r r m i i t 1 Til TME DAILY NgWSfAND OBSERVER li 'SUNDAY MORNING.' JTLY 8,. 1M6. - I l - s PIE COli 1IEIITI0 UHDER THE X-RAY Vic Dockery Lays Bare the Ruling Passion. A DETAILED PICTURE Tlie Platform and Speeches In the Vehicle of the Thinks That Lie Behind the Sudorific Bombast . ' for Popular Consumption. - , A'Gallery of Notables. .. ; By A. Vk DOCKER Y. Greensboro. N.rC. July 10 The Re publican office-holders convention met here today. It was slim aa far as at tendance goes, because fow , negroes were allowed to come on account of the expected presence of a couple1 or Cabinet officers sent down by Roose velt to see which one would fit for President . and incidentally to- kill both. Hoot, the other great man,' has been sent out ' to be President otifceep on; fighting your battles just a Peru, ' Longworth is to be Emperor or Germany and of course Napoleon is to go back to J? ranee. . - - .Yet there .was a riffht smart sprink ling of "the pie-eaters present, some of . the most' noticeable' being Rollins with the Prltchard ' , family of 1 ple-fdiks; Hash Harktnsr Capt, 5 Bailey, ' Senator Butler," 8am ael8,wDunctrn J' with Fm peror; Claudius; Abe Swat f Duplin; that grand old Republican . Keith. 4 of Wilmington; : Patrick, t Camerori, 'et rest of 'the Duncan political family; with 0B.' i "Robinson . recently come back to faith, all the' party from Pasquotank: Sutton, of P.laden.1 and button-from -Cumberland :; C. J. and J, C. I. Harris, Massey from Rhamkatte: II.' U Granti'R. iH. W.; Leak. Teems Young and Slocumb and Dancy. . , The convention was promptly 'called to " order- by Spencer-: Adams In -a mighty few. words., and he railed to the - front - -:as --temporary ' ' chairman Zebulon Vance Walser. who lost no time in returning thanks, closing by asking i Prof. Fraxler to pray for the assembly, which was deciphered to .bo in these terms. , . . .... . Prayer by Fraxler. "Fat her -ours we may change, such Is human, but! time goes on as of yore. We meet to resolve and to pretend yet withal-we beseech Thee to. relent and let us curb our discontent at our aw ful situation.: It is necessary we think that we show to the outsiders evil that good may come to them. Great God. 1 beseech Thee, to cause the bijr men nd big-women in the-United States Senate w ho - have : steamed Theodore I. . not. to' condescend to bllo a little postmastership at a junction properly called Greensboro, where the chief oc cupation ; of the people is to come to the depot to see the trains pass. Brevi ty, Great God, Is my forte except In welcome sneeches." - Mr. Walser then announced the usual committees putting .no colored - person, except in an advisory capacity, like a territorial delegate to (Congress, and further proposed that the con vention could be entertained for a few hours by speeches from some ! of the biggest men in the world. Apropos. . Senator Butler was walking up the aisle and-amid great thundering- he ascended the platform took a step or two towards Skinner and said: "I am the brains and money of the Republican party, - and the Industrial News of North Carolina.-- Me and Bob - McNeill run , ant office '. business In ' Washington city, but Tom Rollins and Carl got the best of it. We-give out jobs: We want money, subscrip tions and stock for the Industrial part of the News, oil gushers, gold mines 'and other v things, but I pull the " strings and the boys' dance, even If they would not let me come here as a delegate from Sampson county. 'oVna Samepnsto,Snco5nTy?SHo,J, E. FOwle? I am from Sampson county. I ' have' been : In Congress. 1 have help ed your cause by Joining it. . I have renegaded. I have had some taste of pie. I want more pie. If I get no more I will go square back to where I belong regardless of Mary Ann But- ' It is a srrocery: wrong to deny the pub lic the 'right coffee at the right price. ' Tell your grocer plainly that yiu must have ArbucklesARIOSA Coffee, and if he offers you a substitute, or tries to sell i you bis loose scoop coffee, send directly to us. We tell you right here, in unmis- xtakable terms,' that we buy and sell more coffee than any four other concerns in the world combined, that we drink ARIOSA Coffee ourselves, with the best coffee in the world to choose from, and x that ARIOSA - Coffee is the ? greatest coffee value in the world for the money. Isn't that straight talk? Another thing . , We are the samorold firm, not a c.'- poration or stock company, but the same old firm that introduced ARIOSA Coffeei thirty-seven years ago; and the ' - sales of ARIOSA have grown to exceed those of all the other packaged coffees in the UnitedJStates combined, just because lit is better coffee for the -money than t nybody else- can sell. " The'" flavor and 7h0les0mencss ; cannqt bo matched in tny other coffee, nor be bought under another name, or loose out of a bag, bin . vor tin ! , ,. v Do not let yourself be deceived by any v imitation, but demand tfie genuine, which is sold only in one-pound " packages, sealed, to prevent your being deceived If If 1 1 ! I - 1 1 V II m. m w Illb I ftl i ' Uk ll'JI I. IW I -1 IeV . aha 'the huckieberry';8ltuatloiru I am here to help you aa wen as my self, and as I told Collector Duncan something- besides; for Keith has to be done or the whole Republican party has got to get out of business." -v. -Just as Fowler got through the Messrs. Douglas . pere et Ills came In and looked as If t,hey would pray for the thing or get 1 -off 'some joetry. Some one. however, suggested that they looked as If they had lost a post office or something equally as1 good. They felt it, bowed to Duncan, and eat down. . Then the -: chairman read a cable from Rlchmend Pearson at T. He. Ran. saying that unique owner of co operation aa he had been, and that however much he would enjoy the congeniality of . their radical souls, he preferred; the companionship' of the Shah, tA i He quoted the Shah as saying, and suggested that Douglas of ther Indus trial paper publish; the gay gag: There was a bloody Sparrow Went up a bloody spout; There came a bloody tain Which washed the(bloody bugger out." That he could play chess with the Shah squatted on I a rug better than by cable with al common English member j of -Parliament. Budger KI also wrote a letter say ing honestly .how glad he was In the musquito territory- ; lately Roosevelt-: ized, and that he was not coming back' to Buncombe as long as Prltchard had any more relatives to stick on the pie rack.' -CO. Bailey, of Yadkin county, the treasurer, being called for Bald: "Why boys I cannot make a speech and you all know it "as weir as some of those outside" there, but a ll tell you I will long as you - say so, and be satisfied with whatever empties Duncan and the crab catchers down east can con sistently i consent to send me." Abraham SwatV Speedu 'J"V am I from ; Duplin. " I have been coming to , all conventions -ever since the "judgment day! I am a better moral man than any nigger in this convention, ' blacker than Jim : Young and . therefore more natural, but I want-to tell you offtcers.that the white folks are not going to allow, permit or tolerate such a gang as you have got to 'Rale In thfs Southland, and you need not to fool-'us ijlggers any longer The power of thp- great gov ernment will-never,4 be construed, di verted nor directed io any such end. -"I came here In cog nl toe but you would hear me. .. .' C'J. Harris said i jI was a candidate upon a time that .required money to run. 'I also: ran. ! My name is not really Cicero but V feel like it since Tom Settle acted' the same part that Jarvis did for -Mustache Carr. I am feeble, having been educated at Yale, spent some years in toiorauo, came to North (Carolina where muckers llvo arid even1 run on; the Radical ticket arf the Governor aforesaid. It turned out that I have, governed nothing. In fact I am IriiBafataria; ;Ido not care for this condition i because : conditions change a often5 as floosevelt changes from crvfl to anti-civil service regula tions." j M' j -"Upohj the suggestion, the chairman appointed a committee consisting of Samuels. Angle and Davis to wait upon Ja9. E. Boyd f the Judge, with Instructions to tell him that his pres ence wast not - absolutely 1 necesrary. Judge Bynum was subsequently added to the jcommlttee ri orders to give lb o V. ,1 ' huf lhav tnitnA h hail gkitl- ped .to pinada.;,,, ... ,: j Calls for ltejnold. Charley came too,' but had little to say. remarking that he had already exhausted the patience of the general public and -the vocabulary of Ruff Henderson in his weekly articles en titled "Justice" In i 'the weukllest miasmatic paper In the South. , 8eyeell.s of ancient; Carthage, and popullstlc variety. tume to taw and is-yet somewhat rerfdy to get. a few thousand out of railroads because of ill spent eg-ns. It wa undoubtedly the biggest 'fee he ever pretended to earn, and he said he felt eay. ! The convention becoming thirsty and uneasy at the maslcal part, readi ly : adjourned . until 4 o'clock to . give the committees time to report. "'At a quarter past? 3 o'clock the convention again came to order. I : - - There was a call tot reyorts of com mittees, the credentials committee re- J, renewed" I ? Butler's partner for secretary. There was applause,-If not '.considerable nor tumid, at least. 'hearttelt. ' Reynolds and Keith escorted Itobin son to the chair he who said - HobiUMOu'H llecuntatlon. "Jesus! What a ljt of thlnss you and given something inferior for your money and to; preserve the coffee front the contamination and handling to which loose erocerv store coffee is exDOsed. i We i sell several . f hundred million pounds of coffee a year, and our business justifies the employment of the men most skilled in selecting, blending and roasting conees. we can an org the best at the smallest minimum of: expense, and the aroma and flavor of our skilled roast is preserved to you intact, no matter where you live, by the coating of eggs and sugar that we give the coffee after roast ing. This is the original mother's" process, patented by this firm. Were our business smaller than it is. We could not afford to give such coffee for the price. ; Yoa-can buy. direct from us if your grocer will not Supply-that is, you can buy ARIOSA Coff eo-but not furniture, nor dishes, nor other commodities, j We give; presents, 'tis true, but for senti ment, not for money, j We will send you ten pounds of ARIOSA in a wood box from our nearest depot, transportation Eaid to your freight station. Price will e f 1.80 ; you can send express or postal money oruer. 1 ne price nuctuates and cannot be guaranteed for any period. The $i.8o pays for both transportation and coffee there will be nothing more are! I am astonished to find mypelf again amongst you. What the hell are you here for anyhow? .tCrles. take him - down!") No you won't! Duncan is as much my friend now as he was at the National Convention.- -i called people liars there and 1 told the truth! ! "I am going to say what I think whether I ; displease you or not. 1 do not think: what I said on liquor In this same hall two years ago is ap plicable now. I am changed. ! "I did iot vote for Roosevelt be cause Thomas faked me by reading only a pat of one of Roosevelt's speeches on nigger blood at the South, i "I am jhero before you whatever there is ofi gentility in you. 1 will treat iou all fairly, act honestly myself and pot let you steal anything that looms up before! me. .Rinrr the bell.' Lt'a have orrter. "I see Ike Meeklns on the stand. Meeklns. get up and speak!" j Up-Jumpa Ike without His Clopedla and says: , I j J Meeklns Make Denial. I "They tell vou folks that I am a damn liar when they sa-y that Vic Dockery wrote one speedy for me and one other for Carle last campaign. Don't you helle one word of it. even if it was true It would be better than -i well, anything we could have done. This explanation's satisfactory to you, and is bound to be to me. I "I started out to be ambassador to Mars. I got down to minister to Rio, but found out that they grow dia monds : In I that part of the terrestlal globe and j bigger than nie and my daddy. i ) "So gents, I am content for Rooe Velt to leave me alone as postmaster at Klizabeth City." .Renewed- applause-. The Crutirauinh!. The chair then anounced that the convention was ready to proceed to the election of A chairman of the Stau Committee, remaiking that there seemed to j be mora than pl4. In sucn it job, whereupon Mr. Walser assumed an attitude and said: "Gentlemen of the Convention: f "I congratulate you upon being thu finest looking body 0 white people I ever met In a convention of the Re publican party; That grand party, as old as I am. has made but! few nils takes. It overlooked until now the Zeb Vance part ! of the Walser' family, but I get over everything to take what Is coming due. I was with Senator Butler for silver: (and that d d scoun drel Vic Dockery. has my and Butler's letter about the matter) but I eot tlx. ed and got an office all the same. You Jean always find me a receptacle for anything, everything, all things. unymi J I own Logan J. C Q. llarrh Speak. Just as well tell you to start with this convention as well as Dun can, and the condition open the win dows Qf this cuspidorLsm so that my voice may reach Duncan's litem anu left bower.' the mural James Ybuug. Young was made a colonel by Govern or Russell out at Fort Macon, when i held thlrtet-n odices at one time. I got in thirteen holes or would, have got more. I want no office again. . You cannot shake such a thing at me. It makes me mad to think of it. No member of my family shall have an office either, and no member of any body else's family certainly shall not aspire to office. Let them : work for the bread, butter and wine, as I do. Let them do as ,1 do inyself-4-get onto all the wagons and spread their chil dren over the fair and happy political land, so that come. 7 or come 11, It' Is all-O. K. jl second Adams' nomina tion." - . ... : 1 1. . I A. E. Holtdn then arose and said the less- he. said about this ' matter, the better, and 1 that every body i would agree with him. That he climaxed the cap when figuring his way to a third term against all the other sorts even lr it did damn the Republican party. Since I must, say he, bust you must, but 1 will - prosecute nobody any more. I have got my job. j Spencer Adams is to be a. defender, therefor I also second the nomination. I Any further , nominations?" asked the chairman. i Tyre Glenn arose and said he was up party to any political general, but if the, Republican party In North Caroli na, ever expected to think Itself re spectable and to; make any headwny It must quit blackening Itself. Whitewashing- is a dubious method, but the other sort Is nauseating to even hog. He was no! especial friend of Black burn, yet he recognized him as the 0110 Republican Congressman who1 had re deemed a ! Democratic district. If State gratitude does not apply the na tional gratitude should protect the Congressman from the world, flesh and devil office holders. - Iose the lower House of Congress In order to per pet uate a few thousand Incompetent office holders and forever and for jail time good bye to any hope of but one party In the South- ' "I nominate Spencer Blackburn as chairman- of the State Committee." ; Slocumb. jof Cumberland, followed 4 v- I to pay. The coffee will be in the original wrappers, bearing signature of Arbuckle Bros.-ten packLei ten signatures- which entitle you: to presents. New book of the ninety-seven presents in colors free, if you write. Write for the book anyway, and see What beautiful and use- tui presents we give. . .r. ; Address our nearest office, Box Dept. 4 ARBUCKLE BROTHERS, M Wstsr Street, New Tork -Citr. IrbrTwl Pi.hn. tt BoutU Serentk Street, 8U Louis, Mo. REFUSES TO SELL $ arbuckLeis ARIOSA corrEE N SiiSErovbir one Saving .5 time, money and troublet the Bell Tele- f&o&e will save jyoui in :bei . month perhaps in ojie day-r-will more .ha&; pay Uhe small ;os of service for one .yeaK It never sleeps alwivs read v for use. Keasonaoie rates. - :r 1 Caltlboract Dit. No. 100 ;t- J i i bel SERVICE! is nSinlf FAtTQRY In a matter of fact, business-like peechj -45 f "; U I I Then! RuYf Henderson, jof Wilkes, come HKirwfd f.and ! In hU Inevitable way, told hw rich In Republicans his cOunty was'? that Blackburn was their choice; jandf they had to have' him. as ngatnsut ni,an who for vears had lived In several bounties a.nd succeeded In leaving?' a(;i Democratic. Thati he, Adams eveii left the Indians outtWest somewllat -fiemocratk and was golnj to leavjth State ditto. j ThosiSetiie In a 'manly,! Intelligent and sojhewkat able, speech; named the Hon. G j J. Vll arris for chairman and was se4ondd by a!:-man ,from Hay wood c?untjd Smathers, I believe. In an equally vlasflc epeech. Kverybod knows now the ballotlnir which '4t611ued. tUfned i out. ; The Democftttlciountlesi almost to a 'man voted faf 'AjflamflL The Radical coun ties n&t lt nor Jn It. -1 . 'i Seecfi by Atbims. 1 . Adan& blng escorted td the stand by Dun4nRolins ana Claudius, said: "Revenue lerierids; IpoKtmasters and . - Gcfllleent t i . F6r 'thirty odd years I : held office and I am Iser now fto-thank you for this glfr:wtv(Ch 'will be worth more as a dlwtrjbuto and collector to me than otherlbflU. ;I 4w4ll do my beat to modify you outside! appetites and to keep yo'ur "inside cowcemsl regular. I have h4d friends whMhlnk they know less than iVdo; bat I -know a sand HddlerHanlun back into his hole faster nanhej; can 'come I out of It. Let us rocfe.ed to business as the icon ventloniia? been'wof rled. "tttatalaUons ItcTiortcd. The cimilttee on Resolutions. jSen- ator titttierr chairman, reported followl(: -ft t . j j the Resotted.thftt we reaffirm our alle giance o tk Republican party, j That we believe : President Roose velt to Sbe hie biggest' man on earth a.nd we: heartily., approve of his- re tention )f jit and proper persons In office. :i j . : That ve indorse any man he may abdicate In avor of land If he should himself ; he. f a candidate f6r a third time weiwllf heartily; pupport hlmj That favor the Hambletonlan system pi t uomg Hwar with local powtr. t : ' i: i r- That rve condemn;' the use of con tributloria (fcom corporations and; In dividual alike i. In Presidential elec tions, ive Jare4 honest and civil ser vants. Fr ! . (i .-. j That JPreldeht - Roosevelt haying surpassed Rryan In RryanUm there fs Dow "o:lltfe difference between the two paftlesthat there is no use dis cussing principles in 4 platform. tiowever conaemn uryan ana an others at nV party Who would' wreck the grejrt bjislaess interests of the countryf by their economical heresies of Ocalfiior?k Inner !platfoirms. 'inererore'swe iavor a mouinea larin; for ivenueonly since protection pn-o-duces, on olles, gives bfrthrlgt to graft atd cheapens ver-thlng to the consumer. ts " - . Thattthef corn should be eateh ' by the mas): wo worked for jit. even If civil sctvlcvrules halve to !be tempor arily laid 4lde without prejudice to our.gafjg. ' j I We reionimend. however; that pres ident Roosvtlt .who knows all about the civil ,?servlce rhould as i the I the lalact;-of his administration come forwar Inl a ': strong,, manly, bear- Kiumg jaiesjage commending civu; ser vice atij ktsulng an order tha( all of ficlalst be Placed under the civil ser- vice he ijl's wings, I. e;, the revenue col lectors;) - ? , t- Thai we are .a united harmonious -fllparty. ftnd i-lll go forth jubilantly to 'vlctocyicarying with us at least every Federal- ofiiceholder j and - probably some tft tHclr uncles. cousins and aunts. 1 1 t," S - l - , I Thatthe eastern! f revenue office ThattheS easterns f revenue which as SJust been put) under the flv" Ic5 ? , VCf . ,?rar5 c,0"f5 .h,pn.fiit:bli0n,? ? a, i.he XlMT T Mfi"ie.Twer,l Ui Thatleahank President Roosevelt for theitmrirtlal manner in which he places 16 ne fpart of the country under civil selcrand lets-the others alone He rho Intense consistency in a mat ter of thlaSklnd. any. we endorse hi action, fi i M- " l - f Thernapfei it- "moved and I sec- onded iatahe. resolutions! be adapted .carried unanimously. : j . . j - - 1 . uuncn v wicu.utwn or a speevii It . . . a I .a 4 ... t (but sali Claude had gone and the jcon ventlonN adipurned while he was ex plaining, -;fc J--U- Some of jhe Salisbury Ramsey post master wee present, but T. T. Hicks, the deioutFcer of bung smellers.! was not there tsen. . . K UTsrum . for ' Constable. 1 ! Tn tVh It Mav flAnotm This will ccrtlfjr. that I have had qttlte T6Ieph Hi & ; i (Q all lot of jbusiess witn ar. u. it. uvrum, constahte f Raleigh Township. In his offlclalv:cai&iclty, and have found hlm' alwaysii uniformly vpollte, prompt and efficient' 3le 4 a faithful officer and executes . duties without fear or! favor. j I o not think we can get a" better ''ma for the place, i I nalghN. July 7, 1904. WAS A GREAT DM f ,t j , 1 1 .i . : ' rr. -. i i i If AhWUal jr.leeVing oi Bap- Ul UIIUIIUUU v ffhoiiiMSVille. Mr. KcKler, tlie New Manager,- Is a - - - - - ..! t . ., 1 J ' ' i " Great ' General More Iand , ' . i j -! i:-' - t i ! ! In Flnf Shape. : (Special to News and Observer.) f . ! Thomasvllle. N. C.July 5. Tlie at tendance at the annual meeting of th? Thomasvllle Baptist Orphanage wn Unusually large nhlsjjyear.. I-arge numbers came by all'from evef- part of North Carolina.! and. It' looked as If the ' best part : of ;Davdson and sur rounding counties had come in qn bug gies, carriages, wagons,; horseoatck. and a-root. . - -- i 4 It was a we.l dressed, well: behaved -and good looking j jolly crowd tin; at tendance. The crowd comes early' on these occasions to enjoy the fine wa ter - and. shade whtcni i- this -splendid white oak and hlckoryf grove aifords. f , "Ihe- program' tenderittu by tn- chil dren was pronounced one of thse very best ever given, the training Inl elocu tion, - singing arid jd rills Mai by very careful and capable hands. f I The ' ten little maidens fromJjaoan caught tue crowd s nothing else, un less possibly the speech; from the ven erable speech maker. Mr. .-tndrew Jones, from Raleigh, li He elicited prolonged applause, i . , i . - Rev. Mr. Foweist of High Point, de livered the address. The medals were presented by "the (Friend of the Or phans." Noah Biggs, of Scotland Neck. His speech! was pronounced a masterpiece of oratory. The annual sermon was delivered on tne night of the j Fourth byi Rev. George Duke, of Franklin county a great sermon by a;great good man. Aftr the sermon Wednesday! night memorial exercise were held Inimem. rwrmTOUl v wxiies, xegaruiag aim ty of the late Dr. ! John Mitchell, who rlle'a case, a t ollows : " has been president of: the board of - I thought I would be doing but Jus trustees since the! beginning of this to rouT medicine to tell von work. Fitting words were spoken by r,rT , meoicine to mu you Dr. W. R. Gwaltney-and Hon.S. J. C '. n done for my wife, j. Scarborough, life-long S rriends' andj TwO TexTl affO tha dnetar eallk sit school mates of Dr. Mitcaeir. t . I V yex ajo ue OOCXOT at Mr. j. h. Tucker, of lAsheviiie. and onT.Iiotua oa an aTerfte ox Uiree tines Mr. Thomas Noel. of. Lexington were k WeAJC in attaadftHCO UTXHl BT wlfd elected as trustees to nil vacancies r. it-At made by the dtath of Dr. Mitchell and WM VZtTl2g JT021 MUtO XaOl retirins: rrom the board of Rev. M.- restion. . Kesier. when he accepted the su-t perlntendency of the orphanage, i : "Her mCwtag iru IO pttt that - The arte r noon was taen up m field nothing but morphine would giro her sports. At the call of the large bell 'relief, . 1 ' tne little folks from each of thej main l&rge dormitories could be seen flying across tne - g reen lo a. central point where preparation had ibeen madeffor all - kinds of games, ; races U and concerts. The exciUment - amon the Uttre people rah high .as they saw a hand-cart piled! with ' prises ? of fered for the winners. ! The competi tion was close, the ii interest by .the crowd of visitors ran about as 'high as that of the contestants. ' .: It Is a laughable' sight to see 40 Jlli tle boys of about six years of age.J ill tart at a given signal I and make a dash, crawl, through I Ihoops das:i again through hoops, again and then dash for home. I i il j -- The largest girl showed no -mtle skill In running and picking up'3arge eggs with a spoon sj1 carrying jthem home without breaking, but it; was done. i - . i The yelling Increased In volume and length when a "hand-cart. piled (up with more than 300' bags of candy was rolled up. These were-sent by. Capi tal city Council No' l. Jr. O. U.lA.U. All the boys say If that is the; way i they do they all want to! be Juniors. : I nit .v.,u0vu Mys , l nai UttU r IIU Idea that so much fun could be gotten out of "rolling barrels"; In a race, but 40 boys In sacks. Jumping, falling: hopping- Is a sight worth going far to see. Kvery minute was a happy one for the little. ones, and the: orphanage yell: "Chick-a-lacky. chlck-a-lacky, chowi chow, chow, ( ! . j fi-i Bopm-a-lacky, i boom-a-lacky, Bow, wow. wow. Chlck-a-lacky, Boom-a-lacky. who 'are -.we?' - . i i 1 We are the Orphanage i 5 folks, jdoii't you see? Mi - - t t Hurrah!!" i If H -could be heard miles away. Kar had to be stopped to keep j from j. being deafened. - I r : I - . s f -- - The reports of Superintendent and Theasurer to the trustees' werej very gratifying, showing that! 35 'children had -been there during the year with 318 present. - Received lSrgonejout tp re hit Ives, 20; homes, .It; four ran away, two expelled.1 two died; tw tak en positions, ' one i In 'a prepartory rchool. Health, most of them gopkl. An epidemic of dlphetherla and whooping coug-h did no harm, butt the epidemic of pneumonia - this spring did tnuch harm as it ' stopped the j school jfor a while and one child died. The health now Is good. The school is belh improved,-as the. eighth grade has been added. Some land -has been purchas ed, making the farm- near 400, acres. The farm has suffered greatly i from rain and nail storms, me planing ' mill and the shoe shops are t idolnf good work, training the boys.v doln work for the Institution and making some money. Charity and ' Children ma,kes a good showing financially and Is doing a great work. Improvements have been' made.' Two. large ; well built barns have j bern " erected; the grounds greatly beautified-and ai start made on the laundry. . . . The contributions have been very encouraging, all coming - without! spe cial plea being made. The Indebted ness is decreased. Mr.: Keeler. the! gen eral manager. Is a great: genera and shows . that - he t alteady . has? . the work-well in hand. . He Is wise, dis creet : and practlcaL ! The per capita cost of thi - keep-crothlng - housing, feeding and schooling the children is only f.2& per month,: -r -l ' i - - i w. Al coopr. - IiTBIINA stands for everything jgood. , j . I; . : CURES ALL . . : I - ' - HEADACHES. If 10 CCrtTTSr EVERY WHtRt. " ' - rt- t.-.k.'. 1. 1 i- i '. CATARRH OF THE Pe-ru-na Greatly Relieved HcrAoiv IIcr -Gained !Thirtyj MRS. JOHN The Sensational Core of Mrs. John C Russell and Her Cain of Thirty i . Ponnds In Welxht Is the Talk of tier Acquaintances.' Mr John. C. RxuaeU, 810 County SL, . , . 7? "While on a rlalt to some friends in Norfolk, she had &n attack and X pre pared to go for the doctor' when our friend proposed Peruna. : - gave her a dose, repeating it in a half hour and har pains pa seed away, : t- , . SHOULD ME Torrcnfc Sclizcr . vIMIllllllllll! V . pilllllft . ... vWw$Wta ' hp, MHUHMMMMM .. RI. O. Pt-OS. . " tfiseoeMti.rrihtTir.sffrrwPit,sllns drasxtit, Try rts 1? rtith. disoirs rsu la taas for th day j elssrs Us brsta mmri tZ iniklitim. billot.. hasuaeb.. eoaisUus sua llr 2uuu ass n say pw. TO USE ITS POWER. Should Hegulate.Jtentnls, ttdtes end Serricef Telephone. On Tuesday, morning. July 3rd. the delegates from the counties of. the first district In the district ; meeting Just before the State Convention, unanimously, adopted, the following l-esolution: "We favor the - exercise of all the power. now vested In the Corporation Commission for the regulation of tele phones to prevent extortion, discrimi nation, or over-charge, and if Its present power be found Insufficient for this purpose, the enactment of such legislation as will confer upon it. the necessary "power And their member of the commit tee on pit form, -from tha district, was requested to user his -best efforts' to have It ' Incorporated in . the platform as adopted by the State Convention. A similar resolution to this was offer ed by Judge Graham . in the conven tion and referred to, the Committee on Platform. This resolution was unanimously agreed' to by the mem bers of the Plaform Committee of the State Convention. When Senator Simmons, who was a member of the' Platform Commit tee from -the fourth Congressional dis trict and chairman of thr committee, presented the platform to the State Convention as agreed upon by ; the Platform Committee,' it was found that the- platform was silent as to tele phones. Including them In" the general section demanding the . regulation of public service corporations by the Corporation- Commlsslonu ,'At this Juncture Hon. J. D. Murphy, of Bun combe. - moved to amend - the plat form requiring the Corporation Com mission i to regulate tbe rentals, rates and service of telephone companies. Senator Simmons accepted this amendment and said that such reso lution had been agreed upon by the Platform Committee, but by an over sight It : was omitted from the draft that he had in hand. Mr. Pj- B. Arendel! who was secretary or the reinvention f had this amendment of f Mr: Murphy's and attached it to the copy of the piatrorm. ana in some way It see ma to have bee n left, out In the copies of the platform as published in the newspapers. THE DE3IOCRATS RATI FT The Gnlirord , Convention Ticchtrcs Nominees of IMmary ne?nlar. (Special to Xews.and Observer.) Oreensboro. N - CL. July. 7. The county Democratic convention. ralLied the nominations of the primaries for all legUlatlre and county nfUcers ex cept one commissioner," fallinc to ;cet a majority. Dr. -Bradshaw. of 4 Hlsh Pointy de clining In a ringing speech to further contest. , withdrew , in favor of Levi Walker. : Walker was rhsscn o-er Davis, of High Point, by a smaH ma jority on first ballot. . The convention Instructed for legalized primary law by the Legislature. . . , STOr.lACII THREATEuEDn:rL::;. T f i ii i in w it Pounda In UVcirj it. & RUSSELL. "Since thzt tins ny vtiU hzs ih: : 1 thirty, poisidj.- ' . J "We are never out of Peruna. "When the children or I have a cell we take some of mamma's Femn&. 1 find that It has cut my doctor I . lis down to almost nothing."; Frequently catarrh TlcUms Jose fLalx rapidly. This is due to a derangeirunt of the dlgestire organs by caUrrh. ? IItUe by litUe their fiesh decre- j until they become, in soma Lnt-c , mere skeletons. . - . A medicine that will remove the ca tarrh and thus restore the digestive organs to their natural activity is tl.a correct remedy for these cases. AgreatrikiLypeeplsTrlio 1 t ttsh for nczlls, ca t s izziz j to t:... : Ytrzr.x, Zzl tl:ir rct'irrL- x They soon have solid healthy' Ce?. and their weight comes bsck to norms:, showing ' that Peruna lu indeed & wholesome effect upon the system. . We bare numerous tcstlxcriila cor ering this point. f f3 I 1"' Apcrfcni -C .V ,-;Chcsar:ccI:3 c::;" scenic noun: to till: wnrr. .Two fast vestibule trat;n with dinl: car rvlce. Tliroitli l'uilman hltt-j to IamiUvUIc, Cincinnati, Chicago us ; St. Louis. . ; Lv. Richmond. 2:15 p.m. 11:00 p.:.1.. v. Charlottes ville . 7:29 p.m. 2:52 o. n. Lv. l.ynehhunr. 4:10 p. ni. Ar. Cincinnati. 8:15 a. m. 5:00 p n. t. joulsvlllct.ll:Uu a. m. S:ua j.. 1 s, Ar. Chicago... 5:30 p. m. 7:10 a. 1 Ar. St. Louis. . - 6:23 p. m. 7:1S a.: u , Direct connections for e"1 I I West : and Northwest- Ojulcl-t -1 1; bet route. v Tlie line to the celebrated tno-;::: tresorta of Virginia. . -For ' tlescrlpUve nwittcr, and Pnllman reservation-. a.T.!r W. O. WAHTJIEX; i. i A. C. Ily. Co ltlchmoud. Vn. 'i If. V. lUUJni CJcn. laM. A... Dutt.er Cu; w s w 0 nf. J A . Houses and Lots for f By virtue of a decree of tHe Sup-- -Court of Wake County.? made at . ruary Term. 1906. in the case , T! Carolina Trust Company. r-Vi! etc. vs. W. J. Wlngate et all u tll. r 1 -londay. the 2nd day of Jvny. ID.: ;, r t the Court House door of AVake Coun ty. In Italels-h. sell by nwK-tlm for ex: . iw lota In the town of Wake Forer. First lot ItoundAd en th wed 1 the land of the Railroad Comrany, r the north by W. B. WJngrate's ot. s the east bv White street: on the !s-',n! by Mrls. i'urefoy'a lot. on this lot" H a metal covered store, 23 1-2 feet ly S3 feet. 5 Second lot Is in the town of We':? Forest nnd bounded onthe we.-t t ' Willis Holding's lot. on the east 1 . C. F Ueld's. old lot. antl on the ? by the rad. beln? a three or:, r , lot on which is located a two r cottage. . For further description tea T"'. Wlngate. Wake Forest. Hour of sale 12 m. J. H. FLEMING. Cimtnli!r.fr. By consent nnd roqurt of all ; ties the sale of nbve-; pvuptTty postponed until 12 o'clock .! ;" . . July. 9th. 130S. STOCKHOLnr.r.K' MFl.TI.VC. The' annual mectlnsjiof tl-.f . ' -holders of the North Cnr'!!:. 1 2: -riad Company will be 1, M'ip. t: ; of Greensboro. N. C. ia J u 190S. anl the trarc(t r lo.l s closed 2" days prior t! t -!.. liialn closed until : i -1 r A. 1 1. i::.t. C-2l-2Ct . w : : . : ' 1! It 5