CM .1 JrXDAY MORNING, JUNE 16. j ; THE DAILY , AtsID OBSERVES J ' - j i : : : : jjgtggy i ggg i - p I ; : "W SQUARE DEAL TO EVERY MAN!" -. - v. , 1 s -; : -i . I - ! . : ' : ! - i i J The Seal of Public Approval, j t f rS',-W m , ; . J j iSQUAR PEAL jTO EVERY MAn V 1 ' -V 'ft. liAJjfc' aZLL., "TOE ONE WITH THE EASY NAM&f .".. J . fe . . w wvt. a. uuuv niyi uiflit s i -5: ;i i i i 4 f . . . i r . . - The shoplest and shortest way of saying Ujji'nC U always the best way, whether It lie In delivering jan address or draw bis up a legal contract. The lan- truage it the superb IXIE I N IKM NITT POLICY Is characterized hy brevity, simplicity and directness, making It as easily understood by the layman us by the practical Insurance num. The tfjotjcy J'h that it means and means uliat It says, hjhI wlien you have read It, you know exactly -what you haTC. : Tliose Ih liave purcliasel the IX COMljj; INDEMNITY POLICY enjoy that rcvllnc of KatlsfactijMi iluit nmesi fron tlie possession of a superior art!-,, t ie, 'lie INCOME INDESINITY IOLICI tlie be- because, it affortU more irotectkn tor tlie niohey1 extended titan any other life Insurance policy. It not only protects oiie'H lire, providing cule Insuraiuv In case ttt aceklental tleath, but . Insures oie eanjlng power m welL" It' carries a guarantee of the return of a larg share of the Kunl,,sV"e wmr or .dividend-! and gles t Ik- nigiiest loan, pani-up ana strrenaer viucsl po Life History of the Raleigh Academy ,',By.ClIARIS I COOX. , . Continued from Last Week. Our Readers will observe by an adJ hertisement in today's pa pen. that our Vcademy due bills of the denomination f 25 .cents have been - counterfeited find that Ivvwmen named Killingsworth linJ Massey are . suspected, of circulat ing thejn. It is supposed the counter feit are made v in Johnston eountv. They, may be easily known by the bad. txecuiion or tne printing, and the oa- er being lighter than that of ihe good puis-. . . . p - From Raleigh Register, Qct.'2. 18J2. male student in .the Academy The ex ercises of the: next session will cont inence on the '1st of January. , From Raleigh Register, Friday, Nov. 13. 1812 , ! . .,,-. E ONE WITH THE EASY NAMEfj FRY, PrcsidcntJ E. COLW J 11 Secretary. V. B. ALLEN, AgencV Manager. " GREENSBORO, NORTH ; CAR.OLIIIA I. SMITH nOMAXS. Actuary ) i Academy Kununong. Messrs. SI H. and J. B. O. Students pf the Italeigh Academy, who. on P'uesday laM, -without leave. and i. in ortternpt of the laws of the Institu ition. left the City are hereby, reauired lioiinediateW to return, under pain of having their conduct stigmatized in It hat. way which the established usage cf Public (nstitutions authorize. tly order of the Faculty'. . i J. D. As t. Teacher. J October .7, 1813. , ," . ' j Frmj Raleigh Star. Oct. 9, J8 12. j . ' , " . ; . November 1812 Examination. On Saturday last the Examination oflhe Students of our Academy was jeloufd. by tBte-reading of the report of the Trustees on the -merits of the'Stu4 klen(s i followed by a very appropriate address, by Dr. C. Jones, (one of the Trustsa,pponlel. for that wP.urpoe! in the course of which was conferred one of jthe Fame! Students,- who. had, passed thr&ugh the complete course- of studies prescribed for the Female lepartmem with the approbation of the Trustees and Faculty (agreeably'to; a provision -in the laws of the.lnstltur uotO an Honorary Certificate and an elegantly designed gold medal. ! The report "on the merits of thei Compositions, Drawings and embroid ery was delivered by Mr. A. Lucas and evinced much taste and ability. -j .This highly approved Examination occupied seven days, nor will the, time appear long when it Is stated that eleven classes of Students passed n review from the Preparatory Schooli; twenty5lx- in the Languages and sciences, jmd thirty nine in the dlffeii ent branches of learning taught in the Female Department. In addition to which, there were inspected 5Q or 60 original Compositions, 40 specimens of Drawing, and 4 of embroidery. Ip the course of the Examination an Ora tion was also heard from nearly every Academy Due lilll Counterfeiter. On Wednesday last, was committed to the tail of. ihl. cnuntv. for trials Patrlek MrrnH if .Inhnntnn Cnnnlv ' Ast 1 1 1 charged with passing counterfeit Due-; Rills of our Academy, knowing them to be such. f - 1 From Raleigh Register. Fnaay. No. 6, 1812. - I TcaclieM lor' 1 8 13. The trustees of the above Institution respectfully inform the Public that the: Exercises for the ensuing year "will! commence on Moniday. the 4th of Jan-! uary. under the sifperlntendance of the j Rev.- Wm. McPheeters: . .The Female Department will be un der .the direction; of Miss Bosworth, from the State offXew York, a' young lady, who the Trustees are assured, is properly qualified Tor the undertaking. being well educated, and a perfect mis At 12. Grefck Testament. Arithmetic. ! Euclid and Cthymtry. Geography. Female Department Spelling. Murray's Introduction. English' Reader. Murray's Sequel.- Osiao. - ,, j, Cowpers Task. Milton's Paradise Iost. Tngllsh' Gramrnar. English ( Jranimar ( Parsing J p. Murray s Exfrcises U. Geography 2. Blair's Rht4ric 13. Ferguson's A. Blair's Natu onoTmy. Arithmetic. French Gra 8. Selectae e Vleterl. From Raleigh Star. June 25. 1813. discipline of tlig -V-aehers, nor the ad vice of the TrtfStrt-s has':leeii able en- 1 1 irly to eraditit It 1 the extrava gant use r iolHry; or; . what is still mor, the extttvjf gant use of C.r-dit. Proi?r means been used to root out this ira-Htff?l Parents and Guar dians have bec&,;4ubllcly advised and Astronomy. ral Philosophy and mar (2 classes). Ijatln (jranunars. Henderson's Edition Jof Ituddinians Rudiments, Willi n. Prosody annexed. Is constantly j for sale by th Groce, Dozen or Single, the Star Office. Raleigh, and at Alcltae's Book iStore. Fayettevllle. Adv. Raleigh Star. May 21. 1813. ' V i June 1813! Examination. The semi-annual Examination of the tress of the politei and fashionable ac-! Students of our Academy was yester complishment of f Drawing and every !daf brought to a close. kind of ornamental Needle-worR. j ifor their cnvienienc-e, the Trustees Both Mr. McPheeters and Miss Bos- divided, themselves , Into three classes, worth '.will be ably assisted in their one of which constantly attended the several departments. ' 1 . . . . . i . . i , t , , ... . r . . L. . . . . . I i lie i rruariory rciiooi win oe : tut-n ai)iiMini-u ir uioe ui f- I taught, 'by'-Mrl' Udmiondson,.' a young; aminliig ana1 rertlng dn the Compo Gentlemaii from" "Washington College sltltms. the wrltihg, the drawings and in Virginia,, who! Is said to be well ! needle-work of the Young ladles, etc qualified for this! Department. At one o'clock; tpelr Reprt, in which merchants and'JiJripkeers entreated and wartied; tfe4 yet' tftere are some recent InstaheA Mfjf students Involving their iarents aw'i. guardians in much uiinecessai-y eMjrpse. by opening ac counts unaut noticed; Iti Jhe stores and shops of the Jaf . One dollar a month is ewifhleredj sufficient for pocket tnoney,v; - j Would it noi te wlsej -would it not be honorable.f5fr every Parent and Guardian to mskft a tirro stand against this practice. tne hane of Education and Virtue? Thfe -good work Is already begup.iie gentlemen regard less of false cef-res'hua positively re fused juiymeni ;llls conduct on this occa-itn cannA ij too Jilghly extolled, aiid It is alreiilg hoed this example will be universally follawei. ity order oriiiie iuara. ltaleklci Junf Knun 1 h 1 3. 7. WMi HILL. Sec. .1 . Hegtiiter. June 11, 7V 4 :'' .- other. Kouth. Cara- today Wfllpig Sdiool. B Nichols tfej&ectfullv Informs the public, that i t proposes opening a.l difficulty In get school for theUijE of writing on a newJCnlted States. Th . ... ....... t . ,1. ...1,1.-.!-, tkr riruiriiia about exhausted the source which ihey have heretofore drawn their supply. This has brought (about a. labor scramble between the farmer aud the manufacturer, and the re- oultlng condition, is that nelthcfr one of these great occupations can continue much longer to enlarge and expand its operations without proportionately contracting the operations of the e need more labor in the We need more labor In North lina. and I want to say here Adequate labor than to see Injected tnlo our population' the element that 1 have described and who, constitute today such a large per-cent fpf the slum population of the great cltjes of the country and foment- trouble and discord wherever they go. i j I have canvassed this thing thor oughly with the people ,of my State. During the last eighteen months; I have agitated In North Carolina In fkvor of immigration to the State, j With this end in view, I introduced a ) bill in the last Congress almost identical with the provisions which sure incorporated in the present bill, providing for a bureau of display und Information at Ellis Island, with a view to give the agents of the States access "o Tthe im migrants a-Tthey land at that Island. I have gone before the people! of ' my State, aud I have said. "You have to supply this demand for more labor from outside of the State. I There In getting It, her) in the e main chance and ry sySteirtiatlc' plan, which by the best chance Is, across thf water. the use of fifS-eft exercises or lessons u-t us go arter tneni. w nenever i of two hours &c. per?6ns at a proper have said It and whenever I live said age and comrrsoi capacity may acquire lit. 1 have been met with the answer, a fair, regular and elegant handwrit-1 'That is all right, provided ;there la Ing with eae&ao dlsftatch; as Capl-jdue discrimination In the selection ibe- Dec. 1G. From Raleigh 1812. WM. HILL. Sec. Register. Dec. 18. Academy Classes 1813. Preparatory School 1. Murray' Introduction. " - 2.. Sampson's Beauties of the Bible. 3. English i Grammar. . 4. Arithmetic. Male Department-i 1. Spelling. 2. English Grammar. 3. Latin Grammar. 4. Gorderli. ? s - &. Esop and Erasmus. 6. Selectae veterl and Profanis. 7. Caesar and Sallust. 8. Caesar and Virgil. . 9. Do. 2nd Class. 10. Virgil, i i 11. Cicero. 3 , examination; besifles district comrnun-1 tals. Figures. getanV small Roman! Hands. KunnHif? vnd Men-antil nanus, and tlie art o&tfgaklng'un' elegant Pen in the best aeI ttnoM Apprnved - man ner. Those Ijli and fJentlemen who wish to 'be instructed the elegant and improvediat of renmanshlp. are respectfully tiHtfd to call on B. Nich ols at the Eklff! Hotel. Raleigh, and examine specjpnns of ' his pupils m- pruvemein. re me iriiii anu ivn .... - - - . . . ... a the merits of evfry class were partic ularly enumerated, was read to the stujdent and a large and respectable audience! by-the Hon. John Lewis Tay lor! Chief Justice of this State: who cloked the whole by a handsome anduiitloiix of th' School will ie made appropriate address. The second Session of the Academy will commence On Monday ,next. From Raleigh-Reglscer, Friday. June 1813. j at an to fo Extravagance. The Trustees Of -the Academy have all times watched over the morals d deportment! of Students confided their care, t The Students are generally diligent In their studies, orderly tn their demeanor and regular Conduct. there is an evil which Into this Institution their moral Still however. und its way sometime ago. and which neither the known. LadflPsjMho wish to receive private Ipstri&tljm will be accommo dated by meeting', in ifrnall parties, and giving me nftk. - - i Ralvlgh. July IS. From RalegrviStar. July 1. 1813. (To 3e Continued.) Ifrct ; Simmon;oa Immigration. . -44 ' (Contlnjdlfrom Page Two.) ' on the farm.'buir in Uie factory. As a result we IvAve!; a depleted country population oi tte one hand, the other hihdour factorl and on es nave tween the iuimlgrants from northern and western a-.t those from southern and eastern Eurv," who aref coming to this country; but -e do not want the Ignorant and vicious und undeslr able. the scum and riffraff of Europe, dumped upon us." I know they do not want and will not have. If they can prevent it, the Poles. Hungarians. Sy rians, and thut class of Italians which constitute so large a part ofjthe Im migration to this country' today. Mr. President. I distinguish between the southern Italian and the Northern Italian, und so do the people of my State. The northern Italian largely of a different race. He Is generally of pure Latin extraction. He s docile; he ts law-abiding; he Is Industrious; he Is thrifty. The southern Italians, while they bear the name Italian, are really, except In rare instances, of (different extraction. They represent largely a different race, a different i nationality. They represent races that (over-ran that country ages ago and settled on Its seaboard. They have acquired the" language of the country andjtaken its name, but they are. In the ma(n, sprung s r - fromifrpm riices that have never attained tot the highest -Italian standards. I Again, Mr. President.. I distin guish ; between . representative south em -Italian and the rlffraif beir? recruited by the greedy steam- shin lines and certain other sur reptitious innuences ooi n in tnis coun try and In Italy and brought across the seas 'and dumped upon us. and so dp the people, of my State. ! They do npt represerit-he ' - best element; ,of southern Italy. They are largely the up desirables many of them the scum of that unhappy and unfortunate coun trjy. The real peasant farmers of southern Italy possess many excellent traits, tiitd they would not. In the main, be undesirable. . But these do not come here. " They remain in iheir own coun try. I ' 'fit M the ignorant element, the un-1 desirable element, -the scum element, not orpy of southern Italy, but of all southern and eastern Europe, that I seek hy this amendment to exclude. j;Mr. SPresldent, we have to have some siandaird to exclude these elements. We v& th)e standard of literacy as a de vice Jive use it as a device based, how ever. $n principles fundamental In the affair of men and governments to ac complish a specific end and a good pur se. . - f I do not believe that anybody Is In terested in bringing this Ignorant horde here jexcept the great corporations. who want cheap labor, arid oftentimes are Indifferent. as to whore they get It. and the steamship companies, who want the profits accruing from their transportation- amndo not care what are the. consequences to this country. These, are largely responsible .for their coming. Profit Is the motive on their part for' bringing them.' The motives oif the average 'immigrant 'of the "na tionalities I have referred to In coming here are not the. motives that prompted the men who. nettled and have helped t make this counjry great and rich and powerful. Their motive In eom ig Is not to. become citizens. -They cOmef with the .fixed purpose and the reserfatlon of going back, t They, come fbr sordid gain. .They, come for the purpose of competition" with American libor and the -competition which fol lows .their coming - Is . a competition tjhlch tends to reduce the scale of American wages and the standard of American living. - - - j I trust. Mr. President, the Senate llll pee this matter as I see It, and tht ihls amendment may be adopted. 2 i ABSOLiUiTE .iSiMijiMiBn.fnn vMlbliiliill'lic Ccnulno Carte -s' little Livei Pills, - f.lust Bear Signature of See Fac-SlailU Wrapper Below. Ifalarla Slakes-Pale, Sickly ChJldren. i Trie Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo. drives out malaria and builds up the system. Sold by all deal -ers fox 27 years. Price 50. cents. 1 I t- l4t dogs delight to bark and bite, but let not men It Isn't right. I . tatakaaa (CARTERS 1 IVEQ SJJtLO. - r AMlt9t i.MMlii .. i - 1 1 1 f-- r i W1 lu,Ww,i ii m rln.IJITrtJ.-.ll ' '' CURE SICIC MEADACH". pEfinvnovni-- vuvj I '-LTNsaTF'. a i -r -(- uk.M vnrt"--i urn nr. V sm mi" - to Ma fjt mmm "MatTWr far Our. L' tmrm L.aU. I o.txy i ,i . -4f ril7BaX I CHOWiiMW( vwf lirf B r iiib UaMttni irrlt-tM3 or icrl vt. I 'I ri ni C tmUm rtuslatu. c mi tri. v exnxtn.1 r 1 i iu xj ztrm u. f I r S lxttl tJ.TS. Vim. lUx rl ft rKMft t for May - iit'X I' I i $0X At6 x6 V I ' ' ; LfZ ' . : ---11; . i .'- U - ! I vmA . S" ''li 1 I ,11' . ? u L;. -i vo tw? ; j x n n -s. . t m n I I ' f ' -AV T "Vr'oilf." a 11 II II m -m -r-TNX '71 V 4 We are growing larger and stronger year by year In January we usiness in 19 reso 06-fq ived to V double uite an under- our taking; you saybut the fact is, we are gotijg to come pretty, near doing it. j f . Because the strongest organization possible a collection j o x values su perior in. every detail Quality unsur passed andS strict adherence to our policy of fair, square business methods, are bound tottell, hence we have pub lished the greatest record month by month in the.leading periodicals of the South, which has ever appeared ,in prints and' to- keep the!"KNOCKERS" quiet our claims are under affidavit. youhave kept up with our pro gress you are convinced that "there's a reason," why net .let us tell you the reason,- Mr.. Merchant.-; We -will not only tell you, - but demonstrate by comparison that KEtfMORE SHpES contain more leather of a better grade -look better fit better and give more general satisfaction . than . any line cf shoe's on the American market. Are Yoa Williag to Grow. YitH U 7 A postal card will pet yea b line. - Manchester. Va. Richmond. V ra - t : ir - 1 : ' . .' t " ; , ' r , :' ! V '.iHH ' :: ; . ' . -- : -. ' J;-'" ' ...