7? 13 c TUT: NEWS AND OB3UBVl3n18trNDAY4 DECEJiBEtt 6 ISIOR V r Thb JMcws and Ofcccrver SUNDAY.; : ; . )'. $.y f . :'. Dec.$lfog. TRAINS LEAVTNO RALEIGH DAILY Going .North. 12:3f a.- in, I , : 1 1 1 0 a. m. U:!0 ff tnM ' 12;dl p. m; i 6 J 00 p. m. i 3 4:10 -'I Shoofly. At. Sontlii Railway, tiiolng East. :..;.$ Going West. 141 so a. m. "f? i n Mi' 2:00 a m. 8145 al m. 4:05 pf m. 12:80 p. m. r.6!30 p. m. 'Pi , - r : liaieigu na sonuipon. .. . Going South fi I? " Arrive Raleigh. X 6:09 a. m. v S , 8:30 a m. r.l'iir-.'p.- nuW:.:. ff-J'' i -3 r 8:45. p m ?k I - Norfolk and Southern. -- f -Going fcnst. U Arrive Raleigh. ; i';S5.. a. m. 'A I I ' ;' . . ' -1 1 0 : 5 5 : a . m. i 04:00 p. m. ..: I 10:00 p. m.. 4:10 .m, 4:10 p m. :-(;. ;-.'r ' f ; 8 jit pz m. 10:05 t I : . f Ul A1ID AEOUT THE CITY, ' : 1 ;$Vake county Jphssed another day J yesterday withojuti) the granting of marriage licenses, none being applied fot. r - ' Services during December at i St, 1 Christian each Sunday 1 mtT:i : if If: J f .1 1 1 I'Uiln the-Supremd rourtjthi week::ap-. , ipealB wltlbe heard from the Fifteenth District, tne uslt - i"' - r gin'o'n-. Tuesday. .;,; ij.," 'ftj. .f Ti airf Olaudlu fcocicery. ' the United Stated Marshal, j returned last nlnht li' J lirom Washington! CV where he iad a :g5fre on busineksfor the departmet; Major. W. A.! araham.1 the Coramw- Sinner-' 01 Agncuixure . ie cawmo, fiir . Charlotte. S -here Mrs. Graham. ysho ha i- been nuite ill. Is reporte as i ImprovtnK. N "'.TJliilM .Na! wliothas been hoi a: term lor: criminaipcoun ior, vraynr eotintv. larrlved in the city yesterday with Solicitor Atmistead i Jones. ptio hasjbeen In attendance on the court. ? v ' Y-.tr. n. t. Holeman.. ; of i Person ; epuntyjwas In th6 city yesterday, j Mt7 Holeman is a member 01 tne jwani,oi nHnd 'nstitutionf and keeos in close - contact' with- th wbrk that Is being J. do"!- ''y.rj-: i i ; V:,. ,; i '' v K ProK n: Lee Middleton the Sunday School. Secretary of the North Caro- 4 Una UaptlBt State; CpnvenUon left ye. terday.. for Hamlet, where he l to make j two addresses! today on Sunday srhool rrork. : j . , J: . ; -ry :f vRevlPif G. Klsoni returned to the r clly " from AMo6resvllle yesterday, 1 where! he has been asshtlng in re-val 'services ' Ho: will preach jat both, ler- vicfs fit the i Foirth Baptist Church W In thejcorrt.housp tday. ;; -:.;.- f ' Thel infttaliatloti servlees of " Revi l! F.' ' Jonnson. Ihev new' pastor of, ?the v" Christian Churchiof ?thls city. wl!lbe j jiln at 10:30 tHJs l-mornlng Vatjlth t . illlli.h6ro Street Christian Church and will Continue until 12 o'clock ; l;V Home fifteen or more 'Syrians sar " rived In the city yesterday from Nor folk and Richmond;! where they have been driven out '?of J business. ; J "pan do no business there." is the answer - when they are asked why they left I -.. v- T p - -'V- ' . v- if i1 - - There wlir be s meeting for men at ' 2:50 ;tlii- afternoon at the Tabernacle Baptist church, -orhenrthe pastor; Rev; A. ij Moncrief wH make a short ad dress and-there will, be an oDen dls MfRin n moral, questions. ' .All fare ' invUd;t,:?.rV-fe'v.i:".V;:: ' -' J 'i.;..; A itev. p. O. Elsom has returned from ifoorcsvilie, N. where, he aided Pastor tf. O. We!s of the First Bapf ' -tlKt rhur:h in : a- successful- revival, h Mrr liisom will breach in the Court i Jlotisirtoday at llMa. m.i and hold ' evangelistic seryiee at 7:30 j.,m.i vft The 'horsfe to a hack carrying a paa i senger, from the Union depot yesterday cut iip ' at lively - gait and made -.a runaway ;nrth on McDowell street. The- paifsejOKer (' kept ; his nerve And May fed in the hack and the horse was 1 conquered 'after ft four blocks run. ;sl There will be a series of meetings held ,' r t John S 'Johnson I Memorial Chapel, commencing tonight at: 7430, The pastor. Rev. jft. S. Stephenson will he assisted I in thse meetings by Rev. ! W Li )Ky!e. J Srvlce each night next WMit nt 7:0 and the public is n-l . Yi ted, f; .: '-. : : -K I : . . U-- j ' ; ' .f t . i tfr.i jjolm S. Adams of AsheVille is .!a -in,the-.'Hty.'' y i p-'V i v:'1-: ! Mr. R. II. Crarjy, of Henderson, iyas here -Vesterday. . $ A H ; j , llr.: A; 11. Shepard, of "Wilmington, V was he ri yesterday . v i 5 .CoL, Isaac Dortch, of Goldsboro, -! was here yesterday. ' ,;.' 1 r 5 t i Mr.-I John. D, jswiley. of ChaHottei T;a "here, yesterday. 9; .. - :f. .t a ijr- George. A.? Rose, of Henderson, .was here, yesterday. ?s ' :.. jir. 1 a,. iiaruisi, jr.. oi wenaeu, Was here yesterday; -W , ; . S ' . if J Mr.-iA. frl, Holland, of Winston Salem. iwas here yesterday. J I k Mr. H J B. I Johnson, of Fuqday Srrinsra, . was here, yesterday. i . ) - Messrs.' J, F,. Rdsvards, of .Oxfofd and. W, . H. Haywood, ot Delma, re guests of Mr. C. ;B. Edwards. Sr. , No Vanilla Like tl!ue Ribbon. J iNot only is It pirreJi but of ereat strcnKth and delicacy; Unequaled for dHrts.; IT'S INTERESTING .1 f- i - i ' I.: .5 . . -1 " What do you lihtnk of a plumber i advertising for business 7 r i . We think ltsa-matter of 'education. If W. L. VINSON CO., 120 Fayette-: vine street, should submit, you a bid . on your; plumbing or heatlng.T would you; know that? it was cheaper than v theif icotnpetitorst : ' : , 1 I ' We think not unless you read care fully' their SpectBcatlons and studied j I them, then you would know they were the cheapest, i 'f $ -r" y a, . 1-if 1-iTry '"1 e t Try pa, we charge nothing .for writ thrmr up for vou - j. :- u i CiOU QL AGO ., ! The Great tisfidache and .',' J " " k ' - A S ' " AT ALL WELL STO CKED STORES. cEUaayBcmiC'DKys M extract -'-'-'' '' nnaiiiv fi ; , ': - J v'- k;;yrril,v : js " I'RALfeiGli. .M,v plstriba'toj's .Jo'f t(. fi. A - r j tdx Wore to the Lloa.) OA on xjitn onnzft too ADVirrmsrsiENT iABxrc iroii LSSS THAN SD CENTS. CPCCXAL j DISCOUNTS ON EXTENDED AD VERTISINO. IlESUW ASSCWfD, Want d4 received fit the News and Observer DolMlng or without choree for '''meBfienaeT--'vrie- froln'rth foetal Telegraph or American District Telegraph iifegsensers. Call J Western Union or postal messenger boys bj telephone jr call box from Any point in the city vrho will receive adver tlseincnts for this column at rate of ten cents per Urie, counting six - word to the linej, just as they reIye ::;Jtele grams forf transmission, over Western Union lines. - I ; " ' ; - MRS. M1LEH tiOODWIX WILL IK . glad to ireceive orders for first class fruit cake at a reasonable price, f Phone 887 R. , ? " : AGENTS:! PORTRAIT AND FHWIK 4 ."3 cents. Pillow topsO cents. We want your business and will make the prifces. Fidelity Portrait Co., 120 So.) Paulina St, Chlcago." SIDE LINE: SPECIALTY; MLESMAN to sell high-grade Cottage Dinner set to dry goods, grocery and fur niture scores for advertising purpos es in' small towns. -5 Big repeat or ders large ! commissions.. Si State your permanent address. Graves. St. Louis. Mo, tr. e. FOR SALE: ONE: HORSE, JSOUND and welp broken, price reasonable. Can be Seen 514 Oakwod avenue. ' 1 " H ' 1 FOR RENT: SIX ROOr FLAT, ALL: modern I conveniences. v Rent.; 825. 435 Fayftteville street. ; j 12-6-tf. f AGENTS 4- MAKE 103.SQ PER montn selling - wonoerrurf i se sharpening, j patented scissors I and cutlery. V. !E. iGieber sold J2 2 pairs in hours, made 813 -you can do it: we Thomas ' Dayton, show how: tree . outfit. Mfgr. Co 585! Fourth St. Ph SALESMEN WANTED-rllUNDREDS J- L of Rood openings, W - have mo.ro cans nor our irraauaxes man vo can fijl.'J We wi!,l teach you to be a salesman In 'eight weeks,: by ; mall and assist you to secure a position With-n reliable' firm. 'Our is the most' highly endorsed and . practical miii . nf i Knlaomaneili In iho vworldj If you want ta earn from S1.200. to 810.000 a yar and your xpensesiour Free Boofi."-Knight of the Grip." win shov. ybu how. 1 Write j ( or call ) for It Jtoday. Ad i dress nearest oiflce. Dpt 65 2, Na tional ! salesman's Training Associa tion. Chicago. New York. r. Kansas City. Sart Francisco," MlnneapoHs. 2 GENTS $300 EVERY MONTH sure selling our wonderful eight' piece .Kitchen sety senA for - sworn statement of 812 dally profit: out fit. free. Thomas Mfg., Co.. 685 Jefferson; St.. Dayton. phTor f. AGENTS WANTED: 410 DAIIiY selling combination scrub brush, mop ana; wringer; no. .opposition; every housewife buys? particulats iree.ruept;J 172 T.X. iL.-Works, 2K Stone SU New york.- OWING TO, INARILITYTO ATTEND to pracuee and drugstore, I have decided to sell the latter. Located in tnrivingtown of Ahoskla, half way between Rocky Mount, and Nor folk. Tems reasonable. . Rare op Plortunity j for yOung man to estab lish a business in rapidly, growing town. Stock -and fixtures may be moved to! another town if i desired. Dry: A. Wj Greene. Ahoskle. N. C io NTs'jx)n cotton at golds bloro Thursday, Dec. 10th.i r . COTTON WILL BRLXG ,10 I CENTS per, pound at Goldsboro Dec. ; 10th COTTON toj CENTS PER POUND AT MPiasuorq i nursaay. f Pec. 10th. TAKE YOljU CXTTOX VTO GOLDS- bpro DecL s 10th and : get 10 cents fr It.- . .. ': . YOVR DINNER WONT CpST ANY- mmK ai ioiaBnoro lecember join, besides ypu r will get? 10 cents . for yur coUon. ; -' :: -;V -" WANTED: EXPERIENCED SALES lady for dry goods store at once. Write or'japply and give good ref-er-ences to -Joseph Edwards. Golds bdro. N. C. : ' . 'A.. : - ' 31 EN WANTED QUICKLY BY BIG Chicago Mall Order House to dis tribute catalogues, advertise.' '$25 weekly; 880.00 expense allowance Manager, j Dept. 31, 'St S -Wabash ' AVe.,? Chicago.-: ' '.'. V : WANTED: ( EXPERIENCED SPE. claity salesman accustomed to tail ing on drug, and general store trade td sell w4iradvertlseurine proprie tary med.icines for . large- concern; must havt experience in this lino to f b4 good specialty salesman; good opportunity; salary 4nd commis- . 8in: give - experience, . territory trjaveled. and references correspondence- confidential Box 5 53, Chicago. j ' , : . WANTED SALESMEN? EXPERI- enced premiu'm men. No others heed apply. , Something new for ISO 9. Patent Novelty))Co Fulton, 111. Box 105 - .:-: TRAVELING 3IEN Wrrai GRIT: NO ' dead ones -for greatest line CaU endars and Advertisling Novelties - ever put lout. Many flew, features. A?t quick. . Now making contracts for 1009. SDOtswood Specialty Co , Lexington, Ky. $3 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO . men .. with rig- to introduce poultry . compound. Grant Co.. Dept.1 87, Kpringtleia. in. ? OUNG , MEN FOR r RAILROAD firemen, jbrakemen, baggagemeui $75-8100 to start; early promotion; experience unnecessary; state age, wielght and helht. Address Rftll "ay Bureau. 608 Panama Bldg., St Louis. I Mo.' ; -.;. h TEAC1IER& FOR JANUARY. OPEN- :: lngs Graded, high rand-ti rural . schools, also college wOrk. N Satis faction guaranteed.' r Sheridan's : Agency, Greenwood, sj C ; ' LOOKMUNGS A BEAUTIFUL GOLD band trKi a beautiful jSeal ring; tot on dollar.. Each onejs worth the . price we ask for both. - If not jiati -fled with them, return in 10 days end we w Send ? size. u renjnoyour : moneyv C A. Scanlan Co.. 642 West S th St, . Cincinnati; . Ohio,; C0YLA1J-PEARCE CO. Tf IK STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M With Christmas less than thought may be bestowed on ; a gift of some suitable, valuables,1 serviceable sort, that brings happiness to tne giver ana giaaness to tne J WOMEN'S NEW iFALL SUITS. j I t; Tailor-made Suits built to our express order; very handsome. ; They come on Broadcloths, Chevrons, and Mixtures and well worth a quarter more than prices asKed .. .1. . . . .$17.50, S22.50, $27.50. $35.00 WARM WINTER FURS. : Not necessarily an expensive luxury. Some beautiful pieces of the; acceptable sort Children's Sets at reduced PONY COAT Ladies' and Misses' Coat fastened vyiih Pearl Buttons LADIES' TRIMMED HATS. December designs in handsome trimmed millinery at pHces robbed of their rigktf ul profits . . $, $7 and $8 Infants r Caps, less onethlrd ;' of the regular prices. Caps were 75c to $1.50 an and CHRISTMAS Initial Kerchiefs, neatly box. ' For men, women and $1.50 A SALE OF SI nctths: for SlirtS. Waists io . 'I Le fancy AjrorlLj AH measured, ticketed and marked; by the piece good picking for first comers.. BOYJUAWPEARCE vr STRANGE INVENTION : MAKING agents rich. i Korstad s sales 82,200 two'; weeks; t Stoneman, $1,200 monthly. Hundred averaging ; 60 weekly. Experience unnecessary. New, field. A 50.000 already sold Millions needed. Exciting business. Allen's Apparatifj gives every, home - a bathroom, : for , $5. Energizes 'waters Cleanses almost automatical ly. Allen Mrg. CJ, 2012, Adams, To- ! ledo. O j WANTED: TRAVELING SALESMAN to carrv rice as a side line on ' com mission basis. Reference required. Address P. O. Bo. 754 New Orleans. La. - -1H y ' : --: I SNOW WHITE Poople puppies finest nedigreed stock; ideal pets TOY FRENCI from smallest an and registered for ladies or, chll- dren; ready- fir Christmas delivery; pedigree w4th j each pup. Price 815.00 each, llarlhurst Kennels, 213 South McDuffie St.. Anderson, H. C. ..- ' u li : : : - 1.- ; I: Sun. V I 1 1 ' ' . '--) i' i' ntSINFJSS PJlOW)smON: GEXi ;.: tlemari with ;ten 'years experience! in , . business and 85.000 or 810.000 ?n cash would like i live active partner with equal . amount. Unquestiona ble endorsements as to character; habits and business . qualifications furnished.! Same expected of cor respondent, j Location, '' some live town to be agreed uK)n. Address, "Business Man," Care News and Ob server. - .! i , . 4'. . LADY SEWERS: MAKE SHIELDS at home. Materials furnished. $15 per hundred. Particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 243, Imperial Shield Co., St. Loiuv Mo. 1 ItOOKLET FREES - SHOWING HOW to owrrlt in Lkewood City. N. )J.. near N. Y., Phila.. and all coast re sorts for coit of ! taking title. Inter Pat i, Development Co., Trenton, SAI ESMANt EXPERIENCED : IN ; any line ,to sell gneral trade ' in '. North Carolina. I An unexcelled spe--? cialty proposition. Commissions with $35 weekly! advance for ex penses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio. t GOOD POSITIONS: DRAUG RON'S Practical " Business, " College, COr. Martin and Wilmingtoii Sts., Ral eigh, gives contracts, backed by .'. chainf of 31 Colleges. $300,000.00 capital, and 20 rears success, to se cure good positions under" reason able conditions or refund - tuition. Ask- for free catalogue. 12-6-8un tf. -: ,'. DRAUOnON'S SHORTIIAND: About 75 er cent of the United . States Court Reporters write tpe system of Shorthand taught by DraUghon's Prwctical Business Col lege. Cor, Martin and "Wilmlnirten Sts.. Raleigh, because they know is the best. Draughon secures pb iitinn4. ; Ask for i f reer catalogue. 12 6-Sun t. -j -- : . WANTED : ROY ABOUT 1 . OFFICE work In manufacturing plant;, good T "oppor :unlty for right boy. Addr-ms . in own handwriting, giving age anct reference. Box 10L Raleigh. JN. V.. BUSINESS FOR SALE: A WEJ.L ES- tabllshed good paving 5. 10 and 25 store businetis. ! Canital reoiiired. phrvut two thot'wnd doners. Profits this year over three thousand dql- lars. Good reasons for- selling. must le sold before January 1st. Ad- iiress Iox 245, Henderson, N. C. '12-6-3Sun. JUST : OCT; IXW-PRCEr. s.t R. mop; turn, crank . to wring; ' clean hands; .women all buv; 150 ner cent prof ItUcatalog free. U. & Mop Co., EOYLAINPEArXE CO, EXCEPT SATtHDAY NtGItTS g'es three weeHs away, timely neart ot tne recipient. is for the neck or hands. . ;0 ; i tmm H. . . ..... $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 to $22.50 prices. SWEATERS. Sweaters. Collarless and . . . $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 $2.25, ara now 50c.; $1.00 . ...$1.50 HANDKERCHIEFS. packed, 1-2 dozen in fancy children. By the box 90c. ................ .$3.C5 REMNANTS. and Tnmnprc OtriArc fnr I HAVE JUST TAKEN STOCK AND find l have 5362 dollars wtrth of drugs. . This bus Iness has made 40 ner cent in 9 months and is for sale at 100 rer cent or would trade fort-. evel farm. f T. R. Tomllnson. '.Wadtttborcv N. ! r" - 1 CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER worth vcarouna with staple line. High -commissions, with $100.00 monthly aivance. Permanent tosl tion to right mam Jess H. Smith Co., potrolt, Mich.- ; v AGENT 3: OPI'ORTUNITY OF OFE- time; no experience necessary, - big cash 1 prof its 'daily and. one 7 agent made ?21 In one hour; every one will buy; we Issue more accident . .and sickness policies than any other eimnar coraph,-?, in the world; we give the most popular and cheapest lnsurar.ee written; ; new plan x "year for 8100 policy; : no -assess ments or dues; other amounts In ; proportion death benefit, weekly indemnity, free medical attendance. original popular features, either sex all claims promptly and liberally . settled; insurance assets $500,000; . reliable representatives 1 r wanted everywhere, exclusive territory. Jib eral, permanent income increasing each - year, absolutely sure. Address International . Corporation. 231 Broadway: department E 2, New agents earn ess to $so a-eek-ly selling new style Merry Widow waist" patterns. ' Mexican, and Sv.t&s Embroidered ,-AVaists. Catalogue free. . National Importing Co., Desk D, 69? Broadway,; New York.-; WANTED: COPIl OF THE JEWS i:and Obercr, May 12, 1906; Jan; 2. 1906; Jan., 8, 1906. Ndtlfy Bust ness Office. -ry, --'-' ! FOR SALE: TWO FIXE TIIOR- oughbred pointers, 10 months old. , West Durham Poultry Farm. ; ri2r,5-2t - .- , . - ,- . :; WANTED: PHYSICLN, REG1STER ed. in North Carolina, to travel with specialist; (one of good appearance and address; salary 32 0K00 per week and all expenses, exclusive of pre requisite; an excellent opportunity to . ' the right man; State age. particulars and experience to Dr. Theo. Jacob- . sen. Cleveland, Ohio. 6203 Kinsman L Road. . I , 12-5-2t for Sale one ginnery with 4- u saw i gms complete. xow rnt ning. ' Will make right price; Prltchett Machinery Company. Greensboro, N. C. 12-4-3t PARTNER WANTED: EITHER IN a paying mercantile or lumber dusi-ness.- All the business we can do; Will sell either business. Yours for business. Lock , Box 211, Burling-: ton,! N. C. - : - - . . . -i 12-3-6t :'' WANTED A GOOD JEWELER ON January t. 1909. 1 Parker urosi Enfield, N. C. 1 rtf 'OR. RENT- 5 ROOM DWELLING E. Hargett St.; 5 Room Dwelling N. person St ; 6 Room D willing Harp St; 6 Room Dwelling Blood-I worth and Boundary Sts.; 6 Roomj Dwelling Brooklyn; 7 Room Dwell-j ing N. East St.; ' 2 Large 8 RoOmi Dwellings W. Jcnes St.; 8. Rootn ; Dwelling E. Martin St.: 8 . Room Dwelling j East Jones ; St.: 5 . Room 'Dwelling Blood worth St.: several small cottages. , Apply Ho - Raleigh Real Estate and Trust . Company, Raleigh, N. C. -: . '- J: ' - I - - !-::', i. f, ' . v':'? - - - r AKE THE nOUE FOLKS IlAPFI CY CARRYING , HOME A :' POX Of C AND Y-Ol 0Y5 1 E tl.f-.fi NICELY FURNISIIETi FRONT room for rent in. private family central to bdtlnets part fcf town,. Ad dress "W," care News i.nd! Oserver. iiODERN; rms.ctA3 fculp ments, strong, practical courses of study, ttp.to-date methods of In itructicn and - an abt: faculty are some ot ihft points of superiority ot Kinj'a Business College, Rs4elsh N. C. , .J:-f ; ..... Mill MM,,MtMMMMh,M.MM KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE RAL eigh, orrers a strong commercial training; In Book-keeping, Shorthand andfTeiegraphy. Send for catalogue. FOR SALE FTVE TWOcTnOCSAND candle-power Kitson lights, with air tank; Will sell to firs' comer for $50. Must sell .quick on accounf of moving, j Address, "Light. care News and Observer. v t . ? . . WANTED i YOU TO PREPARE FOR a good position by taking a course at King's Business College, ' Ral eigh. f ' v CABBAGE PLANTS FOR PALL AND winter Setting for sale, rgrown in open field, $1.50 per M. G L. B. Penny, Raleigh, N. C, R. F. D. No. l. 1 11-26-2W, WANTED- ONE ,6 OR 8 HORSE power gasoline engine in good run h!ng condition. State make and price. Mustf be 'bargain.- Address p. O. BO 49J. Wilson. N. C. WANTED position as collec tor, In Raleigh, by thoroughly re liable man of ten"-years' experience. Good rePerehces, including present . employer. ' j Address, 1 "Collector," care News and Observer. STEAM LAUNDRY IN PROGRES slve N. C. town of over 10.000. No competition. Reason for selling own-f er llv)ng elsewhere. Address, Laun dry, care News and Observer. 12-2-3t W 2wfwed. fri.1 sun. WANTED ! At ONCE A REGIS tered druggist. State salary expect ed' and itime can report for duty. Address! Lock Bot 497. Wilson, N. C. , I I Wed.. Frl.. Sun. WANTED I AT ONCE: A REGIS tered druggLst State salary expect ed and. time! can- report for duty. Address Lock Box 497. Wilson. N. C. i2-3-Wed-Frt-Sun. FOR SALE: $00 CORDS 4 FEET split plnie wood $1.75 j f. o. b. here D. V. Thomson, Warsaw. N. C. -12-Thurs-Sun. U INFORMATION WANTED -S TO the address of 4 J or J. F. Fits- Patrick, j who was employed during the Exposition as motorman. for the Norfolk and Portsmouth Traction . Co.,' Norfolk! Va. The information will be of advantage ot Mr. Fits Patrick. Communicate with The Bilisoly Adv. Agency. Norfolk. Va. NOTICE: BY VTRTUE OF AN OR- der of the Superior Court of .Wayne County, I will sen for cash, oy pub lie auction, at the place of business of the HigginS' Drug Company, m the city of Goldsboro, N. C at 12 o'clock, on the 7th day of Decern ber. 190$, the entire stock. of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting mainly of drugs, medicines, -fancy articles jand store-fixtures usually kept in a first-class drug store, and belonging to said Higglns Drug Com pany, Nov. 16th, 1908. B. It. Griffin, I Receiver. 11-22-3 Sun. r WANTED:! TNFOR3IATTON RE - garding a good farm 'for sale; not particular about location; wish to hear from Owner only,; who will Sell direct toi buyer: cive price, desfcrip tion, and state when possession can be had. ; Address L Darbyshire, Box 1918A. Rochester. N. Y. ; . " - 11-1-13 Sun.' ' . i . WANTED--TO BUY STANDlNO lIM -ber close to Railroad. Send de scription and price to M. C. Mann, 911 HulJI St Manchester, Va, 11-15-4 Sun.- . . SALESMAN WANTED: TRAVELING small towns by leading Embroidery Importers; Six thousand samples; 20 pounds; illiberal arrangements; Consolidated Lace Works, 470 .Broadway, New York., ill-29ie o sun 3t MJSU- GR,PE VINES: GUAR AN teed genuine. Well rooted vines 40 cents each. Plant. now, Address W. iK Mish.rR. ton, N. C. F. D. no. 2. washing -: - . -I ': ': Jv .:. h eod WANTED POSITION r AS SALES man Inll general merchandise r clothing l store. Five years' ;experi- ""enie. Best habits and references, Address 1 IX. Lock ' Box 41, J Rocky Mount. N. Cj ll-19-5t thurs and sun WANTED IXFOKJIATIOX RE garding I good patent which would 1m. money maker. Only inventor, who wishes to sell outright or on royalty basis! need answer. Give price and brief description. S. M., Box 92 4 B.. Rochester. N. Y. : WOULD LIKE TO HEAR OF STOCK for sale In any enterprise where an investment of several thousand dollars would be safer L. Darby shire, Box 1810A. RoChesttr. N. Y. WANTED : t 3.000 ACREB CIDS1P farm land within- ten miles of rail road. Good water required, timber v unnecessary,: i. Reply quick-, to Statesvllle Realty and Investment CO., Stateisvilie. N. c. : Frl-Sun.il- . J. ' . : ' '. hnsMsMi$$s for. , tJlefi md Boy CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, HATS Good judgtiient directs th?t uc at its price u Bervvanger's wanger's. m 01. - . . ' 1 - - t . w f - t - . i This "store Ujh mine of suggestions, "ml no matter whether you elect to pay little or much there's some thing worthy to be liadlu Clothing, from a suit, at flO, or a fancy vest to a Ailk-Ilned v Overcoat at. $30. And so on tliroughOut the stock. We anUdnate' every demand of everybody in the price way, as -well as variety. I :. ' - . - ' ' , . 3 . ; - . ' ' ' ' I' I Our; Clothing, lines ir re vastlr important, -find I illustrate ihe; mcrluof all lines. -Note the grace and dlstlnctlveiieiis of a Bcrwariger garment the swing r.nd stvle the fit. Examine luto the workmanship. . the pattern and quality of the fabric. . You'll find the cleverest interpretations of prevailing fashions iq Bcf wangers cioiiiing. ... ! 1 ; The Purnishin&'s Department . shows Hie biggest stocks of Neckwear, Glove, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, ties and val yen thnt are unique. .: Khows the best' examples of fashion I Everything you can think of iiiDie rooiis. . . The One Price) Clothier riM mmmmj . . "a : . it BAREST- 0? toppOErtMr ; If you are figuring onr clvinjj presents to any of the masculine family, this is as far as you need togor - ! They are here i n abundance the kind that wil) linger Ion rj in the service ;ofithe.recipieiit.:;;:4:jn's 1' Drop in and look over our line of For, -1 1 nishlnfjs you'll seje many things that are necessary to make the. other fellow happy. 1 That bvercoat not protected from the winter's winds by the best' Latest iin design and make-up. y J. ROSENGARTEN COMPANY m Fayettevllle t ,. L. 4 0rZ rvJ fes-vJ trri rrl itrri FOR SALE GENTLE FA3IILY horse, good traveler, and buggy, al most new. Address I ."P;," care News and Observer. I , . 12-6-2t FOR SALE 6 II. I P. .r INTERNA tional Portable Gasoline Engine, in good condition. Cheap fdr cash to quick buyer. Elmore Gas. Engine "Co., Greensboro N- C. . u MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO . suit on Raleigh real .estate. Ad dress Box 324, Raleigh, N. C. j - 12 6 3. , WANTED POSITION IN DRUG Store;- two ' years experience: best references. Address "Drugs," care News and Observer. 6-2 1 ANYBODY EITHER SEX CAN 'make 84 daily : all winter raising : Mushrooms for hotels and restau , rants with my spawn, in cellars, harns, boxes, etc. Free Illustrated Instruction booklet Hiram Barton, 329 West 48th St. New York. WANTED REGISTERED DRUG-j - gist Must oe soDer. jtTerer a man that has had experience in buying. For further 1 Information . address Eox 37. WUlamston, N. : C. t Give reference and state salary ex pected. ; . 12 6 St : vfiOOKS BOOKS . Christmas Great Variety. Call and fnsoect our stock or write us sortmcnt of books for girls and boys You w!U find on our counters all the Your orders solicited. REDUCTION ON FELT HATS - - .if ' :. I'":--: '.' --: -- -'::: .' V. :'.-,'. :.' . ifi ' TRIUUED AND UNTHIMMED ' : " -"1 SSES REESE &Go:.iPA!iy, Years of Our riess is our Recommendation. Send us your wOrk ! Oa!t Cliy S'.p a iri;.: CJauncJn; FAYETTE VDLLE ST. your gift shall be useful good economy directs' lht value and full approval of auaUtT fotlovrs when' 1 The Hat Department the best vp.lueavln Derbys and Soft In weerabies for mat or boy l here v - ... . . c . . 5.; .BERWAN GEP-, ' .. .. mr-rmmrrmmrr mmrff 4 HOLIDAY V "5 C 1. 1 0 IT S 8 11 S s 8. 8 1 too late yet to be B' 11 - 'Capitol.aty Phone. hr, m . FOR SALE 15 FARMS. AND, tracts of timber; any size, on easy, terms at bargain prices For. par-! ticulars address Hopkins. & HOuse, ; Wendell. N. C. , ; j FOrt: SALE A WELL LOCATED' plantation on the Cape Fear River 1 of 3,000 acres; 100 in. cultivation, f. . balance in fine timber and pasture, j. ; Unsurpassed for ; truck and stock raisings Can . cut; 7.000,000 feet -H merchanlable, timber such as pine, ji 1 cypress and hardwood and 500.000 1 ' eords of firewood. Greatest bargain t - ever offered: in lands. Must I sell quick. For particulars address Hopkins & House. T Wendell, fy- C. 1 BOARDING ROUSE , FOR SALE' One of the best propositions ln the S . : State. Located near business -cen- j trei of Raleigh.- Old, established,! attractive place. ; Can be turned 1 into a hotel. Already has good i' 'transient trade. ; Reasonable rent I for huftding. Address, Furniture and Stove Exchange, 111 E. Har-, gett Street Raleigh. N. C. v ; r,12 -r-3t t T'. -i -'' t 'ijr ONE -MILLION BRICK FOR SALE. - Dally -capacity - 90,000, For prices write E. A. Poe Brick Co.; Fayette- i BOOKS Boolis in for what you would like. Large s 25 cents' -: f .1 .. new fiction of note at $1.20.,f : ' V - 'I 1 - 1 COIIPAITY 109 FcysttpYlIb Strcst Successful Buoi- . RALEIGn, N. a. it should article be bears good Ber- . Suspenders, etc., ttnd offers novel Hats the most approved goods. In stock at the CA7?st price lor re- : , Tiro ClotLlrr. X 1 J Ml I' v- n 9 0 Main. 45t; Eelpslc a ,u iV 4414.11. 11 Ui U -..1 i .-: a . . : - -r-'y - ( 'V