t' 'i i V. i! : 1 3 ! 4i- sn 12 THE DAILYpEAys AND OBSERVER V t BOND SUIT SETTLED V NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF V I PHARMACY THE NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF THE EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS PHARMACY. WILL BE HELD AT THE SEASHORE HOTEL, AT WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH TUESDAY. A. M. Union -Bank Recovers Price of Void Issue. ; -f ; . Coart Holds JJond Ieued In Aid of Oxford and Coast Line and Sold to Hank to Have Carried ?War. ; ranty of' Their Validity. .. BefoVe. Jud?e Pur'nell, sitting: as the Circuit Court." a trial 'was had yester day of the civil suit of the Union Bank Line Railroad for the return of the bond?' ltl" JUlr . , land appealing to the Circuit Court of purchase price and Interest paid by Anneals nt Rich mnnri th. hitrhc i the plaintiff to the. defendant for an i -0urt reversed Jude-p Purneii Mocidine ;MsSue or $20,00 bonds in aid of the j thal Ylc statute of limitations did "not apply and that there heid been a war ranty of the bonds by. the'rarlroad when It sold them to the plaintiff bank. . - ; H An Important Principle, The contention in this particular case was that there had been a spe cific warranty made bv the railroad company at the time the 'contract of purchase was entered iinto by the bank through certain tetters passing between the-agents of,: the parties. But in the orJnion of ; ,the Circuit Court in the plaintiff's appeal the im portant nrinciple was announced that where invalid bonds are sold to one who. hasjjo notice of the defect the law '-1 will i imply thsit a warranty of their validity passes with them. In this respect the case is fie of much importance to all interests' dealing in the bonds of municipal; corporations. Accompanying Mr. -lilioyall from Richmond and intcrestetl in the case .were Messrs J. It. Bcasely and J. W. Burrews. ; - , Turner's' Sentence Reduced. 1 .- - '-, ' f ' In the matter of the plea for ft. change of sentence of eighteen months Imprisonment imposed On W. T. Tur ner, a. Durham county moonshiner, to a fin of $1,000. the court refused to change the Imprisonment to a fine, but agreea to a. reduction oi tne sentence by six months, making: the term of the prisoner in thei penitentiary one year. . The Court adjourned for the term at two o,'clock .inHie afternoon. PHARMACY FOR TO PRACTICE JUNE 12. AT 9:0 A HlSEIF GINGER Rcmifitls! Julius Stewart of (tertain Institution. Til 3v: PWHnVthlno. In TTiU Ilornr and raHroadL which ?Wee voted bv the v town of Oxford Jin 1892 and after wards declared invalid by the courts. s Issues were submitted upon which , the jury returned a verdict infavor of the plaintiff and judgment was signed . for about ?27,,500 and the costs of the action, i - - ." The bank was represented by W. L. i RoyaJI. Esq.. of Richmond, and the d i fendant railroad by ex-Judge T. B. Wo mack, of Raleigh ; ex-Judge A. W. Graham, of Oxford: and Major J. .W. Tne judgment yesterday was per haps the final determination of a : series of litigations which, have been before! .the courts for the space of . nearly" fourteen years. In the Call of i 1892 the town of Oxford voted (-an is sue of $20,000. of bonds in aid of trie construction of xhe Oxford and Coast ! l,lne Railroad, running from Oxford i to a connection with the Seaboard Air t Line. These bonds were soon after J wards sold by the railroad to the Union Bank and the purchase price expended j n the construction of the road. The town of Oxford, however, paid ionlv the first six months . Installment of interest and -then repudiated ,.the obligation on the ground that the act authorizing the issue of the bonds was unconstitutional, tne aeiect auegea De Jnff that the"" bill had not been read three separatetimes In each; house of the legislature on three, separate days .with the aye and" nay votes on the second and third readings. Litigation as to the validity of the bonds pro gressed through the State courts and finally went to the Supreme Court of the United States, by which they, were finally declared to be unconstitutional "and void." '' . ' It was after this final adjudication that te Union, Bank instituted Its ac tion against the railroad for the re turn ..of the" purchase price paid by it for the bonds, alleging that the rail road In the sale was bound to a" war ranty of the validity thereof. The rail road in defence -pleaded the statute of limitations as a bar to the action, and also set up the defense that-It was not bound by any warranty of the bonds. "tWhetf the case was heard here before Judge Purnell in December, ft 904. ,fae held that he road was not protecteq py tne statute, out mat it ' - V ' . m . m . l ncct in , in at onevo' sKciiirr.itY. Selma and find that they'make con- the afterncon as easily as clock, tin: regular dinner hour. ; Pupil Professor, what des the oming mean? i Prof. i is a bcrAitiful Indian word -t-nothing misleading atmut it as a girl's nam, though seldoinly used, it means a beautiful young maiden. The most o.uiet beautiful squaws and wives were called by that name. In all In stances it meant something pleasing to the eye.j As to lands, a. good graz lngor resting place in an unexpected section. The Wyoming Valley, for in stance, and other poetic and good feeding spots at places where it is not expected from general appearances. No matte where found, it signifies that which! Is pleasing, satisfying, rest, comfort, etc Pupil Professor, then whenJthe word "Wyoming" is used preceded bv the word fNew" what does that indl- it Keele cate? Prof. It simply means that the ranch has! been Improved and getting better, if possible. ma "connection is pleasure, j Pupil What subjects have been most widely discussed by the entire press lately? Prof. The earthquake In ;-allfor nia. the "bake in Washington. I. C. and the jltna connection. Tliere TlKre; oniething In Tht Instltu- t'o''ny-re IJUi .Cracker ffck ln Tlielr Way. One ithi handsomest horses in the Statgf 5,'orth Carolina has been bought fgy? M-. pinli : Vanstory. of (Jreen.sbKo. vfhn is acknowledged one of the tat Authorities in the State on horstTiesji. '."Cho: anlma- has at tracted .at Attention ! in (Iceenaboro and VanlMy'j stal.les Is one point of Interest Jhat ?evrv ftorseniun going to Oreefbor makes ; It a point to visit- Z ; i. oi van- Therefore, the Sel- a certainty and a THE SELMA (X)XXE(TIOX. Hott Why did you strike He only niilffcd at you. my dog? Now a Certiiinty the Ninth Wonder of fhe World. ' Pupil-rProfessor. In our last lessop we learned that the eighth wonder of the world could be seen at Sclrna. the Rock with the wagging tongue that the Panama canal" vould be the ninth wonder of the wlrld. that the only rule with not a single exception was "good dinners at the Wyoming House every day. . Upon investigation we -find that connection at Selma with the above can be made over three hundred and sixty-five times a year Pupil How's that? a Prof. Why. was not bound by warranty of . the jsome put off eatinc until they get to -A. 1L Oinrnwrit la - - ' Kcinm. Tvttvr I in. r1. lI h-, Kr, klm. Rnnhurn all akin itj . . 'PPr qltly Bod p-rni- IIEISKEIX'S OINTMENT c; iJT?2ir??ni .'T nf r the -km tnit ami lielcb. ileiakeil'a Soap for tit- akiD a. Mptilljrtip(i. Atctrtunrtata. MttKr. Ointment r.ixl for htmk of trat.iiMmia,la. - Mtttw.-Hollowy C.. fhMadelphia JUIIUS lewtrt mnnrpr story's stdnlec Is very pi.-oud of thi animal afttl knows how to show hln off to thies advantage. "You i&p tChe splrjt. tne life and the glng?M hls hie has." said Julius Strwar$ as he showed off the animal tja visitor. "'Jhere is some thing atut ahat that reminds me of something l.e here in Orensboro. I know ?ht A am talking about, be cause I Ijjrtve iad. the exerience and 1 know tgiat S man who has lost In terest inHfefand Wh0 is of no ac count, aria: wKo wants to be made a better mi. h?ive new life, and b in a posit lo -to ;S(io something for him self and "or tils people, can improve his -condition hy taking the treatment i Institute, v If the man wants to' to drinking Keeley In titutc caij cue him.i No' sort of iemptatli!(ay be jm. great as to lead him astrftSi aijjn If he has the heart and the 3slrej to be a man. I know this, as ijj,Haid4;hy exr,crlence. -The T-!le& Institute is excellentlv manat'edlilt Is a fine, comfortable i home wrttire jjffi-ers 'and attendants are Kitin :ana oourtoqus friends to every iatSit. lind If the man wants to be rU'if t&e drlnki habit the best TELEPpOK-E TRAVEL li i i i li - Is the cheapest, safest, quickest; easiest way to reach a distant point. ' You avoid the dust and dirt ij while accomplishing the same result; BeU telephone long distance lines enable jyou to reach any city quickly and cheaply. It's the modern way to do business. It brings results. 1 1 ' ' BELL SER.VIGE IS SATISFACTOR.Y THE RATES ARE REASONABLE if 1- ' . i Call Conllad Department, No. 100 n r . - "! O out hern Bell Teh fill arid Te 1c g rap It Co. RINKLB'i' thing in e vior'd that he ran do is to go tothCiKeelev Institute at ureenstoWj g ; THE ji:itOX COXVHTK)X. rr SiirtMUjis Ovrrnutii. nrotfks. IKKIH. Hhaw cine No In. strinloij for Corporation L CotomlsMiojner. (Sneciaflio "kews ad Observer.) Roxbrft; S.C.. .lnn 9. The Dem ocratic convention her today Instruct ed for Slrmon. Oyerrfian. Kltchin. A. 1. BrooksSfitr Mtor! for judge. J C. Biggs. IKgjSh J; ?Co instructions for CorpoattJoii.cjmniissioner. . fy $ J ? KlnstonjiN. f;.. 1 Junir 1. The new A. X. , naenger.jdepot has been completUj'SjiniJ. as yoin as It! is ac cepted hy&he fompanv will be cHpen ed to thjjiihlg;. .It Is a marked Im provement, pvef the old one In manv resoects. fcl - i Electric Fans Of nil Vlnds j CaU and look at them. i - Raleigh Construction Co. . i . 14 West I Iargett Street. ILVLEIGH, if. C UstVO VoU Sore throat-pimplirsi, eruptions, topper-colored spots, patches, old sores, bone pains, ulcers in the mouth, hair failing out, write for proofs of permanent cures of worst eases of Syphilitic Blood Poison, Scrofula, Bheumatism, Catarrh, Cancer, Xczema-and -an Skin and Blood Diseases made by the use of Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.); 32-page book and medi cal advice,' logether with free- sample, given by writing Blood Balmk 3om piaj, Atlanta, Oa. Forjsale by all druggists. Price $1.00 per large bottle, three for $250, six for $5.00. Ill druggist do not keep this medicine in stock send us or order we will ship same hy express, charges prepaid, oa receipt of price- Cash'Beot. Store 52, 328, 330, 332, 334 j Farettevillc Strctt. . j Ralelsli. N, C, I VACATION TIME - . Tlie thoughts of all tnrn to Trunks and Go-Away-riajr. TIc ist1 turn tlieir steps towards Crinklry's wIktc they can ccthe same coods for less money. . j TRUNKS. ' Metal foveretl, to $3."o. Canvas ooveretU 9I.90 to 3.'o. Same ulih Oralis. 2.20 to nran i trininird. SM.OO to T.oo. 36-in. : reneer K-ntIcr Ixmml, 12.r0. Suit cw-s 91 AW to .S6.0O. Haml-HasiH 25c. t !3.PO. I IIARVFAT TISIli Seclal 14 finscr sxaht cradles, worth 93.0, special this week for S2.23.. ! ;ras scythr nud nath. Sl.tr. Cultivators, llow. JIoc, Hakcf. Shovels.' ? IrfulicV white purses. -V- SOc. I'ans lc 3c.. &t'- 10c.. 25c 50c. ltaby's IlcI SUppcrs. 65c, 80c. Hose to match. , White- fillppers ' f or ladies and chil dren all sizes. ' ; IVoy'j. Oxfords. $1.25. SI. 7 5. S2.0O. lien's Oxford's SI 5 to 3.00. I 3Icn! Clerical RLick Snmmer Coat lorur .nd cool.W.OO. (Genuine l'xnanu Hats, S3 .50. leexer, all idxes. SI Ji5 to 4.00. ' Refrigerators. Sff.75. $8.00, 510. $12. Ilnhbcr Hose, rrnarantr-ed. c. 9c. , Ian mower. 1 6-ln $3.04). Krult .Tai-s -and Jelly Tumblers. . foqriito Netting Ac. yard, ltcd Canopies, 515. Meu's ribbed seam drawers, the 50e. kind. 40c. TAIJilXO 3LCHIXiqs 'AND - RECORDS. , 3. CKIXKLEY'S. For that conh uio ; y , , fa He vv win S Are 1 I Naw on ete Lnes Dry Rbad Good ariG No Styles Prices dahhot Be Sur- passed 0 ur Match! ess ues ew Season. Ire) Winning tomers Each I PI Representative, and See Your Business ImpOi?tei?s and & V I A;iiTo) jil ' vrvr il koJ : I r (Iiicorpoiratcd) Jobbers of Dey Goods, BJcitions, "White Goods anct Rents' Ftiffiiis&infjs L 7K t r? Plr fat

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