1 THE ONLY DAILY PAlER IN' NORTH CAROLINA THAI tiAS OVER M,006 SUBSCRIBERS UKATUXn TESTiaiDAY. j Maximum " temperature, minimum temperature. 50; - total precipitation for 24 i hours . ending 8 p. m.t . 0 Inches. ' '. -' .:'!...: 1 THE YI1YTJIER TODAY Washington. IV C iJopt. 17.- North Carolina ; fair and warmer Friday: Satur day Increasing- cloudiness; light and variable wlnds. . Oj-rvo VOLUME LXXXVIf NO.10a IIALEIGH,! K. C., FRIDAY, SEITEAliKll 18,1908 PRICE 3 CUNTS f ;J IUsadl 'and. S y ii ill! - 1(11' : -i . I i . . iiVM ii . w -i v i ' , i-.:-. ; .v.- -- . i 'v-'v-. . ,- '.v, '7:.;, ..,- .-v.; .1 -!-i-;j,. ;f : : ?;;. : - . -..;;-, Carolmnia llianllies atnoo' Emu rwrra n J i 1 "Si- ,1 THE GREAT HIT OF THE GiPi .-- V ' i Grand Rally at Guilford Battle Grounds JOIIIU'I. KEi TO SFEU nllford Doniottacj- dots Busy to Give i ho National Candidate an Oration Vnequalletl in the." Sonth - tYcc I Jar hectic for the Iultltutle Veter ants' Day at tlie Centennial Con tract for Stcol Britigc Other .Xewn. By ANDREW JOYXER. Greensboro, N. CV Sept, 17. -Im- i' -mediately upon the 'announcement yesterday by State Democratic Chair man Eller, that the ittherary of i can didate for ; Vice-President Kern had been soarranged that! he would I get , to Greensboro' from Asleville at one u'clock on October 6th, the, local- De mocracy, here got busy ; to devise ways and means to give the; next president of thp TTnited States Senate, a reeen- tion and .an. audience worthy of his nentiy connectea wun turnuure man importance, and tj-pical of the appre- ufacturing interesU of the county, elation which North Carolina felt at has just returned from a business ills coming to the. State, Carrying trip in connection with furniture man out this idea -'of dignifying the occa- ufacturing. to New York and Boston, slon of tho vifit of so dlsUnguishwl a Hc reports that indications now are i candidate and statesman, and of lifting that the fMrniture business has about it above a mere local campaign speak- weathered the- nnancial , storm,- an J ing. the plan was conceived, upon that trade, is opening up with much the happy suggestion of the editor of encouragement, giving promise of a the Kvening Itecord. to have-a big regular revival In the near future. - all-day rally at Guilford Battleground. larmers In the county who were In . sitiutted only five miles from Greens- the city today are getting uneasy horo. accessible to railroad and ve- about the .weather.' 'A slight frost tins hiclei conveyance from the citv, from morning was reported from several the adjoining counties of Forsyth, sections, and those, having l.rg. ucrc- Furry. Stokes. Rockinghanu Randolph and Alamance and from every section ,of Guilford county. The first step was to obtain the consent of Major More-head,- the . presidents of the Guilford Battle Ground Company, for the! use of the admirable location for just, such a State function, tendered . to one of Morehi-ad . most -cheerfully- and ' graciously conceded : th propriety ? oM KrantlniT.the-Prlvilege of thus Mlignt- fying--i-fTTmt'tf Kationa.l a -well aaj State importance,, and gave his - per r mission, so that a. candidate for Vlce- .. I'resldent could be welcomed and cn- . tertalned. on .this bistorte:-. and ; almost sacred snot.: m-here so;- many otbet men of National fame- and distinction . had been honored and feasted, the list I including two - no less, ; aisunguisivca National personages than V'ice-resU dent Fairbanks and speaker of the llouse.of Jlepresentatives Cannon.!i . Whit, the, details of the programme are yet to. b worked out announce- ment of which will be made later, the gemral scheme has , already been inSvLiJlfS1 racy wHl provide a frep barbecue and Brunswick stew for everj'body. Ar- rungemfnts will be- made for special trains to run f ron? Greensboro U the trains with reduced ratfs to, riin!; in the morning and returning iri the iaf tt rnoon for passengers on the Ral eigh road from Mebane, also from Vanfofd. High . Point. ' Kernersville. iit-idsviJIe, and from Hural Hall, con necting with regular trains from Win ston; "Wllkesboro and ML Airy and at Stokesdale with jthe Madison train. lotii of these going directly through the Battle! Ground. It is' the purpose of the local Democracy by-the co operation of the- Executive committee .of the. adjoining , counties. ; to have twenty thousand people at the Battle Ground1 to. greet the candidate.' ;As honored guests. Governor Glenn and all other officials of the, State Gov ernment, together .with all ;tho carull dates for State and district electors, 1 fort the 'State offices and for Contress. I headed by Kitehin and flanked by The company is owned by Mr; W. I Brooks, through whose personal sollei- Walker, formerly of this city, and for .-tilt ions largely Mr. Kern was induced many years directorj of the. Anierlcan ' to promise a visit to North Carolina, Tobacco Company, and has been in will be invited. State Chairman El- existence for twelve-'years. The com- . lor. Senators Simmons apd Overman, pany. has a cigarette factory in Nw will be requested to act as the special York and will open the granulated -. honorary State escort in )the automo- tobacci branch here. There is a paid Idle ride with Mr. Kern and Ham- in cashcapital of $250,000. The ilton Jewis ; from- tlio Oreen'sbro Con)panyhai leased for five year the railroad station to the Battle Ground, the old t,yon factorj. now owned by . state Chairman Eller has'Ueen requ ' the city, and will at onco begin the td to try. to so arrange the dates? of n8tailmeht of the machinery. The the speakers in the campaign that factory will give mployment to a they can give October cth to this Kn at number 6f people, Ai "part of event at the Battle Ground during the theb machinery has already been or day, and a grand round up demonstra- ,tt Thlnneil here ; tion in OreUnshoro dnrinc the nicht dered Shipped here. , of October 6 tn. i lt Js proposed to . havA ; an all-day picnic'. Of it 'the speaking to h-gi a at -leven o'clock, with Governor Glenn to open the ball to bo followed in short addresses from other I distinguished speakers until One o'clock; when din- ner win be served, this being overThe Senator Opens Campaign in with by time Mr. Kern arrives, the! afternoon being devoted to him. Mr. Lewis and i the welcoming and Jntro ductory speeches. . It is vlK-ingl of course arranged that Major More head, president of- the Battle. Ground Com pany, will be asked to welcome Mr. Kern o the jjattie urouna, Air. wooks to extend .the hospitalities of-the Fifth district ana canaiaate jor, thf enaie. J. A. I5arnnger xne weicomo io ,mui? ford'ounty.v, , . fivl"?'.--..'.' U -is also, understood that, .before ihe dinner hour the entire body -of the ticket for countr officers, will -.pre- sent themselves aild their claims to tho large gainerios o uui. . cui, ITa: iWV;; i h r. gathering all the Bryan and Kitchin earnSalgn cluls in the cuaty to give ' t,. oi iwuiii . rover- Corset and to orgahlzo a delega- on of five hundrtni DemtKmU taactlj President to x Winston-Salem on Wed nesdjaj morning, -and' accompany, him into Ihn fair rMMimla iovo nrkaA Vo will address another twenty thousand audience ti '?, ) , ? ; 5 !! 1 The Greensboro and Guilford county Democrats have .undertaken . a blgj tnmg. but from the wav, thev have started, to ; work , alrfady,. with, the! k earnest and wide-awake co-operation of District Chairman Hoyle, t Countyl Chairman Hines, Secretary Collins and the - entire county ticket, there is no doubt but that the whole State will be gra'til$ed at - the successf.t as welt as macnituae or xne event arter it la over. The laat;one of the immense steel roof supports for .the auditorium was put In place ithls morning and the tre mendoua buildihp is fast on its way to wards being ready for use at the cen tennial celebration week. October 12 17. About half the roof . "is covered, the weatherboardtng is nearly all on, the' windows and sky-lights put in place, and a: large portion of the seats nave been, put in. i . "Veterans' Da v.? Major W W. Wood,. Commander of the Guilford Camp of Confederate Vet erans, today announced .that Friday of the- centennial week ceremonies would be "Veterans' days and a large num her of visitine camns are beinsr nro Vided for and many notable officials of the Southern organization have been Invited -and ;are expected to be pres Contract for .Brides At a special meeting this' morning of the counts' commissioners the Os wego Bridge Company was awarded the contract to erect a steel bridge across Keedy Fork creek at Sumners' l mill. - Work . has alreatly Commenced On a. new steel bridge i across Deep river on the -High Point road, and a force of bridge builders 'were ordered to repair ft dangerous bridge ocriws creek one mile from High Point." It Is estimated that the damage to brldff '8 by the recent flood will cost the coun ty in. the neighborhood of $10,000. but this 'Will include the substitution of a few steel bridges in place of the less permanent wooden bridges that were damaged or washed away. - ! Mr. C. E. Ilolton, who , is I proml- ' (Continued .on page i wo. DUlLDillG GDLUPSED f Other. AVprkmen Seriously ; Injured at Winston Salem (Special to News andObserver. Winston-Salem ' K. T Sent. 17-The exhibit building at Piedmont Park Fair grounds in course of kon8truc- ttan, collapsed at 7:0 tonigtit, killing John Parker, carpenter, and serious- ly injuring three other workmen. The men wre , CRilght UIMler the timbers. The injured men were re- jnov to the' hospital. Their condi- ilQ , relfarded as m rlous. In order t complete the btdldings. in time for the Fair next.month. the contractors lXiuine produced much w,a;lV ;eyery;; . doctor ;.Jn town w as rushed to the scene. ; ; The management announced tpnight that7" the accident at the, fair grounds will not Interfere with' the opening of J the fair, as the eoUansed buliaing wfii be completed . In due. time. ANOTHER TOBACCO FACTORY. To Bo Opened in Durham In the Next Thirty or Forty Days. U fSpecial to News and Observer.), ; Durham. N. C Sept 17. There is to bo opened here I within thirty or forty days another tobacco factory. This factory will j, be a granulated smoking tobacco : factory, owned by the Khedival Company otNew York. VEOtll AT COLD HILL Rcr.van in a Masterful Address to Large Crowd (Special to News and Observer.) Salisbury, NV C,; Sept. IT. In J masterful address on the Democratic! prlnclpieg of the dayt senator Lee S Overman, of Salisbury, opened the Democratic -campaign In ltowan cbun ,y-at 0oid 1ni today. He was heard ty a irBt. gathering of voters and the enthusiasm was gnat. The . cam4 laign Wni be continued until elec-tiort flay , Former Se cretary of the Treasury M. Shaw h5is f been InvJUd lay ; Hepublicans.to come to Rowan and make a speech which, it Is said. will be Jemled tooffset the work of .Sit.' vwwvmo, A II w VtVUIUAIKK Yi i.s e a har ope on bpth sides an Bowan. Off on ' Cruise. f Py the Associated Press.) Norfolk. Va., Sept 17-The United States battleship Idaho sailed from the Norfolk navy yard today for a cruise at sea before proceeding to Philadel phla 'for iarticipatioa: there in found- crs week' celebration, October 4-10, TRIUMPHAL TOUR THRQUBHTHEWEST Kitchin; Shipman and Ay- ...... I cock at Brevard SPEECHES 1 BI6 IGROVin Ir. Kin bin Speaks for Nearly T Hours, Hoklins tlio AudiclKV Spell Bou ml by the Power - ol Ills Elo quencc. Oratory, and Vnaiiswcrable .VrgumcMt Splendid AddrcsMVi ly Sldpnian and Ay cock. (Special to News and Observer.) Brevjird, N. C. Sept. 17. The Kulr rnatorial party in its triumphal tour i h rough the West reached this pret i y; little city nestling among! the ma- fistic peaks of these Wautiful moun- t-iins today and was greeted) by ifully oo pjopie. go large was the crowd chat, resort' to the near-liy gfovelhacil w be taken. . i - . i Tlie day was again beautiful.! th 4ir exhilarating and the thrilling mu- me. of the llendersonville band.1 the sjdendid audience rrang-d: I itself in convenient position to hear lithe next Governor and two of his assol nates on' the State ticket preach "th Kjospet of Democracy, Students from the Brevard Institute "and thf graded H hools of the ity attended the meeting in a loily - and !. gave the tilosest .attention to the speecihes. " I Mr. -M. k Shipman, nominee for ifommlssioncr if ,lJatMr and rintinsri h jiUuod Mrwr& Kitchin. tud Ayt cjock sit Jfendersonville,' ", yesterdayj wade h?l opening address t h,re I to4 aay. lie was introduced byfS'natnr, W. K- Bret Hr, Jr.. in a few well ehos-i in remarks, in which , he claimed Mr Shipman as a iTrnnsylvanlii boy of hum ; the people were justly prouil Mr. Shipman ln-gan his brief and p4 propria te. address by saying he woufdl hvike the shortest speech perhaps tiat any candidate for a Stale otlice liad ever made. " - i It --would le presumption in nn't Me said, "to take up time, which -can lie so Well occupied liy oirr hcjtt Gov ifnor and Corporation Commissioner, amd N-sides, you people came put to h!car Mr. Kitchin. and I am 'going tp give him the right of way. after man King tin lx-opie oi .ino gooo oMn ly of Tratutylvania - fur their united! ajnd- loyal support in the; primtiriesj nd at the State convention,' Mr. Shipman Kaid ' in conclusion: I was not sent up ' here to make! iMCches anywaj', but to accompany: ir. rviii-mii iiuoiiKii uhw Krantii oio; ou n tains, L'the land of the ; Phllis- ines. to him twfore1 the ! Charlotte; convention, but one" of promise, peace; and loyalty now. The sentiment thui fxpresstnl met the approval of; the rowd in the liberal applause which! greeted the .utterance. , I Senator AyeorJc followed Mr. Sralp- anan in his usual Impressive way. nf-; kcjr a brief introduction by Senator ureese. itis speccn was aiong smii-. ar linos reported front day to day Isince he joined Mr, Kitchin two wc igo. ' . . . ..... i . ks '(Continued on Tage Six.) - i.'.. ;. ! ' 1 -1 i ' - ' ' :,r ' - - - - I - - - - - - s ' - 1 - ' piili ' x 'fllw . In- I , -4. , will rxcLK-joH. nrx both houses?. ' ? ,M I f . r I'VOITI Ph mdC 1)1 fl T7nr1 k ' . ' .. I t - m m v Vis j . - .. if. ''1 ' M II1U IS III ; BIID As a Loyal Democrat Why Not Aid With lars to Elect Bryan and Kern? Ilave 'OU . given any money to aid in the election of Bryan and Kern? ft YOU are a Democrat and "have the price," then . why are you not hclpinR? 1 - : Dollars are soldiers' 'in this figfct to let the people- rule, and VOU can put soldiers In the field. The trusts and; the special privilege ing a way to put up tlv Tatt in his light, sit idly by and see the class are Urn money to nbl! Will YOU. Democratic (cause suffer because o! theneed of money?, v;:. ;.,:;....;' :f It is the people's fight that De mocracy Is waging and the call for money is to the people. ' Money is needed right now., and if you can afford It. why not contribute at onco. -.:.. -; , . ', ( . . ' .. . One of the ledding ministers of North Carolina.' a man who is lovel throughout the .State. Sent five doN la rs yesterday. " . lie said ; 'This five dollars is to aid In tli--(Continued on Paee Four.) A. H. Slocumb is Nominated by Republicans of Sixth J. 15. S-Iiulken Named fur Presidential lOlct lor -CurnlK-rlaiKl Not Itcprc- ' -tiltJUCariu ltlarci tor al Scir-CoveriinieiU. " - (Special to News and Observer.) Wilmington. N. ..- S. pt 17. Sixth District . Republicans In convention as.Hcmbled hero today nominated A.. II. -Slocumb.of ('umberlaiid. for Con gress over liohort - W. Iavls, of Hrunswlck, and named J. Byron Schulken, ofColumbus, Iresidcntial elector. ... ' - ..;,- ; ; )';. , i- A platform was adopted declaring for internal improv-mcnts. a tariff on lumber and swiimp druiifage; ac centuating through an amendment by I. B. Tucker, of Columbus, the plank in the Bepublican platform declaring for local sclf-governmont. Cumber land was, the only county in the dis trict not represente!. there leinf? b IWfcn 40 and; 50 delegates, all told. FOR oltl'S OPPOIIENI '- ; - :- ' . i- . ;'-' .' -. ' IS IT iCCIDlfIT OR BRU1UIIRDER? VV. H. Tilley Charged With Killing His; Wife INQUEST LASTS ALL WIGHT Near Durham City a Tragedy Occurs and Tlic Wife of,W. II. TIHoy'Is IKad While He Is 1 in Jail , Cmlcr ("argc of Murder,: While Ho Clalnw Her Death Was by ccldcnt Bi)lh I'artics Well Connected, t . . i V-- ' ' - i:- I -:. - " ; . ( Social , to News I artd Observer. ) Durham, N. C. Sept. 17. In th country, about three miles from Pur ham, there was a brutal murder las night r an accident that has placed the husband of the ctiutd ' woman in bad shypc. - W. II. JTiJley is the man under arrest and Mrs. iW. H Tilley i dead and her remains were .buried this afternoon. ''Thnojjls great doubt in thofease but the general supposition is that It. is a.brutatnturder 'and that the man Tilley deliberately killed his wife and then claims thstt it was an accident. The fronor'i Jury, that ws cmpannvUe! iat night fapd ended this afternoon by linding the facts that thf Woman was killed by aiirifle shot fired by'thc husband and Srecommendihg that he be held1 without bail until dis charjred by diie process of law. He was committed without lail jhy Cpro- nr Maddry, . . u H'r . The ! shooting ocenrrt'd last night between 8 an 9 o'cloj-k. but. it was after II o'clock when the news 'was conveyed to tbe.'corn.fl? and; he went lmmeomiciy to tne country., rine jury was secured and thf investigation started. The Jury Ulid not! adjourn until this morning ht 4 o'clock and there Was a second t sitting at 10 o'clock and a third froni 2 to S.this aftcrrioon. During tlwl, time, a l.arg n urn bcr f w i t nesses wt re examined. these In a general way to ti the rc- . M. - , . I. . . I ' - . . I . - sKjnsiriiiiiy , ir ini tsiHKjitiiK. rtiw threats and troubles that had existed between the hnsband ujid . wife in the past.41 and the direction ; pf : the 3nltet It ranged downward. falling two and one-half Inches- in traveling six and one-half Inches. This shows that the person who fired tht shotwas nlote her and that his statement " that he was sitting on the pofeh oil i level with;his wife was not true, M Tit tell the story," ittis this: There had been' considerable tfouhle between the husliand and wife and he-" had threatened to kill her :on more than one occasion and he had whipped her bn: several occasions.- lie had . said that he could not live with . her and that she had to leave him. as he would I not leave her and leave his liroperty. This was alU shown as the motive. It is uo doubt that they were oh very bad terms and if vibe killing was accidental, as claimed by the husband, then it came at a time that was unfortunate for him. The .senti ment nil-widcnce is directly agatosst him..' ' "-" , ''! T ' ri" '. In the coroner's incpiest and hear ing today the little son of the mm Iercd woman, a son Iry Mr."Itichard Jlankp; a former h-iisbartd. told a story that chilled and hurt the-step-l'ather. I Ie told of how the man who had married his mother' had attempted to whip hcrv on i several occasions and of how; late last evening the little- loy 'Wasfch.'istised by tho step-father. That is h1 affsihst tlte defendant as it wai known the little'boy Was a "bone of coTitention," as it were, lietween the two.j. The mother did not allow the foster father to do the whipping. Ill other words It was a clear case of Jealousy and the outlook now is that the brutal murder was the result. There was other evidence, many witnesses.! It was shown that Ini his accidental statement that he hid brought about conditions that could not have existed. , It was shown also thai he had the motlve.and the desire to murder, - - ' : ..: . Both sides are well conhocted lu tltisi county. The'prl.sfmer te' 41 years of age and b lonss to one of the Itit families In this section. In early' life het went to the West, living jn. Oregon for i many tyears. He came biick here and somer twenty-two months ago marrliMl Mrs. ltichard Hanks; They lived In' town for a while and then moved out into the country. He has relatives throughout the county, many prominently connected, but here i not; any close relatives here, unless it is a brother who lived in the country and mayvbe there now but he. is not known here now. . - ;;'-, -r It is a case that has stfrred Durham as the town has not ' been : stirred Jn years. If murder, then it Is as brutul as that of John II. Hodges, who killed hia wifrBd died on the scaffold, or as brutal and deliberate as nny ever committed in this county. - ; ' ' , MBS. ALEXANDER lUn'NKll DEAD Run iVmii lis: Voting Man on Horse j back oil Way I'Voin Cliurch. (Special ito -News and 01server,) jVYinstoniSalem.1 Nr C.," Sept 17. Mrs. Alexander Ketner, wife of a far mer, residing. - seven miles west W town, .was killed in a peculiar manner last night. While returning from Har mony Grove church she was run into by Anderson Hege..a young man, on horseback. Mrs. : KetnerWas knocked down and rendered .unconscious. Ironv which- site never recovered, dj'lng. a. three o'eloeK this morning. Sho laies husband apd five children, two bev ing twins., two -years old SOIITAFT He Is Uusy Working on His Speech and That Front Porch" Campaign is Abandoned .4 ; ' - ! ! - (Py the Associated Press.) ' - Cincinnati. Ohio. Sept. 1 7. Judge TaXt devoted - the greater portion of the day at the private quarters work ing on the. speeches, he is scheduled to ' 'deliver through the -Middle West ami North. He. announced, that from this time until his departure this work would engross his attention . to the ex clusion of receiving callers or, delega tkms. This announcement is taken to mean tho practical abandonment of the front porch campaign, which was contemplated when he came here. v , ' f . During tbe short time that the can didate spent at his olflees in tlie Sln toa Hotel today he was visited r by a number Qf local politicians. Healso had a conference with A W; Carpen ter, president of the Herring-Hall and Bldrtin Safe Company, of New York. William N. Mitchell, of Atlanta. Ga., Southern representative of the Ilalti niore and Ohio Railroatl, v consulted with Judge' Taft today regarding his contemplated' itinerary;! through the South. Jdr. Mitchell expressed the be lief, that with the ; well-known recip rocity . of friendly 'feeling ,letwcen Judg Taft and the Bouth. a more ex teiuh'td itinerary than.: that contem plated would bo advantageous. - - Mrs: Carrie Nation, without her hatchet, called upon Mr. Taft today. Tim Judge himself admitted Mrs. Na tion In the spacious hall, " ,You know me?" she demanded The candidate admitted . that from . . .; . . . . - . , .. i . . ' inq puiiuc prima ne Knew wno airs. Nation was. ; ;. : ;. .".:", " 'iWell. I have come here to have a diseusHion witli you . on the ; liauor iuiKti"on, was her next remark . w - "VOu will hove to excuse-me from cntprins upon any disc ussion with you." was Mr. Taffs half smiling re- plyi --. .... ' -:--;" " -'v.: ,- - -; -;. ' - Whereupon Mrs. Nation began one of her characteristic speeches against the drink evil, not overlooking a con demnation of alt those who did. not ao valiantly to the work of reform as t he Itelicvwl it. should be. carried on. Judge Taft was modestly backing away, and Airs, Aauon,-; seemingly Romewhat awed by what sho. was do ing, also backed her way out of the door and the interview was ended. Officials of B. & 0. Railroad Going Over the tl. & S. Said to. Iteprescnt New York Capital its Wlio Control the Property add Arc Considering Reorganization. ,u 1 (By the Associated Press.) .. Norfolk, Va., Sept, 17. D. D. Carothcrs. 'chief , engineer, and ; T. C. Wight, general freight and traffic manager-of the Baltimore and .Ohio Railroad, wereVon' tour of Inspection of the Norfolk and Southern Hallway, which Is In receivership. Messrs. Carothers and Wight are said to rep resent New York capitalists who con trol the property and are considering whether to bring about reorganization by further investment or . permit the road to continue under; receivers with the issuance of receiver's certificates up to $1,000,000 for contemplated improvctents. and completion cf bridges, etc. , - - ; : The less a man says the more giii K.IIIMIC t Oil TDUR OF IIISPECIII has to do. - SHIP - IS FATAL WRECK Lieut. Selfridge His Life Losea ai;; During a Ifiglit at lirt Mycr Vttcr day Arternooii tlie Illade on One of the ProicHcrs Breaks and ttii M - chine Ovcrttirns t5 Feet In tlie MimaiS on toe icii J.Iut. JSel- fritts D cs Strveral Hoars Later. ; Bjr thd Assoc tat vd Pres.r - Z ; Washmgto. I.-. Gi -pt. 1 7. Af ti r ! having drawn the attention - of t'lv world to his aeroplane Iflifthti at Poif . Myer and having e'tiibii?ie.i n. w V world . records - for 1 . Wavlcr-than-air i"l3ing maehinis,''.rville Wright todny met with h tragical mih;.p while inalt ; ing- a two-man f light ;The aeroplante -was p-- accomianil j br Uentnan Thomas k. Selfriflge; : r ' the -Signal Cori of the army. ', ; - .. .-. 7 s- Lieutenant titridge was fatallv in Jured arddled, at 8:1 Oodock, " Mr, Wright Avas seriously . In lured, but exiseted to' , Tyc$ivi;r.:ri v..;; -.J 'V"' V V WhMe the maehUie wa iencircJtn?; the drill. gnund-. a ' propellojr- blade ' snaped off and fhitt5ng some --vih: part bf the Intricate rmefcharsism cas?ti: : It to. overturn, in :alr -anct ail tt the ground cnvclopin); the two occu- " :pants Jn the debris. ;.-' ' : If ,; : .. : Sohliers. and spectators 'rnnl across the itM to whfre thr. aeror-l.-mf hn 1 fallen and as;4te,i r 1' lifting : il:v Wright nnd LieuierLUprlrUffit froin r Under the Jangled ''MaW ot sn-icliibcrv ' ; rods, wires an J shrecip. n. muslin.1 Hit Wright was conscious, and said:- "th. hurry, and lift tho molof." Lleutena n Sei fridge - wfi s unennsi' ioii ; and had apparently struck' the: gnniiVtV with rat free.. Jts head , was c-o-.w ered v-lh Mood .-and: he was efip!ir t i When the soldiers extricated .hlmrfrWni-V ' undetr'-1 he mach m. . ; . ; ' Dr. Watttrs a Ner 'York tliy?icia;i ' was one o'fthe -fi-st o-rt.,aeh"-tursp.if".-'".- ano rcnacreanr;. Tnra Tf tho lnitirf!tl men When' their '-wound-had i- '''i banaiS? Mr: Weight and uicn ifU Selfridge were taken t4 '-"tho Vnrt Myer hOsDiUil at 11k; dher eiui of t!i field.? It was. feand that Mr, V. rfcht , was"; suffering frm Interna injuria.-,-. He had - laosed into : 0 j-state of seqii consciousness by the time;-lio,;reaeh.ed the hospital. whil - Lieutenant - Scif ridge did not regain 'consciousness ai all. He wfls sufferin? froht a Xnictur at the base of the sknrl and -n'a in ft critical condiiion. After a birrl, d snr- f Cleat cxamina tioh it ..".swas' v a naoa nce K that Mr.-..-Wright was not dangeroui?-"-injured. He J suffering from- a-frsc- ture of his left thi,h and several rttD? , on theright f-ide are fractured- BMhV tnen received r dj.e?y c'ts about ts head4,Mr. - Wright regained conscious- ness at the, hospital ; and dictated a cablegram to,h'-.brotheVrat t Alan v J"rance, and rHjuested that the Kimf. message be t seit ' to his sist ' ami '." father at, Jayton, Ohio. as.-urn thora that he was all right. i C t -. Fu II y t wo . thousa nd Auxil ga thercf ik anticipiation -of inflight bv 4 : SO -this . afternoon The acroIiuio was tiil trt Us shetL -but; Mr4Wriarht arrived -a few ; miniites later and -, ot-.red It tlcen toiv the Northern enl of the raK ia to f- placed on the-Ht;irt'ng .track in readi ne' for .-. flight- . - - , s.V l '-V Kveri'body ..was ordered bacR'rrofet 1 ?Io m4)iine d Altj r,-.-Wright turnctt ' . to ; Lieutenant Selfi'itfge nnd saW ;V?-. . "Von might as welt get in. We:ii ; start in ajrcouple Of rniii'ites' ;; V;: Mr. Wright announcoti sevt-ral day : ago that he would take ' Li utennnt Selfridge. who" Is;- secretary - pf A th- - Aeriar;-Kxpcriment Association,, and an aeroplanist himself, in his next flUht., The young officer ,was -delighted to' have an opportunity to fly in th$ aero plane. r -He was to i have. Saturday foe St'; Joseph MowhfTe-; he was to ak:---t m ijueutenant-; Fovijois in opcattn t. the" Baldwin .airship at the' comin;;' t army; maneuvers. , .;- ; ;,. -:.f ! Lieutenant Self ridgre. took. oiT coat and hat and took his placo' in the extra seat next to- that oecupieit -by Mr. , Wright, and the latter sta rted- the motor by Yneans of a storage bat- ' terj-. nis assistants, Taylor and. Fur4 v nass, turning, the pro jeliors, to -fe,er them - going. At' 5:14l the aero plan was released and It was noticed thtt it did not rise ;, as tiuickly: from th ground : as on ? previous two-mart 1 flights. Lieutenant Selfridge weigued about 175 pounds, making. the weight greater than the .machine has cvr carried -before. r.'r r'k.': - kfter gliding; over the grbimd on Its ; runners for thirty feet, tlie machlno;, rose gradually and - 4had ; knhied a ; : height of forty feet when'Lii passed-" over tho -starting apparatus .for th-' first lime.; There was a siXTiiile win-l - and it was noticed that the macUto S ma not run as smoothly as oiMtsXorm . er flights, most ; of which wifi', tiui in- calm' weather. . The aei(nii;iaist. . however,- apparently h;ul,ucnm.i of . the. craft "which rose to 1 ikht of . seventyfive feet- as it i c'onTpleirt r IliT second round of Che field. Tlu:c-lj h tl was 1 maintained on the. third ..-i:l. """ s- While the machine Was tuniiim ;tt the southern end of the fi.M yi r.il thousand . feet front ; ther --'-RpecPs tors. ":v someone shouted; - r, ...;..':, ' "What Is that? Somithlntt f.-liV1- i ? Immediately all eys . were ' tho aeroplane and it was seen to turn oy r on Its left side and, pa us In J? a mametst. ' niade 5 complete .turn and t ben cmu. Tropptn? to th eartti: in a '.i-'b-jud of dtustt ,!r'.N.- report:'' on the; part., of' t!iv uviHtor could possibly have averi-d tb ' accident. Planes and rudder , ; absolutely incapable-:-- of righting-, tie ' machine when; it ' had turned, in that ' manner. ;;,.;;' y-vU; i"iy:.fs.W .-..-.Several. .officers, who l were "Ktandtn -o!d the starting apparatus, ordert he mounted soUTyrs V tiver JiiXk,. fba.;-' eck. tuit KDCet' .1 rs. ' sold l r. . ft ii , : V nd newspar-rv men Were'. 'already ?f ,nti In v across, e ijeld.. 'It was'f all': era SERIOUS 1 '4 .' ing hkSJfe J --'.(Continue?, age TVQij,'. 1 Hi i J ' v t