1 ' K't - r ' 5V r 1G V THE NITV7S AND .OBSERVER, SUN P AY, DELCraiBj; R U7v lOR Vr- 'JVA ...... fjJ,iwni svmdav, . . ;.v Dec.2M&QS TRAIN? LEAVING RALEIGH DAILY Seaboard Air Line Railway. .Going North, 12130 a," ro. 1:10 a. m. -11:20 a. m. "18:01 p. m. 5:00 p. nv Bhbofly. Going South. 3:20 a. 'm 4:10 a, m. 4:10 p. m. 5:15 p. m. Ar. 10:98 Southern Rimay. Going East, . ' ( Going West. 4:30 a.m. " 2:00.. a. m: 12:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 6:30'p. tn. . r ' - 4:05 p . xn. Raleigh and Southport; Goins Sontli - , ArriTO Raleigh. ' 6:00 a. m. - 8:30 aC xn. 1:16 p. m.- -, " 3i45 p. m. Norfolk and Southern.'. - , . Going East, v - " f ". "Arrive Raleigh. :35 a.' m. '". " ' 10:55 a.m. -4:00 p. in. 10:00 p. m. IN AND AE0UT THE CITY. ' High .' mass was . Celebrated- at the Catholic OrphAnagre Christmas tEv at-mid-night-;-, , N'. "J'.': Mr. S. H. Farrabee. editor of the Winston-Salem Journal, was in the " ciiy yesterday. .: : " " ., The friends of Mr. 11. Crocker will regret -to learn that he ,1 i stck a t" his home on ... Cast HargetfT street The friends of Mr. Jno. W. Mar ' fora win regret to learn that ..he con tinues quite sick at his home on North East street ' - : , f - ' Trains from, the North for the: past three days have come In with snow on . them. Raleigh has had only a wee- flurry during, a rainy night. 1 At the morning service at Central Methodist church today, several new members will be received into the church. The public cordially Invited. There were no cases in the police court yesterday,' the good effect r of prohibition being seen in the absence of . a. docket full of the names of . drunks. .; .. V-. . During a heavy rain, . wind and" thunderstorm on Christmas after noon there was a heavy fall of sleet and in a half hour afterwards the. sun was shining. -. The Seaboard 1 "Shoofly" extension to Weldon this week ha proven ,;i i boon . to traveler. ' The road, "would respond to the poular call if it kept this as the schedule. . . . " Mr. R. H. Fetner will leave" today for Hamlet, where he has accepted a position. Mr.' Fetner has- ? Quite a number of friends here, who i wi3' " him the greatest -success in. hisf new work. ' - :: ! r-:-' - Frof. VV. II. Chambers,' of "Knox ille,. Tenn.. is 'in the city. . Prof. . Chambers Is. well-known In Raleigh, lie was formerly a teacher In the colored Deaf and Dumb school - of this city. - - '- - s ' Rev. T. H. V. llorsfleld," rector of St Stephen's Episcopal church at Ox ford, was in the -city: yesterday on his way to "Wilmington where,. today, he will preach the- Masonic $erm,on at SL John's church. Dr. TV. A. Syme left yesterday, for Baltimore to attend, the. meeting of the American Chemical - Society, at which, he will, present a paper on . an original method of soil analysis mark ed out by him in the laboratory of the : Experiment7 Station. , . Mr. -C'-arence E. Mitchell, who be Kan his career as . a printer in the XewH and ; Observer', office, goe to Durham to take a responsible position with the Seaman Printery. . He is an expert in his trade, Is a young man of character and capacity-a gentleman , every inch of him. ' Durham Is to be congratulated. The Register of Deeds did a rush ' ing business yesterday in the way of issuing marriage licenses, v The foN lowing colored couples were granted licenses: 1 Mack Leathers, of; Morrls- Ville. and KstellA AAnma '.-nf :- Carv James Dunn and Viola Hunter, both ence Alston, of New ; Hilli - William Urooks and Caristia McMillan, of Uulc lgh; and to Savage -,Lee, of Neuse, and Annie Privett of Wake Forest, -, ., : . Mr. W. t. Parker left yesterday for r Garner. ' - L, ,: Mr. A. E. Glenn left yesterday for Favtteville. , , Mr. - W. II. Vann ' spent yesterday ' in WaKe Forest. - . t - -Mr. Jno. R. Reach, of; Franklin,. Va., is In-lhe city. - v Mr. James McKlmmon left yester ' day for Fayettevllle. i - Mr. R. C. Goldstein, of Durham, was ' In the city yesterday, v i C Mr. R. R. Herring, of Oxford, was in the city yesterday. f ' - Mr. Sanfcrd Davln. of frmont was In the city yesterday. . - i Mr. T. B. Bunch, of Claj-ton, spent ; ' : yesterday in the city. - Mr. Ai II. - McQueen, of Dunn, (was in tb's city yesterday. . .; ? Jtev. Father Hayden, of Nazareth, left yesterday ? f or Ohio. ; .. . . Mr. Samuel F. White, - of Mebauie, ; fpent yesterday In Raleigh. Mr. Thot. J. Moore, of Greenville, spent yesterday In the city. i ; Mr4 Harry L. Kallls, Of : Littleton, spent yesterday In the city. '"','-. , - Mr.; G.i. G. Stronach. of Wilson. : pent yesterday in the city. Mr. pi J, MIddleton, of WUming ton, spent yesterday in RalelghC ? Rev. Creecy - Wheeler, of Wake' Foreet, spent yesterday In Raleigh, i l Mr. E. IX Earnshaw. bursar . u'i Wake. Forest College, 1s the guest of Dr. R. T. vann. . , ' i Mr. J. ,T. Turner has returned to i the city " after an extended tour l. through the Northwest. '. ; nine Will Tell. r , 7 For 11 years Blue Ribbon has been 1 growing more popular until it Is the leading brand of extracts In the South .:''-::v-.;S;;T;n: IT'S' INTEElESTinfe what do yon think of a plumber aaverusmg xor business? -Wa think its a, matter of education. if G. L. VINSON CO -120 Fayette vllle street, should submit you a bid on your plumbing or heating, .would you know that it was cheaper than mejr conipeutorsT : f -V7e think -noi unless you read care fully their E7)3cL2c2tlora3 und studied them, then yov would know they were ine cneapeau , -, . . , , Try Hi, v: ' -i r"ihl23 fcr writ- 2 r2S iC2 : ; iZlx Word to the Una.) GAOH VJ37H NO ADVERXISTSJENT TAKEN FOR LZCS THAN S3 CENTS. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON EXTENDED . AD VEZXTlSWa. nxSXJLTS ASSTJIUTD. Want ada received at the News and pbserrer Building or without cbarcf tor y messenger aernca from th Postal Telcfrapb or American District Telerapli 3leasenra, : Call Western Union or postal messenger boys bj telephone or call box from any point In the city : who will receive adver tisements tor this column at rate of ten cents per line, counting six word to the line, just as they receive tele grams for transmission over Western Union lines. '; TTPEWTtlTERS RENTED AN 1 sold anywhere; 1.000 new and slightly used No. 6 Remingtons. Underwoods.-Smith Premiers and all other makes from $25.09 to 160.00, cash or instalments. Write for specl mens of work and net prices. Type- writer Sales Co.. 171 Broadway, New York. o: ' ; : , j"- . .- ' lti.-Sun. r;:v.:.-. -S;:': ' i . . SALESMEN FOR t GUARANTEED, used automobiles. All prices, t cars regullt - and guaranteed , like new 'by manufacturers. High" commis sions. Great opportunity. Auto Clearing House, 240 Michigan Ave., Chicago. . :-. V?S-;': ' - i" ' AGENTS 300 EVERY 310NTII sure selling our, wonderful elghtr piece kitchen set; send for sworn statement of 1 2 daily profit; outfit free. - Thomas Mfg. Co., 585 Jeffer son St., Dayton, Ohio. - . ! CXVIX. SERVICE EMPLOYEES ARE paid wellvfor jasy-work; examina tions of "5 all kinds soon ; expert ad vice, sample questions and book let 538. describing positions ; and telling; easiest and quickest way. to secure them free. ;Write now. Washington Civil Service School, ' Washington, D. C. yJ- . -A s A a m N T S MAKE $ 1 03.50 : PER month selling wonderful self-sharpening, patented scissors and cutlery. V E. Giebner Wld 22 pairs in 3 : hours.' made ;J13: you can do it. ,We'-' show . how. Free ." outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co 585 Fourth St., Dayton, Ohio. ' " GENTS $300 -r EVERY MONTR .sure selling our wonderful eight- piece kitchen set: sen4 for sworn statement of 11 2, daily profit; outfit free.- j Thomas Mfg. Co., 585 Jeffer- son St., Dayton, Ohio- . , " G OVER NMENT POSITIONS EX- .. n mtnaltAno Vk OAn In T a1a)or) Circular 182 giving full particulars as to salaries, positions, dates of ex aminations sample -questions - previ ously , used,. eta sent free by Nat'l. Cor, Institute, .Washington, D, C. A G EN ,TS MAKE $ 1 03.50 . 1ER month selling wonderful . self -sharp-eningJ patented scissors ana cutlery. V E. J Giefener sold , 22 pairs in 3 hours made S13i you can do it: we show how. . Free outfit. Thomas M f g. - Co s5 Fourth ,. St, Dayton. Ohio, -j.y .- ' r-.. U: - "J : . I I l l , wanted-tMax avitii small cap- ltaL take - charge; -of territory for merchandising business; .write for particulars.' Pope Automatic j Mer chandising Company, Corn 'Ex change Bank Building, Chicago. MEN WANTED QUICKLY BY BIG Chicago' Mail Order House - to' dis tribute catalogues, advertise; 125.00 weekly; JS0.0Q expenses allowance. Mahager. Dvpt 31, : 385 Wabash Ave., Chicago. ' ' " : . $SB -A-WEEK AND - EXPENSES TO men - with 7rig to Introduce poultry compound. Grant Co.. Dept. 87, Springfield 111. , SALESMEN WANTEP YOU P CAN earn $l,2a0 to $10,000 a year and expenses,: as a traveling salesman. Renowned- prosperity has caused big demand. We.. will teach you to be one by mail in eight weeks, and 'assist you' to secure a good-position. Most j highly endorsed course - of salesmanship in - the world, r Hun-, dreds j of 'our graduates . placed in good positions. .Hundreds of rood openings for the spring rush. Spe cial terms; to January 1st. r For full particulars address nearest' office. Dept 652,1 National Salesman's training Association, Chicago, Xew York,' Kasas City, San Francisco, Minneapolis .----. - --a P - . AGENTS PILLOW TOPS 30 CENTS. - Portraits r the best "at your; price. Free saniples And Interesting par ticulars. Fidelity- Portrait Co.. 120 z: So. Paulina St.. Chicago. . f . t SVERALt EXPERIENCED- TR.1V- j einng salesmen to solicit orders frcim .. dealers and . manufacturing plants P for our high grade special paints. ; Ready sellers. On the .market -15 years. Said t on long guarantee. Salary and ' expenses. Permanent : position. Excellent opportunity for steady : advancement. Hustle' can make good 1 income." Business ref er- . ences necessary.- State, experience,! .whom representing, now and how long. . The Sterling Refining Co., " Cleveland, Ohio. FOR RENT SIX ROOM -V HOUSE two Mocks from - Capitol. Address ;' Mrs. H. V. Waite, 128 W, Hargett ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED r - or nhf uiJshed;? ll FayetteVille St., over Dr. Broughton's. r COMPETENT' WOMAN DESIRKS ''j sewing; alterations, coats lined; over Dr. Broughton's. 116 Fayettevllle Street.- .;. . . -;v i; : WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATA? logue high grad jewelry h for j our holiday gifts. Prices lower than your local jeweler. Louis Enge & Co., Dept.. 42-47 John ; St, , New ..York, v 7. ! -. i i v; ..... -; SALESMAN WANTED FOR; 1909, wno has had experience in any line .f; to sell general trade in North 4Car- ollna, an - unexcelled specialty : proposition. Commissions with $35. 00 'wegkly advance- - for ' ex penses. Our season opens January IP. The Continental Jewelry Cft., C! ' m.l, Ohio. ' . 1C EQYLAII-PEARCE CO. ' AGENTS FOR THE L.VDIES HOME JOURNAL - PATTERNS . STYLE . ' . BOOKS FREE. , . - . , . - ' ' i ftnyiArwwriiriiiiii i - -- -- -- -- --- -----im ui -yi- -y-i-r------ ler i Am, FLUFFY Durinrj this weeH we Inaugurate the fjreatest sale of Blanllets and Comforts of the year.' A , timely purchase of Warm Woolen BlanKetsi Down Quilts and Clean Cotton Filled Comforts for the 'use of private families, b o a r d i h houses, hotels and public institutions ' " ' North Carolina Blanllets Gleecy Blanllets, home-made from home . grown wool, of superior ". quality, , white and; colored, with fancy stripe borders. In pairs for $2.50, $3.00, $4,Q0 and ?5.QQ, ' California Blanllets All Wool Rose BlanKets, extra fine quality, ; lamb's fleece. The Hinds best Known to high 1 class trade. . j 1 In pairs for $6.00, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.00 i and. $14.00. 1 1 -y Cotton FiUed, Wool and Down Quilts, Are you amply prepared to talle care of, the crowds that will flocll here during the an nual conclave of the Grand Lodge of Masons! of North Carolina, or the members of the Leg islature which is soon to convene. Prepare for eventualities now. . : v v. SilKoline Comforts filled with clean, white cotton batting $1.75, $2.00 arid $2.50. Fine Satin Covered Quilts, filled with' carded wool, extra warm $3,00 $3.50 arid $4.00. ' French Satin tops in exquisite floral coloring filfed with g6ose down $5.00, $0.00 arid $7. . SilH top and silk lined Comforts, light fluffy, down filling $8.00, $8.50 and $10.00. BOYLAN-PEARCE COiPAWY SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL spring dry goods on commlssloi. Factory to retailers Strong ; side . 11 . t lmiu Til. 1 1 . . I ij line . - ,i u Aiian miiiiii miaMci- pnia, .. w ', . i - - SALESMEN WITH EXPERIENCE IN the WTapping paper, paper bag, toilet "paper and kindred line want- : ed by established Tfew, Sor k House for ' this territory to sell the con- ' suming trade. Only men with ex- . perlence need apply and to a man with i a good, following preference will be given. To the proper man substantial treatment positively as sured. "Paper;" 1201 No. 108 Ful ton St.. ew York. J . '!2-27-2t " 1. : ; vX-V-.-.-W- MAY -WE SHOW- YOU HOW MONEY . can llgitimately earn, in your own locality and without risk. .100 per fcent a year? Address. The Consoli dated Tramway Company, Roanokts Virginia. ; ; . YOUR. MONTHLY ' , S.VVINGS 1N- vested ; In ."-Orchard r Units of the Meadow. Lake Orchard Company, In amounts of $8.35 a imonth per unit for 48 months will increase your annual income $300 a year for each unit. you own. That's surely worth while knowing more about, isn't It? Now, let me send yo.u our plan , In detail, together with Orchard views and other data on the apple Indus try. 'Address A. G. Hauauer, piesi t dent; South ,70 SteVens St., Spokane,' Wash., largest orchard operators in Northwest. YOUNG 3IEN FOR RAILItO.VD "firemen. brakemen. v baggagemen; $75 to $100 to start; ar!y, promo tion;1 experience' unnecessary; state age, weight and heightXiidress Railway Bureau, 608 Panama Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. 'O CITIL SERVICE E3IPLO YEES ARE paid wety for easy work; examina tions of all' kinds soon; expert ad . vice, sample questions f and Book let 538, -describing positions and telling easiest and Quickest way to secure them, free. Write how. .. Washington Civil - Service School, Washington, D. C. v n 1 : JUST OUT LOW! PRICED, 3-LR. : mop; l turn crank to wring; clean :'. hands; women all buy; 150 per cent ' profit; . catalogue- free. U. S. Mop Co., 104 Main St.; Leipsic, Ohio. . WILL EXCHANGE COMPLETE 75 . H. P. Sawmill for lumber prefera - bly. - Gum logsf delivered f,. o. b., Norfolk.JNorfolk:Buslness Exchange MONEY WE HANDLE THE 1T- - nanclng - of f; good enterprises, and creditable projects. The Bankers Bond Company, Pittsburg Pa. IIORSB AND TWO BUGGIES FOR sale cheap. Family leaving j town, 409 Saunders. r ' . j 12-272t-e o d 4t ' W A NfT ED SPECIALTY COMMIS- ott-l salesman" for North Carolina, ; also a man for South Carolina; also a 'man for Virginia to sell highest grade; line, of exclusive calendars, . signs ,i and . advertising novelties. Best proposition in country. r Rob ertson Putnam Company, ; 340 Dear- ' born St., Chicago. ' v.s-.;.-: WANTED ENERGETIC- SH)E LINE . salesmen to carry greatest and up- to-date post card line in America; good ; commission;- ; give references confidential. Empire Art Co., Dept. 08, Chicago. -:" 1 ' E0YLiUJPAnCE CO. m 0 on 7 COMFORTABLES SALESMEN ' WANTED WE ! RE celve hundreds of calls and place hundreds of out, graduates with the ' best firms In the United States and Canada. ' Traveling salesmen earn $1,000 to 110.000 a year and) 'ex penses. "v We -will teach you to bV ' '7 one by mail , in eight eeks, and V our Free Employment Bureau! will as8ist you;to secyre.a position any "! time within two years. - Manv of r our graduates who formerly: earned $-25 to $76 a month, now earn ifrom $100 lbr$S00 per month and- ex penses. If you are ambitious and want to enter this highly honorable and lucrative profession, write . or call for full particulars. Address Dept. 652, National Salesman's Training Association, Chicago, New York, . Kansas City; San Francisco, Minneapolis. - r 36 A WEEIv AND EXPENSES TO , men with ; rig to introduce poultry compound.'- Grant Co... Dept . 87 Springfield, III. ' . : : WANTED SALESMEN: ' kxpiati. enced Premiunt men; -no apply. Something pew others need for 1909 Fulton Metal. Works, Fnitn, in. O V E II NMENT POSITIONS EX - aminatlons held soon! in Raleigh -Circular 182 giving full "particulars as to salaries, : positions, dates of examinations, f sample questions previously used, etc., sent free Jjy Nat 1 Cor. Institute. Washington, P." C..'- .t :- . -.-..v - WANTED FOR , THE YEAR 1909 salesmen to : sell the most up-to- , date general line of Imported and domestic art advertising' -calendars, novelties and leather goods In the State of North Carolina, Most lib eral commissions. Exclusive terri tory. Write., at once. Address United States Calendar Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. AV.YNTED MEN :TO LEARN BAR- ber trade, few weeks required; best . paying work Within the reach of poor man; can have shop with small capital; wages' from $12 to $20 weekly; wonderful . demami for i barbers; . catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta,' Ga. ; 12-27-6t ? - rtv':! '- WANTED A ; f- PHARMACIST ; TO ' take charge of the handsomest drug , store in the State -one with a little capital preferred. -A rare oppor tunity for one possessing pusx and . a pleasing personality. Address W. E. Borden, Goldsboro, N. Q. ;-- 12-20-lw vt'---A. , 1 ' ' FOR SALE ONE f SHARE-- t OF stock in the Punch J. Nello Bottling works at Goldsboro, N. c., at a , bargain. , V Certificate cost ifQ 0.00. Write P. O. Box 1 84. Goldsboro, N. c. . 'v... WANTED YOUNG MAN, SINGLE, energetic, desires managership gen era! insurance business for corpora t.ion or - connection with , casualty company as field man or organizer. i experienced life. V. fire, - casualty. High grade J references, including ..; former employers. Can . begin January 1st. Address "Insurance." care News and Observer. , : 1227-sun tues. v-;:-V.;;-vi : ; V ' ANYBODY EITHER SEX43AN v make: t dally, : an i win'ter raising mushrooms for hotels and restau i rants with my spawn, in cellars, barns, boxes. Free illustrated in struction booklet. - Hiram Barton, 329 W. -'48th St.. New York. : FOR SALEONE TOWN LOT OF one and one-hajf acres located on the eastern edge of the town , of Buies Creek and joining the lands of W. A. Forbes, J. A. , Matthews and others. Land is open but no Improvements. Price, one hundred and fifty dollars. Apply Pnj Jas. M. Judd, Cardenas. N. C. - r i 12 22 fit . t' I'X)R .i SALE . CJIEAP-TWa CAR loads new and second hand Safes. All sizes and makes. O. B. Barnes, Greensboro, N." C. .. : .;. 12-20 sun thUrs If. , BEST VARIETY CABBAGE PLANTS. best variety second crop Irish pota-. toes (bronze medal Jamestown kx positkon), best vaciety hand picked Spanish, bunch and. Virginia .seed peanuts, pure King seed cotton and Dawson's Improved big bowl seed cotton. N.13.. Dawson, Conetoe, N. C. 12-9-26t it , x - 5 l:'-.-- - MODERN, FIRST-CLASS EQUIP- ments. strong, practical courses or study, up-to-date -."methods of . in struction and an able faculty C are some of the points of superiority of King's Business College, Raleigh, N. ;c..r. lV; n . . KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RAL- elgh, "offers a strong commercial training in Book-keening, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Send for catalogue. FOR SALE FIVE TWO THOUSAND candle-power Kitson lights, wita air tank. Will ssU to firr comer for 1 60. Must sell quick on account of moving.- Address, "Light," cars News; and Observer. r---i w GOOD POSITIONS: DRAUGIIOX'S Practical Business College, . Cor, Martin and Wilmington Sts., Ral eigh; gives contracts, backed by chain of 131 Colleges, $300,000.00 capital, and 20 years' success, to se cure good positions under reason able conditions or refund tuition. Ask for free catalogue. . . 12-6-Sun tf.' D R A tJ G II O N ' 8 S II O R THANH : About 75 per cent of tne united States Court Reporters write the system of Shorthand . taught by Draughon's Practical Business Col lege, Cr. Martin and Wilmington Sts., Raleigh, because they know It is the best, f Draughon secures po sitions. Ask for free catalogue. -12-6-Sun tf. - - . TWQ GOOD BARBERS, 'COLORED. Goo? salary to rignt party. Appiy, Wiley Davis, Rocky Mount, K. C j 12l7-j2t - ' ,--V.Vvt: WANTED: YOU TO PREPARE FOR a good position by taking a course at i King's Business College, Ral eigh. - ; "WANTED INFORMATION ;RE garding a good farm for sale; not particular about location; ? wish to hear from owner dnly, who .will sell direct to buyer; give price.,descrip tion. and state when possession can bo- had.. Addrss f L. . Darbyshlre, Box lilOA, Rochester, N. Y.K - ' 11-1-13 sun. . . v WANTED; INFOR3IATION , RE- - gardingr good patent which would lt money, maker. Onlyinventor, who wishes to sell ouirlght or on . t royalty- basis, need answer. ' Give , price and brief description. 'S. M., : Box 9 3 4 B.. ! Rochester. N. Y. - WOULD LIKE TQ HEAR OF STOCK i for sale in any enterprise where an I investment! of several thousand ; dollars would i be safe. I. Darby1 shire. Box 1810A. Rochester. N. Y. SIDE LCVE SPECIALTY SALES, man to sell , high grade Cottage ; Dinner Set! to . dry goods, grocery and f urniture stores for "advertising purposes Jn small towns. Big Ke- ;, peat orders; large commissions; u state your: permanent address. W, E. Graves, St. Louis; Ma.. .- r ' . ? -12-20-2t sun. j- - IV1:';'1 FOR SALE: - RANKIN -STRAIN .. white Pekin ducks, ,; laying; - tlso Silver-Spangled Ramburgs; . a bar gain. ; &Iumford's Poultry Farm, Morganton. N. C. .5 2tL-Thurs-Sun. , - , , VALUABLE FARM .- SITUATED - BE- tween Knlghtsdale and i Shotwell, - near the Norfolk and Southern. Rail road and contains about, 100 acres. This; tract has also good '. timber : lands, good tenant house land the land is also in line shape for to bacco and cotton. 1 Write for' terms. : They are reasonable.- Ed. VY Den : ton, Raleigh. N. C 12-26-lOt . WANTED:' 9,000 ON FIRST MORT- gago well located 'store property. i 'Borrower," Care Observer, Sti.-Tliurs-Fri-Sun. 1 VALUABLE ' . FARM LOCATISD about one mile south of the growing V town of. Zebulon, N. C near the T Norfolk a?i-d Southern Railroad,-containing- 1 about 212 acres. On tb.ls ; farm there are ubout 125 acres heav- ily timbered In rigrinal and old field growth; good buildings, a. mill site, and the. land ls first-class for to baceo and. cotton. Ed V: Dentin, Raleigh, N. C. ' 1 12-25-10t SALESMEN:-. BICiGEKT . AIONEY 1 making; fire extinguusher pro pots! -I tiou ever offered; exclusive agency; $36 weekly 4 fairly certain; - sells j easily; pays big. Address Mr. Freet. I--mgr. personal), 34 Murray St., New ;. York. ; y -; -v-;v 1U tl. v . - ' FOR SALE. LARG E IRON, SAFi:, best make 4,000 pounds.' Good -as - new. ; Will sell for less than halt price., M. L. Lee,; Goldsboro, N C. 4-"' v- - -.. ' 1- .'fit - .... - . ' .-- , , ; . . ' . -. ' f ... . :. ..,- :' -: : . ?r" , .j v , It is broad, it is helpful, it is not limited to degrees of position or mdrins of quality-We serve nrsn in all stations of lifethe xncchanic, We lhtcrin xas'n as well as the banller and1 the professional man. Our dcthinriis sub-,:ivit!!!d lr;?n de- fi'rees of quality, ; accordincly every purse and requirement can oct. TI 2 rrianu facturing forces that' producie our dbthinri represent J the' most "sllillcdtailcr men that it is possble to find. That we secure the worll ot several designers instead of one serves that Uiuch to both our and your advantac'e.ThatV why DEn7lHGEn clothing is so very fjood that's why it is invested with that c'raco end individuality seldom seen in ready for service apparel. There is no bridg? ot ell no v between a BERWAlfGER GARMENT and a high class custdm rjarmentexecntinc the 1 ridLe ;of price. If a SUIT or OYERCPAT is wanted at a modest price you II find it here if the -superlative in fashion and elegancels i-sought," you'll find it here. Oar cs:cnr!:!age of Suits and Overcoats is cosmopolitan one, true in every instance to far? 'ten's edict comprphending the desires an 1 requirements of every ir.an provi-i:.-' they are within the province of correct style, Crn . , Capital City JMjone No. ll.s 9 k 0 n 'il: I'! !.! IT 11- : Qms Ob , 111 . V7e are really just in the midst of Holiday; giving. Iu rtbe ; confusion and; hurry bf the ;past week some of your ' bestfriends have been overlooked, f .. Of .course' some tokeii of. your friendship, ' anil if there is ia man friend in the group, your j most intelligent thought will fead y ou t o something inirn&Un Wefiave yet some choice pickings, in men's furnishings which ; we -; will be pleased to show you. . RosEMmmicoumnv, FA YETTEVILLE ST - -V kALmiiM?C WANTED SALESMEN OF ABBuITY and neat appearance to calljon all " merchants in their territory; ele- . gant side-line, convenient to carry; ; good ' commissions; prompt remiti tance. Belmont Mfg. Ca, Cinclni nati. O. , 12-sun-16t REO TOURING CAR FOR S.LH, Been used only a few months and Is In good condition. Write for par- f tlculars. . ' Address Reo, Care News - i and Observer. ; . 2t-Thurs-lYi. f . . 'A- . lease expiring we offer for sale at a - bargain all - of our machinery, en . glne, boilers, L- shaftings, pulleys, ! belthig, hangers, etc.. used in our sash, door and planing; mill at Ral eigh. Above . will be 'sold as a whole" or separately. Strictly, priv ate sale. . Apply Ellington Lumber Co.. Raleigh, 'N., C. - - 1 3-20-2 w ': ;' c:r--K. 1 .r W A NT E D-fLU-'E BUYERS - TO k know that w will pay their rail- road fare, if they, will call -and buy A safe at ' our . "Ware House," in Greensboro, N.- C; This applies to a radius of 100 nUes. Large stock pf new and second hand safes to select from. Right 1 prices; best terms. O. ,B- -Barnes , Safe Co.. Greensboro, N. C. : . 12-27sun t f. - . ' LET US FURNISH S K M ml OOBBEf&A CONTRACTUS WHEN ORDER IS C03IPLETED, l I ! Y I I RALEIGH HAIffilE" WO C00PEH Bn03., Pr.0?3. Years of Oiir ness istour Recommendation fayetteville isTREET.4 f' w UISSES REESE&GO;jPAIir Hi 109; Fey;!!: Street With a few exceptions, beginniDg 7cdnesdny? we yfili . wli all the -'tRIMRIED'!" HATS VAT iiAtF:: PRICE : ' - STORE OPEN AT NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMxYS. f f .IE l 1L A ' . T " " o 0 1 i -: ill; II a u i.i n mm u ! 11 m - ' '. , NOTICE. " . ; , The annual meeting of the stock holders of - the Raleigh Savings! Bank will be held at their banking house pn ilonday, January 11th, at 4 . o'clock p. m. CHARLES ROOT, -" ; - -: : : :v ' : Cashier. T2-19-2 wks r : -.. J Notice Is hereby given that applica tion will bo made to The General As sembly of North Carolina for a char ter for. the Citizens Savings, and Trust Co., with banking privileges, r Dec. IK tuna i .:, 1 .'- 7 . .-.. '. i, .:" , ...... : '. :i. -v- v ... Gold Fountain Pen Frca During the montlnl of December and January wo will give free a nit! gold fountain pcu with each, order for a 10r;raIIou kc of tlio famous GoKlcn ; Rod Giujcr Ale Syrup, j brewed ejmp at S1J0 per gallon. . . , .1 .. CttIKO; mUTi, m EXTRAST '; ' '' c:::?a::.:';1; - RALriGII. a ' Douglas JICXINE cures hcailaclie and netjtrnlgla. ;, We IkuU vhat wo gny. NO. fuRE NO PAY. , . . :J?--.. s YOUR EQUIPMENT. : 1 '-. t. ': 5 WE WANT YOUR APPROVAL. 1 ' :;- nlLEI5Il.ILCH' Successful Busi- t: 3 ,;v.;? ; tu-v Zlizzc& tL XX. GTJ. w. a. INI -, :'- n n

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