rnri ircvra and obsuhvkr, Friday, September 4, rjui 7 CflTTOO LlllET IS LOSIOGlii Flew York Turns Easier and Closes Lower SALES ABOUT 125,000 DALES HJialdDE Cemlbral Leads ...... - ; 3 - . - - ... 4 ; . T - ALL LIFE INSURAT4CE COMPANIES (1) In gain In surplus during 1807,- most trying year on securities. (2) In LOWEST; AVERAGE DEATH RATE for over 40 years. (8) In UIGIDZST INTEREST RATE on Investment. " (4) In Largest : Annual Dividends to Insured, and .' t5 )' In IX WEST COST FOR INSURANCE. "- '.. Union Central policies are BEST FOR THE BUYER and therefore EA SIEST TO SlXIi. -.:V J:' Few cbod agents can he siren choice territory. Write to - CAREY ij. HUNTER Q BRO., STATE AGENTS. Raleifjh, North CaroUna. . Opening Steady at, an Advance of 5' to 7 Points and Sold Early at an Ad vance of 7 to 8 Points Net Higher-, Close Unchanged to 3 Points Lower. (By the Associated Press.) New York,. September 3. Af terra moderate Advance at the opening the cotton market turned easier - today with the close staedy net unchanged to 3 points lower. Sales were , estimat ed at 125.00 bales. The market open ed steady at. an . advance or 5 CP 7 points during the first few minutes sold 7 to 8 points net higher on cov ering, buying by houses with English connections and a demand from re actionist which was encouraged bj higher cables than expecxeo anu; rr- ter. The advance carried October up to 863 or 25 points above tne low record of yesterday and at this level offerings Increased, while the buying here for English account being chief ly against sales in. Liverpool was with drawn after the close of the market and prices consequently f eached off after midday.' The. low point was reached quite late in the day when October sold at 8.50' or. six points net lower with-the close a shade up from the. hnttoni on renewed covering for over the holidays which will be fol lowed by the first census report of the season at the opening on . Tues day morning giving the amount of cot ton 'ginned from the new crop prior toJ September 1st. 'The local market will close ; tomorrow night J. or over Southern spot markets reported to day were 1-4 cent lower to .1-16 cent higher. -- Receipts at the ports today 11. 931 bales against 10.011 last week and 9.814 last year. For the week 100.000 bales against 71,496 last week and 48,022 last year. Today's .receipts at New Orleans 536 bales against 8 last year ana , aw nuusiwn , o asainst 4. 994 last year. : Cotton spot closed quiet: middling uplands 930; middling gulf 955; sales none. Futures opened, and . ciosea steady. Sept. : Oct.. Nov. . Dec. Jan . . Feb.. March April . May. , Open High Low Close O to a EA S At - B A 8.63 ..8.60 ..8.52 ..8.42 .18.45 ..8.48 8.52 8.44 8.35 8.49 8.50 . ' . S.39 ?8.30 8.35 8.36 8.53 8.41 8.44 8.34 8.36 9.29 847 . . .. A.. 8.48 8.44 New Orleans Cotton. - New Orleans. La.: September 3. - Cotton spots were easy and 1-16 cent lower througrnout. .Miaaung cents. Sales were . 275 , bales on the snot and 100 to arrive. Cotton futures opened steady - and 2 to 4 joints above yesterday's closing in o-jn nf Mghpy uTJye rppcj, pahr Ipk' Vriftta wfri lawr after the oDen tne- nn rpnnrta of heaw snot offerings "T . - . . . . 1 ' A 1 . . . . .... a - in- tne Atlantic states, dui raiuea on news of .absorption of , October op tts Irf.New.Xork. Unfavorable con dition reports from Mississippi and AUtama also had a strengthening ef fect on the - prices., The margin .joI .fluctuations, however, was ' narrow tat oughout " the -day. .The closing was tf'Stdy with prices? 1 to 4 points net losing bid: HUer, 8.53; Nc rtr. 8.4 ULiver September, 8.64; Oc- fovember, 8.49; .Decern Hf, 8.46; January, 8.49; February, March,' 8.56 ;. Liverpool Cotton. ' V tlXiverpool September . 3,- Closing; Cotton spot In fair demand; prices f jpolnts higher; American- middling ir, a.sz; gooa miaaung, a.ts; mia- 4lipg. 5.26; low middling, 5. 02; . good ftcjlnary. 4.42; ordinary, 4.02. The salfs of the day were 6,000 bales of ch 500 .were for speculation and jferqort ;and included 5,200 American. No; receipts. "lutures opened steady and closed ca; American - middling G. C. . Nw Jtalcigh Spot Cotton. . -C' Beceipts yesterday ......... .11 bales. "TTlCe, best grades .. w ...... 10 Other Cotton Markets. 3-4c. i Ports j rcrtMoTenieut: -; Kw Orleans. hvnnaU- CLileston- VViminfctcn- , J altlmore Itfclcn J tiUadeiphla Interior Mormfc Htrcslon . Augusta htu (i tit a. 5 Cincmnsu. i LcuiKVilie... Tone qnJet quiet quiet quiet steady nora dull noni quiet quiet ' quiet steady quiet quiet - quiet firm Mld'ung (RecelpU a' S3 34 au 9 30 30 ss 8'S-16 .t 34 20 4. CIS 220 27 IS 99 5.S79 IS is '.L Stocks and Bonds. ' I New-York, iSeptember 3. Selling of shocks by speculative holders today vfas induced by the perception that fct.rrfo tt th assumDtions On r which theyhad acquired them were not well! lOUnUCU. ine cuueJiv.uuua o- Arrnvrican Smelting, which broke bad ly in continuation of its weakness of 1f8terday. The prominent place given t Americao Smelting In the widely ad vertised ; La wson campaign made its ekample influential in rising Jears of similar conditions to be met in other shocks. .-! -- The me ntal and Industrial group . vpere mostly closely affected In sym pUthy. The July earnings reports of railroads coming to hand and. those of 'gross earnings for the latter weeks of August Indicate a slender founda tion fcr the more sanguine estimates of the rate of improvement. The same Is fle !f the returns from the Iron and pteeli trade where the revival Is , gAinr on steadily but admittedly slow-. lyr-Conditions in the money and ex change markets were little " changed. Discounts eased in London in spite of large, withdrawals of gold from the Bank of England for export.. The Bank of France return was weaker and discounts advanced at Berlin. ' " The general bond market was ir resrwlar. Total sales par value.' - $6, 59 00. 8. bends were unchanged on ' call'" . Tntal sal Aft trwlnv 717 S An Vo Includini? copper 49.200; Smelting 87, 500; nrar, 800: A. C. L.. 100; C. & O,, 700; ' Southern. Pacific, 89.700: -Kmirhern ttnilwnv. 1 fl n nmrn,, 600; .Tennessee Copper, 2.800; U. P. 124,21)0; U. a Steel, 46,600;x ;Sl088 . Unloading Sill PHILLIPS PENNY Sheffield. Chemical, 300; 100. Virglnla-CarolinaJ BONDS. UAref.2s.reK 103V4 Cdo.ret2a.coup.lS4 do.3s.res 101 dajs-coup. 141 do.new4s.reK120)4 do.new4s.coupl21'4 Am.Tob.4i : 7 1 5s dots 1993s Atch.ien.4s 10i4 do.sdJt. s.... 91 daCrtLw M.: 'daCv5s-: 10344 So.Pac.4s-. A.C.I4i.ii' RAQ.4. doSs ... B.lLT.cr.i....... 7 f - Cen.ofQs5s-l9 dalitlnc... v.. .' 8 4 do.Con4s 104 104 t. do.2H... 73 N.AW.oon.4 . 934 0ras.s.4c.-. WH Penn.ct.3 vs do.2nd.lnc. 49 do.Srd.hiC- 49 aSO.4&tL101V4 C.AA.3 48 C.B.&(l.new4s.. 954 CR.LAPsc.4s.-. U - do.col.5a 454 darfd4L . Vt C. C.OASt.L..4t 93 Coi.In.5s.ser. A 73 CoI.Mld.4s -J. 44 Col.South-4 9S5i D. A U.cv 4:... 1 114 O.ARloGr.4 93 Erie prior llen4&. do.gen.4s 4S Hock.VsL4s -.19 f intbMe!4a 6S7s Jspsa 44-- Arn.Copper. AmXsxAr do. pre f SO 'la4s.cer.2ds. 907s do.4B2dse UJtN.4 . 944 Msn.con.gold 4s. 99 Mex.Cen.4s 81 do.lst.lac.. . 17 Minn.ASt.L.4s SO Mo.K ATex is- 9734 da2a..- 83 N.R.R.Mex.co.. lVt N.Y.Ceii.gan 9198 -ISlft Reading gen.4a- 198 RepCunaSs 103 St.L.ALM.cn.8s-lie,4 SLL.AS.P.4S.. . 69 StL,AS.W.C4k.4s 7S4 H.A.L.4 SS So.Pac.4s-.-- 89 do.lst.4s.cer.-. 94)4 So.Rwy.fs 191 Tex.APsc.lsts.-.16lH T.SLL.A W.4- 755a UnlonPac 4s.101!i dacv.4s .... U U..S.Steel2d.5I01 Wabash ltU. 10A LWest.MId.4s. 7S4 NV.ALakeE.4s.-. 71 WU-Cen. 4s. 858 STOCKS. . 4(H4 1SSU A mXtoUSeedCU. 7 S'4 Am.liideAL.pr- 204 A mericanlce 2S5 Am.LJnseedOU-. It: Am. Locomotive S3 dapref . ICS Am-S-ARef '9218 do-pref. 1S3M raugirllef 133 AiTuTob.pfd.c- 95 Am. Woolen.. 234 Anac'n.Mui.Co- 44S Atchlnson,.-- do. pret.-. 95 9S!4 964 87 S3 dapref.-.-. Brook. Ra p.Tra- CansxilanPiic .171 Cen-Leather . 2SV4 do. pref ..-. 97 Cen.ofXJ -05 CheOhlo.. CO. Western CtticazoAN.W 1417 ChLM.St.H. ..142& CClASt-L 51H CoLFuelAlron- 37 Cul..Southern.- 3534 du.lst.pref.-.-. 4 do.2d.pref .. 57)4 Consol. Gas.. ,. I5fe Ourn Pro- -i.ZW.vu.-1 UeLAUudson 170!4 IMn-AUioUrs-.- 2644 do.pref s rutUlefsSee.. S3 Uo-litpret. ..... 39i4 do. 24. pref 30 Gen. Electric :i4S OLXor. ore ctf.- 4M ULCen-. -1404 Int. Metropolis 11 do.pref. 32)4 lac Paper-i do. pref- 554 InLPump- 24M lows Central . Kan.C.So... do. pref . LAN 108 Mex.Cfcu.w 1614 MLStP AS-i.M-12234 MissouriP3c.-i.S6 M.Kau.ATex-. 31 do. pref..- 44 National Lead 82)4 N.Y.Central -.1044 N.Y.OnAWes. 4144 N.W s74 N.A merle an. 'es Xor.Pac 141)4 PaclficMaU 2414 Penn . i;sj PeopIe'sUas.. .. 98 P.CCAL.L 70 J Press..SteelCar-. 33 Puii.IalaceCar-.it4 Rail Steel Spr . 43 Readltig . U758 RepublicSteeL 23 do. pref. 79J4 IlockltlandCo.-. 17 dapref.- 32M MIL. ASan Fran. clco2d.pref . S.LtSo.West do. pref . 16)4 2i'A 69 2314 17 41 62X 1664i llt4 -19)4 89 37 siosS'Sherreld . So.Pac.. JL dapref. 4outheruIt.-. dapror Tenn.Cop. Tex.Pac .. 24 TJSULAW. . 28 f - daprer .5. - 57 : UnlonPacl fic 1 4 dapref 86)4 U.S. Rubber. 34!4 dalst pret ..its U.S. Steel 468 dapref m 110 UtahCop . 4514 V.Cs.Chem.ip. 35 dapret .-.Lios Wabash.-. 12 dapref.- 26 ; Westr house El- 74 West. Union 58 W.ALakeKrle Wlsconiint'cn 23 .S idardOU ..635 . Naval Stores. Wilmington, N. C. September 3. Spirits turpentine steady, 35; receipts, 21. . B.osln steady, 200; receipts, 93. a Tar firm. 140; receipts, 3. f? Crude 'turpentine firm, 150,200 ; and 25;; receipts, -11. . 5 Savannahs .Ga.. September 3. Tur- npntlno firm - '! caLM TOO. ...ini.' f ....... yv, c o, irtripu, 1.087; shipments, 610. . Rosin firm; sales, 2,925; receipts, 3.446; shipments, 2,689; stock, 166,-074.- : Quote: A. B C. 240; D. 243; E. 350255r F. 270; O. 276; II. 335; I. 360; K. 430; M. 450; N. 625; W. O. 590; W. 610. : C harleston, S. C, September 3.- Turpentine steady at 36 1-4: Bosin steccy. Cuote! A. B. C. 22 1-2 230; D, 230; E. 235237 1-2; F. 265(f270; O. 272 l-2275; H. 345; I. 350; K. 415; M. 440; N; 515; W. O. 575; V. W. 590. . . RYE OATS GLOVER VJm A. rJJyofiti Corner Blount and Martin Streets. naleifjh, N. C. Grain and Provisions. Chicago. 111., September 3. Wheat prices cn the local exchange today ad vanced nearly, two cent from the low point of the session owing chiefly to confirmation of enormous sales of flour at Minneapolis yesterday. AH oi the advance was not maintained but the market closed strong with plrces up 3-4 ft 1 1-8 11-4." Corn also was buoyant and closed at net gains of 1-4 to 3-4. Oats and provisions show ed moderate gains. ' lie Articles 4 Highest. Lowest 4'los!n Wheat: - ' - - - K.pu 8334 97 9SU IVC, 98& 94! 91 Corn: Sept. 7914 7 7!9 iec as 87J4 68 (Jats: Sept. 8098 SOU 04 Dec. 8014 8C$8 Pork: Sept. 14-98 1480 14.80 Oct. 15.09 14.88 14.88 Lard: i Sept. 0.70 1 S 9671$ Oct 0.75 8.53 8.70 . Ribs: ept, 9.29 81$ 9.15 HU 3 27 9-22i4 3.23 Cash quotations were as follows: Fluur Hrm, No. 2 wneat 93 $69 Na 3 94194 No. 2 Red. 97. Fa 2 rorn 79r,79li, Na 3 yellow ts-14, so. 3 white 49fi 81, Na 2 rye 5. iocd(t-dlnc barley 83. Fair to choice malting tVj. Na 1 Northwdstsrn 123, Pri mo Timothy Keed 330. Short Rils 1ook8 877925, Mess Pork per bbt. 14S7K 1540, Lard er 00 lbs. 87. Short cUh sides, bozvd. 12'?9i7. VN iuskry I s u high wines 117. New York ProvUlouA. Ne Trk. 8 pten.ber 3.-Kiour market quiet and hi thr. Kyv flour su:Ady- Corn meal firm, Rreduii.. Na 2 western 84 nominal, f.a I. Ne York. ' , . Wheat, upot r.rin. Na 2 red 102104 Options climed 30 net higher, ttei'teiube. May ti. Corn spot suaa, Na 2 96 nominal elevatoi optiot s cluMod uct Ion er. Mp. 83i, Dx . 744- I Oats spot eay. mixed 54. Item ite:Kiy,faui.ly l-7i al7-3. mersl.3C r,!S.iO. neeiiisius 2'134. v.ty extra indk nick 24"t2. l ul meal steady. Lard can. Pork quiet Tallow dull. Petr.4euiu steady. - Rosin quiet, strained 2933238. Turpentine steady It ire steady. . Suar,rsw quiet, fair refining 2406? 341. cen trliuital 06 te 1 390,molasses sugar 8-99U3.1 Ue fined quiet, C'oitfce quiet. Rio No 7, ?8. Santos No, 4 v8 mud dull, cordova 9Mh.V Future net .itvnangei to 8 points lughei. liutlerfirm, cream ir specials 24, third to first, 18T.22. state dairy common to nnesi W't'txyi, rocMi com iuoa to Special lSuZl- Cheene steady. Kggs firm, nearby selected white JO. lair to choice iri 23, brown and fancy Hi 26, gOkd to chuktt 24(28. - - Freights steady, Liverpool firm, Cotton b steam 18, grslu by steam tH pence. Potatoes steady. Lone Island bN 2.502.7. Jersey 2.25 C2-60, Jouthern 1.892.28, cull. ?JlI, Southern sweets yellow bbi 1.75&2.50 old Jersey per basket .76". 2S. Cabbage steady. Fiat Dutch per I00,i43 Cttou seed oil wss lower for spot, tut was steady for futures. Prime Crude 26. prime summer yellow 34,4. wff sum me. .teilow 3HT'S7. prime white 35U41 prime winter yellow 3842 y LOSES IIIS QUTUICS Application for Removal From Duchess County Jail Denied - and Confinement Will - ' - . , . be-Closer (By the Associated Press.) Pouehkeepsie. N. Y., Sept. 3. Al though an application to remove Harry K. Thaw from the Dutchess county Jail here to some other institution was denied today. It may yet have the ef fect of stopping the frequent trips to Fishkill Landing in the proceedings before a referee which have been the source of so much annoyance to Sher iff Kobert W. Chanler, while they have provided j the prisoner with no little diversion. . ... The application was made by Ed ward E. Perkins, attorney for Sheriff Chanler, before Supreme Court Justice Morschauser. tlt was Dased on the re port of an inspection made by the Secretary of the State Prison Comrali sion and was supported by an affidavit of the sheriff that the . Jail is pot! a suitable place for the confinement of Thaw as an insane person.- It was Justice Morschauser himself who committed Thaw to the Dutchess county jail tecporarlly last May, pend ing the determination of habeas corpus proceedings Instituted by Thaw.-to ob tain his release from the Matteawan asylum. After a trial Judge Mor schauser adjudged Thaw Insane and ordered him re-committed to Mattea wan. . Before the order could be car ried out however. Thaw obtained from Justice Miller a new Writ of habeas corpus and Judge Mills ordered him detained in the county Jail here until the new writ should be heard. This hearing was adjourned to September 21, and Judge Mills is then to be asked to allow Thaw a Jury trial on the question of his aanit. Judge Morschauser said today In declining to entertain the motion of Mr. Perkins that not only did judicial comity restrain him from Interfering with Judge Mills order, but also that there appeared to be no proceeding needed for doing so. . -LET T1JERE HE LIGHT." W1ct Porwl Town to Have Electric Lighting j, System ami the College a Football Klevcn Oilier News From the 11111. " -(Special to News and Observer.) Wake Forest, N. C. Sept 3. For the first time in many years Wake Forest will put a football eleven on the gridiron, and the students are all talking of the chances of a winning team. Nothing definite has been done as yet In regard to a coach, but there will be a mass-meeting of the students tomorrow night at which one -will be selected. Though there Is no coach the first practice will be held tomor row under the direction of. some of the students who have played football. Electric lights have been long need ed at. Wake Forest, boths by the' col lege : and the inhabitants, of the city nd this much-needed article will soon be obtainable. The town commission ers have, after consulting the property owners, voted to Issue town bonds to the sum of $10.000' to build an electric olant Many bids have already been ecelved from contractors for the con struction of the plant, and electricity a promised by Christmas. President Potest was showing one of the con tractors over the buildings of the col ege today getting an estimate of th oit of wiring them, for doubtless they n-ill be Illuminated with electricity. - .There will . be, aKSuae of baseball "miorrow between the Invincible of ie town, and the , rurnL, . college t layers. - - s Prof. J. P. Carlyle left yesterday 'or Lumber ton where he addressed the Robeson County Association of Phy sicians. 1 - . Dr. E. W. Pjkes will leave tomor row for Davidson county, where he will speak on local taxation at an edu cational rally. - . . . and Oavo Your Rent! . : -..'...':-. ,.v w .,.) ,'.'.,. Wo have some rood houses tor sale, entirely on Installments, with no Interest to pay. Two suitable for S. A. . L. Ry, people. ' Other smal) onea 8ome elegant vacant lota. HICHTOWER Ci FORT 10 EAST TJARGETT ST. : k Wcw Crop French Bulbs Wow Ready Mant Early for Best Results. Choice Palms and Ferns In great variety. Wedding bouquets and fun eral decorations a specialty. Cut flow ers of all kinds in season. Mail, tele graph and telephone Orders receive prompt attention. , J. L 0'Quinn Co. TELEPHONES 149. - Money Market. New York, September 3. Money on call easy 11 1-4 '.per cent: ruling rate 1, closing bid 1, offered at 1. Time loans dull and steady: C days 2 per cent and 90 days 2 1-1 per cent. Six months 3 12 per cent. Close: Prime mercantile paper. 4 tc 4 1-2 per cent. Sterling exchange firn: with 'actual business in bankers bill at 484.50ffi 484.60 for 40 ay bills am at 486 for demand. Commercial bill 483 3-4 ft 484. Bar silver 51 1-8. Mexican - dollars 15. Dry Good Market. New York, September 3. ReDortt to the dry goods market from men wear houses are to the effect that business is substantially better In spot goods and some re-orders are. al ready beginning to come forward on spring goods. The cotton goods trade for the da was fairly steady, the demand belnr for small lots generally ofr earl shipment. Haw silk factors are finding tne demand more steady from thf mills. Jobbers had a fairly good day. Baltimore Provisions. Paltimore, Md.. Seotember 2. - Flour firm.! unchanged. wheat firm: contract 97 3-4(298: Southern on grade 94 (9?. Corn, dull; spot mixed No. 2 white. Southern white corn 82. Oats firm. No. 2 mixed 51 (f? 1-2. Itye steady. No. 2 western domes tic 79 1-2 (ft 80. Butter aulet. unchanr. ed; fancy imitation 20 421; do cream, ery 25; do ladle 20; store packed 16 Eggs quiet, unchanged - 22tfi?2? cheese quiet, unchanged. New is re-.. 12 3-4; new flats 12 3-4; do small 13 1-4. Sugar unchanged: Coarse grami. lated 510: fine 510. SELECT BOARDING HOUSE. I18 .N. WtXSlLVGTON ST. , Large and Airy Rooms Reasonable Price! Within one-half square of tho Capitol Mrs. WUey M. Rogers 7 Alls attention to the fact that this large house, within half square of th Capitol, has been newly palntod, papered and furnished, and la ope for boarders by the day, wssk oc fuontli. No Escaping Steam or Aroma I X H is Why 8en3 the food and health elements flying off in steam and boil out the bitter elements which make you coffee unwholesome ? That a just whs! happen whea you use the ordinary coffee pot. Make your coffee ia the "UNIVERSAL" Coffee Percolator sad all tKs nouruhing qualities of the coffee bean will be retained. No escaping steam or aroma no boHingno bitterness. The same ever day pure, heakhiul and invigorating. HART-WARD HARDWARE CO. Raleigh, N. C -rThe Raleigh Savings Bank JOHN T. PVLLEN, President. CILIILES ROOT, Cashier. CAPITAL AND SUBFLUS, $75,000.00 Four percent Interest paid on de posits. Call In the bank, or write for farther Information. Bank open on Saturday evening from 5 to 9 o'clock to accommodate the public IIAKE TIIE UOitE POLKS HAPPY Dt CAIUlYINa nosic A nox OF CANDY R0 YSTE n' S JUST RECEIVED! Car Pure Meat rlUTTTTTDK'TPTTTTOn? O) 1111 11 IT O) 11 UJli li MERCHANTS Business men who carry small as well - as large dally balance, in their checking accounts, appreciate the' protection afforded by our : ample capital 'and surplus. Large dealers and small tradesmen alike , receive tthe utmost courtesy and every accommodation which their account and their credit warrant. . , - 'i . - ' ' " .. . - .", :.- " - - . . ... - The Commercial National Bank RALEIGH, N. a Capital and Surplus, $200,000.00 B. S. Jerman, Pres. ' - - ' II. W. Jackson, Caihier. A. A. Thompson. Vlce-Pres. E., B. Crow, Asst. Cashier. , J. J. Thomas. Chairman Board. J. T. EDWARDS & SON Spend Labor Day In Ohs Capitol of tho Old North State Italclgh, N. C. ' . ' fares Attractive low round-trip from the following stations: . From. Fares. Raleigh Division. Washington, N. C. Chocowlnity, N. C. . $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.40 2.25 2.25 2.00 1.85 1.50 1.50 A Bank rleccant Indicates THRIFT and gives financial standing The facilities of the Bank, with Its MILLION AND A ILILF RE SOURCES are cordially extende to the people of this section and the same careful attention is given to small as to large accounts. JOSEPH G. BRO WN, President . : HENRY E. LITCHF0RD, Cashier ' Raleigh Baniling Trust Co:, "Round Steps Bank" Every Courtesy Extended as a- Rank. Every I'acillty Offered as a Trust Company. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. CHAS. E. JOHNSON. President P. H. BRIGGS. Cashier. Directors 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 .75 .50 . .40 .20 Bran.N. C. Grlmesland. N. C Simpson. N. C. .. .. ........ Greenville, N. C. Arthur, N. C. . . . . ..... . . . . . Farmvllle, N. C. Walstonburg, N. C. Stantonsburg, N. C. ......... . Evansdale, N. C, .. From. .... Fares. Raleigh Division. Wilson, N.. C. . . . . .... . ... . $1.25 Slmms Siding. N. C. Never son, N. C Palley, N. C. ... Middlesex. N. C. Zebulon, N. C. ;. VVendelU N. C. . Eagle Rock, N. C. Knightdale. N. C. . , ; . , . Boushall, N. C. . . . . . . , , ". . Edgerton. X. C. . . . . . Fares for children five (ft) years of age and under twelve (12) half of the above fares.- . Tickets on sale Monday, September 7th. 190s. limited for return passage (only) on date of. sale. ; . ; . ; Trains Noa. 14 and 15 (Raleigh Di vision) will be. operated between Washington, N. C, and Raleigh. N. C, on this date, leaving Washington. N. C 6:20 a. m. Returning leave Ral eigh, N. C, 6:00 p. m., arrive - Wash ington. N. C 10:20 p. m. -i -. i H. C. HUDGINS. ' - i General Passenger Agent. Vorth Carolina Stats asd llaoicfpal Bonds, tVst Morwaco per cent tu dustrtal and Corporation bonds; EUgb tirade Stociu o; Ooiutervauvely nuui anged CorpcraUona, "' Descriptive Circulars and list of of ferings mailed upon request. Corres pondence solicited. ' . Dond Department. WACHOVIA LOAM & TRUSTC0., Winston-Salem, IT. O. EXECUTOR'S SALE. CHAS E. JOHNSON. W. N. JONES, C. M. BUSBEE -J. R. CHAMBERLAIN f THOS. B. CROWDER ' THOS. S. KENAH HERBERT E. NORRIS JAMES A. BRIGGS F. O. MORINO . JNO. W. HARDEN Wm. A. LINEHAN ALFRED WILLIAMS Desirable Lota and Residences for Sale The Martin Property In West s Raleigh. - V-V. y': . By virtue of the powers conferred In a mortgage made by W. O. Smith and Helen E. Smith to H. P. Martin, recorded In Book 170, page 133. office Register of Deeds, Wake County, we will, at 12 o'clock m. on Monday 7tl. day of September, 1908, at the Court House door at Ralelglu offer for sale at public auction the following lot and cottage: Beginning In the eastern line- of Park Avenue, at a point 190 feet north of the N. C R. R. track runhlng eastwardly 183 3-4 feet to a Corner, to include the stable. Then southerly along the eastern side ol said stable 143 feet; thence westward 190 feet to Park Avenue, at a point 29 1-2 feet north centre of N. C. It. R. track; thence northerly, to the begin ning, containing about 2-3 of an acre. Subject to any right of way of the N. C. R. R. Co.. If any. Terms cash: Also fit the same time and place, un less disposed of at private sale, we offer for sale the following: No. 1. A very fine lot adjoining the above on the east, 70 feet front and about 210 feet deep. No. 2. Also another very fine lot adjoining the first let, 70 feet front and about 210 feet deep. ' t No. 3. -Also, that elegant residence and premises, known as the Cox place: Commodious buildings, fine grove, good garden. About two acres, more or less, bounded on the west by lot No. 2, above; the premises beginning 140 feet distant from the Smith lot. : No. 4. -Also that vacant lot on Cox Avenue, adjoining the premises of Mrs. Miles Goodwin; 55 feet on Cox Avenue. 116 feet deep. No. 5.- Also the lot adjoining the above with small house on same; 55 feet front, 122 deep. No. 7. Also that fine and commo dious residence and premises on Park Avenue, now occupied by Dr. . Picket containing about two-thirds of an acre. ' Electric lights and gas now available, and city water Is now Ing carried to West Raleigh. Terr8 cash. ? By consent of parties the sale will be held on premises at eleven o'cIock, Instead of at -the time stated, and the terms will be one-third cash and the balance in sixty days. a A. ASHE. 8. .4- ASHE, JR W. W. ASHE. Executort'of IL P. Martin. 4 . M.A.J 1 -4T . swti mirr C&ROUNA. Officers T. B. Crowdlr , Ptes. rs7 J INTEREST : co: :fou::did sa :i:rjiuy ON YDUR DEPOSIT. Directors. H.BMGGS T. R JERMAN W.B. Grimes. V. Pres. fv f John A. Kemp WH.Harr::i3to:i ;W.W.Vass. Casmieic , : S.CttosaY A.RD.Jomnsg:i George E.tturfTER.f . WE WOULD ALL LIKE lO BE RICH, FEW : OF IjS EVER WILL BE BUT we may all save part of oxxr earnings f or the time of unexpected expenses. . rjechanics - Saving: an!: The Time-Honored and Conservative fnfnrenftflA Ok II15UICIIUGUU. n TT o IIIIV01 Pkll2it,il,lIa ? With Assets of nearly ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS ins Tor over sixty years rumlslicd PURE INSUR-NCE AT THE LOWEST COST consistent with absolute safety. It new policies contain EVERY DESIRABLE FEATURE. TERM CONTRACTS AT , V SURPRISINGLY- LOW RATES. ; Best Company for the Insured,' therefore the REST for the Agents, to whom Liberal Commissions will be paid. . - "' x ;Adto D, a. up; General leol, FaleB, II. 0. cm " AND ... BURGLARY IHSURA1ICE AT LOWEST RATES. t ArERlCAli BOllDIUG CO., . of BALTIMORE, MD. ' Local Afjents AVanted. Address R. B. RANEY,' Gen. Agt. for North Carolina Depositors insured sifainst t lis by banlt , failure- r r - I , Oaf TSe FOR A HIGH-GRADE TOTAL ADDER , Registers from 1 ct. to S399. Fame construction and material as' our ?S00 and $100 registers. The National Cash Register Co. Raleigh, 11 C . .: ; . n n