- ... -.' 7- jinn rm ' T : t ttns xrEATsrn .today, . 1- r- T' " X y- A r- 1 JlAxlmnm- - temperature FTjrecat for ?f orth Cir Una, rahi FrUUy and fcaicr day; moderate east winds. -, ' 1 S i It; . Biiimam tanperauii . total Treapttauoa . iw i hour, eadlnx! n. tn., V : :." ;f -v 4 i VOLtJUE iixxxvn, yo. 100 nXiaiiian, it, ti, rcii: .v, HAitcn is, icpa PIUCB 8 CENTS f cqios opi;i;i lii IS GfiSE Court of Appeals fies Former Ordei or riEriTiori cugks cd. i Labor Ireadera pumot Be " Iaderr CUtm That They Will Be Able to Cpse4 Seatence o( Iaiprlwa " mem Impaaea I'poa Tie.vi..:f , By. the Asaoclated piresa.): :.( "' Waahinrtoat D.i C Mareh 1L The American Federation of I,abor , here after may freeJy, refer, to the boycott agalnct the Bucks . Stove and Range Co. of SC LobU, iexcest by iaclnsion in the "We Don't Patriniae Ust, ; , Thla, in eubetance, of WidesDread importance to the labor world, to man ufacturer and to tiewapapeni sneval-1V- i tne twetplnr dscinoa haniltu . uuwB . today by the Court of Appeals ot the District of Columbia in tho noted injunction case of the. Bucks Stove and Range Co. against tne . American Federation of Labor which has been before the coarts of the Dis trict of Columbia in -various, phases - for montha. - . i " - In t. recent-' decision"? by. Justice Gould, of the Supreme-Court of the District, the American Federation-of Labor and the officers.. Uesers. .Uonv (cn. Mitchell. " Morrison and - others v ere enjoined from conspiring to boy cvtt th Backs' Htxrve and Kance to. and Xrem printing or - pobtlshins- - er distributing. , through-. the muils or otherwise, any copy of .the ''Ifedera- ' ftoatet" orther publication referring to the cempUiinait its businese or product in the rWe Don't PatronlW or "Unfair" Uat ui .' - The Court -of Appeals modlfknl ami affirmed the pial ef aatlce: Ooold, of the Supreme Court of the. District of Columbia, en Joining the American Fedenrtlon of Labor, Samuel Cbmpen and other d-f f oi1w-fiwMpt4tnlUng i i-Ute "We Dun t Fatronisc-' tint the name of the Bucks Stove and Ranarc ' Co,, of Sti Louis. - !V . The opinion,1 " hlch 4 was ' hand?d down by Justice Kobb. holcla that the decree of Judge Gvv!d should be mod ified to the extent that there should . b eliminated from the decree th rt strtction of the' laor organ and ' the other defendants from : menticrniug. writing, or- referring" to the business of the Bucks 8tove and Range Co.. or its customers. Otherwise the decree Is amrmed. The conrt holds that the "combination? and boycott tn further ance thereof.' and the publication Ir the "We Don't Patraiise!'. column 1 ' aid of the boycott Is illegal.-- The court held that thu deffcndanu. could not be restrained from all pub lications referring to the Bucks bto-j and Range Co. but only to such-as are made In furtherance of an Illegal boy cott. - , : . .- . ; - - . ' : In a partial dissenting opinion. Chief Justice Sbepard took a strong stand in upholding the freedom of .the prera. -He saj-s that even assuming that the publication of the complainants name in the "We. Don't Patronise' column of the Federatlonist 'Was a step in the formation of a conspiracy- to. co erce' independent dealers into refusing to have further business relations with 'that company I cannot agree that the publication can be restrained for that reason. - Regardless of its character of purpose, the , publication is , pro- tected from restraint. In my opinion, by the first amendment of-the consti tution which forbids an ytaw abridg- - Ingr the freedom of the press''- : . Ths Chief Justice : held that "the only remedy for libelous or otherwise malicious, wrongful and injurious pub lications is by civil action for damages and criminal . prosecution, - There, is no power te restrain the publication." The decision does not settle the arr peal-in the contempt proceedings in which Messrs. Compers. Mitchell, and Morrison were given . Jail sentences. This case will be heard . later by Jhs uppetlate court.. '-- -. . ; The labor leaden,' so. It Is said, claim : that if the ' reaeonlnf , adopted by Chief 4 Justice Shep-ard- and Justice Van Orsdel is followed In the decision of the con tempt proceedings they wll be able to epset the findings ef justice Wright and prevent serving terms. of Impris--onmentu - . :-.:-.'- 4 -.. r- - . 4 - L ' Hiving: as' his reasons, for the dpln-K-i Justice Robb- declared- that .-th. "We iMn't v Patronise"'- list , of the A rm-riean Fcderationlst ."eomrtiluienji a taltf-manic symbol Indicating to the membership ot the Federation that S lcycott li on "and, should be ob served," and 'said tn - regard to th fMft's modification of. Justice Gould's decree that the court had a right to prevent the- printlngof this unfair ' Mst. but that 'the decrees should stop . there and .not. attempt to regulate the publication Snd distribution ot other matter over which the. court baa no cntroL? - -' ' "The dtssentlhs opinion of .Chief JVitlce Shepard." 'said. Mr.Oompers tnlght "Is exactly that fort which the Federation nas wen wi aronj cw t ndlne. so far as id refers to the free don of the press.,. The right to freely rxoress opinions is a coaBtftotlonai guaranty. - There is. toothing tibelous 4n aavthlna the Fcderationlst has pub llyh.! In connection with thli whole - caga.T-."V-. ';- '.iS- .'-:!. ' Warrants Toe Prize Fight Officers. : ' ' ; IBv theAeoclaUd PtpssT) Chester, Pa..- March 11. As a result of the fight between Abe Attelt and "Young". Pierce. lest nltrtrt. In. the ' arena of the Olympic Athletic Club at Easimrton. warrants were Issued todsy for the arrest of officials of the ct"b. bv the Delaware county author! tit a The war raits. whlcK will be served tn- rncrroir. charpe H. IT. Js.atn. H. J) Fr .n-and T.'m. IT. Roc '-i h JIOEIISiOEaODS FLATLY REFUSED Operators PrcpcioCchtin y uatioh of Asreemfeht: I1C13IISWECTE0 Men Bind little Dope f Being lAMe ' ' to Carry Their Point Against Use Ovrir?rs f tlhracite tlir-i-47iiioa - Jfot Bcogalsew by tbe CeiUeseace a,PtUJadefpbia. r Bt the AssocUtedTress. '. Phila4elphia. .. March 11. The an thracite coal operators met the com mittee . of hard coal miners tn the Readme- Terminal building here to day and flatly refused -to grant the men any of the demands they laid before them, and at the same, time proposed to the mine workers that the present agreement, which expires March 31, be ; renewed for another term of; three years. - This decision, while - not 1 unexpected , , by . the mine workers, as tbyey had tonjr ago learn ed 'that the operators were 'against making any concessions, came as a great disappointment to the men, . - When the afternoon - session of the conerence m ad Jour pee. - Thomas u Le wis. . aauonai president 01 tne United Mine Workers of America, and his -colleagues filed eut ef President Baers ctfice and went straight to their hotel, wjtjt susplrR that waa ot- s y.;' Continued on Page Three.); .v : m DIES 10 FIDE ill CDEECaO TIace Destroyed (Sped U K News .'and Observer. ) Creensbor-j, N. CX. March 11. A Are with Jatal - result occurred this morning at S:i9 o'clock, when KZ Hygienic saaitarium. 4 West Mar ket street, was totally oestroyeu aaa Frank Greene, aa aged patient, whoa, home ' : was at . Goldston. Chatham county, perished In the flames. . . Dr. - Biggs was spending the nijrlit in the residence of the late Rev. Dr. L. Crawford, .that -house being usedNW Dr. Biggs as an annex to his sanitarium. Mrs. Biggs was await-. ened by the; coughing 01 ner. oaoy.. which had become strangled by smoke. Taking the baby . In, her arms she broke the glass oT her window . and climbed oct on the roof 'of the porch and aroused the patients, there being four women patients and Mr. Greene. Breaking the, glass In the window of Mf. Greene's loom she called to him and - heard him moving about in hs room. -..The women patients ctlpirbed out. on the poftch roof and Jumped to the ground; a distance oc niteen xeet Thay were alt screanimg and calling for help and In s few minutes some obe turned In -the Ore alarm from box .No. 1- The, apparatus .would not work and the bigt bell struck only mm. but the Indicator tm the Are staUon -registereo the jtamber. f the box nulled and the nremea answered the alarm with , their accurtomed prom ptness -'.-' When they ' arrived they found the house a mass ef flamest but in - H, short tlnaetliey- had ftve or six streams of water playing upon the fire, -which waa extmguieneo aner en hour's hard work, but not until It had gutted the building. An ef the far-, ntture and'all of Dr. Biggs' valuable InstrumenU . - and - appliances . . were burned up. - , The origin of the Are hast not been - determined, but it la nosslble that it caught from-. a defec tive flue from the furnace In the base-; r 5 (Continued oa Page Three.) , :."4 ' END.". '; . V ; ;'" .iC ijJ.'thy-Askoclaie'Preaif.i' Vi-f Laurens, S. Marcl) ll.-Thecaw of Cothraa .' pinson, charged Wftth , the murder of his Intimate friend, Tfiorh- welt Beyce. in the presehce of arodng oman witn whoxabotli young men are said to have been Infatuated, was given to the Jury 1st today, Ver dict had been reached' at a lte .hour, tdalg-nt. The defense "was ' lht.: the snooting wasJturey accidental . The Btaie claimed Jeafousy the cause ot the mwrder.r t . -. ;: : If not murder the State contended It was such grO -neKllgence s td cause manslaughter. Principal among the State's witnesses was Miss Evelyn Brown,-, a 'beautiful- young girl, who Is the "woman tn the" case." She ee enpied with " the' two young 'tneii. . the buffer in which the tragedy was enacted.-. She testified' that Ptnson was drunk and boisterous,, that fee pulled his pistol and said 1. ,'1. am going lo shoot like hell.", He shot twice to the ri?hf ot the? -buggy, then held," the Pistol sealnst hls.breast and shot, the i , . . I V 1- V.J ... ''H.i en Let? t t.o . l i.it i - ' i K;L I THE : lUJDBI C.1SE Inmediito Action Will bo t-TiikinforHiin f iSEDTECCEO filiCif 1 1 Kortla Carolina Inventus Dei-tarca Tliat ETkknce as Juldoccd Vtndkatcd . Ulm Convlctloa of Maaslaagbier -Carries Bentence of Twea. ty Tears TfJwJer the Law. Special to New and Observer, f.. f New Tork. March 11. It was an nounced today that John C Lumsden. convicted of manslaughter In the first degree focfatally shooting Harry iP. Suydam." a curb broker,; would take aa Immediate appeal. J ' .The Jury rendered the verdict after five hoars' deliberation. All hope ef adqulttal for the yeung prisoner van ished with the first ballot taken by the Jury. ; Every vote was for convic tion, either of order or manslaught er. , For some unexpected reason Judge Maione and Assistant District Attor ney Nott did not. appear. In the court room until ten minutes after . the Jury had returned. ', It must have seemed like an hour to Iunedea standing erect before the jury. He bore the strain for a moment end then : swayed. A court attendant gave .him chair Into which he sank. There was no sign ef emotion in his clear-cut face when the verdict was finally announced. Continued on Page Tbree. , ' GET fl'IHT the Question Finally '( By th AocYatel frriss. . -Atlanta. Ga.. March 11. Uv a voaV of 123 to T. the GeorsiA.divUloii f the United Daughters ot the Couted! racy late today decided on Anderscsi vllle as the location for the monument to Captain Win. having earlier In the day rescinded its formar actlja tn voting the monument "to Richmond, Virginia. The final decision to croct the shaft on the site of the prison where Cap tain Wlrx, C 8. A- was commanrlan' during the Civil War. was reached at 4; 4 5 p. m-- after a stormy sessi m Jest ing since ! .o'ciook this morrlng. The vote stood as foRcers: A.tders.n ville lit; Macon s5; Americus S. Thus , ends a , matter which has caused great dissension In the ranks of the Daughters in thlp Stats. . The special session of the Georgin dlvisle.1 held here today was csUed tn response to numerous protests from Chapters In all parts of the State against the action of the Savanah conventlai In rutins the monument to a cly wlthoow the State. ' . rf -u 1 A special - appeal signed bv tlic m&vor and cromlnent citisens of A.n- dersonville was read to the convention urginjr thgt the monument be located there, . , - Tart Preparing ' Special Message.. (Dy the Associated Press.) ... Washington. D. r March. "11. President Taft today began work on hta message which Is to. go te the extra session of -Congress on Tuesday next, according to, present plana It Is understood - the message wilt deal only with tariff rsvlslbn and the gen era) subject of revenue raising. PresU dent Taft baa Indicated that he will ask Congress to confine Its labors at the extra, session .exclusively te this nhlnct. -". Tha Tnesssee willy BOt SO into detalta .regarding i specific sche dules.,, it .win oe oriei ana.iay great stress pn the necessity for prompt ac tion. , -.v.-?t.- iXr.-i " ' ' " j i .' . 1 . x 1 . 1 - '':-I-;'t! By"tne Aesixtaied Press. )'; ; 1 . Monroe, La.. March ll.r-As a resul of the'work Of train ,-wreckers, the southbound express on the Arkansas and Gulf railroad, - was derailed ; 2 1 miles north t Uls city, shortly be fore nildnlght Mast night. Engineer C. -V. McDaniel was Instantly, killed and Fireman Jr B. eowan was sen ously - hurt. f .: No passengers were anions; the inhjred. .-.i' t j. - - ': ' An . Investication " showed ihat switch had been thrown and spike. while the signal light had been turned so as to- show white. - . -x - ; ? The train "ws bound, -from J Little Rock, "Ark., to Monroe, and wag travel ing St s rapid rata, ' Av -...: --vV-1,--' ! Tnf Taee HorseljacTg 5 ; By the Associated Press.i ? -i Washlnrtbni D. C- Ellrch 1I Af tee a hard Ca.y'i work t his desk President ,T ft, late today, "mounted his etrc-T l f. horse "Sterrett" end speft r rly t-vo'hotrs 1 the sad3ie, accr ! -1 - t y '.' t ' Captin Art r.':?res3.tiV9 t? HKHIHE-T0 lii coftii m General Wcshin::.T Will ;CohtinUwTc;: ijruueat jof Dcfenssj jecfa fori the State? Main ArajasnenA nf 'Defense and Ooe. Inr pch fotj the SUtet Tet to He Delivered) Jairjy Wont Get the Ceee Before Satnrday Ota Preeret patBcn uons. 1 e f 1 - (By the Associated Press.) " NasbvUle, Ten a- - March- 11. The fourth day of the arguments In the Cpoper-Sharp trial for the murder of former U. 8. Senator E- W. Carmack closed tonight with General Washing ton, of tne oefenee, tn tne midaie ef his argument and two more attorneys to follow hint. At this rate It Is doubt ful if the case arUV go t the. Jury. Dei ore Miora'. ; v ? : General Waahlnaton f fialshed ' his ninth . hoar of argument " when court adjourned at ip..m., and, he an noaneed .that hep "would conclude sometime! tomorrow." - --'---' . . He will be. followed by, Judse An derson, who fS -expected to make -the main argument' for "the defense. TTtrn Attorney General? McCarn; will close for ; the State. ,..,;? ; ' Judre Andersoit says "he wilt reonlrs about six or eight Hours for his speech. while McCarn decares that roar hours will; do him. , t -' - -'. :- - (Continued en Page TWO.) : H . : 11 fi' inrl niii r -rrmi Tins oxlv PHoprot : CAPITAL TPUX f . akse. x&aasxv a kvAxa. JUl' i By. the AaeeeiaW- ?4:r-i?! -Atlanta, Ga March- 11. General Clehtent- A. Rvafng. commander In chief of the tnltel Cpnfedorate Vet erans, and ' Chatrttiaa of the Prison Committee (of Georgia, advotes chloro forming criminal who have received the death sentcnee." I believe the law has no rights to -do more than take a man's lite." said General ET-ana "No llvlnk man. should witr ness It- The death! cell shou'd be air tight and the man he Is to die should inhale the very breath of death Itself and should) die painlessly and alone. Any other death punishment is noth ing short of barbarbtm. - Even this Is General Evans l)ad already quali fied this statement; by declaring him self Opposed to - Capital - punishment for any crime save that of attack, upon women.. 1,' .- -:.il. . - r ... GETS UIT OUHE W -,f - BROOKLTN MAXWHO MISTHKAT- CD CIIILD ISj SKNTEXCED .; &-:uAx!pLinh'- vr:.' (By the' Associated Press.) Towson. Md.. March 11. Joseoh if. Janer, of Brooklyn, N. was today convicted of! feloniously assaulUng Catherine Lberehi g years old., also ef Brooklyn, end sentenced to twenty one rears in Maryland penitentiary, this being the rhaxEmum possible un der the: particular count or the Indict ment on. which, cxaiTictloa . was had. It was in . evidence that Janer, early In February, brought the child to Bal timore, represented her to . be : his daughter, and ..during" two nights, one spent in a disreputable house, and the other. In a boarding house. repeatedly subjected her to most brutal lit treat ment. The prosecution put witnesses on the stand to shotf practically every move nsaoe vy janer ana me cniia Al ter their arrival 1 , uaJUrnore, and physicians gave evidence confirmatory of the contention o the State, Janer went on the stand m his own defense and denied his guUti JaneVs cdunsel made a motion for sF hew. trial but this was subsequently i withdrawn. . , - When sentence r$ was . pronounced Janer showed- not ttie slightest emo tion. ' He. was taken Immediately to the penitentiary in Baltimore. Janer's wire was utf-conrTf tnrougnot : we Svttui Ure' Ontlmbitlr 0nb ami ' Sees H-i ipdsolstlciVlslo ' (By the'Assocljitt'Press'i Arashineton. D. C." -March i 1 1.- President Taft todsjt said' this will be a Tttimlstlc administration to an op tmlstie country, u)l Of hope, cheerful ness and conftdneei V - --v TH. trfdMt esteecsed this went! merit when ho became a full fledged member .of the. Oullmlstlo Club.cf America ' noon the , invltatt-w .of Its founder, wiyiara j. jteoiown. w Vnrk -' . Ur.'RnhllUHai. ail Optimist St large, ncmed Mr.. Taft a member - of the club's cxecutlre committee. -Andrew Carnegie Is pwside-u of the or yanisatlon. The . President declined with regret aLn invitation exterid-d by Mr. Robinson to attend the club s first snnusl banquet to i New . York on March SL . - - ' '. " Two Men FounU P61tn0.- . - r Rv ': We a ssoclsted Press.) V New York. March;ll. The bodies nf ivA-mnn who anoeared to have died from po'oT'Ti!r .were found In a t lumtv ef v. i 1 . Northfield, ta t t 1 . t -. 1 t coroner,-wivo '" - - 1 . i ISuMEat. hAYS riiiCIIOMBJlDST-- v - . ... lOJEB'EIFF wither Reduce, Price ncr Prc:;rv:3 Fcrc:ts Perlarcal That tailed 8Utcf Urua Have Aoreas to . Canadian ForesU ( Cntfl Some : Other Pa per-Making ! Material Be FenrMl Inrest - Con itemtioa WUb LsmVtr Ilea,1 t- By whs Associated Press. i Washtrsrton.- - D. CM March 1 1.- A removal of the tariff on lumber would neither reduce-the price to the con sumer er preserve our forests accord ing te the opinion expressed bv Clif ford PinchoC Chief . of the t United States . Forest Service, in a fetter to Sereno E. Payne, chairman- of ths House Ways - and Means Committee, made -public tonight. Mr. Ptnchot holds that the funds. mental nuestion at Issue in the . lum ber tariff Is forest conservation- Ha says that be would favor a removal of the tariff 1f ha were of the opin ion, which he thinks is the cause of the demand for. free 7 lumber that it would effer a way to protect our for- esta, " "But 1 am unable to see. he says,, "how free lumber will promote "There Is only one wsy to save our forests," he adds. That Is to see that they are kept at work growing tvonunued on Page Three.) HflLF-LViTTEO Linn SENT rv4jr-' i ". " - as ' -- -v x Homo Near Peachland . ( Special te News and Observer.) " Wadesboro. N. C March 11. A telephone message from Peachland, twelve miles west of Wadesbore, gives news of a peculiar snooting this morning. wo men. Cleveland Previtt and Falrley Moore, were in a was on on their way to Peachland and n h'.le passing the house where Hugh Horns uvea, nearo a pistot snot ana raw Home standing at a window with a pistol in his hand. -Moore fell from the wagon, -shot. He was carried hastllr to Pemchland where ohvi- cians could not find the ball - which entered the left side, under the arm. Moore stated that he never had any difficulty with' Home and did not know why he shot himi Moore was taken home, two miles south of Peaehtara. in a serious condition. A warrant was Issued for Home, but waa not .served. br the constable, who savs Horns is on guard at "theTleuse, armed, and threatens to Kill the-first -man who cornea, .- 1 - The sheriff telephoned the constable to gather a posse ef Home's friends and go after him, but the citisens are afraid to go. i ; Horne Is fine years. ou. unmarried and is half-witted, living alone with his invalid mother, who is over ninety rears old. He has been In sevenil quarrels, but never had serious trouble,. Moore is a young man or good cnar- aeter, 34 -years eld, and has a wife and two children. , - - r Protest Against Hundley. " '(By the Associated Press.)''' : '' Washington.) D. C March 'ltr Reoresentatlve Underwood and a delegation of lawyers front - Birming ham, Ala., today made a protest to the President I against the reappoint ment ot 'Judge, Hundley to the Fc era)- bench m the Northern district Of Alabama. ': - The President Indicated that ha would give the matfer careful attention. - 'A -- . " ' . '. ' " -' . ; TIIE-FIOUH f.!E(l FC0TE5T v;, ; WAST SECBXTTABTx JfflLSON TO ; RESCDTD RECENT ORDER AS "V TO ADULTERATION. . '-: - toy the 'Associated 'Press.) : :f Vashlagton, D. C - . March. 11. foj-mldable moveinuit, the purnone X which Is to Induce Secretary of Agri-, eulture Wilson 1 to. modify, or - reverse, his recent decision In which, he held that flour bleached by nitrogen perox lde lsnvdulterated prod aot"-under the food and drugs act.- - Is nn foot. Hundreds of letters frens millers of bleached flour in all v parts ; of the country are being received dally by the secretary, asking him to refer his ruU ing to the referee board of scientific) everts for review.'".? In sumirimt In stances telegrams "are sent - to : mem bers of Congress and . by .them : re ferred to. the secretary Without any recommendations. - ;' ;;' -: That Secretary Wilson resolutely Win stand by his decision Is Indicated y the fact that in his replies to the va rious telegrams, he declares that he can see no useful purpose In referring the question of bleached flour to the referee-Doara. 'in is ooay. ne states, is alreadx overburdened With Im portant matters and he dd that the courts are open to those who want to arfal from r's dec! 'ut ", "I am Et?r.y hcr..:a to hnvl-T the shoots Pits .'B ' S 't 1 V .," i S G OOli jlOG y ji P l D l; y ThoFhy Time is Passing EntcrpricoEvcr Undertaken in a Southern State is Setting Down For the Period Which CailsFcr the Lknifcstation of Some Contestants want to know that what we cat I i the pure product." i - e French Team Leads. . tBy the Associated Press.) New Tork. March 11. Averaging a fraction over five miles - an hour, Cibots and Orphee, the' French run- nprs, who are leading in the sixdays go-as-you-please race at Madison- Square, are gradually Increasing the distance between themselves and their nearest competitors.. At. a late hour tonight the Frenchmen. had almost a nineteen mile lead, and, as they are running in good , ronn. the trainers picked them as the likely winners of the race., barring accidents. There is little likelihood now that the record of 77S miles and one lap made In 102, will be beaten. " " ' - ' ' DOS OF JUBV End of Eliiabsth City Trial is in Sight (Special to News and Obsen-er. Klixabeth Citv. X (' March 1 I The most sensational trial to .ake place in this city since the Harrison kidnapping case was concluded this afternoon when thir fate of 1. 1 Hooper, charged with arson, was given Into the hands of a jury. The case against Mrs. Mary W. Gray as aeeeory, waa nol prossed. The-jury was sti'.l out at t o'clock and there were no prospects of a verdict. Hooper, the defendant. Is t-harsied with an attempt to'burn the hou.o t J. G. Gray, his brother-in-law. last January. The State Introduced evidence to show that the motive for the crime was to obtain Insurance, as the valu? of the household effects was estimate! st about $25o, and the Insurance car& ried on same was 11.200. The de fense vigorously assailed the testimony of the prosecution and endeavored to discredit the Identification of defend ant with the -'party seen on the. premises Immediately before the fire. ' 'Mrs. Gray was made accessory and was held as sucb during the Introduc tion of evidence, but when Attorney Aydlett had about closed his argument last night tor the defense, 1 Solicitor Ward drarnatieaHy asked a nolle pi-.uf for Mrs. Gray. . Tne case aas attracted tne grcatesi Interest and the court-room has been crowded to its utmost capacity at every session. It has been a rent lecal battle. The defense was repre sented by Aydlett and Ebrinshau-s. J. Heywood Sawyer and W. M. Bonos. Confederate Veteran Dies. (By the Associated Presa) Wasinrton, D. C March 11. -i-Jesse M. Smith, for twenty) laeara auditor ot the Interstate ' commerce commission, veteran Confederate ' soldier and rail road expert, died - ere today, aged IX. He was born In Lincoln county. Tennessee, and ; will be ' buried in Huhtsvllle, A?a. : : f , ' ' - C0Ti:3EBT SETS TO WDfiK PEOPLE OF AIX CLASSES" WORK ING: SIDE BY SIDR T6 RE- f . H - I PAIR DnMAGES.- '--V .thVAiociated Vress.) Cuthbert, ' Ga. March 1 1. With bankers. . negro laborers, merchants and business men working side by side With other people of all classes, In cluding convicts. Cuthbert u rally! ne from the eff ecta ef . last Tuesday" storm and struggling brayeJy, to pro ide shelter for the unfortunate peo pis whose homes were' destroyed. It' Is said that by actuat count' 2 8S frame - buildings went down and -22 brick ' stores were demolished; . .. The Confederate y monument- and 'nearly every -tree In Central Park Is lying jn the" ground, .'while practically eery large monument In the Western cents tery was' rased. - ,-s :.' - - Atlanta. to Send'Aui. '". ' Atlanta, - Ga,. March 11. -A special meeting of .- the - general' council has been 'called - for Friday morning -y Maydr Maddbx when measures for the relief of the stricken people of Cuth bert Ga Will be considered.- Mayor Mlddox was In communication by. tele phone with Mayor McPherson., , of uuuisen. - looar, , : iruin ' wnom. - hw learned that aid was badly needed. Adjutant General Scott left thla city ye'rday afternoon for tho stricken ,' ot, . upon or ' ri of Governor and the Biggest Newspaper Energy on the Part of iiEi'i Gonomons require rm RULES A Slight Omnge Made As te the 3 um ber of Votes TIsM Candidates Will Iio Permitted to Cast For Any One Pub lication of Scores Plenty of. Tbwi Remains to Send In Tour JOwn Nom ination, Or Unit of Some Fricml Wlw May Win the White Stesumcr. NEW RULES REGARDING ' CASTING OF HALLUTS. Decasme of some con f onion exbttins; rrarUlng the Uaiit of 7,0(H - certificate votes I which . may be cast at each publication . of scores, the context mswrrge-''' Hot ts today - adopting a new . " rule. Until fnrther notice no candidate will be perrnittcd -t -'... cent snore than estooKh votes to . place bins more thaet-A,eoe . votes aheejd ef the kedce! at tltn precediue; publication of hcotch. If .fbe leader of the enttte tewt, rcgardlecM of slistrict, had .- -ee.OOO votes to hie credit. i as the- lant publkwtiott, so caiididato " -will be permitted to vote more - - than enough to make his score ' , 45.006 In- the next pwbllcatietu : - -and nu contestant will be per- luittcu to lead two days as sea- CCSKtoM. . r . .r j ; : j-Y.v: You know' that big, romping, reck less, boisterous school-boy I son , of yours; you know how he keeps o i growing sjid growing and growing un til you are almost at your wit's end I solve the problem of keeping him 'lu his clothes. He grows and gaows and Is still a boy. You can't exactly fig ure just where he's going to istoo, but just now he's running mostly to legs snd length, sort of assuming all "the physical characteristics ot al ragweed or a bean-pole. But gradually yo.i have observed that he is slipping troin the childish stage into a more deliber ate, mature sort of a -child. I ' Well that's Just exactly the -ebnm-s that is taking place In this great 1 00ft voting contest of the Xewn and (' server's at this time. . The change i slight, but nevertheless it is going o'-v A week or two ago it waa the ni-rcvt infant, a little later it had cut its first tooth and new it is ready to enter ih "knee-pants" stage of; its eacistenc-. . Its last week s elothee are outgrown and don't fit any better than a - dlm.'.J v. worth ot paint would fit the !Manw"! ' temple. It's keeping the coptet rmy ' busy meeting new conditions. lltj rather sorry he wasn't born is pairj. . Kew Vothrgr Rule. ' -And as new: conditions arise,' hv must be met.: For instance -a now rule is going into-effect todayi it has to do with the matter of voting. Here- - , after, end until further notice.! np ct- . testant wiu oe permitted to cast mo.-" v than enough ballots to place him 5 .' ) v ahead of the, leader on the preceJin s publicatioa day.: For Instance, If J4'. -Blank, leads the race In Sandal's Ve Vs and Obsrrter, with a score of 40.0 i. the leader on the .next publication Vf scores, which will be the follow,;! r Wednesday, a-ill not be perm lit ted . in have over 45,060 votes to hlsior -Iff credit. Or In other words, if ybu liav-j to your credit tn the ' paper jat ' th s time but 5. 000 votes, you will he tj ? : mitted to east 40,000 It you desir just enough to 'put you 6.000 aheiit . (. c the leeder at the time the scores vj i . .. last publlFhed. This rule doeefft trean -that In each district this will be tho " case, but it applies only to the) leads -. of the entire contest. ? regardless cf , . district -; r .;'-.' J .- . -. Just bear in mind: j-on willibe : si- lowed to cast enough votes to put you SsOOO aheed of the leader at the but pubtloarlon. It may mean that i ytvi - may vote .30,000 or only t.OOO; deponil- lag of course upon your present score, i ' CrnrteUnts-Ajtc TTilnldmr. z"-r Just this time the contest Is gettln under way. . It has takn. a month : to get the contestants and their interested friends educated up to a proper reall- -sation of the grand opportunities this affair holds for them, and to. get them -'. , familiar with the rules. - Many eaitdl- -dates Vr still coming- and' many more will, continue to do so for lr -next three weeks or more. The can test business is filled with just as many ' uncectain ties for the conteet nuuiagn- " ment ae-it is for the contestanta Odt of a long experience this department v-' has learned -the truth of that eM ". axiom, "yon never can tell." -j So it Isn't venturing any predlctlonsj , - However, ee thing is . prtica!ly certain now. Based upon t e.nth" siasm manifested since t!- tion of this great i v - Is absolutely cert i blfgeat affairs s taken in a Sot: tet man ha ! situation sec i tbit nothr- I'-'nf one t