under bond, and has begun his term. Ise CHENEYS EXPECTORANT promptly for <*oughs and colds, and prevent pneumonia. 25cts. a bottle at all drug stores. A lazy man seldom punctures his tire- AS A L AMORT One Without Faith Con vinced and Made Glad. Pleasant Memories of a Home-Like Institution and Words of Praise and Gratitude for the Cure Wrought, When a man who has no faith in a remedy is nevertheless cured by its usi3, such cure is little short of jt, miracle, for it is well known that the mind exercises an Immense influence both for good and ill on the body. Here is a case in point: I have concluded to vvite you sim ply to assure you of my appreciation of the Keeley Treatment, which I took so long ago that I do not remem berber the year. It was before you moved into your present splendid lo cation, which, by the way, I had the pleasure of visiting some four or five years since. I remember very veil every nook and corner of the old place on tlie corner opposite the court house and the many kindnesses received at the hands of those in charge during my four weeks’ sojourn at the Insti tute. Then, too, I was very much at tached to my daily associates, noble fellows with whom it was a deligth t > be thrown. I remember with what misgivings I consented to try the treat ment. The matter was under consid eration in my home for several weeks and, after considerable persuasion of my friends and loved ones, I entered the Institute reluctantly—as a last re sort —but with little or no confidence in the Cure; but on amd after the fifth day 1 was convinced that there was something in it; and now, at the expiration of some eight or ten years, I gladly give the" Keei'ey Cure my un qualified endorsement and recommend it to all slaves of the liquor habir. knowing as I do from experience that it is all that; is claimed for it; and I am sure that, when one of your gradu ates goes back to his cups, it is no fault of the cure; but if he is honest with himself lie will' freely confess that he did so for pure cussedness. W. C. .HOLLAND. Fayetteville, N. C., Doc. 4, 1904. Send names and addresses of those who may be benefitted to the Keeley Institute. Greensboro. N. C. Incorporations. The Durham Merchandise Compnay with $25,000 authorized and $3,100 subscribed capital stock, was charter ed yesterday. The incorporators are: T. B. Tally, A. A. Cox and C. L. How ard, all of Durham. The Beulaville High School Com pany. of Duplin county, with $5,000 authorized and SIOO paid in capital stock was chartered today. The incor porators are: H. S. Thomas, G. W. Kennedy, S. W. Gusham and others. Local Taxes aiul Libraries. The department of Public Instruc tion issued warrants for new rural li braries yesterday as follows: Samp son, 2: Wayne, 5: Granville, 1; Lin coln. 1; Ashe, 2; Graham, 1; and Mitchell. 2. Local tax elections were ordered for Mapleton, Franklin county, and Pro vidence, Granville county. PERSONALS. Mr. T. C. Harrison, of Weldon, is in the city. Mr. Frank Mitchell returned yester day from Franklinton, where he at tended the White-Joyner wedding. Mr. J. A. Duncan, of Hamlet, was here yesterday returning from the White-Joyner wedding in Franklin ton. Mr. S. D. Young, of Grand Rapids, formerly of Henderson, is a visitor to Raleigh. Hon. S. M. Gattis, who has been here on legal business returned to Hillsboro yesterday. Hon. R. A. Doughton, of Alleghany, who has been here on business be fore the Supreme Court, left yester day. Hon. W. W. Kitchin, of Roxboro, who has been here on cases in the Supreme Court, left yesterday. Messrs. Clem Manly and W. M. Hendren, of Winston, who has been here on matters before the Supreme Court, left yesterday for Winston- Salem. Rev. J. O. Atkinson and President E. L. Moffitt. of Elon College, were here yesterday. Rev. W. S. Long, of Graham, was in Raleigh yesterday. Dr. W. T. Whitsett, of Whitsett, is in the city, being here to attend the Smith-Heck wedding last night. Mr. J. H. King, the bright para graph editor of the Durham Herald, was in the city last night. Dr. J. E. Caviness, of Lillington, was a visitor to Raleigh yesterday. Grand Secretary B. H. Woodall has gone to Thomasville and Albemarle. Mr. J. A. Warren, of Durham, is in the city. Mr. F. A. Cheatham, of Youngs ville, spent yesterday in Raleigh. Mr. A. P. McPherson, of Lillington, is in Raleigh. For Diabetes and Bright’s Disease, take Stuart’s Gin and Buchu. Sale ol' Valuable Fanning Land. By virtue of a deed of trust made between Seawell Jones and Mary Jones, his wife, parties of the first part; J. C. Scarborough, party of the second part; and J. N- Holding, trus tee, party of the third part; we will at 12 o’clock, noon, on December 7th, 1905, sell in front of the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C., to the highest bidder for cash, a valuable tract of land lying in Little River township, Wake county, North Caro lina. and described as follows: Beginning at a maple and elm on Little river, thence east 127 poles to a stake in Branch Ferrell’s lino: thence south 2 1-2 degrees west with said Farrell's line 52 poles to a black sum on Mills Branch; thence down the various courses of said branch Jo Little river; then up the various courses of said river to the beginning; containing 100 acres, more °r less, ad joining the lands of Nathaniel Perry, Branch Ferrell and the “Allen Perry lands,” and being the same land sold to J. C. Scarborough by deed recorded in book 43 at page 280 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake countv, North Carolina. WATSON & LAMBERT. Attorneys. TEN CENTS PER LINE (Six words to the Line.) Cash With Order . NO ADVERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 25 CENTS. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON EXTENDED AD VERTISING. RESULTS ASSURED. SCOTCH TERRIERS FOR SALE — From the best imported parents. Intelligent pets, watch dog's and ver min destroyers. Geo. F. Weston, Rock Hall, Arden, N. C. WANTED —YOUNG MEN TO PRE pare at King’s Business College for good position. FIVE GRADUATES placed in one day—October 3 Ist 4 ALL-ROUND PRINTER. POSITION Newspaper or job office. "S.’’ News- Observer. 11-8-2 t 200 HORSES AND MULES —ATTEND the second auction sale of horses and mules at Wythscock, Va., Nov. 9th Write to C. G. Ogden, Manager. li-8-6-t WANTED! YOUNG LADY TELE PHONE Operator with experience. Apply to A. M. Hollingsworth, Manager, Wilson, N. C. FOR RENT—-NICELY FURNISHED or unfurnished room in small fami ly wtihing three blocks of capital. Address *‘M.” care News and Ob server. WANTED—PARTNER IN HOTEL business; single man preferred; modern hotel; good location. Ad dress, “Hotel,” care News and Ob server. * 11-7-3 t WANTED TO RENT —AN INVALID rolling chair; will Like good care and be responsible for all damage. H. B. Hardy, Raleigh, N. C. IMPROVE YOUR SOIL BY THE USE of Ground Phosphate Lime, 80 to 85 per cent. Carbinate of Lime with considerable high grade Phosphoric Rock ground with it; good for all crops. For prices, address B. F. KEITH, Wilmington, N. C. 10-8-lm OAK AND PINE WOOD —DELIV- ered —$3.00. A. D. Hunter, Cary. 11-4.ini. WANTED. —A RELIABLE MAN TO take charge of new, well furnished Hotel in thriving town of three thousand (3,000) inhabitants, Jan. Ist. The only transient hotel in town. Equipped with electric lights, hot and cold water. Address any references to ‘‘New Hotel” care of News and Observer, Ral eigh, N. C. FOR SALE —ISO-ACRE FARM SIX miles west of Raleigh two miles north of Method. Half in cultiva tion half in woods. Also 100-acre tract in half mile of above. R. H. Horton Raleigh N. C. 11.4.1 W FOR SALE—ONE COMPLETE SAW mill outfit; 50-horse power capacity; 12,000 feet per day with mules, carts, tools, etc.; all in No. 1 con dition. Located on A. C. L. Rail road. In connection with above five million feet stumpage secured with large quantity accessible to this plant nicely located; good buildings. Located at station; four trains daily. None but those mean ing business need apply. Address, J, care News and Observer. 10-26-17 t WANTED —TEACHERS TO KNOW we have moved from Barnwell to Columbia, S. C. We need more teachers at once. Special enrolment. Southern Teachers’ Agency. Barn well, South Carolina. 11-7-3-teod WANTED —YOU TO KNOW THAT free scholarships in Practical Gram mar, Business Arithmetic, Spelling, Business Corespondence and Pen manship have always been given to students of the Shorthand and Commercial Departments of King's Business College. Address Raleigh or Charlotte 4t-a-w • • • T>T? • • • • • • nffj • • • “ON TIME.” AN ACCURATE WATCH WILL I HELP YOU TO GET ON IN THE WORLD—FOR NO ONE WHO IS NOT “ON TIME” CAN EXPECT TO SUCCEED THESE DAYS. A FULL VARIETY OF THE WORLD’S BEST TIMEPIECES, WATCHES THAT YOU CAN RELY ON DAY IN AND I>Ay OUT, FOR MANY A YEAR ARE HERE. —iwm— it wnri—mi'i■ it mum 11—Y7i H. MAHLER’S SONS, JEWELERS, Raleigh, North Carolina. Commercial Correspondence University Julian R. Pennington, Pres. Wilson, N. C. We can educate you at home, casli or on a trail payments. Catalogue fre* SELECT BOARDING HOUSE. Mrs. Wiley M. Rogers cabs attention to the fact that this large house, within half a square of the capitol, has been newly painted, papered and furn ished, anJ is open for boarders by the day, week or month. Large anfl airy rooms. Reasonable prices. Within one-half a square of the capital. 118 N. Wilm ll ** toD st - Ttth DAILY NEWS ANDgOBSERVER We Give S. H & Co.’s Green Trade Discount Stamps Free. Os Interest to Every Woman • Honest value-!, dependable merca amdise, modern methods and genuine under selling prices from the back bone of this business. Many “good things” will he offered on our second floor during the balance of the week. Many of these are money savers that do not find their way into the papers. It will pay you to investigate this statement. Come early. Don't delay. LADIES’ SUITS. In the season's popular Fabrics, Cloth and Cheviots, Long Coats, tailor stitched, with velvet collar and new kilted Skirts. Smart models, strict ly up to date. . . .$15.00, $17.50, $20.00 CHILDREN’S COATS. Os Meltonette in solid colors, full length, heavy weight, cut high neck, belted back, with fancy buttons and emblems on sleeves—ss.oo. SO.OO and $7.50. DRESS GOODS NOVELTIES. The new styles for Fall and Winter are full of novelty. The ehangeah.e weaves, the flecks, fancy woven effects, together with the plain weaves, makes it possible to get just what is wanted here. New Broadcloths, Coverts, Unfinish ed Worsteds, Serges, Chevrons, t nev iofs, shadow Cheeks. Fancy Moliairs. Plain and Striped Panama Suitings. Those yon buy in wide widths at, tier yard 50, 75c., SI.OO and $1.25 SILKS FOR WAISTS. The first pick is always (lie host pick, for tills reason: The assortment of styles and color range is now at iis best. Chameleon Taffeta Silk in various changeable effects, usually (59e.. 50e. Shepherd Cheek and Scotch Plaid Taffeta Silks 75e. Two-Tone Taffeta Silk, Red and Black. Blue and Black, Green and Black, yard wide, at SI.OO Guaranteed Black Silk Taffeta. 5(5 inches w ide SI.OO and $1.25 SCARFS, THROWS AND MUFFS. Nothing quite so drossy, yel withal so comfortable as a good piece of Fur. It lasts so long there is economy in buying the best. Neck Pieces, flat, round, with and without tails. .$2.50, $3.00. $3.5 ~ $5.00 Sable Opossum, Isabella Fox, Chin chilla Brook and River Mink Pieces— sl.so. SIO.OO. $ 12.50 to $55.00. Muffs to match. , CHILDREN S SHOES. This store long since established a reputation for selling only-good Chil dren's Shoes. Little shoes for little men and women—so, (50. 65, 85c., $1.25. $1.50. Misses Reese & Company **<• 10 West Ilargett Street. The only exclusive Millinery Store in the city. Correct styles, satisfactory prices. New Hats each week of the season. Trading stamps given. Store closes at 6 o’clock. SUPREME COURT REPORTS. V vLS 187 AM) 18HT1! KEPOIITS now oil sale; price $1.50 or $1 HO postpaid. Some recent reprints with an notations by Chief .Justice Clark. Vols. 10. 21, 17, 18, 10, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 50, 70, 71, 81. Vols, 51 and 86 in press. Public and Private Acts. 1005, now on sale, $1.50, or SI.BO postpaid. MAY CODE will be on sale about December Ist. 1005. Your orders so licited Alfred Williams ® Company RALEIGH. N. C. ST. MARY’S SCHOOL RALEIGH. the diocesan school of the cakolixas. Now in tilth year. Second Quarter begins November 23rd. Easter Term Opens Jan. 25, 1906. For Catalogue, etc., address. Rev. McNeely Dubose, B. S., B. D., Rector. TOOTH BRUSHES. TOOTH POWDERS. TOOTH PASTES. TOOTH W ASHES. DENTAL FLOSS. TOOTHACHE “WAX Everything for the care of the Teeth HICK’S Drugstore. Institute for C=N. College Women and CourSCS Conserve- I Y fl High Standarl The 1 Best Place V / MEN'S FALL STYLE HATS. The “Pointer’’ Brand of Hats have all !lu> style and shape of $5.00 Hats, wear as well and cast about halt — $2.00 to $3.00. UMBRELLA SPECIALS. Umbrellas bought for a special sale means extra good values and short profits; hardwood and fancy handles. SI.OO and $1.50. COTTON AND WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. The Underwear outfitting for meiii, women and children can be done in this store to your entire satisfaction. I Never has this section been in bet j ter shape to supply your needs. Infants’ Wraps—2sc., 35c., 50c., j SI.OO. Children s Shirts. Vests, Pants and | Drawers 25c. to 75c. Ladies* Vests and Pants—2s. 50, 75c.. SI.OO and $1.50. Men’s Shirts and Drawers —50c., j $1.50. Children’s Union Suits —25c., 50c., ! 60c. LADIES’ DRESS SHOES. W’e are showing a complete line of Southern made Shoes, manufactured in Virginia. They have all Hu* snay and style of tin* Eastern made. Every pair of the Shoes stands for i honest material, honest workmanship, honest wear. AYe claim for these Shoes all the merit of higher priced footwear, without any sacrifice of ; style, comfort or wear. They look ' wi 11, they lit well, they wear well. “SOUTHLAND BELLE” Shoes in Alack Kid, Patent Leather or Slack Tip. and in plain Common Sense styles with circular or side seams— sl.so. “Southern Girl.” in Bals, Bluchers smul Common Sense styles $2.00 "THE AUTOGRAPH’" line are a full grade of Ladies' Shoes that came in till styles. Sure to please $2.50 I “Virginia Dare” end College Wo man’s Walking Shoes in Patent i Leathers, Bluchers, are a little man i ni«h. vet stvli.-h and as good as their l names . . . .’ worn ONE WEEK 7 Commencing Monday, November 6tli, THE Woods-Browning Stock Company The Peer of Popular Priced Attractions In High-Class Repertoire. POLITE VAEDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS. Grand Special Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons. Opening Bill: PRICES, 10c., 20c., 30c. “Because He Loved Her.” Advance Sale opens Saturday morn ing at Bobbitt-Wynne & Co.’. . A genuine Heart Story, as sweet as the perfume of the flowers. SPECIAL SHOWING OF NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SILK AND DRESS GOODS. A. B. STRONACH CO. SILKS—Plaid Silke, high colorings to sober shadings 75c to $1.25 Two-Tone Taffeta Silks, day shades, 2 7 ami 36 inches <»c to .98 Chiffon Taffeta Silks, all white, 10 to 36 inches 3oc to 1.25 Givernaud's Taffeta Silks, all black, 3t* to 43 inches „ . _!! The New Camille Silks, navy. Alice blue, reseda and gun metal, l«-m. 50 Taffeta Silks for Costumes and Waists, day and evening shades, 19-m . .59 WOOL AND MOHAIR DRESS GOODS. CEAVENETTE CLOTHS —POSITIVELY SHOWER PROOF. 51 inches wide—Olive, tans, navy, grey and black 12-inch AH Wool Empress Cloths, colored and black •:••••• 12 to 15 inches All Wool Prunella Cloths, black and colors. . . .SI.OO to 1.35 38 to 12 inches All W 00l Panama Clot hs, black only <s <)c to .85 50 to 51 inches All Wool Panama Cloths, black and colors L<>o 52 inch All Wool Broadcloths, black and colors LOO 50 inch wide All Wood English Cheviots, black and colors 1.00 50 inch wide Colored Scotch Mixtures • • • • •• • • 38 inch wide Imperial Serge, all wool, black and colors *>oc and .Jo 42 inch wide all Wool Creviots, black and day shades •• • *s° 41 to 45 inch wide Silk Finished Mohair Brilliantine, black. . . .SL2S to 1.50 42 to 44 inch wide Mohair Brilliantine, blacks only <sc to 1.00 42 inch wide Mohair Brilliantine, black only 50 50 inch wide Mohair, navy, royal, green, brown, aiul black 50 50 inch wide English Broadcloths, black only $1.50 to 2.25 42 inch wide Silk Warp Henriettas LSO 36 to 42 inch wide AH Wool Henriettas, black and colors 50c to 1.00 DRESS TRIMMINGS No " * Ladies Visiting Coats, Tourist Coats, Rain Coats, and Suits. Ladies. Misses, Infants and Youths Shoes at low, close prices. DIXIE BLANKETS, COTTON AND DOWN FILLED COMFORTS. A. B. STRONACH CO. RALEIGH, N. C. # Modern Dress : : FOR : : 4jM| Modern Men. A Stff 1 * DRESS DOESN’T MAKE THE M \N. BUT IT MAS IT’S INFLUENCE : ! ’• OVER MEN. I: . •:WE are now show ing the best values ever offered in M i MEN’ WEARING APPAREL.' L Cl X OVERCOATS, ■NSW-. rain coats, SUIT’S, hats, j% MS si 1 OKs ’ fs§» SI 11 RTS I UNDERWEAR, 1 NECKWEARE, ETC. 0 : 0M8M EVERYTHING IN f m GENT’S 'furnishings jjfeßj W E SELL ONLY THE #ll ,!KST - therefore M mm THE CHEAPEST. JWr ■j. Hosengarten, Fayetteville Strfeet, COPYRIGHT 190 SBY i • t. wt n THE HOUSE OF KUPPEHHEMa RaieigH, IN. C. Your Tie Always Slips Without A Yanß. When we launder your Collars. No broken button holes or raw edges to annoy you. Special Department for Hand work on Men’s Shirts and Ladies Clothes. Telephone No. 87 for all orders to call and deliver. Quick Service :::::: Ooty Steam Laundry 25 INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES $!00.00 FOB SALE ItV THE MECHANICS AND INVESTORS ONION. Owing to unusual demand for money for the erection of dwellings, the Company will place on sale at $92.(Mi, Twenty-five Full Paid, Ten Year Coupon Certificates, SIOO.OO At tills price it gives a net six per cent Investment, secured by Re*' Estate Mortgages. For particulars Address GEORGE ALLEN, bccretary Pullen Building, Raleigh. incorporated No Vacation. Enter any time. Individual Instruction. It is a cont'cricd fact known everywhere in North Carolina by those who are informed, that KING’S is THE SCHOOL—tne RIGHT SCHOOL, viewed from every standpoint of merit and worthiness. The best faculty. Best equipment. The largest. More graduates In positions than all other business schools in the State. So get the BEST, it is the cheapest. Write today for our Social Offer, New Catalogue and full information. Address, KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Raleigh, N. C., or Charier le. N. C. E| crimp Desk Lamps LLv * iHI v an( j Portablee Rarest designs. Our stock Is complete. Fancy Globes and Reflectors. AH kinds of electric al supplies and novelties, etc. Raleigh Construction Company 14 VV. Hargett Street. All ’Phones, THURSD AY* MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1905.

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