, v . TJS GCJLY DAMLY PAPHC2 HO TlIH VEATIIER TODAY, t (T For North Carolina! Fair; nak-ri)i t colder Thursday, 1 tit brink to high Nortttwest' iWs; Frklsy fair. VOLUME LXXXVII, Leads all Nointlhi FLEET FESTIVITIES ORRED DYSTOnm ... . - ... any Teas and Dinners ') Postponed . SQ11E IM mm Nothing of Sorloria Import, Tlnyrcrcr ; CcnuUfol ricturc of the Junction of tin Home Camlaz ad WHcomlns r'kxHn at Sea AVltA a Tragedy .Con lalnird Tlorln. (Br Associated Preaa.) I ort Mairoe, Va.. Feb. After I being flooded in - brilliant sunlignt I throughout the' morning, the Aineri- I tiin xiuie net" in- Hamilton .Houdsl was swept by another severe storm I t t tne pro pram or nepuDiican ieaa-i earmaek closed with the area Se this sfternoon. 1 ers to push it through the House dUr- I fedant. Col. Duncan B. Cooper, stiU The big battleships and cruisers did I not unr in tne least from the blow, I but Ib'i steam launches runninjc to the I shore made ' decidedly heavy weather! or it. . . , Iwo Rallora on uhln'a launches were I -toRMd owrborii durinr th ster-1 noon, but both, were reacued without I 6T at difllculty. J A launch belonging to tne battiesnip Rhode Island was partly wrecked In I trying to come alongside tne tmpsiea it ,wui oe reponea ravoraoiy oy.ai . CltnKwar. : T - . I Strict party vote. i ' I . A hncheon party of ladles' was I niHiaru wnen me wure-ioweu uui i ciahcd Into a side boom of the armor lal several of those on board fainted, The launch drifted rapidly away;from the ship, the engine having caught 0, dead center" in reversing. Another little steamer was se.it to pick her up. . out me ut-inirBs lauiivn nsu uiuicu i more man nair a miie in me cnuppj seas before being secured. 1 The water was the roughest known in recent years in Hampton Roads. .'Many, tea s.d dinner parties planned on board th varlou.i ships had to be Ipostponed. 'hlje scores of -visitors i who went early to the anchored ves Wls had to Teraain on board until late thia alternoon. . before they could be KDt ashore. The ships laaiches are " Staunch little craft, provided with air- tight chamber and can staid any amount of pounding. Shore boats did not- attempt- to make the battleship lines du.ng the storm." Sperry to (io to Washington. Tienr Admiral gperry will leave, for Washington tomorrow instead of on ' VVlday a he.- at first had planned. ,V-""L "7-wV : Ta:Z L ":"i"V:.- L"l".l , .'rr. 1 Pf"mu"T ..iMkilS S the way of InspeT.on or detaehln .1 .ki win Ka dnna hf 1 returns. The commanding and other lied by Henry O. Oranger. of Carta nffipr nt th Am ra much eritl- I nena. Colombia, who made-a sharp at- lled bv the published report from I u-aBhtnston to-dav that Admiral Fper- I rv will continue as commanaer-in- 1 rhTeP of the battleship fle?t until tar 1 iat of hUt retirement In September. I Some others wtre inclined to t oe- 1 lleve the reoort -that has spread 1 throughout the fleet to the effect that I President. Roosevelt intends himself to I name the next commander-r-chle I l-eiore he retires irom omve uh vu 1 4th. An official announcement la ex- I ntod vhiiA Admiral SDerrv is In I Washinirton. The Invitation - of the 4 Norfolk entertainment committee to I oifteers and men of the Ileet to visit 1 that city on Saturday was . formally o,of,nft.rt hv Admiral Soerrv today. Tha commander-in-chief himself ..m o a attend on account of his -visit to Washington'but 140 I ofllcers and 2.000 blue jaciseta torm imr . fleet briaade will go to Norfolk for a parade in which , several ; hun Hd rerular trooos at the -post at i-nrtMM xtonroe will oarticlnate. Jm mediately after the parade . the -f - -j J -111 tiniui at Kur. 1 55rJ".-5 . hd. wi return to the .kin nifht The btiirade sent to I ships at n'gni, n u c" I HMrt w . ... - .rAib 111 rva nrannrni v ini sua 1 .V that--whicn Twill be in line at the inauguration parade m wasningxon March 4th. i The converted culser Dixie arrived in the roadstead today, saluting Ad- mlrsl Sperry' flag with thirteen guns. With the Prairie wnicn arrivru y--1 .' ..v. v. nwi will be employed in I . L kcJahih thr- fleet brigade- to 1 ' ' r " . tt NVeshlnRton. The transier oi.tnw mtrii Vn he made here and the battleships I baseball on Sunday passed the Senate ur!ef eD- jne action 1U w V e,n JrJL -VI drawn will I tndav 10 to 18 it has already oass-lof secretary of war in issuing in fr.m which the men are drawn w" I today, .to to i. 11 nas a,reaay pass 1 -tmetion fnr th i-otntAn r t, ..-ait hrm fnr their return. One of the most thrilling stories of Uhe cruise of the fleet is that told f the earvh for a sailor "of, the New Hampshire, ho was washed over lioard.and drowned the night of the 17th. The New Hampshire was one or the vessels of the third squadron t-f the Atlantic fleet which Joined the ' Mxtn returning battleships tnat aay. ; ti Mjlne. Mississippi and New Hampshire Rtarted. ot from Guan 1 tnn;imo. Cuba, on the 10th to Joint the licet The date et for the meetng - va February l'th, and the point 01 r narrows "U.h ",1 .7r,?,A tde 35 degree, .north .JlVi! w. nanvous was . doslirnated as latt SR tleirrees -west. 1 " tF iui-iuim . ir;' nrmrmeanrrpnr"about l" . .i.u.,c.uo-.l s rtermuda. pw mi V"" "-j - 7 - ' idlhoT freh irom the Phlla- delVhia navy yard. Joined the ; . " hnttlABhlna tn the ltuh near the noint 01 renueivwn The scout cruler Salem was next to fall tn Pine. jne wticnmins "iiimorrow. air. Hanicins was zz yearaiwnn inpjr rnur ippy oBcneq are, drifted for some time anout tne point ri meeting and indulged in various . -maneuvers to pass th time. awav. Finally, on tne Ktn. tnere -was mueni excitement apoarn w neu paw ne. t 'black moe on the nomon 101a 01 ihtf nnoroach of the world-famous - hite souadron, i A forest of masts arrew out of the water, inch by inch. and then came the buff superstructure 'and white hull of , the Connecticut ljinr una mlitmn of ablna. and the 1-Louisiana, flagship of Rear- Admiral SSchroeder. leading tne seeonq roium-i Rear Admiral Arnota 01 wie weicom - ing fleet whirl .created mucn com- ment aooara ine inome-wming ee. because of the battle gray which. the! (Conunuea on page nve,) JI; 11 NO. 87 H0SIIED rTHSDI TJeasttra Will Ccinp Up Today) CD HP FOB FHESIHEDT V t ' t rtMt Trust Doesn't .Want Itooaevelt Chastened for Permitting it to SWallon- Ita nivd, the Tennessee - " ; . . . , . Coal and Iron Company and Ald rich Is Iloldlng Senate Off. ' lis TIIOS. J. PENCE. I vvasninton. is- v.. en. z. xne i snip subsidy bill whlcH has been I knocking at the doors of Congress for I ten years has been resurrected aid I mg tne declining oays 01 tne session, i f in measure pawea me senate iai winter but its course was halted in the House. Many Republican re- usee to support me measure on in' eve of the election. It lssald the; ue publicans have lined up enough of their "lame ducks" to Insure the pas- I sage or the aubstdy measure, The bin I wiu come uo tomorrow ueiore u i post - ofllce committee and it is predict- I The Senate Judiciary Committee I laut - u v viwusb iii4 i-cmmi. w-i day ror .permitting the ateet trusc to absorb the competing Tennessee Coal and Iron Company. -Action was post- poned until Monday. .Thla situation is due largely to the activity of Senator Aid rich. The same Aidrich ha per- (ContmUea on .rage .TTVesJ oiHcuss p;.::;:;.v: MINING ENGINEERS CRJTTCISE , SETHODS PURSUED IN THE 1 ISTTIMUS. " ; I ' - (By the Associated Press.) . , New Haven. Conn.. Feb: 24. Earn est pleas that the building of. tht tun dam be for . the sole- purpose of confining the waters of the Chagres rlvoi vera tnatrto - hv' HeleErTtle9 to the American InstltMte of Miamg Engln-l r. A..rinr thele dieiisBion of thel "Pskma CanaF todav" noon resum-l ing the -esslona ef thetthmeeting Th . oDnositiofi to. th lock tvw tal tack upon the report made a few days ago by. the ; engineers who- went to Manama wun iuuge in o iwa r the : work- He summed up ma aiw tude In these words:- s "--- ."if the engineers had to go . it is unfortunate that their inominator 010 not sass through" the office of the Chicago drainage canal .and go to the ramps of contractors who had to use j meir orams to wve, muuc uj methods and devices. It Is also to be resretted . that engineers were chosen who had been" found guilty of seeing I a point and generating a germ ot an idea wnicn tney nan iosven.u inw u.-- eessful development. FdR JAPANESE CENSUS California Iislatnre Passes Much Discnssied Bill. (By the Associated Press. ) Sacramento. CaL, Feb. 24. The 1 Senate today passed the bill provid-1 In for a census of Japanese in the I Ktaui. to aeiermine- wneinur v-umui " 1 should ask' for a general Aalatlc ex- . i. . . . j ' . .- - ' I cuision sct. . . i .-. nad th A- sembly and will be signed by the a 11c uaii nurivuj --w-i, -..v 1 governor . uc. :- - . v I empowers the State census com missloner to take the census. :.'.;' ----r.1 . , : lirgalle Sunday BasehatL . ., . . : . (By the Associated Press.) " Indianapolis. Ind.. Feb.' 24. The .1 i.fil 1 ik. r 1 uroney um irpauum ui vioj"' led the House and now goes to the governor. DEATH 0FP.LIII3Q1 THE BROTHER OF SENATOR FROil TWENTY-FOURTli DlS- TRICT DIES IN GEORGlO lAington. N. r C. Feb. . 24. Paul MUner Hanklns. son of; J. J. Hanklns, formerly of Danville, now living here. , - . . twentv-fourth dl.dM to- 1 Day l Mawson. ua, wnere nt " I business, after three ! weeka" IHoess ?th heart dlsca.se. Senatof Hanklns hJ.raTU.a.er"S I w itn . lura. "" uw . , j The burial will take: place there to - jeld. . He ai a bright business man, I an th vounrest of twelve brothers! 1 nd .i-ters. i ?- The trUl of IL B. Shbaf and wife for l .llesred cruelty to th small Fleld'a nUd at ThomasviMe i some months ago. Is in progress here. The case will go . to the ' Juryl tomorrow and there Is much interest in the ' out come. - Shoaf. on the stand today maintained that ne i practiced no I I ernelty. i Nashville. Tenn.. Feb. t4. The Sett atf, toay passed on final reading the How blu permitting scientific box - jng. In thlg state. The blu now goes ito the Governor for his signature.- lis Sill PSODE T OE EOHiniaaiHes ; ra mews aea yirai COL GDBPErt CIS DEFAULTER State Springs Surpriso . . ' . .f In Trial - HE UHITS IFIHEOULClITIES But Derlares That They Were larrora. and That All the Sliortage Wan Blade Good Tells of v the ActnVl Shooting - of earmark Denies Flr- 1 ing Shot. (By the iAmoctated' Press.) - Nashvnie, Tnn.. Feb. ?4. After a day replete with exciting incident, the session of! the Cooper-Sharp trial for the murder of former Senator upon the stand. t. The direct examination of the Colo nel, which began early yesterday morning, lasted until nearly noon ; to day. Almost the first thing the State did on cross-examination was to an nounce that it would try to prove that Colonel Cooper was a defaulter to the extent of over $100,000 while , clerk and master of chancery In Maury county. This precrpltated . a bitter fight between counsel.' during which V5irh vnrili xv or. norut anil miirh anarer displayed .despite the efforts of judge Hart to ho:d the- reins tightly. . xhe state won a partial victory and straightway sprung anothe'r surprise jt brought forth some o!d legislative records concerning an investigation Bto ftn alleged defalcation of , State Treasurer, M. T. Polk.' in the early 'O's. TThey offered to - prove that thousands of dollars of the State's money was Invested by Polk with Col. Ihincan B. Cooper and others In a Mexican silver mine scheme, a walnu; log scheme in North Carolina, and a scheme to -buy the Nashville Ameri can. , . . voi. v.uuper aumiiieu inai mere were irregularities in his . office of clerk and mastery . in chancery. ' but said they were dve to bad manage ment and poor bookkeeping and that every dollar was made good. He ad mitted that Polk was. Jus.. partner -la the ventures named, but declared tha. he- (Cooper)-never handled a dollar of the money and had no knowledge that H was taken from , the. State Strong boX. ' ; '. colonel cooper made, an excellent witness, jut one hard to handle, even by. hi. own counsel. Repeatedly he aa YhZ?X MK . ! anT queum.., on any suDject, and 'at times answered lover his own attorney's objections. .Now and then he displayed great neat but he did not contradict himself - upon ; any point. When court adjourned, the ' cross-ex amination had reached only the com mencement or the trouble, the early editorials. . Tomorrow the State should, reach the actual, killing. i. . It is likely from the length to which cr0fuimlnatlon 1 that the State is going on the Colonel's the- witness will be on the stand all day tomor row. j 1 DOCTOR SUES QUEEN UU, 1 Want 1 t,0u for Alleged Dregch of ; " 4f Contract. - (By the Associated Press.). Washington. D. C.. Feb. . 2 4 -Ex- Queen UliuokalanU of HawaM. other wise . Mrs, Lydla Dominis, today i was sued In the District Supreme Court ty ur. cnaries H. English, to recover 1111.800 alleged to be due ' him on account of breach of. contract In the i 'w inn, -.: The. plaintiff alleges that he accom- 1 ...c -uUc-u imwounn tlalnnda ks nrlvate nhvlr(n unier a k. a. . contract to receive $300 a month; and a r - expenses and a bonus, and. thai the defendant broke; the contract. f i PLE.VSED fV RlSTOR.VTION Rrplaefng of Da in' Name DeOglttM 3lemorlal A.wociation. (Bv the Associated Press. 1 i structlons for the restoration of - the name of Jefferson Davis on the Cabin John bridge,, near : Washington.-, is railed with much satisfaction among the members of the Confederate Southern Memorial Association, t . It is asserted that tt-waa this or ganlsatlon. rather than, the Daughter 01 tne .:onieoeraey which inaugurat ed the. movement to secure the re-in seriptlon of the name of the Southern leader in the place from which it had been chiseled. r . FITE KILLED FN, I-TGIIT. Mexican Mountaineers Battle. atMl Gyp-des (By the Associated Presa.).. Caliacan. , Mexico,' . Feb. 24. Two women and three men were killed and another woman wounded tn a fight be tween mountaineers and a band, of g)-psies on the road to Maaatlan. News 01 the light has Just reached here. The mountaineers demanded 1 that J the gypsy women attend a Uance, and two 01 tne women Ten dead and an other badly wounded.. The mountain I eera fled, but were pursued by the I TPsy men wno succeeded in killing I tnree 01 mem. Death of Wimam Smith. - (Special to News and-Observer.) La Grange. Feb. 24. William Smith, of the vicinity, of Seven Springs, died Monday. Mr. smith was a man of middle kge. and enjoyed good health until a few days - ago when he had an attack or Illness which resulted In I mental aberatlon and shortly In death 1 The concert for the benefit of the I LaGrange band latt night .wag .well 1 attended and a flnanciat success. cmr; 9 L-iiVS KALIJIGri, EL C, TJIURSDAY, COTE 00 SUO- SECTIOWTOOffl Argument on Doth Sides : , Fully Presented i ' ' 5 , 11- ' -. ' -- SO:iiTEEfULSFEEC!!ES The HcSnse Passes the Senate Drain a - . age Sf on -Its Final Reading ini pie Rrd Bill- Defeated Revenue Bill practice Hy Completed, Pamm Second Reading In th House. , It is probable that the Senate' will vote to-dav on the anti-trust bills be- ore thai body.. The diaouesion on the Lock hart. blllr containing subsection "A" aid amendments that strengthen the law. and the. Blow-lktssett substitute,- embodying the Mahning substi tute, was resumed at the 'expiration of the morning hour yesterday; The consideration of . the bills' was continu ed at A)nigtt seslon . add last night, several, j. Senators - . speaking.: Tho Seecheje 'on both sides were forcefully delivered, the arguments . presented showing-.eareful preparation and deep study oc the-question. A vote might have been taken last night, but It was understood when the night session was called that action on the bills would pot be take,n before to-day. .-. The pledge of the Democratic party, promising effective anti-trust legislar tion has taken rank in the discussion second only to. the demand of the people fejr-iUtThe advocates of th substitute claim that U enacted it would be a effective as it 6ught to be, while, the supporters of the Lockhar( (Continued on Page Seven.) - OFFICEIIS ELECTED Junior Order lb '(Special to' TCe w? aild Observer. ) . Elizabeth City, N. X!., Feb 24. The first business session of the State Council Junior s Order American ! Me chanlc was held this morning at 9.30 o'clock .n the Elk"e Hall. This ses sion -was devoted principally to ' the report "or ..the . credentials committee, 47 delegates. In addition to offlcers. reporting, and to reports' of the com mittees on law and legislation. : ' ... . eeverai committees were appointed. after which a ; short . and interesting address was made by National Vice Councilor Taylor, of Tennessee. - i This afternoon's session was devot ed largely to the election of officer for the coming year, one of the most interesting and exciting features of the: State county.' The successful candidates were estate Councilor, J. K Reynolds. Winston -.Salem: Vice- State Councilor, , W. Ben Goodwin. Elizabeth City: State Council Secreta ry, Sam F. Vance;- Winston-Salem; Mate council ..Assistant Secre tary. R.I F. Fulghu-nv Wilson; -State Council Treasurer, C. V. Fulch, Ker- m-nr uios MS.ie council uonauctor, u. H. ' Harris. Tarboro; : . State Council Wardens J. R; Baggett. Belless Creek? State. Council Inside Sentinel. R. H Plyler. Gastdnia; State Council Out ride 'Sentinel, Adolpbius Chek; Buri lington. f ,;. ' ; r' The following . prominent juniors were elected tonight as representatives to the National . Council (one -. more represontauve 10 o.; eiectea . latere ; Charles, IB. Brewer. Wake Forest; Z. P. Smttli, Raleigh; C. B. Webb' Sal isbury?; i r '- : --'-.'. After the close of -tonight s session an ovstpr siinner was served bv the host counell. ' All hotels and boaMlng houses are filled, there being a large number 'of visitors In attendance. I addition Uo delegates and officers. . The exhibition by the local fire company this afternoon was a spec tacular and brilliant success, notwith standing' the weather, t Tomorrow afternoon , a boat ride down thw Pasouotank river aill be given., I . ;- .- , THE nOHEY IS RECOVERED -A I CASH TAKEN, FROM KERNEBS- . I VILIJt RANK FOUND UNDER BobEXUAMEIVS PORCU ' -1 , .. . . , : (Special, to .News a d Observer.) W insten-Salem, N,-.v.. Feb. 84.- Galther C. Bodenhamer of Kerners tllle, who was arrest -fl at a hotel in Washington yesterday on the charge of having stolea 42.09 from -the vaults Of, the Forsyth Bank and Trust Company, of --Ketnertjvllle. will be brought ;back at once for trial. In htsf confession to the officer who made the. arrest rBod enhamer stated that thefmonej was' buried In a glass Jar under a porch 'Us home. Every cent of the S 2.000 waV ..found today by the Keriiersville office- Just as uoaen name r stated. He liad been pnder the surveillance of a detectlvt for Mme dfts and it is thought that he was watched too close ly to permit him to remove .the money from its hiding place. . -. . ' " The dffieers of thje bak have no wea now Boaennamer got too mvuj. He went North several days sgo pre sumably! on a pleasure . trip. The bank carries 13.000 Insurance as pro tection and wilt thlerefore, lose uotn- ing by the robbery, as tne insurance company will be called upon to meet the expense attached to the arrest trial, etc;. . F-EBIITJAIIY 25, 1909 CiJTPIlESIIEfiTTO " a- . ' II The House Defies the Senate i REJECTS ITS 7.L!EC!I!lTEriTS Means That tht Salary Remains Vir tually as at Present, Except That $25,000 nerptoXore Added" for Trav eling Expenses Will be Included In stead of being Antborized. . "r '"'.' " - ,'V ': ' i c. " ' ' (By the Associated Press.) . , Washington.' D. C Feb. 24. With its war paint on the House; of Rep resentatives - today, by sweeping- ma jorities many times 'defied the Senate by rejecting its amendments to the: legislative appropriation bill providing for salary increases for the -Presi dent, the Vice-President the Speaker the Judiciary and for the creation of the offices of under secretary and fourth assistant ' secretary of state. Party lines were obliterated complete- ly--' .' ' .. . ' ' ' 'K ;. It was a rcgu'ar field day In the lower branch where oratory- and con fusion vied with each other for hon ors. . isot during the present Con gress has the Speaker been compelled to wield his gavel with such force to bring about order as today, j Of par liamentary' tangles there , were many. but, the veteran presiding officer emerged -from alV .with his decision undisputed.- ', Th battle ' waged tor more than six hours. at the end ot which the A was sent to conference. So much time-was. consumed in- con sideration of the conference report on-that measure that a night session was mad imperative tn order that further discussion of the sundry civil appropriation till, which had dragged along ror several days might be bad. Although the members were primed fnr discussion, of the secret service the subject was allowed to ' go over until tomorrow. , The bill was less than. pperth'rl. completed -vwhen .the uouse. at :i - p.' m.. recessed, until 10 s. nr. tomorrow. . -. Id the course of - a lively debate. Messrs. Underwood '(Alabama), and Clark (Missouri).! criticised the Sen ate increases,', especially t.in, reference to- saianes. , v .,-,'" " Mr. Clark in particular was em phatlc in bis objections to what he said were "the continual impositions of the Senate in the matter of appro priation , bills." ; , - :. h. - I Messrs. Blneham. of Pennsylvania : Glllett of Massachusetts. and Livingston,- of Georgia, the House conferees, strenuously. ! defended their report. which In-so-far , as there was no dis agreement was adopted. . . . When the discussion turned on the Increase In the salaries of the Presi dent Vice-President Speaker of the House of Representatives and Judges, about which- the conferees could : not agree, Mr. Clark, declared there was much misinformation about ' the amount ' the President receives '. and said that instead of its. being. J 5 0.000 it actually Is 9291,800 per annum. , By a vote of 67 to loz the House refused to accept the. Senate amend ment increasing- the salary of . the Speaker. .. - ... '. ; . ' The Increase' proposed. In the. Presi dent's salary from 954,000 to 1100,000 ai year was rejected, the vote being yeas 141. noes ae ; , .4 . ; . Before the announcement was mane. Speaker. Cannon directed 1 that his name be recorded In the affirmative. An unusual scene followed: Mem bers were on- their, feet In ia general scramble for recognition for motions of one sort "or another.. The speak er, unruffled by his- besieger s, held that a motion bv . Mr. 1 Watson, ot in dlanai to recede from the amendment and amend It o as, to make the salary $75,000 was preferential... , 1 -; U ' The effect of the amendhient will ho to leave where it now Is the Pret dent's salary added to which .wia be the 928.000 heretofore ; appropriated for traveling einenaes but Which the bi)l strikes Out . aa, a specific Item of transportation, etc. t ' ".: ' A long debate was precipitated by Mr. Bingham's. offerings an amend ment to the amendment of the Sen ate designating the proposed hew of ficial of . the state department as "vice" secretary Instead of "under- secretary and reducing the salary, from $10,000 to $7,600. r: 1 Strenuous objection - and ridicule even, came from aMt sides to both, the it'es. ' . I The .charge having been made In several quarters r that the Unl'e?. States ras trying, tn. "ape"r foreign powers. Mr. Denny (Mich.) disclaimed sweh a suggestioni The idea., he. said. was-to make the state , department conform to the diplomatic usage of all the world..' ! The amendment was . vigorously Supported' by Mr. Watson (Ind.j. while Mr Mandrills,), in opposing the creation of both the offices of un der secretary and fourth i assistant secretaryv maintained that it was sim ply another way of giving office to two additional people 1 - '-. Without an opportunity being af forded to 'vote on . theBingham amendment the House, by a vote of 8t to 134. refected the. whole amend ment.' :. :M'W.f All remaining; Senate amendments nertalnlng to the- 'State department likewise were' rejected...... :cA' ; ''' The next battle was waged on. the Senate amendment increasing, the sal aries of Judges, Including those of the Supreme Court ' ot the United. States. Finding themselves in a helpless mi nority the cenference committee moved a nonconcurrenceMn all the amendments. This action was taken and the bill .sent back to conference. ' Calhottn, Jury Cmletev . " , (By the Associated Press.) ; "A San. Francisco, xCal., FebJ ; 75,000 i " : fillflTS of cor The News and Observer ' Contest v Department ExV I, periencea by far the Biggest, Greatest,' Busiest 1 and Best Day Since tho Inauguration of This Campaign of Magnificent Effort, , Thomas- Lockwood, an .elderly saw- maker, for some time, past retired from business, was passed today as the twelfth Juror of the panel to try Patrick Calhoun., president ; of the United Railroads, who Is charged"! with, bribery.. .'.-.-..,. :; --.. . ... THREB C1ULDRKX RUN OVER. I 1 ''-j ' " i.. V ' . . : ' Frightened Team- Runs Them Down. ' ' K One Child Dies. J (Special to News and Observer.) - Lumberton. N.' C Feb.. 24. A hor rible accident occurred. in East Lum berton. near the cotton- mills, yester day evening as the result of a team horse, which had. been left standing, taking fright and running away. In the mad flight, they ran . over three small children, injuring the four-year-old son of Allen Oliver to such an extent that he died a few hours later, t The three-year-old-' daughter ol R. ODeaver was so badly Injured that her condition Is considered critical. tnil a llttlA jtaucrhta nf Mn - Vf ' n h. . . . . . . a . . ... , . . .... ' .H tate was oauiy . oruutea, out not seri ously hurt , expect in I uo RUSSIA -LOOKS FOR TROUBLE BETU'EEN AtSTRLV 1 , T.i i. . : . ' " . .. - , . i '- ,' '- ' " r ' 1 AND SERV1A. l ' (By the Associated Press.) " , l- St- Petersburg, Feb. 24. The pes simism with ' regard to the Balkan crisis is steadily " deepening in diplo matic circles, where it Is believed th; Austrian ' action7 against . Servla way be expected within a fortnight nnlec a. solution to the present gravu prob lem is soon arranged. Foreign-r.rilce officials state that. Russia Is not . dis posed to consider an Invasion ot Sr iia alone as a casus belli, but there is fear that, the government's hand inoy be forced -. under, such , clrcumatar:cji by popular feeling. . The beginning, of . hostilities ; wouM bring thousands of Russian volcnters into the Servian ranks, . Duma lead ers' Who visited the foreign ofiioe to day expressed themselves . us . jii- vlnced thaSrwar is inevitable. It. for mation received from Kieve today in dicates that no ; i military-, measures have yet been undertaken on the southwestern frontier, but all: appli cations . of offlcers for leave, ot ab sence have been refused and the Kieve department is ready for instant mob ilisation.' - 1 1 . :- FIRF3LN. HURT BTT FALL. ' Plunges 20 Feet Fironi Ladder at P J .Xxi Winsion-SaleMu. : (,- 2? (Speeial td News -ana Observer.) . Winston-Salem, N. C. Feb. 21. During a fire to the Brown - Carter block here this morning. a Fireman Junius Martin, while -descending a ladder, fell twenty feet- and sustained what is feared are serious injuries. The fire originated in the Eagle Lodge Hall And did damage to the amount ot. 93,000. - Initiatory paraphernalia of .the Red Men was destroyed, and that of the Eagle's badly, damaged. Wurrenjton Baa s New Law Firm. - . v (Special to New's and Observer.) v Warrent6n. N. .C-, February 24. Messrs. Green & Boyd has formed a copartnership, with Mr, R. M. Dunn, a young man who has just completed the law. course' at Wake. Forest Col lege, and will get Ala degree ! there, at the Commencement in May: h - - v Mr. Dunn Is a son of the late Prof. W. O. Dunn, of Wise. 7$. C who w!as a iWell-knewn-educator j and . greatly honored by all the community. -Castltage Buggy- Co in Uand ef,g , . .... . , rt;' V' -. Carthage. N. C Feb. S.--On appli cation of a number of . tWe , creditprs of the Carthage Buggy Co., made to Judge W. J. Adams in chambers here Mast Saturday night C. S. Brewer was appointed temporary receiver, ana tne case was-continued to Marvh 3rd for a further hearing before Judge Biggs, on sppUcstion to. make the temporary receivership permanent. ;,- - :'-;.. . a ai . - TEt.IN GOES OVER CLIFF. Twenty-Fire Rilled; .. Forty Burt in ' Guayaquil, Ecuador, Feb. 2. A passenger train on the main line, bound north, was today thrown ' over a cliff 100 feet high at a point near Rid Bamba and crashed to. the bot- I torn of tha ravine. .Twenty-five per sona were killed and forty wounded.. - The accident was caused by a dis placed rail. , , . , . f Chief of Dairy Dljlstop.'. " ' Washington. D. C- Feb. , 24, Bern ard H Bawl, of Lexington. S. C.. was today appointed chiet of the dairy division . of the department of agrl culture atr 93.E00 per , annum. JHe is a- graduate ot Clemson4 College, of South, Carolina - - . Ifaxtmam Kmpra.tnrts TSt Inlmanv tempcratniv, 51: tal preHpltatksa for '21 ra ending u p, ul, 2e inrn. V fr II .. v V- TT SLEEP FOH - ; THE V3TE CCUMiS ' - - i r 1 L Contest Department Boms MTdnight ; Oil Also Electric - ' Lights and To haccoRemefnber thai Determlna , tion Wins a BnxsWagonH-T-HIU h Tour BaJJota to an AutomobUe 4 Get the Advantsgel Gained oy An ; Early 3tarf."4r-:. .;; -:.-'- i''. - . . . . ... 1 . , 1...-- . Owisg- to the extraordinary numoer. or nominations registered in The News and'Obaerver con- test, it becomes necessary, to tabulate the score :ln a manner that will allow , the! readers of the paper to locate the names of their favorite candidates with the . least effort The names will here- after l found under the heading ot tne town in which they reside. This will greatly facilitate the work of handling the voting. The f preparation of the j list -. In this ! shape requires considerable time and for this reason; the names will not appear until Friday's . issue.- .' i..- . ., -."' , . w ' . ' - 1 . .- Wednesday vas'a 1'U: V.av' at 1" 3 Xnvs and Obscrvt-r ocice and Va en tire force both in the contest aril, circulation departments were kept busy answering the hand reds of Ques tions asked ' by the . many interested people who appeared, at tha cCce throughout the day.- ' . - ' . Hundreds of prospective contestants arrived during the day and departed ' tightly clasping a subscription book and with a look of grim determina tion on their, faces which fully ex pressed their intention to jump In and ' roll up an -enormous! vote while the contest Is young. 1 ' , Thousands of ' the ' daily taHots 1 , clipped from The News and? OrveJf were turned in .during the day sow-:. ing plainly that every reader la In terested in the contest and intend to v vote steadily for their favorite. . Before, closing time a great number of new nominations had . been . filed, many more were received In the day's mail and as they say at election time, "there are more precincts to be heard from." ... " -'-.!' . ;- There Is a great advantage to can- ' dldates who get their; names in earlv t . so that their friends j can : knor they are In the race and save their sub scriptions for them, i Otherwise they are likely to -be indifferent and hand 1 their subscription te the, first con- testant who asks fop it -"-. . ' Remember that this" contest is but 1 an Infant; that very little -real work has been. done; tba( no contestant ban s an advantage that could not ba over come by a few hours diligent effort among the friends on the part of a new entry. ' ' - Eight Content in- One. Also remember that this is no "piker" .affair. That r' you are not : working for a prmy and cart; or. a cook-Btove or "some i prize of like , value. .There are, $10,000 worth ft ' them: v Ten thousand big Iron, dol- :" lars. Think of Itii wouldn't it:star ger you? ? And It really means el-r it , contests In one. -with f what would be better than ordinary i grand prizea at 5 the top of each of the eight contests.. And no one can win the prizes in your particular district " except yourself and the other fellows who live in that -district No - outsiders - need'' apply--no matter how many votes they have. ' If you have not, already done so, sit down with your last week's papers. a pair , of. scissors end a lead pencit , and get busy - clipping the . coupon.. The - nomination ballet counts 1.000, but you can only vote, one of them. '' l"ou can. however, vote as many, of ; the coupons or daily ballots as . you - -can gather but it will hardlr Py -- you tobother with them yourself and . wasting the ' time to; sign them up. Some other ; candidate Will be filling out a subscription calling for 10,000 -votes In the same period of time that " It takes you to fix the coupon. Let your little brother or: sister or son or . daughter take care of the coupons while-you. are hunting for "bfg game." ' Dont Get Excited. -- ' Contestants, both new and Old, are . requested to refrain i from becoming . uneasy in case your ballots or voting certificates do not imaterialize Just when you- think they should The tre mendous amount of j this business to' be handled makes H a slow operation as it must be counted carefully and recorded perfectly to .insure each con tesUnt getting exactly; what is, com-, ing to him, and nor more; .Therefore, should your votes, fail to appear. - in the issue following the remittance of. dally ballots they wyi be sure to show , up in the succeeding issue. If they . do not show in that Issue then it's time-to "mak a fight" in which case the matter will be looked -up carefully and thoroughly, andi you- will get all ' that is coming to you- - . Also remember that when you: send (Continued, on. Taja Three.), ' 1ST