v.. . " 4 itl 7 TUB WEATHER TODAY. WKAllllH TmrsnAT'J . IfiTlmiim unnmtnit.' 1 ' Forecast for North Caro lina, fair Friday and Smr dayr warmer' sa Um lav: S4; . minimum temperature. 1 J- 1 .11 a f . I k 1 1 - , e -T I M a . - a a fr- dirain talking northwcflS wlrwl necomlng ligiit ana .vanaDh: XT volume iiXxxvn; no. 112 RAU2IGLI, N. TBtDAX, MAIICn 26, 1909 - mm I --. ! IV I - j - . - i V ) i """"' - 1 rr: ""T"""M""Mg!''"?M"7yr?M"'Tl"' .... "t- ? - -. .T"V - T' r-,-TT ?TV!'gT'C.J-'--" r . ft: '?'"! Gil Protest Against : the Outrageous Treatment of the?Ciffiens by th The (City Executive Com mittee ' 'i VHOLLY p;; UHUlUFlil ED 4IIIFAIH tTho Soap 'lteiairjr j aad Order for HeaiatraUoa Without Xotioc the IJesC - Evidence of the Kecd of J Cotn plrt Chans In U, Administration of IUIeifb Government The Host ' tniportant Contest In tbo CUy'a.JUs r torr--Sliadrachn. rprtmrch, "Jlea. back" Safe and "Abednego". Jonea IUnnlns Their jBteaaa Roller Ovr ttie People of Raleigh Raleigh indignant was seen in the court house last night when, ittlnsult- ed citizens met to protest against the- outraa-eous i treatment -they had re ceived at the hands of the ring mem bers of the eity Democratic executive committee. - Not sinc the days of negro domination ' in Norta Carolina has there gathered together in Rai eUrh a more determined ssssmMy of -her cittseas than that last might. It was a serious body of msn. enthusias tic in the cause, but free from unduS excitement. That meeting : spelled the doom of the present aaministra tioa. r'. - ' . 7 , . "The meeting last night adopted by a rising vote the following -.resolutions of protest and denunciation: - Whereas, the DcmocratJo ExecuUvo Coiwmittef f sbei CU of Raictgtt Nm Monday. March SSnd. called prtmanr of Un Democratic ctthwsw of tnto to noinlitaier -riry omcers. aw March smb. thus giving only eight days' -ikv.snii that. too. tmntediaiclir fal lowing sa elect km In whicb the colo were ho iworora tnas vuey rown nr prcparo for the primary, anu-., Whereas eight days' notice to pri mary Is wholly WMSevnocratic, rkilcn lowfOy nnrrasnnshl- . contrary- to all precedent, maAlfcsUy nniast nnd -viotudy for the porpose of preventing a fall and fair cxpreadow of opnUu; and-- . .'--" - Whereas, n majorlry of the. Denio cratlo Execntlve Committer of the City of Raleigh on-Inst night followed ni bs outragroim treatment of the Den v. mtic citiscn with regard to the lri mary by caJUng n rrgistraUosi. at the demand of the law,hki they obeyed only becaose they mutv regwt ra tion wit boat notice, to be completed i n foar dnrs and to dose with practically no Interval between it and the primary election, a thing nnhcsrd of, and aw M.s4nr If possible In highhandedo hs ilM action &T csOUaw she wtmarr. and Whereas In the same session of t"e Democratic Executive Committee, the Democratic citiaens of this city jvho Kviren change In the city irovernment were denied the riirht representaUves at the poUs 00 primary . .l.vi .lH . . . Vbcrcaa, thk mass mecttnc of the Democratic dtixen of Raleigh desbTes to snake formal protest, against and record off their disapproval the hiirh.handed conduct of the Drmo . mtin exCcnUve committee: therefore, naii: anal That we cast the at tention of tfe DcroocraUc executive Mvnunittc. to th fact that on the face of the Primary election lawi tor the ety o BricUb, fsaion PrMd of at least ten days Is required. (see M-ciloiM 11 and. W) n4 that In the name of decency. Democracy and Jus tice we- demand that the law, be com- RmimL second. That vre ernrcM our pain and regret that a Democratic . exeenUve committee conld bolndnced by beat or led t oy tnose w socm Ho he icoverned only by an inordinate l.. . tnm nAm. tn tUA DOint Of SO. ST- .roganUy efylng. all the standards of precedent, the dictates of - eammoB . sense and Instincts of justice and honor.;. -', ; - -"-.'- uti--:y,.-- W Resolved, -third. Chat we denounce . mm nndemocraucv nniawfmi ana nniaa- tlie action, of the Democratic exevw iie commiUee, - V .... - : - ! - v." - Resolved., fourth. Thai . we ssbmit these facts to oor feUowr Demorratic cttlsens as the oest eviaence 01 tne need of a coninleto change in the ad ministration of affairs In Raleigh, and has m call nnoa then tw com with n into this most important contest in the ritvs history, contest for fair play, a contest for the common rights of free men. a content for a trne and ivthv nemocratio - narty. -a context for better and a greater Raleigh. President Sends in XomlnsUons ' 'fBv. the Associated Press.) i Washington. D. C March 25. The .' President today mads nominations, among -them ;-the : following:: Ambas- sdnr . Extraordinary and - Minuter Plenipotentiary to Italy. John: O, A. Tiahmanr.of Pennsylvania. - nvv Kxtraordlnary and - Minister Plenipotentiary to. Spain. Henry Clay Tila of . Vermont. . , - i Envoy Extraordinary, and Ulnister Plenipotentiary to Argentine Repub-lle,-Charlea H.'Sherrill. Nw Tor : ' Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ef Porto' Rico. Jose Conrado nernan. dex. of Portrt Kleo. - s Associate Justice . of the Supreme DELIDGRATIG DEiJCHilTS Court of Porto Rico, Emilio Toro y Cuv8, of Porto Rleo. WANT TO HEAR DEBATE. Great Demand for Seats at ProtUMNoB ' i Dteooarion. MUvauke. Wfar..' March 25. Ai thouch aeata to the debate between Mayor Rose, of Milwaukee, and Prea Ident Samuel Dickie, of Albion Col lere. Mlchlsaa. on prohibition tomor row night are free, the demand la so great that many offers have been made for ' aeata. The debate wilf be one of three on this subject between the same speak' era. - The second dabate will he In Chicago and th third In some South ern city, probably Atlanta, or New Or leans.-- ' ' ' ' Session1 Has Been Very Successful High Joint, Kf March JS. At the afternoon session of the nineteenth annual convention of the Baptist Wo men s Missionary conrentioT!. a a,ylcfi presidents conference, wae heid. Tol lowed by a mission conference. The "Sunbeams" -also held an Interesting conference. ' - The soeclal features of the night session were tha speeches by the itev Uvinsston Johnson, of Greensboro, and Dr. Porter, of Richmond. Vs.. sir. Johnson's theme was "womanhood.' At this meeting Mr. Johnson was pr seated with a record book wHh all th names of the "Sunbeams" who had contributed to State missions. Dr. Porter's address wss a gem. Hs snd Dr. - WiHingham are very active members of the Southern Its Dt 1st eon' ventlon and keen in touch with every department and hence srs r a cable ox talking along the lines tney chose last night. The convention comes to a close to night with an address at the audito rium by Dr. Masters, thus ending one of the most notable gatherings in the nistory or tns city. - Owing to the unusual large numoer Uf delegates to the convention the services last night were held in the an ditorium of the South Main street school. The sermon yesterdav by Rev. J. W. Lvnch. of Wake Forest was an able effort,- Mr. Lynch being easily one of the most eloanent mm Inters of the Southern Bant 1st conven tion. The excellent qualities of wo- inhood were emphasised by,-aim Her ' .predisposition being to religion, her great munon in the word and tns vast difference between the woman of a Christian nation and those In utter darkness; . her nnsemsh devotion to the cause, etc. Certetyosi Heads Gas Company . corteivou. vx-secretarr of the Tress-1 ury.. waa -today elected president of the Consolidated Gas Co.. of tela city. COT RCTlfiS IX COME TAX BILL HIS OWN, 8ATS ' REPRESENTATIVE ' ' STEVENS. (By the Associated Press.) Washington. D. C Mar. 26. In the House of - Representatives today Mr. Stevens (Minn.) "denied that he was concerned in. the . perparation -of an income tax bill in order , to carry out any policy of President Tait on that subiect. The ' newspaners.' be ,V said, had. given, that impression, J j - Mr. Ste-ens declared himself in fa vor of a modified income tax, and he thought a. bill could be devised which would go 'Segregate the variotis sour ces from which the tax might be col lected as to leave -no doubt aa to -what may be held unconstitutional. -It was, he said, his intention to prepare such bill, bat added that It would be on his own' responsibility, Washington. D.lO. March 25. It waa stated at the White House today tnat President Tart naa not commit - ted himself la any way to an Income lax. eiuivr an an imsneuiace am to ine traasurr or as a nroaneetlva. jneasura pecuvB sneasure Congress at Its to be eonsidered by UCA nMMW. .T-- ; - ' v - - Attorney General Wlckersnam. Who Ulked with President ' Tsft- today. stated that he had not. prepared; any bill for the President concerning tax on Incomes. He is understood to have prepared an- inheritance tax. bill and between now and - next winter may five, attention to. an income tax CUED BAPTISTS Ml TOUT DR. ELIOT SPiiS TiiEiiiDuiiiii Party Comes Fron Chapel Hill by Auto BIG Party Expresses Dctlgbt Wllh Rpcep Uon la the Sonth Cbnalderablo In terest Show la the: Movement of the Prominent Educator and III Companions To Address XegrooH. .(Special to News and Observer.) Durham.. .N. C March 25. Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president of Harv ard . University. - with Mrs. Eliot, ar rived In the city today at noon. They came from Chapel Hill In an' auto mobile, and whi'e In Durham are the guests of Dr. 8. F. Mordecai. member of the Trinity College faculty ' While here -Dr. Eliot will dellvor several addresses, the Bret being this afternoon and the second tonight, and tomorrow night the great educator will be entertained at a dinner given at the Corcoran hotel by the trustees and faculty - of Trinity College. On (Continued on Page, Six.) BUSS HELD Charged With Shooting Jerry Bigford Wilmington, N. C. March Si. As tha result , of the coroner's inquest and preliminary hearing before Justice of the peace in-CsUimli ceo ty We?lfy.'C)seeland Russ, 11-ears old. said to be " rejected -suitor of Miss Squires.1 of Bladen county, was com mitted to Jail without bond at White- Ville. N. C for trial In the State Su perior court next month en the eharge of having murdered Jerry Bigford, a well known young farmer and mev chant. who was shot to death through window In his home, near Free- ma ns, N. C, Tuesday night, and who was to have married Miss squires tns night following the finding ef his body In his home, where he resided alone. A large number of witnesses were examined, including Chief of Police Edmundson, of Chsdhourn. whose bloodhounds followed a trail four miles through swamps and across the river to the Russ home, where three brothers were arrested. ' i Leading attorneys of Columbus county .and Wilmington appeared on both sides at the hearing too ay, ins prosecution urging strongly ; that Jealous afforded the motive and the bloodhounds were unerring, wnue me defense sought to set up sn alibi by tha brothers and others at the Russ home the night of the murder, and claiming that the theory previously adopted by the officers directed the trail of the dogs to the house. Two of the brothers were released from custody, but were recognised as wit nesses for the higher court. Miss Squires, the fiancee or tns aeao man, and her tauter were present ior the inquest,- but neither was intro duced as a witness. All . tha parties to the affair are nromlnent in their respective com munitiea. Cleveland Ruts u being fflR I Uil - PP!'- - P I I taken to Jail at wnitevuie tonignt. outitectea are reponea to nave oeen cut I no violence Is feared., I . Continued on Page two.) WORK NEWBERRY'S PLAN .WILL BE CARRIED OCT BY RECRETARV -.: .METER. ' ! (By the Associated Press.) Washinrton. D. C. March 2. The plan of; former Secretary Newberry for the consolidation' of the work of various navy yards will be conformed to under the present aa ministration and thoroughly tested before ' any preparaUon materially to modify it Is considered. f A- statement to -tnu effect was given out by the Navy De partment today. -,. -.. , ... ;,;..! -It la not tht intention of the de partment," it is decalred in-this state fTcond sation as laid- down by the regula tions and the general orders Issued until thla .plan haa been given tair test-"1- It will probably-be found after trial that many Improvements are de sirable and necessary for the efficiency of the navy in the methods as tenta tively laid down. -It is the, intention of the department, arter a sumciem tjme haa been given to test the plan in its present form, to order a board 1 of officers to mase sucn recommen. I dations as may be found to be destr 1 a Die. . '4 - - r -. ) . I --'. . - - 1 ' Tonapab Steele Paying 110 Percent: ' By the Associated Press. ) i Philadelphia. Pa., - , March 35. An extra dividend of.lv per cent in ad dition -to the rea-ular otf irterlT dlvl- dend of 26 per cent, was declared to-1 confined for about four years follow ..kv k tire.tnrs of . the Tontisah 1 inr his service as legislator, today Mining Company.- ID IS puts tne iki on a dividend Imsls of 14 v per cent. per annum. The stock advanced to 17 a share today.; ; . - ;'. - OEPU D LI C AH S f HOT t All Stirred upf 0er Tk of Democrat I. All Differences Forgottem -In the De termination that the Job Shalt go to One of Their Nam bo IetM Chance for Democrats With Each Day That Passes. . Ry THOMAS X PENCE. 1 Washington. D. C.,;Msreh H. The Intimation by President Tsft that he might appoint a Democrat to the va cant Judgeship, and that he was con sidering the sstnes of two Judges -of the State Supreme Court, haa aroused the ire of North Csrotlna. Republicans, the leaders among whom have assen bled in Washington Jfor the. purpose of exerting themselves, in opposition to any such plan. V jrV. State Chairman Adams and Nation al Committeeman Duncan arrived to day and were In conference with Re publican congressmen from the State, Charles J. Harris, who oined with air. Tsft last night,, and Thomas Settle. . (Continued on Page Tour.) .. IE Willi , -- . r ........ ... ... V .. . . ELEGTI0I1 flESULT Official Count j Does Hot Alter first: nepbrt (Socclal to News and Observer.) Wilmington. X. X,March 25. After a vigorous fig ht In , ViS Democratic -orimasr. oswrito?ajV'.n lnwogm settled down to business, v The official canvass of the vote did .pot changs the resoH aa announced 4 last night. Capt Walter O. MacRae being nomi nated for- mayor over Alderman Mar tin O'Brien by a majority of 1. The ftrst and Hfth wards gave na- lortties for O'Brien, but these were more; tbsn overcome by majorities tn the central wards for MacRae. The aldermen ejected are J. A. Karr and W. Li West, first ward: F. W. Bonits snd Jos. H-j H In ton. --second wsrd; 8. J. Ellis cad Louis E. Hall, third ward: B. O. Stone and V... E. Yopp, fourth ward. In the fifth ward Thomas B. Wll- lard waa elected by a large majority, but a secondary primary is necessary between W. W. King and J. B. Fates Is necessary to th nomination of the second candidate for alderman ;rom that ward. -. '- Old Colonial Home Burned. An old colonial home belonging to R. W. Bordeaux, near Castle Haynes, was burned yesterdsy afternoon, en tailing a loss ef f 2.00, there being no insurance. Mr. Bordeaux had re eently removed to Rocky Point and a negro wss in . eharge of the place. thoaxh Mr.. Bordeaux had much of his furniture stored there and in his cellar had a large amount of fine old wines of rare vintage.'- The fire was from an unknown origin. -x - Strawberries Damaged. Reports from Rocky Point rare to the effect that Btraw berries in that vicinity, were badly damaged by frosts of the oast, two - mornings. ' Berries that were protected are reported dam- tared lo per cent, wmi tnose nnpro .7 FELL IN UNIDENTLFIED - MAN HURT FATETTEATLXE TO RE-OB-GANIZE : SOUTHERN LITE. (Special to News snd . Observer.) Fayettevllle.. JC C. Msr. 25. An unidentified young man of respectd ble aDnearanceriell from a second story .window of . the1 Averltt hotel this morning end was seriously though perhaps not fatally injured.! aa tne re sult of attempung to pun on nis snoes while sitting m the wtndew. The man. it la said, was Intoxicated At a meeting of a large number of clUsens held at, the town. hau today In response to call Issued by E. A. of taking steps to hold the Southern t ifa ivnnia in r.niHk.1 vill. . A - committee of thirteen : reo - resentatlva.citixens was annotated , to bring about the desired results. i ' 11.1 ID! j -If the efforts of this committee areiassume the risk, or tnat sne asxea I law, aad that a portion ot his prop suocesful.t which seems very proba- defendant to pnereese sped she should I owned by his wife and the ki. i, . wnoii tbut tb South. I not recover. ! If they found that the! remainder of he property '"Is. held ble. em - Life ' will , be - re-organised r and ' converted Into : a - mutual insurance company. Kills Himself ost Train. - (By the Associated Press.') -' . Savannah. Ga.. March 25. George H. Bell, a former member of the State I Legislature, .who -gained .notoriety through his efforts to escape (from the State lunatic asylum where he was suieu- mmiteii, luiilub; .11 1" uini I while on a passenger train from Ma l coA to Savannatu -He was recently re- . seo xrom tns asj tum. TAfllFF 0EB.1TE TO . EIID ViEDuESDilY TV- ..'(.'.'..ti.fi'v-r, .K ...... - ij"1: "V;-.' .. I ' ' - til J. , .5. Speeches For and Against Bill Continue III Slicpnard, of Texas, IlecUresJilve Cent Cigar Between Iron Lips" of Speaker Is More powerful Than the v i f 4 I Bis Wicks of n Whole Regimcut of I Tafts and Robaevelts. (By the (Associated Press.) Washington, D. C March 2a. A voluntary odrabwion biT- Mri Vrseland, I or New iork. that he was to some t-x- tent responsible, rer the retention in the Pa vne tariff bill of the counter vailing duty on oil. was the climax of the discussion of the tariff In the House today. POWER Mr. Vreeland had sat for some 'Urner1" Pwfoce has been under consld- and heard various Insinuations-' that thst duty which some have character ized as a "Joker" was. to be levied sole ly in the interest of the Standard OH Company. . This he denied, aad ex plained that his action was In re sponse to reouests from thousands of bis oil-producing; constituents an-1 in behalf of $90,000 others engaged in (Continued on Pags Six.) 1 1 ) . IDEE TO DIE 111 ELECTRIC CHI Judge Scores the Convict- ed Negroes (By the Associated Press.) Powhatan, Vs., March 3 Judge Hundley today, sentenced to death Ishaai and Joseph Taylor and Lewis -Jeiiltfi-whw-wre-wmvletedr day of having murdered. Mrs. , Mary Elizabeth Sklpwltn and -1 Waiter G. Johnson. They will' be electrocuted April 30ta in the penitentiary at Rich mond. 1. 4, Win. Brown was today on) trial for murder, and John Brown, his -father. will be tried tomorrow for arson and burglary, both capital crimes In. Vir ginia. John Brown Is the man sen tenced last evening to fifteen years Imprisonment for complicity in the Skiowith murder plot. In sentencing the prisoners Judge Hundley said: I would be: false to mv convictions of duty if X failed to utter some words of warning to your people. The savages who once roam ed over this land never planned a massacre with more cold-blooded pre meditation or execuated it with more heartless cruelty. Tou were not strangers to the map-1 or to the aged and helpless woman you murdered. but you lived almost at their doors and fed upon their bounty. Tou cams to their door In the night time and with the voice and language of mends you called them to the door and shot the man down, brained the good 01a Way with an axe, dragged her body down the steps like the carcass of a slaughtered beast and burned them up In their own dwelling, in an iiKennooa while still alive. The most discouraging and shock- Inr feature of it la that so many, of you in the same neighborhood could be induced to engage t in 11;; mat u could be conducted with such pro found secrecy and la resmrded ay your people with such indifference. Viewed in tnat ltgnt it assumes n dark and sinister aspect; marks aa 1 epoch in tne .metery -en-yewr-znen u I - ContTiued on Page Two. r - LOSES HEB HDVEL SUIT I WOMAN HURT WHILE RIDING IN FHTSICIAirS AUTO FAILS TO RECOVER. ..J (By the Associated Press.). New Tork, . March SB. The some what novel legal question .whether owners of automobiles 1 are liable- for injuries suffered by their guests while speeding was raised in a suit tor z. sss damsaes brousht against Dr. Ju lian P. Thomas, ,the aeronaut; - which I was.doeided in his favor here -today. The suit was brought toy Miss Frances Haas, who was riding WHO uri Tixwn- when his machine waa wrecitea against a telegraph pole -two . years ago. She Tost a leg and . was ojner- I Justice Brady eld that it Wa for nm mrr ta omuii wanner Drum inc 1 plainurr unimea ine ram m. n. n- I when she entered the defendant a aa - I tomoblle. If they found tbAt ahe did aeienuani reca""y -- otuuu h, and against the protest or tne piamun exceeded proper, speed, theiyerdlct should be for the plaintiff, "The Jury decided that Miss Haas could no re cover damages. ;Xr. kick on Northern Man. -bv the Associated Press.) Waahinrtan. D. C March 2t.' RP- reseat atlve .XUerbcof South frI Una. called upon President Taft.today atorm.-followed by halt and later to ask that the appointment of Hswil,,, 4l tbe dsy there-was a second hall ard N.CasseL.a sonof Reffresenta. I .dower. The wind and ram did con- Uve CaamelL of Ponnsylvania, aa .post-1 slderable damage, especially to awh master at Florence. 8. C be hsld npings.'. There was no great damage In ter ten days, ;Mr. Eueroee toia, tne CDuTEST COu 17 Close of Bonus Offer Shows They Have Llade Histakirt epll Avoid in The future, ButTh wo Wth Proper Spirit Are j ilot Weeping of Blunders of theast President that he understood Mr. Cas sel hsd been see let ed for the place by Postmaster General Hitchcock. After his Interview. Mr. Ellerbe said tba President had agreed to hold up the appointment for two weeks if necessary. Mr. Ellerbe declared Mr, Caasel was not a resident of the State but was residing there only tempora rily in a business capacity. The Flor c ration for some time.' Rot-fcefellcrs Leave Angnsta. Augusta. Ga.. March lb- John D. Rockefeller and party. Including Mrs. Rockefeller. Mrs. Spelman. Master John Rockefeller Prentice and Miss Mathilda McCormick left here today for Hot Springs, Vs.. Rve Women Are Placed Under Arrest (Special to Nsws and. Observer.) Rocky Mount. N. C March 25. For an -alleged violation of . both the State end-cky lawsy n-raiff of the red ugni aistrici 01 tnts city was mane last Might by, officers J MJ Reams, (X Q. Hedgepeth and H. X. .Hedgepeth. and as the result five women,, namely Daisy Harris, Mae Wilkins. Emma Wood. Audrey Wilkins and Gladys Lupton are - held under fifty-dollar bonds for their appearance In recor der s court tomorrow morning upon the charge of running, ""i being oc cupants of sl bouse of til fame. . The first -- two women, sre held upon 1 more grave charge than the remain Ing three, as they, sre not only oc cupants but proprietors of the houses, and if this is proven, the State li.w in the matter will make it hard lines for them. The rajd was made last night be tween nine and ten o'clock and the inmates of the houses were locked up for a possible half hour while their bond was being arranged. This is the first move upon' the part of the ad ministration to rid the city of this vice and according to Instruction ts sued this norBins the police will make other ai rests if they do not shake the dust of the city off their feet, and that a an early date. The Harris woman is an old offend er, and has figured in the courts of this city before. It la understood that the Lupton rirU who gave her age last night to I the police as nineteen, is not over- fif- teen years old. and that she was brougat to this city about ten days ago from Richmond. However, she does not claim that city as her home. Her case may be more thoroughly in vestigated, aa to when and by whose hands she came into this deplorable career, and there may be developments from "this phase that will make mat- em a r rassing to someone. M 111 SORRELL CASE j DURH AM EX-POLICEMAN .TO . SEEK FREEDOM .UXOR. IN SOLVENT DEBTOR'S OATH. (Speclsi to News and Observer.). , Durham. N. March 26.7-Prepa- rations are being made for a new move in the case of Albert V. Sorrell who is being sued by Henry F, Ed wards Tor'flO.BOO on the; charge of alienatina- the affections of his Wife and destroying the peace and happl ness of his home. Sorrell U still In Jail and It la now' aa fd ; that on, April lith. that being twenty days from the cation will be made for the release of the .defendants on the ; Insolvent uuwr wvuk t -r- r -r.:r.: :s 1 Sorrell alleges that he Is not worth anything above - the 50-allowed by vlntiy py mm ana nw wus, ana tnat k,nnot dispose of ssme except by BiKnature' of his wife, and that be doe got own, in the meaning of the i., anything' above the-limit of the octiper. Notice has been, given that application- wilt be made tor the in solvent debtor's oath on April ISth, thexpiraUon of the twenty days ,1m- prisontnentr ;-..:-; This morning, u at an - early hour, there was) uite a severe- wind and 1 side the eity, however. ; v .0 1 f.lany Contestants Where AM IS JII5T ft, - -r-, y Contest Department Is Working Stead ily On Trie Bonus Bosroees Turned in Cp to Wedpesday Midnight and the Bonus Votes Will Re Mailed USncceadrnl Contestants Within a Few Days Anxkws for Another Bonus Offer, -j With plenty of time still remainiiu? - for candidates tot enter the News and Observer's great 1 10,090 voting con test, with the bonus period just closed making many ' ( present contestants - happy, enthusiasm is assuming such . proportions now that an exceedingly torrid time may be expected from this time forth. The end of the first bonus oeriod ; 1 has shown .many where they made their mistakes. Of course, the great majority of contestants utilised the -first great opportunity to such good purpose that they slept the sleep of the peaceful and victorious Wednes day night, bnt those who did not se cure one or more clubs of five are by - no means dismayed. Their failure to - take advantage of tbe first offer, while . temporarily discouraging, '. has in .no ;' way affected theit determination to get their share of atiy.. succeeding bonus offers that- may be made. . Already the query is : frequently being, msde...- .-wnat is your-nett -offer gotng to be? When will It henade2rI-With js buU- , doggy tenacity worthy of the greatest . admiration the centrstants who failed - on the last offer,! are goine after any , future opportunities that may be pre-. Rented. -And this is because of the . fact that the first) period may be con- . aidered as being almost wholly edu cational. , They knew now what things -to avoid. j .. When at Man is Down. ,t; - And after all, what's ths use of.be- -, ing discouraged ?)' A little rebuff, a - - slight set' back.-4 trifling disappoint ment are all but the acid testing -of the pure goldl of a man's resolu tion. In this world It haa been dem-.. onstrated that there is no failure ex cept in no longer, trying. Some ge- -nius who knew, embodied the fighting. winning spirit is a rollicking little ditty .several years ago, and he named-. It "A Man's Never Down. "Till He's Willing to Stay.") Experience. would .y. seem to prove that this is true. And by that same token it is usually found to be the man who has undertaken nothing worthy pf great considera tion, j - . The game is Just growing Interest- -Ing now and manor a game is won in -the ninth inning. And K's always the. extra-inning games that prove the real merit of those who participate. Work ' is one of the best remedies on earth for mental disturbances. If you're . worried because you didn't get tn on the first bonus offer, make a firm resolve to try the work curs today. Stand up straight land squarely on the two feet that God gave you. looa every man fearlessly in the eye and pro- Claim your purpose honestly, heartily and with a spirit of thst. confidence In your own Mllty which begets con fidence in others, t ';'.',.,.., Look to Tne Future. Regretting past mistakes is a most woef nl waste of valuable time that can be employed so profitably by going " straight ahead and avoiding the mak ing of those same mistakes a second time. So therefore It Isn't good busi ness to - be constantly looking - back- . ward.- Edward Bellamy made a for tune bv "Looking Backward," but Lot's wife only made her salt. - Merely , a difference in- people, lime ana con- - ditions, that's alM Which pronrpts the thought that while every dog may have his day, the kind of day de pends largely upon the sort of dog- - So now its time, to forget tne pasc - and devote your -time to. the future. Get. busy right now. Every candidate has heard over and over again the , meaningless words:' "No, I can't sub scribe, but ru do ail aa- to help you." - They.( have- heard . the werda ' so- many times, and noted .th expres slon that accompanied them that they can almost-te4i at ie-glance just aosut -what a man is going to say when he : is approached, u w . an experience that is as commonly recurrent, aa the rising of the. sunonly it's a Happen- -ing. of greater, froquenejt,-' - "V; ' A Ready Anawer. . . . , - . ; i But : tbe-wise ttontestants are not : -aisconraged by this aort; of "help." They have -an answer "- wady' which goes something Uke this: -well. 4 if you really want to i help- me, show that you mean It; If yon don't subscribe, . you don't .mean I. anything at all. There's only one way for yon to-be of any assistance, to ime and .'that Is to subscribe to tbe Ki m and Observer. In . which ease the pretended friend must either v, "come aroas" or vir tually Admit that' Ms-conversation -was composed' solely" of soft southern zephyrs, jsr jatbet,- a' Is 'vulgarly, known, common ' eld, ,;hot' air And then -there 'to another class of friend yon win meetv He hr the gen tleman whose- promises manifest tach an' alarming; tendency o take the re ; i (Continued ' on, Pag Two.) r ( '-

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