2 ' I s V t v 5. fHi DAILY Ngwg AND OBSERVER SATCHDAT MOKNINfJ JPNE 0. 1805 A )!.. WOMAN A'ND ociety; Mi.jy hu married her coachman. Tn kins Km eloped with hit cook. Th heart of ths Dachess dldalnrul Von hrhrd there hold n his crok; "The parsers afllrm that 8lr Preacher H- given Mlaa Soy brette a kl? t an Cupid. J-"U qufr little devil. Toy shouldn't mis matter llk thL. Why la It that yonder " logician , I tnmord of Mistress Coquette? And the heart of jmum tripling, aged twenty. On the eldest Miss Fplnater la set? That Tom la In love with the wife of Vwr Dirk, who adore Harry' r toue ? , Dan Cupid, you queer little devil. You haven't the sense of a louse. . Jut look at the eye of Miss Beauty Am they follow old Croesus about! Can It he she prefers him. In aptte of 1 1 In wheese. his paunch and hia gout. T the handsome and ardent musician With the holes In hia shoes and hta hat? - Ian Cupid, you queer little devil. Why don't you mend matters like that? Wh.it makes you set deacons to, dano line. Or chance merry maidens to sad? What make you turn rood fellows ober i And drive all the sober ones mad1 Tounc Olitedge has fought with hia people Ami married on nothlag a year, Dan Cupid, you odd little devil. What makes you. what makes you ' so queer? TrsppJna: sages In pltfalla of folly. Living Innocence lessons In guile. Tou wrecker of proper conventions. You think a state less Ulan a smile! Yet. YOU. with that leer and that awarder. "Tea. YOl with that look In your eyr i r Tt. Dan Cupid, you DKAIl little devil. How we'd mourn If yu bade u G vd-- t v D,ti Marqula. f . Mr. J. It. Carlyle. of Wake Fof ext. tpent yesterday In the city. Mrs. T. L. Hherhardt and Mfeis Maude Kberhardt left yestrrday for Darlington. H. C. Another hiiaht nan beam ars"ired In the hm of It. A. I Coo4-y. Fso, . )rtienl.iy iImuI noon.- It la a fine boy and -II. A. IV la all smiles. Nash vllle Orardile. Mr. K. I Daughtrldge. Mn. UU Daughtrldsa and Mini Clyde Daurht rtdge. of Itocky Mount, who were rtn fJreensboro st the Daught rtdge-Joy ncr wedding, the ictoc m tslng a son of Mr. Daughtrldge. were here yeaterdar. on their wsv home. t Mrs. John U. Smith left ystrLy for Cary. called there by the lllnrv of her slater. Miss Iloberta Knle.hU Mr. and Mrs, J. Hugh Parharn and Utile daughter. Annie Jordan, are here from Kinston to vlalt Mr. and Mrs. J me- . Jordan. Mrs. II. K. Litctiford haa return e from a vlvt to Tarboro. MNH Mar and Annie MorvU auc left yesterday to vlatt la Wlnatnn. Mrs Krwln A. Holt left yesterday for her home In Purllntton. after a l?lt to, her prent. Capt. and Mrs. MTIIOOIjK and comxcix 1 Holfins Institute. Virginia EatablUhed In 1142. j ' x Irr the Higher Education of Tosog ladles. Faculty. 12 gentlemen and iZZ ladle. Enrollment. 20 pupil from 2 Ktatea. For Illustrated cat alocue. apply to MISS BIATTYt I tOCKi; ITrs HoUlnx Va. f Inatltata for Yosiif Wstiwi sn-4 Cenairva . torr t rtal. TW Beat rtaves for Towr Dahttr . r - - rxenui mA Catalans a Jaa. taU4ie.rr TIIi: DIOCKSAX KC3IOOL Of THE CA HO UN AH. V Sclool ; IW Glrle mmA ToaBf Womra.) t&Ua annaal arsdooa open JvrpC 20. ltOs. To secure r4oe ! ApUcAtinn for Adxnlssien filtoskl be made by June 1. Apply to Rev. McNeeljr DuDose, Rector. SPECIAL SIMMER y s l tLaunosj I - rasoa4rt 35. r oo asrto time In either the commercial or shorthand departments to pupils reg titertng during the month of June. Thla la a large reduction from our regu lar rates of tuition. Iuring the past 30 1 dsya we have placed 2 pupils In splendid position aa twos -keepers and stenographer; -and could have traced others If we had graduates. Pupils entering now will Hnlsn course In time for positions this fait. , t , ; Writs today for Catalogue and New Journal. Address. KING'S BLSINnK3 COLLEGE. Ilaleth, N. or Charlotte. X. C i . ' ...... -. - i . ... . - - ..' - T. W. Davti. Frlenl will be. cU1 to know that jMra. lav I improving;. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Smith nd their djufhter. the hrtsht and sttrac tlve Mla Katie tmlth. have returned to Raleigh from Richmond, to maU thla home. TTelr )nany frtnd jtre glvtna them a warm welcome, Mni !. W. Jrtne f.ft esterday for Kan ford, called there by the criti cal Illness of her grandmother. Mrs. Harriet Cochran. , Mr. ' and Mra. J. B. Johnron. of narclaywtlle were In the city yeate--day. f Ml Itoe-a McNeill, nf Wllkenhoro. who, was here to attend the Clttlnr Johnson weddlna. ut which she vn a bridesmaid, left yesterday t. vllt at Hanf.cd. ; MUs Margaret, flogcni and little Annie, left yeMerday for Troy to vllt their sifter. Mrs. ItjT. Wade. Mrs. Csry D. Thompson, of Dunn, was here yesterday the curM of hr brother. Mr. Robert II. Ixach on her way to Jonesboro. , to vlt her slater Mnw. Arthitr Arrlngton. Mlia' Mary Carter Ray returned ycmtorilay from Ihirliam where ;h was the guest of Miss Willie Hunter during; Trinity commencement Mm. James T. , Parham left yes terday to vlalt her daughtr. Mrs. 'A. I. tlhsnn. of tllbson. accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Bluett. Misses Isabel Rountree and Maty Calder. who have been st Chapel Hill for commencement, were here yester day en route to their homes at Wil mington. . -Mlftc Josephine Iloylar and Iola 'McDonald turned yesterdty from Chapel Hill 'where durlnr com mencement they "have been w ith Ml Caro tlrsy. guta at the home of Judgr" ' Mcllae. MUs Caro tiray w in here, yesterday on her way to Fayetti vllle' to attend commencement exer cises there. Mrs. W. J. Allen and Miss IJva Washington Crest, of Durham, and Miss Mary B. Williams, of Oxford, an vUltlnr Mra K. N. Kpencer. M Im Claude Caldwell, of Cotu Chrtatl. Tex., who has been vlrttlng Miss Ctsudla McCullers. at McCullers. since school closed st Peace Institute, left last night for A"hevlle. as a 'dele gate from Peace. t the Htate Y. W. C. A.' Convention, which la being held at Kenllworth Inn. From Aahevlile Miss Caldwell goes to Marlon, Ala., wtsere ahe will meet her mother, and spend tho summer, returnln to Poace In September. Miss Katie Lee Ranks, of Haw River. Is the guet of Mls CUudla McCullers. at MeCuUers. Mliis L-ucy Andrews went to Hen derson yesterday. : Mrs. Francis Moseley and Mliw Moseley. who have been vlMltlng Rev. A. B. Hunter, relumed to Vermont yesterday. Mr. and Mrs! Ieo D. Heartt left yesterday for Montreal, where they will spend aeveral weeks. Dr. W. W. Htaley and daughter. Miss Iiesste, tossed IhnUKh the clt yewterdsy on their way to Youngavllle Mr. and Mrs.;V. . Tompkins and son. Master Clinon. left yesteniay for Beaufort to upend several weeks. Mra J. I). Newaome returned to Henderson yesterday, after a visit to Mm Walter Newaome. Mrs. Carey D. Thompson arrived In the city yesterday from Dunn. KetintncMs IVk Club. The Kennlne'm Book Club will meet with Mi Lula llatl lrlKa this nf terncKjn at o"cl-ck. ScrlouI Intnri-d. lift manv friend will rerret to learn of the serious injury to Mrs John W. Prown. who. while descend ing the stepa In , front of her home Tuidav aftrnoon. fell t the rrano llthkr navement and was gainfully hutt. breakin her back-botis. Her f.niltlon vesterilav a reiorted to I improved. lrker-f;rnim YrliUiis. Announcement J me of the wed ding oOa prominent voung couple as fonous: j Jlsjor and Mrs, WUIUm A. Graham announce the marrta f their daughter. - K!lMhrt, Hill. ir" Mr Jarne , IVe'e Parker. Wednesday, the tlxth f June, nineteen hundred and six. at Forest Home, i Machpelah. North Carolina " t;ifsoii-Msili. Red Springs. N. C. June i. At the relrtenco of the bride's mother. Mrs. Marsh here. Mr. Will N. ;ihsm wa married to Mlsi- Msuale MMrsh. the brl'tsl party entering the psrlor to the ipweet strains of he wedding march played bv Mrs. T. M. Cunnlnchnm. During the ceremonv Narclfsus wn softlv ptayetl. The attendants were Ml Altl Marh.f si.ter of the bride, a mld of honor, and Mr. J. T. Jlb wH. brother of th grtom. Iet man. Th bride wore white riene de chine over white taffeta and tarried a ahower houet of white peas. After the ceremony. terforme bj Rev. I tr it ih. hi.nnv niif.i in ..n ih leltclVk oaorshetme " a'ml other western North Carolina titles on their honeymoon. Carlton larwaMer. Oak Ridge. Nj t. June t. There wis a prettv hdme weddlnr cele brated here Wednesday at one o'clock. when Miss KHxabeth !Marlnv. young est daughter of ;.Rev. John F. In i aster, became th bride of Ir. Romulus L. Carlton, of Wllkeshor. N. t. The ceremonv wan erformed by Rev. lr. Pet,ts. of Winston. The bride la well ana favorably known here and Is a voung woman of beautv and possoases many sterling characteristics, .fMr. ar'tun . Is : brlaht snd promising voting mm. He has Just completed hi nieitUs! edu cation, having graduated from the I nlverslty of Maryland on the evening of June the fourth, and was one of tae successful applicants tefnre th elate Medics! Mtamlnr n at Charlotte U't wee-. J , I The bride and fjoom left Inimedl- lely after tbe ceremony for the west ern part of the-Htate. carrying with them the r best wishes from their many friends over the state. SESSION OF' PAYS FOR sciioiiAnsuir unujiittcd. Mi:CKIJ:NBt'ISCi ALWAYS fi.W. Mrny C.nests Arrlc i:eaf llat Will lrav Crod- of Vl-ltor-. The Me. klenhurg.. C.ins City. Va June The .MecKiennurB ir . . . ,1 iii in ' rw.menon even in June uim ... k nearly one huhlre- the wt week rmmehare -rn ad.led to the "rac ttve number of gueMs rVl Kl. .1", ... The closlna of the collese will lnctenc the conUnncy of yuns ncopte whss presence will add Ht and color and motion to the -scene. In fact the iqdlcittlen are that th will be the fullest on gty-t rteas.ni In the history of the Mecklentnir;: ArranReme,nts re hclnc made to en tertain th? Vlrulnla and Carolina liess Association at the end of the month and the. Fourth of July - biatlon will make this the moM at tractive pafe in Virginia n that day. Oovernor Swsnson. of Virginia, and Oovernor Olenn. cf North tTandlna. will honor this hoHcltv with their ptcrencc. 'and everything oos.-lhlc will tK donr to make this a red-letter day In the cstendnr of the Mf.cklenl.urt:. An arrival lat Friday, not notcl ..n I ho rerifiier. gaw gn at pl'-aun' to tho gentlemen at l.t. It Uinn a Tar Heel fox whl' h whs tuinetl loos' hi the woods on Friday nlsrtit. Seek ing his secret whereabout furnished delightful sport-for u putty early Sat urday morning und again on Saturday night "the horn of th hunter a heard on the hill." and the redoubtn l.le knlrhts sallied forth again "ty the light or the moon" in riu'Ht or l he weariest of his kind. Tho hunt ers wcro very enthusla nlf over their cterlence. vhrch wa niideret! il lluhtrul by the splendid saddle liors -s and the flnr d.gs !il m fuinlfhe j "music sweetest to h hunter s ear. Those who foll-rwed the hound.- were Colonel W. T. .Hughes, ot the Meck i i - m.. i m Duuchirv. ot if,w.wv Moon. N. C: Mr. Renjanln .t.l'.i ..r vtt.n N. C.: Mr. T. A M'.hpiiii ' . i.ninn nf I.vnchhurc: Mr. John V . Tate, of It cumond; Mr. J I. MUner. of Lynchhurx. nd several others Fowling Is gaining In p.pularlty. dancing Is more liberally puironUe. Ko .lunciira IncreusC. but Hnln Still hold th.dr own. o,cclally bridtje. th- infst enthusiastic pltyers oi wnuo t i i Whltkrr. Mlsa -r- . t t i ..r iall-h: MiH t larK. ' i llson'and Mr. Milton Rosenthal, of I tta I Imnr I)r S. K tVliep. Hahhl of the Ohcf Hholem Temple. Fre"mastii street. iik.i.i Vnrfnik. i soeodlnr: som ti. Manr and .Mis. S. P. Hal I viu'hhuri ! arc aniofie; th mttt riflt vhi f ill rwonle heie. The icrUtrr tdiow the follow ln: niToi,ir the airlva!. for the p.xt week Mr und Mrs. H. T. Jon". ailhaie. N. C: H. I Man-on Philadelphia Ps.; MIsj May Robertson. Wlialey- in Va M 1 Oavls. Norfolk. Va. ; II It iu rrvnun. N'e.itdk. Va.; .11 I. C. orbv. Richmond. Va.. J. I. R"1 I'sMlmore. M.I.. It. ' Wrlilit. Va J. M. I .niilint'i. l.-hmoinl; I . J At..ie f Ievel;iiid. O. . F. I II Maiui '. C incinnati. .: Ml i PaR retell Tuck tr n.nvllle: MI.h Maud Arrlnrton Raleigh. N. C: f. A. stance. Rich inond- 11 tliurett. Fllcrson. Va.; J..hn N Tste. ftli hinond. II. . Nann- mann. Hleh Point. N. C: c. W. Hend ie ltlrhmond: J S. I.utrell. Ilendet un ' N C .: T. I. Williams. KoulsvtUe. Kv V C. Hammond. HaMlmore; Mrs. Jamen I. prlt'.hett. Danville. W. T Whltaket n'nd 1l- and Mlvr Mr Vhlfatter. of PmI-.'1i. N .Mjt; JuH. Whll't. Ne.MTt New p. V.i Mr. J. H. Freeman, f-t Pjnl. .Minn.; W N JefTiest. ' PhllsdelpM. C. l Jor don. Norfolk; W. M. Uattoti. K. Ot -.nge. ' .t.. oteit K. MCaic. s"-s burg. N : W. Taltvtt Triixtn. N'r lolk. Vs.: JcksI." P. !'kv.'ii. lalll rnre. Md.; lohn R Huhe. Danville U. II. Flemln-T. Iutham. N. C. ; S. J. Manmim. Durhsm: John W. lark. WllKon. N C- J. 11 Wilder. Cedar Splines Va C. 11. Oavls. Norfolk. C W. Orlrc- and rfr. KHral-eth Cltv. N C-: Mn. K. S. William-. CiusweP Count v. N. ".: B I.. Wall;r. Moyd top. Ie Rhelnhrlpirr. iirenlMii.f. N C; MKs Anna B. Furness. Miss Umra Black, Richmond; l. v . ounj. a ; W. O. TurVer. Va : O. 1 Klmote. Pe tersburg. Va ! J. H J.HVUS. Hopgoort N. C. .'. C. ; DHvlpe. ln-nrli.'iu. N C; J. P. Jcks,on. Rlclunnnd. Va.: Miss Hardv. Boydton. a. : G. N. Well l-ovdton: J. t. Teplemann. Hender son; Miss Pcrme.i Walthall. San Antonio. Tex.i; W. P Anderrm. Balls Olle. Va ; Mr. and Mr. Wm. H tned. L,yncnbur:. Va. : Dr. S. R. vhen. Norfolk: 6 B. Robertson. Va.; Master Wm. Robertson. Va.; Dr. P. N. F:dmund. Reldsxllle. N. C: A S. h'pen'-er. Richmond. Va.. A. T. Home-.. Boydton. F. R. J. Whltmann. petor. burg. J. t. Jefferson. Amelia; T. J. Berkeley. Amelia: M. C. Mann. Man chester: P. A. Fore. Aimer. N. '.: H. 1L Miller. Richmond. Va.. J M. Daughtry. N. ". CANDIDATK FtHl Till IIOI Si; Mr. lalgar A. Wonilde Makes An. rKHtncmMtit of taihlklacy In Na-di. Mr. Fdgar A. Womble, long a popu lar newKpaper man In Raleigh, now mayor of the progressive town if Sprlnghope. Is a candidate for t li. lemocrat lc nomination for the Hmw !" count,. In hi. announcement he sal's "The coming session of the Legis lature of thla State promises to bo mot-t Important, and It Is essential that the county be truly represented. A rep resentative should be selected who is in no way connected with railroad or Insurance Interests and who cannot b? humbugged by their agents, who are ever present at the meetings of th? Legislature. ' "I am Interested In the welfare of our people, and desire to see the ma terial and educational Interests of Nash county advanced, and trust that th wishes of the majority may be carried out. I am in no manner . connectcl with any railroad. Insurance, or trust Interest, and rrly sympathies and In terests being with the farmers and business men closely allied, naturally I will advocate those meaaurea which will protect the people. If nominated and elected I promise to do everything In my power against grafters and thoe seeking special privileges and to give the people a clean and straightfor ward service." 4 TIIK COMMKNCKMKXT DANCES. A Season oT Gaiety Follows I lie Clos ing Excrci-cs at the VnltcTslty. Chanel Mill. N. C. June 8.' The final dance of the commencement t-erle taking place last night from 1 o'clock to five this morning closed a -e,ion of unparalleled gaiety. At the dance !at night, one hundred couples were on the floor of Commons Hall. The opening dance took place Wednes day afternoon at 4:3o p. m.: the Senior baM.at 1 r. m.; the Junlsr Ivill II a. n. Thursday. Following this came the afternoon , german At 4 JO. and the final dance last night. All the germans were led by Chief Pall Mar.ager BenneMe Perry, of Hen derson. He was assisted bv assistant managers Z. O'Berry. Z. R Haywood. II. C. Jones. S. T. Nicholson. ' W. O'P. Robin-on. Hampden Hill, and by Marshal D'Alemberte. The regalUa were dUtrlbutcd at tollowa: Mr. Per--.--.( , . i'a. Miss Hinie 'jr. !"o'Bera s. Miss L-ui:c Vftirfif; njr Havwood s. Misi Robinson: Jonsj Miss Roberson. Mi. Vleholh'a. jni-s Archer; Mr. D'Alembcite.- MUs-Wihtc: Mr. Hill's. Ml.s Cray; Mr. Rr4in-,.n's. Ml Mc Dona'd. . '3' a. WILLI A)lsoxfrLIlMM I Sit. A Bcuutiful ?rtlTne Ecnt Celebrated ' &t Hktua). t Special Newji and Observer.) Kidgeu N. r.. June K. At high noon laxt V"i Juesday in the prosente f a large rimbei of . friend and ac- nialiHaiircM.?;Mr. t;uy. iRoy Wllilam on. and MOs Ktnel ; Russell Fleming sere tnltef in nirriage. The vows sere given Sin thv" Methodist church .t this placl Re U M. Chatlln. the pastor. oOlcfuing The church was bcaullfully lecorjted with palms, ferns and rKos. :j . i ne orma: iart -ntereo; me in the following mler: Tlje Mr. Phil A fa on. RMgeway i Mr. J. F. .jpavlf of. Renders The orida: fsirta entered the churcn usners. ami Mr. l of. Henderwn. the two entering friim HlfTerent aisles. The attcnd.fnts. Ir. 'iW. K. Hawkins with Miss Asia r?ollihs f Rldgeway. Dr. Holt, it? Wle. N. C. with Ml Katherii PXce. Sf Blackshurg, S. C. Miss Mlania Fleming, a slslcr of the hrlde. m ildX-of ltnop. The bride en tered wljli i-r fisher, preceded by the little flowed glrl. Oracle Moore and Francis ChC&thatn. The groom enter d with hlsibrotlVer..Mr. K. Red. Wil liamson. oi Suffilki, ' Va., who acted .is pesf m;l. ? ' ' ' Miss Virginia Virnham, of Warren ton. N.,, reslfed at he organ, Tho tr.. wurcjti gown of white crepe de chine overjtafTeja and carried brides roses. TtMsnulA of honor and brides mai ls worfe wc organdie and car rleil c-HrnalfdnN. 3 linmHIJIy jfirterthe ceremonv the bridal pane drSvo o Norllna. where n sumpnis rriniu'T was servea a tJresham's joteP after which the new ly marrledalr;atnld a shower of rice and good xtsnv left on the afternoon i t r T .. k. . a . t i . . iiiiin iii i j;iiii,iiii,; H9niBluiii vv Yrk and 3the points. The hrl&e Isfthe :tcautlful and c complheu daughter of our towns man. MaJ.$VmB. Fleming. Mr. Wil dolll. .JlfUi'(Kizalr shrdlu rdlurdlul liamson Is Jirrrrly of Suffolk. Va.. but has mad',9hls ill Is home for the past year, holrjftis; ff isltlon In the ofllce of the ScaJioarJ Alt; Un" Among tin usttors from a distance was Mrs. fScveply Brothers, of. Suffolk Va.. a sls'ij- ofe the igroom. Prof. John Craham. ff . WJ rrentou. Mr. and Mr. ('. II. Roheng of : Richmond. Misf Helen Als'jn. Af Littleton. Mn. Krnest Brown, ot'i Hefiderjfnn. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllum.sofj wre Uie reciplants many Icalf aid useful presetrfS, They will. e al horho at Rldgeway af . . i. ier junr K.yj-C'tPELAM Brilllaiil Wtdd lot: Event Celebrated ir Is; Statesvllle. : I : t Specfif. loNew and Observer.! Statesvtne.jp'.. C.. June 7. Thl -venlng al; :ll. o'clock in the First Presbyter win church there was a bril llant wediinrjj event when Mr. David j. raig ijit t tne gitar miss , v. t:ope laud. dataht9 of Mr. and Mrs. J. ''opetand 1 . brilliant reception las nlpht pi-e.ll thf weddlnsr. and lo nlt;ht Mriaiiw Mri J. K. Sloop enter alne.tale5'd. 3 Following the weddini lenigh't t5ier5 wasj n dan-e. given a the oprr&- hofse cwpllmentary to tin orl lal payy. J Mr. ind Mrs. Craig have i'lne to finaJ. if a bridal trip. At thef we.itig i the ushers were Messrs. 2; i mar Pegram. of Gastonla Henry iriyn, of Mt. lloliy; A. P. and F. K. Stf.de Mnd I a W. McKesson, o try 0"er Kins aiisses rnlontor ri. la. :? Misses Esther and Rot SliJfonj. of? Hickory; Miss lone Kllinr.tont ot Retfisvllle- Mlas Bert Albrlchtl' nf Xjrahnm; Miss Rosa Bal- :. o (Hintfi, s. jr.: Ml Swann Fer guson, f vpartafnburg. S. C. : Ml.3 Ettello opJ3and.J sister of the bride The heHMPi;(ji wa Mr. John M. Craig of r'har tt5" anf, the groomsmen. J Rdert arai. of Oastonia. (both bro- thcrn otfitheSgrooinl; J. M. Chiles, of Lenoir: JullAn B. McCurry. of Hart--ell. Her: X, W. ; Wadsw-orth and W. Reynold? Ctvok. of Charlotte; tiever- i J. Hi.fTnfinn. 1 P. White and J. W at ner lluichinrf of Philadelphia vl' H19 j,,r i,i- Miss Ilat4 Shlpp! who recently re lgned..tonv the facuh:' f St. Marv'a S h'ol.5.hajj' received a t-lesram an noiiiicUfg tSat tir has Nvn e'ei-ted to Hie f iAa.lt of fjie South Carolinr Slut. iontT-il Colloce at Cork lllll S. . jJI.c,Shlrp has the matter un ki co-ldMation, but has not tIvcii an an: si- She is an efficient and P'puiac- texctier. Iatti-s U Hs-ietr. Elite rtaiii. is. r Sanfgrd. X. June The I Midi's Aid S54et ?- of tlie Methiwllst church gave a? eMertafnment Tuesday night on the?saitlful lawn at the residenc- rf Dr.F. W. McCracken. under the supcrvtalorp of Mfdames McCracken Stephens d Makepeace, for the ben efit of jthwl Methodist iarsonage. Ico cream ajnlT(ca.ke ?wece served to a. large crowdpanda nb- sum waa reuiized 'PI r f Tcrrtll-3Iay. Frifds 5ave received the following inyitaijoiKj j Mr. und. Mrs. 'James Marlon May reuett tho honor of your presence at the j mwrlKo of their daughter : JE Martha Leasie 5 . 1 to lr. (Thomas Fuller Terrell IS . n the morning of WednMday. . the twentieth of June . enc-en hundred and si IT J? at ten o'clock J iMethodist Church Jlyitdsburg. North Carolina. 'i'. Af- home AtHy jtune iie thirteenth li vvst Pface St.. iRafc Igh. N. C. . C. many friends in Ral M1.JJ Mfcy has eigh, here she has frequently visited, and s?be ts one of the most beautiful and kompllsbed young ladies of liOuic.uurK Mr. Terreu ; i wen know anil popular cltlren of Raleigh. son r Cpt. Thomas B. Terrell.. . M : With '3IIs Lillian Tlmberlake. Ml? Llillan iTimberlake. of Frank- llntoe is -he hostess at a house party and 5sA-, R the; city yesterday with her gue. Misises jKatherlne . Futrell, No me initord. jCleve O. Andrewg and EmilV' Bl&gs. pf Scotland Neck. It Is a crr-mri'S groupe or loveiy young w omn and each reports having a glorious time. ; fc . ' i - Sr. illanjAway to Vtu. V j . ' . Oeenoro.J June 7. A cquple or a runjvay smarflage Journey jW'ere here for sb?Hrt r'Mle. TDIi wm Miss Loulje - yillia daughter of Mr. and ii 5 i " ' ) - I Maie-iii. nan Anna Cwnl and I Ne;i Copeland. The maid of honir wh Miss Catherine Copelane sK.ter wf the bride; the bridesmaids .' Mlss Emma lass. of 17 Mrs T. J Willis, who leftfher horn- in Kernerwille Tuesday evening. n compiny with Mr.i Robert Holt, jpt Oak Ridg. The (young hair l?ft hero on the first train j.sputb fpr f.eorgrtown. s. ".. w hero they were XO marry yesterday. Mr. aad Mrs. Willis, who formerly lived i Ore bris honi, and who have many f rleisj-j here were deeply distressed, as their daughter is very- young, and. fco farjas they knw. had given no ee rictus thought to getting married; ' Ttiestkiy Afternoon Clu The Tuesday afternoon Club lill hold a business meeting this I morning at 10 o'clock with Mrs. Fraiyclirt Mc Neill. All members are urdpd tojbe Piesent. Williamson-Iru in J nvltations fifeinls readin have bo-n received by- "Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bat tle Irfvln reouest the honor of your prescfie ii r iho mirrlairn nf l)iir iln'iiirhteri Hallle. to Mr. L. Rmk (WllHa mson on W-Alnesday morning; June Jtho? twentieth, at half after iinf o'clckf Presbyterian church, ura nam. ixonii Ca rolina. i T Has Not Withdraw ti f t I desire to Inform the liemocrat of Wake county that there Is nb truth la tho renirt circulated tha I hjave ithi drawn from the race for th nonflna? tlon for shorlfT. but am in the raejo tt stay till the end. II It F. A. WHITTAKER. i f- l t Some men are su mean t e- wfoul almost be willing not to thing tkj as not to have (o ave 3a ny ay tax. f i IniMrtant CliH.rv.re tn iea boartl I SclictlulcC .: Effective Sunday. May C7th. j te Seaboard will make th fdllujvv changrs I tea tmr 1 x 1 i I I i V No. 81 southbound vvll jeavo j-Ra eicrh S:lo n. tn. instead of 4 : J & A. Sm. I No. 38. northbound local, will leave Raleigh at ll:2i a. m. Instead Of i a. m. ! l No. 4S. sou'hboundj Will PeaVo Raleigh 7:10 p. m. instcai 1 of7:J5 p. m. ; j There will be no change In N. 84 at 1:1 a. ni.. No. 66 at 1 1:1.3 4- m No. 30 at 5:05 p. m.J nhrthlurid. and No. 4 1 at 4:00 p. nil. sputhbfrudd. Trains No. 30 and 40. jnoiv ope'ratjed ktwrrn Wilmington and Hamlet. will he extended through toi Cliarlotke in old figures, same as enectlye prjprto April 15th. these trains making ill stops between Hamlet iontl Monrfie. thereby eliminating th4 necessity of Noa. and 4 1 stopping Depveeii Hamlet and Monroe. i i f No. 81 for Jacksonville hvlll jlcive Hamlet at 6":20 a. m. No. 33 for Atlanta w let at 6:30 a. m. 11 leave jHain- No. 41. for Atlanta, will Irave Iftm- let at- 10:05 p. . in. instead jof Tj&Ofp. nu, waiting for connecftion with ISo. 43; from tiie north. the sanie fas schedule effective prior j to; (A prill 1 -It h. Thls train will make connection lit At lanta a'nd Birmingham for all botiU in the southwest. No. 4 5 will leave Chd rlott tov Rutherfordton at 4:45 IK m instead of I p. in. as at present. No. 33 will arrive at MonrSoef at k i r. a. in. and No. 133 f wlli leave k Charlotte Monro. S:o H. in.. arrlvln 9:0( a. m.. leave Charlotte 9 .1M a. m. for Rutherfordton. instead of arriving Charlotte lo:0t a. in.' lea vine 10:15 u in ni at orotetit. I There Is no change in s heddle i. of other trains. j About June lr.t parlor will be established on tta .1 car tervlcc ns N os; 3 and '40 tK'tween Charlott an tvtl iniugton ana vice versa, n i For Information. Ume-t4ble3.i s.i rs J i rates. schedules, etc.. addresi f h. inA.TTir; Traveling Passeacer Age&t.J Ralelklr. H. C. ' i i 2 " '! Scaboartl Air Line Ifalhvay feaxnr 8lon to Norfolk. June 19-21. , I I The Seaboard announce thjpyswlll operate their firt .ecur. Ion joff'the" season from Raleitrn iind Iurham to Portsmouth-Norfolk June I9-2; Train to leave Raleigh and iDurham ?pt go ing tilp at 10:00 a. im. - -espejet lively, arrivlnc Portsmouth I at :30pt in Juno 1. returning Raleigh tfafti to leave Portsmouth at :0O a. mj.. jDuf liam train at 9:00 a.-m. alrivirii iRal- eigh 3-30 p. m., Durham 3:3i p. m. June 21. Rate of S3.00 wlllf jPPly from Raleigh and Durham foe round trip. If r'or further Intormatioh see large flyers, which :.wiir be j distributed'! In a few days. Address your hraretit ticket agent or the undersigned. I I C.K. tiATTIH Travelling Passenger Agnt. 1 I Rflelgfi. . C. t:ns. nnsLoivs SQ0Tn::a syoup ass tiesa I by Krrtloas r Xotnee for tbetr ehUdrea wblla toetfilnir toe yr FlftT Tears. It soot ass ae ehlld. aortena ts nan, suts Jl rsUa. easa wind, ooiaa. asd la . km rttnarty lor diamxrw. ' I ; i - - - TWESTT-riTK CXHTS A BTldE. Week COMMKNCINGJ June 4 5IOXDAV RETUItX ENGAGE3fa?XT OP ChaunccyL. Gouttorn 1 IN A SERIES OF HIS LA SUCCESSES beautiful Costumes. Specia icenery il Nothing Cheap but the oricel 10. CO and 30 cents. Ladies t cketf Jlonday 1 Wr w . , ..f.i ? . r "ft For thatv cough iF Mill! :-Roysterfpn. s . "! r s. h ; Horehonna Candjl ; " - W"4 r? - : : : il . Huntei'Brokf& Brewer H n n ri ii sfst its k n i it in II ii it k Vii u uu o At the Popular Store ; .-' " '.. j , - " ; ; I .. ; ' IrrcsItaWe values nro making hot June day lively at the popular Store. Kvery day Is a busy bargain day here: There' no time, but there's li'l-e rs-diK-tions Wlna inatlo. and the iK'tter-, BTatlcs of merchandise ni-? celling In utmost every instance fit a 1 IOSI FRY -We carry good, Hoc -the o.t o than the Hclmilorf dye. ; IMain and tlroi stitched. white .' . We make specialty of 10c. Hose jtind two for 25 Mkw' lUhlM-d nml Drop stitched. Infant's Socks aml Ktockiitcr all t-wlors,.-. 10 and 15e. . - ,,. ' : " . ' We v III continue the sale or our 23c? Corset and ' Kmbroldefy thu vieck. Some splendid valuer in thla Kmhroitlcrj' wide ciiouirh for Cor t 0vcrs at " v.... ............ ...,......... . 20t. Hr vnril. v i;--. " - : .... . l'YIUTV- INCH IAWNS Just a small lot or tlds, but vve'ill inake the price low . ................... ji. ....... . lo, 15 and Sue. LACKS Our atnek I larse ami h gsd asnrliiMMit. Consists of Mceti-" lln. Val. Ilmind Tlircad Torclin and I niitatloiis.'. Wc will be. glail to .show you at any time. . ' . .'. .'.' ' j , . ' , I- SIIOI'vrTIie' styles of our Slioes are right, .the wrkihanshlp. Is right, the material is right. They lsk-belter, fit better and weir longer thuu any Shoe you can get at their price. "- . ' Hunter Bros & : We GIVK TIXADIXa SfTAMpii J . "Stows i K ; of our ! :. , . . -. ltcrsbohr, va..; jran. 2;; lt0. Messrs. Roj all Itonlen. 4ddMMn. N. Cts " Oetitlmien: . tr real sadkl roh brt I ran consistently recommend your Royal Klasilc Felt Mattress to all de siring a swrect reiKwar. I. have tried H khsl.e of felt niattrcwea, tml never yet liave I seen .one lliat would equal rour. ' I bought ni? Royal Klastlc Felt Blattrcss.fWe years ago and Its afl . " 1 w - ----- Hifs - Sole Manufacturers Goldsboro. North. Carolina CMf4tt I V" efrsgepatofiTs Ice Boxes, Onr new complete stock of Kefrlcratorf and Ice Jioxes it notv on sal?. We have bought Tery largely and can quoter;-loweat" prices. Our line comprises tbe Odorless. Gurney Y,ear,nble, North St.Vr cork llnctl. La Relic, National, tUilcii are rccosnlzcd os the bef,t. ! Prices frtiiu 56.0O to $50.00. ,:V'-." w'- .v.. .. ,-f-' '-, - Sold, for cash or on time; : J -f vj, . 1 1 A313I bcKS P.VL3I EH f IL13LM OCKS, a'ro the - best. $1.00 to $6.00. . ; ' WRITE FOR PRICES. , Write for Catalogues. I 4 Hart-Ward Hatare CmP117 raleic; Mechanics ONE OF TUFT OLDEST CtialPANIIS IN THE KtATIl ' An Inrestment and Ioan Company at your Door. f Clieeka on any Rank taken, elv , investment by malt. Loans' made oo ISeal Estate In varlou part of the Mut, Issues Monthly Payment Certificates tn Mature In 45; ti'i r ' Also roll Paid. Ten l'car Coupon Certificates JlOu.oy: ik u t i $82.00.' V - ' -v. r Poll Information sent by mail on apr!!r. to Co. . - i " V i '- - - I . , ; . '"'-V ? - V if rs it nil ) w u , V t -I Having; hrtdi None-, ls-ttcr black, tan. gray and .-. ... .. . 2. 50 ami 75c. ... ' Brewer Com grssl mv an tbe day I bought t. It'a entirely free) 'from lumps-that . nthri felts I lia! iase( was nbjee li I rant say loo much for I1e: ' Roynl ' 1 nn4lc Felt MattresH,,for I cotusider It tho treat mde). J Yours very f rily, I " . ; jli II. ItUOOKS, JR., ' ; ' j 1 IViersburg-. Va." ! . If ymir Iicn dealer ilocs not Kandta out Lattreaoes, write to u riliect. -: Electric Fae s- Of all . kinds. Call and look at them. : j Raleigh ) Construction Co. 14 West llargett Street. . jlLV'UfJH. N..C. . :: ! - Water Coolers, r Ice Cream Frcbsor Prices frf i i IL Ni rt . Mm. Illl

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