2 HE DAILY NEWS AND OBSERVER: Thursday mornincs, angust ig, ices. CROWNING EVEN CT CAMP GLEIItl Governor Reviews Fii-st Rontaont tho JOYS OF CAUP LIFE Gallant :Blene Officers anil ' Privates : Lay to Ladles Fair Profiting by Drills and Instructions in " " Military Lore. ' ' By EDWA1U) L. CX)N ' ; (Special to News and Observer.) ' Camp Glenn, Morehead City. N. C, AUg. 15. The grand review of thw irst regiment by Governor Glenn and i la ft today " was the acme of this c a'tnpment. The day f as ideal there , vsuig a. preasam una . sieaoy oretsb lrom off Bogue Sound and the sktev were colored by ' the same sun - thai 'paints. 'the Italian heavens, Hun dreds of beautiful women with: sun tinged complexions lent their inspire, tion to the troops by their presence unrt auded to the interest of the spec tlc'ulir "event. The' Governor and his staff arrlvcu In camp at 10 o'clock,, and were ex ecuted to the regimental headquarters by a. battalion, commanded by. Major Flinnlgan, and the ,- first , reglmcm band. After a few minutes ofsJn loinuil conversation at headquarter, the . camp was unofficially - inspected an J then the three battalions formed and marched to the expansive parade ground. . . '- .'- -- : . . ; .The reviewing stand was occupied by Governor. Glenn. General Armllelii. Adjutant General Robertson, Inspec tor General Bain and the governor' . poryonal staff , and a company xf in ?d ia,dles and gentlemen,' j Tlit , Lit. Hunt array of the regiment, ' .the rtitfcnincent display, in formation, the rythmic tread; in : marching, the stlr- iintr martial music and the bril liancy of the reviewing stand; ta t;ocinor . in handsome prince albert and silk hat. and the' officers. In full dress, made, the eccne thrilling ana Impressive, and the romance ana poetry of it all awakened in the hearts of the spectators a thousand anetw tral memories of the battle field. ex periences of the warring sires. Shout alter shout ascended the skies ana was lost in the deep woods or out o.t th waters of the sound. As Oia Glory was carried by the hats of an the men were lifted In respect and reverence and the Impressive patrlot-.-jti ot some bjougnt tears , to their eyes. . .: . . ' . ' . , - Governor Glenn returned to r.Ral - elgh this afternoon and as he left ine - Atlantic hotel, standing - on - Uiw rear platform of the Pullman, scores of ladies : at the shed . waved , their handkerchief! at-him and he gallant ly returned their salutesf by throwing kisses -to them. A large, crowd waus t at the depot at the camp as he pass ed by. and the soldier boys expressed their love and admiration for him b raising tthelr hats and cheering him. The lnepector-reneral and visiting officers of other regiments praised lib erally the fine military appearance the regiment made. ,lhe regiment is well organized, drilled, disciplined, and ln- Ktructed, as soldiers, and the men ex hibit the. happy result of. the splendid work of lt.H?ir superior officers. They lack in equipment' only,' and this is no fault of the regiment. The officers of the regiment are proud-of It. and rhouid be. The primal object of the encampment military expenses and instrucUon--ls kept closely in view by the officers and the condition of the camp and the! soldierly bearing of the men form a criterion of the excellence efforts and purpose of the offi cers. J ""'-- ; v v- . , e eneampment;affords the offlcers and soldiers a joy of a life time. Thre are countless pleasures to be experl . need, the rolling breakers in the In vigorating surf, still and salt water firhing. alls by day and by night, and Illimitable other aquatic sports. There ere hundreds of picturesques marln views affording eternal feasts for the : eves of the ' dreamer, the : poet, and i'-.intef., who live on things immortal, ind there are all. of these personages in Camp Qie.nn. whether. it DC recu s iteration or what not tine soldier seeks j - he may find It in the varied life of this I Southern paradise. Forgetting ' .the internal economy and purely initia tory duties of camp life hundreds of the officers, and men emigrate to the vVtlantic : Hotel In the evening. : where mp? nmnnsinte ineir rnnouennc - rower over the fair sex as successfully s hs thev .show their, willingness and 5 ability .to save tive I r country. Officers ..end privates Intermingle and while -the prlvateare inferior to the officers with respget only to office, yet the men have asT(rong a claim on life and hap- plnes3 and rival the ; officers in deli rate attentions paid to fair women. the automaton soldier being a thlngof history. Th strength of the command ' i today was 608 officers and men. CRAZY MAN WITH A ItAZOR Cut His Own Throat After Slashing Around Promiscuously. " (By. the Associated Press.)' Chicago. III., Aug. 15.- In a fit of - insanity today Emil Berner. a me chanic of Batavla, 111., murdered his brother-in-law, Ernest . Franzen, : by cutting.his throat with a raxor; slash ed Mrs. Berner so severely that' she will die, and then cut his own throat ' end died within a few moments. Af ter being Injured Berner's wife sum moned neighbors. The tragedy was enacted at the Ber- ' ' per home. Berner had been III for ,' three weeks, and at times had been delirious, but no symptoms of violent inrantty had been previously noticed. - Today, stealing up to his. brother- in-law. who had been watching at the f ick man's bedside, but whohad drop red into a dojse from eihaustlon. . i eocr slashed Franren's throat, cut rin? : the Jugular vein.; Berner then letf he room end met his wife In the doorway. Seizing her he slashed her facev body and throat. He then dash ed upstairs to rooms occupied by his - davsrhter and a hoarder. Warned by the screams of the mother and fright ened by the wild appearance of Berner l oth the daughter and boarder escaped by jumping to the g.ound ten feet be ?ow. Berner then slashed hist own throat. lie was dead when found. Think of the ocean and yonH think f l.tJMINA at rl'rlitinriHo Beach. r. K. Morrow has. come out as I an independent candidate in Ruther- ford county for the Senate against Col. j Solomon Gailert. - . : Comb Out? Use'Ayers Hair Vigor! It feeds the hair-bulbs, gives life and strength to the hair.-, The hair stays in, grows rapidly, keeps soft and glossy. There is hand some hair In every bottle' of Aver's Hair Vieorl. ' i , i-JLArZ?:?? A FORAGE DISEASE Hundreds of Horses Die in Hyde, : ( ,' 1 Assistant State Veterinarian Roberts ...... , ....... J ... Tells ;Of . Effect and Remedy for . .What Is Somctnea Called :- . Blind Staggers. : .The terrible condition of affairs re garding the: deaths of hundreds of horses in Hyde, ocunty and fither coun ties In the east, told of some days ago in this paper, is corroborated by Dr. G. A. Roberts,. Assistant State Veteri narian, who has just returned from an investigation. i t 1 , . Dr. Roberts says the disease Is the same as that which five years ago kill ed about eight hundred horses In the east. . and that " while the disease Is commonly, or lacally called "blind staggers." It Is really a forage disease, and Is caused by mouls or a fungus growth on the feed given the horses, this-evidently being In the feed given in the ctall, as It does not appear to-be be from pasture feeding.. He ;iy that the remedy la for farmers to send to highland sections for feed and not to use that grown In the wet sections of the easac i .The disease he considers to come because of the rainy conditions of the east.j and he fears that If the rains keep up the deaths will be as great as those of five years ago. In Hyda county, largely In i Lake Ianding and Currituck townships, he found tOtf cases, and of these only three horses had a chance to live. .He only found one case at Swan Quarter and. that was of a horse brought- there. In some cases the farmers have shipped their horses to other sections. But Dr. The third annunl ' meeting of the Be Roberta says that the disease Is not , tail Furniture Dalers Association of contagious, and that : there will be no trouble if " feed from sections not af feted ls secured. i & 7 he disease Is from Toxlne or polron that gets into th horse with Its '.feed, perhaps with water contami nated from the mould or fungus on the feed. 4 It deadens the, horse, which becmes listless and droopy. Its head hanging to one side. - The horse leans up against a barn or fence, or hangs Its head over the stall, the the evidence being of a congestion of blood vessels In jthe -brain, the" horse going blind. In from'25'to 36 hours, after the first symptoms the horse dies, though the the poison Is evidently at work before the symptoms are noticed, the disease doing rapid work. While It is some poison at work, science has not yet found out what this is. ' There-are some ases reported from Pamlico. ' Craven and Beaufort coun ties, and Dr. Roberts will today leave for those counties to make further Investigation and during his visit will again go to Hydeounty to more fully Investigate j the disease, taking with him appliances for combatting and studying the disease which is doing so much damage. ; DIED IN 1IS CHAIR. Willis Edmnnd-mm. or Goldsboro. Taken Off Almost Without Warning. 1 ; : ; .. '(Special I to News and Observer.) Goldsboro. Aug. ' 16. The sudden death of Mr. WILHs Edmundson, a well-known and highly esteemed citi zen, came, as a shock to our people this afternoon about 4 o'clock. Mr. Edmundson has been In feeble health for some time, but was down street as usual an hour before his death. He was sitting on his front porch alone when the end came. When Mr. Rufus Stevens, of the Bank of Wayne, went to his dinner , he saw MrEdmunoon sitting on his porch, and when he re turned from his dinner about 3:15 o'clock, tM saw him lying on the lloor. and realizing that he had ranen irom his chair and was In a serious condl- Kmm.o-Jr.hurch at Cedar Grove Sunday after- snd otheri relatives. Jn the neighbor hood, but? life was ' already . extinct when they arrived. Mr. Edmundson was a retail mer chant. He ; was a. widower, being a brother-in-law of Dr. Roger A, Smith, Capt. J. Ji Robinson, and the late W. 1L Borden, of this city, and of Hon. F. A. Woodard. of .Wilson. He had lived an upright and. honorable life In the community. The summons., though sudden, found him with - hla - lamp trimmed and burning. He is survived by three email children, two. boys and a girl, to whose care he , lovingly de voted all his time and thought, their mother having preceded htm to the toYnb several years ago. 1 He . was a member of Ruffin Ixdge ICnlghts of Pythias, of this city. '..: ",: f '. -ICE AND TRANSPORTATION. 1 Interstate Commerce Commission 3faking Investigations at ' j Toledo., i (By the Associated Press.) Toledo. O.. Aug. 15. The examina tion of witnesses was continued today before the' i Inter-State Commerce Commission In the Investigation into tho action of the railroads and Ice companies. , H. P. Watters. one of the owners of the Michigan Lake Ice Company, and one of the ice men sentenced to the workhouse by Judge KJnkade. for con spiracy in restraint of trade, testified that ha bought Ice from - Michigan Lake, had it carried to ToIedoby the railroads and : that he paid, this year. $1.15 a ton. freight included. . As this same lcewa sold to the homes in Toledo for 110 a ton under the com bination the' testimony was of more than ordinary Interest. v . A .largo ' number of witnesses were called, but, until Walters- took the stand, nothing important was elicited Several witnesses r were told by Com missioner Clements to forward certain documents and records to the'eommis. sion at Washington., ,. . " Major Bradley Improves. , Friends In Raleigh and throughout thu Ktatf Will Km trlarl i loom tUa tVi . condition of Mai. Tt. it. Rradlov. state Librarian; who has been ill for a Ions time, was more . favorably . yesterday thanf ros ome months. - When the hair combs out badly I That Is the time you want to know exactly what to do. Here is advice founded on an experience of half a century TCYAQ nmnrniirV I LAnu ULIVIUUIIrlUI State Convention -Pro nr. iscs to bo Exciting. Balloting Will Re Slow Proceeding Bailey Says Bryan Will Be the - - . Candidate for Pres ident. . By the Associated Press.) Dallas, Texas, Aug. 14. -With sev en hundred delegates, the number be ing Umltetd by law, and more than 4.000 spectators, what promises to be the most exciting .State convention held nu.n charged with complicity In thc by the Democracy of Texas since 1892, , ...,,...,. , . ... when the party split and nominated atTalr a,,d lnc WiS f the.n James S. Hogg and George Clark for .n S10.000 ball each for the action Governor, opened today. The flnt of the criminal court, session was devoted to usual preliml a number of letters, one signed to some speech -making. t 5,yho lvM?Jfi Attwcljlt,Ti ... The 1,-iiot for Oovernor will I.,hcr,, The Head of the Black . . paiiot ror oernor win . ,, t ( 0rapan). .. , avo rently been hardly be taken before tomorrow af- rrce,VOtl b mmb 0f the famU? ternoon and because of th peculUr n, m,.!.,,., i: "n" , l " ? voting system It Is etpected that each ballot will consume several hours. ; Senator Bailey received nn ovation when he spoke today. Ills speecii mostly concerned the prospects for th National triumph of Democratic prl'i clpres, which' ho declared are excel lent. He said that it has been determ ined already who the nominee Is to bo. meaning Bryan, and the declaration evoked wild applause. IXrRNlTnt KDF1LERS BANQUET, - J AmnocUmIoii Appoints n Committee to Iiook Into lYcllit Rates col ored li'lirmen's Tournament. (Special to News and Observer.) "Winston-Salem, i N. C. Aug. 15. North Carolina closed tonight with n banquet at Hotel Phoenix. The As sociation has about 100 members. Th-J old officers were ire-elocted. D. B. Huntley, of this city Is president. Many matters relating to the trade were dis- cussed and acted upon. Among thee wasMhe selection of a committee to ,.i V V ...7 .wJ. . rroicht ratsn The Colored" tafer'ems tourn., - x we v-uiu" !?!L 5d.I?Sl oE. . "T Z"Z.r7Z . nal wiosiun huu iniv; """ nles Ued, their time being 28 1-3 sec onds. They will race again tomorrow. Winston , won In tho grab reel contest. A Winston negro also carried off, first honors and 'money In the . foot race. The parade given by the State Associa tion today was over a mile long. SCENES or, BIXJOD. . 4 , J.i itivLnlrf S. Irlchard was elected vlce-pre.ldent. RrVOl irniVCu .Sry mo"0lalnr am. C. W Ilarvey was re-elected sec- ,w M retary and treasurer. The report of (By the Associated Pro.) th0 president exprcssd gratification Warsaw. Aug. -'5. Th -re that the sales for t the season of many sanguinary conflicts here today i906-06 were .10,579.320 'pounds, with revoiutlonlstf wh hny orga- aKajnst 8,587.410 jHiunds for the pre- nlzed wholesale maMf:rej of I-;J 'e- Vlous reason, thU. belng the largest men.'gendarmes4and Infa ntr pal . is. lncrt.aye made by any Icaf market j These ' consplratorh phot and kll'ed state seventeen nollee.- foif. gtMidunrc niid , l7T!t S'iS SVa' The candidates for the Democretic ollev Into 'a crowd, klliln fifteen nominations In Anson county brK,n fl &nd Wounding with bullits and bayo- canvasa of the county at Lliesville te nets 13 day There will bo plenty of candl At Vlotslosk. Chief of Police Dlrno- dates. wlcx and Provincial Police captain Pleltrow have been nfurdered. Sudtlen Death In Orange. (Special to News and Observer.) Hlllsboro. N. C, August 15. Mr. Darius S. Parker, a well-known school teacher of this county, died very sud denly at his home In Cedar Grove townihip.Frlday morning. August 11. aed ebout forty years. His health had not been good for some time. Mr. Parker passed through town Friday afternoon on his way home, and looked like he could hardly make the trip. Rev. M. M. McParland conducted the funeral services In the Methodist . NewsiMiper Man Retires. (Special to News and Observer.) . Elizabeth City,. N. C.. August 15. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Carolina Publishing Company tonight Mr. H. B. Miller, general man ager of the Economist and Tac Heel, tendered his resignation, and the Fame was accepted. Mr. Spencer Chaplin. Jr.. was made temporary manager. Mr. Miller lsf a newspaper corre spondent of great experience. He goes to Virginia to accept a -position with the Dispatch Company at Stanton. Severed Fingers Replaced. Wilson. N. C. Aug. 15. While saw-, ing head blocks for tobacco hogsheads' at the factory of Mr.'S. W. Venable. Andrew Shavers,. colored, this morning! severed all the fingers of his left hand J until they hung by shreds of skin. He waa iar.cn tonne operating room ot Dr. Ben Herring. The fingers were put back and those who did not know would think the hand had never been through a cut-off saw. 't i J Mrs. Case Packs Off. Oyster Bay. L. I.. Aug. 13. Mrs. Asl I Esac. or Elizabeth Case, who was to have been taken to Mlneola! today and given a hearing In lunacy, proceedings, trrowine out of her ner-' slstent efforts to interview the Presi- dent or Mrs. Roosevelt, has left oy- ster Bay. She was virtuallv e-iven un- Si'irHAn Sr1?.00" ,0,,eave 'tte urlf" diction of the county court Up to last night she asserted that she would face the Inquiry into her sanity. To day, however, she was missing from her boarding house.- where it was stat ed she left last night for New York. - " i Fine lot of timber, of 137 acres, for, sale to the highest bidder for cash on August 28th. 1906, at 1 p. m. at the) residence on the land. Situated In : Nash county in Griffin's township on' Sandy Creek, known as a part of the Pattle Harrison Und now belonging to, heirs of L D. Johneon. Any oae 1 wishing to look at the timber before! tiay or eaie can on j.4k. Dickens, who lives on the land. : By order of court. ; W. V, BOBBITT. Guardian. BLACK HARD IN POLICE'S HANDS Three Conspirators Ar- .u: icdicu in Daiuiiiuie. OFFICER HAD A RUN Demand Made for Money Umlfr lltreat of Deatli Inaxo Can. tela no Gives Names or J I Is New York Ac- coinilices (By the Associated Tress.) Baltimore. Md., Aug. 14. An al leged 1 thick Hand case which had It inception about two months ago. cut initiated today In the arrest of thn-v inandlng $5,000. Some of these let ters have been dellvereJ by Kostrto Borneo, it Is charged, and some havu pawed throuKii the mails. one of the latter, received yesterday, threat ened the I-unasi family with death today If the money demanded was not forthcoming. By Romeo. Mrs. Lnnasu sent a reply .and this today brought forth a call upon her by I Jnazlo Castaluno, aged 1T3 years, who i demanded the money. Mrs. Lanua .ailed a policeman who captured Castalano after a chase. Castalano said that he arrived here today from. New York and that he had been induced tOcome here ana j call upon Mrs, Yorkers. whoe Lanasa by four New e names he gave as Collogario. Tony, Steflno and Joseph, declaring that their other names and addresses were unknown to him. Romeo, who Is twenty-one years ot age, claims to have been merely eni ployed to deliver Dime of the threat ening letters with knowledge of their contents by men unknown to him. .Frank rorcclli nged'SO. a, bcnrtblack. suspected of k'lving Information u, Principals In the affair, was arrested i hut afterwards released. ' O.staluno at the hearing, claimed to have no knowledge of the Kngltsh language, though he is said to have used it fre?ly when placed under or rest. He und $10,000 each. Romeo arc held in Grccmilfo Tolmcvo Market. Greenville. X. C.'August 14. The Greenville Tobacco Board of Trade j held 1t annual meeting on Monday. It. Go to Wiightsvlllo Beacli See Gay and Brilliant L.U311NA. Correct Dress The Modern Method' system cl high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hay & Ox, of Cincinnati, O, tatisfies good dressers everywhere. All Garment Made Strictly to Your Measure t moderate nice. S00 urU of for aaddWstkfnahwhkatodtooK. V t . BOB IIAYNES. Tlie llammerless Tailor. RALEIGH, N. C Cleans 63 andJ beSTltifleS the teeth and Durines the breath. yuxiiie tTsed by people of refinement fnT. mro-ro flntnrv for oyer a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY -Hrv M.aF'rajico'i Safe, Quick." RollabJo Regulator. S I parlor to rXhrr rir1tp (H at high prto. Car g-aratrd. Prtre. Ctfc ( ims- Ct' orby m.il. TetuooL.i o' l.kl-frw. Dr. IaPranco.r. Uadelptalat r, Ion hjm PERFECT " HOTELS AND RESORTS. select hoarding " house:. Mrs. 'Wiley 51. i logers cans attention ' to the fact . that thLs large bouse, within half square of the capltoL has been newly rpalnt' pa percd and f umbdied. and Is open "for boartlen by tlie day week cm month. IiAIIQB AND AIRY ROOMS. REASONABLE PRICES. Within ' one-half equaro of tre cmpltoL tia n. wiijMiNfsrrrN. ktiifcftt Hotel. Sborehaa Allanlle City. N. J. Capacity JO0. Kiev ator; private battis; open surround .nirs. I1S.M and ft7.M weekly. Run hv North Caroli nian: Hook let. W. B. Comm. x - , . - HI Airy White Snlphor Springs Open Tlio nev Hotel, with 150 letl-rooms lighted with electric ligtitN. and many rooms with baths and oilier modern Improvements ! now open for the seoMoru Tlie bct felt led that money can buy. Acres of tdiadr ami crass-cov ered latvns. Tito best water on earth. A place or rot: a place of health; a place of pleasure. Rates: SH.OO. SlO.OO. and $12J0 X"r vcck. Situated mt the foot or. tlie Blue Rhlge ilountaln. four miles from Mt. Airy. . v J. K. REYNOLDS, 3lount Airy; X. C (f -V 5 r 1 .''ir'wf ?riv:T, i U. .,uf.JV..WiiiWt,' - ."-.. -., - . "Ti'rt s.; r-t-f '. , ' , .' : ".. -.li;ct ' ST' 'tr . ', '.-,". ---- ' '.'. ,.l , ' A , .., jJACKSON JACKSON SPRINGS HOTEL. The Famous Waters at this Iirular Healtli ami Pleasure Resort re cti vet I tlie Silver Medal Award from the St- Louis IfccpwHIoH.- - Tlio waters arc free to guests of the Hotel. For rates, etc.. address , ROBERT IRVIN, Manager. i. Jacf ison Bprlng N. V. WATCH THIS SPACE DAILY For a Hew Testimonial as to the Woii derful Cures effected by The ecldenljurg Lnneral Wcrs CHASE CITY, VA. Others Tell WhaL Their Waters Arc; Wo Shoiv What. Ours Do. These Are Facts. Let Those Who Were Cured Speak For Them- . selves. Listen! Or. A. Priddy, Member Virginia State Board Medical Examiners, etc., writes: - ''. ;.: I, take great pleasure In testifying to the value of the waters of the " Mecklenburg Mineral Springs both the Ltthia and the Chloride of Cal cium. The Lith la Water I have used frequently in uric acid and llthalmlc conditions, and have obtained marked and prompt benefit when other min eral w-atcrs have failed. The Chloride of Calcium holds a place unrivaled by any mineral water of this country or of Europe, in .the treatment of Rachitic 6r Srofulous conditions of children, which manifest themselves in glandular enlargements, in Joint or bone inflammation, or In eruptive ekin disease. Really. I consider it Nature's antitoxic in checking the pro gress of disease of the kinds mention eed. . . . -1 I know It to be a bone producer from a case under my notice. In which the greater part of the tibia had been exercised, and which .was1 complicated with inflammations of both elbow " Joints. The use of the Chloride of Calcium locally after the operation, and a few weeks course of the water internally, caused a perfect cure. ' ' Having rpent some time as resident physician at two of the most popu- ; lar springs in the South, and having lived near Chase City all my life. I think I may be allowed with some confidence to express the. opinion which I have, that the location of a modern sanatorium at Chase City would win greater success than at any place with which I am acquainted In the South. I am. Very truly yours, (Signed) " A. S. PRIDDY. M. D. f Late Vice-President Virginia. Medical Society andvMember of State Med- -Jcal Examining Board. .'.- WATER, ON SALE BY -ALL DRUGGISTS. -.'... vv' .J;:-.'.r-s ' "--' v i I . rotier vara every la minutes, jso private bath. A great resort on the , ; JOE IL UIOTON, V. -f r' - - -.i r ft - . V. . ' i i. " " . - - - nOTXXS AND RESORTS. 4k ' h , fy vz sib ! nf m HOTEL CUMBERLAND. Broad war at SRli'St. 1 NEW YORK CITY. N.' -Y. The most luxuriously appointed hotel In New York. Its furnishings are rare, rich nnd In good - taste. The highly polished floors throughout the eiitlrt. house are .covered "with hand some oriental rugs." Tiled bath rooms' ventilating Into the open air a fea ture. Telephone. In every . suite. I This hotel ofTers to .permanent and transient guests superior accommo dations, service, etc, at tempting rates. Inspection of this ' beautiful establishment Invited. - 1 . Send for illustrated Booklet. wt?t T sxvrrrT. Proprietor. JMllftS CvY ' , . . r ; '' li .. -i v. 1 -' . WRIQHTSVILLB BBALiJ. - Just eight miles from nw-w large, airy bed-rooms. Z! rn uv, o cean's edge Cool and comfortable. Manaser. Wrtshtsvillj V cli. N. C. ATLANTIC AND NOHTTI CAIIC 12'. 1LMLROAD. IiOcal Time Table. Goldsboro and Beaufort. N..C. In effect June 10. 1 "JOS. - Eastern Time. STATIONS. Euru Dally. Daily. Only. 3 1 5 P.M. A.kL A.M. S;40 3:00 . 7:00 3:&0 8:12 7:19 4:01 s:21 7:18 4:13 8:31 7:29 4:25 S:43 7:40 4:40 8:36 7:52 4:52 a:U S 04 5:02 9:23 8:14 6:lS 0:41 ' 8:27 5:25 9:51 S.37 5:31 9:06 8:43 5:48 10:10 9:05 5:65 10:15 9:10 6:18 10:34 9:28 6:22 10:38 9:32 6:3'.. 10:50 9:44 6;52 ll;06 10:00 6:58 11:12 10:05 Lv. Goldsboro .... . Millers ........ Bests ......... LAGrange Falling Creek,. Klnston ....... Caswell ....... Dover ......... .Cove ......... . Tuscarora Clarks , Ar. New Bern ..... Lv. New Bern . . . . . Rlverdale ...... i;roatau ....... IJavelock ...... , , Newport ....... WUdwood Mansfield 7:02 11:16 10:10 Morehead City.. 7:20 11:30 10:23 Atlantic Hotel.. 7:28 11:33 10:28 Ar. M-rebead City. 7:$ 11:40 10:30 (Pier 1 P.M. . A.M. A.M. . Beaufort Annex Ar. Beaufort ...... P.M. P.M. A.I.L 5:10 12:20 11:10 Sun. Daily Dally Only .2 4 6 A.M. P.M. P.T.f. 11:20 7:55 9:23 11:07 7:45 9:14 10:58 7:37 9:0 10:47 7:28 8:58 10:35 7:13 8:44 10:22 7:00 8:3 10:08 6:46 8:18 9:58 6:36 3:03 9:4T 6:20 7:54 9:31 6:10 7:42 9:26 6:04 7:28 9:10 6:48 7:20 9:05 5:40 7:15 8:43 5:15 6:51 8:39 5:11 :4S 8:27 4:59 6:36 8:11 4:43 :21 S:05 4:37 6:15 8:01 4:33 :12 7:50 4:22 6:02 7:42 4:17 5:57 7:40 4:15 5:55 A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. PJi. P.M. Ar. Goldsboro . .. Millers : Bests ....... :IaG range Falling Creek , Klnston Caswell ...... - Dover . . ... . . t,ove ...... . . . Tuscarora . . . Claries ...... I.v. New Bern Ar. New Bern . . . Rlverualc ... Croatau . . . . . . Havelock Newport -vWlldwood f Mansfield -Morehead City... Atlantic Hotel... Lv. Morehead City... ller 11 Beaufort Annex Lv. Beaufort 7:C0 3:35 5:15 II. O. HUDGtNS. O.'P. A. R. K. I BUNCH. TraCllc Uanraer. UltIIAM A bODTHlUlN RAILWAY. Southbound. Stations. ort.';b"'-ni. ho. ft. No. tl. - ho. ri, t.. . Daily Daily. V . Dea r Unj Ex. Sun. tx.tai 1st. Dnrhcm At. ' 1m wwii t ! . Opu . Ooocttudkt. Togo Cftrpeatrr - Upchurrk ll.-onkm 4:30pm Apn I0:rm 8:4!pi ll:2SBi 4:4pm. llolir Springs . 9 ..': m 5:1 tl:oasi ft.-npa,M.. Wilboa 9:Zam b: ' :ta tl;48am 5K)6pa.... Dlaachard .. a 4:; pni lt:K4MB l-'Apn..,.. vsniM ..... :i nm : vtn lS:0pt 6:14pm..... iioiland tri cn 1Z:ZIpm :30pw..... Anpicr ..... 9:1 ua 4: t 12:3 p is 6:4ftpm. BrcUjUl .. 8:t iru 3:4 inn IMfot Jm..... OoaU ..... 8:4 m 3:1 -m iHim .-upaa... Turtinrtom ... S:4 m S:i .m l:llpM .-08pn...... Wye ...... 8:.'i:.m 8:1 ! pia l:lpa S:l.Sa..... iHik ..... 8:3lio -.n 17pm 65pm...... Wjt 0:1 ara Z . ";ra l:41pai :3fiw Puna 8:Cua : i i j rr For ftrrfTifr InlontMtloB address, - Duriiain. N. fl RALEIGH AND CHARLESTON IL Ii. Time Table No. 1 in EHect Susday, ' Jane 3rd. 1003. . South Bound. .-.. j - - No. 3 No. 1 A.M. A. "I. Lumberton.. .. .. .. ..10:25 10:25 Klngsdale .. .,. .. .. ..10:38 10:40 Proctorvtlle .. .., .. ..10:53 10:57 Barnesville ......... ..11:06 11:12 Marietta .. .. .. .. ..11:16 11:24 Holmesville .. .. .. ..ll::o 11:29 Pages Mill .. .. .. .. ,.H:25 11:35 Kemper.. ...... .. ..11:30 11:41 May .. .. ........ ..11:32 11:44 Fork.. .. .. .. 11:2S 11:52 ZIon .. ., .. .. .. .. ,.11:45 12:01 Rogers.. ..11:55 12:10 Marion .. .. .. .. .. ..12:10 12:25 Nona Bound. No. 2 " No. 4 - P.? I. P.? I. Lumberton . . .. .. .. .. 5:25 5:25 Klngsdale .. .. .. .. .. 6:05 5:05 Prcctorvllle .. ,.; .. .. 4:52 4:53 Barrresvllle. . .. .. .... 4:3 9 4:42 Marietta .. 4:25 4:30 Holmesville .. .. .. .. 4:19 4:25 Pages Mill.. .. .. .. 4:10 4:17 Kemper.. .. .. .. .. .. 4:07 4:15 May ...... .. .. .. 4:04 4:13 Fork .. .. .. 3:55 4:07 ZIon.... ... 3:47 4:00 Rogers.. 3:39 3:53 Marlon .. .. 3:25 3:40 "Noa. 1. and Z. dally except Sunday. . Nos. 3 and 4. Sundajr only.. SPEOAL RATES VIA SCAEOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. - Blonteagle, Tenn. Women's Con gress, July; 30th to August 20th. One first-class I fare, plus 25 cents, for round trip.! Lexington, Ky. National Grand Lodge -United Brothers of Friend-hip and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten. July 30th to August 3rd. One first class fare, plus 25 cents, for round trip. Milwaukee, 'Wis, Grand Aerie. Fraternal Order of Carles. AuTiist 14th to 18th. One first-cla3 fare, plus 12.00. for round trip. For detailed Information a3 to rates, schedules, datss of sale, limits, etc., address your Ticket Ageent or the un dersigned. C. II. GATTIS. Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh. 21. C- Week End and Summer Excursion Rates via the keabonnl. The tieaboard announces Week Enl and Summer Excursion rates as fol lows: ; ftnmn:rr r , Excursion. From Rafetrh to Old Point, Ocean View, Virginia Beach, 'Cape iieniy, uia Point Comfort, etc.. .. . . . . J 8.25 Washlnston, D- C. N. & V., Sb.. Co. Baltimore, Md., Bay line.. .. New l'ork. N. Y., O. D. S. C Co .... . .... Boston. Mass'M. & IS. T. Co. Cn 15.25 Providence, R, I.. M. & II. T. Co. Also rates to iJuiraio, x.. rUfira Palls. N. T., and all Cummer Reirta In the East. - eciz u:xl i;mr.:r Jackson Springs.... 33.30 Wrlghtsvllle, N. C. Wilmington, N. C.. 4.5 0 Llncolnton, N. C..'. 5.23 Shelby, N. C. Ltd Ruthcrfordton, N. C. 6.4 5 Hickory. N. C . . . . . 5.2 5 1 4.40 7. 3 3.7 5 7. S3 1.C ") ; i;.-. 1 Blowing Rock, 21. C. S.6 3 Summer Excursion and V tickets are also, on ealo from principal points to Sunnier ! . For information as to r : schedules, dates of fi! r r. 1 address c. ir. gat: : Travei!r.r '