COM MARKET EASIER ID HER last Prices Show Net Loss of 16 to 28 Points RALEIGH MARKET L n Sales Estimated at ; 156,000 Opening tu Xew j York I Bales Market 'f 'l Steady at a !x line of 3 to 9 Points v L-some Irregularity During Karly 5 Session, Hut tleneral Trend Down- ' . - . ri - - - . ' ward. . . . - - " . .: (By the Associated Tress.) :t-;New York. June 22.- The cotton u market ' wasi, easier today ami 'while. 4hp' close was steady; ia v tone, last prices Showed at net loss of 1G Jo 28 poitnsl Sales Were estimated at 15ft, 4M - bales. ':.-' ' v. :--"K'y ' 5I'h 'market opened barely steady a decline of 3, to 9 points Vlrt re sponse toi lower i cables, favorable vvetither oter the week end, bearish erbp accounts and unfavorable trade ayvvie-s from the . : contint -Ther.e -was 'some little! irregularity during the . eaily session, butt the general tend ency of the market wu downward ' arid the lowest points Were reached invthe late trading witfh the. close ordy a shade up from the lowest oh the new crop months and at hpttom I"fiiures on near '.positions whJch 'Tuled. - relatively weak all day,, iNext Friday Vi)l be the first July nbtice dayt in th coal market and part of the sell jJiv ;of thatjposition today was sup jpVvd to refletet liquidation by trailing Vlons to avoid .deliveries. Crop ad J vices from points east of the Missis sippi were generally' favorable and 'the scattering showers ; reported over Sunday Were thought -to be beneficial, .particularly In Southern Texas. Sou th- - ern spot markets reported early( were steady to firm at unchanged prices. Local traders fire looking forward to TLearish government report on July 1st. carrying the crop up to June 25th and predictions of from 83 to 85 per "-ent. are Jvenrd around the street as to" its probable showing. , Receipts at the ports5 today 8,437 'bales against 7,6-29 last week and 8.3 47 last year. For the week, 50,000 "bales against '48,723 last week and 27,984 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans . 3,362 bales, against 588 -last year,' and at.ouston 854- bales; tufainst 405 last year. r v. " Spot cotton closed .quiet, 20 points lower? middling pplands, 12.00; mid idling gulf, 12.25: sales 25 bales. Fu lures opened barely steady and closed steady! TJune '. r July : I v August (';- Sept, . V ; Oct. -, V" Nov. . Dec. . Van. . Vb. . Open. igh. Low. 10.50 10.47 10.12 9.50 10.55 1&748 10.14 9.50 9.30 9.28 9.25 ;farch . April. . Hid. . 9.28 . . 9.25 9 9 ' - . .19.2 3 .9.21 . 9.2.. Offered 10.37 .10.28 9.97 9.33 , 9.30 9.16 9.14 . ' mm 9.13 Closv 10.37 10.36 10.30 9.97 9.36 , 9.21 9.19 9.15 9.15 9.14 Cotton. 9 Liverpool Liverpool, June 22. Closing-cotton spot, easier;? American mid Ming, fair,' 7.?2; good middling, 6.86 ; Middling, 6.58; low .middling, 6.20; good ordi nary, 5,62; ordinary. 5.22; The sales of the day were 5.000 bales, of Wnich ' 500 were for speculation and) export. and Including 4,700 American. Ite cfipts, 27,000 -bales, . Including 17,400 American. Futures opened steady and closed barely steady; American mid dling good ordinary cotton.- June, 5.95; Juiu and July, - 5.88 ) 1-2; July and Augusts 5.82: August' and September, 5.55; September and October, 5.28 1-2.; October and November. 5.16 '1-2; No-. Vember and; Decemler, 5.10; Decem- ' let "en.! JaV-iaryiV 5.06 1-2; January ana, . Crua. y, L.H'S 1-2; February and March. .5.03 1-2; - March and .'April 5.03. 1-2. I " '. . - " .'. New Orleans Cotton. . ; ' r M w : Orleans. June i2. Cotton .rials' w. re dull and easy with prlcvs i ,ur.t halt, . d. middling. : 11 7-'; siiKrS. . wi. J t on the spot and t,7,') i jir rvv ! i tures opened ouiet l in I clow the !ose tatu'd t .". t!;fc? . ut.'.i: printing cables fro?n l.iH-r,t .', roll ipt; the Opening .d u erf r .:. fd from Texas to thd tAt'C. ma ; pew cotton receipts were large and this . also exerted a bearish influence on the market. The market alter the opening continued to rule easy . and lower on the absence lof any ' re- tiring advict-s of a bullish nature. "The decline continued into the late , w.-sHn w hen ; futures eased off still further. on the failure of any more en couraging fa.ctors. At the close. Which Was dull, the ac tive , months were 18 to 22 points below Saturday's closing, : ' Closing bids: June 11.52; July, 11.-5-2; August, 10.80; September. 9.97; ttK'tober, 9.42; November, 9.33; De cemler,, 9.26; January, 9.26. -r UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY A RECORD UNEQUALLED ! - From 1897 to 1906 Its Interest Income was $18,603.53. For same period the payments for Death Claims. Matured Endowments and 1 k i Annuities were $lfi,718103. Excess Interest over all $ 1 ,88T,550. - No wonder lta ANNUAL DIVIDENDS to lOLICYUOLDERS AIUE THE LARGEST - '-. I ' '- Union Ortraf policies the DEST TO SELL because MOST PROFTT able to the POLICIV'IIOLDERS. f . ' Write for contract to CAREY J. HUNTER a BR0., STATE Agents. Raleigh; North Carolina. it- XTnloading Car 15 IWTE IMF 1 Phillips Penny RALEIGH, Na C. . . Slocks and Bonds. New York.! June 2 2.-4-The Weakness of stocks today-gave ah impression or less passiveness than the . occasional drop with ; Intervals of recovery last week-l There was only small expan sion in the volpme of dealings to ac count; for this appearance. .The active desire1 shown to get out of holdings of one or-, two stocks was largely ac countable for the changed tone of the dealings. Rock Island4s security Were the con? spicuous example In continuance of a sudden decline which Commenced in the closing dealings" on Saturday and which; had a. considerable influence, in unsettling th tone. There was1 nothing Ire? the general news to prompt selUni of stocks. The accumulation of banking reserves is reaching a, roint that seems to nec essitate active measures to find em ployment for these sums.. Paris took gold from London today and the un satisfied appetite of that center and of Berlin for- the metal, .constitutes tne first ripple in the money market. Re ports of -the placing of part of the new bond issue or the national rau- A further break In the Rock Island collatteral bonds and another fractional shading in the new Union .Pacific 4's were ; features of the bond market which was heavy. Total sales par value ; $2,535,000. : U.-f S. bonds un changed. ' ' ; " - - . .';;v; -;': v"". Total sales today 425.900 shares, in cluding: Copper. 21,600; Sugar, 1,- 800; A. C. L., 300; C. and O., 7,400; L. and N., 600; N. and W., 50; Read ing, 86.300; Southern, 100; pfd., 500; U. P., 106.200; U. S. Steel, 42.200; Va Carolina Chemical, 300; pfd., 200; Tenxu Copper 200; Sloss Sheffield. 100. wrt's of Mexico with Paris bankers were believed to explan the decline in ouri foreign exchange market. Traf lie otficials of the systems speculate In encouragement of the although having small actual, increase in tonnage movement to report ?uch an increase was inferrable? from the statistic of the surplus idle freight cars on June 10, given out by the Ameri--an IlaJlway-" Association, the total at that time haying fallen to 349.994. a decrease since May -27. of 31,910 cars. Therei was some discussion of a possible concerted wage reduction by Southern railroads, and this had a bad effi-ct on the tone of the'market The -dosing tone was .weak. .- ' BONDS. ' -: great ... railroad at. tone of some business outlook v v, Italelgh Spot Cotton. Receipts yesterday, 35 bales. Prices, best grade, 12 1-$ to 12c. ,-The local market made a decline of rone-eighth of a ;cent yesterday. . The . price in the earlier part of the day r-w's 12 1-8 cents for the Inst grade lu( in the afternoon it dropped to 12 reiits. ' ; ! " .- . - Other Cot ton .Markets, Porta Tone ; ft 1'c-rtMovemeuf (ia)vetiton... Ntvr Orleans. . Mobile . . ,Savanuah... . lii&rletitou.- VUniiHttcn. rvcrioiit...... r.altliTiore.... Ntvr Vorkfc.... licfetbll l'uUade)fUla. mm Interior Mormt Houston Augusta..... ' M. Loui. . 1 ; CiijniiU. . quiet dull Bteadyx teiMiy firm - quiet quiet nominal quiet qulet qiiiet s'eady llrui . sieadjr ' H.esuiy Mldllng jllecoipH 11 118 tm 117s- 1 -1Z3A 12-20 IZ20 12 25 - ttn 12 2.54 V S.262 2S 19 851 29 201 717 RECEIVED! - A Big Lot of f J di Him AWD SIDES T. EDWARDS &:S0N Cor. Wilmington & Davie Sts U..Gf.ref.2s.reg..''.04Ji dp.ref.z.coup..lOS do.3s.reg ...J 101 do.Ss.eoup...,..,101 do.new4s.rcijl2t,4 do.new4ti.cou pl224 A rn.Tob.4s ?2 . do.6s.-....liBSr Atch.Ken.4s . 9744 do-adjL4a.-. 89 99 do.Cv5 .100 A.CU4.. 'SZ a&o.4.i. i.- WA do.354l. -.. 93'4 71& Cen:ofya.$8........105 do.lKt.tnc. , 71 do.2iI-inc.... 4C4 da Jrd.lnc........ 36!4 a4(.4.. 101 C.4A.3Ji8.. C.B.ti-neir4s..- 9VA CILI.APac.4a.. 60?8 do.col.5H-. ...... 70 do.r(d4-. 63 ' C.C.U.fStL..4s 94 Col.In.5u.tier.A-,. 61 txl.Mid.4H...,i. 'S-: CoL4South.4 89$4 D.cU.cv4t.T.i 9VAJ V.&.IU0G t.A 92 - f'A do.45n.cer.2Js. 8804 do.4js2dse . S&'A U-kS.Aa....L... s. 95 Mex.Cen. 4s...... 84 i.jl5 Mlnn.ASt.I,4s... tO ' Mo.K.STex, 44- 968 do.2s ... .... 83 N-It-It-Mexico.,, 8IJ N.Y.Cen.gan. Z'i 92 N.J.igen. 5i 1 23J do.2n..-.... ...L. 71 NV.con.4.... 94 OraS..S.4-..,..., Sift Penn.rt3?4"" 91 - do.t'Hi4a... 10l!4 Ifeadftig geit.43.., 96V4 Itepuba5s-...L....103 8UL.&I.M.ca5s..l06 Str.AS-P.4f- . C'i St.I, 4s 6 v S. A (I i4- .. 54 So. I'ac 4s.;.... 85 J do.l8t.4t-cer. 92'4 So.Hwy.5-..."- 99 tex.Jt I'ac.lsta. . 1 08 J-St.I.iW.4s..-- 72 UniitnPac. 4s...w.l028 91'4 U-S.SteeI2J.5s. 96'4 Krle prior llen4a. 85 -7. 1 Wabash lstB.....10344 34 nock.Va;4J ...10144 IntbMel4Jif- "Japan4.1.i. r WeOIld.4s.;.. 69 W.llaktel,ts.. 0 Vla.Ceitf4... , 85l N.V.X.lirUo.68.-125J4 STOCKS. , Am.Coppcr.IL... C64 Atn.CariP.iI, 3354 " daprcC....... 9 , Am.CoUdOiL 30'4 Aiii.llMeAIpr. 18 Anrricanlca.w. 264 Atf.Lineed01l. 8 Am. Locomotive 41 do.p.-ef...,,..wio J Ani.S.AIlef........ S47g ; dapref. . 9.J4 A ra-SuK&rUef. 122 Arn.Tob.pfd.e-. 89 A4U.VVoolen.., 21 Anac'iuMin-Co.. 42'4 Athlnori,. 80 . ' dapref.....-. .93 ' - y r lUtt ... ,.. 84? daprjsC. . 81 Broolc.Kap.Tr a, 4 $'4 Canadian Pac... 15744 Ceu-Leather 2iY3, do.prt;f......... 92 Cen.orN'.J -1...181 Cbe-4:OhM.;.r.. C.U. Western.!.. &4 ChIcaKoiN.W148 Chl.M.kSt,P....l9 I Ja & S - 10 Mex.Cen......... 10$. Bilnn.ASt.S.... 27 Ml.StI'.cS;s.M-109 Missouri Pac. 4 Mjan.diTex-. 26'4 dapref..---.' 59 National Lead. $z N.Y.Central.ioi44 N.Y.Orvti West. J28 N.W . ............. .. N.Amerlcan. i. 68 Nor. Pac-pJlssJg PaciHcMall 24J Penn --...t...i jo reople'Bvlaa.... 9i I,.C.C.-tL.L,;.r 70 Presa-SteelCarU 25 PAill.PalafceCar.i58 liail Steel Spr L J5J ltea4Ing....,,,..400 HepuUIcSteeLL. l7s do. pref.-..... 6314 ItocklKlandCo. do-pret,.. St-U t 8an Fran- : cisco2d.pref.".. 27J4 S.L.&So.Wet-L 15 dotpre..,..,. 37V1 14 U 2944 M mm AND ;,B-r-' W.A.MYATT IIALKIGII, V. C. atictstt, ........ $oj CoLFueldlron, 25i Col.Houthern 28 '4 -do.lst.pref.-.-' 5644 do.2d.preL...... 46 Con-1!. Ua.....-122 CornPro 16'4 lel.V 1 i udHon..... 158 len.4Ulo(Jra 24','4 do.pref. . 61 IMstlller'RSec...!.. 33 -Krle.. 18JA .do.lBt.pref.,...... 8314 do.2d. pref...., 82Ji Jen. Klec trie...... 130 (it.Nor.(Jrectf... 584 IlLCeru' 12T4 Int-Metropollf- 10?s do.pref-....-. 274 Inu;iaperi i. 97& , do.pref.....,., 5544 int-l'ump. ... Iowa Central Kan.C.So....... dovpref ..,- 224 18 22U 54J Sloss-Sht'frUl . 484 So. Pac.....-. .868 dApref- -ll " Sou thernKy.. 1644 dapref,.. 43' Tcnn.Cop...., 3544 Tex.l'ai .....- 22 T.M.U&W. 19 44- 142J4 . 82 . 24 dapref. I'nlonl'acinc dii.pref.4.... tjX.UubDer,. ',.- 92-44 U-5. Steel 6 : dc-pref..--lv-44 UtahCop..---, 30!4 ya.Ca.Cheiu.Co. 22 do. pref ... 1 0 0J Wabash-. 11'4 do.pref........ 2-WesU'hou-eKI-, SI West. Union-... 61 W.AI-akeKrKs . 8 WiscorislnCen.... StandardOil-. 597 C.rain aiiiMrovisoiis. Chicago, June 22.-The local wheat market was irregular today, the July option beins' heavy and i the distant deliveries tirm. At the close the July delivery was unchanged. Corn was l-8ftlt4c'. higher. Oats were urV changed. Provisions were 7 1-2 (fi 10c. higher. Highest, ; lowest Wheat: ' J uly. - iSept Corn; July. . Sept Oats:! July..- Sept.... Pork: -. July.. sept., Lard: . J uly.. Sept.... ItlbH: July.... Sep.. 89'', se'4iS 703s ' 744 r 483 43J 14 6. 1 1-8& 9.01 '9.17 HJtt 8iV 86'4 8144 69' 693g 4574 '4lVi 114 47?i 114.70 .8.8S 9-10 811 8-35 J 1-p It Closing 8544 692 70. v .45 4444 14-50 14 7J 8-C5 910- 81-" . iash quotations were as follows: - F.our steady. ' .vo. 3 piiijc wheat 95(31-01. No. 2 red Cl'42., Xu. 2 iu 70j(i71, No. 2 yellow 72H "73. No, 3. white oatH51f53 '4 Na 2 rye 78" SO, fair to choice malting 59 ! C'63, No. 1 Northwestern 81-22, prime- tiiu tliy serjl 83-90. tihort ribs, sides lorej 87.75r 44.12 i, mess pork per bbl. 814-83 9 SI4.6.lard per 103 tb. 68.90. Kliort t-.ear f(t -8 iuoxedr 84-0088 825. whiskey iasU hi h wines 81-35. Iry C;omIs Market. New York. June1 22. The ibry goods market was generally quiet tor the day; Jobbers announced, .semi-annual clearance sales "beginning Wednes day; dress goods remained generally qii4tit with an easier tendency on fall goods. Raw. silk as hgiinr and there was a speculative tone to prices. (V:tton giods were quiet. ' Yarns re mained ouite firm. Money Market, b . . ? New York, June 22. Money oh call eaKy. 1 1 -4 1 3-4; ruling rate 1 1 1-:; closing bid, 1 1-4; offered at 1 1-2. Time loans firm and dull; CO days 2 per cent and 90 days 2 1-4 per enl six months 3 1-2 per cent. Close: Prime mercantile paper Z to 3 ,1-2 per cent; sterling exchan"e steady with actual business in bank ers bill at 4S7 lor Oenian aiiv. 4S5.50 for CO day bills; Commercial bills 485f483 1-2; bar siUer i.4 1-j; Mexican dollars 47. ; New York Provisions. ":':-'-2 New York, 1 June 23. Flour1 dull 'and altoul steady, ; Kve flour o.u'f-t . ' Corn meal steady, - .' ' -Wheat jr.arket Irregular. -No.- 2 red 6 elevat.. Options J u cent net higher, i Corn firm, N 2, 7J elevator. Options Hrm. July ciosid 75, SeMiemU.r 76J4. a--t-ndy, nued 54'i55. ; Itecfflrm- i'uv .ticaut steady. . . .' Lard Ktendy. j I'ork firm. i ' Tallow -teady. ; - : ., HoHin quiet. ; , . ' TurprnUn quiet. . Itlce Ktcac'y, luolasscs dull. ' 1'eauutK Ktei dy. . , r' sugar, raw, bieaJy, falrf refia.'n. 83-?l centrifuifal 96 te. -!.' 1, ioiae 356. refiued quiet. i. ' t 'ottes cjulot, Kio. No. 7 C'4 Santos No. 4 844, inild, dull, Cordova 8441244, Futures net unchangeil tit 5 points m ver. : flutter unsettled, .creamery specials 2SJ, creamery extra 3, creamery third- to first 19522J4-state dairy cinimoii to choice 19U 23, process, tnlrds to snecials 14tSfc2. Clieese nnu. state full t ream sp als 12'4'ri 1354, small or iarire coiorea u. nite 1012, -Kim-19V4 cents. Kg- Bte uly, nearby fancy i:ected while 22' 23. Kood to choice 2 3 23 t brown and mUel fancy 21S522. - . 1 Corton seed o.l wan quiet with prices easier. l't line crude 38 asked, prime summer yellow 46J. oft turn uer eiiuw 42'&4S g xt or summer jcilow 43rr44, priuiti white 47" SO, winter yelUrw -7 4tJ. , Freights to Llvei pol quiet an 1 s.eady. ' l' tat m. Hteiuly, No. i pei bbl. at 63-50 fr-85... Blonds and culls 8l-0fr 2.00, Sweet potatoes ier l-kets 81.OOAS2-00. Cabhave ouiet, 23- 31-28 per crate. 25CJ 75 por burn I. . v OUl Remedy. r, , vnrm. KRVKIl KXOWSr TO KlIL. T-rr-nt's Extra-, of Vubah- and Oopaiba la i CAPSULES. Thet'uUlM, quirk loilthorvuyk euro for jfonorrlio.-. rlet. white, eta. K to take. uovaniaBt to carry, tifty yaara occaaafut riofl. a i V. II. King Drug Co., Ra leigh, or by 'mail from the Tarrant .""o.. 44 Kndaon trt. New York. llaltimore Provlsons. 'Pnltlmorc, -iid., June 23. Flour quht, unchanged. . - Wheat weak, spot contr act ft , Fouth- f rn on grade 86r 91 Vxt , - tJorn steady, spot mixed 7&3J&, South ern white corn 8? " i ats f.rru. No, 2 mixed 5fti57. Ky e dull, N o. 2 Western ex port 88 89. t i.n' A:.a a ic'ttniJt, fuacy Im tJttion 20 (f(.21 do. creamery 25, do. ladle 18&19, store pack et IT" I in- ?vi."f- i-:s steady, 185 cein. , cheese Hrm unchanged. Laree Sentember 12'4. new flats 12'4, new small 13. Muear unchaneea, coai-o grauuiatea 560, flue 560. .-. . ; Xaval Stores. ' vi-ir.,.ii,,rtn V. C..2un Sif". Mi il'Bti r. urpenUne, notl liTs doInK, ie.'eiptS7, caliks. Itosm quiet. ZIO. receiyv- 410. 'i ar ni m 31.3J, rweipU 4. Crude tirDaihie firm 82-00 382.760 82-75, re.,elp.s i2 Ch.irleston. S. V., June 22. Turpentine stjady4. ' - , . .Va -f; ; Hosin steady. . : Ouote-A.-.-U. C. 265, 1- 300, K. 310' V . 494 il MC 11 nn I. 45ft. Iv.KSS- M 530, N.'15, Wg.630Ww. 44S. Savannah, ia., June 18. ' Spirits tur ncntlne flriu. 39'Av sales 1,117, receipts 901, shipments f, 182. itosin iirni, siites .,.j,icttiiui ,.., i -meuts 3,349, stock .3-982. ' hivnt. A It l WB. r. iftSL 1-1 F. 320. il 385.- 11. S89. 1- 460. K. 565 M. 590, N. 625, Wg. 840, Vlfw. 643. . Elgin. Ill J une .. Mutier was firm on the local exchange today .at 23 cents. Output for the week was 1,125.000 pounds. t SOUND BWESTRIENTS North Carolina State and Municipal I.onds. tVat alortwago 6 per cent In. dust rial and Corporation Bonds; nigh Grade Stocks "of OoiiservatlTeljr uian- ngd Corporations. ' DcscrlptlTe Circulars and list of of ferings rriilled upon request Corres- posdciicd soWIted. Bond Departrnnt, WACHOVIA LOAN & TRUSTC0., xlBston-S-Ltem, If . p. SEABOARD 7 - : : .Air Line Railway SCllKUULX: JtCFF' TlVE Al'ltll 12 1908. Raleigh City a Office No. 4 West Martin Street. Tucker Building opposite Post Office. QuitbJ-st line to New York, North west, Horida and South weL Dlrec lino to Atlanta, Birmingham. - Alem phis. New Orleans and .points Wesi without change. i 5 " Time given telow isj for the Inform ation of the public and U not guartiu tee.L ;-. -',-' ;. - , ., - Trains leave RalelgL a follow: , riortiibouul. , -No. 84 -3:4 5 a. n,, for Richmonc Washington and New York stops at WakeForest, - Frank linton and Henderson. Da. coache and; sleeping cars t Vashington-t-rrlve ltichmoind. 9:10 a. m., Washington, 12: 3 a- m.. New York, 6:30 p. jtu No. 32 3:45 a. m (consolidated with NO.. 84 between' Hamlet anc Norlina) : for Portsmouth , Norfolk. Stops at princlpa local points' : beyond Norlfna Arrive Uoykinr. V'a 8:13 a. "m Stops 20 minutes for breakfast Arrive Portsmouth. 10:30 a. 'in - Day coaches and sleeping cars No. 38 11:20 a. m.,? for. Portsmouth Norfolk and local points. Arriv AVeldon, -2 : 2-'t m. Connect with A. C I. for iSaatern Caro 4 lir.a points. Arrive Portsmouth . 6:0 p. m. Connects ,; witi Steamship Lines for Washing ton, Baltimore, Cape- Charlesy New i York, , Boston , and Providence Day coaches utid Pullman sleep ' i ing cars to Porwc'euth. f No. 66-lz: v. m, tor. Klchmond Washington and New J Jork ' Stops at Henderson. ::Arriv Richmond. 6:0,$, p. m., Washing ten; 9:30 p. m., New York,, 7:3t a. m. Day Goaches. Parlor-cal to Washington. . Sleeping ca "to New York. Southbound. ; ' No. 81 3:10 a. m. for Jacksonvllh and Florida points. t)ay coach es and sleeping car to Jackson ' . ville and stops between Raleigh and Hamlet at Apex., MoncUre Sanford, Southern Pines, Aber-: deen. Arrive at Hamlet 6:35 a . m., Columbia, 9:35 a. m. (East ern time). Savannah 2:05 p. m.V .Jacksonville, 7:00 p. m. Con . nectsJat-lIamlet with No. 40 foi Wilmington. No. 4 1- 4 : 1 5 p. m. Local statlonr Chatlotte 11;30 p. m... Atlanta Birmingham 'and points West arriving in Atlanta 7:20 a, m. without change, Birmingham,, 12:10 i p. m. Connecting for Memphis. New Orleans and points West, connect ing at. Hamlet with No. 44, ar riving Wilmington 12:45 a. m , . Day coaches and sleeping , car for Atlanta. No. 33 3:10 a. m., (consolidated wit! No. 81 between Norlina anr' Hamlft). for I Wilmington. ' . . :harlotte, Atlanta, Uirming ham, Memphis, New Orleans, and points West without changt Arrive Wilmington 12:50 p m.: Charlotte, 9:50 a. m Atlanta, 4: 30-p. ni Birmlrtg- ham, 10:15 p. m.,: Memphis 7:10 a. m.. New Orleans, 9:4' - a. m. Coaches and Diring Ca,rl to Birmingham. Sleeping Can to Charlotte, Atlanta and Mem phis. Connecting f.t Haralei with No. 40 for Wilmington; at JUonroe with No. 133 for Char-' . lotte, LIncolnton, Shelby and Rutherfordttm, No 81 stop at Apex, Moneure. Sanford Cameron, Southern Pines. Aber deen, between Raleigh and Hamlet. ' No. 30 6:30 p. m., Shoo-fly foi Loutsburg. Oxford, Henderson ; and Norlina. No. 4 35:15 p. m. Fcr Southern ; Pines, Jacksonville and Florida points-withoutchange . Arrive Hamlet 8: 10 p. m., Co lumbia 11:40 p.. m., Savannah 2t l5 a. m.. Jacksonville 7:15' a. m., Tampa 5:20 p. m., St. Aug ustine 11:00 a. m.. Miami 10:25 p. m. Day coaches, sleeping can - to Jacksonville. Dining car to Hamlet Stops between Raleigh and Hamlet at Sanford, South ern Pines, Aberdeen Connect at Hamlet with Nov 41 foi Charlotte and Atlanta, and No 4 4 for Wllmlngion. Tralnn Arrive in Raldgh. ' ' , From the Mortn. . . . . . . 3:05 a. m 3:05 a. m. 9:35 a. m. 4:10 p. m. . 5:10 p. m'. From the South. ,3:3s a. m. f 3:35 a. m. 11:15 a. m. 12:45 d. m. For rates, schedules, time tables and any other information desired apply to J. F. Mitchell. City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Telephone No. 117. Notice Above schedules published only' as information, and are not guar anteed. C H. aATTIJV Travelling ras?enger Agent, No. 4 W. Martin St. Tucker Bldg., Opposite North Entrance Postofflce, Raleigh. No. 33 No. 81 No. 29 No. 41 No. 4 3 No. 84 No; 32 N. 38 No. 66 - - 4 Sale of Holden Property. '--!....-... V " 1 By virtue of the power contained In the will of Mrs. Louisa V. Holden, and in pursuance of an order of the Su perior Court of Wake County, In the cause of Lula T. Ward, administratrix. with the will annexed of Louisa V. Holden against Charles . C. Holden and others.? ! will, on Saturday. July llth.11908, at ten olock a. m.r sell at public auction to the ; highest bidder on the premises,: the home place of Mrs. Louisa W Holden, on the corner of Hargett and McDowell streets, in the city of Raleigh. The property will be sold in five lots as follows: First Lot, on corner of Hargett and McDowell streets, fronting on Hargett street 92 feet and on McDowell street 103 feet, upon which Is situated the dwelling house of Mrs. .Holden. Set'ond IiOt, fronting 40 feet on Hargett stre't, commencing at the northeast corner of thu first ;Jot above describech; running with said lot south 103 feet;, thence; east 18 feet; "thence south , 50 feet; thence east 22 feet; thence north 153 feet to Hargett street; thence west with Hargett street 40 feet to. the. beginning. Third' and Fourth Lots, east of the second lot, fronting 40 feet each on Hargett. street and 153 feet deep. Fifth 'Lot, fronting 50 feet bn Mc Dowell street, beginning at the south west corner of the first loL- above de scriled. running east 110 feet; tncnee south i 50 feet to Mrs. Mary E.Sher- Wood's line; thence west 110 feel along Mrs. Mary E. Sherwood's line; thence rorth 50 feet to the beginning. A lane eight feet wide on the south ern margin of the property, running from McDowell street, along Mrs. Sherwood's lot. 172 feet 8 inches,, will be sold with the second, third and fifth lots, with the rights of way over the same for wagons and other vehicles reserved; to the purchasers ol lots Nog. 2, 3, 4 and 5; and their heir? and assigns. -." - The terms of sale will be one-fourth rash, and the balance In three equal installments in 6, 9 and 12 months, respectively, with Interest from date of sale at six jer cent per. annum. . The sale will be reported to the clerk of the court for confirmation. LULU T. WARD. Administratrix with .the Will Annexed of Louisa V. Holden. . - jOhn w. hinja-, Attorney. May 28, 1908. ; t-d-S XORIXLIC & SOUTIIKUN I.AILWAV Schedule KfTettive May 2fth, lOOft-u IxaVe Jlaleiglt Daily Kxcept Surt- -- ay. -, ' . - ; ff:35 a. in. For Wendell. Zebiilo Middlesex. Wilson, Farmville. Gree ville. Edenton. Hertford, Elizabe City. ! Washington, Plymouth. Bel- haven, Columbia. Suffolk, Norfolk and intermediate stations Raleigh to Eden ton. .-) 8:40 a. m. For Wendell. Zebulon. Middlesex, Wilson, Farmville, Green ville, Washington, and Intermediate stations, and stations between Wash ington, New Bern, Kinston. Ooldsboro, Morehfad City, Beaufort and Oriental. 4:30 p. m. For Wendell. Zebulon; Middlesex, Wilson, Greenville and In termediate stations. ' ; Arrive Ia!cls;li (daily except Sunday.) 10:40 a. m. From Greenville. Wil son, Middlesex. Zebulon, Wendell and intermediate stations. - 7 :35 p. ni. From Beaufort, More head City, Goldsboro. Kinston,' Orien tal, New Bern, Washington, Greenville. Farmville, Wilson. Zebulon, Wendell and intermediate stations. - 10:OO p. m. From Norfolk. Suffolk, Elizabeth City, Hertford, Edenton. Co lumbia, Belhaven, Plymouth,-; Wash ington. Greenville, Farmville, Wilson, Zebulon, Wendell, and intermediate rstaltons. , - Jfotlce -Above schedules published mlyiiisjniorrfiation .and ar not guar anteed. . i t . ' -. t-'- R. E. L BUNCH, H. C. HUDGINS Traffic Manager.- . Gen'l Pass. Agt M. W. MAGUIRE. Gen'l Supt. : llalcigli and Southport.' Beginning Saturday, June the 6th." the Raleigh &rSouthport Hallway will place! on . sale; week-enfl round-trip tickets to Wilmington, rate from Ral eigh ibeing J4.50. Tickets will le on sale for both trains on Saturday, and for the Sunday morning train, limited for return to the following .Monday Tickets will be on sal on each Satur day and Sunday until September 9th. j. A. MiLT-S. : . ; ' President. ' NOltFOLK AX1 SOUTHERN 'V RAILWAY. RetliHTil Ratef I'urilca of Ten or The Norfolk and Southern Railway announces rate of two cents (2) pel mile per capita for parties of ten or morq traveling together on one tick et ,letwee'n all points on ; the" Norfolk and Southern Railway. These rates aro open o the public I IL C. HUDGTNS. R. E, L. BUNCH. Gen. Pass .Agt - Traffic Manage-. t JOHN W. HAYS CIVIL EHGINEER -. M"-MaHBaaMaaM v X. MCMSCR AM. 8oe. C. C. PETERSBURG, VJRGINIA Water Power and Mcnlclpa! Works iNctuo'Na water Works, 8CWCRS, PAVING, HlQHWAyS, , . Electric Liohtinq Cancer Cured. We want every man and woman in th United States to know wbat we arv doing:. W re curing cancers, tumors and chronic sores without the use of knife, and are indorsed by the Senate and Legislature 'of Yiffrinia. If you are seeking a cure, come here and you will get it, t ' ..!.-.-. !! r WE. GUARANTEE . OUR CUM. KELLAM HOSriTAIi. ; Hk limoml, Va. I ' . ' H. P. S. ttELLER, Architect. Ra!elfih. N. C ARE YOUR HOUSES VACANT? We have several applicants for mod em Iioumn. If yours aro vacant we can swurv good tenant. for you. PARI-EMHUNTEI. - Insurance and Ileal Instate. H E. Martin St. Italeiglu N. CJ. Three Essentials - Experience, ability and financial responsibility ar?ssentlal In any financial Institution. The .Board of , Directors of t his bank Is com posed of experienced business men or hlph standing in: the com-; rnunity. Our growth Is evidence' of our conservative policy , and the courteous treatment afforded to all our clients and tlepositors. We cordially, invite you to. open an account, '1 : i ; - 'X- . i Commercial National Bank .:' : . ; , -i . , - , - . i- B. S. JERMAN. President. ; II. w; JACKSON", Cashier. A. A. THOMPSON, Vice-Pres. K. B. CROW, AssL Cashier. J. J. THOMAS, Chm. Board: - (g Q gyTJ1irR9 M 7 ' 'Km'Wmirm' " tI---B----- -'"f THE. , ! .. .... ; .- .... ri -. .-.':. i. Raleigh Banking and Trust Col scccjEsson i i , Raleigh National BanK 1865 to 1885, National BanK of Raleigh 1885 to 1905. v V -.:t TIME TRIED AND PANIC TESTED SINCE 1865. ITS PAST RECORD IS ITS BEST GUARANTEE; CHAS. E: JOHNSON, Pres. F. H. BRIGGS, Cashier. f South Wfindovy Many attractive patterns in China, suitable for Wedding Presents br otlic-rviLsc. : ' .. -. 1 1 North Window i Many useful patterns in a specially good line of Nkkcl goods. PrlceH very reasonable, considcrins quality. ' . ' ; r . TltfH J. ID. irj (DO. RALEIGH MARBLE WORKS. COOPER BROS., PROPS. J RALEIGH, N. C. Catalogue on rcncit 1 r SMEW - V. V m - mum m -mm mm m i l m 'AN D, 3 , :: - ' - - r. ? , -.; i BURGLARY INSIIRANCR AT T OWFt) AMERICAN BONDING CO.) " " of BALTIMORE, MD. : ' . ; ! 1 Local As'ents Wanted. Address R. B. RANEY.Gen. Aat. frit North tarona RALEIGH, N. C. ; . , Depositors Jnsured against loss by banll failare. C0.0 SUMMER HARDWARE ,joi luicnens ana uqoq iLOomng ALCOHOL v;; DENATURED - Compact. Convenient. No Smok. No Odor. Let us demonstrate to you, it will cost you nothing : V 03.00 for One Burner 05.00 for Two Durncr HART-WARD HARDWARE CO DO NOT RISK YOUR FAMILY'S' FUTURE ' , ' - "; WELIWUE. W1I1-N THE . r , Perqini wiuiflaB LSffe -Drib- Co- which lias. In .the last sixty-one Vear assets (the property of policy-holifer s accumulated over ninety mllUons of s) will Issue an - ANNUAL DIVIDEND CONVERTIBLE TERM policy, under whi lult is roauiretl to n tlie Insurance. Written for terms of tltiued upon same plan or changed t inent. lr preferrctl. the new policy ni credit being given for all previously p quired, and ioIicy duplicated by iio .o HiiiHlrciis of the most proinincti from $10,000.00 to $:0,000.00 of this ' Ten year term at aze 21 tst $11 . 40. $15.50, and so on. Catdi dividend premiums. ay only the actual cost of carrying 5, 10, 15, or 20 years. May be oii o ordiidiry life, lliiiitcxl lire or enilow ay b latcl bat'k to orlgiual date, full aid premiums. No re-ciamiiutilou re. tlier comiKiny. . . t North Carolina business men carry nntract.' ,-,'." .4 $f eon no nn- n . -, . . , .v v . .). .... n.u s Krally retluce i-eonnd and future - rtUI nAAU'41,'-'.'. y 4 Address, IL B. RANEY. Gen. Agent, Raleigli. N. t : v COBB BROBC: CO., BANKERS and Members of New YorH and NorfolH Cotton Exchan : Cotton, Stoclls; Bonds Graia, Provisions. Private virer Prompt attention to telegraphic and 'phone !oi:. A ARCADE DUILDU-G, - ndnFOLfVF" " ' . r t . .