i i. 7 f 1 1 : r The Daily Koys' and Observer. WKDXESDAT MORNIXC APIUIi 3, 17. ' ,-" " -;-;.7 ' -r WMW . . 1 ' " I x- I K.I. i c 1 CM THEY ILO TOBACCO TRUST? Ask Removal B ackwellV Durham Cont wersy. j IN SUPREME JOURTi In Addition to Clali Between Xcwv" Home CotiiKuy With Okl Name nml New Jerwcy Corpora tiotis. is . Heard New Wrinkle in 3feii lul Anguish In the Supreme court deslerdny was had -tho'ar&umcm' on the question of ichiovut to the Podcrul Uurt of th''0"-;' to the aellon.Mhe fact JouUi ; ; liUwth'K. and unique b of UlacL- ell's - Durham Tobacco Company, of North -Carol inn vs. Blackwel's Xur-1 ham Tobacco Company, pf New Jer- ey. the American To bacK Company and Tom , j :vloVrs, Andrews, and. wants, citizens of Durha nd a director of the American Toliatr- ; w viuavi I i Immefbatfelv' after 'the brlnffinz of . uiiiriiiai uji wnicn as 10 eniom nit- ut'icnuums irom tne ust? or tn i nant'i BtaakiveH's Duxhum Tobacco i Company, the clerk of I the Federal i the detendants from thd use of tn"i,the fact that" his clients are not m- ! court.'ut Italeish, attempted to remove ni i'aB io me jp etierai Judse- lr!u-hard, on a nJot mand, ordered the ci.s stric the eoeket of th9 Fcdena na hie- jk'vb iJweu inere; uirousn me .mproviucactt or me j-euerai kjicta. : C, rant. ; ;s ' , ! When - tlie matter waft up before; Jusu w .uie oiawo .court, unv Lian and pctil of Judse Moore to grant the ame.'i which constitute the contention lu the j I Unique M of Uii taUon. j , ft will bo remembered that the tacts I 5nS1 . . . . . . i . ; Company, originally a Noi th Carolina corpai-atiori which passed i ito thp con trol of thesAmerlcan Tobac co Company had retired t from this ! State and oecome a New Jersey corporation sub h diary; to the parent eoi lioration of the trust chartered by the. same state. The American Toiiacco Com- , fpany hever'vhavlnr''domettIC8ted'!l by jiliug; a copy of its charterf etc, unoer fcase last summer tipplled io the Sec- i iciise las-t summer ttpyue-u ito uic ow-: fetarr of State for a chapter for the f-ntak-ir, Durham. Tbdam, Com-i pany of North Carolina. w hich on the Udvice of the Attorney ; G sueral, was granted- The p!aintintg, ttnO of whom are sons of the W. T. BlaikweH who jprisXaallyfpanded, AJae bn lne-then ued for' an injunction ir the State Courts alleging that the -Ulackweirs Durham Tobacco Com pan v of New tiess in this State fcnd askfins a per-; petual injunction axalnst the use or tho nam "ELlaekwell's Diirham ..To-1 bacco " Company, as m vu loiation or iie rights obtained under the North Carolina charter. ,it was alleged that tho new company 1 was orij Inated for the purpose of engaging in the busi . itess of manufacturing sn olung s to- hacco end that the use or US corporate ir thi Ulackwell Tobacco Com iiiinv of New Jersey.: was Ito its ir- riiarablc damage. nt r llearimr on 3lerlt3. TIte -many interesting I questions which will arise oh tnc tacts oh a liearing on the merits as to wnetner j damage sustained is-sufficient toi l'bund tlie injunction, as to theet : brarlmr of the fact that thf plaintiffs are not a"hd never have bef n egageu , inns naa amenuea tnqir com pmin r i ., cT... rcfrrlnc to its sale bv a' H is this! amended cokn plaint, the . rc.ivor":i the -s1t tif suit attains ; tion for d removal and the refofraltr htmiif nl Its r.urchyiie thereat iy J ini tue manufacture of tobacc. whe'.hr-Mmm irie surrender of tho ciiarter anu me fUilure to - domesticate ara maner v w-hlch ran be cure by a' pf vate suit , ini:m.iion. or whether Ithev are ( such violations or-w .-h "j properly rem,edied by actio oj . me . r o negligence in the i-eceiving Htalwill. probably nor be e nJ ee, delayed, tne sendee can moln In) theresent -phascrof the M"1! tain tin action aftd recover damages ,. i.i..h tuwtioii- -only to do with tnoi , .. .,i.v, .quesuon . wneiiicr-u-iv "" "-t rTT, v," one ; whlelvximaybor removed l?v:.tne Federal statu tej,. ; vi I I . Tlie Tobacco s tjw. fn "arguingi tbWiveKt'on Mr. Junius P4rker -conteiiuedxior ; me awichwui -rrtwioi romhanv lXtbat ' the I. panics tJ the suir resident in Durh ira were made v defendants to live ul by' the plliintiff for the purpose df pi eventing a Iremovul of . the case-to the Fodem.1 cotirtsr that. whUe there waaxno ?sep erable controversy - the Nor hxCaro litta parties, Toms, Flowers,' ndrews arid Watts, were not such Vr ecessary piSrties" "ue to defeat the removal rights of the defendant fore gn cor porations. He qutetl many eases in KUpport of the theory that, w tere the mitter Involved is corporat actloa, th agents or directors of the jorpor1.-tio-n are not such necessary, pi irtles s to prevent a, removal of the action, al-thoug-h they may be ''proper ! mrties.f Wben ; a suit was brought ci rainst a of poration, he argued, It ' wa nece earilv brought aga'lnst all its agents, oftlcera. etc and, while such officer if brought'into the suit as ' defendants we-e fproper ,parties" tl-iey- vi ere nrt "Indispensable" ? as con tempi? .ted vbf tud Fedora! statute of removaL i ' Replying to a suggestion : made by Judge y Moore at the hearing in the Jo-wer court, that the- action , was iu in4lagy- to a suit for the infringe ment of .a patent. Mr. Parkor said, thtit in the first wlace there . was no such thins as a corporate right; to a corporate name, that it was tride end bu4lnsi which-1 created that right; 4 STRENGTH from RIGHT FOOD Try. - ; Grape-Nuts 10 days and prove it. -Tfccro's a Reason' For (Fifty Coffee as made 'by Hie Crvoli' of .New Orlcan Iwf been world- famous Is elected, prepared, unit rousted according to the best of Creole IormiiUt i ; -Vou will never know liovv good coffee ( AX be until you've trie! lA'fA N K. $wiXt 25 cts. the pound Al AH ;rocers. THE REILY-f AYLOR COMPANY. New Orleans, U. S. A. f that In patent cases the corporation I officers were not; held to be necessary parties but that; when the corpora : Ytion was insolvent. ! be" made defendant; the officers could j AVhy Mr. Watts I "Xeee-sar :" For tc plaintiffs Mr. W. H. C.uV.i- rle first spoke,, takitrg the ground th.it the onlyxthing which the court eon id consider was the complaint: that, ;ic ' cording to the complaint, all the do '! JVndanls' were joint tnt -feasors; n-i t . tliat, even if-., it appeared that the i,nrn i nf mu I: i ii.- nr :i n-.irtv to '. j..ujt WRS for theypurposc of defeating ' removul. If the burtics were proper 1 L ',.,' ..ara-riLh' live' of the . ; . complaint, alleging " the interest ... ! the American T-tecw Company : i : the Itlackwciio uurnara jooaecoi ; Company, of New .Jersey, was in l ie nature of o bill of discovery, and thar In that view, certainly a director and n. The las tne otneers and agents of the Amori , ran Dobaeco Company were "nofeow;i- a and agents, parties" to the suit. tti mRiknjr furthe r argument Tor ; the t.lnintirfs. Malt-r W. A. Outhrit ronlii ti- ..ueKtiotx of the court :i i r, Uon- nre.voti hurt? in view o ?the fact that his cllei traced in the business tobaecj. by sayini of manufactur- I nsc that they i'- jeed their purpose to commence th .,-.- nii m.inifewtlv not be excr- Cised Only once dU Major Outhric ro- g,. Upon the well known history ol ,i, i-.Lipkwf ,. Durham I uOavv i(r Junivrs Parker, then, a., now uttor ev. r tne American Totva courre,- wld he, "I don't know j 5 ,?rk . X?, ,Ht!n- r r continuing, he stated tbat r. l r nrcKei iiini twin he supposed he T.'aa the only man in America f lnce 1776 who had been prevented, by a court injunction from petitioning the Legislature, although Ji-dgc Sinionton h1 Put his hiarn character in the record by way -f cannon. - , . , i It was intpjrtant. lie d clared that , the plaintiiTa shcuM have an mju na tion ogainst thedefendants and their otaVn? ohiee. the decrees of the State courts not beinfr extra-territorial . , .,,nii the lt .Trcr nbrfSL,lu,"r.t the corporation. nothmt, ouw -.pre vent It from turning over tnc r-m-to an individual or pai tnehip, ' who would not be . affected by the law of the" State requiring domestication.- In rfHiBglaior- OiJthxie. laiaVtrf3 on the fact that Ur t?6 petition f- re- noaitivelv alk-sre that the Durham p'arties were brought into tho suit for the purpose ofj preventing a remoxai.j which he ciauueu was wwi i contention. . . Mr Frank Ful'er. who closed the argument for the American Tobacco j Company, cd'nflntd himeif almost en-; tirely to the point ra-seu py me .u-. Guthrie relative to the question of the necessity of ! tho local parties defend ant, for the 'purposes of a "discovery" contending jhrt they had madeno al legation of facts for discovers, in the mere al'eaf!on of the interest of the American Tobacco Company in the de fendant, th"i Blackwell" Durham To- """".v - : - Ploiicr Lregal Pont. A very; hiterestlng case, from tne 0r yiev of the legal pi ofeHsion. a , at of Kl - Johnson vs. WeeUrn T-n,,n TcIorHth Coinoany. from Dur- U hich wtos argued by Judge U. w Winston, fdr the plaintiff, and Mr. Fmnk iruiier for th defendant. The (.aje hangs opm whether. . , ,t 5rl viirinia where a prom 1 1- u- iransm tt d to North carol ina, and . Jt was stated during the argument that this was the onl time that the caS'i had been squarely presented to the court ter decls'on. the Jurx having found as a -fact. that the law of Vir ginia cloeg . not reOgnlze "mental anguish." except wliere some physical Injury Is first proved. The defendant's contention was that iilnee the contract was made in Vir ginia, its terms; followed into North Carolina ahd, even if a tort, was com mitted in this State, it vfsna a wrong growing out of the contr.act, - which1 must bo treated aj in the State where it was made. The plaintiff, on the other hand, takes th? view that," although U Is true. that an nciion prowlng out ot; a con-i tract must! b determined in ticcord ance with i the laws of tho State in; which it is made, it is otherwise as to a tort committed by a company in another State. The wrong done. the plaintiff, it was nrgued. was in pur ham: It wa not a part of the. Virginia ror tract, though growing out' of thatr therefore the ciuetion of reeovery m-Gt be governed by the Nrrth Caror Una law-the State in which the tort was i committed ralher then by the Virginia law the. State in which the contract wsn -madr. , In the conrt belovr the contontlon of the plaintliT was 'sustained and dam ages were recovercL the1 defendant appealing to the Supreme Cutt. j Nothing loue in ' Annie Turuer' A- peaL ) i . The first case on thesdocket was the appeal of Annie Turner, convicted of being accessory to the murderous as sault - committed ; oft CoL Tj. liunks Holt. Counsel for tho weman dtd not appear, however, 'nor was the Attor ney General or his assistant on hand, The court passed by tiie case for, th r resent. Jt was said that there wtU befanothex attempt TOade in this Cjsj to secure n new: trta 1 for -newly d i sf covered evidence, notwithstanding the court has several; times declared that ) this course, wlU not .avail in a crimU ! nal case. - -' j j Otlier Ca6t Argued. j Other; cases argued .were: . i Y. 13. ' Thompson vsv Southern Ks4 j press company, by John. W..Grahant ! pnd Frank Nash for, plaintiff, John A j Barrlnger for defendant. I t O. yv. Coat ot al vs. .Joseph Vlckerd J a at, by 'Winston & Bryant for pieJim tifTst Fuller luller for dofendanui i ik f IXjuUi ; District Appclas. i 1 : Appeals from tho tenth district will rouri, oui business: that all a corporation n.tu ion to re- it rnr,itl to-k and the riht io ken frpnii seii it and that, until the matter of t ie j ! COUrt US ,.,mn rram Ri?M. ''tilC ODWOr to HSlI ! be called Tues lay. April ttth, as fol lows; State vs. Hunr.er: Heauchnmp Will cao. continued bv consent: lie:: vs. Dobbins: Faut vs. Faust; Wood vs. Kitteaid. w. . KING BEAD A Prominent Druggist of Raleigh. The Funeral of One or Tin City's Mo-t Popular and Able Young ltu-,Inc.vt Men Tlib Artcniooii From C'lirlst Cliurcli. There passed awav ye.steidav morn ing in the uejth of Mr. V. 11. King, oho of thr iiiost encrg-l if. eiiu-rprising and. able of the younger bubtnss m.-n oi' Italeigh. uik- who wvift not alone noted for his business ability jmd na gacity. but who bv his htippy hearted aJid genial life had mad ma.iy friends. Ho was easily ckusscd is on" of the most poiular yoiniif mc.i .n flu- ciiy. and throughout tin- itat a.nl a lead ing druggist. Mr. Kind's dvalh a- not un.'Xpct ed. but no less it -am- a- a snock. with it srr-at grid to iiis lain'ly and many fr,enrta. lie inid l.- ;i il' tincr' Ir.-st Ala"-", and tince tb" sco;id of la.-t Septtiul-r ht has oe-n m IJ-jx Hos pital for treatim-iit where lie iindcr wrni many opration.. lieai.i r'u!ting from a. com;"lication of idis. ases. his system l-ing worn ut In the long and violent struggle for life. Only few rays uvru h'e was t-jke;; t .t his j lioua- on Ilillsboro stree.' and while i h .ytifirrred no pain and roomed cs IV ", j his phytdcians t lt thst ho could hnrd-.l ly live very much long'-i witliout a j decided chsrnse. i H i.ry King was in his fortieth yvnr, I and wou'd th'iiyt ;iii':ic.t' "t li ie ago at-J hh: birthday next January. Tl- wasl born in Wake county, a ho:i of the late I I II. King.. He was educi'tvd in Ox-i ford, and was in businesa there until ho Wits nineteen years of age. He cans,' to Raleigh about lututni years a- and liegan woik as a clerk in McOo's Drug Store, at the corner of Fayettevlll- and Morgan Sirtel. later becoming a partner. thj iirm being King a;ul McO.e. Soni,- t.me after this the linn whs dis--o'veu a:id Mr. King botight out the business "of Mr. Rufus Will'enis. at the corner of Fay ettcvillc and Hurgett streets, where ihe tiim of W. H. King la?-.- W. II. King & Co., made a grtat success. Not Ion - ago Mr. C. U. Cm well joined Mr. King, and the iinn is now known as the King-Crowdl Drux Company. While Heary King was aUo at the head of a wholesale drug busine4g. the W. H. King Drug Company, which for four or live years has been located on the corner of Martin ynu Wilming ton streets. In all business which he undertook he has been remarkably successful. Mr. King had never married uud he is survived by ht mother. Mm. I M. King and four sisters. Mrs. J. S. At onsun. Mrs. Z. P. Smith, Miss Iaura King and Miss Ellen King; and to us sisters he has not aione been a loving brother, but in his care a father also. Mr. and Mr. J. S. Atkinson vere In West Point. Mi.-s., when Mr. King died, Mr. Atkinson being there on business, and they are to arrive al leven o'clock this morning. Th.- lfuneral will take place at live o'clock this afternoon from Christ church and the Interment will bo in Oakwood cemetery. The pall bearers will, with two exceptions, composed of men connected with the dfug estab lishments in which Mr. King was in terested. These being Messrs. C. 11. Crowell, E. G. Birdsong. J. 1J. Tug well. J. b. Hanks. Dr. 15. D. Fisher T. A. Allison. Thomas Aiken. Fred Robinson, , while Messrs. K. U. Crow and 13. S. Jermln are directors In the enterprises in which Mr. Kins was interested. Raleigh loses a valuable citizen In Mr. King's death, and ho will be miss ed from' itsj business and social cir cles most keenly. He was a member of the Masonic order, an 151k also, and a prominent member of the Capital Club, which issues the following no tice: 10 the members of the Capital Club: You arc requested to assemble at the :cl4b rooms thts XU rnwn at 4:30 o'clock. The membership will attend tne funeral of our late associate. Henry King, in n body. JNO. A. DUNCAN. becretary. Plant Wood's Garden FOR SUPERIOR VEGE tx nl c-e c ci nuCR$ Twenrv-eiffht vt?ars CXDerience our trcnt seed faring, trial gTQunds atid large wareboueo capacity gite viz an equipment thai is urisopassed anywhere . lor supplying th& beat seeds 8 both for the. . -' - , is one of thelafgcst iu ihis co untry , ' TTe are headquarters for . Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats Seed Potatoes,: Cow Pass. Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. . x Wood's Descriptive Catalog giTes fuller ud wore, complete laor .m.. v.nn, lwtu r 4a nl n-n ajKl aria Beeds tun any otlier fiimllar publlcBr tlon issued In this country , il ailed Vm an nwmeat. Write for.it - V W,7c: i & Sons, lizn RICHMOND. - VA. ' THE CITr ELECTION Rules Which Will Gov em the Primary on Thursday. Tin; Democratic primary rip nomi nate candidates for city ofacers in Raleigh will take place tomorrow and the announcements of the candidate will be found in another column. Tho rules which are to govern the primary have been Issued and are as follow : Rule Governing City Democratic Pri mary FJectlon. Uv nr.b r of the Democratic Kxeeu-t!-e "committee, held March 14th. lt07. ii was rderel that a Deniocrntic Pri mary Kleetloii be lield on Thursday. April 4. 107. for the nomination of iHmoeratk- candidates fr ina-tr and all other officer -of the city, which i.re to tc elected by the people in the general elect i' on the flrt Monday of May next: ami it was orderiiffl that, iu adclitioii to the rules fixed lit taid me.-ting by live 10x-cullve Committee, the rulea governing, the primary elec tion of two years ago be aioutetl. . As chairman of the said committee. I announce the rules governing in primary to be held' in the city f Ual-.o-. A i .il 1 4. 1!7. to lo ax fol- t.'l ' - -. - i Imv?: ' First. That-. Ihe primary election ! v ill be held in each voting place; of J aeh division or tne rour warus in i city of Raleigh from sunrise in the morning until sunset in the VvenHg. .it ..M.h voting oiace tne eieciiou 1 1 1 i.o i-omluctevl by three managers i (or poll-holders), who are empowered t.; conduct the election under the pro- vit-lons of the legauxeu primary iavv tor the eii of Raleigh, and the rules hereby declared for conducting said primary. Second. That said priinao election will be conducted by using the "Aus tralian ballot." and the said polling places shall vch be roped off In com m.no. uiiii the soirit of said primary act. or law. aud & secret booth will be, r.rovided at curb polling place where in each voter shall retire to prepare ills ballot 1-efor? -castlna the saine-""; Third. That in said primary elec tion, in addition to the officers' of tho citv. there shall be elected by ballot a bomocrcti" E::ecutlvc' Committee, cons-tiding of threemmbers in each civision of the raveral wards. re spevtiveiy: tle committee so elected ioVcn-e far two years. Fourth. Kor the purpose of ,hoid 5 lift aW elation . the nnanageri. for rroll-holderp). who hav been hereto--fore appointed, or such as may be hereafter a pointed to take the place of thoxe who do r.or Ferve, Fhall con du"t said primary election, receive the ballots, count thein.a-wertain the re? pull-', and forthwith 'make a written statement thereof to the City Execu tive Committee, nio shall, within twenty-four hours thereafter, declare the Te-uiit Sn the mayor's office in the City Hall. The time fixed for the meeting of the Executive ;ommittee to perform the aforesaid duty is on Friday. April 5. 180,7. at the hour of 1t? o'clock, in,, ..in fd mayor's office. If any pcrsoriv appointed as .manager or Tol!-bolder Khalkf decline to serve, or for other reaaons: shall become in i.apccitjtel to serve,' or- rtiall fail to serve, before .h id primary election k held thtf chairman df the Democratic Kxe'Utlve Committee of the city Shall have power to name some qualified i -.j f fiii ouoH vaeancr,: and. If the chairman aforesaid shall not tb up-j point, then the remaining managers, t or perwtns aulhonaeu to noiu aiu pn-vnn-. rhall designate some person to assist in holding the same, and mich substituted person or persons hall , . .-.-i rlarlif nn1 lUlthnHtV 118 i X LUC . ' - - J If he or they had been originally ap-1 pointed by said uemocraxic axscuuvv Conimillee. Fifth. The city clerk shall provide ?. sufficient quantitv of ballots needed for Ud primary election, and such boxes for the reception of the ballots as mftv be necessary: and shall also provide the managers or poll-holders with suitable reglft ration or poll book's for conducting said election. HixMi. The wild. city clerk, after Waving said ballots printed, shall care fully keep the same mid deliver to the managers at each voting place 9 suffi cient number of said ballots for use in conducting Ihe primary at such vot ing precinct, and no person shall be given or have any of said ballots until tey are given to him by the managers whert he enters : the polling place to vote. and those ballots only - which have been prepared and voted accord ing to the primary act and the require ments of these rules shall be counted. Seventh. A majority of all the votes cast fr candidates for any one of the city office shall be necessary ;o nominate candidates for such of Uces. and no person shall be declared nominated or elected In said primary unless the vote received by auch per hon sliall be a majority of all the votee cast for candidates, for that particular of dee. excepl a hereinafter provided. Kigth. That the three candidate? n each division of said-ward for City Executive Committeemen, who receive the highest number of votes in the primarv. shall be declared elected the Kxecutive Committeemen -for -Bald di vision. Ninth. That, should there be any failure of nomination in said primary to be held on April 4. 1807, to any city efdee. there shall be p. second primary held at some- subsequent date, to be fixed by tho Democratic Kxeeutlve Committee of the city, at which pri mary only the two highest candidates hi the first primary shall be voted for. Tenth. No one can vote In said H mary oleetT except he be a white Democrat who has affiliated with the Democratic party and has bedn a con firtent voter of the Democratic ticket in the cjty. county and State elections: Providea. imwever. that any person who may satisfy tlie managers or poll vm that it !k his-uuroosB and in tention hereafter to1 affiliate with the Democratic party and support the Democratic nominees of the city, cr.untv and State, shall alo be en titled to vote In enid primary; Pro- vtiiAr furtiipr. tii:l in Haiti nr man election no person shall be allowed to vote who Is not a d'talMed voter for .haJI" become -a qualified voter prior . a . , . 1 u t , v .1 10 tne general wiw.-i.oji mi iayj. who did not nay his poll-tax for the "ve-ar tlftr. previous to the first day of iipT. lfiuO. -s - ... , Eleventh. Any cerson'who will be-cf.p-" of ace In time to 'vote in the leet'oa on May C. 1907. and any quali fied voter who ha changed his ward or division or residence, .shall be al 1 .-ve to' vote in rnid primary electron; Provided, such neron would In -othr rtsnects be a mallred voter under th provision of the primary . law and tlie rw'M. 'i i Ttelfth. That iny . white Demo cratic elector may for cause challenge anyone proposing to vote, and tho jar- tysd challenged shall be sworn accord ing (bjj law. as prescribed in the pri mary act. and said challenge shall then be irivd t.y ihe managers r poll hcldcrv. a p-ovidel for by said uct, Tiiiirtecnth. At the close of the voting 11 shall be the uuty of the poll hulderis iu the presence of each caii tlidate'or iheir representatives. If they cieslfe'to attend, and any Democrat who! wishes to utteud. to proceed at once to count the ballots and make a list pf: all persons voted for and the oftiee- for which they' were voted, and ihe number of votes received by each, aud they shall sign such lists and send the same immediately to the chairman of the City Democratic Executive Committee, or. if he shall be absent, to the city clerk, which lists shall be open for public Inspection; and they shall also give to the said Executive Committee the number of tho chal lenges allowed or disallowed. Fourteenth. The City Democratic Kxeeutlve Committee shall meet In the mayor's office on the day following the" primary election at the hour of 12 Viock. noon, and ascertain and do elarc the r-.sult of said election: and if any person has received a majority of m!I voles cast for aji of lice, as pro vided by these rules, they shall so de-..l-n! uiii-1 wik'Ii iuriin k)im1I he the niornluee of the party for such office. That if n person has received a ma jority of alt the votes cast for an office the said committee shall declare no one to be th Hoinineo for .such office, and a .second primary shall be held as Is hereinbefore provided. Fifteenth.- That the managers or pol!-hders shall strictly guurd and ktep the tickets or ballots, and shall not allow r voter or any other person lo take or carry' an unu.ed balled from the polling place. sixteenth. It jdiall be the duty ,of said managers or poll-holders to keep po-ted in a conspicuous place during th" who'" of the saiu primary election a sample ticket or ballot, showing c list of all the candidates that may be voted for in said election, and the of fice for which eacli is a candidate. Seventeenth. That iid manager or poll-holder in the several diviionf of the. various wards of the city frhnl kep :i registration or poll book, to b provided fo- that purpose, in which shall lie registered the name and place of resilience of any ierson who shall offer himself to vote In said primary: Provided.'1 -.uch persons offering tr v-.t be ouallned n- hereinbefore pro vided for in these rules. i:i?hl"ont'i. That, if any voter pf-f,-rlmr io Vole in said primary election be challenged, the said managers sbnll note In said registration or poll bo A opposite the name of the person challenged, the cause 01 and the of the eballenge. and shall also note that such person was sworn if an oath sb:l' be administered to him. Nineteenth. The nuinagers or poll holderx shall each, before entering tzpon tho dEchargo of thMr duty, take upd fubscfibe an oath that he will tab-iy. 'dmwirtlally and honestly con duct the election according to the tro vis'onfl 1 of 1 the primary election law. and the rule adopted by the Demo cratic Party .Organization; which oath sbuil bo taken before a Notary Public or a Justice of the Peace, or other -fiice'authorized to administer oaths; but if no such officer can be conven iently had.; the-managers may admin ister the oath to each other. Such Mtbs shall, after being subscribed by the manager, be flte-1 In the office of the city clerk within five days after such election. J. N. HOLDING. Cliiirma" City Democratic T3xccutlve Committee. Till: lOt.MXG PU.VCES And th lolllMklers for tin Occtlou ; ThurHday. The polling place, and the poll . . . . . ..r . .t i . ... holders for the Democratic primarj' tot be held In Raligh for city ofScers next Thursday ApHl 4th- ..... ' Vint i Ward. hirst onisnni At. Dlvteion At Poll holders, . C. IX Arthur, CauitAl rirv; House J. J. Lewis. E. IJ. Baker I Hrt Ward. Second Division Att Harris' Warehouse. Poll holders. T. A. Arnold t l M. Walters. Hd Pace. v SvcoihI Ward. First Division At Victor: 1'lrc House. , Poll holders, M. R I luynes. k Sherwood Haywood, Ceo. B. Kennedy tsccoml Ward, Scotid Division At Vinson's ! Store.- Poll holders, il. T. Ruy. H.-K. Glemu J. A. J. Robinson. Third Wartl. Hrxt Dlvlnlon At Jones' Warehouse. Poll holdem K. C. Batchelor. ! Hart Durham. Lee Em ory. ; . - ; ' Third Word. Second DIvlbkM At Royal Knights Hull. Poll holders. Ed. Willis. Ai W Matthews. A. E. Olm stead Iiirth Ward, Tlrst Dlviskn At Poll holders. P.' W. Mc City Lot -Oowan, Sherwood Hrockwell, Charles C Harris, ! - x . l'oartli W ard. Second Division -At Smith's Brore,. corner of McDowell and 'aburrus streets. Poll 'holders. O. li. JU-ach. WJ It. ;Warreu. J. J-. Worlds ; ! J. K. HOLDING, Cltairmon Democratic Ex. Com. I A CARD. On my Return to the city yesterday- having been called out of town by the Serious Ulncs.' -of a relative I- have heard from various " sources that re ports have! been circulated that I was ut 'of the the race. ctc...euc, .This s to nforui the voters of the Second pi vision of the Second Ward that I m stil ta ' tlic rOo.:. I' am iip quitter. My idatroiin is; better 'street, clcraner ti 'ce-ts and, a ; general , Improvement atciiig all Hiies"'of progress. 1 Yours truly. j VM. J. ANDREWS. : l One of the things that go 'without saying Is speechless amazement. GOOD ; JUDG3JEXT Requires that -you look prosperous that you dress :"".'' I j ; ; . 1 j ; ,; j i . .- -. I . tit'CH CLOT H lis need not oust nd our Store a u excellent guide of 1 :; .- tor genueuteu tnts Meawoii. wo snow wuas tuu uesi laxurrucu ineu cuiisuw how them as they are correct in 1 lr ilia Eufeter SbotMier. vre wish here. Wei cirdlaUy Invite you to look z?(0 ' , - ' . - -.',4. f... i . -vv---:r . i - --- .- -. '-WtrWasents. We deceive Uili in ruah"' titles- that. ve can - handle" '. quickly. . Ifciw; It Is alwai frosb. suJpment. , i recelvetl.-1-2 Ibs 1 1 Ids -a Ibs. 2 lltx ami 51bs. 80c. per pound. KING - CROWELIMDR.UG: Druggists . . -, ; ; :: RALEIGH, NOIVThI tOthuA IS IT A PARDON? White Brothers Fate in an Envelope. jovertror (ileiur Will Not Open This Till Today and W ill Later Make . AnnouiKvnicnt of Dv ." .' "eisiOU. v v v; secretary ; . On the desk of private Arrington there lay yesterday and 8ll lat night a sealed envelope. In it'ls the decision of the Counsel of Slate In the matter of application for par- don of Thomas J. White aad Challncrs j result-TAVhite, now serving a six years term! in the State's prison for the killing! of Russell Sherrlll. VVZ ihlT iZr YtVJf ,r4 n, The Council of State, or rather Sec- , totf.,hr . J5i .V tary of State n rimes. Auditor Dixon ; TUUlJU iX'Vt,0f " W C'i V 2,..,o.intr.Hn r n,wu tntr....' ha been itewir tminicd. i!wt5. tion Joyner. the members who -hWd the annllcatlon for nardon completed their examination. the - case on Monday oort of . their recommendation in the? case to Governor Glenn Before- thl4 j 411 tlTCU JV UVt ft u w Holly Springs to deliver an ; address the school there tin after six o'clocX ,1 ui(. v! ..'i.V. at tho .closing- of and did not return last nlsrht. He did not rd to hia office in the! evening and wi U not" open t ne envelope r umii mis mornitiR, yivi-auo - . ternodn, and will then cetermme aa to ns course in onavunan? ne 1 commendation of tho Council of Stl and. his. decision, in. the. matter .of. a.. - ! pardonL No member of tne wunarT of State will fio. much'. a whisper the t result which has : been reached. and ; until theOovernor Fpeaks thero canl only be surmise aa to tho outcome- - South Carolina Calls. ... j m There is a call from South Carolina t.-.i. tho rviri of Sir. ;A.- DuKtli m ror UIV services oi jjf. j P--frJJSVrfi-V' IZV1?! wne " wX;""r:"B jng in charge a hhj banquet. .TonltfHtt i he eerve. an , elaborate wciis no "v . ZJtZi. 3- .V".an.ee,Auv'? .r -. IV U..':"'T"J lT .T ' "1" asked - him to prepare . , , , T . ..- , B ua evtreij XI i" nilrhl' u-nrlr na' o on. w ' f Hundreds of people grocers that the Argo have told he i rid Salmon Is the? havVer! the best Salmon that they have ever un AKV vour nelrhbor IMho ToV irUt it . ; . ' nae trieu. t.y r -THURSDAY, AP1UL th. GbrurdN'S-'-vfv? ''FAtlOUS'-r.-'r: Presenting- 7'": ' "r'.." Vv-- . v W'elby and Pearl, V , .t? Cameron nml Toledo " . - ; . pK.lbnt and "Alger- r llaymond and Jacobn . : . r- - ; Crescent City tJulntct -rl Sana 1CV------i - ,-V:'- ' Jake Wclby . - ' : - liaipli Kitnef. -MJtne. ... - ' - - Kane. ' -.. - . ltesr Wllllwns v : : Charles Cameron ' a Ijuisingh liriggs -W'ml l-niik and 20 otliers. -" Celebrated Concert 4Band. Solos and ' v selections Noon and Evening. - tilt AND STR1CET PARAD12 1XL- , IXHNC. . . ;' .'. - ; -;' ING. l -.;.' S.V 60. 75c and $1.00 Seats oa Sale at Tucker Building . Pharmacy. : :; - - fc of the evidence m ..,... iimmm "Oostir'tbT eWS'tity parse can tray ;'-;. :?'ri'w': V lr the apparel oft proclaims the turn. , ; . . . ' - . . - . , . - - . - - - - - "s -ou much $13.00 and up win pay for splendidly ttyled Canucau. You win .' im - ' 1 . - . ' i every uctau - to State tliat no where. will you fiiuJ sndi over tb"c Hues, as etery departmeu ,LlUUJl IU U-JLJ : LTP.1XJ.UATU CLOlUi h'llH AND VUllKIUZIS. iT," s, f V4 t-V CO. . f.t 1 ..vynEG-: ft - ceats m. ojtSl inmiiw select ioAnc:::3 house ... ... j JT??ll? r.od i! 'T ' P9T!Ay rr i' - .-IrViTOIiXGTpV- ffTT T V' C - j Jnl - j , -, : j,-4e U e we -'-"V '' i n OT'SKir ,i J A Vu V , ; . uLWj 4 i'--' ? .-v-f. i .; . r jp) fff f,f ' - . - - ?ir - w 3 Li V Li u iSALE OF1 TKE CLD'-!CX 17.11 O .CAFJTCtrs: Br Virtue or a joint itesomuon ci AssembTj- of N jsortn can- of March. 1M7;. -enipowerlaf and director: ti c , vEoJinl of jnternll Improvements to j, the brick building, located at the touthwtet corner of the CacUol Square -I to the highest bidder for caabrundfr I . . T ,.w :.n v. l,o, H " I wui iiu-sum uivuk i doVB aid-building-within sixty tiaj-s from the. sale and purchase thereof not later than the first day of July, -highest tU- W..ine Trseuau at puu a.u, u .. rat dhe. court house door In ualcia. N. TTftr o'clock m.. on Thurtda. the second day erf-May.'l07: ald stlf 19 ' bc-oubjeetrto 'Confirmation or re jected i by-r the .Board of Internal Im-' proveroenta - - -" ' ' ' B. C, EECKWIT1I, Commissioner. -I ,7 ...... ...1. jlS... .......... ..." i A ROi'AI riZA'ST to every cne wl.r hay their crocrties tt cur si re. tin seasonable Crllzzci'-'x cxe rcu-".l our fctoro tlie yezr rc-z.1. If you enjoy n cv.v ft cr-c "cc we Invite yoi to cor.j vi-et'.'. - we Icon veil. .Place yosr crL.er vu -i We vUJ iIeave 3x1a. :J. It. FEHRALL i CO. i I 1 - 1 bccoinlnIy aud tastefuliy. mc xiioi arrauic siyu's, ana e tn array, of ijnt!niiv:is t u waits you vjt'V cr: -t 1 V1 s"- " night, and yes- I - rV.'."" ,V V"1". , 1 1 Z in Knio r.f twlf Kinarc of .the capitnl. I IS N sTrrnirr. , C3 V i