: .i .' c .... ..r - 'r 7, -j :. , ' ' It ! I 1 t1 " !' ') " I THE :TV2AX3 -TOO AY. Maximum - temperature ;6; maim tempera uu 40r tntal tMriDltH(Ni !fd rorwiK fo North Card Una. rain Frkiar and Saiar- -pay; moderate at wmw. 11 M iioawa -coding ,8 DL, 'v i ... ; . .: voLmns xxxxvrr, xo.101 r n 7; CEL10GOTS C'JST ; DE 00 HIE JOD Clan Who fab in Rules faxraer Presklent "Will Coin Ojti fm i Vl4ror of ike Rebels la the HofM, It ; Is Tcclared-7iaiorU to Effect a Compromise - IIu flaltoIaswr irata IVvtare TtMl ; The Oaal.Ta ;. tuomAs a. tESOE. ; t Washington, D. C .March, t J. Any Democratic member of $he JJodse who k to absent from hla aeat Uohda jwjll be in disgrace. .,'Tht ltb -um and substance . of the , comment of . Dmo- ' . cratic leaders' of the . House, -who are now in thelry.; ; . ' . .. . ' - BepublicanB are puttlnr out atoriea 'to the tTect that there is diasenUon among Democrats over -the -revteloa of, the rules. ' They are menUonin bo Jtamea. but they are charcinK dis . loyalty on the part of, House . Demo crats in order to intimidata RepubU can insurgents. The. J&surent do nof show aiKns of . weakalns; and de clare that they will line up thirty '' strong; Monday. -.;.;' ; ' ; . : If aU the Democrats .In the House are present, action .will .'-result in making the House a deliberative body - for the first time in many years. W i' la up to the Democrats to be on the Job. and If it so happens .hat any member Is absent he will -be .the re- ciplent of uaeaviable character of . pubUcttx.. . -h ." . ' , Tonight the daim- to made that ex " lresident., Eocsevett, Jias dVclared in ; a - forthcoming, editorial. a favor of the Republican insurgents of the House. . This roformation-has been - the occasion . of much uneasiness to day among Speaker Cannon's lieuten ant and fiU band of regulars, who have the expressed; sympathy of Presi dent Tart. - r. : . - v Altogether thi Aituaiion.il the most . uterestlng that ; has arisen in the House since Tom Reed made hat body a one mah affair. - s t- ' EsTorts Towa4 -the'. fSwwneomlnti Fait liiEtrfpiiSiis '- - - .. - ... t . Washington J) ,.-C , Maneh JJ. Three important developments occur red today in the lnsui rectloa agalnat the adoption. Ja ; the House of the rules of the sixtieth Congress to. gov . era the tncoming Congress. ; V' A" compromise, fathered by. Senator Cummina of Iowa, and presented "to . the retrutora by President- Taft. failed - to nnite the .Republican ..members. Wha t.was : pronounced as asatlstac- tory working agreement was entered into by the Republican . insurgents ' and. .the Democrata , The aunt of Theodore Roosevelt was Introduced - as an "insurgento" sympathiztr. - j. The compromise - was one that the Insurgents have had .under .considera tion ever since the report became cur -- 'rent that President Taft desired a - ' postponement of the fight oa the -rules - lest.it mis hi relay the passage of a tariff bill, ft' provided for- the re- J- election o( Speaker Cannon and the '. .adoption of the rules of the sixtieth Congress for the special -s anion. After the organiaatioa of .the House -on Monday It was provided that a reso lution should be passed authorising a - committee of 15 to Investigate . the '' f rules and report on proposed, changes ' . at the regular session In Decentber. It . was proposed , .that the' - fhsargents should be Slowed to name four of ' their number for this committee, 'th IV Democrats six -and the- regulars five. ; The latter five were to be Representa tives Mann, of pllnois; Cuttle, of New A 'Hampshire; Keifeiv of Ohio: -Smith. -. of Iowa, and gtevens? of Minnesota. . ".or the retruiass. former Kepresen r -tative arson, of Indiana, -replied .that : . the compromise : was. .aeceii table U : amended so. as to allow tne Speaker to appoint (he committee, due, regard : -being given to the insurgents ip Us y ; composition.'. The leaders of, the In .i surgento subseouenUy declared, that : '. th9 would accept no such suggcstlonw -.i believed that President. Taft r-wtu exert hto influence to bring the ', - A branches of the party-together. - - however . X , - ' ' - ' For more than hAmia iiiU . oon the steering committee of the ; insurgents were In conference with committee consutlnr i of Uinnrltv - -: leader CUrS and Representative Un- . : vowwwr qi juiosna, who represent- .tru toe ueeocratfc ; " - '-' . The-insurgents, ft is said, oonvfaced ' the Democrats that Obey could deliver thirty votes for any,, proposition they i oesirea .to propose on .Monday. The Democrats . promised to f urniah' 17S " - votes' against the previous question on - motion -or . the adoption- of -the 'Old ' rules... - This to' the, .Cull Democratic - ; strength,' less two, there being one va cancy on account of death and. one - member heino- aerlmulv 111 Am iK ,Vill be a maJority,the-Uied Torces .ciaun me victory. .. , - i . ., : ' . The program tentativerr asre . . upon by the allies wa to. vote .dowp , -' tne previous ouestlon en the adoetlon ' of .the -old rulea.bn Monday.. and If tha amendment to . the ruies jiravlding for a committee to select committee ... , . is voted, down to propose that- the , ; y oinnvluee- on rules e elected by.' the : v House. The JiemocraUc conferees are . salii to'have expressed asura pee that. - , thv coaUl lin uo the entira Dnm. : ; cratfc delegation .for the latter amende . , . --nvest, bat they were 4ot so -certain -as yj the former. . , . . . . ? . . " The .regnlsrs -ctajm Tt-bave the promises of several Democratsnot to r. ' vot with -the '-party, for the various - xendmcnts, and deny that the lnsur . gents forces will -number thirty. -j i "I have never yet. as whip fallen t n -oi a r'l ot the HoBfe," -de LUL.SDEn GETS EIGIITEEO YEiHS No Ap:cl Vi!I fca Men a ; -r.r. in L13 UCCj TtXESSEDTEliGELOOUi Forme Governor Ayoock Makvs Final . APPeal. .for '. Clcmeacy " Jadge . pia - loaev tn Sentencing. Toons Inventor to 8Pigl&inc Comments rpoa the . Gravity, of Bis Offease la the Eyes of tbe Law. - . " j . (fipocial to News and Observer.) . Jiaw- rork. March il. John I C. Lumsden. the young Southerner and slayer of. Harry ; B. - Snydana. a curb broker, whom he shot in suydam s of fice fit No. 39 Broad street on Decem ber It. last, was sentenced -to Sing Bkur. orison todajr for not .les tiian eighteen years nor more than nineteen and ODe-tiair years Dy judge alaione In the Court 'of General Sessiona He sad been convicted of manslaugliUr In the first degree. - While receiving sentence, Dnmsden Mood erect, his arms folded screws his chest, and looking the Judge straight tn the eye. Afterwards he turned on his beeL shook -hands with friends- and thanked hts counsel and waiKi irom in front of the- bench. . The -prisoner, fonwety a soldier, has a military bear ing and a lean-cut emiutanaac that made him a striking figure-when he faced Judge M alone. Lumsdcn was an. Inventor of a vibratory massage machine, in wnicn uyaam naa neen financially interested, and Jt was dar ing a quarrel concerning money ma . . (Continued on . Page Four. . IE PU1CE0 Id cessooo a at Peachldhd Arrditea ' fSpcial to News and Observer.) . '.TVaitaahnm "V C March 1 2. Hlirh Horne. charged with having shot and sertonsly Injured Fan-ley Moore, near Peachland, .. yesterday mortinaV was brought here aid placed in Jail tonight Horn .was arrested at bis home, this afternoon, - and remanded to Jail by Justice Baucom to await tne result of Moore's Injuries. Horne did not re sist arrest: the officers expected It and did not attempt to arrest him until toey coult secure a posse ot n rneaoa Horne was quiet and claimed it Is that he said that he was not ahooting at Moore. ; - . .'. : - -; . . ttnrne has had. rroiihle helore. He shot -a man it, Polkton- sever alyear en i that ilm Ttanm waa taklna the. part of a friend who was in difficulty..- i .' . Moore U, at. hU home ana u in a critical condition, the bullet .passed throuah Jlia left lung. He repeated the statement that he .had .no Jilfu- culty with Horn., and was drtying to town. . .Passing ,th house he -was ahot. No word bad been apoken. ..j : FOCR l DKEAllfOrHTS AMONG . ... . . , THE PROViOTONS FOR THE i VBy the Associated Press.) . TvtnHnii. March 1 i The aarerl: awaited BrlUsh narsi estimates about which there has -been so' much contro versy Inside and outside of the cabi net, were twwd this evening. - A wm Dromise won: the dav. for , the esti mates nrovide for a total expenditure of H75.713.S0A. an increase of $14. f lt.OOO over ? the estimates .of 108- litl The new building program .provides for four Xlreadnouirhts. six protected cruisers, twenty torpedo boat-destroy ers,aad a number- or submarines, Uie latter to coat 5.00,0. . The first lord (Of th admlrairadda that-, in addition, to the foregeing pre- gram., the government -may, in the course of the . financial year, find ft necessary to make reparation for the rapid conMructlon - of four mere larae armored ship to b eommeneed April The government, therefore, asks Parliament .for powers to enahl them.. to oe prepared, .to lay down an April 1. 11S. additionatahip which can be completed in Mapch,uaiz. --.'. ' '. . T-1 . STATE TREASERC3 DEFAUITft Utah OOcUI short aTs.000 TJscd Tor I 1 : ' Br the Associated- Press. ' " , -fialt Lake irtah, Starch llJames Christ ianao a. (former Stat , trfc&aurer. who retired .from loa Janaary 1. 4 under arrest on th ..charge of being a defaulter to the amount of 170.000, The arte followed Chrlstianaon's confession of his responsibility for the shortage. . Hu la now In jail fcac. The money, it to aeknowledred. used in speculations in Nevada vent urea Christian son was state treasurer for the four years" term berinnin-r with the present year. The ehortaee.l the accounts was discovered a tevr days f;.ft c;:::;et is SGOilEO M mu a., a a N oi a il cfcrntsr in if ilo 110 f i"3ECESSIi'E ElECEDT Coeparation Attorneys Form Major Titi Ouggtsts Th tne Taft Roosovelt Talk ' la Georgia last January May Have Materially Aided XsgcJ to Land Hla Job. , Lincoln. Neb.. March 1!. Mr. Tafl s cabinet I com .in for .some, causti criticism in today's issue of the. Com moner. ; Mr. iBryaa says: '. "Does the- President's cabinet strike you as a reform cabinet T "Beeretary of Btate Knox, ex-attor ney of the -steel trust, after a.. confer ence with. Mr. Frlck. a attoraey-;-eral. advises the killing of the only anti-trust bill passed by th House la recent. years. Is he likely to encour age tbe President to attack th trusts? "Secretary of War Diokiason. attor ney for the Illinois Central Railway, an ex-Democrat, drawn away from his party by. his corporate connection. . "Secretary or the Treasury Mac-Veaa-h. ex-Democrat, who left the party when the party separated from Wail rt. "Attorney-General Wlckershsm. not known for any activity in. connection with regulation of railroads or the prosecution of monopolies of a na tional character. "When has .a .chief executive .-se lected a more conservative cabinet t (Continued on Page Four.) HE MUD WITH SEA ((ID W r;e - - Ship Aid Hard Ticie (y the Assoc latd Press.) New. Tors. March 11. With, onlv her foremast left ""ll" above her decks. the former , three-masted schooner Ann J. Trainpr. of PhJIadel- pbia.- from JNorrolk February 17th for New . York, was towed into this harbor -rly -today after having been parts dismasted in a gale off Atlantic City;- -- -v... -, The.Tralnor -Was discovered In dis tress oft the Jersey coast yesterday by a crew of fisbermn who reported , plight to the.-wlreto station in the vicinity, of En Harbor. Passing steamers were informed by wireless, and -two af -them, went to the aastst ano of th schooner . , Captain Xr- rickson, of the Tralnor. however, de clined to be taken off and the steam ers sent his. raauest for -a tug by wireless and aeon afterward a. tug started from Delaware Breakwater in search of th vessel.. : , . Except, rpj' .the .loss or her main and-mtosenmast the Tralnor appear ed io the in road condition when she Wi towed up; harbor today. Captain Derrickson was struck by a flying beam when the vessel was dismasted on March 3rd. and one ot the captain's ribs was fractured. Not withstanding his Injury the captain pluckllj stuck to his. post and was In command today when the Tralnor. an chored tn New York harbor. -By his direction sail was made on the .fore mast after the gal abated, and, aa effort was mad to bring the vessel Into port under her own- aalL .- Cap tain 'Derrickson .said that after: his vessel waa dismasted -and be was compelled to 'head her off shore, his crew Of Portuguese and negro sailors became so- badly brightened that they begged -to b put on hoard some -of th steamers that spoke to . the shlp- wreeked -vessel, and that, one . of the sailors threatened thim with knife. The mat cowed -them -with a display of his revolver and tne captain caisea to '"them s though they . were babies, icirarv time a steamer came .along. the captain said the crew -would lie ap at tn rail and call out requests to v m.fr, mnt r-jintaln Derrinksoo nnahle ta MD much bCU of his fear that th.crw wuld abandon tbe vessel or run her asnore. s?iX:::3aiiD TJT STRICT s TZJOillD TO HE ENORMC MOUfU . ; , v - : uuiuii.'ii i -NfBv this Associated Press.)- ' 5 epartanbttrri. C; March It. A fir .la .th ;hart 4Jtnhnnes to trict of Spartanburg threaten to be come .the most xlestructlve .tn the his tory ot the city,; i ,, ; : ' ,1 v .The:. CleveUnd building 1 already In- ruins and be JBank of Spartanburg buidlnj to in danfer.i; w;' 3 1 JUrstiip pocs ravsev Tnt hi Air. ' . -tBv' th AssoclatedPresa.) - ' rrledcrlcl.shafea. March It. The Konruilin slr&hin. n-hlch Went U-) from Lake Consume this mormng, attained. sn sHItuas of over j.oev feet, a recora bebi;i . ClIiCEllI t -r. .".V" Nicaijukn iiind Salya- ddreanGuhbData Enfllge 0. ; 5. LIJI ME IMploBatic(egotiatloaa With, Xlcsi- ragna Broken OsT WaMhington and Mexico Looks for Investlgatlnu at Early Day -Mexican Herald Ad vocates AonexatkMs - (By tbe Associated. Press.) ..Mexico City. '.March ft 2. It U per sistently rumored here that war has broken out between 'Nicaragua and Salvador, and that there ha been an engagement between th Salvadorean gunboat TPresldont and the Nlcara guan gunboat Momotombo. The7 result is unknown. The Mexican government la without official advice as to the truth o these rumors. The eHrald today advocates annex ation of the five Central American States by Mexico. Th general opin ion here to that Intervention I Inevt table and Mexico looks to. the United States to make h Initial nurv. ; . Relation Broken -OsT. Washington. D. C. March 12. Dip lomatic relations with Mica ragna were practically broken off today 'by tbe State department. Whleb ordered Sec retary of Legation Gregory, at Mana gua, to return borne, leavinir th lega tion in boare-e of the consul, who will have, no diplomatic capacity. 1 5ETLEL1T III f."lfE DISPUTE Opcmtors nd Lien Still at Oidds (By th Associated Press.) . Philadelphia. March 12. The con ference between, the sub-committees Jt . th Anthracite mine workers and operators to arrange a new agreement ,o go into effect -at the expiration of the present working " arrangement. cam . to' an end lacs this afternoon without result. : - While the -. prospects are not as brilght as they were for a peaceful settlement, ther Is still hope that radi cal action by either side will be avoid1 ed. . The executive boards will to morrow issue a call for a. convention of the miners ef three Anthracite dis tricts to be held n one of the mining towns tor th purypose or consider hag plans for. further action and then will follow another conference with Jie operators before March 31. The counter-proposition. of the mining companies to renew th present agree- jaent for another 'term of tbr years will be placed before -the convention by th exeoutlve board of th -work men. - . ational President . Lewis, - of ibe union, said after today's meeting that th suggestion for another con ferenoa.cam from the operators. Thr wa but en session of tbe uh-commictees today, and It . lasted from 2, until o'clock. Mr. . Lwl9 did most of th talking of tbs man at today's session, while all th op erators I on - the ', committee, except President Baer. -of th Readina: -Com pany, took part tn tne general aw eussion. , Mr. Baer was 111 and-left the conference bef ire it adjourned. Durinar th disenssion. Mr. .Lewis says. several of the - operators again refer red to th statement made In confer ence yesterday that aom of the, coal companies -bad been considering? the advisabilirr or asKftw an or th com panies to acre upon a IV per. cent reduction., in -wages because of indus trial condition, insteaa oi . tnraaing about - aa iincsaasf President Lewis further said, that It wa not mad as a suggestion nor as a threat, but was mentioned, the operators told him. as showing how- some of the companies felt In regard to present mining con ditions. , Mr. Lewis told them, he said, that the mln workers would not think of considering snch a preposi tion If It -wor ver -ntaoa,-j -;s ,.; ,v (Continued on Page Four.) - . ' - - ' : - ' DVNCAK N WASHINGTON 6EA- WELt - AND irUNDLEY OCT4 f - ' V 'f i ' - " A fit. " SATS WAEIXirrGTON PAPER. : IlysTHOMAS I. PENCE. : "Waahiagton, Xk. CU- March 1U Na tional Committeeman - Duncan here .today. .He. M course, is work- tog' In the totexesr- f Jiis friend Sea well.. A WashlnBTtVa paper yestv mad -the statemnt' In . Ito , White House column M-i-l Mr. .'Sea well, would not . get A reanpolnlment. It was also stated in the same paper that Hund lev the Alabama appoint for. . 4 Federal Judgeship, who failed of con firmation., would -nt get another ap pointment, from Pre' Jet Tsiv . The .source . f 1. formation : upon whlch.these rrcuict.tns are ir.ade is not known;-. Eo far as is k'owa the Attorney For Defense Just- ifies Shooting . . ; ; . ' PRESERYJlilO.1, HE SAYS Judge Anderson, Principal Lawyer for The Accused Men, Declare "fliat Eltltcr Robln'os Colonel Cooper Had a Perfect Right to Shoot Carmacfc Before lie Flre4 Upon Tlicm. , (By tbe Associated Press.) Nashville, Tenn., March 12. -The stxteen-bich gun of the defense's bat teries was trained upon the State to day with telling effect when Judge. James McFerren Anderson began his argument In the trial of Col. D. B. and Iurbln Cooper and John D. Sharp for, tbe 1 murder of former United States Senator K. W. Carmcalc Judge Anderson, who Is considered the ablest criminal lawyer in the State. Is chief j counsel . for the defense. Strangely enough he was a close per sonal friend and political supporter of Senator Carmack. Although in bad beatThr-and worn with the strain of ten weeks of active work, hi speech today, instead of bedimming is repn tation, has been added only luster to it TWO COOPER Anderson J not a dramatic -orator. He adopts no theatrical devices. He does not speak, in metaphor nor In dulge in' sentimental appeals. Only once did: h . refer to Colonel Cooper the olr soldiers' and not once did (Continued on Pag Five.) years ron Pinson Sentenced in the South Carolina Affray (By the Associated Press.). Laurens, S. C. March If. Over ruling a motion for a new trial. Judge Prince this afternoon sentenced Wsde Cothran Pinson to two years in the penitentiary for the killing of Thorn- well Boyce last November. , Guilty of manslaughter with a rec ommendation to mercy was the ver dict returned by th Jury today in the case. ! The Jury bad beea out all night. Its! deliberation oceupyiag six teen and a halt hour. - Counsel for the- defense .gave notice of a motion ofr a new trial. Pinson was In eonrt and seemed anm6ved by the. verdict. Th Jury 1 reached, an agreement only rew minate before .It reported. Pinson shot Boyce on November C. last.. Boyce had taken supper with Ml Evelyn Brown, a beautiful young wman. with -whom-Ptnson was in fatuated. -I. Pinson' Invitation to take supper .with him had been refused by the girl sad later when all three were driving tn a-buggy, with Boyce. sit ting on Pinson s 1ap the shooting oc curred. The prosecution claimed the tragedy was caused by Jealousy. In flamed by liquori and the : defense claimed the shooting was accidental. ..Pinson to released on a bond of $1, WS, slmed by his father and unci. The appeal will be made to the nigner court on ground of . error of rulings and change of- the-presiding Judge. Thsrty-Fonr Tornado's Death .List ... I - , : '- . - ' - -"Little Bock. Rrk March. 12. The lower house of the Legislator-today passed a bill appropriating 4100.000 to tho Brinkley relief .fund, iiin Clara Read who was inlured. ia the tornado and brought here for tA- mant. died: -today. Th to -increases the total dead: as a result of the tornado to thlry-four. -. v ; -- - Horse Show Thto Year. . -T (Bv the Associated Presai New York. March J13. The -Na tional Horse Show ' Association r of America, at a meeting held here- to lay. adopted resolutions pledging Itself to held a berseshow 1n 10S. - This iflnUly sets at rest rail rumr. to rhe.eftent that th ahorse Shew was to be abandoned.1:.,. ..- MS: III FIEilT CYySEYM OCR FIRED FOB KNOCK- IXG DOW AND; BITING . x;?;?-.'BaJI iyera-to Fight. 'f . h (Bv lihe i Associated Press.) ' - St. Louto. "MB,- March-12. A TJiaatch sneclal from Marun, Texas, says: y" Seymour, center fielder of the. New v York. -National,., League team,, waa discharged by Manager Hey Graw today .fallowing an; rencounter between .Seymour and Arils Xatham, coach of the team.-.'. : -:': -,' . ftcvmonr met Latham. 'In th hall Inading from .their rooms .XO..tha ele vator, knocked him down ana, men tit him on the cheek, according to the fecial, i McCraw wai a witness- to t ,a .a.Trar an 4 I me; ' .'y-ordered toymour tlschar-. i. .-1 . yriaur would hvt r.'.Mrt to say,- nd I - "-"n nil 2"j -tr . J7y w t. OF TflfiirF Politics, Murder Trials Organizations Are tlatters of Secondary Im portce In the Tar These Gentle : Spring fliiy ' cruise, assuming Francisco. that duty at San Steamer Burned to Water's Edge. . (By the Associated Press.) Queenstown. Md., - March 12. The Chesapeake Bay steamboat - Love -Point. Captain Clarke, belonging to the Maryland, Delaware and Virginia Railway Company, was .burned to the water s edge while lying at tbe wharf at Love Point, at 11 o'clock last night No lives wore lost. The Love Point was valued at about $90,000 and was insured. The origin of the fire is un known. . oi o i . Dynamite Caases Panic. (By the Associated Press Columbus, O.. March 12. Albert Freiner. of Newark, who claims to be a brother of John Freiner, member of the LegistAtare, created a panic in a saloon today by pulling out a qTmntity of dynamite from his pocket and an nouncing thcut be was goinavto blow up the State hoase. The pmice arrested Freiner. . FIIIED FOII TRII6 TO FIX JURORS Sensation id Elizabeth - - i . City Arson Trial (Special to News and Observer.) Elizabeth City. N. C. March 12. The case of I. L. Hooper, charged with arson, has been In the hands of the Jury since 3 o'clock yesterday after noon, and yet the twelve, men ,bave eome to no united conclusion. At 9:30 this morning tbe Jury was summoned nerore juage fee Dies ana reported .to 3. This 'afternoon at o'clock they stood 11 to 1. It is generally be lieved and apparently well founded, that the majority stand for conviction. Current opinion to that the one Juror will prevent a verdict : A sensational feature of the case was the arrest of J. H. Pasterfield. a local blacksmith,' on the . charge of tampering with the Jury. He was flne'd 350 and wstsr - - To Meet In Atlantic City. Mobile. Ala, March 12. The Southern : Classification- Committee. which is In session today, announced that the next session will be held at Atlantic City, N. J., in July. - , OFFERS A PURSE AUSTRALIAN 1 WANTS JEFFRIES . AXI JOHNSON TO GET : TOGETHER. (By the! 'Associated Pros.) New York. March 12. Hugh Mel n- tahh, who . promoted the . world's championship prize - fight - between onnson and Burns in syaney. arrtvea today -on the steamer Mauretenia, from Liverpool. Mcintosh onnounjeed be fore leaving Australia that he had a purse of $50,000 to offer for a fiKht be tween Johnson and Jam J. jet tries If the two men would consent to fight for the world's championship in Aus tralia.,. ; i i :'.. Mcintosh .today said that no wuia be satisfied to-arrange for the eon- test to take place in either tfimmad. Franc or Australia., but - preferred Eagland. . H aaid hi ol purpose in comina here wa to see Jffrl4 and try. to lnduce him -to- talc on Johson. His offer or a, tso.oeo purs stooa, nm "Why.-only Mu.OOOr asksd James J. "Jeffrie . scornfully . today, . when told at -Hush Mtflatosh'a proposition to sim s tia.ta sum for a Jertrie Jehnson battle. .- v Jeffries also took exception to; the 'Australian promoter suggestion that the fight take plar In Eusland. !MTla ewffts nurse (does not looh very attractive. ht said. KHow about -th $200,000 ntrmT Whvi ia ' rvndlcat In - BnatO' backed bys responsible men.? ha made a bona fid offer -of a purs f -15u 00 ft for a contest at the Seattle, expos! v "But It to not matter -ef money with -m. All -the - mtKiev i1n the wnrM would not drag me into the ting if I -thwght I -wa goinT- to -o jteKeos tr I . mi tnto -Whan siMtfiowiat could beat Johnson. I'd fight him for nothlnr. . - ,i i t. . f - f j .- 1 wnt never nter tha-rlmr efrain nnls I feel ure that X.have rot back o my old fia-hng form. I shall n"t ficht anvon- unless I, think I can do. myself JusUce.' r . - ; Cans Gets Deciskm. . '. v ' YrY-'tho A iwociatef Press.") . ; Vew - York. March. 15. Joe Gano got t,e i tTr Jaboi White to r - - - t had rone the PLAGE piscno and i Difficulties I of tabcr fM CQ7 KUTS CniilTH LISTS ----- -v, - Some Real Wbie Contestants Arc De voting Most of Their rime to Sccur lug the Totes That Come With Sab acriptioaa,. While' 1 Other Spcutl Considerable Time fa Gatherlu Cp the Dally Ballot Ample June, to Enter the Race anbj Win One of the Forty'-Ftmr Prtee. - ; J - It isn't a. matter xt what Glfford Pinchot thinks of the (tariff oa lumber, nor is It yet a question of what the Jury will do in the Carmack -murder trial In Nashville, or whether tlv. oper ators accede to th demands of the coal miners no. all jot thoM tftina are interesting in their; place, but right now the peoplb of North CaroUaa are interested in one of the greatest -news-paper venture ever undertaken in . this section of. the Country. , That's right, you guessed it the first guess It's the News and Observer's great 310.000 voting contest. .That to the absolute "no more beyond," -the last , word, so to speak; in the, newspaper line.- . . , , ' ; . v ' - ' v - Although this contest is only about a month old. yet it to attaining sropor- . tions and creating- a "styles of com ment over sauer that- stamp tt a being the biggaet hmgr of 'thei '-bind.. . ever attempted -this f wr Suuth. - - But after all. It to only In keeping with tho News and Observer's usual manner uf vv doing things. As a big newspaper -should, it to putting on a Ms; contest. Big- is a small word but as implied to . this contest It means a great deal mors than large. , - , - j scores are Interesting. ' If you are on a train any place In. this State. Just sort of note how eager- Ky those staid old traveling men turn . to the score ewry time It to publish ed. They have friend ia all part ' of tbe State and there tlsnt a district In which some friend to not a, oon testant. Than . if u .look . . 1 mg . enough, you'll see the mi nip out the , coupon which to good if or ten votes. That coupon. With others. Xlnds its way -to the contest department and - som -.1 candidate receives a bost from . aa unknown source all of! which is very pleasant and gratifying to said candi date. :- :- 1,' - - ' H might be Cell to again call atten tion of candidate to the fact that ' a -new rule has been madei regarding th voting. The box at tbe top ol thU story explains it .concisely, but for fear you haven't read tt, the contest ' -man wants to explain again that no - candidate wilt be permitted to lead fr more than 5.000 vote over and above - th score of the leader m .the preced ing publication. That's simple euouca and obviates the necessity " for long ' winded exolanatlons as to the limit . You will not be permitted m cast more than enough vote to put roa " 3.000 ahead of th leader the - last i time the-scores were published. .So - you can look at your score and govern yourself accordingly. .. ... . . - . . Cnuce at Eight prtoea. . It's a mighty big proposition.- this $10,000 voting contest ini which forty four prse are to be siven away. Every - candidate has a - chance ' to - win tbo $2,000 Whit Steamer , (touring car. the $850 Ford touring- ctr, the $710 ; Henry f. Miner orand piano, a 19 piano., a $200 diamond ring, a Mmk account of 310 In casta, a 310 buggy.. or a 350 Turkish rocker. Just remem- . ber that please, you hav eight price In front of yodL The bn. you win - depends entirety -upon- yourself. - . If . you'll oe sattsnea -wtt-a so rocxer. , why just go oat and conduct a. , 31 campaign, but If you're going to make . an effort to win the White steamer. don't .conduct a Turkish rocker, cam paign, that's all.- .-;v j.v what to seemingly proving the most popular feature about this big eon is that It b been so -arranged that five prises absolutely MUST go Into .. each district. That makes a separate and -distinct contest In aacb of - th eight districts;- and wher th oandW . date in , district are alt know". - to each other. .It makes a. nice, davar.. lit- . Ue "folksy sort of a trial of -strength which -leaves no bitterness and -brings forth-only the best efforts of every contestant. - - . ij VVter Snbacrirtion Ttmrs. j-Ht riyw have hen notlcing "tbo score yon will be anrprlBedi perhs ps to note, that many of your friends; wao . are contestants are advL-icln? by leaps only. .That is they don't 3vas-9 a few hundred at a ti".'. ,Not mauV . coupons are being coi.acUd by theau They-are evtanrUy-Tf trrtlon- that -t pays to let the coupons take care of -themselves while the valuable tt.-e required :fortbeir cnI7acuoi .1 srwnt in secarlng ubcr'-t.;-N Voa kntw one new t;uhrcr.;"..,a ' ; i 10.CJ9 votes ni yea triy. t it ;mn ber-of subscrlct.o'9 li ... v -wet re quired -to gather in toat numbed o f coupon vote - -v-, i : 'y :-.VTfcae- to TZU. t H" ---a.. : . i A great many people woo have no Intention of entering the contest rr apparently determine V to win " -t $100 hursr which is crijrti s s a f -Inatlon prize. - A t'r--1 "-. f new r's ia - recr . ) t i , -r t.-.a r

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