Xi f. X J & iiiiiiuiflim " .rwf ' j . . - r- j i i j. ... hi jmt. i.iu i ! ' in II liiiimiini i' " IIILI Utfilll 1 UUML f UUUi ,.U UUaUylUiUU(Ui.,.Hyu UUHyuuMVy .Si t'X i i 1 s.- t'l a?! '' Hi i ii . , Ms. ' if- t. ti OF JTHE LOOT V'- As Long as The Protective System ;ls Used to Plunder the Loop 1'ortliicy U Spe3al Champion ol rablicrs- Inhulfy 99 to . Sliain Oim 8a y lie Wants the Graft and 4lke no 1? triotlc Returns Tlie Steel Trust ipilijj THEI" Tariff labor Cost ijlaiHl-- f ' Following the Example of the Sugar ' 7: Trust aiid -; Refusing iiiforniatlon Concerns arntiir Big Divldefids on Water Begging' for High TartlT. :'' i-i J -, - i4 j ',.t: KSpeclal to; J4ewa and Obserrer.) Washington D t C Dec. 5.4-Your " true 'stand-patter" on the Wafs and ' Means Committee is not Payne or Dazell. but . Fordhey. ' : He Is tSe only member who inquires the "poligca" of ! witnessei. Thai man from Mfehigait balks at: nothinl: that bears th label k'rpection! -j;0thf' rtnembeife .Jw.111 j now and then feliowf resentmentlorire . sort to ridicule when some particularly ;i ' brazen attempt' is made- to tix. the ' Amerioan peope:: for private profit I but the impudent and'ludicrous pide of : I such Ik proposition never appeals to ; I Fordney. With ? the patience! of a saint and the soberness of a judge, he ij , ! welcoines with fopen arms ; eac peti- i ! tlonerLfor tariftffavors, asks him if He . - minks? his nrhdmo will tntu mnre. M'ork jto ho done; in the UnitedStateA and.' always reeeivlng an afflrfnative reply.! nods- approvlngly,,,If J one jbhould appear asking for tariff tax n for eign banannas jto enable the Mgineso- ''fa!! forma tn ktnirtcro I rl KI Inflnt ln. dustry. he would i undoubtedly i get a etfrdiat reception- from Pordne4 In air. 1 11 ordneys eyes u is , a crime . to Import anything that we can possibly produce in this country by the ex- ' pendlture of any - amount of labor, the fcnore labdr ,the better, tor' it "gives employment to Amencanlwork lngmen?. The question ,how,! Jf we do not import goods, we are everto be j paid for those Jve export, or hp w, we can continue to -exports largelyi if .we; do not In' turn limporVnever bothers I j . Biaiesmen or ni ciass. ro .tnose 01 a 1 curious mind it' may be Interesting to j speculate whether Mr. Fordnejl's fel p . low feeling for-! tariff -r grabllers is i strengthened byl'the pecuniary interest ; ofirhls constituehts In beet Sugr; du I ties and his own pecuniary Intelest fn ;the lumber sche'd.ule.;'1!. :l l-?-.- "Xot : i Satisfactory'V-Agents n Knoy i jf I What is Good for Them:! j " - Chairman Payne ecentlyianiounc- ; ed that he has !had governmerit , ex . pcrts ; iit . wor jr ii foreign "! f coun- tries ' I to " learn 1 the ; . cost ' of producing - such- . goods as" are Lex t ported f to the united States, and that "some results ' have been secured. 1 lut. he adds,r "they are not ehtlrely ' satisfactory..! am sorry -to sayi'l It is not; surprising that little real llform- . ation has been Obtained. -at leasf if th government agents went about! it af ; .1 .ter: the' manner of the American con : ! jsul' at . Birmingham, who last summer I r sent jto English,trrianufacturers acircu ;XS Jar' asking the iost of their products, i I f Evidently this consul thought !tie ad ' . m inlKtrati on s . Search for' information hX I . only J jerf unctotyf; ' and perhapi the i ) 4 .other agents thought the ame. ' i f ; Inquiry as to Labor Cost a SliamAe ; ; . There have beep many glibj state? mint madn Yfnre th ("nmmlttpp In 1 ' f regard to the low; cost of labor In for- eieh.-countries.! This la considired a Li; necessary, pari iiof ; the petitioner's far) away. .fairy stories often pjiss for mbs Below Jhe KneeWefl Raw -rFcet Too, Swollen to StetShoes' On Sleep Completely Broken : Djr intense iicnmg ana purmngr Well in Two Days and Sayl That CUTICURA' IS AMONG 31: HIS HOUSEHOLD GODS i"Uod bless toe: man who arse com pounded Cuticura. i Soma two nionths ajro I bad a humor break out en my limbs below my knees. Tasy came to kxk likoraw beefsteak, all red, Snd ho one know howthey itched end burned. ' They were so; swollen tixtX I had to ' ' split! my- drawers open to gst them on and could not get my shoes oil for a week or more, c 1 used fla or sx dif ferent remedie and got ao aein. only when applying, them toe burning was - : worse and the itching ies. Cine morning I remembered hat I hr& a bit o Cuti , uraand tried, it. Jrom- the moment it touched me the itchinj was gone and . I have not feJt;a bit of. it einceil-The swelling went dowil and in two dayi 1 had my ishoes on and was about as I usual. . .Ijdtfy wish 1 1 had, used the Cyticura ,v IterQodies in1 tiie -first of ncy troubles. They wduld paves saved" me two - or ing that time ? did not sleep an hour at a, time, but j was up applying such Tmedie8 as L had. " Henceforth the Cuticura Remedies will be among; my V -f ' " - U I, , . , 1 ... .; .'I .1 v- .. -1 - i- 1. ! Taiwr, Douiii oww) 01.., vajuwixi, N.,11., May 14, 1907.' . Ij FOR BABY RASHES Eczemas and Irritations Cuticura Worth, Its Weight in Q0ld t idtlputicura Qintment have tlleviated !ig the young, and the confdrt they hav afrordod? wornnMit end worried namita. haveiled'.to thei? adorftion in countless homes as Dticeiess for the skin end' scalp. ) InTaptile and birth Humors, .scailed-heaq. ejezemas; rashes. iJcnings. chaflngs. and; every ?oraa of Itching, scaly, pimply; skin and sotlp fiumors, .with loss of hair, are spaadhyi erma- "jpently andeocaoirjcair curad. i nminwte eimtwii, una intvnai TrMtm-niT tor F.vry Humor of Infant. nuiUren. njftd Adulta, eon (st of (-iiLknint MomA (25c. .o CnacniM ih t-'kln. r.r '4H4ciir Ointment 6oc. to Hil t".ia Hkln.nd Cutt- itmnt X&oc.) to Hfl i'.ia Bkln. vnd Cutt tpt (J3.). tor In iie iorm ot FImtoUM , 25b. IVT 'Ul ft. 3C) io ?i;1ff Hie hlood., hout tiift wrtd. ?o.v3r Drug Chan, -. rur Hf-wMvtr V R.Jd t!imiiirMut I TV W ' . Va lTMtCjCTtmV Mr. and Mrs, Plamanh and Children. A Happy Family Kept Well and Hearty Mrs. Alvina Plamann. 1719 Walnut strteet. Milwaukee. Wis. writes: i t'l am npw able to do in y liou8?vork again, and have aJ gootl appetite. 1 14My i husband ajid children arc .j : An Eiiemr to tho Home. ' t IJ ATARRII is the natural ciimatic enemy of every home. V OvgjT every home hangs the Inevi table certainty k catarrhal invasion. No hmeF is entirely, free from It. Every person is 'subject to it. j . It would be no exaggeration ;to say that two-thirds of the homes of America have suffered more or less t from this Invisible, almost omnlpres- ent enemy, catarrh, V - i ' v Peruna is the Natural protection of the household. 1 - j ' It is intended to relieve catarrh and Catarrhal disease in any and jail of their phases, i f I v". j : Pe-ru-na the llouseltold - Itemed y.v h Mrs. (Carrie . King. 730 North Cas-j wue, (.uiurvuu epi iiijjs. w riira; . Peruna has been my favorite ana bnly household remedy for neafjly five years.- -I have suffered tor years with biliousness and kidney and llvr trou bles. If I causht a little cold, the pains were lncreaseo. ana DacRatiie 1 ana neaaacne were 01 irequent occur- ftence. 1 i ,i f vf However, reruna cored me - twelve bottles made me a new and healthy! woman; ! For three years 1 have - enjoye'd the best of health- I kce Peruna constantly in my ihome. and if my husband or I catch cold or feel IndisDOsed. few doses of Pe runa? never fail restore us." v The Many Phases of Catarrh. Catarrh may ppear in the house- Ask Your Druggist for Free Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1909 fact? But' bne oV tl up" In the1 hearing these was "checked on "sea Island cot- ton." v Congressman ; Frank Clark,- of Florida. L represented that able-bodied farm laborers oan :be ha,d in - Egypt, ("anywhere from 'ioc. to 20, per day." as compared with "25 to sso per month" iln Florfda, fut'.Representa- ftlve Hill happened to "have traveled in Esrypt last year, and he stated, as the result of ' hispbseryation; that , labor Ihere "is as highf not higher thin hi' Florida H;,'l At ' Iirast a? Honest Fellow W ho f Wants Graft and Says So. This hearing 6'n sea" Island, or long staple cotton in hich two Represent atives' from Florida,; trank Clark knd William! B. Lamir, appeared and ask ed for a government bonus to help out the "poor lands loff Florida, was one of the worst of the ' many nauseating scenes that have been witnessed here. Their attitude.' and the attitude of their constituents, apparently was. this- So long as the I. protective system, .which . We do not believe in. is used to-plunder tie jteople for .the benefit of -certain private interests,- we wain. some of the loot.;The ordinary cotton of .s the South 4 fears no . roreign competition, t::: but this special variety seem , . to find meren- land well suited to Its production: W. W. Webb, a Florida-grower, when ask ed why Congress should give them JQc. a pound on cotton, said "I want mat beggars! would b.as truthful, the sys tem woiild, be sborHived. f lv Clark's Abkurd Talk br Ftirever. rrorirriRfntativo Clark, of Florida. In excusing his raid, upon the protective pork barrel, said r "ine recent elec tion and other ejections preceding it h'av, ij(l my: opmion. Morever esiau llsheds a part of our system of gv- ernmfent the Indirect schepie of taxa tion, vi.: The levy; ana eoiiecnon i customs" duties on ariicies lmpgneu Into this country from roreign ianas. Vorbver is a long time: there is room for the suspicion that Mr. Clark's opinion"- was , etrengthenea y "is constituents ! eagerness ior snir ment "pork.' Jf there is any statement unauDDortedt byu fact. It Is that the American people voted-, on the tarlfl in the past election or in any other re rpnt election. Hi f Congress really wants tb know what the people think on the (tariff. it can easl'.y nnu out i.t n. snerifie nrooosition . be submit ted to the people at a congressional i ai n.nnniltlnn mieJit ibe allowed! to be' formulated by a certain rea3onable percentage or tne mem bership! of Congress. In a general election on candidates, purely parti san and' 'personal . considerations weigh o hea4! with the yoter that. ven if! the tariff i ' is made a "para mount Issue.r' sosailed, the feeling of the people is not obtained with any accuracy . ' - " ' ' . ' Not Les L(eft to Stand On. x Therf is no longer a leg left for those to stand djp who' favor a duty on hides, j; Thettestlmony before, the mmmliteei showed conclusively that the IS toer cent'd uty bears heavily on ronsumlers of shoes and other leather enods. lhamoers 'the manufacturers f leather and its products, does-hot raise the price of cattle to raisers, but lnure3 to the (benefit f the larg beef pack ers, eijabllng them to Increase and maniniilate the iprices of hides in this 'country.". The tariff ; on hides hasjaVj ready nabled:th oeei trust to .fasten Its tentacles " uport'.the. tanning indus try; and, if continued, may lead to its complete control, of leather making and en . invasion of shoe and harness manufaeturing. Iet'the beef, trust be 6onhnedtp beef, if it must be tol erated .' n fio'vf that the Inde pendent .leather and shoe manufac turers i consent to -the removal" of" All protection from their gopds-if hides come, n tree, a feention ot tne amy will simply mean that Congress wishes to" 'deUver-consttTwers and -th-lm- llsLL-l also in good health. We alwajs keep thold ih the form of a slight-cold or j cough.! an Uttack of la gripps. or even nay iever.i : . peruna -t 1 meets , these, . Invasions squarely and repulses the enemy be forit gains a foothold. - Therefore. Peruna- is a household remedy. Uped at the correct tlm.e it often obviates the necessity of contin- oed ' doctoring. . u Perhaps Ip no other way can the wisdom of economy and foresight be so forcibly expressed as In, keeping on hand a bottle of Peruna to protect ths 'ti'vajious members of the family against the encroachments of catarrh, We ihave on file thousands of testl- monlals from heads of families, lo- tcated north and south, east and west. iihibc icucib pmisc rciuiia ui n efncieni protection or tne iamuy against - eatarrh. j 3Iothcr and ''Children Depend im ' ' t i :' ; Pc-ru-na, Mrs. J. F. O'Connor, 4 6 0 fc. Call for in Av rhionsrn 111 Fr snnmnn. hAreal Singing Society, writes: 1 "For a number of years 1 had suf- rpred from atrrh of the head, and u hlle 'some of the remedies helped me a little whte taking them. 'they did ndt cure, me permanently. My child was also nensitlvet to thef eohl and every little draught give tier a cold in the head, and It usea to worry me a great deaL i : , - , "I one day heard what a wonder ful medicine Peruna is and what it I .v..- . portant industries -into the hands of nn tMlious monoDolv. - - - - lCcprefents. a Razor Man Who' Wantx V'ii ' : I 4 Tteke. Off - - - . " ; "Edward B. . Vreeland.' a representa tive from: a western New Y6rk tlis- trlct,- appeared hefore the" committee, November 27th, to plead for the rais ing of jthe; present .duty -of 50 per cent On razors. Mr. " Vreelahd had the graceMq tell the truth about his con nection with the matter. 1 He did not aay . "J. represent the people .of -my district;"; he said: r represent George W. Korn,T a manufacturer of razors, living in my district." .As Mr Korh' is the one who is represent ed, probably he 1 is the one" who., pays for the services of, Mr. Vreeland ias attorney; '-'and.' the. question . again arises', whether it is proper for mem bers of Cjongress to Lappear before the Ways, and M cans . Committee, repre senting private, interests, asking for favors at the expense of the tax-payers of the nation. ''. y Another Sugar Trust Scandal. It will be recalled that the .Sugar Trust ; (American Sugar Iteflning Com pany);! had no representative ut the hearing on the sugar schedule. The secretary of lhat company has now filed with the committee a brief set ting forth fourteen reasons why the tariff On refined sugar, "should not be disturbed." The trust still wants. its V differential," which made such a scandal when sugar duties were being considered by , the Senate In 1814. Wh h ibteftatora found it hard to pW- vent: their domestics from speculating in the! sugar stock market: Independ ent refiners think they could do With- out ihe differential. It raw Sugar were free. Sugar Trust Itefum liirirnilioiK In an article on the TarlfT an 1 the Trusts, published in 1901. and -repub-lifliotl In 1907. Chairman Payne told of the! dlthcu'ty of getting from the Susrar .Trust the exact facts as to the cost of: refining isugar, "so as to pro tect the labor interests, and no more." He says that on 'account of the dis inclination of the experts "to reveal the - !ecrets of : their buslne to the eonimittee," rnd In view .of the' eon- fllrtlwg etat'-ments asN V -the cost of refin'nsr the bet t"h"t tould be do-he! was ferr corr "rntp' rate, for tht! dlf- " een raw end re- fined sji;vj;i.r." Mr. Payne adds: "Enor mous profits-and extravagant divi dends forced from the people for a fomnjion necessity of life, have iicht lyear'ned for this '.particular trust wide-spread and .lust condemnation." Meel Trust l'layM Slome tiaine of Coll ie ij.-- regiment; ! Ho heSugar Trust got "protection" in the! 'Dingley-blU' by-refusing to'fuf hi!h information to Jhs committee. It looks as though it expected to do the same in the "Payne bill." for Its 'reasons' are wholly general in character: arid the Steel Tri?t a: pears ito be playing the same, game of concealment Will Mr. Payne's com mittee! ''compromised by giving any protectlo'm to thee bandits of coui merCe which do' not deftrn to submit jr. Vhisltey Addictions Arid the .Telfair Senitarium scientitteaily and sdccessfully treats it I without pain and without unpleasant symptoms. "Our new "sanl V tary building at Greensboro, N. C, Is nn-ideal one, and the patient - entering for treatment is safe-guarded by the constant attendance of xskiljtd physicians rand 'experienced nurses.,' The patient voluntarily '. gives ub whiskey 1thin ;48 to 72 hours. ?. Our- wonderful cures In ' wjilpkey and drug addictions Kre matters of universal comment For ! '. particulars, write to-day to'. :-- -: , " V ' .'' '"'" '',." , .. ' . .. - (t(IE; TELFAIR N.'cj - by Taking Pe-ru-na I have used thirteen hottlest nf Peru 11 hi tlic house. I tliank you has done for others, so I bought a lnttle and tried -, it. I could hardly realize my good fortune, when, before I had taken st whole bottle of it I felt like a hew woman. I took it for some time longer and also gave some to the baby and she improved aw rap idly and as permanently as I did. 1 cannot say too much for Peruna." Pe-ru-na ' In lib Famllv. Mr. Fraik W. Harris, box 23j;Basic City, Va., member , A. F. & A. M., wrtes: ' ,k "ll have u.sel Peruna In my family Mlth very satisfactory results for the last two years. . ii L .'iBesldes, I have recommended it to all whom I think are in need of it. "1 urge all who are afflicted to buy a bottle and begm its use at once. "I have never heard of any; who have used it to be dissatisfied with the results."- j j.; Hay Fever, Coughs and Cold. Mrs. Sena O'Byrne. 626 Madison St., Topeka. Kansas, rites: " . I " "We have used Perunar In! .our household for a good many years. "I took It for a cough and a tonic. My husband used It and thinks there is nothing like It fbr .hay fever! from which he suffered. T6r years. I also give it to my children for coughs and colds, and my daughter. Mary., was cured of catarrh of the -head by Pe runa." - . i i . . -: . real proof wht n . asking for favors ? Or will: the" committee do the only honSPV thin .find H: off; evpryjuty, not supported by ', positive and, con vincln(PMJy,.., ..- ... learnings Jilg Dividends on Watered stucU. j. ' - William VVhitman,' of Boston, presi dent of the Arlington Mills and sev eral other textile corporations, I who was the chief Representative of the woolen manufacturers. Is a witness of whom even Standard Oil might be proud; : Ey him and - his associates, who have in Arlington Mills a proia erty worth i2.O00,000 from a cash Investment of about: 1 4.800.000 an ! are getting eight per cent dividends on a tfunitalieation 6f $6,000,000. the, Dingley wool duties are naturally re garded as sacred. ', When confronted with the fact that on certain cheaper crudes of woolen goods, notab'y blankets, the duties are practically prohibitiv'e and those which do cme in pay a tax of from 100 to 160 per tent, his explanation was that ""per centages are misleading." Undoubt edly they are misleading in this case, iHjt.not as Air. Whitman "meant to Jbe understood. The actual protection la much -higher than the ISO peri cent whichls really paidi on the small im portations that occur; for the higher duties, those which entlre'y exclude all imports of certain clas&eg . -of goods these do not enter into th averages set down m the government statistics as the percentages of ; duty paid. under the different schedules. When asked If certain of the wool n duties are not prohibltlvel . Mr. w hitman assured the committee that mey we not, lcausip the goods, can he manufartMred h?re ' so ' cheaply that t Is not, profitable to Import thetrt! Of course the same m'.ht be said If the 'dutif.s-A.tr.' 2.000 per j 'cent instead' of about 200 per ctnt. It would not Jr "profitable to import them" and pay the duty. ' -. i" w eaters and Stars lreeiiteU.- .pecial to News and Ob 1ajei IV V c. lc. 5. -I In i?rrarfl ... the N. C. swe bserver.) Last hlcrht In (Jerraril ... the N. C. sweaters'and ptars for tM.- iseawn were formally awarded to the members of thlsj fall's football tr-aim bv Mr. "'. V.: Jacocks. 1 acting on the art of the "Wearers of the N. " Mr. Jacocks first made a few remarks. fie ws followed iy Prof. 'K. K. (Jraham. who made an Inspiring talk on what It meant to wear tlte morngram. After his talk, all f the N. C. men went up on the rostrum and then Mr. Jacocks asked all of the new men entitled to sweat ers to come .on the rostrum. I There he rreseritej the much eoveted N. C. sweater i ril f the new men. and stars ito a!l of the old men on thon team. : The new men who recelvea I sweaters 'ere C. B. Rurnn. Jno. Tll ptt. U DeK. Felden. W. E. 'Lester D. M. .Williams anl M". Norword. Stars " ere alvn to Thomas, tlarrett. Deans, Howell, : Rogers, Manning. Wiggins. Munn anJ Croswei!. : jj Disease Being Built From Rocky Mount Toward Hilliardston . A. C. 1m SIioum at Rtx-ky Mount to He linlargcd-Irobbly Car Factory at No Dbtant Date Town Building a Ncfwj' Pumping I Station Much Huilding iGoing On, Including a Large and Cp-to-Date New Hotel. (Special to News and pbser-er.)) Rocky Mount,' N. C. Dec. 5. From tobacco mem It is learned that for the Season sold lion age seven hundred thousand ldoHars that has been paid out for'' tobacco. It was reported in the papers' a short time since that at a meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Coast Line that certain improvements were' decided upon that would be in teresting to Rocky Mount this cou pled with what is rumored about, the streets, heard from parties in a po sition to learn something of ; the movements of the Coast Line that the Coast Lfne will largely increase the capacity of its! shops here and build steel cars, both freight and -passenger.-. !- "i " f':" The Tar River Lumber Company, a large lumber plarit at Rocky Mount, have a track already running about 10 or. 12 miles from here in the di rection of Hilliardston, which is about 22 miles. It is a standard guage. and as the road Is extended, into the timber lands of . th is com pany the grading, irons and ties are said to t?e of! the -best, and this Indi cates JLfid-'lt ls strongly, believed-1 that at io distant date it will be made a commercial road and. will touch the SeboalM Ah Line at some point about jNorllna. There is no doubt about one thing: this road will open up a JBne, section, i - The town, at the cost of about 18 thousand dollars, is building a new pumping station on Tar River, about one and a half t miles from- town; This is done - te increase the 'water supply and double up the electric, power with the water power. ! The, town has outgrown the present ca pacity of both. It is also said that the town wil soon have f. an all-day lighting current. . so rar as can be learned all. of the InoQBtrles of! the town are, running on fu!! -t!me, D. J. Rose! '& Co.; contractors and builders, report they have about a dozen buildings going up in various stages of erection at a cost of fronv rour to sixteen thousand dollars.- The largest and most important buildings will do much to advertise and place Rocky Mount abreast of any town in .the Stale jTor its population, is the large up-to-date modern Ricks Hotel, it is : being built on the lot formerly occupied-by the Hotel Cuthrell. It is a brick structure of - three stories and a basement There will be about 12 rooms or departments in the base ment occupied by a laundry, barber 8 hop, pool J rootn, sample rooms, heating plant, toilet rooms, and a re frigerator and ice plant of a ton ca pacity. This lice plant will be installed by the -Carolina Ice Machine Com pany of Charlotte, N. C, and will cost $1,000 to put It in. On the first floor will be the ortice, lobby, ladies'.. par lor an-3 writihg room, men's smoking and . visiting rooms, cafe ajid' dining rooms." and abofut 8 or 10 bodrooma, L Th 4 wo, upperi niiorswlllibe jused ,a4 oeu rooms, pain,' toueis ana an other convenient improvements to- be. found In any modern hotel, i .Work tipon tnis;. Dutidlngt is progressing .rapidly and it Ii thought by the first of next May.theJ doors -of th new. handsome travelervs home wi'.l be .thrown open to itst guests, t Besides the rooms men tioned there will :be 65,td 7S bed rooms. This building Is being erected by Messrs.' R. H. Riicks and T. I L. Bland. both f Rocky Mt. Mr,. Bland s a very .popular hotel 1st and ran sue- cesfully the Cuthrell ; Hotel, and Is now the. proprietor of the Cambridge. lie win.be the proprietor of the new Hotel Ricks. and assisted by. a com- petent, clevei r corps - of , ; clerks will entertain the a manner as traveling public in such to make them a'.! -glad to the Hotel Ricks, to get home The new. large two-story and base ment brick graded school building is about completed, and. will soon be occupied The Rocky Mount Ice and Fuel Co. have secured! "the contract from the Armour -car Ine to. serve a!!, their cars. To do this they had to increase their storage capacity to 6.300 tons. This will a!si necessitate an. increase or their machlnet-- capacity from msj of Ice per dav. Rocky Mount now has easl!v ten thousand population within the cor porate limits. and she. has now reach- ed that stage she will' go within the r. in , her tyrowth where forward more rapidly ext five years than she has for the ast ten or fifteen Surrounded country fromj bv - fine Heh' back both t Nash and . Edge combe countlt s. having within her borders live, ienerxetic busincm men. she can't be stopped, and will not stou going forward even If she don't get uny .oi jait or RoosevH prosperity w a t . IIUSTLIXf FItE3IQXT Tliere.' l Xo Musliruoiu firowth About te Ilacv, ut Every One. Going Aliout hi Hie Kven Tonor of lit Way, Rstah:ijhlng on Solid lumla lions. "'. ' i ' I i '' ' . 'p.. "'- (Special to News and Observer.) if Wilson.- N. j C. Dec. 5. A few days since this co-respondent spent a day In Fien(ont. 4 hustling town In Wayne county, thlrtee- miles south of Wil son, on the Atlantic Coast Line rail road. ' It Is a. wide-awake town with a population jof twelve; hundred souls, who are law-abiding people In e"ery sense of the iord, as is attested by the fact that there Is riot a lawyer in their midst There are twenty-five mercan tile establishments there, all of which seem to be doing good business; . one bank whlch Is flourishing; three phy siciaus. and many" first class artisans In every calling that is found remuner ative In a 9in of its size There ajre four churches Methodist. Christian. Free-WIH Baptist and Missionary Bap tist the members of the last named chUrch are njrw having built, a hand some brick eqificVon.-on of the main streets, which, when .completed, will be an orramojr.t to the town. Excellent gTaded schools are. situated just out of the corporate limits but within easy access 'of theJmany children -who . pre seeking knowledge within their por tals. Many rjandHome buildings adorn the town In all 'directions,: A well-kept hotel is one ojf "the attractions. r . The citizens ofFremOpt prise good health above j everythlnj? else, and' as pure' water Ii one of-the essentla's -at : ft cent ,of t'.velwe hundred dollars each, four aitfiti wells 'haA'e been driven which furnish pure, sparkling iwflter to the-inhabitants,; 1? -I As a.cctton market F-emont stands away up yondter,- fifteen thousand bales Icing soli there annually . Aycock and Hare have just complet ed a mammoth, modern .corrugated steel-plated stable, the dimensions of which are 58x110 feet, whith Is two Rheumatism is caused W an- excess erradually crets into the circulation because of iaflicrestioa. constioation: weak kidney action, and other irregularities of the system rhich are sometimei ":x ;-X ) considered of no importance. This uric acid causes an inflamed and irritated . condition of the blood; and the circulation instead of nourishing the different 'j portions of the body, continually deposits into the inerves,' muscles, tissues t and joints, the irritating, pain-producing addj-with which it is filled. Kheu ; . matisnt can'only be cured by a thorough cleansing of the blood and this yt ust what S. S. S. does. It goes down into Hk circulation, and by neutral Izing the uric acid and driving it from the ttlood, effectnally and surely removes thje cause. S. S. S. atreng&ens and invignrate the blood so that instead of a weak, sour stream, causing pain and agony tnougnout the sys tem, it becomes an invigorating, nourishing fluid, i famishing health and vigor to every part ox tue uouy aou. iciieving tne sunenng causea - oy mis J.' . r A r . tfl. - J !! -.-TL -ml.--. 'Zm.'' stories, high. This flrm is. well known and does a handsome business.:, t Volume o$ which is forty thousand dbi lars annually. . . -.:. ,-'-.,v To Have Water Work -: Air. i j. i ttare. wno has been on thei fire; protection committee for '' the past three years.. Is. having .erectedl a 70-foot towner, on top of which will be placed a tank .with five thousand gallons capacity. When completed eleven residences will be supplied from thei tank, and If. the . venture proves successful the plant will be enlarged and the system will be' extended all over the town. This venture will prove a blessing to all from a sanitary stand point es v;eil as a necessity should fire bretRt out in their midst. " . . ,' . - The oil ' mills, fertilizer . plant : and cotton ginnery furnish employment to many, of the residents... .-- :1 '. u Two of the biggest. plants in tie town, but whose da vs. are numbered. are i the Ranford Davis"whiskey " dis tillery and -Riverside Manufacturing Company, (rectifiers.) f The r distillery plant, which, is a bonded warehouse, has capacity of turning out phe hun dred and jventv-.f Ive srallonn . of lery, la a model of neatness. In It are four v fermenter,? . each of which liold are'reauired every dav to run the M"t arerequired every day to run the stilt Mr. Pavls gives employment to sixteen men. He takes the prohibition laws as a matter of fact, and sa-s that after January' first he wll give up the dis- tiuery witn grace, r r The rectifying establishment of the Riverside Manufacturing - Company Is situated a short ' distance ( from the distillery. It Is here that'the stuff i is bottled. Jugged and cased tha will die. a. peaceful death on the. night ol December thlrtV-flrst next f L In the Christmas Century. j '. The series of articles on "Romantic Germany" by Robert Haven Schauf ner. which is to be one of the features of the new volume;; of The Century, covers a field, of y travel literature which has been almost neglected since Eayard Taylor's t'VIews Afo6t" of sixty years ago. Mr. Sehauffler, who has traveled widely and Is of German! des cent, went ' to Germany specially - jto refresh his Impressions before writing the articles. It Is the, author's object in these papers- to bring; put whatever of- beauty and . romance are hidden away hn the. larger," more prosaic Gr- man .cities leipzig. Aiunicn, jBenin and Jie-fanHliarize the reader with the smaller. ; more beautiful i cities--Pots-dam. Brunswick. HUdesheim.' Melssem vndi"Rotherrturgl.tThe ilFbstrationsvare .belR madby-apjrjaeof the :.:jnore rto, table German artists, with whom this exploiting-,1 of the beauty and charm of the Fatherland r lias been - a work pf , pride and loved sviif." Schauffler's paper in the Christmas Cntury , will tell of Berlin; "The City of -the- Em perors." v-'i.U j It sometimes i happensthat -a girt may get rid of a persistent suitor by f a persistent suitor by marrying him. liifii mmmm The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass is such thSt K Ifl she looks forward with dread to the hour when she shall feel the thrill i i of motherhood. Every woman snould know tnat tne Ganger ana pam of child-birth can be avoided by the useof Csthsrs Frisr.d, which - j Ttriders oliable all the Darts. tt ttSh yAT-n. n vv'' f usai&uug iiaiuic in lis wui k. i oy us am inousanus or i p crisis in safety. T book of Information to women nt free. I S BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. 'I 1 AtUnUuCs. HOTHIIJG nORE SUITABLE A SEJAS PRESEIIT Everybody wants to Well everybody don't have a ' 1 .- x,x Xxx- - v-::y- ' j ; - xi ' . nTN : nn ran i 4 Present one to your friead or relative for a Xmas eifr. - ".U 0 OOLDSBQIIOJ - n UiOGIL of - iinc 'acid in therUdod. - whict ; liilll WILLI . i. . and wests on Hand, to urn on issue oi f 4uv,vuu uouus to -, Be So!d Tbamorrow 'for .Water otIes.:.';.! , juhd5' verag--Cape Fear" Fisheries Planf .Being ' OveriiauledWumlj- A ton '. Meiliodist Cliurchcs in tioou a"HJ iur, Mmieryuvct . , .. f j I GTOf 'S -K'rt'. ( Special, to New3 and Observer.) : Wilmington, N.:C..-Dee.; B.Avrium-' i . - m--$ n. 1. . j Afe. I vi . ' '.t brokers in the' North and West 7: . are her ttiLhtd lYnnn thn Usn f 1400 flno -t. ViIl Jm, 4vTt. t L Li.. E -v and sewerage, . bonds that will ,b T pSaced, lH ohr3nketllJondayv Ttf connty jof 1, New' lianbyer ''recently sold Its '. road i r bonds Mt 4 ;lt JL.per. cept with substan- Ua f tiai premium; and the city hopes to do 'n. Itk'iwlMiheit'ha iblda for the cltypifyf. ago lesx.than par was bid for them on a 4 1-4-pfr-JcentJiasia byf-orily a few 'Vij houseaJ "Now", renresenta fives f ICtl- j li J . cago.j Cincinnati. Toledo 'and - Boston fi's interests are here and rivalry between them is kenn The bonds are for the- . .: purchase of the present water worksj-i pianw it :t cap 1nesecurea -uponv.J..an v iy equitable basis, its' enlargement T and; i the' laying: of an'.up-todate- sanitary . sewerage system,- perhaps using the , " privately, owhed one now! -established ; ih as a ; nncleud -'-S'.''' P ' '- ;- i;':-;'' Mr. W.U. Ervine, superintendent of i :v the .Cape Fear - Fisheries plant at Dldf ji Brunswick, down the Cape Fear .river, .til I: Is here! overhauling the factory which i has been closed since the:ceivershlp . '. ; , o f the parent concern In Philadelphia -Vf a ye4r (and a half go.wMr Ervine an-,t f nounces that the ? factory ! will ba' ln i ,' operation again next' spring, anjdLJ it will give employment to several hunt." r-:i ' ' drdr-hands. iFish oil and- scrap fromi:'.st menhaden caught on; the. outside .-Is ', manufactured-ln large- quantities.! . -s: - . r Alt-ithe rf Wflmlngtoh - Methodist' . . churches are closing up their confer-1' . ence-year'aAvork andu.will : jcaxryi . tocJ ; Durham next .week -favorable reports ' ' :) m " t a. . . . . f j ! i " l : v ; from . Methodism In the East Special, ' eerxicftf; aJt.thVi close bf,,the lc6Hreilerice ' j yea'r , ' a e - anriduhced' by th e ..four Vlt- ' mington. , pastors tor tneir . congrega uons. tomorrow-1-.:. . r ' - . .. . . J ;. ..." ' j. I i ' i m ' ; ' " ,'l'': iAskitt Do you believe in the theory ofi heredity?! Noltt Sure thing. . J My iwt uert inv juiocr v.ui iui.ew little shavers. Chicago ivews. .JQ. . T : ... 4 r,.' - .... - : . . . 1 v.s ... . l-; - a man's iqea oi patriotism ta tninK- ,"i4 r- Ing he -could; runthe-government bet- fcfi 1 , ter .' than, thpsej- ho- are- 'elected to-V" ' do" It - - i . - ' r, .' -' ' til . . e itr t-:r.i-L .i- r-J.- r' icjoy or in.iiuu5cnoiu. iw , Mthaut if no'happiness can tc completed Angels smfle ; at (JM and commend :' the, thoughts YM j ; hftndintr over the cradle. 'vi ' rZSTi XI I ' . I I A 7" FOR sleep weliU-doa't tb y? sleep well unless they -ii-X A- '- - . J'-.T- i ; 'DCllOAU 3 m V-:'.l,';' ." "' r -1 -"' I " r 1 , ;-kx- x' kX'XXS:: ::.'; : Mm u ( xi vj ? --' ? i ' ';' 5 tp'Xl t :'. :-' l' 1 f

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