ThG Only Coizrcpdpor m IXlotrtlh airQtjlBva Thai Moo vgf1IQ9 r st1 ' x . w "- i a. - -sssssMtaraw i TU23 WEATHE2X TODAY. trot tia cut. Fair and mmrmtrt fre4 msrlltrast to north) wind. Leads air Berth Carolina; i,fflel!:ifiilaf:': IB ... , i . , .... : . . . .Yolnrrc LIX. Ho, 51. . ' j RALHGB, WORTH CAROLCfATHURSDAY JlORHIHGt JIAY 10, 19Q6. ' 'j.. Pries Five C:..:, . v - r. i - : i " : : : : Bailies COMMnTS FOR SIMMONS' RUN Postmaster-General Must Use Judgment. HAIL APPROPRIATION tired today. ' Mr. Johnson, who la well I r long In life, ha had an Interest Ine; career. In 1I7 he he!d a com mission I under" General Canby authorising him to administer the oath or allegiance to North. Carolinian. He later wan elected clerk of the superior court ami Judge of the probate court, which po sitions he held for nix yearn. He sutv sequcntlv held position of Importance In the Internal revenue service until appointed to the enson hureau In latsi, He now retires from the gov ernment service to manr.fe an elec tric supply and construction company. and to oversee valuable real estate which he pomesxed before entering the government service In Washing ton. i Mrs. Knight, of Chicago, formerly Mis Helen Fowic. of Raleigh, and IMIsa Mary II. Fowle. are here. Mrs. Knight leaves In a few days for Hurope, STANDARD IAtNDItY CO. Senator Simmons Prorlso Provides Thit If Extra Service It Found Ncccixary the . Government Sboald Pay a Reasontble Pries and No Uors. By THOMAH J, VKSCK. Washington. May i. The ScttiU postofnee committee today adopted the amendment offered by Senator Him-I sewn months ago and continue! busi- mou requiring the Postmaster Oen-I un" ro .r 'hrcc a7?; m a . . . . . . k 1C IMUII I LlWi 111 I lUIIIIMIIIT rrro no mm m. wnrr ,e.con- not mfnount lt mre than six or seven sJdera r.ecesry rhe extra appropria- I hundred dolUra. and it Is thought that tloa gtvrn the Southern Railway for I there will be enough to pay out and rarrvlnc ih mill MwMn Wuhlnr. I savw the stockholders from lm , . . ... . , , . i uamage sun againsi m riu iii-ru , ",v" road has bees Instituted by Thma lig Urn expenditure. Ill Minor. A few weeks ago Minor uniy two members or. me committee l hurt on th van! of the Kouthern ,i . . J". ,nVo "Tf'lhere. and It Is on account of the in ll!Tt.lJnf.1ctf of O0-. n cott. I jurie h received then that he I. now of Went Mnctnta. I rr A.mitM Senator Htmmona stated to tho com-I T rn.n.I. ri..n. nmrt this men. Its Affair to be Mettled Vp by W. II. Kakrr for Ileftrflt of Cmlltors, (Special to News and Observer.) Durham. N. C May.. Iapcrs In assignment of the Standard Laundry Company were filed with the register f deeda today, the affairs of the com pany being turned Into the hands of W. II. Kuker. trustee, who will sett! up', the affairs of the company for lhy benent of the creditor. Tills company was Incorporated some six or TO DIVORCE GOAL AND ITS CARRIER The Senate Adopts the Elkins' Amendment mtttee that In view of-the statement of ,njc"2b Kdw.rds. a white man. who LlWn,te.r"iLe,,rrmlKtf.iI,tK'rr'Cl Uvea In Kast Durham, was arraigned ssyass r.i edw;rnho7,nhororr zuizrin7'm ?: sssssz !nveSli,t;,th fonu J?"? H.ufrnrglvTh.10 discretion in the matter, he felt com- I . f in . " , " Jk- pelle-l to oppose this Item and would I aeiung ""rj . V"""""" vote aaalnst it anlesa the aporoprta-1 except during the time that he wu tlon i usliad mod conditioned 1 on tne "scout to Keep oui i me wsjr oa to make It the duty of the Poetmaa- I of officers. Irlanr f trt rant tK liinaJtlAf1 I 1 ui.n a nur. bunlftess bast- In esse he I TWO IJ1-1T1I iiMUiiua'. khnl,4 afl lndlralln(l A m mil nnd It was necessary to use any partTlKsr of 3Irs. J. M. Wolf ami Mrx. of the appropriation In order to give the section of the country tn question iiTnsrr -ma I? expedition so that 1 any extra service ta needed and ts con tracted for the government should pay fr H what such extra, service la rea- vonablv worth and no more, ftenator Simmons called the commute to the fact inaster-Oeneral had stated to the com. II. W. Ilurion. IMpeeial to New amd Qlstejrrar.) Oreensboro N. C. May t. Mrs. J M. Wolfe, wife of t'nlted 8tates Com I tn loner J. M. Wolfe, died here early aged 73. Khe had been .n.ML7f th Hhl morning, aged J. Khe had beei f VL t, Invalid for the last three years, bu . J. w- tzl' I during the last few weeks her condl mltteclhat If his proviso waa adopted "''irl. ,lf " "v, (my. 4, mould uee no psrt of the approprt.- r1'1 .Jf v tl.n unl-e- he found It necessary to do "TB,n"T,b?nd- A ,M; '1 ,h s In order to glre the people Inter- W. .lfe and J U.Wof. and! hree rie,l such mall facilities and expedl- dangtuera. M -s. It. M. Itees lrs. . k .hum A th .Kooid II. Itees. and Mrs. O. F. Pearce. all .r.. if h. it of Greensboro, are the survivor n im. tn u aii v nmt-t nt if K I The funeral was held fnm the rest would ue such part mm mmm ni i-1 ary. I dence on Kast Market street this af- tmttlna the contract noon the basea I temoon at nveocioca. iiev. j. n. ie f valu recelvetl by the government I wllef officiating, and the Interment was as other casvs of contract for mall I had at Green Hill cemetery, services. I Mrs. It. W. Ilurton died at !: The Henator said to the committee (o'clock yesterday at the home of her that unlets It staa understood, that thesster. Mrs. A. T. Vernon, aged 1 provision was to have the support of I years. The remains were carried to the rVnale conferees on the disagree- I Muminertleld this afternoon for Inter Ing vote of the two house, he would Irnenl. Mm. Ilurton Is survived by a not introduce It at all. and he decureu (husband and two children. that If his proviso was stricken out by I -rn bosr-d of count commissioners tne wemaie. leaving tne appropriation lyw.tarday elected the following bounl , without effective iuail0mtton such aal,f dtrrctors to supervise the new eoun- nis prwiro pnnw ana wnicn m-1 workhouse: W. C. Iloren. U A preset provim did not provide. Te Uyalker O. A. Garrett. C. A. Trickle rzri -"m'-"r and j. if. miii. follows: -lTovl.l that no part of the ap- .rMrtstlon nude by this fwtragraph kIisII be expended unl terGeneral shall consider tbat such expenditure i necetssary to Hr needed expedition of the malls and In such case no jrrealer sum shall Testerdsy the board visited th County Homo and the House of Cor rection. Itoth Institutions were re. V. T4!.Vr- forted to be In excellent condition. The :njSTnd ''" ot Correctkm. a new Inatltu- in H, n- irtMI'rti. now contains twelve Inmates, all of them being women and children. The snlnnlng department of the i r.w m,,ru i. ih.n . inlPomonA Cotton Manufacturing Cim the Judgment of the Iostmster-Oen-I pany waa put In operation yesterday. f-rml m lair eompsnautlm for rv see-ITM mill, wnicn is out receiuiy com- U-rm to be rendered by said trunk I pleted. cnlalns le.woe spinoies sou line or lines. I S3 looma. all of which will be starttvl t!eorg H. Murphy, of North Caro-lwlihln the next few daym. Mr. Ie it. Una. i ms today appointed a consul-1 Dattle. the cashier of the City Na- general at targe by the President. It tonal ILsnk. la the president and trea Tills position fas created by the consu-lurer of the new enterprise As his tar bill. Klve such -appointments were I new I duties will compel him to devote made today. The North I'andlnUnlt rood deal of his time to this work. rie-tri is mi present consular agemitr Charles F. Cllne has been pro at . Cat harlnea. Canada. The duties moie.1 to the position of assistant f these moroUr agents who receive I rashley of the City National. Mr. Cllne fS.see rsUry. ts to Inspect and report I w, o discharge his duties on American cwiwihhw, wnicn ineyu, teller. are renulred to visit. I vt ri w vr nti Cnmrnv Henator yimmoni land "prejs-ntatlve ftf Ow.nsboro, haJt tn authorlxed by INkj were notified today that they had received the unanimous endorsement the ecretary of Ktate to Increase It common stock from irs.OOO to of the Chatham Democratic conven- l.eo. VumuUttve 8 ier -Is Is flip AVIiolc TlUng. The Krnate became alarmed over the proposition to-confine business and the reU waa that a milk and elder amendment waa adopted which makes It unlawful for railroads to transport any commodities manufactured or I.rodue,i by It after May. 10X. The loop hole s In the word "It" which has cent, bonds. DKAT1I or aiiaximxi:i CIIII.O. Kad Htory of Parents Neglevt lUsly TntuVrljr Oml fop by m. Kt ranger. (Keclal to New and Observer.) Cimcord. N. C- May The death no reference to Individuals, who mV I of two-month-ld baby Is only tin at the same time own a railroad, and manufacture and produce commodi ties ror shipment. " Col. John H. Cunlngham la here-' The North Carotins delegation Incident In life, but In the case of one such that died tat night, near the York Furniture Factory there is pathetic story of paternal neglect on th . one side and on the other which broke awsy yestsrdav from the lead-1 hi of tender nddevoted klndnesa not crshlp of Minority Leader Williams, I seen every day. who wanted he Ivmncrmt to onnose I Home time ago a husband and wife the order by which the Immlfral Ion I ewme to. Concord with a Hve weeks and pure f.d hllU are to come be- ! .baby. They securetl board with fore the House for consideration. All f the Tar Ilee! menilxrs faetr the immlrratlon hltl and several nf them are verv much lntreted In the Iure Fm1 bin. mi that there- waa not mncb slgntn'snre to tl.e break with the party's spokesman In the House. A Krrat many Democrats voteil with the CarollnUin.. ' I JohrvMMi IMn Pirvd.Ni OflhT. Mr.) Horace llussell. but did not re main longer than when the character of the parents wmsi discovered. The mother went toi work In the mill, and one morning she plied bed ding over her' child and left, the sus picion being that she wanted to smother U. Out of the klndnesa nt his heart Mr. Henry Petrea told the mother that he would take the child Ivl K. Johnson, of Guilford county. If site would remain and care for It N. .. who has for twenty-three year until the natural mother could he held a position-In the pension bureau, dispensed with. This site did not di. tendered hU rrwlrnatlon to enter tul- buttaii nfter she and her husband pes here. Mr. Johnson, who Vwaa l-Xt the city, leaving the child with chief of a dlvUlon. held a I !.' p- ir-1 Pe'Tca. who cared frr It kindly, sltlon". ft well aas-ha Itxed that he tenderly. ; The ehild cast tfT by Its was preMnted with a told headed parents died last night at the home of cane by hl associates when he re-.Its benefactor. ' , TAKE A SQUINT AT IT Would It Start the Sweat on the Brow of Any Legal Athlete Who Should Oevelop Suddenly an ilch to Jump Through It? Would. It? (By the Associated Prtaa.) Washington. May 9. The Senate spent the greater part of the day again in the consideration of the question of divorcing the production of coal and other commodities from their transportation and closed that brunch of Its work by adopting a modified provision for mj illy offered by Senator Klklns but originally suggested by Senator MeLrfiurin. The vote on the Elkins amendment stood C7 to f. the six negatolve votes being cast by Messrs. Ankeny. Bulk ley. Clark (Vyo.). Millard. I Vitus, and Warren. The provision Is In the language of the original McLuurln substitute, und f.. i )'. . -From and after Mky 1 199. it hall be unktwful for any common car rler to transport from any Stale. Ter ritory, or District of the United States to any other State. Territory, or Dis trict of Iho United States, or to any foreign country, any article or com- Tvxllty manufactured, mined, or pro duced by It. or under Its authority, or which it maj' on in whole or In part. or In which It may have any Interest direct, or Indirect. excett such articles or commodities as may be necessary or used in the conduct of Its business as a common carrier. There waa again much aparrtnjr over larltamcntary points, hut there wus at ne Unrru muctr confusion at enrTwre-' day, and when the coal question was finally closed, the progress was so rapid thit the first section waa en tirely dlrpoeed of before the Senate adjourned. other amendments were also adopted, but a long and short haul provision suggested by Mr. Irii Follette Xm voted down bv practically a party vote, sit but two Republicans voting against the amendment. When the Senile adjourned there was a general feeling that the rapid work of the lattet part of the session presages the early final disposition of the bill. None of the Allison com pro ml amendments were considered to day. riir Day In llsr lluc. Washington. May 9. Nearly the entire time of the House today was taken up by two propositions. first. whether the navy '"department should xo Into th open market and purchase anchors, chains and cordage or con llnue to manufacture these articles In the government navy yards us Is now lone; and second, whether the cost of transporting coal from Atlantic and CJutf irts to the Philippine Islands, n American bottoms, should be lim ited to Sl.09 or SC. 09 per ton. On the first proposition one of the prettiest legislative, combata of the session occurred, the debate ' extend ing over the major portion of the cs slon. Uckretenlattve Ijud Mlch.). Insisted that there could 1m a saying of IJSO.OO h year to the government If the navy department was itermlltcd to go Into these markets and purchase mrhora, chains. ml cordage, under regulations of the department. Gen rl Orosvenr thlo). and members of the Mtchlgun and lennsylvanla delegation sided Mr. Lud In his fight, the opMHdtlon being represented by Mr. Uobtrts fMasa.). Mr. Fttxgerald (.. Y.). Mr. McClcary (Mass.). and Mr. Itlxey Va.. Mr. Grosvenor ofTere-il a substitute to Mr. laud's smendmenl glvhig the S-cretary of the Nevy the right to purchase the articles above referred to in free markets should It bw demon stratcd that they could be had from manufacturers cbeater than they could be mado at government navy yards. This substitute wna adopted Si to 7. As to the second protosltlon, limit ing the cost of transiortatlon of coal to $ or K.oo Mr ton. the efforts put forth by Mr. Fttxgerald N. Y.) and 5Ir. SUyden tTex.. were of n avail although votes were had on both amendments limiting the cost. After these vrorsjsltlotui were dis posed cf. the reading of the naval bill was continued until the hour of ad journment without exciting debate. in.ixiw cost of piit)i)ucnox. until the new road from Kenansvllle to Magnolia wag begun this year. It la a splendid object-lejtson for good roads and the' wayfaring man. though a fool, can see it. When w get good roads Duplin county will no longer be found behind other counties from, any standpoint unless it be manufacturing, and our peop'e can make too much on our farms to take up the unsettled life of factory work. (. There bt more money In circulation today In this county than ever before, end from . an agricultural standplnt the county Is. moving forward. We must have good roads In order to keep up the pace, and make our farms worth BO per cent. more. Mrs, J. W. Honey was buried at Uockfuth . cemetery ' Saturday after noon. She was an excellent young wo man, s . Two bud negroes were sent to Ken ansvllle Jail Saturday for shooting pis tols and breaking the law in general. We have had some rain, but In some sections farmers: complain of the soil being very dry. . . A new - twenty-room hotel and a three-story brick butldlng will be built fie re at once. The ground Is already-broken. mi i:m:ii in skcqnd ni:;m:i:. TlHr Jury Pray the Mercy or lite Court for Ixwls CirlHKOfu. (Special to News and Observer. ) Concord. N. C. May 9. The Jury in the case of Lewls Grtssom. for the killing of Will Harris returned a ver dict of guilty of. murder In the sec ond decree this rpomlnjc. after having had the case under consideration all night. v The Jury In returning this verdict prayed the mercy of tho court in Grls som'a behalf. , The killing of 'Harris occurred at u dance some months a so in No. 4 town ship. The two GrlHsom boys. Lewis and Plsr. were charged with the kill ing.- Pig nude good his escape and Lewis aJone stiKvd the. trial. In view of this situation some sentiment de veloped In .Lew's favor. O'diuni) Vkv of Straw berry situation. Moling For trtasj HosaU In Dupiln, Socctal to News and Observer.) Wallace. N. C. May . Last week wa a lively one with the commission merchants and strawberry growers. The price went down Saturday nnd they were selling at II. Z5 per crate. This la below the cost of production and we will be forced to call a halt on grow hi g berries. Jtailroada. refrigerator, and express com tsinles g-vt the profits and the poor farmers go In the hole every year. The best movement ever begun In Dupiln Is now on for and petitions from the eltisens of the county are be Iner ahroed asking the county commis sioners to levy a vieclal tax In June on all property and on the polls to nrovld for a convict lores ami hired labor force for good roads. Our peo ple are alad to see the great movement bfiun. Miid men of hot parties de clare it I" be He bert plan that could be established. We nave never had a mile of good roads In Duplin county FIGHT TO NO FINISH Darkness Drops and Stops the Game. - Between the UnlsIty jandGoHford the Score at the. Cloie of the Sixteenth Inning Stood Six to Six. Hy' the Associated Press.) At Chapel Hill. N. C. University ot North Carolina. : Guilford College. . (Called at end of lGth Inning, on ac count of darkness. A CHALLENGE TO THE DRUG TRUST - Uncle Sam Prepares for a Legal Battle. i """""" p' CONTROL OF PRICES ILr.cford IV'wt.n Lumlcr Bridge. (Special to News und Observer.) ltaeford. N. t.. May 9. Lumber Plidge was defeated by Uaeford in a gsme of hiill here esterriay bv u score of 1 to 11. The game was slow and destitute of any Interest whatever. AjiKTioan liCnguc. fly the Associated Press.) At New York New York-Washington: iostpoued; rain. At Hostoii Boston. : Philadel phia, f. ' At Cleveland Cleveland-Detroit: lo.tponcd: rain. At Chicago Oh leu go. 2: St. Louis. . NallHial Ijcagisr. CRv thfl Asseclatel lreis.) At phllalelphlu Phlladclphla-Ilo-tnj Hstponel: rain. At llroklyn--Hrooklyn-Ncw York: puetponed; rain. At St. Tuls St. Lout. 1; Chicago. 3: 11 Inninss. South AtlaiMk lrague. At Charleston Charleston. 2 Macon. &. At Columbia Columbia, 0; Augus ta. 2... At Jacksonville? Jacksonville 1: Sa- tannah 3. Virginia Male Icaguc. At iMnvllle Danville. : Richmond. 6. (Called 10th Inning, darkness.) At ltoanoke Roanoke. 3; Ports mouth 12. At Norfolk: . Norfolk-Lynchburg, no gumc. rain. College Game. At Ithaca. N. Y. Cornell. 5: Ober lln. 0. At Cambridge. Mass. Harvard. 2; Williams. 6. At Ntjw Haven, tfoun. Brown. 1; Yale. 0. FAItMKItS TO HUNT WILIK'ATS. TtMyt,r Hern Rating IjhiiIm U CYaggy Mountain Way. (Special to New and Observer.) Ashevtlle. N. C. May 9. It Is stated lltnt farmertr of the Craggy Mountain ctlon wl'l tomorrow begin a sys tematic hunt of wl'dcats which Infest that section and which have recently committed much depredation among sheen. The beasts are numerous In that locality, and It is raid have caused great I by killing Iambs. Last yenr after systematic, hunting ana trapping about a holf-doxen were killed. ' . Tho cold weather of yesterday and Mondav night, when a heavy frost - m. . A - A waa reported, was nupucaiea la-si right and today. There waa no frost Inst night, -however, owlnrr to the prev. alence of n high wind. Reports from the country are to the effect that veg etables are considerably damaged by the frost and cold, but that fruit which has nrevlooKlv csnpi M sll rlgm. It 1m fenred. however, that there will be a killing frost tonight. It la turning decidedly colder this evening. It Is Contended That the Parties De fendant Gained This by Entering into a Conspiracy in Violation of the Anti -Trust Law. V (Lly the Associated Press.) Washington. May 9. The Attorney General today made public the follow ing statement: "The government has today filed in the Circuit court of the United States for the District of Indlanopolis a pe tition for an injunction against cer tain associations, corporations and in dividuals, comprising what is common ly known as the Drug Trust of the United States. The parties defendant specifically named In the bin have voluntarily combined together to con trol the prices at which proprietary medicines and drugs shall be sold to the consumer through the retail drug gist In violation of the Sherman anti trust law. "The parties to the combination In clude the Proprietary Association of Aberlca. the National Wholesale Drug' gists Association, and the National As sociation of Retail Druggists. "An Injunction Is prayed for pro hibiting these associations from acting in concert for the purpose of main taining prices and the Individuals, firms, and corporations who ore mem bers of the lespcctlve associations fi-om acting together for the ' purpose f maintaining uniform prices to the consumers throughout the United States. y The till . charges In substance that I these ajoialons.- tr.vr officers. epnteK and members ore all 'engaged In a common undertaking, to' wit: the business of manufacturing. ' buying and selling patent medicines and drugs and proprietary articles throughout the United States; that these associations and the members thereof have entered into a cohsplr a y arbitrarily to fix and regulate the price at which such articles shall be told to the consumer, and that they have established rules and regulations to enforce such an unlawful agree ment by rest i letting the purchase sale of such commodities to those members of the several associations who shall live up to and observe the rules and insulations thus arbitrarily prescribed by the respective associations. There is but one ultimate object of the conspiracy, vlx.: to fix the price which shall-be observed by all retail druggists In selling to the consumer the various commodities manufactured by the several members of the pro prietary association. The plan by by which such object !s effected Is in brief as follows: No retail druggist can obtain goods from a wholesale druggist or a manufacturer or a pro prietary medicine unless such retail druggist becomes a member of the Na tional Association of Retail Druggists. nd !n order to become a member he must agreo to observe the established price nt. which, such -proprietary meat cincs shall be sold to the consumer. "If such retail druggist, after be coming a member of the National As sociation of Retail Druggists, cuts prices in the sale of such articles to tho consumer. he Is Immediately placed upon the list of what is known as agresslve cutters, and thereafter such retail druggist Is unable ;o ob tain from any manufacturer who is a member of the proprietary association or from any other wholesale druggist who Is a member of the Wholesale Druggists Association. , any of the commodities which mar be - manufac tured and sold by them or any of them. ' . "Henry W. Lodor. of Philadelphia, recently brought suit In. the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania-' under sec tlon seven -of the Sherman anti-trust. act. against these three associations "The r"alntlflr obtained a substan tial verdict. The court pointed out that the evidence showed a conspiracy ictvoe;i frevera! manufacturers to tlx prices of Ihefr manufactured articles to wholesalers, und a conspiracy among the wholesalers intersts and with the manufacturers to fix the price at which they should- sell to retail dealers and conspiracy among the retail dealera inter se and with the wholesale drug gists and manufacturers to fx and maintain prices which such' retail dealers should obwrve In making sales to the freneral . public that Is. to the consumers." OFFICKKS AND DElUyTKIIS. . Cltolce Maule at Meeting ot I2o ami Plil at Wake, Forest. (Special to News 'and Observer.) Wake Forest College," Mav 9. At the last meeting of the Kuxellan and Philoma4hesIan Literary societies ofil cers and debaters of the next anniver sary celebration of the societies and editors and managers of the Wake Forest Student, and the college were chosen for next session. J. In the Kuzellait Socicty. Mr. T. Her man Beverly, of Robeson county, j waa chosen president of anniversary -debate. Mr. A. II. Nanney. of "Ruther ford county, was chosen orator, t and Messrs. William P. Snease. of Yadkin county, and Clifford Newell, of Cabar rus county, were elected first and sec ond debator respectively. Mr. James Turner, of Wako county, -was chosen ty me rhllomalherdan Socletyi t" secretary, of the debate; James W. Vernon, of Person county, orator, and Messrs. T- N. Hayes, of Wilkes coun ty, and Herman T. Stevens, of John ston county, were chosen first and strsj ond de'bators rrrpectaUvely to repre sent the Phi? Society fn the anniver sary debate. ; , - - . The business manager of the Howler next year will be Mr. ; B. Y. Tyner, of Robeson icount, representing the Pni. Society, and the cdltor-in-chief s will be .Mr. Harvey Vann,' of Wake coun ty. . Th0 other editors for next year's annual ; are Mr. Ralph Ferrell, - ot Wake county, senior arid Messrs. Ash by W. Dunn." of Halifax county, and Paul Q. Bryan, of -Halifax county, as sociates Jfrom the Kui Society. -The senior editor from the; Phi Society lb Mr. James Turner, bf I Wake county, and associates Messrs. Charles S. Bar nette, o Person county, and O. W. Henderson, of Baltimore. Md. . The Euzelian representatives on the staff of the Student next year will be Mr. Caryf S. Taylor, of Harnett county, edltor-inH'hlef; and Mr4 Lee B. Weatn era, of Cleveland county, associate edi tor. The Phi."- representatives will be Messrs. iO. IL Man gum. of Durham county. sedItor-In-Chler i and T N. Hayes, 6f Wilkes county, associate edi tor. , The business manager of the Student Jlhls year comes from the Phi. Society and is Mr. M; H. Weather spootK of Durham county. H.STQUET OF PYT1II ANS. J Knightsfautl Tliclr Falf Guesrts Enjoy An IS vcnlng of xqulslte Pleasure. (SDecial to News and Observer.) OJayton, N. C May 9. One of tho lively factors In Clayton society Is the occasional banquets of this splendid At 8 : 8 0 last night tfe p-arlors and dining-room of the Robertson Hotel were opened to the Knights and their invited i guests. More -than .thirty couples assembled to?;, enjoy what proved to be one of the most superb occasions In the history of the lodge. The parlors of the hotel were literally filled with Knights and tneir deugniea fair friends. Besides the ordinary so cial pleasures we were highly - enter tained by the Pitman band, or etringea instruments aided by piano accompa nimentsi by Mrs. J. B. Robertson, the hostess 'of the banouet. The Messrs. McCullers Bros, gave us some of the old-time fiddle and guitar music . that carried us back In memory: to other days. j. Miss Blanche Barnes, f one of Clayton's most esti mable young ladies, who is : now t teacher i in the Southern Conservatory of Music at Durham. -was present and rendered some fine piaho murnc. , Th dlnlnr-room was a place of ex nuislte beauty and taste. The tables were laden . with tempting delicacies Tktaniiaaaii rtrrnrrtl"! of roses. carnations. and- 'r ferns; , The - service could not have been more satisfactorily rendered bra professional caterer. ., "Muchi of the tsuccesss and pleasure bf the 'occasion was due to the excellent part taken by Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Rob ertson, the host and hostess or tne banquet. - - Y s : IS THIS 3IAN IID DAVIS. I 1 1 FEDERATIOi THE ilTHO: : Plan Offered in tion by Jao. Andcr: THEnATTEf HEF iua This Plan Ccntcm?!at:s Cu:!i s I ration as ChaIICivi-2 All An.:.: Episcopal f.!sihcdiim lr.!3 Less Than Thrca Ad.T.Ir.;;'.;;. I'm Czil i: Xeri Cturl nt Cotrconl May los- r-Ihly Be Man Wanted For tiu- ductor WIcsIus' fMiinler (Special to News and Observer.) Concord. N. C. May S. Consider able Interest was excited this morning over the capture of a negro who is suspected - as being Ed. ; Davis, the slayer of Conductor Wiggins at; Sails bury. 'The man was iarrested by freight! cunductor at , f the . Southern yards here last night and locked up at police headquarters, j The negro fills the description of Davis well. Concord officers; are doubtful v about it being Davis hut ..find he fits the description on nearly every point given, r .. . This man was reported to the rail road man by" another negro, who ald It was Davis. The conductor covered him with a revolver and searched him He was. unarmed ard was turned over to an j Officer . Benfield, who locked him . up. . This, negro says he was on his wHv'to Forest City where his mother. lives. He 1 slightly lame, and says this was th resu't of Injuries re ceived In a railroad accident and that he, has been laid up for a long time at Kings Mountain. ' i - " Chief Boger advlsetf the Salisbury officers of the arrest fof this suspect and was requested to hold the man, which I wi!l be done. f - y The ISherlff of Rowan Is In Greens boro, where he went io see a negro held there ort autsplcion. i : . - SOCIKTY OF COLOXIAL D.3IES. - f - V --Jb 1 ' Mrs JariteM Sprunt KIcctetl President ' -: . - f Otliey Ofiici Clloseii." AVllmlngton, N. C May 9. -The ai- nual meeting of the North Carolina Society of Colonial Dames . was held yesterday morning at the home of the president-eieect' of the sotiety, Mri. James? Sprunt. on Soutjv Front street There was a good attendance of mem bers, and the session was a very en- thUKlastic one. Perhaps the most im portant item of.jbuslnesa of the . meet ing was the annual election of officers which! resulted as follows: . Jresldent. Mrs. James sprunlv Wilmington; vice- president.. Miss Carol Inn O. MearM. of, Wilmington; Mrs. Pi M. Wilson, ot wBtninsion,. it. ...; ana Alias juua Robertson. oL Charlotte;, reeordlna secretary., Mrs. Alfred Moore Waddell, of Wilmington; -corresponding secre tary. Mrs. M; F. H. Oouvernetir, Wil mington; treasurer, Mrs. E. P. Bailey, of Wilmington: Register. Mrs. Wil liam Latimer, Wilmington; historian. Mrs. Emma Martin Maffltt. of New York-i v:--:-: v y ,y Mrs. Gaston Meares. the beloved re Hrlng president. wh4 declined rvi electloji on account of her declining health; vas unanimously elected a., honorary president, of the society for life. With the addition of Mrs. W. N. Harriss, the former board of managers was reM'ecteh-as follows: Mrs. J. Hal Boatwrigbt, Mrs. George G Thomas; Miss ttarolhra G. Metro. Mrs. Georiet: F. Kidder. Mrs. Henry B. Short. Mrs. James! Sprunt. Mrs. Robert Strange and Mrs. Horace Prince. --; Jackson. Miss.. May 8l Sam Sims, a rregro.jwas lynched by a mob six miles from Jackson last night. : Resisting arrest.1 he killed a. horse under Con stable Hendricks and friends of Hend ricks captured the negro and lynched him. first tying the constable to n tree td prevent bis Interference. ! (By the Associated Pros.) Birmingham: Ala.: May 9. At day'a session of the General Cosif ence of the Methodist Ui I Church. South, a Dlan of federal was Introduced In a resolution or: by James A, Anderson and other: , proposes that theSouthern"confoi appoint commissioners with a view forming a federal council, to be co posed of like commissioners from i Methodist Kplscopal Church, the t m . I i . a. pose ot wnicn council sna.ii uc io j pare and submit to the ensuin- r eral conferences of the two chun rfct-pectlvely. such A plan of ft-: tion as shall divide all American 1' copal: Methodism Into not Iosh t. three administrative bodies. Tl.e i olutlon was referred. The conference adopted that pot t of the report of the committee boundaries giving tho North- Cr - conference four years more In . to clear the matter of :: boundaries. The request of t;. ; tors of Knoxvtlle that the l;mu: oi me noisxon conieicnce i ? i defined was concurred la. c'lhe mittee on Itinerary report c l ! y i concurrence in memorials .from v ous conferences asking that aut to license local preachers l-: i. ierred from the district to the . tcrly ctnference. I Th special Coram il '. f consider concerning: t!ie j v ment of Methodiat faith im -i C recommended the pasri-e r 1 1 .utlon proposed with the un-l, i Ing that the preparation of the j ment shall be undcrt.iken i commkrslon only when j?uc-h t - tlon of other representative l.- : Methodists sliall have been sctn:i shall make It an Impression cf wide Methodism. .Ultcville Want The Confet t i- . - The Birmingham A&e '. llorai J 3-esterday says: "Ali-eady some talk 1m heard v.: the -delegates about where th- 1 conference Is to be he!l. ' Ren tatlves of AshevlUe, N. C. arc un their claims,. and thus far thcro to be a marked' unanimity of - mnr fn mi-or or tne pri-ai lit i ; . sort for the nextquadrennlal ence." . hop: iiiFi:m:i;D WAiiirn - lilackbuni llrimb'icaii at f-M are Sick, I-dmfr-tk lj-i 1'K 'll!SU!l'.tl. (Sieclal to News and Observe. Greennboro. N. C. May 3. 'I ' who rejoiced hc-re when Conrr Hlackburn's case was taken frm Jury by Judgre GolT, and his v" vindication was heralded to ts ; corners of the Union, honestly pfcted that President liooseve : t, tile Senate committee, would U. ately order action favorably ; Congressman's appointees for masters at Goldsboro and Gum s It was an open secret at the Unu . ! outside of the anplatiHe In t: room given by the larcre mint: visillnT revenue oflcer. who themselves -lndictel, mt-t of coming from local hahitueM r court house when Ju-' -,? Or,;, quitted the Congressman, was count of the sentiment aroiu-.--: Profeswr Frazler. Tho a Hat "..s character haci drawn hi-: fit him. and it was felt Unit IV. : vindication would also mt an 1 1 But since weeks have tus - U neither he nor Grant h is i. thing done for them, there h i feeling here that somehow 1; , trressman's vindication Iih ; i-arrlage, so far as 4li I'rt - ; ' mcerned. It Is now n;i:nt Inactivity Is to be the de;idv at Washington, and that wh -a: Sress adjourns without uctio i appointments, the President v. i ' a new man. for noKlmastcr s i : boro. and rename Grant at ; There Is no kick here in t! 1 l-ostmaster. except from the I forces. thoe honentiy,t terms, and thoe earnestly c! job for themselves. Since the placing? of th ' man In the Sneaker's chair ' Joe, produced pa re.- 't-i f r Crazier, the widely ' . ii' t dispatches from AVa.-!;i; ! a t President actually !-:. . . t' crmman'x hand win .1 1- t In the receiving Hue . t l'i tlrthday frolic. Iuohs! t j - ; insurgents hre. bet-au U.ev hopes have been ilcf.iit 1 1 ho often they are clit aii dyspeptic, pesKlmitie ' Hoy Acvhnlally 4 ( Special to News aud Concord. N. ?.. May aso two boys of Tom (' known c-olored man of playing with a rin i The rifle was (ir I v.: died ' by. one 'of llia t struck (he othr. '3 lidded In ihf l. .,'f i et. a first exam cate it. - i