r IG TILE NEWS AND OBSERVim, SUNDAY, ATOTTgT 3t 90S f he in eys and Observer. SpfDAW ........ .Aagust 23, 1908. TRAIN S LEA VINO RALEIGH DAILY ' Seaboard Air line Railway.' , . Gofn North. 11:20 a.m. ' 1:50 p. m. f :30 p.m. Going South. :10 a. m. . t:SSa.m. 4:15 p. m. 8:l&p.m. z;uu a. m. Bontbcrn Railway. Going East, m .ui. s 4:30 a.m. 12:30 p. m. r t.. Jf j;45 a. m. 1:30p.m. v v. ,. . . ,,v- :30p.m. Ralelsb and Sou&port.' Coin South.'-'"' ArriTO lUlcfeh. f :00 a. m. t:28 a. m. ; 1:20 p. m. 4:80 Pw m. x Norfolk an.jDoutbcrn. Goln East' T .'wji- Arrive lUfc&h. :35dJmJ :'; ., 10:40 a.m. S:40'a.m.irjif-ir 7:36 p.m. 4:30 p. mi f r t 10:00 pm. fc. IN AND ABOUT THE CITY A new window sign is being paint ed in the Postal Telegrahph office. Gentry Bros. Shows will exhibit In this city on August 31. The shows will come here from Petersburg, Va. "Big" Brandon, one of the slab workers fof the Raleigh team, is now delivering the goods" for Salisbury. -A marriage license was issued yes terday to MX. Napoleon- Ba4b?y of Youngsville, and Miss Lena Perry, of Wake Forest, Mr. F. F. Burgess, the Assistant Chief Engineer of the Engineers' bro therhood, will visit Division No. 33ft at their meeting this morning at 2:30. Rev. Walter M. Gllmore. of Eastman, Ga., who will preach at the First Bap tist church today, is a guest at the Jiome of Mr. D. Otis Parker, 405 Polk" street. . , The many friends of Mr. -Arthur Pope, son of Officer Jake Pope, will learn with regret that he is confined to his bed with typhoid fever at his home on Boy lan Avenue. v , His many friends were indeed glad to see Mr. W. B. Duncan, cashier In the revenue office here, back at his duties yesterday, after a month's ill ness .at his home in Beaufort. Rev. R. S. Stephenson will conduct services at Salem Baptist church,' near Apex, today at 11 a. m. There will be a baptizing at Underowood's pond . near the church, "at 10 o'clock.' The ' girl's Quartet of the Thomas yille Orphanage were in Raleigh yes terday on their way to Apex, wherel today they will Sing in Olive Memo rial Chapel at the place. The little girls were in charge of Miss Pauline Olive. '" - Elder "W. A. . Simpkins conducted services at the DutChvttle Primitive Baptist church near Creedmore yes terday, but' -will' return to this city today and 5 conduct services at, the Primitive Baptist church here to night at eight o'clock. ' , The Royall Cotton Mills' ' Sunday school of Wake .Forest.- about 150 strong, picnicked at Pullen Park year terday. The excursionists came on the Shoo-fly-train. WWle in the city j two street cars were' chartered and the city was viewed from these x:ars. - Mr. Eugene C. Bagwell, an old Ral eigh boy. but now of Hull. Fla.. ' is in the city Visiting his father, Mr. U. C. Bagwell. Mr. Bagwell, who is- a graduate ; of the A. and M.y College, now holds the position - as ' superin tendent of the Charlotte Harbor and "Northern Railway. United States Marshall Claudius Doekery has returned from Beaufort, where he has been for some time working with the Inland Water Com mission, which has in charge the con struction of the inland waterway from Beaufort to Norfolk. He stated that no land , has been condemned as yet, but that work of computing the value of the land Is about complete. John Ford, a colored boy. about 11 years old, was yesterday convicted by Judge Badger for the larceny of -15 pounds of meat from the stall, of Mr. C, E. Crawford In the market, and was boind over to court under a fifty dollars bond, in default, of which he is novr m jaiL The-case - against Mary Bethe! for selling "old booze was continued until Tuesday, on ac count of the absence of important wit nesses. , Justice of the Peace Roberts tried Rebecca Wood Thursday on the charge of cruelty to animals. It seems that just an ordinary cur made itself at home at Rebecca's " house, which that one rejected, and connect ed herself with a stick and the dog did yell and came .from the vicinity of the woman "badly done up", but the ! woman proved that the dog was "badly done up" "before it made his apeparance at her door, so the Jus tice let her go. - Blue Ribbon the Favorite. . . All records broken in .the sale of Blue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla Ex tracts. Housekeepers -who try them once know why they outsell all others. PERSONALS EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHIC wants position in inn c nun by September 1st. Best references. Address, Miss M. M., care News and Observer. - - 8-22-3t . STENOGRAPHERS AND ROOK keepers wanted by U. s. Government.'- Examinations here soon. Demand exceeds ; supply. High salaries; permanent positions. WTrite for free Booklet K. Wash ington Civil Service School. Wash ington. D. C. '"!' JIOXET WE ' HANDLE THE FI- IianciilK Ul cmriiiuoiB aim creditable "projects. The Bankers' Bond Company, Pittsburg, Pa. SALESSIENFOR GUARANTEED A Used 'Automobiles all prices cars rebuilt and guaranteed like new by manufacturers; high commissions; great opportunity. Auto. Clearing House. 240 Michigan avenue. Chi cago. " ' 5 Mr. Geo. A. Urgenhart of Charlotte, is In the city. ? - Mr. J. E. Dickson of Durham, was here yesterday. Mr. C. C. llargran of Lexington, wask here yesterday. " Mr.-Jno. P. Kerr of Asheville, is at the Yarborouirh. "Mr. John, A. Marquette of Kinston. is at Hotel Giersch. Mr. L. M. Ilyspaf of Charlotte, was in the city yesterday. 15 - MrPmobert B. Williams of JClttrcll. "was lit Raleigh yesterday. ,.1 M ' i-rr!Robt. Barbee returned yesie lfforh a visit tovDurharo.- Mn .J.,fL Wvnne loft yesterday for a business trln toNPW York. Messrs. John Roberta and Sam Smith, are spending the day in More head. " Vi ' ' ' Misses Mary McDonald and Mary Bonner and Master Eugene Bonner of Washington, were In tjiql city yes terday. ' ' 1 Mr. M. W. Tighe Is spcftflig his va cation at Ocean View, 'aftd he will visit New York and Boston before he returns to the city. Attractive Qnartcrs . - -" - The new Plumbing Shop of O. J j. Vinson Co., at 120 Fayettevllle Street, Is the most thoroughly equipped, as well as the most at tractive shop in the city, and their facilities for doing all kinds of plumbing and steam fitting enable them to lve the lowest possible price tol be had consistent with first-class materials and workman ship. Their work is always the best, therefore the cheapest.- Estimates cheerfully furnished. Both 'Phones. r - Tlie READ IT TO-DAY , On Page Two. ' First Instalment of the Serial ' - 'Story, 1 ' miE CANDIDATE, By Joseph Ahelcr., Powerful- Story of Thrilling and American Life." THE NEWS AND OBSERVER will Publish. the" Wdrld In Serial Form on Sundays, uegin witn the f irst Chapter to-day. ; W ' (Blx Word to the line.) f CAGH VJITH ORDER NO ADVERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 20, CENTS. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON EXTENDED AD VERTISING. RESULTS ASSURED. Want ads received at the News and Observer Building or without charge or messenger ertlce from the American District Telegraph. Messen gers, call western union messenger boys fay telephone or rail box from any point In the city, who will receive advertisements for this column at rate of ten cents per line., counting six words to the line. Just as they receive telegrams for transmission over West ern Union lines. I-' WANTED POSITION TO TEACH in graaeu r mgn ovuvui. pal preferred. Best of references given. Address I Principal, car. News and Observer. 8-23-2t "'! V ACE AXDr laiBROIDERY BY mail a specialty. ! Write for sam ples. D. F.- Bostian Co., Fayette vllle, N.CV 8-23-6t "' SALESMAN " BY " ESTABLISIIED well rated wholesale house, travel ing salesman to present strong cou pon proposition to retail trade. Many talking points: high priced men Investigate. 320 Cambridge Building. Chicago. AGENTS $36 A WEEK, EXPENSES paid; no experinece required; Photo Pillow Tops 30c; enlarged por traits, frames, lowest prices; ' free samples. Catalogue." Dept. 78, Ritter Art Studio. Chicago. 111. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS IN THE United States Panama and Philip pine Islands. Examinations soon in Raleigh. Circular 182 giving full particulars as to positions, salaries, etc.. sent free by the1 Natl. Cor. In stitute. Washington. D. C. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER North Carolina wltji staple line. High commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent - po sition to right man.,., Jess It. Smith Co. Detroit, JIIch.U : . HIGH CLASS SALESMEN FOR NEW Era Safety Accounting, systems for banks, merchants and professionals. Wonderful opportunity. Plow and Motter Co.. .2510 Wabash Ave Chicago. -' J AGENTS MAKE ! 103.50 PER month selling wonderful self sharpening, patented scissors and cutlery. V, E. Giebner sold 22 pairs In 3 hours, made 13; you can do It: we show how; free outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co.. S8S Fourth St., Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS $300 EVERY MONTH sure selling our wonderful elght- pleco kitchen set; send for sworn statement of $12 dairv: profit; outfit free. Thomas Mfe Co, 585 Jeffer son St. Dayton, Ohio. . POSTOFFICE CLERKS AND CAR- riors wnntbd. -1 Examinations will be held in Raleigh and many other cities In November. Particulars free. Washlnorton Civil Service School, Dept. 528. Washington. D C. WANTED SIDE LINE SALESMEN. Can make 85.00 to $10.00 dally.' Sell ing -post cards direct ! from manu factureri Fren samples with ref--ronees. Empire Art Co., 6th Ave., Chicago. 1 IXR RALE NINE HORSE POWER Foose Gasoline Engine.- tanks nni all connections complete. Will sell one-half cash, balance payable in twelve months. Address Whitikcr. N C R. F. D. No. 1, iiox no. 7. 8-23-8un tiies thurs 4t Boylan-Pearce Co. Boylan-Pearce Co. A' fe'ewell. ,4 ; " The last week of the August Clear- ance Sole culminates in the greatest triumph of low prices that ever com- mawde ytit : attention of the RaleiS trading public. Clearing out orders have been given and we bid good-bye to all summer stock. LADIES AND MISSES COAT SUITS. White and Colored Wool Suits for Small Ladles and Misses not many; values, $20.00 ami $23.00. Arc reduced to V.. $10.00 Just a few White Serge and Colored Suits tliat were $30.00 and $37.50, now ..... . . . . 2..... ...... ....... 18.50 Less tlian a dozen White Wool Long Coats for Ladies. Were $20.00, now ....... 1 . . . . . ... . . ... ........................ 9.98 WHITE WASH WAISTS. Every Waist In stock, without resenc. Just four prices, each less than tin cost of materials 'atone. IAYT 1. Includes all While Waists that sell regularly up to $1.25, for .59 LOT 2. Fine Lawn and Lingerie Waists that sold asJilgh as $1.75. for .98 LOT 3. KIktt Lnwn WaLsts, Etn broidery Trim; values $2.50 and $3.00 $1.98 LOT I. The Finest Waists of the season; elaborately designed; were $3.50, $1.00, and $1.50. Sale prle. $2.1$ NOVELTY PARASOLS. The batancc of the season's stork of Fancy Parasols at one-fourth off of the marked-down prices ior Just half of regular prices. Values t $3.00, $1.00 and $3.00 Now i..... ............................ $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 SPECIAL UMlHt ELL.V SALE. - ill:,.. Ladles Silk Umbrellas, with Sterling Sliver Handle!,' SUrcr and Pearl, Gold Heads, Gun Metal, Ebony and Natural Wood ' Handles. . Former values $3.00 to $8.00 for........ $2.00, $3.00. $1.00 and $5.00 CLEARING OUT SUMMER STUFFS. All grades, qualities and various kinds of materials for summer use are now placed on tables at half values and less . . . .10c., 12 l-2c. and 23c. DRESS SKIRTS AND PETTICOATS. Ladles Walking Skirts, fashionable colors. Black and Colored Taffeta Silk Petticoats Values up as high as $10, $1.08 .......... $1.98 LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SWEATERS. Now is the time you want them ready, for cool mornings and evenings. CluUlrcn's sizes ....... . . . . ..... . . ... ... . . . . ; ...".., $1.00 and $1.23 Ladles size ................................. ... .... $2.00 and $3.00 BO YL AN - P E A K C E COMPANY REGISTERED DRUGGIST WANTS permanent or relief work after September second. References fur nished. Address J. M. Walters, Spencer. N. C. WANTED JUNIOR DRUG CLERK State age, experience ami salary expected. Main Street Pharmacy, Durham, N. C. 8-23-3t WANTEI PRINCIPAL 1XR Vanceboro High School; reference required; term eight months or more. Write, stating price. A. M.J Williams, Vanceboro, N. Cc 8-23- sun tues thurs 6t WANTED - AT ONCE A COMPE- v t tent stenographer, somewhat ex , perlenced in law work. References required. Davidson, Bourne & Parker, Asheville, N. C, .8-22-3t EXPERIENCED LADY STENtXJ rapher wants a position. Address, M. IV, care News and Oliserver. 8-22-Ut WANTED TENT SUITABLE FiR moving pictures. Write S. & B-. Box 114, Oxford, N. C. 8-22-2t noiJIUTT WYNNE DRUG COMPANY open all night. . WANTED MEN TO LR1IIX HAR ber trade, few weeks completes, 60 chairs constantly busy; licensed in structors, tools given, diplomas granted; wages Saturdays. Positions waiting. Wonderful demand for graduates. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ua. 8-22-61 WANTEVt RY SEPT. 1st THREE unfurnished looms for light house keeping, Mut have tas and bafh room. Address "A" cart? .bservcr. 8-21-3U FOR SAM $2,500.00 WILL RUY Stock, Fixtures and Licenses of one of the best located saloons in Petersburg, Va., doing a bar busl n ess of 3200.00 a week. Address P. H. Wells, 133 Halifax Street, Petersburg, Va. ' 8-2l-3t ROimiTT-WYNNn DRUG COMPANY ' 6pen at night, f f ' .- FOIVAi-UJ-AJUARGAlN IN TENA- iMMTTpv.i1ieveral nice dwel lings and good stores for rent Parker & Hunter, 11 E. Mar tin street, Raleigh, N. C. 8-19-t. f. SALE SMAN EXPERIENCED IN any line to sell general trade In North Carolina. An unexcelled soeclalty .proposition. . Commls- : slons - with 835.00 weeklv advanc for expenses. Th Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. W A N T E D AFTER 8ETTE3fBER . first, position as book-keeper for general store. ' Fifteen years . ex. . perlencet references. Box 214, Rowland, N. C. t .8-25-2 sun , : - ' ; HARDWARE SALESMEN TO esrry oulck selling specialty as side line. Liberal commissions. Useful -Anpliunce . Company, Waterbury, Conn. 8-23-2t ROOMS WANTED A' S3IALL FAM lly, consisting of man. wife and five r vearold daughter: would like on largeor two furnished rooms with f board In private family. , Address Permanent, News and Observer i Office. . FIRST DIVISION OF-THE FALL Term of King's Business College, Raleigh, begins September 2. 1908. Get catalogue and oneraK u k tf HG31E STUDY COURSES IN BOOK keeping, 'Shorthand, Penmanship. Send for circulars. King's Buesiness College. Raleigh. ,N. C. tf WANTED TO RUY: A GOOD SEC- . .ond hand electric piano, must be In good condition. Address Box 621, Durham, N. C. 8.-1 3-1 Ct FOR 8 ALE FIVE TWO THOUSAND candle-power Kltson lights, with air tank. Will sell to first comer for 850. Must selt quick on account of . moving. Address, "Light," care News and Observer. . WANTED RAILWAY MAIL Clerks, Postofflce Clerks, Carriers. 81.100.00 yearly. Examinations here November 18th. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Rochester. n. x. . - EXPWtlENClD STENOGRAPHER wants position in this city now or by September 1st. Best references. Address, Miss Ai. M., care News and Observer. 8-20-3L WANTED: YOU TO GET FVJAj IN formatlon about the special sum mer offer. Address King's Busi ness College, Raleigh, . N. C. Th-Thurs-Sun. WANTED: RURAL, GRADED, HIGH school teachers. North Carolina and elsewhere. Long terms. Good sal aries. Teachers' Co-Operative Ser vice, Charlotte. 4t-Sun-Tucs-Thurs-Sun. PAINTED OAK BRACKETS. BEST quality, live oak. Oak and Locust Pins and Cross Arms. Largest man ufacturers in the South. Write for prices. The Elkin Machinery Co., Elkln. N. C. 2-2S-sun Cmo WANTED: YOU TO TAKE OlTR Home Study course. Write for spe cial price. King's Business College, Raleigh. N. C -Sun. WANTED AGENTS FOR THE NA tional" Water Supply System. Gives every city convenience to country homes. Simple, durable, and of moderate cost. Wrie for catalogue. Davidson, i Burnley & Co., Rich mond. Va. 8-9-16-23-30 GOOD INVESTMENT OPEN TO party desiring to enter book and stationery business. Stock I2500. Best town for the business in East Carolina. - For particulars, address "Bookman, this office. S-21-e od 21 HARD TIMES KNOCKED OUT. MY proposition 'nnd free samples do the . business. Good profits. Quick sales. Goods Sell the year around. Sayman 2Z6.1. rrankiln. Ft. Louis. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RAL - elgh, N. C' guarantees good posl v tlons. Best teachers, largest school, ; handsomest equipments. - Catalogue free. tf. HOTEL TARRYMORE, WRIGHTS villo Beach, N. C, with all the at . tractions for which It is famous, otters reduced rates for the remain der of the season, 8-13-10t OFFICE OF DENTIST WITH A $5,000 practice for sale on easy terms to a good operator. Address Dentist, care News and Observer. 8-9-tf. OPEN ALL NIGHT. YVynno Drug Company. IiOBBITT- WANTED : TO '" KEEP r BOOKS ! R Y young lady, who has Jusf finished at King's Business College. Miss W., care News and ODsen'er, 7-31-FrI-Sutf. Free oi Taxes 7 per rent net Income can he obtained from absolutely first-class preferred stocks of substantial North Carolina companies which we can of rcr you today. Call or vrlto Trust Department SOUTHERN LIFE A TRUST C03IPAV, Greensboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus 8405,000. E. n Wliarton, President A. M. Scales. Gen. CounseL Robt. C Hood, Asst. Manager WANTED BY. A YOUNG MAN with two years College ' tralnlnK. seven or eight months school. Has had experience, and can furnish good references. Address "Teach er," Smithfield. N. C - FOR SALE THE ONLY RESIRA ble and available lot on Hillsboro street. 52x150. C. W. Barrett. 8-23-sun tues 3t . f LOST SK.1IMI.UID MILEAGE RE- tween Youngsville and WendelL rlnder return to C. W. Bryan. Ox ford, N. C, and receive reward. 7-23sun-tues-sun Wf DE.1WAKE 8AL1CS3IAN WANT cdlfjy the largest whip manufact ures In the United States, to travel ' In jjs'orth and South Carolina, strict ly on a commission basis; must fur nlsh own expense money, and goyd reference. Address J. E. Dean, 27 Ocean Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J. 8232t ' FOR SALE 1 1x12 Inch AMES EN- gi ne. 30 K. Wv 220 volt'Q.1 E. Dy namo, aYltMHnchhoardf complete, 10 lL?ultySprigud direct current motor, 2- 5. II. P. and 1- 3 II. P. G. E. 110 V. single phase A. C. motors. 80 H. P. H. 8. & O. Throt tling Engine. 14x36 inch Corliss. En gine. AH slightly used. Can furnish all kinds of engines, boilers and dy namos. ' Prices exceedingly low. Greensboro Supply Co., Greensboro, N. C. 8-23-7C SALES3L1N WANTED TO SELL TO grocers, druggists and confection ers; $100 per month and expenses. California Cider and Extract Co., St. Louis, Mo. . ; HATS HATS HATS NEW FALL STYLES are arriving everjr ddy. We are re ceiving and opening our FALL STOCK of MEN. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. xx-s:4 vw p For all f ' j ; aches, nerrottiness, colds, 1 --i-- A. Mz&hiy Mdvenieit ih Excellent Clothing WE DONMwSII TO TALK MUCH ABOUT THESE OOODI FOR THEY( TELL THEIR OWN STORY. SUFFICE TO SAY I THAT THEY ATtE FROM THE $&MOUK TAILORS OF THE WORLD, AND ARE U'AtW SO AS TO REFLECT CREDIT TO THE MAKI1;U ( THE , RETAILERS, ' AND TO THOSE WHO JIRCHASE SINGLE-HANDED. NO SHORTILENGTHS, OUT-OF-TTLH bOdDS IN THESE Afi&lAUE MADE FOR THE BEST 03 DRESSERS. , . - ' PLENTY UFi SNAP AND FRESHNESS these Goongi . ; t t v. . THE SOLll COLOUS ARE TROWN IN. IN ORDER TO MrifCE A CLEAN SWEEpl MEATUS THAT YOVJ pET A , ' $25.00 Sat-: for .. r..T'l$.T5 $20.00 Stt for .............. $15.00 $18.00 SuiiJfdr ........ ..... $15.50 $15.00 Sill-for ...... .'. .. . ... $115 . ; 3 .... - . Our complJ4 line of Trousers are Included in this reduction r4d Good: taste and rpicnty bi ex perience Is easily found In the make-up' of every pair. - 3 "-' :. V - - ' . -. "" ,-' "Just a few ad sizes of the $3.00 and I4.C0 famous Ide bnwi Shirts; we are still' holding them down to $1.50. . . -K' Mede in co-shlrt style. J. Rosens orien ts Co. ?i Fayetteville Street ' ! tipital City 'Phone, 897. n mm,, i " " f ' r i . . I i F I N Jerome s iffew 'Criminal Digest, price $5.00 ; N. C. CodU'Vol. 2, $2.00 ' Report Vm 146, price $1.50 Ready AtjgUst 25th : , Recent Reprint Reports with Clark9s Aririota tions. Vols. 8M84, 85-92. 121-126; $1.50 each. il l i- r WILLIAUS & CO. mi LiMiifaturcrs cf f Pdnls, Grinders ct Lead end Co!c?rin OU. Full lino cl Pruslscs iznrj dl Pdntcri SxnipUcs. m: RICHMOND, VA; Box 120. II For all .J sches, nerronsnc-s, colds, 1 oar stcmscli sad tDdigvstioa pslns HICKS CAPUDINE (tniitmuf) hu positively do qaJ. It sires qaick reUef. Begalsr sixes, 2So and 60a. , . AT ALL DRUGGISTS Trial BotU. 10 H. P. S. HELLEJ2, Architect nalcirjh, N. C Ralclsh and Southport. . DcRlnning Saturday. June the 6th, the Raleigh & Southport Railway wilt place on sale week-end round-trip tickets to Wilmington, rate from Ral eleh belnc St. SO. Tickets will be on sale for both trains on Saturday, and for the Sunday morning train, limited for return to the following Monday. Ticket will be On sale on each Satur day and Sunday ;ntil September 9th. I. J- MILLS, ' President spoil your Pickles with Bad VinegarUSE THE BEST. At Gmith-ForrcstCo. Fayetteville St. Summer Hats We will close op all Summer Hats In the next ten days. : 1 ist hare the room for more-fall good. HISSES RESE Ci CO., 100 Faycllovillo St. USING tDTS OF LINEN . . . ., v. M ... . , ; v ' ' - ' ." x v2l . - Well, dn't nave it dinged and ruined by " a; son7ashwomaa.v. fSeag it to.113 It will return white and clean. : ; . iiftsa'a - - i' . I Oak City StOEO Laundry - . " . 8? Tfalft " ll)tli,ItWU lit I : tow CENGALIA AND POCKET USE3 DENATURED ALCOHOL . No smoke, no soot, no smeeL Call and a sic the salesman to show them. . Take one With Too This Summer. " THOMASlf. DHIGGS q sohs : The i&z Ilardware-ZIen, RALEIG1I. : - - K. CL Larjn Sivlrigb and MdrnmocEi win not carry over cm tunicc: ct ycur oysn pnw run niddfttj company 1 (He 4 . Iluy for iMeMent nmc or buy, for next scasoiu 'crest. j'-;i:v .-;,-.' :.-'.; .. t - . Jfo other investment will pax 7: largo: a percentage; of In :..v.. GTHAIV tSATO" ; xhk .,; t have about 5 do. Men'sStraw Hats left, thev' ranir? Ill nrloe at "from" SI to" it final rlpnrnn ?rice 50 crnts. Iloy's straw hats ujf to 21.50, now 23c. 1 2 , . . , i v . . FElmT HAfC ' All the S3 ones let from this Spring go now at ZT V M&U'G AND All iiatternctl wults In all styles go this week. Yet, at sa p per cent off regular prices. You can select from complete lots right now but the assortment of 1, or 3 of aklnd Is larjo enough to make a rood Selection. - . :. .':s - 4 - 1i f.. r- I. v . - - - HIGH GRADE Ur-SZZnVSOAQ American silks, etc., values SI' to $1.50 ier garment, thU fk' final clearance at 79 c. Very near all tatcs In loth shirts and drawers. This is the very uilenveiryou will want for fall wear. . . v FaiKy ItoHlery mostly Imported numbers, th.t trrc 50 io S1.00 go this week, yet at 35c or 3 pairs v r -1. -. - - - . t; , . ; tr i ' .;r.. Tills week's sales, according to the excesslv prkt, shonld be the largest of the year the gam la your and the loss la onrw but Ifa final elearrmo. . . t . 4 ; a - RRDr.FAneiiD. theome- price CLOTinntT

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