.1 THE DAILY NfcWS AND OBSERVER EVNpAY -.MORNING, JUNE 10, 1906. c ULYTWEf TY ONE ilk Pcgram Chairman 'it of Executive Committee. IS SOLID FOR JONES W. If. Snow Withdraws From the Race , . For Solicitor Governor Glenn's Administration Endorsed Sen - a tor Simmons For lie-Elec tion- Unanimous For Pom. - Overman Endorsed., The Democratic Primary in Wake county, for the nomination of mem- bers J of the. General Assembly and - county -officers will be held on Satur day.! the fst of July. The primary planLwill be used, the hours outside of Raleigh being:, from ten o'clock till unsfet. while in Raleigh the legalized primary wilt be held from, seven o-Vlcck till sunset. . TMs was settled in t,he meeting of the executive committee, held after the county convention yesterday, the mee ing being largely .attended.! every precinct in the county but two being repr rented; these House's Creek, Har ris's Store. and Mark's .Creek. The committee elected, as its: chairman by unanimous vote Mr. Ii Brown Pe m aiti. and - also by a unanimous vote elected Mr. Edward E. Britton as sec retary of the committee,! A-resolution of. thanks complimentary to the te- - tiring chairman. Mr. W. D. Snow, jvas adoied unanimously. , . , The County Convention; : Wake co,uhty will present but one '. candidate for the Democratic nomi nation for the ofiiec of Solicitor 'of the ixth Judiciar District at the con vent on to be held in " Lillinsrton Vn Tuesday, arid, this is the present So licit r, Hon. Armtstead Jones, this jresi t having been brought about at the convention' yesterday when Mr. . W. H. "Snow, the . only other candi date from Wake, personally withdrew niH name in a most jrra.cei.ui- w nap py Ijttle speech, doinsr so that! Wake i misfct -present a solid vote, apd for the Icontinuance of harmony jin .the The convention went on record in its indorsement of , A United States Senitor F. M. Simmons for re-election J; his course and that of ' United 'States Senator Overman beinjr cpm, mencled. -.In the .same spirit ft -endorsed Congressman" E. W. Pou. and indicated ithat the solid Vote . of Wane be fast for his renomlnation. Te convention-"was a large and en thuitfastic one. complete harmonyj pre vail Bigr'sfnd dll. precincts being ' rep lesctited except Stoney Hill and the secohd division of Ihe-fourth ward-ol KaHigh. Chairman W. B. Snow call-' etl tlip convention to order, and tiamUl- Co!U: C- R- ArenttgH as tem nonw " chiitrmaCn. Mr. -,B.TM. Catling as" temporary; secretary. ; these ap-J poiratments' being made permanent by "the J convention, '- on motion of -' Vr. . Oratiiam -Haywood. On- taking: the -'ch& Br Colonel AreTIdell made a, happy address of thanks iand complimented Wail Democracy oh its splendid con dition. . . r- -, - . vItj vas announced: by the? chair than the full vote of'jWake -cotinty as jefven in the late .primary was1" as fol- Fjxr Coii5rc?:-fE. W. Pou, 2 .5SS. Fpr ;Corporatkii Commisioner " Frafiklih McNeill, 1,624; Jacob A. Ixngr 652; S. O. Middleton. 11 For Soliclt5r Armlstead Jones. 1.- 832 i W. B. Snow. 731. Tnese ;contplete returns included the vote of Buckhorn ' and Middle Cref k. not heretofore reported, thes- beirvr- . " lluekhorn-4-Pou. 23; Long, 12; Mc Xeill. 124 v Jones. 12; Snow. 13. Te executive committee elected; being J. 3'. Judd. Brlsrht. j Jj Edwards. H. W. Ifo'emaTi and W. J. Doling. ;and! the delegates, J. T. Judd, Joseph -T. 1'omble and M. J. Doling. 3liddle Creek Pou. 47; McNeill. 42 : Iong, .20; Jones, 3S; Snow, :. The executive" committee is K.., B. ,John ponl 1, U. McCullers. , D. H. Smith. I, -11. Smith and.-Wi. F. Stuart. - The -del jgatesv E. J. RagsdaleG.' M. Mc Come Up Where remaps you Know wny you tail in the plans tor money, fame, and position. Just why the brain does making results is a puzzle to j Strong, healthy, natural and good brainsN can work proper food. ; r : v- Unsuccessful brajns, often ed food. V r -'' v:-; A distinct improvement a week or ten days, when in used twice a day. is There are well established rcjasons for these sure results from ' the change in food. Ycu can make Money, Position, Fame if you have the kind ofi Brain that vorks that way. TKere a Cullers.. C. A. Eallentlne and !j. E. Stinson. " . t i There was her a motion, to ! select delegates to the various conventions, and Mr.. WV B. Snow was recognUed. He announced that o tfidUtate the work,- that Wake- might njesent it solid vote for Solicitor and i that har mony might prevail; he (with drew his- name f ram j tho contest for the SolicItorshlp andi mov ed tha the convention Instruct Its delegate to cast the solid vote! of :Wake for the election of ;Mr. lArmlstead Jones He thanked his friends for their support and declared that he held no ill will or hard feelings tow ards any who had - oppose him. but respected all as men and loyal Dem ocrats. His motion was unanimously adopted, having been received with great applause. - ) - As a. committee to divide the vote of the various-precincts to the various conventions the chair appointed; J. N. Holding. Dr. U P. SorreSl. R. J. Whit ley, W. C. Brewer and Daniel Allen. .Endorsing the Officers. At' this stage various resolutions were offered, all commending Senator F. M.. Simmons and endorsing him for re-election. The first wajs b Cot.; F. B. Arendell. and it was adopted I by a rising vote. . The resolution was as follows: . "Resolved. That the Democratic party of - Wake county in convention assembled rejoices in the area orf good " 1. BROWN PEG RAM. - Tle New Clialrman: or li (Wake County Deinocratlci Exectitive ;('om nilttce. : ' '' ' -:!- I ' i feeling anrV prosperity that blesses this good State under the wise and patriotic administration of Governor Robert B. Glenn. ' The new day of peace and order, ushered in by the adoption, of the suffrjage amendment, has been marked by Industrial prog ress arid greater prosperity, thus Jus tifying the predictions of the great party that secured - ie incorporation of the purified suffrage Into our organ ic law. Every prediction made by the foes of whlrfe supremacy as to the op eration of the constitutional amend ment has been demonstrated : to have been -wjthout foundation. -"The. Democracy 6t Wake, j proud of the record !of their- countv-man. Hon. F. M. Simmons, in the world's highest legislative body. Joins with his native cpunty of Jonos in rejoiding in the expressions of approval and sup port voiced by most of the county con ventions thus held, endorses i with heartiness the evident purpose of the Democracy of-the Stafte to return him to the Senate without opposition, and will give to him its royal support for re-election." f A resolution by J. D. Boushall en dorsing the course of both of ;North Carolina's -United Senators Senators and Congressman E. jw.. Pou. and in structing for Simmons and Pou, was also adopted as was; a resolution by Mr. C. F. Lumsdcnj, pledging ; Wake county for Senator Simmons. Delegates to tlw State Convention. The " following were i ; then - appoint ed as delegates to the i State convention: IS , ? 1 , Barton's Creek S.' F. Bailey. Buckhorn. M. J. Boling. - Cary. L. B. Woodail. 3IorrisvilIe. J. L. Pugh. Pollartln. A. H, Parker. i Holly Springs rT. IB. Holt. House Creek, Edwards' Store. J. T. Edwards.-:- r-l Honsti Creek. Harris Store 3Iitchens Mill. m G. Perry, i Wakefiekl. Dr.; Gj MJ Bell. Mark's Creek. D; jB. Harrison. Middle Creek. K. B.3 Johnson. Xeu.se River. Geo! W. Norwood, E. C. Beddlngfleld. alternate. New ' Light.RoblnsOn's ; Store. -Li. B. Pegram. , 1 New Lifght, Stony-ilUll James M. Estes. -:.." ? - ' Oak Grove. M, C. King. . Pantheiv Branch. tr. N. M. Blalock St, ;Mary'ii,; Anburri. J. c Pool, Garner. Geo. Mltthlner. ; You Belong j . ,; j SomoiDon'C not produce practical money many men. brains can be made from food, keenly when they have their tome from improperly select '.!..? - 1 in mental power will follow the brain-building food ' i i i - MM and very clearly understood ; I I I . Reason. : ' ': i I It makes everybody charge goods sold on credit. I . j Just mm mmmmmm Clothing and Gents Furnishings Dufeni, N. C. ; - H;t s , ; The National Cash Registfe Company ( Raleigh, St. Mattlievs.-W. ;C. Douglass. Svlft Creek. B. S. Franklin. Alter nate, Theophelus Stevens. Wake Forest, ForeMvllle. M. Ptire foy. ! Wake tNrest. lSohxvIlle. C. B. Debnam. ' White iOHk G. M. Beavers. U S. Franklinj: alternate. Raleijfh Armlstead Jones.. W. W. WillsonT J. D. Boushall. W. I. Rose. N. DeBoy. Jr., Joscphus Daniels. J. N. Holding. Bart M. Gaittllng. W. C. Rld dick. Bryant Smith I Tq Congressional OMivciitlon. Rarton'M reck -it. D. Honeycutt. Dr. S. W. Thompson. J. P. Ball j Buckhorn. M. J. Boling. J. T. Judd. Lewis Pool. ' ? t'ary E. L.. Middleton. 1L B. Judd. Morris llle W. -li. Page. Cedar Fork, Pollards C. C Duke.. Holly Springs. V. H. Burt. T. B. Rollins. S . Honse'K Creek, Wlwrd Stores L. P. SOrrell, A. L. Thompson. Mitchell's Mill. J T. Hagwod. Wa!jeld R. J Whitley, E. P. Wiggs. j Mark's -Creek E.SV. Richardson. R. b. Whitle-. (1 Middle (rwii-L.i H. Smith. W. F. Stewart. ! i Nons Itl-rr ;prgei w,- Norwood. J. T. Hunter.' j New Mffht. RoblnwHi's Store. An drew Sy me. Nevv I-lglit. Stoney Hill K. Griffin. i Oak Grove -D. Nichols. J. E. Barham. Panther Branch rA. T. Smith. Henry Gulley, T. E.j Young.' Aubtirn Thomas; Johns. Garner J. D. Johnson.-H. D. Rand. St. Matthews C. T. Hester. E. L. Bartholomew. ! . Swift Creek J. 3, L. McCullers. L,. D Stephenson. Foreptville P. E. Fowler. O. K. Holding. H. V. Pace W. C. Brewer. Rolesvllle J.. D.. Peebles,. R. A. Freeman. i . White Oak R. J. Boling. L.. J. Sears. A. B. Cpchurch. J. T. Crowder. Ralcirh A. M. ! Powell. A. H Green, J. P. Wyatt.jD. T. Johnson. T. E. Moore. E. M j Martin. Graham Haywood. J. 1. Boqshall. R. T. Gow an. A. E. r.lenn. ?VV. J. Andrews. James E. Shepherd; F. W. Hunni- cutt. 15. II. CrocKei'. A. fcmory, r. B. Arendell. J. Ni folding. R. O. King. J. M. Beas!ey. J. D. Boney. George W. Johnsoi. C. B. Park, James McKee. Jr.; David Smith. Tlie Judicial Delegates. Barton'ii Creek G. B. Norwood, S. W. Thompson J. R- Bal'.. Bitckliorn-'M. J. Poling. J. T. Judd. Lewis Pool. v ' Cary ..G. Crowder. A. H. Pleas ants. J- Morrlsvllle S. R. Horne. Cedar Fork. Pollard's 25. B- Page. Holly Spring? Hrann 1L Sftvens, R. H. Burt. ) Kdwnrtls' Store t L. p. Sorre'.l. W. T. Smith. HarrU Store Mltchell'H Mill Solon Baker. Wakefield T. Ij Honeycutt. Mark's Creek Jl W. Pair. E. Tt Scarborough. ! Middle Creek iGeo. M. McCul lers, J. D. Balientlne. ; Neuse George W. Norwood. J. T. Hunter. j New Liht, ' Robinson's St4re Wm. B. Jones. i New Light. Stoney Hill W. H. Chappell. J. W. Mtinsum, 0:-.k (Jrove J. j It. Ray. M. E. Koonce. j Panther Rranrli-4-J. W. Pegram. T. H. ! Turner, C. P. Rand. Auburn James Holder. Garner B. Hobgood. Aleck Snell insrs. I St. 3Iatthews rAV. B- Dunn. T. E. Daniel. I Swift Creek J. J. I McCullers, t'orfHitvllle W. C Brewer. . E. G. Gill. J. W. Jones. W B. Smith. Rolesvllle J. Ill Mitchell. W. Pearson. Wliito rlr A It Ifumei- V L. Yates. W. C. Hunter. W. P. Cpchureh Raleigh Geo. D. Meares. F. P. Simpson. T. B. Hcartt. W. B. Jones. L.B. Pegram. C. j F. Lumsden. Gra ham Haywood. J.j F. Jordan. W. Rj Dorsett, T.. B. Wopiack. II. E. Glenn. W.l C. Douglass, Lloe I Seawell J. .R.'jHaynes. John R. Unchurch. A. W. Matthews. J. N. Holding. J. 'T. Miller. William P. Little. Frank Bell. W. N. IH. Smith. Bart M. Gatllng. J. D. Riddle, Bryant Smith. James McKee, Junior. j The Executive Committee. After the convention the executive committee met and organized. The committee as represented at tne meeting was: 1 j Barton's Creek.-R. D. Honeycutt. Buckhorn. J. J Edwards.. Cary. E. F. Upchurch. MorrisTtUe. S. R. House, by J. H. Moring. -tt X s . tfi .1-1 ; i ' iTells how nucheach one takes in. 1U a penny is short,it tells the person ! short the penny. Sold to N. C. I I"ollartls. SoScmn King. lllly Sprinw. u. Norrls. ny II. K. Norris. ti- f 1-kltvanl.H stfe.-i-W. F.' Smith. Harris' Stored ' 1 i ' Wnkefiekl. !?' W- Harrlp. by T. L, Honeycutt. i Mitchell's Mlflj-olon Raker. Mark' , 'i Middle Creekfe-t0- I fMeCullers. Xnw Hlvcr.WJ&e "Hunler. . Robinson's Sr W. p.-Sandling by W. B. Snovef! D; SKuiy Hill. iW lT. Mof-ton. by W B. Jones. S Oak irtve. f. Cort. r I'Hiiiiirr iiraiMiMs J. riram. Aubtini. JaifiR. Hofder. Gamer. II. :D. fltand. s St. .Mary's. Hi Dunp. .Swift CreekYti-it lr L. sMcCia lers. Foresttille ii Brewer. ' Holes v Hie. w; j5. fearson. IS. Olive; by R. N. Raleigh: 1st ward. Mears. division. Geo. D. 1st ward. 2d JSl vision. 0 E. Moore. d ward. .-1st j vision. ft. T. Gowan. -d ward 2ifj:dlslon.-$-A, B. An drews. Jr. ?1 '- 5 3d ward. ist!jtvTsln. 4P. B tJriffii;. 3rd ward 2d-fdKisloi. ,F. B. Aren dell. ' . " 4th ward. Isdflsion -fJT. Miller. 4th ward. 24f ; fivision.-Ed Fann. Jr. " W- " f O. AW N V fr. Rlddick. O. W. S. Jfiej McKee Jr.' o. e.- n. vn a uttie. - . u. r. 9- t,yjn.j.fjauing. j Mr. R N. Sl6'mSi was made tempor. ary chairman. iKj L. Oatling and E. E. Britton tempotry.secretarie. Col; F. B. Ate nd ell nominated Mr. L B. . Pegranjli'a permanent chair man, and thijtiVp seconded by Mr. W. B. Snow. flfheV$lect!e-n was unani mous, and onftepg escorted to the chair. Mr. P$fai made a , pleasant address of thasikstand pledged himself for work. p '' I i On motion Ifif "Mr. I?. M. Oatling the committeeleVted as its secretary bv a unanimous vote Mr. Edward E. Britton. On nation of Cpl. F. B. Aren dell eomplimijrital-y resolutions were passed concetdn Mr. ,W. B. Snow, the' retiring cJuilrsnan. Mr. Herber2;.:B. Norris presented a petition contajjhin 168'names asking for a primarel4tctlon, this to be on the 25th of A?igUAt. the legalized pri mary to be ijsed; In "Raleigh. He r moved its djpltln. Mr. w. B. forves opposea tne primary- in Auiisti: and tasked why it should be helivojate. 'Mr. Norris re plied that thtlsSto suit the country people, and t: fillow precedent, also to give all cAhdlates a fair chance, and as it Is aHe& Cor by. a targe peti tion. secuedlh tn day 11184 longer time would ljiaVej'madej it a 1,000 or 1.500 or mongihafpe. Mr. R. G4?Diuin moved that the date be the lstlbf July. Mr. B. M. Gatling aske? that al express their views. Mr. .Re Hunter: spoke for July 21. Dr. I p5-orrell fir second week In August. IiDf. Honeycutt for July 21. W. C. Brftwe' for July 21. J. H. Moring for J3ily 2.1," James R. Holder for July 21.IDr,f J. L4 McCullers for J ed hours of th44pimary,i but rtnally It was decided p hve mese irom io:oj a. m. to subset fin the country, and from 7:00 oViocHto sunset in the city of Raleigh. Jn Waleigh the legalized primary was stdoited. and In "the coun try the usujii' primary. Mr. W. B. Jones at nrR; exposed the legalized primary in tJalelgW. nd Col. F. B. Arendell spdfce ffr it , and Mr. Jones withdrew hM opposition. Colonel Arendell decljired it to have ' proven satisfactory. r;JtndL to have heard no mutterings aalntt It. i ,It was agreed that the ex?Utiye committee should meet on Jul?; .2 to ranvass the re turns. .'. ; Before adlurlng. Chairman re gram announced; as the Central Ex ecutive ComruRt&s Messrs. T. PASale, E. L. Harris: 'jNtelc DeBoy. W. C. Rid dlck. Geo. Vi Norwood. W. B. Jones, T. E. Moorl- Fi B. JVrendell. W. Z. Blake. E. Ht?gh.p?e. 13art M. Gatllng. E. E. Brittoi an3 W.tB. Snow The5Ne1(v Clairman. Mr. BrowrvPerani4 the new chair man of the jpimity" exjeeutive commit tee, haw front iisyouth been an active. uncompromljjFng.i', aggressive Demo cratic worker. ; IJe has never failed to work for paWy success. He Is one of the most poY-ulr commercial trail ers in North?? Carolina, and hosts of friends In other counties, as well as in .Wake, wf Jr rJolcef; to hear of this new honor tjiat -as come to Mr. Pe gram. As iJergJeatn-jat-Arms of the State Senates,he imadej an Ideal public official. As feeouSjty chairman he will hold the sexiest evenly, seeking the welfare of the party above faction or Interests of iny ket of candidates. In so doing heiWilihav-the hearty so- ifi ?fi I, - Mr If.; t 1EI : if uly 21. FirfAllyjthw date was adopt- . no vote lf;opjpositlon being heard. There wasfeiutm discussion over the operation ot the enUre Democracir of the county. - e. ' PROF, CARIA'LE IN GEORGIA. The Rome Papers Speak In the High est Terms of His "uniiwni Oration." Th Rome Tribune has an apprfcla tlve article about the commencement r "brilliant oratien" it calls it) address HolivoreH a I Shnrter Kpmale Collejfe 1 in Rome a few days ago, by Prof. J. ,B. Carlvle. of Wake Forest. It Is one of the First Colleges In Georgia land North Carolinians are peculiarly inter ested in it because its president W Dr. Thomas J. Simmons, son of the late Dr. William Garton Simmons, of Wake Forest College. Under his presidency Shorter is enjoying unexampled " pros perity. The Tribune gives more than a col umn synopsis of Professor jCarlyle's address, closing with this comment: "To the class of graduates he? de livered a beautifud peroration, admon ishing them 'to begin their life at the cross of Jesus and successful would be their efforts and crowns of glory wpuld be their inheritance. j . "A more timely subject was never more sticcessfully delivered Ini the chapel of Shorter, and the people ac knowledge their appreciation of the address and speaker by long cotin ued applause. " For Rent. . Nine-room house. Hillsboro street. Seven-room house. Harrington street. , . Seven-room house. North Blod- worth t--tieet. Twelve-room house. Salisbury and Cabarrus streets. Nine-room house. North Wilming ton street. Five-room house. North Boylan Avenue. Several other small cottages. Apply to RALFItill REAL ESTATE i AND TRUST COMPANY. T The PLNO which'' today terests (he trade and the pub lie Is the . SMALI GRAND and the be of all the small Grand Is the HENRY F MILLER. LYRIC GRAND. For catalogue. terms JHl prices see oc wlrte Darnell & Thomas RALEIGH. N. C Cut Glass Tlie beauty of cut glass. com bined Mlth Its utility, is becomlns more arul more appreciated, and there are few tables or sideboard3 Tliere It is not In evidence. One can hardly have too many pieces of good - crystal, and the very moderate prices at which we are selling Nappies, Trays and other articles will allow lone1 t owyx quite a collection without; an - i s extrarHgant outlay. . ' A large variety of the best makes to select from. s I H. MAHLER'S SONS Jewelers, Raleigh. N. C f : . - ' - ', ' - - - - r j" , !-. . ; j , ' ' . -1 I. - ' ' I . - -' f- ' ' ! '. . ! 'IN THE GRIP . -N . " Vh- ;" " ':- ..... Packing yoor grip to leave as dux ins the hot spell? Don't To?2 &La cl lowinj summer country comfort: Cold Cream for" sanbnrn end frcclec, . Talcum Powder for perspiring and overheated skin, Hand Unssi, TcdiIi Brash! and Powder, Paste or Wash. Good Pore Soap,; acenteJ, esznU, o? unscented, and Soap Holder. Combination Nail File, dipper - end CSscce?. pWlien you are In our neighborhood, step In. We teay 3 ctla to cl .-a yoi; valuable suggestions. We carry only the best of ToUet Heesii-x. rJcx very low for such tmality. ' liI-Cr0uell " " : Fayctteville and Hargctt Sts. All Phones No. 95 5 t Hunter Bros. To have the people reach you you platvtl upon otir counters some rare bargains In Dry Goods, and want our cuomers to profit by If- We take great pleasure In showing yon at - times. I i - . ; : '' -' ' C- BROWN 3 27;Jinch Blouse (all Linen), special per yard 36indi Blouse Linen. 25c. value for.. , 27lnch Gray and Green Iylnen Suiting . ... , Pant Unen for Men and Boys. . . . . . ...... WHITE 36nd Linen Lawns Special per' yard .. 36incf Linen Lawns ... . .. 36 'inch Linen .. .. .. .. .. .. 48lncii Linen .. .. 54 Inch Linen . . .. .. .. . . -. OO lncli Ijlnen Sheeting. $1.25 value f or V- i! " FORTYINCII IiAWNS.-' - .-1".' 'V' ' "' ;., 'V'"'- Tliij best value In the City for the money. ;We"Tuivite) your ': v Inspection ..' .. . .... ' . . ; i". : . I V .' .MOc. 1264 lCi; and ZZC CENTURY CLOTH Soft and Linen. Finish . . . . .siOe. per yard. ' CALICOS Nev Stock jtist arrived, best grade . 1 ...... . . . . . 5c i't- SHOES ! Some' good bargains In odd iota stk. r ; Ii i I! ; i Hunter Bros. & We GIVE TRADING STAMPS. Ice Boxes, $ i- Onr new complete stock of .Refrlg era tors and Ice Rotes a now on sals. We have bousht very larly and can qtrote lowest p?ioosT'; ' ; : -' Our Iln6 comprises the Odorless,' Gurney Cleanable, Nortli . Star . cork lined. La Belle, National, which are recognised a the bestl ' Prices trota $e.0O to $50.00. . I ' - if . Sold for cash or on time. If, 1IA3I3IOCKS PAL3IEU IIA30I OCXS,; ar the. best, i.oo to $6.ooJ , . ', :- " '"'." : f'i WRITE. FOR PRICES. Write for Catalojrnes. . . - l3' jl i r Hart-Ward Hardware Company Ml RALEIGH. N. O . 3 ;3 If you think all ready-made clothes aro alike, you haven't seen ours.: - Tho 7ay they look is one difference and a jbig oncTf Extra good styling nd taUoring is re sponsible for that and 'the .-materials are as good as the tailoring. Just drop yo prejudice against ' 'Ready-Made ! less enough to try on one of our suits. Ycu'L find it far better than the average custom tailor's work.f We have all the Iztzzi styles Come and see them. . j - Suits 010 to$30L ; " Si If li it ii 'it lu ll II I? in Up-to-date Clothiers and Furnishers. ; . J ii & Brewer mast Rive . them ; values. We here LINENS. . . . . . .'.15c. - -. . s .--. ... V..J5c. . .20 and ZZc LINENS. - - "--.' - - " ' ;' 40c.. 'bOc, ,75ci. and Ci.C 1 25c-, 35c. , 40c and kCc. ..6oc. - 1 mm .. .. ;.$I.t0 - 1 . SHOESJ of Shoes in addition toroor regttlar Brewer Gomitairp' Water Coolers, T ; Ice Cream FrcezGrs -J -: Prices from Co 4 I si If Si tt t! - ii ii L - tf-i