1; I' it: i "I I i i i i I fHE DAILY NEWS AND OBSERVER fvVn-HD.lV MOUNINO. JUNE . HOt 5 t I f THE STATE GUARD CAMP I,N AUGUST Third Rcnimcnt Goes to f Chickamauga. p. OTHERS TO MO RE HEAD ! "life i:m-aiMriiciit at MorclirtMl City I!cEi4 Aueu-t Seventh ami May He- Uy Itrlgade or llcslmcnl. At CliU-kaniausa Iare arc - AueiiHt 19th to 20.li.... IThe date were arranged and an- tnced yesterday for; the encamp nt of the North Carolina National ird and were Riven out by Adju- ta n tleneraj J:otcrton. after conler- w Ith (Ifivcrnor Glenn, command- er In-chief. rtierv will be two nu i.-rharM tJ. re en simpnient-, one cut of the Hipte. In Tennessee, August 19 to 2i i. lutv. 'the othen at th ertiiatient nar Mrebeal t'lty. tj-lotilrii; 01 i no venth of Auicut. 'I he. Third Itesiment will, go to 'Mkamauga I'ark, ' Tenn., " to lake ! rt in tlK praetlco drllla thr?rvvlilch w I partcl(ated In by the regular ti opi sin well a the Sialo (Suard rrrr The work there wl'd bo un i tla direction of U.e ITnited "tul M I.V"artnicnt. uiiil w'll tx on Au nt -"t 3 tii 2 IncTuMive. 'Ih.- Third 'Regiment l. commanded . bj '!. J. N. t'rai;?. of K-i.l- and I com jwwed of the comiMtilvi In Kfidivlllc ;re ntoiii l-xltii;ton I'AHInKton. K:mfrd. tw. Im U-tlelgh. ifTd. HenderjMnii Warrenton. Kifankllntoh. IulburK. aui tnj Third i:n-nt Hand, of I al )i: Ik- r.rainpmt tit of )ie ITrit and f ood !telment- and the Klrnt Hat tidion of Field Artillery will take place the permanent encampment Kfound ifir Morehead lt- and wltl b-gii: on Aii:u"t aeven. The d.cl: lo, mm t wiinT tb encampnent JI t by icde. tth reulmentir. or; whether fcj fh regiment e:at;lr i lfi to flR-dler ;-narl Arnm-ld. and the rfiitr haf -en referred ir, hin At n .v he decidea the mailer an- r4inc-ment u ill x i?a ;. . i: i 011- .l4rt.Md that the encampment at A' fU'fnl llty will l.iiit .chl daya. If -i r(;ade the datea would then be A i-u-t 7 to IS end 1 to though n- df have been iflv!i Kept that t ricjamprnrnt will pjiri the fnrh of Aunet. i. 1 7 n rnt in 1 :-o v. Kit. e tlrilltnf Wntdtr'f a lorwifnr arwl IrlllnelIt, Yiwnt outle lit '(rernlori. . , f;ferv'brn. June g There v.a.i eel- e ratd here l.ut night at the home of bride" pareni on Vei Oaxlnii t.teet m mnt briliLitnt weddlns. when .lr Wiiliam Maurice nauchtrlda. of i;ock Mount. nn of Hon. H. 1 Jtiuclitrldpc. received an hi brld the Iveiv and an omplihd MI;oi Mar) f" Jeyner. dauuhler of Mr. Andrew vncr. I lie well known an-1 rucceaaful wpMer correspondent. The re-liH-t waa artiftlcally de. tateit and the weddlne tok nla.-e the parlor Inr-fore an elaborate al tir "of floral lvelnen.. At each, aid" 1 tbl there nrrc plllarw dratted with Hhtte and wound wl'h d.ri.v chain. fccti nupporilnir a candelabra hoidlnt ;hte,d t;ijr... Th altar Itself va ti.likd 'with palMm. and fern, whll It it rtm wa ornamented with a pro- i$toti of (tiw and dalnlea. Ieadinc tfthe irWr the hall waa lcorated ih lavish abundance In "Trna and pea. the piano being1 r falrl tiinked with the beautiful decoration At quarter after eight Profeiaor 1,'0,'"ri ' li'tmiwrn began the rythmic melody Uohn m etldlng March, and t - t-rl'l il iu r s . . . . arty entered the hall. pn- 1 1 ei iiik o in the tarlor for the ceremony. n e luiodi fariv prceiiiion waa leu tt ioe nr4 ranoen 11. iiuignaro. rec-tj-r f St. Andrew'a church, afler him tnlng thevfour little flower irtrUi. V I I-llllan Merrlmon. Allen King. ,ice Young- and Mary IJrandt. eaoU rerM l ll in pure white, and. earn ing alv chain with 'which they barrel ic Ioor war of the t-arlor and made iathway to the altar until the an -ji ranee- of the bride, thla being the t3nal for the drorolng of the chain ifollowlng' the flower girl waa th me of honor. Mr. Iula Daughtrldge f I!teky Mount, aunt of the groom Jii. I the brble'a maid. Ml we Murl". Vner. ijter of the brldey and Clyde aughtrldae. ulster of the bridegroom. th brldeamalda . were charmlnciy wn. in creation of white chiffon "mbrobjered with dalflea and ma'de up tlth .yellow allk lrdle and carried olffon muff, from which atreamer t dall-a trailel gracefully to the Neit afXrr the hrideamafd cam- the : rtMtm'a ttet man. Mr. Archie Itullockv - f Wilmington, and after him the tit le ring hearer. Mater" IVtnald Van Vtppen. who carried the ring- In the 1-ntr of a while ree. Tlien enter! h rride with her father. Mr. Andrew onr. She waa a picture of-crspe o.L loveinea. gowned In white taf- tta tllk trimmed with ducheaa lave ind embroidered with dallea. Ite ore the ceremony M Maude Hullock ,( Wilmlncton. mnc "Hecauxe" In a rUt exiulite manner, while durln the marriage rltca of the Kp1opat hureh itof-Mor Thompson rendered fllv Srhutert" Serenade. A the conclusion of the ceremony lightful reception wa held, nt Khlch werr r?"nt many gut from When Coffee, Tea, Co coa, Chocolate. cvcnMilk , t!orrr, 1 IttiI Uh POSTUM FOR. A REASON. Ct the Mtle hook, "Hie IToaa to Wermne." In pkz. hrAh In and out of the city Tht rtieita were received t the hall door by Mes . ilawr Charles Van Noppeti ami J. Ft. Cutchln. Mioses little Aiken Sand an I . Iloblna Webb Mlckle. In the went par lor. where th ceremony took pl-tce the receiving trty conrlnted of Mr. and Mr. Andrew Jnyner. Mr, l.ula ' Iauchf ride e and the brllal party. In I the eat parlor were Mr. Alice Speight and Mls IleHe JIward ami here were ldlplayed the many handnome weddvjt ?h. JVvehr. 3'" 1: mairnolias and white roe, ' The punch bowl wan placed 'n t!ie hall, and at It presided Mlwn n,m utchln and Minnie Field. TIum were daintily rowned In white with vilM Rirdle. In the dnlns nntm where re- frenhmentw were erved the. decoration carried out the color miicme of whit.-, preen and yellow nml beautiful!. From the chandelier to each corner off the table beneath were trcamcrx of tulle wound with urn I lax, Uiow !' Inir fastened t othe corner of the table with c?uter of sweet pea. Ite neath the chandelier wan nunp' -nded with white natln ribbon, a.'haakct of mwii nd fern- and on the center table waa placed a mhrmr on the nur- faoe of which lay earelx.l jr caitrcd roMcn, while about It wa wrpllax. Here refreshment conltlnr of "ice cream and cake, carrying out the c!r whnnf, were nerved bv Mr. Marvin Nufh. Mtcs Katberine Ihivi. Kmllv Jojrncr. Kllen f'utchln Lllla JuMli-i". Howe Turner and Anna Itrndflold. FoHowlnjr the rereptlorf Mr. and Mm. iHtucht ridite left for Washington. New- Vork. and other northern el He. They will be at home In Rocky Mount after the twentieth of June. Out-of-town ftienta at the wedddlnjc were the Honorable k, i I Muphtrldsre. Mrw. Lula DhurHI rMe. J. Iurht rldare and Mia lvde lnchtrlde. .f ttnckr Mount; I. A. Mullock and Ml Maude riulloek, of -Wilmington: Mls Hoblna Webb Mlckle. of Wlnton- , Salem: Mm. Alice Snelaht of Held-I vllle". Ml Vernon Cufhln., of Wh'ta ker. N. C: Prcf. M. II. Holt, of oak Itldge and Several other. Wake Democracy ; . i - Meet at Noon. Little Credence tiltrtt o IIihihh- 'Hint I I Tlierr I Tc Re- An Attemitf : Hold "Sni; JiilvPrliitarv rr County Dflfiirr. The Democratic County Coiiv-ntloi of Wake county will meet- at twelve .Vclock today In Metropolitan Hall. The cotiventlcit wlll hear he return' read of the vote ct the recent prim. ry. and will certify there' up t.t ttie Stnte. 0ncTeeaional and Jildicial coo-ventloii-t for th ca.odldate.M) for w!m:i. vote ere cll. In al1ltlon to th thV lelegatea elected l the vjr will tils coti- veatlora.' Kr lc Stal Cokiventto.i at wh.cha Corpratiii omliii.ioii I lo be rhiwn anl whi'h mrT - jrenboro. July 3rd. there will b-twentV-four dfleeate. our for each 1S9 vote.4 cat for Uovern'r ilen.'. In the lst Stat election. When he 1. cetv'e-1 3.4 7 i(m. There will ft. choaen alo. on a Kiiiri f one dele Rate to each r0 vote. 73 deR-a-- .t the Jirticlal Convention, which meeta at lllliiig1on "ti June 12 roi the purpo'e of nominating a candi date (r Solictor, and " Idclejrate to; the Congressional Convention, which, meet in Raleigh July Cnd. ahich will r -nominate f ngre7tuiaii K.'W. Pou. follow trice the nic-f(ng f the coo veatlon the new Kxectitlve" Cotnmlttrv f the county Avill meet and orgwnlre. ind -proeeeil to elect -onntj- chair man. It reem to be the gpnera! opinion that Mr. 1. R. Pegram w-ill Hr electeI to thia position. "Sn Kiiarn t'envenllnn. There wa a reiort Inj clrcuUtlon laat night to the effect that aome can didate, thinking: they titd their "duck in row" now were trying to get a July convenllon called Inttead of an Aug-uM prlmarv. . No cretifnce pIiouki be given to thl talk. The executive committee would nt be gujlty of nrvik Ing uch a mletake. Instead of help Inge any candidate, auch a departure would ruin the candidate w ho Khould ouggent It Juat aa iMvid Rennett IIIU'n "nap convention" workel hi utulolng yeara ago. The people eecr a pnmar' aoouc the Kt week In Augunt pr the Mrt week In September. Tho iteople In RaJlg"S would atand" for nothing ex cept the leralled primary and :h fall-eat war I t conduct primary ojfcftantially the aame manner aa the primary waa held lat week. The Wake Democrat will give olentv of time and give every man a "wiuare dea!." DAVIK SKXTlvNCi:i. tUirn to Ja! tr Tliree Mmiih ami lava Fine of Stmt. a m In Federal ! Court yeaterday. J. A. Davl. of Northampton eounty. who wa convicted f retailing. liquor with out llcene, w-R wentenceNl by Judsr Pumell to throe montha'ln Jail, and fined 1200 arwl coat. ; Davl waj prmlnent In church work In hla community, and a petition how Insr hl high character, wan inibmittel to the court. It waa aigned by more th.in a. hundred of lakvla'.'nelgtibor. Jlr. i Victor Rryint, ,of Durham. made p!ea : to the court to change tht aentenoe of 'William T. Turner. onvteted of slltolt dlftllling and fur- nlring material for ether dint I Merle. o 'aa to allow Turner to pay a fine of f l.flOO. and the Imprisonment be re-J mlltel. The Judrre toolc, the plea un let advlnement. " I A fine of J300 waa Mubetltuted In the eaae of !. II. Roykln. who waa aen tenced to ImprtaonmeTU In Jail for re tailing. BoyHn u Pt feventy years. nd la from Johnton county. Kd. jonea waa found guilty of re tailing, but aentence ha not yet been Imposed. The caae of 1.. W. Haakett. of Dur ham county. 'charged with Illicit dis tilling. waa belnc tried When court took a receaa. ) I jitm Vmriy Tntiljrfit. There will, be 3 lawn party gJven t. night at eight oclockjon the lawn ittEpworth cnurcn. Mr. R. H.i bary. Jr. on of slate Trea-.urr L'v home from rvldvn f;o!re. w-rere ne ijrai- utei with very high ;nonor. fls splendid work aj a atudent at David ion l a matter upon which he de erve many congratulations. CONVENTION PAY Will T I CHANGE Greensboro Association Southern's Merchants. Fight .the Proposed Change of Schedule. 'I1ie Ihrlire 11 tat ItuiiHw Intercut iN-maiMl fhal the I'nwiii S4-ImiI-ule U- .lalntiiln4'il Mr. tk. thi-lr Attorney. 1'ile Conulalnt. Not only are petition and b'ttcr pouring into the Corporation Com- mlwioii ffeni lndl Miialu and con rmiiiltica irte:-ting ag-.ilnxt the coji teitvplatcd change of chcJule on the Southern Railway. but organizes t'UH nieii M , o litmus are begin ning t take action against what will pmvo Injurious to thousand of peo ple, v Yesterday K. J. Justice. Kj . acting uttorney of the Merchants Ar-orla-Iton .of 5r -ensltoro. Hied with th- 'orpor.it ion ('(immLuiliM) a complaint agalnxt the propowd schedule. etttn forth that th change wouM work t' thiv injury, not only to the bu.Hineaa men of ;reensitro. but alao to t:e geoplo In Alamane'! ami lull ford foutities. rHpfe In tlraXtiii. IJurllnK- t'-n. Klon .College and ;itonvHle have alrealy forwarded petition to the ( oriMralion Cotnmi.ioii agaiiwt the uttlfhed schedule. Cmler the present achelule people living at tSraham. Rurllngtou. r'lon Cllege. (;ilotvHI-. McUranvill aii'l near tliee points can take the early morning train, go to ijieensboro and have until " : So p. in. to do their chopping and tteit to their business. tnir th prood schedule they Witllld have t apend tile night !ti tjreenjsboro to do half a d-ty's shp Ilg. Tte Merchants Ass'M-iatlon of reenb'ro . made up of itiii of ttie inerehants in rremboro. It is .1 branch of the North arolln.i Mer- oharils Ansocla t Ion. and IU reprejwnt the rest business life of the growing city of iireenboro. Here I the complaint filed by Mr. Justice aa attorney of the Ureensboro McchantM An-iatoij: State of Xorh Carolina 'To the Corpoi atloti Coinniisrloti. Il Re Siie.ije of Train No. Ill of the Southern Railway Cotupany. The Men bant' Awh lHln of 1 5l e n.--lxrii, s. The Southern Railway Company. The petltloti of the Merchants A"so iatlon ot tjreenwboro re: pe tfully ahows: I Tiiat for a number of years th rchedule of train No. Ill of the South ern Railway Conitany between Raleigh Hnd itreeasboro "nas been ku )i that it ha left Raleiah at l:t a. m . making connection with the Seabard All Line train arriving at Raleigh at 1 :'." a. in., and arriving In tireepsboro on the morning of the same day in time to itKike connection at Uieenboro with three Sfoil hhoutid train. of the South ern Railway Comftiuy. M. The Kchedule o maintained has nub. .served the convenience of the public, and It Im alleged that It will continue to tajttnerve the public convenience. III. That a your petitioners believe. In order to visit some personal displeas ure upon the publisher of u, morning 11 per published In Raleigh. N. C known aa the Newa ami Observer, which your petitioners are Informed and believe oppoma1 -ertaln policies ol the Southern Rallwuy I'ompany in re spect to public matter, that the said railway company I. proposing to change it schedule o mm to leave Ral eigh and mlsa the sold connection with the Seaboard Air Line train. IV. That the Interests of rive merchants of ireensttoro and the convenience of persons living along the line of the North Carolina Railroad, and particu larly thvc living between tiraham and Ireenboro. will he Interfered with by the propoael change, of schedule, and It I further represented by your stl- tloner that the Interests of the travel Ins? public will be interfered with, and that the convenience of no consider able portion of t'he public will be sub served by Mich change. V. Your petitioner represent that It la the duty, of those having authority to control the Southern Railway Cim Ptn In this matter to Interfere and see that this Injustice la not done the traveling- public In order to visit the displeasure of the Southern Rall way company uion the New and Ob server. Wherefore. Your petitioner. pray that an order be made requiring the Southern Railway .Company to retain it present schedule of mid train as It haa been heretofore doing. K. J. JCSTICK. ! Attorney. It U livinlniote. A telegram from Sreenboro was received last night stating that every member of the Merchants Association signed the petition against the ching of rchedule. except tw and they wer not In the city. Till: CITY SCHOOLS. Siria-rlntrmlent lsra, TrlnHKtl 3Ior won ml TcacjieT of lilte ScIhmiN I3etted. i Th Board of Tfurteea of the Ral eigh Public Schools vi ere in ses-rtoi, yesterday. Prof. K, P. Moses waa re-elected aa superintendent and Prof. Hugh Mor son a the principal of the High School. The present forre-f tesrhers In the white rcheoM ai) re-eleete.j. and at a latr -merlins there win be an elec tion f jr the colored school.. At tne next meeting, to be held the coming wek.- the matter of salaries will b fixed Injurcil I'X Well. ' Mr. John R- Ferfall. whose should er wij dislocated when he. with Mr. WAN William Tavlor. were thrown from buirtrv. was cett'rtt' a'ng .nlcftv Jterday. and M.."yi njuf- was only lempcrarv. "rt accident we caused by Mr. Taior s splendid woik In pulling hia n-re 50 one side avoid rvinning ln agbaby carriagp. the bit breaking - " puiieu. 5 I i To Systeniatlae th ami Aid the SttrViontsj In order to syteniiUIxe tho work and to aid the swaenrt 01 the Sum mer Sriiiinl to eacct xiieir cntinip of seu.tv wisely and BUnnw It.jnont proll- wblv and JoghUy. fahe. president. State Supt iinteniR'Jit Ji 1. Joyner. la renuestina each rPSmts-f of the faculty or the summer- nwir. m prepare a acU SVMIabus of rh - - j . ti ... (Ihv'x lecture or trx-ltailon. All will tte printed and pwcea dj me hands of l lie Summer ScheDl stuuenta. ; In his letter toijthe tsemhers of the faculty Rresldent ioynrr says: I y mv isiiriet ftcsJre thuf tho work In every deptirtnvnt shall be so 1 a .A i.,ith K- 1 1 r.k of the areat rank 8nd fV&- of the nubile anl private schocf : teafthera nt the Vtate and be of gtat flTactlcal service 10 mem. 1 uesir? esicmiiy mat ail the work In the ?ijibJeMs required to . . . r i 1 . ! taught in the jjrllcjschfols! of the State nhall be ho rrant?ed aa to tv tr pracilcal aid to he tAvchers of the public schools fc? i Increasing their knowledge of thes sublets and In Im proving their method? of teaching Ihcm. ( "The oroKTvocts ?ftre ijiost eneourAcr. Ing for a great giUperlfig of teachers at the Summer Sghpil.sj miislitful i'knlej Outing. - The I'rexttyterliftv Iimday (School 1 .. . B 1. ..I I . '& I 1 1 1 . . . The voting folks.svenvf in charge of 11 1 1 ill. iiiiii si. . .11111 1 -m 1 1 1 &'..fiur.-. i Mr. H. W. Jacksvi, tfee superintend - ent. and the day rvvas sreatly enjoyed by all who went PR t&e excufiflon. I. -9r- DEATH QF JUROR Thomas El Hanks, of Pittsboro, pouhd Dead. Wa Here el IVitsiI "oairt ami Dieil at Roarilinz Itiise-liHlr Taken T11 l'lttdMiro Hv Hlfr'sier for llitcjriiiet.. A sudden deaf It&j-all Same yesierday Mr. Thoma 1-. Hatk. j of IMtlb- to Mr. Ihoma-4 I7j iUk ro, who w a; hereS.j, JuTor jll the Ked r.t I f 'oil rl i He u aw found lli ieaj iti 12 oj t.-K I ----- . ; yesterday in hi Joomjal'ths boaid- Ing house of Mr. ?Uon Joo, 'corner oflsary Wilmington and a vie?- i?t reets, w)ierelng: he had gne to brd oijl Su,nday. had been com platiing'of not feeling well, and had Si a I In ii-i 10 tiu nearly all the t Itjie. , ,R.Aas not 'bought that he w$ crilieallyvlll. The di-eovety Jgf, $.is death wa- tri-.4 liv l f t..l mvtlib ik3 ji:in- tin. ...... n..ti. ..i ih .'tii,.?.,.iii ,.r ,1... w..ii. i.- ...... a.. ,J .1 r.....t n. it Mr. Hanks was ij.lead and ; ierhais t i . . - iV a , I I aad been dead for i'tn htnr. Il.j friend. were notitle.i at wh8 al.o his ulster. Ml' Kate Ha nks.Jhou?-keeer at the home of Judge T?, .B. -IVomark. The body was taken l? Pltt.boro yesterday afternoon by mi liar. and the in- ternient will takfrplact today. ...III I Mr. Hank wV j lorii In, August. lr. and was ;ie4fy yearstotd. He w! unmarried nJid liV'ed in Plttsbo- o w ith his broiher. T Mr. Walker Hank . At one iltne the was ltaial- yzed from the wijift down and could not walk, but nttillvS recovered and i utile r it it.i fr. .i 1 1 ,Ln rrntrhpn Jf w as a man wel jik(L and was a I iim. beinir mn. dded the 'flnefifiihfrt 'n Chatham .ouniv " 4- ! llrniuJto;cHle. Rurgaw. N. , Juttt R. Yesfer'ay at Sunnyslde. thy honie ftf the bride. Mr. C. c. Ianclj. cashier of the Rank of Pender, nnd Sitrah Max- sic i'iihiiIo, dauglijer ojf Col.iand Mrs. .1. Thomas (JikkIi w-erf married. After a bridal tour of 'arlrtfs partij of Vir ginia, with some lime igttent at Virgin ia Reach, thev v?R b at home here on the t went let 'ffto'f Jtfne. X-i. sj 1 s i: a i u . r irk i v i isio n s. To Norfolk, Oxferd ahfl Norfolk from' June IOti June 28. ii a i The Seaboard rannofjnee jthelr first big excursion of 'the stasnn from Ral eigh and Iurhaui to Portsmouth, on June 19th to 2 1 ' t rajn to leave Ral eigh and DurhaVn otj golrig trip at 10 a m.. June l!h. rqiurnlng to leave Portsmouth at a. June 21st. thereby giving -wo felght and one whole day' at Nft'rfolfc and the pea shore. Rate of i$3.0o;will apply from Raleigh and PCgrhajh; $2.50 from Oxford and ferlerNrCi. graded down proportionately drom.othef station. All the famou f!lrgnla seaside re sort around Norfolk will be open at this time an$i everyone :1s aasured a pleasant ttutitVc. Plenty of. "nice enachen will b trotJdel j on these trains, and ther wlllbe afnple room and no crowdinSfcL . Remember th .'date, June 19th to 21st. 16. h. : i For further Wfornsatlon! see large flyers fair onLvoui nearest ticket agent or addres-J"-the undersigned. : 5-i . 5 r Kealsanl Kicufrnlon c Otfortl frotn Raleigh. Durham jiid Wrklon, June 23rtl,.rcvint of Kt. John';j;IajyCeler hratioH. The -Seaboard 5lnnoie;on account of St. John's di eeljhratljn. Oxford. N. C. June 23r 19Q. trn-y will op erate excursions; front Raleigh. Dur ham and Weld.Vii tok"Oxford and re turn. Special wainsiwm lave Ralr elgh and Durhaiji at58:0o: a. m t anc extra coaches wfcUibe provided on reg ular shoo.flv triha o. ;29 and 30. between Weldonnd fxford. tiyla train leaving Weldon 6:e5 a.) m. t A rate of 11.00 will if pplys. from ) RaJelgh. Durham and Vjeldotj, graded down proportionately Jifromj other point. There w be apeclil seslon of the Oxford Orphan GyluTn and everyotre 13 assured a plsa.ang time Plenty of coaches will -JSa provided and trj're will be plenty rom for one and all. Train refprnlntf j-nJl leave Ox ford after the. Sriercjsea.; about 5:00 P- m.. for Raleigh an Durham, it be ing necessary t'at tfce Weldon train return at 4: 30 rn . yvhlch Ut Its rer ular schedule, J : T I ' For further Jproriijatlbn see large flyers, call on ijyourt! nearest . ticket aent or addres the -sindertlm-rd. t ei I f ' COME THE P CK . .. Thc Petitions Against the Schedule too Numer ous to Count. Jt..:': 11 "t""" V'!Y"" ,-....,, , ri.o nlor- at Ion Commission Will Havie 1 to bo Ciiven RIcsxt" Quarters. 'How many letters and petitions have you received this morning-against the proposed change of schedule j by Southern Hallway? I askeil Mr I Henry C lirown. secretary or tna jor .voe.tt ion fi.mmlsslon . veaterdav ...... tv,, i -.ia 1 11.1 t t ii 'iiivncuiru ni jii j - 1 Mr. Rrown.",'but I take it that wd have received about another peck today. Thev are so numerous we do not sto-p to count namos, but measure them! by the neck." And thev arc pouring in - froai all sources. South and West of Raleigh Individuals make protest, whole com munities sign petition, and the-e" let ters and petitions are but like -itraws showing the.' strong- blowing f jthe wind aeainst the " contemplated out- I rage. Th- letters and petitions come J from all sotrrces and men of all ihades r0f otinion Maton Wislies oninect iou' "lret4eril. T7ie people of Maxton. a livq town on the Sea hoard, have occasion' to need Jhe connection at Raleigh.j They have wr.Lteii stronir petition fo tne icommiHsloh protesting against tile pro posed .breaking of the connection. signed by the following parties: I i K. McRao. J. W. Carter. R. M. Wil liams. A. II. CUrrie. II. Rowdenl Don ald McQueen. C J. L.idc. A. Mcll Mor rism. W. R. llafker. II. W. McNjatt. ; fc. Meiver. J. H. weatneriy. a. i . Croom, R. T. Mussclwhite. A. I Jones. W. T. Newton. D. I. McLan. q.i S. McKonzic. J. I. Stephens. W. AJjones. T. I. Pace-. P. II. Rlummer. traveling salesman; K. Hums, M. U. Kd wards.! A. J. Cottingham. A. M. MacNairJ J. H. Mitchell. W. W. Smith. Umar llcCal Inm. J. A. Walters. Jv C. Parish B. T Ma tiers.. Maple Shade Inn (hote Ko-klngliain"s Protest. Another good town on the Seiboard voices the opposition of practically ia.ll the teople t except pass-toters) South of Raleigh to breaking the on nectlon at Raleisrh. A petition protest ing against the proposed changed las arbitrary, unreasonable, ana unneces- has been signed by the follow Jim.I. Kverett. Walter U. Pirsons. cashier Jfank of Pee Dee: B. A. John son. -cretary Steele s Mills; l. iM Morvis-on. Jno. MorrLon. J. WJ txxik, M.Uti Whitlock. W. C. Thomas. Wi S. Thoma. O. W. Dockery. W. Mi. 0v- inton. 11. I. Irliem. C. U L.ileu.i 11 M. Whltaker. 11. is. aison. w. IJ. aio- llii. Jose n rn"sn, -u. .n 4 I rtl tri I . . M 1 1 1 1 , mfc. a a i . Haltte IliiiKon. J. A. McAulayJ J.i T. West. R. S. LeUbetter. M. H. Fdwlkes. F. W. Leak. L.. J. Hell. M. U Hlmm. D. T. Blacker, ti. A. Patrick. li L. Patrick K. A Hendley. K BTdroi J ii -rr-r- w i Kvprptt v (Steele. . ,,;ir.,e i honiaa B. Hunterl Ci A, - f - Porter. W. A. Chlsholm. attorney;; u. M. Hob ha. W. I.. Steele. W. I Scialee. Reidsv Ule Against the Outrn The people of ReidsviUe Join in the 'universal protest against the change of schedule. , prominent citizen writing that a petition had leen sent to the M 'ornoratlon Commission, aavs: t "I trust the petition from Reillsville will te of some little assistance pn the manly fight against this treacherous attempt ofthe Southern Railway to lestroy the great organ of North Caro Una Democracy, viz.: Iiie- "Nevvls ami (IhsiTipr. This attempt is in keeping with the well-known policy of the Southern Railway to ruin what they cannot run. "The' hearts of the people arte with The News ami Oltserver. however, and I do not believe their nefarious Hcheme will succeed Ttie itetltlon against the change la signed bv the following citizens 1 of ReidsviUe: .1. Kdward Saintsing. J. H. Itamlin. S. S. Harris. B. E. Ferrell. W. S. IFIoyd. R. H. Ballance. Will WilllamsJ-Jj A. Reck In. Sr.. R. R. Chaun. K. Ft Hall. Jno. Windsor. A. K. Pett igrewj D. S. Barber. W. J. Thomas. D. L. Blacks burn. Dr. J. M. McGehee. D. E.Woot ten. F. R. Jones. W. J. Pettigrewl R. 1. Minor. N. F. Hutcherson. C. Jj Mat hews. J. W. Winchester. R, GJ Glad stone. Jr.. J. M. Tesh. J. 13. Lambeth, deputy sheriff: W. S. Allen. J. tj. Huf fines. Feter & Tucker, druggist sf. D. Lt. Slfteve. Geo. V. Brittain. druggist; R. C. Ha rvl He. H. X. Ware. J. B. FauIk ner. JasOailey. L. F. ConprtdgH. P. D. Watt, mayor. L.. T. Smith. Jks. H. Morrison. J. L. Connett, Cogm Ben 1; j m ipi. K . M:Mi '- mn v I- n .- i S : .1' . Yffll Med 5? To. celebrate the thorough overhauling and complete restocking of our store ' we are going to hold 1 a rousing big souvenir Day, on Saturday, June 9th, arid we extend to you our, most cordial invitation to come in on that day and be our guest bring your friends with you, the more the merrier. . 11 KINC-CROWELL'S DIG SOUVENIR DAY Saturday m June, AW Will be the biggest event of its kind ever held in Raleigh. We wilTtry our hardest to give every Souvenir Day visitor the most enjoyable time possi ble, a time each will long remember. . ti s 3 F1EE We will give a Souvenir and coupon with each 10 cents purchase. Only one ; Souvenir to each customer. Don't for- i get the date, next ii. jr Fayetf eville and i. r Ilarrtson-Woolard. 1 tnvltatlons to the marriage of two popular young people of Martin county' hayo been received by friends' as fol lows! . i Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. woolard request the honor of your presence :itMhp marrlae-e of then- dauehter.- Clarley. to Mr. Georc Hyman liarrli Mjl.f ti ruin OVa lliui llllli j-tf UilC AWr 1 at 7. o'clock, at horn, hear Rob errsohvltle: N. C. At home after June 22i jWllilaraston. N. CM i ? I)STfiAST NIGHT OS A STHKET 3rar orlon Fayettevllle street a dove jshapedj brooch, set with, pearls. iFlnder' rewarded on retuci to this office. . Blng in love seems to be .all Joy all pain, according to no rtile wjhalsoever. : r- ."1 Senboartl'Ilcurxion to Norfolk.- ' a Tjie' Seaboard announces they will Operate their nekt excursion from JeWlston to Portsmouth-Norfolk on uree 28th. Train to. leave. Lew 1st on, going trip at. 7:00"a."m.. returning to leave Portsmouth at 7,:30 p. m.' fate 4t $1 75 to apply, frdm . Lewiston, graded down, taking o"h passengers to I'urSie, Va. '; There, will be plenjty of room and every one who goes is as- iured a pleasant days outing. All ihet famous -.Virginia seaside resorts around Norfolk will be open by this lime ana a day of run and pleasure ill be the program. t - For further - Information see large yers.- addreen your nearest ticket gent or the undersigned. i C. H.'GATTIS. ' Traveling Passengeri Agent, .;. v Raleigh, N. C. Kin1 If you thinV all ready-made clothes are. alike, you haven't seen burs. Jhe way they look is one difference and a big c ). Extra good styling and tailoring is re sponsible for that and the matei ials are as good as the tailoring. Just drop your prejudice against ' 'Ready-Made long enough to try on one of our suits You'll find it far better than the average custom tailor's work. We have all the latest styles Come arid see them: v. . . . . ; f Suits $10 to'bl test Up-to-date Clothiers aijd Furnishers.. ore cil iSaturday Jniic V ,i Saturday, June 9th. Tlic beaut j of i cut feltfSs, com-i btned with Its ut'lTity, Is becphiin; more and more appreciated, and . there r few tables or. sideboards j w ltere it Is hot In eTldence. r " One can hardly have too' many pieces of ' good TcTj'Stal, and the; ..very moderate prices at which we ; -are selllnjr Nappies, Trays Hand . ; other articles mHI allow one to j own flulte a collection without an . j extravagant outlay. I I A 'large Tariety i of the bestv, makes to select from. . . , ' , , . ; ; ; -; i . H7 MAHLER'S CCl!3 JkWKLEKS, lUtEIGB. N. C. t. TiT.VA 1 1 Crowcll Drng Co. Hargett Streets. , 7 .'. ' ' v-v i.'v---.-.--1 :- : . ''..; .. - ' ; ; ' ' ; '-' - -j'v ; -; II I A I - -,..r:' i';v:r :.-.'-- ':." .. ' .

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