K If. 9 . if If til I! ' t!' St- it- ft; I 4 Mi : he bij.Y r4EWS and observer:; 8 SATURDAY MORN'INt., ,1V 1 1 J .7 i The News and Observer. SATURDAY June , 1W. TRAINS LEAVE Going North. 1:10 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 11:10 a. m. 5:01 p. m, Going East. 6:16 a. m. .10:30 a. m. . i:Z9 p. m. RALEIGH DAILY. Goto South. 4:H a. m. 4:00 p. m. ' 7:10 p. m. s . : l i Going TVeit. 1:40 a. ra. , 7:t0 a. ra. 8:45 a. m. 1:10 p. m. :t5 a. m. Booth port, i . , 4:05 p. m. THE WCATlIKlt TODAY. - . j . ! Forecast for North Carolina: Partly cloudy Saturday and Sunday; lUh ft ;rw i south wind. The Weather Yesterday. -Vaj'mum tempenCure. nUnl tnbui temperature 71; to'al preci,l-:a:ior.-. .15 Inches. , IX AND ABOUT THE CITY i Captain Cleonrf Lfmmon. superin tendent of the Durham and Southern, was a visitor to Raleia-h yesterday. The following reports wlllibe an notated bv Chief Justice Clark and reprinted durlnr the year It.' IS. 14. 84. 66. ' - 1 -One colored couple obtalned a mar riage licence here yesterday: Madln Wilder and Dora L. Craft, both of Halelxh. "r The annual "eermon for the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows will be preached tomorrow nlfht in Central Methodist church by Iter. E. Pope. Mr. W". B. Streeter.' superintendent of the North Carolina Children's Home Society, spent yesterday In the cily on business for tils organisation. Visitors to the city yesterday after noon say that about half past thre there wa much hall thtw side of ear ner, during a short but violent rnla ntnrm. News was received yesterday In the ofllce of the Superintendent of Public instruction that FourTaks. Jshnston county, had voted local taxes Tor schools. Mr. D C. Downing, deputy United Ftafen marshal, went to Fayettevllte yesterday, belnr called there- by th critical Illness of his brother. Mr. D. N. iHmnlng. --i Mnllle Oant. the well known color ed matron at the Union depot -Is kk and a substitute Is on duty. J Mollle Is extremely obliging and aiway cour. teu. hence has many friends who .will regret to hear that she Is Hi. Captain John R. Ferrall.' who thrown violently front a oug-gy rrnurs- dar morning, and suffered, the aisu ration of his shoulder, was reported to . be Improved yesterday. Mr. winiam 'Taylor. who was with Captain Ferrall hen tlve accident occurred, was hurt. but not seriously Injured. j ARNOLD'S Trasisj BALSAM DYSENTER.Y b, W.G.THOMAS. STAY IT BUT GO ! i What the Visit Did for Ni H. Bull. . Mr." Frank Mitchell has returns! rrom rraniciinion. where n nas own fdnce Sunday night, having been called there bv the death of hla father. Mr. W. 11. Mitchell, who was thrown from his buggy and killed. Mr. Mitchell's mnlh.r w.-Vm mtmm alark rhmwn frtm the binary, 'was seriously Injured, but her condition nas imprpvea. : t I ncorpor t Ion. ' The McKanna Three Days Liquor Cure Company, of Reidsrllle. with $100,000 total authorized and $12,000 subscribed f capital stock, was char tered yesterday. The Incorporators are: J. J. McKanna. II. R. Scott, and Samuel Illnes. all of ReldsvUIe. JThe Champion Rank, of Canton, with $10,000 authorized and subscribed capital stock, was chartered to do a commercial banking business. The In corprators are: W. J. Hampton. J. H. Mease. W. T. Sharp. IL A. Osborne, and others, of Canton, and G. W. Mos lln. of Waynesvllle. , E. W. O'Hanlon. Incorporated, of Winston, was chartered to do a gen eral drug business. The authorized capital stock is $50,000. of which $20. 000 has been subscribed. The Incor porators are: E. W. O'Hanlonj Robe. Crttz. Samuel Ireland, and Samuel E. Welfare, all of Winston-Salem. , ' The Pomona. Cotton Manufacturing Company nied a certificate of amend ment to Its charter, creatine $100,000 of cumulative seven per cent, preferred stock.' Death "of Little 3Iadge Elizabeth Jones. ' ' .. ' The many friends In the city I of Tax Collector and Mrs. John H. Jones will be pained to learn of the sad death at half after seven o'clock yes- terday evening of their brleht little seventeen months old daschter. Madjje Elizabeth. .' ! v The funeral ' services will be held this afternoon at four o'clock from the residence of Mr. Jones, on ePaco street. Friends" of the family are In vited to attend. t , Jn the loss of their only child Mr. and Mrs. Jones have the sympathy cf the entire city. . ... . . . I . . j . To Addrens av Ieirbdature. Mr. C. D. Harris. Assistant State Chemist, has been Invited to addretss the Legislature of Tennessee upon the North Carolina Feedlnar Stun Law. and the benefits derived from Its en farce merit. - . ").' A similar feed In c stuff law ,to the one now in operation In North Caro lina will be presented to the Tennes see Legislature and strong pressure Is belnjc brought to ensure the passage of the bllL I Mr. CTraas. II. Moneley Iewd.' j Mr. T. B. Moseley received a tele gram yesterday announcing the death of his-father. Mr. Chas. II. Moseley, In Chsrlotte county. Va,. which occurred yesterday at noon. The funeral will be held tomorrow and the interment will be at the old home place. 'Mr. T. R. Moseley will leav Raleigh for his fa ther's home this morning on the seven o clock train. j S - t Sale of City Property for Taxr Notice Is hereby given to tbose who have faired to par the taxes due the city of Raleigh that such property 2 Is described on offllcal notice j poti 1 In public places according to law. will be exposed to public sale at the court house door, city of Raleigh. Wednes day. June 27. 1904.. by order iof the Hoard of Aldermen. Ay person m.ty prevent the sale of his property j by .paying the taxes and costs before the day of sale. i t . JOHN S. JONES. ! ! I : . Ill Children llaie ;radualrd frtNii Hlaii ClaH tVHIeut-H ainl lie It Nhv aj Ciitcntl Man. t 1 j )tmd Till.-. Here are some details that will prove of Interest t any who In think ing of following the example of N. II. Bull, but who I null hetiltatintr to take the tei: 5 ' I took treatment for the liquor habit at the Keeley Institute at Greensboro. N. C. In 182. Those who uantlio quit drlnklnir should not hesitate j to take the treatment. You say.- "Well. I drtnk too much some Hms, but I UI quit of my own accord." You nwv do so for aJwhUe hut the lion onlv sleepeth and hen you Jo! iit again It Is WOrse than evr. the jsprrrs more fruueitt. winding up vltli a b one and then Oh! tht K. hi. Mot: In the grim gray dawn of mornliiK al ter. You say, "Why. I can t possibly spare the time; nty buslnesw will ro to pieces." T such I say your profes sion or bUKir till jo to iiece if you don't ro. Take salaried men- I know of cases where th-lr employes say to them.;"Why yen; co. and If you haven't the monev I will adt-nni it. and your Job I hero when ou : re turn. ' When you itune h irk home you will be a Joy to your wife, mother, father, slpter. brother, and friends. I have a Slaughter, graduated from a fine college, and another who will graduate next year, and a son now it a fine colleifo. I have no idea I could have done this for them If I had kept on drinking; like I did. What H- fot:r weeks? After-- you' have been there one week you lm't mind stayltiK at j nil. The p-'ftlnts are all gentlemen and congenial. Jolly fellows. You are i:ot made to siiffer by cutting off your liquor. You ran have all vou need. I remember on one occasion, one of the new arrival asked for a drink nn-1 It was given him. lie remarked. "Why. It Is worth one hundred dol lars to come here and drink thin good liquor. In lens than ten days you couldn't have paid that man one hun dred dollar to take a drlnU. The offi cers are courteous and obliging. 1 ttv doctors kind and oousldcratc. v J N. II. HI LL Orungeburg. S. C:. Nov. 22. 1I4. T1IK VOTi; IX VAUKI.V. Tlie" Countr I le McXclll. Hammer, Simmons Mini IugtV News has reached here from Yad kn to the effect that the ivmorratlo convention of that county took action favorable to the candidacies of Page. lAmmer. Simmons and Mc..'eil. tHMtcral ItolMTtsoii to Moc to Ilalcigli. It . Is rumored that Adjutant Gen eral Thomas It. ltoberton. of Char lotte, will move to Raleigh about the first of October. In. order to keep In closer touch with his ofttclul business. IEN CENTS PER LIME (Six words 10 the Line.) Cash With Order. ... NO 4JJVERT1SKMKNT TAKEN FOR LKSS THAN 20 CENTS. SPECIAL Dl&OUUNPS ON EXTENDED AJ VKUl'JJSlNU. HKSULTM AmUUU. VAXTEI POSITION IN More at once. Tnree yjar ence. UuhI reference. Atl care News and Observer irnrt. rs expert- Jrct. H.. W.Nli:D A SlX'OND HAND HOW- I.riK Alley cheap. Wrne to H. F. & ii.. Loulf-burg. .N. C --frl. sun. luen. FOR h.yiA-: FIVE -DESIHAHLE lots "r'lcdmont Heights." lireen. bro, N. t.. at cash prices. L. S. Foru. Agtit. Itf i-jvHle. N. C. V: WIGI'E S. II. & COS c;RI31N TRADE DISCOtTNT ft- WE CliOSE AT 6:30 O'CLOCK.! ;if (Saturdays Excepted,) Frrfn Jne 1st to Scptcmls-r I Cil Members of; Tli 3Icii ft Mil a fJTAMPS FREE. 1 - ' ir t Vi I Iiants Association. N a m 3 Tlisrr;ll Jh n limn in ilu Millinery Section. PMGiS ll. carliol pick is tin ll and the lliRC licje. Tlic news I fprcadln. 'Hie satunl.y night if the Hats hold out so long thBC Innjancc It Is a cac of hurry. Ilw ibices take a, tumble. 8 ? READY-TO WEAR uniting ones will Stc no timo in get- is to run until IO' o'clock Tlicre arje no duplicates i - i'h In 1 1 i IS I I; y Ai&ti ie Spring nnl Summer .styles f Turbans and j Sailors fnrLalies.- Ilorsc Slalr ami Shirred CliifTon or Silk in liRlit, incdiuni and dark; colors inr nun rm"'i inn r m 111 njiii, iiivto.mii unti iik tllitf shapxs for tmolcr Values 91.50 tip to $.l00. YourJ Irholoe 9Hnt ... . ! : j j I 1 ' ljS4lies Wliite Iuck Sailors in line assortment of stiles and Children's Stf iTw nllors In great variety. Iola r values! for J ........ 4. 50c. 14 threat rctluction in prices of all uiitrintntril Hats for? ladles and cmldrcn. 7 &ewSline JLMKlt JEWELRY. of Hrooctics, Slick atu 'tt Ituttons. Shirt Waist Pins Sets nttt HjS Pins. Just the "fads" of the I PERSONALS. Messrs. William Hoylan. Hilly Roy Ian, Muck Harrl and James M.d.-ii have returned frm Chapel Hill, j Dr. C. i Atx-rnethy has returned from Chapel Hill. - Col. T. W. Hughes, of the Mecklen burg Hotelw Chase City, is a visiter to Halelgh. ; Mr. Ashley -Home, of Clayton ,w-u here yeeterday. Mr. E. IL Cobb, of Wilson, after a visit to Chapel Hill ban returned to his home. Jajnes VV. Cheshire has returned from Chocowinlty here he has bvn In attendance on schtxd. Col. W. . Hicks, after a vlsdt h're returned to Oxford yesterday. j Mr. Joseph Jenkins, of Salisbury, was here yeVterday on his way to Goldsboro. Mr. J. D. Boushall returned from Greensboro yesterday. ! Mr. J. Leigh Skinner has returned from a i?lt to Washington. Haltltnorc and Philadelphia. j Mr. William H. Htreeter. of Gre-.Mi:- tooro. was there yesterday. Sherln Ii. W. Tucker, of tJreenrlllo. was here yesterday. Mr. F, J. Cheek, of (Jreensboro. U In the dry; Mr. T. U Chlsholm. of .Sanford. j w as here yesterday. ! Mr. G. II. Makepeace, of San ford, was In Raleigh yesterday. Mr. O. A. Urquhart. of t'harlotte. Is In the city. Mr. A. M. Snong. of trharlotte. H aT visitor here. j Mr. . J. Levy, of Nashville. Tnn is In the elty. I Mr. S. F. Raper Is here from Win ston. ; ! Mr. R. W. Lasiter. of Oxford, .was In the city yesterday. Mr. R. C. Vann. of Frankllnton. spent 4. . - w yesterday in the city. Rev. w.; It. Honnal. of Macon, was a visitor to Raleigh yesterday. Mesrrs. John and ueorge I pchurch. of MonlaC. Georgia, sons of ex-State Senator John J. Unchurch, are visit ing their aunt. Mrs. 8. R. Norrls. These young men have been at Colieae; lark. and are now returning from a jtrlp North. I Mr. C. V. Edrerton. of Kenlv. ua.' In Raleigh yesterday on legal busi ness. Mil RENT OR LIIASK FORTY hve room hotel with modern equip ments In a hustling city: lei ml, iea- &onatW. Naiiteit an up-to-date man that can h.inuie Let traue. Apply to "Motel.' care News and Oiiseryer. --3t itm iii;m skvkn room co.- tage, N. Ieisn street. R. K rrin-e. lucser Hutlding. WANTED SECOND HAND .ELEC trie fan. Apply 330 lllllsboro St. or. Intestate phone 161. Ill WANTED IITo-DATE CCyiTXNv Mill Superintendent. Salary Is righl to right man. Also young man to write lire Insurance on, salary an comml.sMion. Southern Employment Axsoclation. 302, Tucker Muildijjg jtaieign, i it WANTED. It I.I.I A HI .K X)LORED woman to do general houxp work. Apply iUV (.takwood avenue. IX)R SALE! ABOUT 2IMI HOMINt; ligeons. For Information. adjre A. N. Johnson. Cardenas. N.' C. 6-8 frl-sun. WANTED! Jt'MOR DRtti CLERK. energetic younjr man with one o Iwo years experience. I;. K. L. (1ok. 'Jarboro. N. C. ' b-S 3t lt)R SAKE lOTATO SLIPS: ltlii and' Norton Yamn. Call Raleigh phone No. 330 1. WANTED: EXPERIENCED MARK ers und asfrters at once. Good wanes. Address. T. & M. laundry. Norfolk a. 6-7-3I WANTED: lRINCUAL FOR THE Jonexborn Graded School, ler month. A. W. Huntley, secretap' and treasurer. 6-7-6t FOR RENT OR SALE: HOTEL Brunswick at Southport. N. C House In jerfect condition, unfurn lhed, 40 rooms. Immediate posses slon. tnly reliable and expertejiced parties considered. rite at once to Howard C. Curtis. Southport, N. C. 6-7-2I FOIk SALE: THE SOUTIIIORT HER. aid and Job office, including all equipment of machinery tyie, etc., subscription lists, good i will. etc.. property ani ouuning thereon or will sell equipment and business and leasef properly to purchaser thereof Write at once to Howard C. Curtis, owner. Southport. N. C. ' 6-7-2t WANTED REGISTERED DRUG gist. State salary and exerlence. Address. "Menthol." care News and Observer. 6-6-lw WANTI2D REGISTERED DRt'G glst. State salary and . experience, and reference. W. A. Enderwood. Randleman. N. C. ! 6-5-6t KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE GIVES a ; Home Study Course free. If you ever enter school. Write ua about it. itaieign. im. is. 1 IX)R SALE GOOD PONY. 8 PITA- ble for light delivery wagon. l'arker and Hunter. 6-3-t 3Ir. Cyrus T. IVs, Ianagcr. Cyrus T. Fox. for over thirty year a manager of fairs and races in, Penn sylvania nd in the, south, and for the past three, years manager of the) fair In Roanoke, Va.. . has been secured, to manage the Great District Fair to be held In Radford. Va.. Sept. 11-14. Radford .is In the- "blue ra.ts'' 1 sec tion of Southern Virginia: and has always been noted for Its thorough bred horses and cattle. Mr. Foxi was the Judge of . fruit i plants and flowers. In whlch; line he is an expert, at the last North Carolina State Fair. I and also had 'charge of the department of putill. ojr l l iiiv- vsuiiavi si iiii.i time he spent tw;o weeks In Raleigh. Only half the quantity of Blue Rib bon Ienlon or Vanilla required. Ab solutely Pure. Goes twice as far. 1 . . Stockholders Jlcetlng. j. Office of the Raleigh and Pamlico Sound Railroad Company. Raleigh. N. C. May 28. 190 C. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Raleigh Ac Pamlico i Sound Railroad Company, will be held on Tuesday. June 1?. 1906. at 12 o'clock m.. at the office of the said company. In! the Capital Club building, in tb city of Raleigh, state of North Carolina. i CLOTHING SALESMAN . WITH eight years' experience desires a po sition after June 30; best of refer ences given. Address W. F., care News and Observer. 6-1-1 wk WANTED: A REGISTFRKR PHAR maclst to begin work not later than June 20th. . N. C. man preferred. Address, Drugs, this office. -l-6t IT COSTS, NO MORE TO ATTEND the best: begin now. Call or write for catalogue. King's , Business" Col lege. Raleigh. N. C S VANTEI BY A GRADUATE OF the Normal College at Greensboro, a position as first grade teacher In town or city graded school: sevrii years' experience; bent references furnished. Address "M-." care of . News and Observer. ! 6-3-lwk FOR SALE STOCK DRY GOODS, clothing, etc.. cheap fo cash; good location-: new stock;! low rent," brick store; bad hnlth causes sale. Address Box 145. Relhaven. N. C. FOR SALE ESTABLISHED Busi ness on paying basis; best proposi tion In City of Norfolk for James town Exposition; good reason for selling. Address Opportunity, care News and Observer. I-Mwk. Novelties you wilt like- 25c. SHELL GOODS. scroll Xr If I nliit. Amber, Tortone, and Black Shf afl Back Combs. ' Plain and fatyy J tiold rim and Jewel ruountel. Side inbsund Back Combs. .25. rOe Mtintel Back Combs .Vk to 5I..1 ft o Ier roc. alrtPins. shell and Amber. dkfan .Ii to, 2.- ami "v5.Lfirr GRIP HOSE SUPPORT ED ? KRS." TlioiTgreat value of the "Velvet ni" k in the saving to jonr lisery. fast and never tear. Black only. luShics?. sizes lTc. MtiisesJ sIkcs 20e. IiejP fJxes XVe. TI Mdd l a ill Wliite I'LVfXI BLACK IAtT: HOSE. Ice lo Hsxial number of Indies m . . osc- -. Is used as a K-nucr ir Wck. Usually 25c. a alr Tor fle per pair 19e. t ejt 3 Jplr for SOc. 4ADIES- GAUZE VESTS. While we have ladles' Gauze Vtt U'fi at nil pflccs' from 10c. to $I.0O. d ,'lt j-ur particular attention to Ihli iu of the Rcglna I.ldo Rlblel 2rc. MEN'S SUMMER NECKWEAR. if i MenVt 'Wasliaple Ties and Fancy Silk F"ur-in-Hnd htylfs f Jars . 4 . . . Hot Weather Coi Baby Dish Iace Sects full dress Ties (jij select lIAPIES' NECKWEAHl Embroidered CoIlars and Ice Col- . . . . . 25; ajud SOc. lars..35, $1.00, $l.ro Collar and Cuff . . . $3 OO and $1 OO PATENT LEATHER OXFORDS. ladles' Oxfords. immh Soles, Toe. iSwrl! styli-s. With ?Uuill Kid or Intent Is-atller Qiiarterst Iarge evelets. Ribbod Ties. All slzjes $3.00 lateh Leather Plain for Cap 1 WHITE CAN White Is the While sizes Gibson C to 7. Canvass k a IIUICS Tics nil Wliite Slz-s 2 I , Wliite Ties i Ijdies White ford smooth Innersoles. MlirV and Clilldren's vnss I Oxfornls. scewed VASS OXItRDS. -ft-' year and er Ties, rage this! Wliite CanvajM Oxfortls Bh Snlhr - Ties, Gih4n Ties artdj Pumps are niTesary accessaries to;tI)e white costumes s prevalent at thlstlme. Oxfords and ilwucher .l.......l.f:. $1 .OO Ties and I Bluchers. ' l I s m n- M- k f m ft ( 9 s Pumps and Sailor .; .1 J.! St 50 iiod-ear fvtf'D J" Whjte Can- Turn and! IcKay :5c., $1.00 and $1.23 aalalsx I 1 Big June Redaction 1 Sale 1 All! colored shapes and trlnimed liats i i 1 -s at half price. One-third off -on wliite r J t n hats. ' Straw brokLs cheap; ii 1 Misses Rjeese & Co. i 1 B. Green & Company - Tut re Int. received a his lot nf tls?y clienp: Sides and .following gooils I ;are going to sell k N. ' C. Hams, Sliouldcrs. Butter from Tyson's Dairy V( formerly owned by Dr. :lievvU); Cooking Butter. If yonnvant bargsins call a wss s.t V,v: I i ' i i Store closes at 6:00 o,clock PEELE STANDARD HICKS' CAPUDINE IMMEOIATXXT CVS.CS HEADACHES BmluupCOLDiS IN TO 13 MOCKS TOW ftMd Mc. 4i WljKN YOU FEEL COLD COMING Off SNEEZE CRTLLYi ETC T4K A DOSE AT ONCE TAKE AOSE AT BED-TIME AND EVERY TRJIEK ft NSCESS.iRY. is . - Is HOURS t NEXT DAY IF : : : : t : Want-evenr man and woman In tlx United States to know what! we af doing. We aro curing cancers, t triors, and chronic sores without; the usV-iof knife, and are Indorsed by I the Sate and Legislature of Virginia, If yim are seeking a Cure, come here and y$ win Ket it. r If We Guarantee Our Cures, i i ; TE KELL.V3I CtNCER IIOSPITAU Richmond. P.S.KELLES WANTED EVERY ONE WHO EX , pect to attend a busineas college to get our new catalogue. King's Business College. Raleigh. r 1 . i 11 - W ANTTJD SUPERINTENDENT 10.- J . 1 000 mule splndlo mill- location Cm- itral Georgia: good climate; rriustf hare good references. Address A. I Va. 3. SCHOOL i - Ml AND ENGLISn . . SHU' : The School that helps the worthj ami thosr wlio are conapeHcd to earn it - No better Commercial Schopt South Established for years. j W'rlte for very reasonable lennft. school located )at tireensuoro, n. tj. I ' COMMERCE WaW - rCyji?aiWra5aTTyrT55 . ' - ll ! Ladies and Gentiemen j " of CaJ-Qlina-jl You are i invited when Richmond in to visi&Pour V:: WAT; if-,,rr;r CARPET AND WUR- NITURE STOfZE. THIS SEAiSONtS OFFERINGS ARE I VERY ATTRACTIVE t HUNDLEY 1 l-ri3 Ecstl! Broad Headquarters for Trunks, Suit ' Cases and Handbra Popular Prices. I j r r A. B. Stronach Compa HaveYy Those Lovely Filmy Flowered Silk Hulls an Silk Tic Delicate Shades of Blue, ureen Lavender Grey, , . 2oc, sue. ana ouc. a yard. Lluslin Curtain Sale J i Herringbone Ruffled Muslin Curtains ............ ;ji .'.... '.$1.00 ier pair Dotted Muslin Ruffled Cuains. . I . . . :.4. 1.. . .$1.25 per pair Dotted Muslin Iloniton Edge Ruffled Curtains . . . I. . . . . .$1.75 per pair Plain Muslin Iloniton Insertion Ruf fled Edge Curtains. . . .$1.50 per pair K'lf- j i . r Uiam Musnn HeniKtltrhed arid fled Curtains .....$1.7.1 i r Herring Rono Ruffled Muslin Curt .$i.-.1, per pair Plain Muslin Iloniton Insert Inn. 3uT fled and -'Hemstitched I-Mge Cur- 1 taina ....... i ..... .$l.ro r p,ti" Double Single Lace Curtain. n.nn I Femme, white and Arabian Madras, Nottingham and Arabian Lace. Cu tains, ! 50c., 75c, $1.00, $1.50 to $3.50. A. IB. Stronach CompGiiy 10c. PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAPlbc. Few ! of O ur Summer SpecialticG Steam Laundry Shirt Waists Skirts White Vests Lace Curtains Blankets 2 1 6 Fayettcvillc St. STOP GCESSINQ BUY ; S Leonard Refr&raiQF LAWN MOWERS. IliOOR-IiAC, AND ALL KINDS OP HOUSEHOLD ' PAINTS or w--, v T7T" - rjrur ' . AntBraeite Coal Strike Set 1 1 ' We can noir furnlsn yon all kinds of Anthricite COAL in car onantltr. r Special attention given car load lots. WE REPRESEJNT THE LAltf3EST ANTIIIIACTTC 4 COAL V v DEALERS IN. AMERICA.- and can make you ' tlie lowest prices. Corrcypondenco Koll- clted. ; All Pboncs. Cap ital City : Fy lGVJM TON HIS) -IZJ&lLL-y We have several fine pair that will suit you. Ir Om S W U G L We have a number of extra fine saddle and driving her; Also dray and farming stock.; M. HARDIN'S STjiCL:: 7 t J! GEORGE :S. Wilmington St. x Raleigh, IT. C. H. :jt Established 1036 :.;---;-'. X , .-.'! - - .r .. .. . j. ' Incorporated' FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND '.EMDALMERS ' ' : Harcett nd Sall&bury SU., Bate4k-h. N. C. JNO. W, BROWN. President. I". P. DROWN. r.ec.-Tr"i. JOHW VA HAYS CIVIL ENGINEER Ma Am. Soe. cm. ATEIt POWER A MUNICIPAL WORK Im-hilnir Waterworks. Sewer,; KlecUic Udhtfnp-, "Street. Michwar ftodrarlt ImproTw.enta. i W. 3 South A4m St. Pelrbe. Va. ! rj. e. our?. r ARciiiTKcrr. i f!ra1uate tn Arcliltectnm, loinbla Unlfersity. ; New York. In chhrco of Department of Drawtnir and Arch. Pnlvemlty of North Carolina. Oonsnltattoa and General Design. CHAPEL inLL. K. fl Jili. O'CiUIITIT C: . FloriotV RALG30IL Ktmnt mnoi ? ' Wa OlTe Bonthrn Tm'Tfnj f Carnations. Rn ni Vi"i.'-, rclalty. ltotitet mn f! .rl . atlortf arrane th brf hort nolle. Cairo, Fern tr blooming I'lsm for C Fall, Dijltis. Ilyswlnth. f : m Tullpc. te. ;Roo btJhm. t r erergfeens aod ghale trei. abl plants In mamil Butter Cups, dclnty, delicious, ct arciiiti: Clias. T7. Nnvy or: .ilii r'ayclf I - t.'.I.l- ?f. I5t.!l i : i A. TREDWELU Secretary and Treasurer. 6-10 to June 12 I, ' Street. Rn CRM ONI. Cltr Tax Collecfei Raleigh. June 7. If0. f .1 St I Zh-iZ. ana v- RALEIGH w -J9 N. C. 1 id S i

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