THE NKYS AND OBSERVEtt, FfllDAY, SEPTEMBER '4, 1908 no hill m THE' JUDGESHIP? Looked Last flight Like it ay be Adams 'M.-.' I" NIKE TO 11 American Baraca . Union . to'- Meet " There Judge Pritcliard Signs Final I Decree Permitting the A. C. X. to Put Into Effect the Rates Agreed Ppon Tlic Question lief t Open as Liability of Railway. - ' (Special to .News and . Observer.) Asheville. -N. C. Sept. 3. Keen in terest is still jnanifested in the Judge ship contest, although the Adams peo ple say tonight that the thing is prac tically settled; that Adams already has enough votes to nominate' him. even counting Murphy's .. figures in Buncombe. The Buncombe" vote will probably be thirty for Adams and thirty-six lor Murphy. Information from Madison county is to the effect that more than half of Madison's Ju dicial vote is already instructed , aol idly for Adams, while the Adams peo pie have information to the effect that the county will give Adams 'a sol id 22 -votes in the convention. This with his vote in Buncombe will nom . inate hlm, with Transylvania to hear from. Transylvania5 . holds primaries Saturday and contention Monday. line friends of Judge. Murphy, however, still maintain that with Mur phy's' voe in Buncombe with what he will get in Transylvania and from Madison. : will give him the nomina tion, it looks tonisht; however.- as though Adams will be the nominee. Raracas Go to Asheville. A message has been received here stating that Asheville has been select ed as the 1909 meeting place of the United Baraca Classes of America." The date; has not been .fixed. The convention will bring to Asheville be tween 1 one' thousand and two thou sand delegates and convention visit ors,. r A Question "Left Open. Judge Pritchard has signed a final decree In the case of'the Atlantic Coast " Line Railroad ' to ' the extent of permitting the company to put Into effect the freight rates agreed upon by the railroads and the Legis lature; , This leaves open the ques tion asi to the liability of the rail road, company Upon Its bond to se cure the holders of coupons in cases Whereby tickets were purchased pend ing the injunction which was Issued by the court in the first instance. OFFICIALS ACQUITTED. Jury Instructed to Return Verdict of Xot Guilty In Case of, John Under; wood and R. II. Buckingham Flood Situation Improving. ' 1 (Special to News" and Observer.) ! Fayette ville, N. C, Sept. 3. Before the Cumberland Superior court today the cases of R. H. Buckingham,. mem ber of the board of aldermen, and John Underwood, member of board of audit and finance, for unlawful con tract, the judge instructed the Jury to bring in -a verdict of not guilty. I "The situation -resulting from the flood Is still further improved today, contributions from several parties in New York having been received. MS i:, ctlftlr I i , i HIGH PATENTS THIS IS IIOH THE' IBUUITE' TRUSTS Prosecution of Harriman V Roads is Dropped POSED no peualty is ir: National Baseball Commissicn Excuses Six Clubs HOTELS AND RESORTS. , ' - - r i ... ........ ..n ' . - ' i I - K V 4 - v.1 A 7 . - vt : 1 J J i f Charlotte, N. C. Cliargc Was Irregularities in Trans- fering IMayer Kxcusetl on Ground Tliat There Was no Intent to De ceive Hie Commission. (By the Associated Press.) Cincinnati. Ohio. Sent. 3. No pen alty was imposed on the Cleveland, Akron. Nashville, Columbus, loieao, and Portland clubs for 'irregularities in transferring players. The National Baseball Commission, In a decision promulgated today, excused the of fenses because there was no intent to deceive the commission. The decision states: "Several weeks asto the commission promulgated a notice setting aside certain agreements that had been filed by the Cleveland American League club, pertaining to players who had been sold by that elub to Akron. Nashville, Columbus, Toledo and Portland, because the transac tions were considered irregular and not in accordance with the rules of the commission, a further examina tion of this case clearly shows that there was no intent on the part of either of the clubs' Jnvolved to de- clv the commission or to enter Into any collusion to cover up the players. It is evident that the clubs Interested believed that these agreements would be approved, for the reason that a year ago agreements of similar char acter were permitted .to stand because the Irregularities therein" had not been brought to the attention of the commission. For thils reason no penalty will be inflicted against any one of the clubs involved in these transactions. It Is further ordered that the title to all of the players in volved who have not again bet n pur chased by the Cleveland Club hil! revert to that club at the end of the playing season of the particular leagues in which such players are now playing, unless the teams to wnom they nad been sold by the Cleveland club make suitable ar rangements with the latter club ON THE DIAMOND The f most Modern and Luxuriant Hotel South of Washington. Fire-proof. 150 rooms, 75 with private bath. .Telephone and running water in each room. Cusine un-! surpassed. .American and European plan. Cafe open day and night. Bus meets all trains at both railroads: , V Aaierlcan League Club Mantling. Clubs. Detroit . . Chicago s. . St. Louis . . Cleveland . Philadelphia Boston . . . Washington New York t Won. Lot, P. C. 70 , 49 .588 71 53 .573 68 62 .567 61 55 .549 SO 59 S04 57' 64 .471 50 f7 U27 40 81 .331 Perrlng'a sacrifice hit resulted. Craw ford won opened Detroit's half, hit for three bases and completed the circuit on Perring'a wild throw to stop him from going the full round. Seore: R. H. E. Detroit . . ...000 100 001 2 13 2 Cleveland . . .000 000 014 6 1 Batteries: Mullin and Schmidt. ff Un an1 TA-mii IMtWia 1 4 A TTrm pires: gan and Sheridan. National Dcagne Club Standhig. . Clul. Won. Lost. P. C. New York . . . 73 45 .619 Pittsburg . . . . . 74 47 .612 Chicago . . 74 48 .607 Philadelphia . . . 65 51 .560 Cincinnati .... 48 63 .479 Boston ... ... . 49 71 .409 Brooklyn .... 43 74. .368 St. Louis. . . . 43 77 .359 Edgar B. Moore, Proprietor. ..... . ... -1,, " M - if- IIsverLoseslisFresliRess I CMiutr CALL! fJL. c-r to It has the peculiar and unau- Droached distinction of being- the one Iithia Water which never loses in efficacy by standing, or by distance shipped frgm the spring. In effect, it is always as fresh and efficacious as thouim diDDed ud rierht. at the SDrinir. and is ranidly establishinsr its reputation with the public as it has already established itsel with physicians, the most valuable of all Natural Medicinal agents for the treatment of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and uric acid poisoning, 1 Sold by all mineral water dealers, or shipped direct from spring, 12 hall gallons $4.00; 5 gallon dimijohn $3.00. HARRIS L1TI3A SFiOS CO., Haris Springs. S. C. Hotel open from June 15. H. IZees, Prop. ' r & FOIl SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND MINERAL WATER DEALERS pirflii , American League. - (By the Associated Press.) St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 2. By defeat ing Chicago today in the fourth game of the series St. Louia regained second place In the pennant race. The score was 4 to 3. In the sixth inning P. Smith was batted out of the box. three runs coming on five hits after two were out. . Score: ; U. H. E. St. Louis . . ..000 103 OOx 4 10 1 Chicago . . . .000 100 020 3 4 2 Batteries: Waddell and H. Smith: P. Smith. Manuel. Huliivan antl Shaw. Time. 1:47. Umpires: O'Loirghlin and Hurst. l Wash ington, D. C, Sept 3. Boston bunched three htts enu two bases on balls In the fourth inning today off Tanehill and defeated Washington, 5 to 2. Peature plays were made by Lord and Wagner at critical points of the game. , Score: . P. II. E. Washington . .000 000 1102 9 2 Boston. . . .000 400 100 S 7 0 Batteries: Tannehill and Street; Burchell snd Donohue. Time, 1:45. Umpire: Evans. New York. Sept. 3. The locals won today from Philadelphia by a score of 2 m l. Hogg pitched a good game and a!s helped to win with a timely single. Moriarty played first base in place of Jial Chase, who has cult the tea m. : U.-If. E. 100 000 0001 4 0 .001 100 OOx 2 4 1 Bender; Blue and Schreck: Hogg and Kleinow. Time, 1:35. , Umpire: Connolly. TWriW Ulrh. Rpnt 2. Mullin find Cleveland shut out. until the ninth. when a hit and two errors tinea tne bases. witlKjio one out. one run.-on Score: Philadelphia New York. . Batteries: "Tho Carlsbad of America." - r North Carolina. 1M. UW FRESH CANDY Erai' 0 C) ' C1.-. . . i Under entirely new tnanaccment. Hotel facillUcs llc very besL Cuisine uncxi-cllcd in tlio Soutlw All wBto help employed. ' V ! ted in Saura Mountains, the licalthJcst spirit in North Carolina Tor further Information, address , v : - - It- IL P. McKXIGuT, Manasex, ... , Vado Ilecum, N. C HOTELS AND RESORTS. ' Grand opening of the Summer season! The Popular Mecklenburg IlotcJ ana sanatorium, vnase vity, virfftma. ' Modern In appointments and combining greater attractions and advant ages ror Hie iicaiui ana pleasure seeker man any other place In "the South. "Cuisine and service first el ass. . P.uruch and Nauhcim Systems of Baths. AH popular diversions. Fine orcncstra, i;ioing. vriving, liowuns:, Tennis, oiitc. Tlie Famous Mecklenburg Mineral Waters HUila "and Chloride Cal- luni free to guests. Sold by druggists generally or direct from the Springs Indorsed by leading physicians everywhere. ; . Tlw Sanatorium Department Li In chars of lr. TL C. liftlrd, formerl J of , Hot Spring and Cattery Park, Asheville. N. C low neason rates, liooklet an.I prices on application. Address The Uet k unuur" ziincrai Tpnnss Co., Cliaso City, - , IDE VffiGIMA DAY 100. rooms dcw and mod crn best location on Dcach 0CEM1 VIEW, VA. The e'reat Seaside Resort Boa tin??, fuhln?. hathlnsr. tlanclnrr. Themtreii and AiH imnannMiU. Aiodcrate rates. Special rates to families and parties. Address. JH0. A. TUCIIEH, Manac'er. 'a. Bay Station, Ocean View, Va. National League. (By the Associated Press. 1 , Chicago, Ills., Sept' 3. Both games were easy for the locals today. Overall blanked the visitors In the first, allowing-btu four scattered hits. Pfels ter . would have duplicated the act in the seeond game had he not been a trifle wild in the sixth inning. The locals hit all four of the visiting pit chers freely. Score: (first game) R. II. E Chicago . . ..000 001 04x 5 10 0 St Louis . . .MO 000 000 0 4 3 Batteries: OvenU and Kling; Lush. Beebee and LuCT.lg. Time, 1:25. Um pire: UIgler. Score: (second game) R. H. E. Chicago ... ...102 003 llx 8 12 2 St. Louis . . ...000 003 000 2 7 2 Batteries: Pfeister and Kilns: Ray mond. Galser and Moran. Time. 1:57. Umpire: Bigicr. , , . 1 Philadelphia. Pa., ! Sept. 3. Phila delphia made a clean sweep of the series of five games with Brooklyn by winning today's double-header. Brook lyn made a fine rally in the last in ning of the opening game, but proved very eesy In the second. -The latter contest was featured by a -trlpple play. With men on fhnt and second. Dooln drove a liner o Pastortus, who caught the ball and threw to Alperman, who touched second, retiring Osborne. Al perman then shot the ball , to Jordan at firrt. - retiring Doolan. Score: first game) - n. H. E. Prooklyn . . ..120 000 002 5' 10 O Philadelphia . 300-001 12x 7 It 5 Batteries: Holmes and - Bergen; Poxen. McQuillan and Dooln. Time, 2 hours. Umpire: Emslle. - Score: (second game) R. H. E. Brooklyn . .. .100 000 000 1 6 3 Philadelphia . 410 010 OOx 10 2 Batteries: Pastortus and Bergen; nichie and Dooin. Time. 1:32. I'm llre: Emslie. .. Cincinnati, O.', SepL 3. Pittsburg tried a new pitcher by the name of. Brandon, late of the Kansas City American Association team. He held the Cincinnati to one run.' Errors were at the bottom of all runs scored I y the visitors. Scorer R. H. E. Cincinnati . . .010 000 000 1 2 rittsburg . . 001 002 0003 S T3 Batteries: Dubuc and McLean; Brandon and Gibson. Time. 1:52. Umpire: O'Day. - , Boston, Mass.. Sept. 3. New York repeated its feat of Tuesday by win ning two games from Boston today, the first 3 to 0. and the second 8 to 5. Both games were hard fought, but the timely hitting of the visitors enabled them to win. McGlnnity pitched the first xr&m for the visitors and . was invisible with men on bases. In the second game New York found easy and he was taken out in the third. Chappelle. , whosuc ceeded him. pitched well and was taken out in the eighth to allow Bates to bat. Ames was Invincible up to the seventh, but three hits and a base on balls in thet inning caused his retire ment Matthewson went in to save the game, but e.fter the visitors had scor ed three runs in the ninth through Perguson's wildness, Taylor was sub stituted.' Score: (first game) R. H. E. New York . . . .010 001 100 3 8 0 Boston . . ...,000 000 000 0 7 1 Batteries: McGlnnity and Bresna han; I Andaman. Ferguson and Gra ham. Time, 1:40. Umpires; Klem and Johnson. Score: (second game) R. H, E. New York . 112 001 003 8 9 0 Boston . . .000 000 302 5. 8 1 Batteries: Ames. Mathewson. Tay lor and Brenahan; . Dorner, Chap pelle, Ferguson and Smith. Time, 1:&0. Umpires: Johnstone and Klem. F00 550,000 TO TAFT FUHD "Formal Announcement of Thbr.Ter mination of, the Litigation Would,' .It Was Said, .Re Withheld Until Af ter the . . Election," " Says a Tart Paper New , from , the Middle West Nciapers and Campaign Funds. ' ? 1 . By TII03LS J. PENCE. ' " Chicago, 111., Sept 3. In a special dispatch from New York to the Chi cago Record-Herald of Tuesday its correspondent discussing the market report, sends the following: , -"The most interesting feature r of the day was . a report . which circulated in the best circles to the effect that a government at torney . was authority for the . statement that the suit of the government against the Union Pacific and Southern Jacific Companies for violation of the Sherman act had been definitely dropped and the prosecution af ter many conferences and thor-, ugh consideration arrived at. the ' conclusions that it would be un-. able to make out a case against these roads. . Formal .announce ment of this determination: of the litigation, would, it was said be withheld until after the election." Hon. J. E. ' Lamb, of Indiana," a member of the advisory committee of the. National Committee; commenting upon this statement 'had this to say "In view of the fact that this state ment Is published in, the Chicago RerorcV-lIerald, , which I supporting TaTt and Sherman, how ever much It may astound the general public,-may bo considered as authentic Theso suits against' Mr. HarrimanN pet rail roads were ortlcrcd brought by the adnilni.xtration something near a year sgor with a grrat -flourish of trum pets, and It was generally, believed that the administration was In earn est, and lhat the Department of Jus tic-e would f olicy orders. Now that Mr. Harriman has- promised to be good, and lu special attorney, Wll- l la m NelMn Cromwell, lias been ap pointed a menibor of the Republican National Committee and has contrib utcd fifty thousand dollars to the fund f tliat ommIttee, It seems that the proMccutlon lia. aftcr many con fcrciM-CM ami -tliorough : consideration arrived el tin conclusion tliat It would he unable to make out a cae against I He roads. Is the conclusion arrived at an honest one; or rather in not the conclusion the result of the chang ed attitude of the Harriman .railroad towards the Republican National tick et? Is the fact that 'formal announce- ment of tlie termination of thl lltlga ttotl wontdT It vras mid, be withheld until after tlie "election corroborative proof that n new deal lias been made between 31y Deer Harriman and Koincbody . representing the United States Government? Tliee are ques tions that will be thoroughly dbjctms ed and considered by the voters until tne November electton.7 - " News from the Middle West. Henry George, Jr., the son of the famous apostle of the single tax, who has been out on a nine weeks' Chau tauqua lecture tour, called at the headquarters today to proffer his ser vices as a speaker for Bryan and Kern and to report the results of his observations in Nebraska and Kansas and adjacent States. "I am thoroughly convinced, 'said Mr. George, "that the Democratic ticket will sweep both Nebraska and Kansas, and the 'other Cliautauqua speaker whoaev lines I crossed, and wlto had been to other agricultural States, declared that their opinions concerning Iowa and Minnesota, coin cided with mine as -to tlie two States first named. Tlie great striking fea ture of the campaign throughout these States Is the growing strength of tlie bank delimit guarantee plank. I liave heard at least three Republican hankers declare that while they had tiever voted tlie Democratic ticket be fore, they were going to vote It this year because they absolutely believed tliat the incorporation of iliese prin ciples In tlie Jaw would tbc of 1 the greatest benefit to their business. - "The Chautauqua audiences that 1 addressed, though my lectures were not In any- way partisan, showed the greatest enthusiasm whenever any ref erence to Mr. Bryan or any expres sion of approbation of the Democratic principles was made. I liave not been In New York for two months, bHt I know that the sentiment of the. voters there is for Bryan, and I believe that If the last three weeks of the cam- 'HEADACHES; 3 to cents. EvcnywHrRz. ""-Vili paign wet devoted to a vigorous at tack upon the old-time stronghold of tlie money power, tliat State could be curried.'- . --. ? Newspapers and Campaign 'Funds. The success of the system of rais ing the necessary--fund for the Dem ocratic campaign through the efforts of loyal newspapers ts rapidly be coming auDarent Within "ten days. for example, the New Orleans state has reported its first subscription list as doubled. - The - Commoner. ,01 course, leads the list of . collectors of funds, 'but such papers as the Mem ohis Commercial-Appeal. :the Mem nhia -Scimiter-Avalanche the .Nashville Tennesseean, Buffalo Times are all re porting rapidly growing subscription lists. - The Knoxvillei- Tennessee Sen tinel has sent out through its corres pondents throughout the State printed blanks on which the names of sub scribers and the amounts subscribed may be noted and offers a cash prize of ten dollars to the Correspondent who will send in the largest amount of cash subscription from any county in East Tennessee outside of Knox county. This , is a work "In" which any paper may well Join whether great or small. Twenty-five dollar subscrip tions are aDt to mean a good more than twenty-five votes,v and record Vf the subscribers and the name of th paper securing them will "be faithfully preserved at the Democratic head quarters for reference after the elec tion. .. .. . ,:;v , ... 1 r- . In some of the States of the Middle. West, notably, 6hio and Indiana, a method of soliciting even - smaller subscriptions has been adopted and-Is' being pressed largely by women. They form what they call thirty cent clubs, enrolling members who are pledged to secure as many 'subscriptions of that amount as possible. ; The plan Is; spreading widely and while entailing the least possible burden upon -the subscriber, is likely to .bring a con-- siaerapie- campaign iuna 10 ine biu df.Ilryan: . , , Bat k to Rockingham. " Rockingham. N1. C. Sept. 3. The list of old iresidents who .will attend, the : "Rockingham "Home Coming" grows, it is- going to oe a Dig tning and a more delightful affair than or- - Iginally contemplated. 'To be- added to the list already given to the public -are: Hon. Spencer B. Adams, Greens- boro, N. C; Hon.2 A.. C. Shaw, wash- ngton, D. C; Winiam Sandy Covlng- ton. J- C. Thomas, D. ' Scott ,Poo e. Revl M. iA. Smith. V. C. Terry. FTed Terry, W. B. Sedberry, J. C. Mdfgai.. J. H. Lewis, John Mcllwlnen, A. II. Page, A. G. Page. W.- E. Garrett; Jul ian Little, E. Whl taker. J7 Pi P 1 Of cutting, Torm, and color characterize rthe Cut Glass which we" are showing. All our pieces vases, glasses, pitchers, compotes, ; carraffes, etc., have a ,8tyle and character of their own. The prices too, 4of these goods place them within the reach of La those who ... desire attractive table appointments which are not too expensive. h. r.iAiiLEn'G sons "Jcwcloro, nalciflli, , t in' ti. c. . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. . f mmnL ' The Diocesan Echool of tfk fanTI"at. i v lxty-Serenth Session v Opens September' 17, 18C3. . ' CoBese, llcslc, Art, Elo cution, . Business, -' Preparatory. For Catalogae, eta. Ad Hr- G:crgo V. liy, ir Rector, -T Raleigh, N. a 1 1 '- A i"r " trii 1 ."i . Alt ' ' - - Kf: f.fef:citte,Dmttry,Phmrmae- . Swiiiiyn Swio, twiiB.Bn 14. i OrM If ei by th Imrim Uii Cal iMwtottn o th, nennl of itd- ; ROCIC HILL COLLEGE. ; : 'f Elllcott.aty. Md. ; ' 1S miles from Baltimore, main line B; & O. Select boarding achool for. young men and boys -over 12 . years. Courses of study give a solid .founda tion for all branches of engineering, law, medicine -and business. Send lor circular. - -. : -' - - . THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, Southern' league. (By the Associated Press.) Mobile Ala.. Sept 3. (Score (first game v R. H. E. Nashville . . .000 00 000 0 5 1 MObile . . 000 000 001 1 6 2 Batteries: Perdue and Seabaugh! Hickman and Massing. Time. 1:54. Umpires: Wheeler and Pfennlnger. : Score: (second game) R. H. E. Nashville . . ..Oil 000 002 f 1 Mobile . 000 000 00 0 4 3 Batteries: Perdue and Seabaugh; Hlxon and Massing. Time. 1:25. Um pires: Pfennlnger and Wheeler. CARTERS nrrn.6 IVER PII-VG. -rJ" umm 81ck Headache and relievs sll the troabtet Inci dent to a bilious sUte of th yttera, anch as DiscfaeM, Nausea, Drowaioem, DWtreaa after eating, paia in-tbe Side. &c. While their moat remarkable aucceu baa been ehown In coring i7 ' Little Pock, Sept. 3- Little Rock. ..100 020 OOx 3 9 4 Atlanta . ..101 000 0002 7 5 PatterUav Euchanan and Wood; Johns sr.d Smith. Time, 1:35. Um pire: E!drldge. . : v . ... - : -;- At Lltt'e 'Rock Little Rock, Atlanta, - f V: . At Mobile, first game Mobile, 1 ; Nashville. 0. At Moblle.-second game Nashville, 2; Mobil. 0. No others scheduled.' Headache, yet CarterB Littla Liver Pills ara equally ralnable la Constipation, curing and pre venting thin annoyine complaint, while they also correct all disorder! of the tonurh, atimnlatetha live r and regulate the bowels. Even if toey only curat mem Ache they pould be almost prlcelcM to thoaewho Buffer from tliia distressing complaint; but fortu nately their rood noM does not end hereiml thoso who once try them r lQ find these little pills vain "ble in so many ays that they will not be wU-' ling to do iuioat them. But after all sick bead n Virginia League. C (By the Associated Press.) At' Lynchburg Lynchburg, 4; Nor folk: . ' - i At DanvillP Danville ; Ilonnoke, At' Blchmpnd Richmond. Portsmouth, .' i' y 1; la the bane of so many Urea that here la where we nuke our great boast.,, Our puis cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver PBla are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable end do not gripe or perge, but by their gentle action please all who UMtbem. . asm i:::zx C3., rz? t:. ECIIOOLS A?ID COIaLEGTS. WWWVIVVVWMMMVIIW)VVV I GREEIISB0R0 FEI1ALE COLLEGE . Elegant new tmlldtngs with ev ery modern 'comfort and conven ience, and new furniture. 'and' equipment throughout. Literary, Sci entific, Classical and Business Courses. Schools of iluslc. Art and. Ex pression. Full corps of able and experienced teachers, ' specialists In their several departments. ? : : : : : s v : : ; : -- TER31S UODERATE. . Pour farther information apply to LTJCT IL ROBERTSON Pres. Fall Term Opens 'September CUu 1603. : Trio Ideal Come School for Girls and Xozns Wcmen. . Advanced Collesiate Oonrses; Excellent Conservatory of Wosle; Complete Schoobj of Art, Impression, Business, Pedagogy, Physical ' Culture, etc Fine Preparatory Department unCer fcpecial Instructorsv It will pay you to look into Its advantage before ccUln2 where' to send yoor daughter. :'. .- , Catalogue on appUcatlon, . Konry Jcromo GtocUard. ELIZAJMm ' and CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CIIARLOl TE, 2C C A High-Grade College for Women. $250,000.00 College Plant; fire-proof bnildlns; suburban location, pork of a acres; Urdverslty educated, expert enced teachers. Dctrdlns - students limited; delightful and healthful location. ., ... - - .... - , .... . . - . " - - x - r A; XL COURSE. UUSIG. ART AND EXPKlSIorJ. r J i Ulastrated Catalgone seat free op application.- ' CUAS. D, SLVG, Presieat. GT ATE S VILLE FEI73ALE COLLEGE nealthful. piedmont climate, inc dcrn . equipment., Ablo teachers. Larjo ""darice. Very moderate price,' Mcntl for catalogue. - L.. ftZZTZfni&X tX;'";" v J SCOTT, D. Statcsvllle. ff. ft mi I I II II i l i i . no VAOATiorj--".- -Enter r nic4 S tort hand; ' Rook keeping, Tele . y rranhv. and Ens ish imioht hv w mw t w "e " w J v m - a m nvuwrs niiti r. a refutation. . Tlie oldest, largest and hest eqnlppeti ; business college In the CaroUnsH. V. rite for -hI:i. ..... 4 -