s. aii i-Je. Sf I'll t WEATHER jTWTRHIMT j Maximum temperature. Forecast for -XortH Ceo II na. Increasing rioadlnctis and warmer feaiurday. prob ably showers Sandsyt morl rate to brisk soaUi wind. .! fi: minlimim .tMnperetnre, IM; total ueeipttmlon tor hortrs , ending p. mate, , .-: v- : t VOLUME IiXXXVJI, NO. 113 EALEIGII, N. CrSATUKDAY, 2T ABCJI 27 1009 t , FBICH 5 CENTS all: North CktoHeal 7 M V - '-il O ; IB TilFF vBILL Worst Ever Submitted to JAmerican Congress ;.- HISffiEUlllpp BeprawotsUre From tbe Fourth JH . trlct Shows Complete Oomprcbtfftw abm of Ills Subject and In FroqneiU IntermptioiMi Dfapligr Perfect Graqs of the Qaestioo. " , j By THOMAS JT. FENCE. ' Washington, O. March 26. Hl resentative Pou. a member of h Ways and Means Committee, spoke for an hour and tea minutes in the House this afternoon, critically analyzing the Payne tariff bill, which he character teed as "the wont tariff ever submitted for the consideration of an American Congress." The Representative . from the Fourth, who has given nearly all of nl time for the -pat six months in the study of the tariff, bad the whole sub ject at is fingers' ends. He was in terrupted scores of times, such men as Boutelle and Hill, plying him with questions, but be more than held his own. Much applause greeted his re marks, and be was heartily congratu lated by the Democratic side when be concluded. Champ Clark declaring that he bad made exactly the right speech. The North Carolina Senators fceard sir. Pou, and shared , in these congratulations. ' Jioc Favored by Taft. i - A feature of sir. Pbu's remarks that attracted much attention was bis sre dlction that the President does not favor -the schedules In the pending bill. In this connection the speaker said: - "If Instead of lowering .these ridicu lously high schedules, you permit them to remain as they are, while you increase- other schedules on the necessi ties of life.-If you permit your Stand ard oil countervailing duty to remain. If you decline to change section 19. which nobodv understands, but which may take millions out of the treasury, if you permit your direct Inheritsace trvx, operating as a double tax--in 3S states, to remain unchanged," if you insist anon taxing tea utsteaa or peer. I predict that your own President will I nmrer itlrnirmir bilk kca. nut aside -all considerations of party .policy party advantage. . It la all right to be ' a good Democrat: it Is all right to be a ' good Republican: it is better still to be a good American.. Declaring that he hoped to see "the day when no American Industry wil need anv protection." Mr. Pou i saad that this is a question -which rises or ought to rise above party. He thought the question ought to be submitted to gome non-part lin body of men sworn to adjust duties in the interest of all the people. - . ,; Concluding Mr. Pou said: " Shall we legislate In behalf tit special interests or for all the peo ple of the nation. This is the ques tion now submitted to every member of the sixty-first Congress.- Takes Issue With Payne, (By the Associated Press.) Washington. D. C, March 26 Whn the tariff bill was laid before tne House today Mr. Humphrey: of - Washington, took issue witn some . statements by Mr. Payne In his open ing speech regarding the number of Orientals engaged in the lumber mills . of British Columbia, Mr. Payne, he said, left the imnression that - there were fewer Orientals working in such mills there than In the State of Washington. That statement waaer roneous. he said. He declared that over 60 ner cent, of the men engaged in the lumber and shingle mills of British Columbia were- Crlentals who were paid lower wages than American mill laborers, and that, therefore,, the cost of production was less. - On the authority of Mr. Forqney, nssenea cnas w..- -j n.nut ti.mhcr nut on uie free list. I were men Interested In Canadian tlm-1 ber while -those who aaaeo ior tne i retention of the ".Dingier duty wore I men interested in timber in the United States. . . " - . . . L We eught not fo .. nesuate tong ouebt not ' to . hestlate nhon that Question is presented, ne said, "as to who we, shall legislate for.' jur. Fordnev. of Michigan, a mem bar of the Committee on Ways and irun. and an avowed high pro tec tlonist. discussed at length the lumber scheduler He denied that lumber from the Southern States was - going into Canada in any considerable quantities exceDt long leaf yellow pine Freteht Bate Real Bar. ;jlr. Fordney admitted, in response to a question by Mr. Bartlett. "T of Georgia,' that -whether the duty .on -iiimber was Increased, lowered or re moved. Southern lumber -could not be. carried Into the territory north the- Ohio river hi" competition with Canadian lumber because or promt Iva frolrht rates. . ! Mr.- B lay don and Mr. Hardy. "of iiiirM h ' thev had good reasons to believe that a lumber trust or combination docs exist to fix the price of lumber. . v i.t k. in Ka infMhcF lknsiness .in i was a bov" said Mr. Fordney, and I have never known or a wm- ber trfrt. f -;- ' fc ' , WiroWne-r declared that there bad hn a verv marked downward tend- ' ency In the price of lumber during the past two -years, . and admitting him aeif to be a lumber, maaafacturer. be tr the dutr on. lumber was taken off. his company would close Its saw ' mill with ihe result that Ita 20 m .ninvea would be thrown out of work and the miU b kept idle until better times. He said in response to '-a question from Mr. RansdeU. (Louisi ana) that much of the complaint of the present duty on lumber comes (Cootiaaed on Page- Two.) j DIE QUET 10 Ml. ELIOT'S DO HUnyof Stato's Foremost lien Attend THE UUIX OF VISIT No little Mcri iaet Occaslooed by the) 1 Plea of the Distinguished Educator Aid to CoUcces aad Uni- I at Trinity, a Secrtariaa for State versltles School. (Special to News and ObsorveO N. C Mar. 16. The ban Durhtun, quet tonigut at the Corcoran Hotel is honor of President Eliot, of Harvard; was really j the feature of his coram here. It was the close of his visit, a grand elimax to a stay af two days in which be as thoroughly covered thsl town as was possible to have done. The banquet was the tribute of the trustees of the faculty of Trinity Col lege and began at eight o'clock. Just preceding the festivities there were introductions of the limited party la the parlors, ef the Corcoran and an Informal gathering of Harvard men. When the company entered the din ing room it found Harvard and Trlrv- tty decorations, the flair of the col-1 leges showing off prettily. Rev. lr. JT, C. Kilgolof the college officiated. (Coa tinned on Page Two.) riijiinEETS Ml mi DEATH Clothing Catches in the Uachinery at James City. CSpecial q Hewn and Obarrr.) .T.M ; &H. 1a - ST - F MW- st , Joseph E- HaVk. a prominent lumber man, mat a , horrible-and Instantane- ous -death In his own milt In James City this- morning. He went to the mill early on account of some repairs and was assitlng In putting on . a heavy belt when a set screw on the Shaft caught his overcoat. He was whirled around the shaft and his life beat out against the floor and another shaft about two feet away. Both legs below the knees were beaten off and the body fearfully bruised and cut. The mill was shut dowp at once and the body removed from the shaft. Coroner Jones sum moned a jury, beard the evidence. the verdict being that Mr. Hawk came to an accidental death, due to his own Mr. Hawk was about forty years old. coming here 12 years ago from TlA.nn-llianlo T7a mtllA Ilia IntMNMil In the nine lumber company recently. purchasing the Bailey mill In James City. He was just getting the mill in oneratlon when he met bis deatn. He leaves a Widow and five children. KIDWEH III SHU EVERY PRKCAtPTIOX TAKEN TO GUARD PBIfiOSEB FROM POSSIBLE HARM. (Br the Associated Press.) Ifereer. Pal March - i. Heavily manacled to Sheriff Chess and guard ed hv aAveral detectives. James BOvtC. " riZ ""Jw th Mercer county jail, nsi wiie. ii wuu, " be brought here from Wttobuxg o- morrow, nu twun. -" malty arraigned on a charge of kid- I napping in a few days. 1 - Boyle feared violence on his arrival i ln fiercer and on the Journey irom Pittsburg asked Sheriff Chess II ne thoueht the crowd wouia narm nun. The nrlsoner looked greatly relieved when ne saw on 17 a scauenns vm. neonie at the Mercer station. Boyle was hurried into a waiting bus and taken to the Jail, where, be was lock I --j Di.cd In front of ed in a oell on the second tier. Boyle's cell, and a patrolman win oe stationed outside the jail an nignt. sheriff Chess said 'that the Jail would he guarded until the trial ox ine Boyies was over. - The, officials anestioned the pris oner snout ms wits s juenuiy. uoi other than to! say that mere was no question about the fact that be wag married, he would say running. f INSURANCE MAN COJmCTEB. Found Gallty 1 of Embesilement and I . . Sent to Fetenuary. I . t RnMtai to Kesrs and Observer.) I . 7 FarettevUUt. N. C-March 2s. M. y. Ecott..a local insurance xni 1 convicteo- in tne tsupenor court pi em f beszllmeni outwo counts, an'd . hulTJi'Z"":"", " been wt'ttOt iWlffMTJ3M one case. whBe -Judgment was ans-1 , ln JWilkea federal ce pended in tbe fotber. He was acojilt- tedv on. a charge ot raise pretense. Taft tor Ship 8absidy.: : (Br the Associated Pr Washington. D. C Afar. ts-PresJ dent Taft has given authority to. have, his name used as avorins the shtD- subsidy. .The President will discuss ship-subsidy In his message to the next regular session of Congress, TOOPEIIISL B 1,1915 Colonel Goclhds Sets this as the Time HFT 17HUTS IT BT Chief Engineer of Canal Cosnmisskm Says He WW Do All That Can be Poae Gives IU Bsawons tor BeUef In the Lock System Explains Re ceat SUde. (By the Associated Press.) Washington. D. C. March 26. Chairman Qoethals, f the Isthmian Canal Commission, who Is about to re turn to Panama, said today - that the 300 feet oX embankment of the re-built Panama railroad tine which. yster- A a vm Am nn t (. ha. fwtm PaLui MnAPt bad settled about thirty fart, was a mile and a half from the Oatum dam. 1 and therefore, baa no direct bearing in connection with the coastruetlen ef that portion .of the -canal water ways. The settling occurred at j a place where the -re-located road la being constructed aver a swamp. The road is being raised from a height of six feet to nlnety-Ove feet above sea Level. 'Unless these Is some unforeseen difficulty such as labor trouble or an (Continued on Page Four.) UILLE BANK MSt III lit Judge Uewrnanof Georgia Will Preside ! (Special to News and Observer. AabeviUs. X. C. March Z. An other round, and probably the last. In- the. notable First XaUonal Bank of Asnevlite cases, involving William K. tfroese. tne president of the de funct institution: B. K. Dickerson. one of the directors, and William H- Pen- land, the -cashier, will be beld here in June when.Judge William T. Newman, of Georgia, comes to preside over the trial of the three defendants under in dictment, rharglnc conspiracy to wreck the bank. ! Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller, of the United Statea Bupreme court, has issued s warrant calling a Special term of the United Status Circuit and Dis trict court to be held here commencing "June 14 or as soon thereafter as Is practicable and continuing until the business before said court is con cluded. Chief Justice Fuller then designates Judge Newman, of Atlanta. to preside. While no intimation is had in the warrant relative to the purpose of the special term, it Is known that the term is called for the trial of what Is commonly termed "The Bank Cases." Judge Newman, who spent the sum mer here last year, and who presided over a special term of United t Stat court for this district which coiv tinuad for several weeks, will again spend the summer In Asheville and tt is probable that aside from the; "Bang Cases," other cases involving both criminal and civil business will be 1 disposed of. i Xew Artesian WcU at LaCraner. taOruin N. C. March 2. Jno. IT: Rouse has just completed a drilling and struck a tiae vein of water at a depth of 116 feet The well Is not of residences, to which pipes i have I already been laid and water works in stalled. BIG VmSTOIl REALTY DEALlLHIOIR PASTOR ISPS WACHOVIA COMPANY PAYS RECORD PRICE FOB TWIN CJTY PROPERTY. Winston-Salem. N .C. March 2 One of -the largest and most impor tant real estate deals ever made in this city has Just been consummated by the Wachovia Loan and Trust Com pany by which It becomes tne owner or the Clark and Ford corner. ' just northwest of the court house square. The consideration waa f SO, 000, the lot belnw 25 bv feet. This Is said tq be the hlarhest nrlce with one excen - tion. for anv. real estate ret sold In North Carolina. . , k J. L. Redweic of Warren county, today purchased the entire business of the Forsyth Hardware Company in this city, and will locate here, i ' 1 A. C. Wall, of -this city, has lnstl - xutea a !, man mi hwj county against the Southern Railway eompaay. The piaiaun alleges tnati f .fr? on-loi:iV: tw 'itthV Menu prSJ at keSper to fill p si eight foot sewer day. The high winds d dUtUa dam AtatromJ TonttS 8am loitc when in some way they were age. but the air .was flltod with sand 17 TmtbVYnd Jaaa. S jSS I backed Into the dltoh. , A?ter hard and dust and mostol the day with VlttX "y0 prs bor. was convicted of breaking intol 1 the postoffice at - KnottsvlUe.-, Wilkes a sentence an 4toje, road orvbreaklng Into a store. Pay,! dili hits 11. U. liLrUULlbUiiO Those in Tar iHesrOeler Snation in Tlnht Place M MiliST PBOSES Measure Wlurh Fasors 3tew England Faroes Them to Oo Conlswry to All The? Promised During Caui- ! palgn Taft SUH Flaylag a Crafty . ' . . , A .IfMfL. 1Whl C null . By THOS. J. PKXCH j I Washington. D. C. March J. The I sectional Republican tariff bill, which I : ... ' 1 . f s being debated in the :Houae. is the pccaslon of much embarrassment to Ptorth Carolina Republicaas, and es- toeclaljy the three newiy elected lie- furucan congressmen irom tne tato. Not a one of them wilt defend the neosure. and they cannot but admit hat It discriminates against North Carolina products. And when voting lme comes they will bve to line up against tneir parry to .square mem lelves with constituents at home. 1 Tne ucpuDucan party, in tne state jinder the leadership of former Sena tor Prltchard sought to make the tariff the issue on which to win. lie (Continued on Page Six.) Ell'IlEIITfllil Only Lacks $4,000 to jGain $100,000 Mark By ANDREW JOYXER, I snruiilin.A "V A r W K me D.. I V. Z . ' -. i W. M. Cnrtia. JCxeWrj!3r.d treasures! of Greensboro Female' CoUdg. has devoted much- time j financial Sftent in raising the tlvO.eon enUow- mrnt fund for the college, says that only $4,000 is now necessary to reach tne point where the whole amount will be available by the offer of Mr. Carnegie to give 2 5.00 when 975.000 $( secured, and since that offer B. Si Duke has guaranteed (10.000 when ICa.eaO was raised. peaking of the noble and generous (Continued on Page Six.) HELD Oil 8RAVE CHEF MAN GIVEN HEARING ON i CHARGE OF RAPE OF YOUNG GIRL. (Special to News and Observer.) Troy. N. C. March 26. A prelimln ary hearing was held In the court house before I -R. IJak. J. P., here to '.day In the case of State vs. John D. j McDonald, charged with assault with intent to commit rape on the- daughter of Thomas Baldwin, who lives near Pekin. N. C. The defend- f was also charged with pracUcg i medicine without license from the 1 Bo&rd or Medical Examiners of the Medical Society of North Carolina. Through his counsel, J. R. Blair, the defendant waived examination and was committed to jail in default of 17,000 bond. The defendant claims to Ibe a doctor and Baptist minister. and says that he came from Virginia. THE REV. R. P. WALKEB QUITS t BAPTIST CHURCH OTHER I ' NEWS. (Special to Kews and Observer Lenoir, N. C, March' 2. -Rev. R. P. Walker, pastor of the Baptist ehuToh. has tendered his resignation as pastor and the date Is set for May 15th. Mr. Walker has : been pastor and has made many friends during his stay. Many people who do net be - i long to his congregation regret to I hear of his resignation, as he is universally liked. As yet he has not Idecioea wnere ju wiu go, as ne nas I had several flattering offers. w evening Dr. Arch C. Cree, of i (hZFfAr.im ummi Rnavd nt th 1 okhern Rantlst Convention, deliver- -A a lecture at the Baptist cburah on mia-ion work in foneign. fields. About thtrty minutes was ' taken p with thtrty minutes was ' taken p - with - stereopUcon views or the work, being i rnnim loiKta ' "w'.f " 'r " ' - ' . . s - a nan ssaars ss vpnarnsv sa. KBgun hi 1 . . "T " I nrn kind .hi!. d.uii a woAln-'the. tbe fanimal. and harness. v It doesn't uke much to satisfy most 6. Finn 1 f -'v ..,.. ;:05.LfiiiiLLiT0 DL UU1ULU lUUlli Trinkets Vill be Interred With Her UYSTEflY JOOT BOTES Dramatic Incidents Mark Transfer of the Body From Washington Home to the Railroad fits tloa -Body to Be Interred Today at Family Buryia G rounds. Washington. D. C March 2. In the folds of bcr shroud, the material evidence of the death, secret of Mra l w tm a 1 . Pierre Lorillard. Jr.. Is seated with her body, tonight on Its final Journey to the grave. The funeral party left the Lorillard residence at S o'clock this afternoon for New York. At the old home of the Lorillards, at Ir-vington-en-the-Hudson, the casket will be Interred tomorrow. The denartiire from the eitv furn ished another f the dramatic events! which have characterised the death by suicide ef this prominent woman. At the very hour when the lirst social circles of the capital, in which Mrs. Lorillard had been accorded such a prominent part, were crowding the aristocratic Massachusetts avenm-. the body of the dead woman was driven (Continued on page live.) TODUILDDOOIIIIM'S EJ CITY CHT Board of Aldermen Award Contract Durham. N. C, March 2 There arna enoptnl meetins Of the boara - . . . I of .cly jildwroen last wfc tlwe- the : proposition . of .acaepung.1 nlans for the new city market was nunxi. Hill C. Linthicum was award ed the contract and it was also de cided that bids for the erection of this building should be advertised at -and that the bids should be opened on April sth. At the next meeting of the board, this to be held en next Monday night. the question of considering plans for th new municiDal building and Arademv of Music will come up. It is known that there will be several architects bidding on this' lob. The idea, now is to have the market house work begin within a month and the municiDal building is to be completed in time for the opening of the fall and winter show season. Thieves who steal meat are still busy in this section. Last night the intruders made bold to enter the smoke house of Alderman J. B. War ren, on Watts street, and there stole a let of meat From ail sections of the county there come stories of rob beries. It is thought that the bunctt is working out from Durham, but no arrest has yet been made. Miss Madge Mershon. who Is an nounced to become the bride of a Georgia cotton broker at an early date, was today taken to the Long sanitarium at Statesville, where it is feared she will have to undergo an byP,MErin. wiVoT operation for appendicitis. She was Col. J. Harper Erwin. with whom Miss Mershon has made her home for several years. It was hoped that the operation would not be necessary. but Dr. Long is the family physician of the Rrwins, and it was thought best to take her there for the opera tion. It Will be a day or so before tbe facts can be developed. SL! ALLPOX DELAYS COURT JUDGE COOK ORDERS JONES COUNTY COURT POSTPONED. NEW BERN NEWS. (Special to News and Observer-) New Bern. N. C Marah 2. Tba newly organised bank of Morebeadj City, located at Morehead City, opened Lfor , business:, .on .Wednesday. The bank has a capital of 110,000.00 paid ln and Js the only bask in Morehead- 1 City since the failure or the Bana of CarUret T. D. Morton is psesi- dent. and E. H. Gorbam cashier of the new Institution. On account of an epidemic of smaii pox, Jones county court, which.. was tq open on Monday, March 29th, has been, postponed indefinitely by Judae C. it. CoeJte. For some time assail 1 pox nas ragea arounq -iTenton. the I county sai, u ff" I ant Innrnw tmnch. so it was tnaugac - h. to oostnowe this term of ooirt I I for tbe DBeent- i " i I March did herself justice on Thur .'5' .rrn. .u!5T: IHr. niaved out la wlnd.Tbut the -day I Fas a typical Karen oar in every. r ninr in f;i The Human Yeast Cakes These Occasions, And They Will Reap the Re ward of Effort Judicionsly Expended in This Great $10,000 Contest low, as it always Is when a south or southwest wind blows, and many small boats .were high and dry on the shore. Party Going; to Montana. Statesville. N. C. March 26. R. 3. Carson. H. M. Jordan. C. C. Mllsaps. J. R. Brewer. J. P. Query. J. V. Wood ward and a C. Williams, ail of the lower edge of Alexander county, left Statesville Wednesday for Helena, Montana, where they will locate. While the majority of the part are young men. one or two of them have reached middle life, but all believe that they have better chances to suc ceed In the Wst than Uuy would have in this seotion. All have secured po sitions in the vicinity ef Helena. Some will farm others will work on cattle ranches, and one or two will work for a railroad company. IWIHI I'll I Arthur Hill Holmes Dis- covered in Store (Bpeclal to News and Observer . ; vumingxon. in. v., siarcn zs. Arthur mil Holme, a weUinewn w- Wilmington. N. C, March if. cat grocer, prominently connected here and in this section e? the Btate. was found dead In the ' office of nls store early this afternoon, death hav ing resulted from apoplexy.' A salesman In the store went to tins rear office to see Mr. Holmes and was shocked to find htm dead upon the floor. He was a son of tne late owcn Holmes, of Wllmlagton. and was 47 years of age. He is survived by ms widow, two sons and three young -laughters, also two Drome rs ana two sisters The funeral will be con ducted tomorrow. In the second primary for a second nominee for aldermen in the fivih ward here today J. B. rales won out over W. W. King, at present one of the representatives from that ward, by a majority of 23 in 678 votes cist. Fales is generally regarded as a pro hibitionist, while his opponent was on the other side. The fight was a bit ter one. nearly as many votes having been polled as in the general primar Wednesday. GETS DEATH SEliTEflDE -; r FOURTH OF THE AI.IJi?GFT POW- HATAX NEGRO HTROEREBS TO BE ELECTROCUTED. iBv the Associated Press.) Richmond. Va.. March 26 William Brown, the fourth of the alleged Powhatan negro murderers and "fire hum." anrument in whose case was concluded yesterday evening, was to day found guilty of murder In the (r-mt dm. the oenaity tor wnicn ia t in the electric chair. The grand jry today brought In a true bill against John Brown, a son oi n Hum for murder. -John Brown was Immediately placed on trial and tbe bearing of testimony which Is practically the same as that on the previous trials. was begun. .. i e .Golf at Aiken,- & C. (By the-Associated -Press.) JUkan. K. C March 2C. The fe'outh em Cross cup .was won today by R. C. Watson, of West Brook, over H. A. Sands, of the home elab. in a roatoh mar of St holes. Mr. Watson made the excellent score of 75 and won toe cup on. the cabin hole. The greatest lataeaat . ore vailed tnrooffnouc tne matah mm between Bands and Wat son. Large -crowds came -.to the city to witness the play. Crofccr to Returw to New York. ' (Br the Associated Press.) JCew York,-arch 2. Richard Cro- kcr. the former Tammany Hall lean er... will return AO this city during the first .week in April ana sau tor .b rooe- the- latter aart .of that month, ac coding' to his present - plans, as out lined by his son RKhara croaer. jr. here: today, r. jCroker has been spend loa the- winter 4t Palm Beach. Fla- Leader of Sixth Texas Dtes. Houston. Texas, arch 'Js. Colonel Mar P. - Rossi of WSCO. who twice shot as he was at thahead. of tha sixth Taaaa Rertmeat at cortntn. I0 I Sr.Vr5v:. iZ r!Zbi I Hte brother ia former -Governor '-feu! I kosb. woionw 0 DEAD 10 OR BE ii FLAPJACK Are ithe Ones Who Rise IDATE IS HOW EXEBTIUC GREAT EFFORT The $2,00 Wlute Steamer Looks Good to Great Many People in North Carolina, Who Would like to Emr the Race For the Purpose of Win ning One of the Foorty-Fonr Grand Prises, j Somebody, whose' whole heart was filled with indignation which surged and fought for utterance, wrote a. headline bver a political meeting in the News and Observer yesterday morning, j He talked about a certain faction oft Democrats who had a steam , roller, and. If the contest man senses the thing) just right, it was running over some folks right here in Raleigh who refuse to assume the form of a dejected ; flapjack without making some complaint of It. That's all ris-it. Don't be one of those flap-jacky s' t of citizens: Just go about your busi neHs quietly and do things. But "good hevings" suppose he hail been talking about a White Steame r instead of a steam roller. . Why. if that fellow who wrote that beadiin -. "had or kritten it about the Wlute Steamer he would now be dangling from seventy-seven separate and dis tinct peach trees which are sort of trying to !"pinken" up the landscape and make) you forget that you have passed through a cold, hard winter, when the wbod wouldn't. Lok Out Pop the Car. Ia other; words, the Sews and Obser ver. has aj Waits Steamer- tswiag car which is trying to run over people in this State.) About eight hundred of them are trying to get in its way and be run down. If the chaffeur hap pens to run oer them and yell 'look out" after be has accomplished hi deadly design, they get up amilinlv and shout i "nurry up ana come oacK. Sure! That's rigbtf. About eight hun dred contestants in the News and Ob server's gneat $10,600 voting content want that first grand prise to run over them. But they'd die before they'd say so. j You know, that last, and first, bonus offer was a sxeq source of Instruction o a let or, can juiau s. i ney proiu. u by tbe lessons taught They haven't anything to complain about and judg ing by the) sentiment expressed by nne candidate.! they are not going to be-dis-couraged if they didn't get it on the nrst offer.) It is assumed, of courxe. that therej will be others, but they be so large. ! This man said: "I had a notion to Just sort of lay off today, and I was doing it. That s why l Happen ed to drop Into the stationery store where 1 got my pens and things, sou know those postcard stands they have In those places; well, while I was wait ing ror the man to till my order tor a nlchel's worth of pens. I turned one of those postcard stands around idly and finally one oi tne earns bituck mu about right. After I read it, I bought a couple, walked out and commence! work again. That little old card ma on It a cheerful message to the fellow who is far away from home and for whom things are not breaking Just as they should, as well as the man who Is at home and is in tins race. Ie Grows Poetic. "Here's Iwhat it said." he continued. as he handed it to the contest bm. And here It Is: If the day looks kind o gloomy. And your chances kind o' slim; l If the situation's ;pusslin' And the; prospects awiul grun. And perpUxltjes keep pressin' Till an hope is neany gone Jes' bristle up and grit your teetb An' keep on keepin" on. This was surely a fitting sentiment and the candidate was fortunate . in stumbling pn it lust when he did. Incidentally, it might be stated tnai the gentlemen referred to was one of the winners of the first bonus and he laughingly stated be intended to "paw up the earth" if any similar of fer should Ibe made in the future. , That aont of made the contest , man sleep peacefully, because it's the spirit which actuates the winners in a con test of this kind, i That sort of a con testant neuer lets sleep interfere witn his work. -There isi a revised - version of that that applies to the contort old axiom. business and it goes somatntag UK-r this: "AH things come - to - him . who waits on himself It is the contest man's experience that any man or wo in .vm .rr woir s prise. Mrked along those very Unas. - Tbey figured thst s eonssst -was simply- a great un worked mine that the proper- thing- to . do was to grab up- a lck and hammer snd go prospecting. And if they were , determined; bad- the true proepeetar's spirit.; tbev asua'ly bweelsnd .a. nvs covered rbark off from A great rugged rock thst developed a pay streak ef free-vrillln mm that put -them in -the race to stay-with h leaders. . It sure is a grand rroitoslUon. In discusrins; the rreposWon yester flav with a Pajeih gentlemsic, ha said: vwelU I eartsiidp,javuld Uk to wn one ef those forty, prisratha Xawaan-l Obmi ior 4s.ojng .. to give away, hut rm too backward to f.ll. on ray friends " , (CMnnedyOn,Page Four.) , !' trurmrpif n rirniiiiR in - ') -V . .4 , , X - -' C'

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