f THE NEWS -AND OBSEKVEI?; SUNDAY, AL GUST 23, 1908 S'3' flllTJ GBIIE , IIICTfflTS LIrslizakthH Martin .:s-iXv:-::-v-.v.v: :;xw v-x-:-: ..v.v .V.'.V.V 3 SxisiiS?:::;:? In Co nnectionVith Spring- f .field Race Riots U SOME AGAINST UfGROES 5 t 3 TheXatcst Batch Includes Five Indict-1 merits Against Thomas Marshall and: a Dozen Otlier Negroes Charg ing Murderous Assault on Clerk Wni. Hal, Whols Hanging Between XAte and Death. :rH(By. the Associated Press.) Springfield,, 111., August 22. Twenty more Indictments, making fifty all told in connection with the recent! UKTi FRflNTAI HPAnoTIIFQ ..v.v.;.;.;.;.ivL.v. . ' V.V.'A :S::ft;W:$:$& mm .v.w.v.v.v i::Wx::.v TilFT LDOilC IN Cincinnati Enquirer and the Wash ington Post informs his readers that Mr. Bryan Is losing . ground In the West because of growing conser vatismrand the head of the. Manufac turers Association of tne uniiea States declares . that his political prospects are hopeless because of his radicalism, it might be well enough for the voters of this country to read Mr. Bryan's writings, to listen to his speeches when they, have an oppor- r ni ltl- a f" jfltunlty and to determine for them- Vail UlGtlVO If OrSt rOO 0T selves whether a prejudiced editor or iiiui c uiiio.li iit'HQ oi HI! ni'tfia uui organization is to be believed as against the record of the Democratic I nominee for the Presidency. tie en Til D I T 'Organized Labor I!E F IS HID XvKvM J grand Jury of Sangamon county late today. - The latest batch of accusations in cluded five indictments against Thos. Marshall, and twelve other negroes wham he is accused of having led in a murderous assault upon Milliam Boe; Chief Clerk of the County Treas urer's oiflce. - x - : Boe has been hovering between life and death for a week. V And Tills While the Federation of Labor Supports HlmAn- Eastern Faicr upp g (j0 li Thinks Ite Will Reverse Roosevelt's Policies and a Western Paper Pre dicts Bryan's Defeat Because It Thinks, Tart Is More Progressive By WILLIS J. ABBOT. Chicago. 111., Aug. 21. When the President of the Manufacturers' As sociation, an organization formed for the purpose of destroying organized labor, and of keeping the wages oi Secretary Urey Woodson has heard goods news from New Jersey. Na tional Committeeman Robert 8. Hudspeth, of that State writes that the political situation is very gratl Ty ing, and that there is more complete harmony and a better fighting spirit in the organization than has been manifest In many years, tile asserts that the sentiment among Independent voters, and particularly business men. is decidedly favorable to uryan ana Kern. ' . J HUNTS Treasurer Haskell of na tional Committee Is Encouraged JOIIIISOI WILL FIGHT HARD that he was delighted with If he pro igress that he had observed, "and that i while he . had only a few suggestions to make, he felt that the w'SMrk could not have been carried out"; store effi ciently and thoroughly. It iexpress ed himself as pleased with? the pros pect ior democratic success! in. No ivember. - , til . , r:::.FCU v:mn pjwlvat- "FITZGERALD, WOLCOTT & KERR, . ... Receivers. - -K - THROUGH SCIIEDtJLrS. lCZTecUve Zlmr 54. 1S05. It was learned tonight thalithe visit Ex. Dallj EYES BOTHERED ME DROPPING IN MY THROAT labor down to the lowest possible t.Jll' ' Point, comes out with a declaration The National Committee thinks so well of Mr. Bryan's letter of accept ance that It Is going to give It the widest possible circulation. Just as a starter 1,000.000 copies of the letter S and the Denver platform nave been printed for use as a campaign docu I ment. MURDER Fit CAPTURED. WW n 11 & All Governor of, M Possible for tb-e Sue tlonal Ticket Says Signs Are Rose ate for Democratic Success Ridicu lous to Talk of Breaking the Solid South. . ; v " , " (By the Associated Press.) of Mr. Bryan to New Yof U Lwas ar- ruuseu tor. not oni withs ?tne full I A. M. acquiescence of those nowSn the dl-I rection of the Democratic party in f 11.55 mai ssxaie, dui io no smag i degree to their desire to have: Mr, J-yan ? take an active part In the New? York State campaign. Chairman MafeM said to night: . - ? I'l-i . - "We talked today on various sub jects and heard reports fCMtft the dif ferent bureaus which weeii Ivery fa vorable. Mr. Bryan said; ihey could not be better and approved the plans that we have made for thcampaign. No definite dates for Bryai"f speaking trips were . made. He svll confine his speaking to the prlneal centers In the middle west an i doubtful States." ftl " ' , DUN'S WEEKLY REVIEW. DaUy. Col Dally P. M. Ar. 14.45 Xv. Norfolk Park Ave. KtsJ 1.20 X.V. Elizabeth City Ar. " 3.20 1. 5 X.v. ; , Hertford Ar. 2. 4 3 2.20 Ar. Edenton Lv. 2.20 3.45 Ar. Mackey's lYrrry Lv. 12.60 5.10 Ar. Belhaven Lv. 11.20 Trade and Industrial AciiVftles Con tinue to Expand - CknwHftatlvely. (By the Associated Press.) New. York. Aug. 21. li? G. Dun & 90 ' weekly review of trade ftomorrow will say:- . . ' til . Trade and Industrial activities con 4.23 Ar. Plymouth Lv. 12.12 x 5.45 Ar. Washington Lv. 10.56 S.5 Ar. k Chocowlnty Lv. 10.39 . 6.40 Ar. . Greenville Lv. 7.08 Ar. Farmvllle Lv. ' .27x 8.00 Ar. Wilson LV. (8.35 . 9.04 Ar. Zebulon Lv. 7.31 0.14 Ar. Wendell . Lv. 7.2L' - IO.09 A". Raleigh t Lv .35- 7.16 Ar. ' New Bern Lv. 0.25 8.07 Ar. Dover Lv. 8.23 8.311 An - Kinston - Lv. 8.00 . 0.00 Ar. La Q range. Lv. 7.30 9.30 Ar. Goldsboro Lv. 7.00 r Remains Arrive From California PliUim lilt A.,w Tn..l I tlnilfl trt PTnflnd tmnrnvAtWnni kalno I Charles N. Haskell, of Oklahoma, I ot a conservative nature that promises treasurer of the Democratic National I permanency. ,. There Is tittle dispo- 7.18 Lv. New Bern Ar. 9.20 A 8.47 Ar. .Morehcad City .Lv. 7.47 !9.10 Ar. Scanfort Lv. 17.25 - P. M. A. M. . Mrs. Elizabeth H.MartIn 332 Bow- cf hostility to Mr. Bryan and of devo en Avenue, CKlcagffe . Jll. Chaplain tlon to Mr. Taft. the friends of the Garfield Circle, wHtes: Democratic party can very well feel "Peruna has been a blessing to our that thev have made a material gain. family for a good, many years, as we 1 At the same time the Federation of have an used .it off and on for colds I Labor of Chicago came out for Mr. and catarrah. and I have given it to I Prvan and against Mr. Taft. Is this covers Death of Mrs. Sarah Beaver" Suit for Polution of Water. ' ! Daily except Sunday. r - A. M. . m . avs vciiuiiaiii auu a, iiaiu Mivv&a v I f nan M rill UKcLillSL Alt a v h- M.O 9ii The negroes are charged with hav-l Ql, rt nhiuiM , i I !?". "1 - i-u InoiAmnilHAil riH Intent tn I " . ... vfc . I UIIIK W Jllittii a uucn v..vv.. kill:Hipon Boe. In addition they are the common people, whom Unceln I found that a cold left me with I said the Ixird must have loved be- bad I cause he Committee, arrived at Democratic I sltion to anticipate the; future, but Veteran Who Fell From Train Re- I headquarterse today and began sys-j current distribution is larger and temauzmg nis eiioris 10 secure cam- 1 mereanuie . collections -2 are more ! paign funds. He said money was I prompt. - coming in in fair amounts and there Extremely quiet cond&ibris prevail Lv, Raleigh . !S 40 would be enough to finance a good In the primary markets ts-ff or cotton lv -Wilson 215 campaign. 9'- m Export trade is .klso dull, in- Ar! ChocowinVty WW 6.60 Governor John A. Johnson, of Mln- quiries from India and Red Sea points Lv. Chocowlnltr ".r..i" 6 59 ncsota, who was a caller at Demo- being at much. lower prices than are ' cratlc national headquarters today, quoted. The decline fc Silver has Ar. Washington .... . .. C.20 informed Chairman Mack that as he made a resumption of demand -from 1 bad been urattea as tne party Cfilna still more remote; i l Am coodnlAi-. Kdonfon . .: in Minnesota, he Ion hand were made frnrnSenttnn nnr. I Ar iiMiflhth fMtv .... . (Special to News and Observer.) : Salisbury, N. C. Aug. 22. Tom Davis, colored, who, a year ago made a murderous assault upon Foreman Jack Roach, of the big granite quar ries at Granite Quarry. Rowan County. accused of assault with deadly weap-1 rV V" i Y1 ""VT i.Jh l "i o shooting him in the back with a shot 1 1' V' v. An nnnn John Wattllne. a white cltl- li-fV.V" "I.".:" I v . .."T ' I il " " I Nrn ho- w MnfAMUl nA tilneed In I BUlH,5iu u . "I : vvm . "c i nana were maae irom-tOUOn pur- zen who was shot at Fourteenth and pfeseprlce there Ar. Norfolk. Park Av. Sttu . .w "umo ,rou"-,rcD- vv , .nv.11 uiiua .io ... 1 r . "-v.- . 1 ouring me caranHww w wur ui u no eneourajrement rors rodnppr cauem in vnanoiie ims wctk- anu A. M. 16.35 - 8.35 10.3S 10.39 10.55 1. Mason sircewm inenuay mgni riui mei and tnere wa9 a nasty dropping dot ii... ,... vr k o- in my throat which nauseated me and bhuii ana. wiwry, repswreu: va,.ine made it impossible many times for complaint of citizens who were knock- me to eat my breakfiist ed down and beaten by the negroes, Ag soon as 1 began to use Peruna were also recorded. I found it relieved me. my head soon The other indictments returned to- cieared up and in a remarkablyJlbrt Jay are against whites, and are based Urne t waa rld of catarrh. fH upon .the destruction .And looting of ..j can therefore, give my personal toper's restaurant in the heart of the experience with your valuable medl business section of the city. Three of c!ner and am pleasTa-td do so." . these are for alleged burglary and lar- people who prefer solid to liquid ceny. two ior tne aestruction or ei- medlcines can now secure Peruna xacement ox ine estaDiisnment or tne tablets, which contain the medicinal ouuaing in wnicn it was situatea, ana 1 ingredients of Peruna. In the remainder merely for riot. This was the third successive day on which the grand jury had returned indictments agaiast the alleged riot ers and their leaders. Thus far, how ever, onl v one person. Abraham Ray mor. stands accused of murder, he having been charged with complicity in the lynching of William Donegan. : About thirty-flve men are ' in jail awaiting the disposition of their cases by the grand jury. Several of those , Indicted today have not been appre hended as yet. , ', '.. After today's returns, the grand jury adjourned until Monday. Man-a-Un tlte Ideal Laxative. NOW FOR A GOOD ROADS CON GRESS (Continued From Page Nine.) of farm products from other States which can be grown with profit in the Soutlu and: . 4. , Whereas, the mud roads "bo preva lent in so mar .sections of the South. Thus, far I makes living' the country unpleas- the dollar above the man and grinding the faces of the poor? Who "Flayed Bryan 7" It is not surprising that Mr. .Van Cleave should have as a. headline in Republican paper. "Flayed Pryan." Why should he not? Mr. Pryan never handed down from a United States eourt bench' an injunc tion against the right of peaceable organization and agitation of labor controversies. On the contrary. Mr. Bryan has always stood for the right 3t labor to organize .and has consis tently since 1896 withJ the aid and countenance of the Democratic party vhlch has had confidence In him op- is government by Injunction. Neither 1 ""r .lid Mr Bryan allow a convention made up very largely of his friends. o set aside any sort or definite and peclflc action or utterance on the "njunctlon question. But Taft, whom .hey call "Peaceful Bill," and who -night better be called "Injunction 3111." was. If not the inventor, at fifty Indictments have been returned I ant, and theienvironments such as d against thirty-six. persons. 1 not tend to develop our agricultural Tonight for the first time since tm? j interests or inspire and make home noung oegan tne stores were anoweu i i,fe pleasant In the country, and. to keep their doors open after 6 o clock I Whereas the ranidlv increasing dod The streets we're crowded early in the huiatlon-40f the? SoutlT aow, requires a evening out mere was no sign oi aw much larger quantity : of farm pro oxaer. ine oniy esiamisnments wnicn i ducts than Is being produced on artLBtiu reeung tne errecta or tne riots i southern farms, and recognizing that arHe rKloona.MayprRe(Jyie.uth'a progress and, the financial mafet'-no annpuncemeiit as, to whe 1 of thminffv ntiiAcA im-mart they will be allowed to resume bUsI-T lafe-Aiv aonornWt i.tTi h. nrtnor ness but-It is thought . that permission 4 ity of the farmers and pleasant homf w.B'e ue wuuuay w iuts- jife jn the rural sections, and recog aay. . - i ? I nizine that without a safe, easy anc nermanent system of (rood roads. w F.LE AHSVcR AND DEMURRER Sf ,t- Pf J? therefore, be it (Continued From Page Nine.) Resolved. . That in order to maki farm life more profitable and more pleasant In rural sections, and that per-' I our agricultural Interests may bf that I maintained and developed. - It Is ne cessary to construct : and milntain system of good roads, and to the fur compensatory charge to fairly meet the cost In value ot the service formed by them. They claim while the net rates of some of the roadse have in recent months shown - ' I vr. gvvu . u l , v. . t v ' .u. some advance, yet taking all of the therltrnce of this end' a Good Roadf montns togetner. the net earnings as j Congress is hereby Called to be held weu as gross earnings have shown a -vr ry large diminution since February 1st. 1905. They declare that the wages of their employees have been increased and that prices on all articles necessary for the maintenance and equipment In the city of Greensboro, N. C, dur ing- the week of the celebration of the Centennial. October 12-1 6th Be it further Resolved, That His Excellency, R B. Glenn. Governor of North .Carolina be, and Is hereby requested, , to join of their lines are higher, ,at the de- with the Chamber of CommercYof th- mand of the public for efficiency of serice has become more and more xactlng as well as the demand for quicker transit, better terminal facil ities, depots and stations, larger and more expensive , ears, heavier engines. city of Greensboro. N. C, In calling a Good Roads Congress with the re quest that the Governors, Congress men. Representatives, Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade o IVL the Southern States, the Congressmen stronger bridges, heavier rails, and in Hi.trir. r.,r-,. ih,1re8ppctlta- ftSLSJ?.-.1- Mern czX cZ'ir North compelled to meet an increased and most costly demand for safe, prompt ,,a,nd efficient service. The large volume of traffic enabled them In some measure to keep pace with these extra expenses, but since November, ;1 9 07, the traffic has been decreased, decreasing their gross rev enues enormously, while they have been obliged to continue their high scale of wages and to pay high prices for all material and supplies. The railroads aver that there is no alternative left to them except to ad vance their rates in order to pay their employees. ' They say the devel- - opment of the South depends upon an Increase rather than a decrease of their efficiency and, they believe that the public prefer to see such a reas onable and fair advance in rates as will insure a -prompt, safe, efficient service and- eonsecuent commercial development rather than the holding down of the transportation compan ies to such scant returns as wilf re quire them to reduce the wages of their employees and prevent them from maintaining service. WRIT OF RECORD ARI Carolina, be," and are requested to bo present and participate in said Good Roads Congress. Be it further Resolved, That the Governors of each Southern Vstate be requested tf appoint a committee from their1 res pective States, of Which the Governo: shall be ex-officlo chairman, to attend said. Good Roads Congress in the city of Greensboro, and that said commit tees perfect such plans as will best serve the Interests of the States they represent, and report at the Good Roads Congress. Be It further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each .Governor of the Southern States, to the AgrI cultural Department, to the Congress men and Representatives and Indus trial organizations of said States, and that a copy or said resolutions re mailed to each of,. the leading daily weekly and industrial- trade Journal." of the. South." -Among the Cases to Come Before Franklin Superior Court This Week Also Two Murder Cases. Special to News and Observer.) Louisburg, N. C. Aug. 22.-Among I TO WHAT DEPTHS THEY WILL STOOP! (Continued From Page Nine.) tiepuhiican party is not ashamed o any record that their officers have the tA rom! before, the Suoeiior i ever made in the County. State or Na Court jnaxt week is a writ of recordarl. tlon. He had riVrve. Mr. Holton Is in which the, mavor was ordered to young and his hearers may overlook allow R. B; Carr to - appeal tq , 'fthe the statement. He also repeated In higher courL. -In Carrfs affidavit he suostance tne infamous falsehood sutes that Chief of police High and that Hon. W. J. Bryan has been dining himself have not been, on speaking negroes at Falfvlew;., that he was terms for a number or years, and that I xeacmng-ana practicing social equal he was charged, bv Mr.llleh before Ity, and added to this the further fals the mavor with grinning at him J hood that i Josephus Daniels has ap ithe said ni c!.. TTleh'k and KnittiniF at 1 proved of Mr. Bryan's alleged course, jhim. that he fs alsvery 4lrf; pjao. . 85 j and has taught and practiced social 3ears old, that he .has no front teeth equality for thf purpose of gaining . . M A. t 1 A. m I A I mimk mmIa n-t.rl lnnS 1 0 -.A.AvwtA una coma not nave Knnneu ai AUi wir nt-uru '"r, mav n ui neurit; High or spit at him. all-of which in volves two lawyers, a whole lot of . legal papers and much time to pre pare the case for trial. There are two murder cases on the docket. In one of which the prisoner is confined in the State Hospital for the Criminal Insane, until he becomes sane enough for trial, and the others, Joe and j James Smith, are fugitives and cannot be located. The other cases on the comparatively small docket are for minor crimes, the one of most Interest being the case against Dollar Davis and Iew is Perry for an assault on Officer Earp. Davis lured the officer .from his home at night and shot him with a shotgun, or rather that Is what he is J charged with. Davis ran away to West Virginia and was captured and brought back by a Baldwin detective; and is now confin ed in the Raleigh al, brought to this city last night. Mr. Roach was unceremoniously shot down after which Davis fled the country. The remains of Mr. John Holshous er. a Rowan county -young man who was last f week killed In a railroad wreck near Chlco. Cal., arrived here last night and were Interred today. De tails 'of the accident have not been State. He would, however, uo every thing possible for the national ticket so far as loyalty to his Minnesota col leagues would permit. Governor I Johnson on next Monday will confer with members of the Democratic State Committee of his home State as to i how much of his time would be de manded by local politics. He will make sales. 2. OS 3. Z0 14.45 PUBLIC HEALTH OliOALS Ar. New' Bern Ar. Kinston . Ar. Goldsboro T.15 1.30 Largest Body In America Jhe Amerl- Ar. Moreheod City .... can Public Health AwnocIaUon to I An. Beftufor Meet Tuelay Night, fe (Special to News and? Observer.) .Winnipeg, Man., Afi 22. The P. M. g.47 19.10 P. M. then Inform Mr. Mack to what extent learned. Mr. Holshouser's parents live he will be able to lend his strength to here. the general campaign. -Governor D. A. Thompson, of Lexington, who Johnson has Just completed a series fell from a southbound train near of chatauoua lectures in Kansas, Mls- Llnwood, Davidson county, Thursday I soufl, Indiana and Illinois, ne, sam i Tuesday night Dr.Scharles ' O. tv. Goldsboro night was treated at a hospital here I the signs for Democratic success in Probst, of Columbus. Oh3fl(. chairman I Lv. Kinston ...... and enabled to return to his home last I the fall were roseate. - I Cf the Ohio State Board? of Health. iLv. New Bern...... utner caners were senator mi per- r and general secretary d&the assocla- ' P. M. largest body of public health officials U-v. Beaufort ......... 17.25 on the continent, the American Pub- Lv. Morehead City.... 7.47 nc ueaitn Association, vvlll beeln its L a. bo., tnirty-sixtn tannuai contention P. M. A. M. here T.00 8.00 9.25 He was at first thought to be tninred hni it was found that his wounds were not necessarily fatal. Mrs. Sarah Beaver, aged 80 years, died at her home here last night fol lowing a severe illness. She was one of the oldest citizens of Rowan county and was well known and much liked. She leaves one son, Mr. James Beaver, 'east one of. the first utilizers of the land a daughter. Miss Amanda Beaver. ystem of using Federal courts to I it , is announced that citizens resld- destroy labor organizations. Ing along Town Creek, below Sails- What Labor Thought of Taft. bury. have tf etef mined - to enter suit This Is what "one of the strongest for damages resulting from a pulutlon ?abor - publications, the Locomotive of the stream by other citizens of that tremen s Magazine, for the -year I section. Counsel has been retained to nrnimm r S l.ti.,4 tl ll.V. KllZADetn UltV " . . oL-,v.asas vs . at, - - ' rwls. nf T?n leitrVi Tsi rt $nrit.K, e I L.v. Kdenton vlsory Committee; 5 Governor Malcolm I official nttcnnn nr TonnpinM inn w. I . I t iM Conrad, of Montana, whose candidacy association, will deliverllhis annual Lv. Washington ior tne Democratic v ice-rresiueniuw i address Wednesday m$jingp. Sev nomination was a feature of the pre- I erai hundred deiee-ate-. VrVi I convention canvass. Governor Pat- 1 besuresent.. . terson characterized the talk of any J ' : - r Southern State swinging Into the Re- AVIIson Tobacco f4rkeU Col. Robert Ewing, editor, of - the I (Special to News and! Observer. 1 New Orleans Dally State, visitea tne i Wilson. N. C -Aug. " 41. Sales of !11.5S Ar. Chocowinlty Lv. Chocowinlty Ar. Wilson .... Ar. Raleigh .... 1.20 i . 2.30 .'. 10.10 5.45 10.30 5.59 ..10.40 t.00 . . 3.30 8.00 ... 17.35 JlO.CfO ! Daily except Sunday. present the complaint to the grand Jury at the next term of Rowan court. Mr. B. II. Hedrict, a private In com pany B, Rowan Rifles, who took the highest honors In the State contest for marksmanship at Camp Glenn, Morehead City, last month, is criti cally ill with fyflioid fever. t Villa 1893 had to say concerning the then fudge Taft and his excursion into the field of Injunctions: 'March 17th, Judge William Taft it ought to be written Daft) issued -he following pronunciamento: That he said defendants, P. M. Arthur nd . F.P, Sargent, and each of them, e -and are- hereby enjoined and; re strained from Issuing, promulgating r continuing in force any rule or rder of any kind under the rules and regulations of the association known is the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, or the rules or regulations ness n the association known as the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, r otherwise, which shall require or command any employes of any of the lefendant railway companies herein :b refuse to receive, handle or Oellver tny care or freight In course of ransportaton from one State to an ther, from and to the Toledo, Ann rbor & North Michigan Railroad Company, or from refusing to receive r handle cars of such freight which have been hauled over the railroad f such Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railroad Company; and also rom In any way, directly or IndJrect y, endeavoring to persuade or induce my employes of the railway com panies whose lines connect with the ailroad of said Toledo. Ann Arbor & Vorth Michigan Railroad Company I last ' Saturday has been given up by lot to extend to said company the J District Attorney Darrin, of Queens headquarters tonight and turnedover ieaf tobacco on the Wlon'market f or $3,250 of contributions to the Brjan the week ending Augustist, amount campaign fund. This sum represented I ed - to 634.506 nonnds AveraM not donations coiiectea uy uoionei cwinis Vfrv hleh on arrount efi rnllv Kft 1 ne I Lv. ; Jtaieijrn tnrougn nis paper in i ikhi uajs. , I cent, of the offer! ngsi 3 consisting 6t I Ar inigniaaie. bottom primings, of wRfch there is a I Ar- J;1.0 ,tRock larger quantity , this year i than usual. I Ar wlne" due tn the hfarv rains hvfe!1 th prnn AV ZebUlon Tlie Wilson Senior Ball Team Leaves was nearly matured. Ar- Middlesex . for Tour Through Eastern Carolina. I Tips selling from 8 to;a;2 Cents, and ? ' ivniT Raleigh Division. DAXCK AT STANTOXSBURG. (Special to "News and Observer.) Rica. Ga HAwit ito that place, on Wilson; N.ti,Aft,Jl-Tne .nail a brief business trip and was stricken. I game at Stantonsburg this afternoon He was billed for the International I and the dance which takes place there Rifle contest at Camp Perry, but was I tonight has attracted quite a number prevented from going to Ohio bytt-of ladles and gentlemen from this city, oesiaes tne - roiiowins rono frc(i2 15!LS& hlsh as Ar. Stantonsburg last year, if not higher. ; IA- Tjorrviii -' ' ! T.' i T ..i i. 1 1 .si ....."I j . c :.jdCi 1 a ...in." v' . - .- -...... , r r . . i v .... '. .... Ar. Grimeslarjd . i Ar. Chocowlnty . Ar, Washington . (10 TRIAL YET AllLE Alile Fleming. Zollie Wlnstead. Ver non Taylor, Jim Hackney and Horace Manning. After the festivities over tonight the Maine. Brothers Will not Be Heard team mcn win proceed on a tour nai li Uruilieilllll IIU4 UO Ilcai u Eastern North Carolina; vis iting Greenville, Farmvllle, Snow Hill and Washington, playing one or more games In each of the towns named. As amateur players they stand high up, and if the towns don't get onto their curves their - scalps will be brought back to Wilson. - ' Bank - Clearing SMtcmcnt. (By the Associate Press.) -New York, Aug. 21.-ank elear- Inff fni tVio nroalr t9 SJQ R7S Ann n of the Wilson baseball seniors: Wiley Stalllngs (captain), William Adams, 1 12.588.780.000 last year i - Will Edwards, J. J lane. Ben jsmitn. i , Richmond. 84.548.09 P. M. A. M. A. M. ,4.30 -8.40 8.35 9.25 9.55 10.10 10.45 11.25 11.45 2.15 3.00 '. 3.50 - 4.50 . : 6,27 5.50 8.20 P. U. 6.01 6.14 5.20 " 6.32 5.55 8.10 6.40 7.04 7.32 -8.00 P. M. f7.05 f.7.16 1.2V 7.31 7.63 f8.07 8.35 ,8.59 9.27 9.65 1ft 4 10.35 10.8S A. M. hv. Wajihlngton in Court Before Oc tober (By the Associated Press.) New York. Aug. 22. All hope bringing the Hains brothers to speedy trial for the killing of William piM.Q TQ CARRY THE EMPIRE E. Annis at the Bayside Yacht Club rUHHO I U UHIin I I nt l-I.irillt. STATE decrease. 20.7. . sN . Atlanta, $3,094,000, SMrea.se, '22.1 lrJv.',rhnrnwinltv Savannah. $2.725.000, Increase. 9.7. Lv. Grlmesland Norfolk. $2,681,000, frease. 25.9. Lv. Greenville.. Augusta. $982,000. qVprease, 1.2. Lv. Farmvllle Jacksonville, . 31,304$0,, decrease, Lv. Stantonsburg 4.3. '. lif Lv. Wilson Charleston. $75 8,0 00,1 decrease, 23.5. Lv. Baileys . . Macon. $486,000. Lv. Middlesex . Columbia, $492,000, fKerease, 27.1. v I L.y. Zebulon . . iMMMMMMMM 1 1 .v. wenasii . Lv. Eagle Rock Dally Daily Daily; ex. Sun.-ex. Sun. ex. Sun P. M. A. M. A. Mi 5.45 10.10 ..... Of a NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAtL-JLv. Knightdale.. allow this thlug lo go on the Demo cratlc leaders-would soon bring about such, a state , of affairs that negroes would be dining at white men's tabl and be In theirpariora . playing the piano. Perhaps the; charitable thing to do is to believe that Mr. HolUfn was so badly, seared 'that he did not know ' what he was saying. The con vention passed a resolution declaring that their nominees shall not Join in the campaign with the Democratic nominees this fall. (Publication Is made of them rldic uloMatemeiitH of young Holton solely to slknv to wlutt Iohit depths of falwMiod Radical ixllticlans will go. - Tlikt thct cliarges and statements made are absolutely false has been slimvn. and It was to he expected that only the degenerate, the depraved and tlie Ignorant would continue to repeat them.- Acting Editor. ame facilities for interchange of in erstate tratfic as are extended by wild companies to other railroad companies, and In case such rule or irders shall have been promulgated r Issued by said Arthur and Sargent r either of them prior to the service ipon them of the restraining order tereln, they and each of them are lereby required and commanded to ecalLand rescind such rule or order md to refrain from enforcing the lame." And the same labor paper wound jp Its article concerning the famous Taft injunction in this fashion: "It tppears there were two United Stitc udges using the powers of the Fed iral courts to down the strikers, sus aln the corporations in their policy if Injunction and play into the hands f scabs. These ermined worthies are Ricks and Taft, champions of cor porations who give judicial bench M ihow when Towser is up. Crowler b uuwn aim vice versa, f irst to re strain Arthur and Sargent from doing what they had no authority to do, and second to arrest men for contempt against whom no restraining .order had been Issued.!' Worklngmen have not forgotten iither Taft or Ricks and will not. Radicalism and Conservatism. Two rather curious things happen ?d in one day and in the issue of one paper, narael" the Chicago Tribune. in able exponent of Republican prln :lples. On Its first page it carried an article from the Cincinnati Equlrer. which Informed Its readers that "What. has been,. termed radicalism is nnu. 4t4A a44A..4. A 11. 1 1 u I , . . . States of the nation and the national convention endorsement, of -that (Roosevelt) administration and its policies is rapidly being ratified hv the Republican party In country, city ana eiate primaries." in brief, the Enquirer discovers that the. accept ance of the Bryan and the Democratic doctrines by Roosevelt has made the party of Roosevelt almost invincible; It believes that the Western States will be for Roosevelt because of his radicalism, a policy formulated ori ginally by Bryan and consistently up held by the Democratic party. Yet the same newspapers which printed with great enthusiasm, for there are no avowedly and openly Democratic papers in Chkago, car ried also the story of the American Federation of Labor declaring against the Roosevelt policy and endorsing that of Mr; Gompers. They carried side by t,lde articles Indicating that there were now In this country not less than four thousand railroad men out of jobs, and that the Federation of Labor had endorsed Mr. Bryan. The news as printed by avowedly hos tile papers showed that labor did not recognize Taft as the inheritor of either the Roosevelt policies or the Roosevelt courage, but rather that it looked upon him as the reactionary and upon Mr. Bryan as the progres sive. Ancl so when, the editor of the county. John F. Mclntyre. tf coun sel for the defense, declaring that he was making the announcement with the concurrence of Mr. Darrln, said that the trial will not begin before the middle of, November. No attempt will b made for release in the meanwhile, nor will the Halns (Continued From Page Nine.) of the State. It waa further develop ed at the conference that Mr. Bryan WAY. ti . Goldsboro. N. C, JrMe 8, 190$. Transportation: Extension of trains 14 and 15 from Wilson ;fec Greenville. The Norfolk and Southern.' Railway give notice that commencing Monday, June 8th. 1908. trains KVs. 14 and 15. now being operated betttrween Raleigh ! and Wilson, will be extended and op erated between Raleigh and Green- Ar. Raleigh, 6.09 6.11 6.40 7.08 7.36 8.00 fS.28 1.48 9.04 9.14 f9.19 f 9.29 10.00 P. 1L 10.40 11.03 12.20 1.10 1.51 3.30 4.20 4.55 7.10 7.38 8.06 ' 8.30 9.00 9.15 6.32 ' 9.38 6.15 9.49 6.30 9,55 6.50 iao 7.35 10.40 P. M. IKTVL. f Flag stop. ' - , . Beanfort Division. ' -i middle West, while John W. Kern, the Vice-Presidential candidate, would brothers ask for a change of venire at j likely be called upon to make an ex- would make a sharp - fight in the ville, on the following ssJredule: f the. hearing next Thursday. They i will not waive examination when re arraigned. A conference wlH be held tomorrow i regarding a plan of defense and it tended tour of the Pacific coast States. - After the conference had been call ed shortly before noon Chairman Ifork ArettfA thftt th hnfldl of the may be decided then wnetrieror not various committee bureaus submit to ask for separate trials. At the con- reporta their plans and the prog- ference held today regarding the con- reaa made in their bureaus. The Na- duct of the case, the preavillng sen- tonal committeemen present told of tlment favored basing the defense on tng Bituaton ln thejr states and It was the confession which Mrs. Hains is peneraiiy agreed that the outlook for alleged to have made to her husband. the Democratic national ticket was but which she says she was forced to most promising. Former National sign. Mr. Mclntyre said that he had chairman Thomas Taggart declared no doubt that he will be aDie to get I Indiana would surely v for 8Utlons,4 Ar. Beaufort that statement before a Jury. Counsel for the accused brothers are not in a mood to make overtures to Mrs. Aains In order to obtain her assistance at the trial. They hold that If called unon she will be compelled to repeat in court what she has said in this alleged confession. t DYNAMITE IN DEEP EAST. "Blow Out Under Corner of Hoimc of a Red Lighter. There was a terrific report In the Deep East last night shortly after 11 o'clock and there was a rush of peo ple to see what was doing. The trouble was located at the house of oe Maude Kelley, In the bottom off from East Davie street. A big hole was found In the ground ana the corner of he house was gone, Dyna mite with a time fuse is supposed to have been the cause. The Kelley woman Is of the disrep utable class which Infest the Deep East, and recently was in court here In a case in which a colored hack driver. Will Jones, was charged with shooting at Maude, but Maude swore that the burns on her face were from creosote, giving protection to the ne gro. The blowing up of the corner of her house Is regarded as a warn ing for her to get away. New York. Aug. 21. Possldy act Ing on the suggestion contained In a magazine story which she llid just reaa a young woman a waning tnai on a charge of shoplifting, committed suicide in . her cell in the Jefferson Market prison tonight by hanging herself to the transom of the door with a rope taken from the prison cot. The name wlven by tne woman at the time of her arrest was Marion Desmond, but it is believed this fs fictitious. Another theory advanced in explanation of the woman's act Is that it was brought about through fear of her Identity being discovered at the So. Bound First-class Dly ex. Sun, Bryan and Kern and that the Repub-, licans were using money to divide the labor vote. Governor Haskell, . of Oklahoma, treasurer of the National Committee, declared that Oklahoma would give Bryan 60.000 plurality and that the State would contribute 350, 000 to the campaign fund, of which $27,000 had already been raised. - Following the reports of the bureau heads the situation was discussed with reference to Mr. Bryan's own cam paign. It was made known that there waa a strong drift toward Bry an in New York- State and the reports giving this Information to Chairman Mack indicated that the State could be carried Jf Mr, Bryan (Would make a swing through, J.PA P1!. s ; In the Middle West. Political conditions In the middle West were taken up and Senator Cul hereon, chairman of the advisory com mittee, who has been spending tne summer in Maryland informed Mr. Bryan and the committeemen that West Virginia and Maryland wouia, in alt orobablllty. be found in the Dem ocratlc ranks. It was thei opinion of those taking active part in the com mittee's deliberations that the most effective campaign for Mr. Bryan to make would be to deliver speeches In alt the Middle West States, speaking only in the principal centers, and then to carry the nght to west Vir ginia. Maryland, Delaware, New Jer sey .and New York State. Most of the time, It was suggested, Mr. Bryan would spend on these trips with con ferences with National Committeemen and State leaders and In this way give valuable aid and direction in the various State campaigns. After a consideration of these tentative sug gestions for the campaign and an ap proval . of the reports made by the heads of the bureaus. It was decided i 6.03 9,43 to call a meeting of the full national I 6. OS 9.48 committee, "with the various sub-corn-16 30 10.10 mlttees. September 8 at 10 o'clock, ln I 7.45 11.25 this city. Ip.m a.m. MF? Bryan oid the cornmitteerrieq Train No. 15. Dally Except 8unday. : P. M. 4:30 Lv...... Raleigh fir.'. Ar. 10:40 Lv. New Bern 4:30 Lv.....Pam. Junfi..Ar. 10:33 Lv. Croatan . 4 : 4 5 Lv. . . . . Boushallf J. S . . Ar. 1 0: 2 1 Lv. Havelock 6:01 Lv.... Knlghtdahfi S . . Ar. 10:06 Lv. Newport. 5:14 Lv..... Eagle RosB...Ar. 9:051 Ar. M'head C. 5:20 Lv..... Wendell is,. Ar. 6:32 Lv...... ZebqIoail4..AT. 6:55 Lv.... Middlesex-.-Ar. 6:10 L,v. Bailey I i. . Ar. 6:16 Lv. .... Heversort V . . AT. 6:40 Lv Wilson ..Ar. 6:55 Lv. . . Evsnsdal l . .Ar. 7:04 ldWim . 8tatonsbu2ri . . Ar. 7:20 Lv. . . . Walstonbur . . Ar. T : 5 1 732 Lv FarmvllhO.,..Ar. 7:38 7:41 Lv. Arthur ...Ar. 7-2 8:00 Ar Greenville &ii..Lv. 7:10 R. E. I BUNCH. 1 Traffic Managers i , H. C IltfDGiNS. - General Sass. Agent F, P. TATUM. Dlv. Ager: Train No. 14. Daily, Except Sunday. A. M. 9:4$ 9:13 9:U :0 8:54 8:30 8:15 :06 Sun. Sun. Daily Dally only. only. ex-Sun ex.Sun ' - P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. Lv. ColdMboro 3.3S - 7.00 4.50 7.00 Lv. LaGrane. 4.05 Lv. Kinston.- .. 4.35 Lv. , Dover . . . 4.68 Lv. Cove ... 5.13 Lv. Tuscarora 5.25 Ar. New Bern 5.50 5.50 6.28 7.30 8.00 8.23 8.38 8.50 9.20 9.20 9.51 6.43 10.07 6.59 10.27 7.20 10.50 7.40 11.15 5.20 6.60 6.13 6.28 6.40 7.05 7.18 7.30 8.00 8.23 8.38 8.50 9.15 9.27 RALEIGH AND SOUTUPORT RY. Schedule In Effect Julj; Sth, 1903. 55 p.m. 1.30 1.30 1.44 1.50 1.57 2.05 2.10 2.20 2.28 2.33 2.33 2.50 2.67 3.02 .15 3.21 4.30 p.m 65 p.m 4.25 6.07 5.25 5.38 6.48 6.03 51 a.m. 6.00 6.11 6.16 6.25 6.32 6.42 6.47 7.00 7.10 7.13 7.28 7.30 7.40 7.45 8.00 8.08 9.25 a.m. 61 a.m. 8.05 8.47 iff- No. Bound Yi First-class piy ex. Sun. 62 a.m. fr54 t- B a.m. . ti.m. . . . li r Kaieigh fs I; 9.25 4.30 Caralelghii l: 9.10 4.20 Syl viola 9.01 4.15 Barnes iSt 8.53 4.07 Hobby f; 8.45 4.00 McCuller;ii 8.40 3.56 tfanks rg g.31 3.50 Willow Springs!' 8.20 3.40 Cardenas U . 8.10 3.33 Varina J 8.05 3.30 Fuquay Springs 8.00 3.20 Rawles U 7.46 3.13 Chalybeate; f 7.40 3.07 Kipling 7.35 3.02 , Cape Fear;T 7.30 2.4R Lllllngtonr? 7.15 2.41 Fayettevlllj . 6.00 ' 1.30 ila.m. p.m Sunday TralrliS.! if I - Raleigh ? I io.45 McCullers II H 0.00 9.05 Willow Spring? i 9.40 9.18 Varina ?J 9,35 9.28 Fuquay Springs' 9.28 f (it 1 A n 8.06 19 17 8.25 10.37 8.47 11.00 9.10 11.25 P. M. A. IL P. M. A, M. ... 11 , . ' 'i Daily Dally Sun. Sun ' ex-Sun.ex-Sun. onlyonly . A, M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Beanfort. 7.25 S.1S 7.25 5.15 Lv. Lv. M'head C 7.47 Ar. Newport. 8.10 ' Ar. Havelock 8.30 Ar. Croatan 8.46 Ar. New Bern 9.20 Lv. New Bern 9.26 Ar, Tuscarora 9.5 1 Ar. Cove ... 10.03 Ar. Dover .. 10.18 Ar. Kinston. 10.43 Ar. LaGrange 11.14 Ar. Goldsboro 11.45 A. M. 1 6.37 7.4S .6.33 6.00 8.07 5.57 6.20 8.25 J8.13 6.36 8.41 6.28 7.10 9.20 700 7.15 9.20 7.00 7.40 9.46 . 7.25 7.52 9.58 7.37 8.07 10.13 7T5S 8.30 10.38 v 8.15 9.00 11.09 8.45 9.30 11.40 9. IS ; M. A, M. P. M. Oriental Branch. Sunday Dally Only ex.Sun Dally Sunday et.Sun. Only f hal vheate : ; S.I n Kipling I 19.05 Lillington r;8.45 Fayetteville!7.S0 ' fia,m. 62 p.m. 7.40 7.00 6.40 6.28 6.20 6.03 5.55 5.35 4.20 p.m, V 1 .i i "" ". i -.- P. M. P. M. . . . Ai If. A. M. 7.10 7.30 Lv'New Rem Ar 9.00 9.00 7.43 8.12 Lv-Reelsvoro Ar 8.06 $.27 7.51 8.18! LVGrantsboroAr 7.53 8.19 8.05 8.50? Lv Bayboro Ar?.30 8.05 8.40 .9.50 Ar Oriental Lv 6.30 7.30 Note. Above schedules published only. as Information, and are 'nut guaranteed . . -.:; i , i IT. C. HUDGIN3, " " ' ;Gen'l Pass. AgrjiLi '' f T. W.fMAOTIIRE. mm,.-i" 4 ' General Superlntendobt. . I R. E. L. BUNCH. Traffic Manager. H. C. HUDGING3. ueoerai s-cissenger AgfBl. v - - ABERDEEN AND ROCIUlSIf IL R. Trains leave fAberdeen dallv exceiii Sunday 9:00 a. m. and 3:15 p. m. for Leavttts. Montrose. Raeford. Dundii. roch. arriving Hope Mills. (40 tni'esi i:u a. m. ana 4:55 p. m. -1 . Trains leave Hone. Mills 11:50 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. , t. Connects at Aberdeen with Sea board Air i Line and Aberdeen and Ashboro Railway: at Hope Mills with Atlantic Coast L'ne, For further Information -Address . . J jHN ur.vu. Pre?, apd '"nfral iUcujrtrr.