mxvxmx .' - ' V- ; '1- 7 '":7 7 7."' 'v . '" ' 7 . . . ,.-;-"'.'. V . .' T ' 7' . . .. V'- . . --- - n n r U Lj-U. U The Name "Henry F. Miller" on a Piano is a Guarantee of its Goodness Throughout Every Part of it . Of an Instrument made as eood as can be made. rTMy have enldved an enviable reputation amone the musieI people fot moris than half a century, more pf them being sold orthvCarolinafty of its class put: together. Investi-: j r '.77;77 : :n n r - " J Lizi. LiB L U . j . Mi: gate apd larn t . .7 I ); V 7? i -!'.. " T RALEIGH, SOLD OY ; 4 . . r '.;.-.!, . . t AT. CAROLINA : : the request to Police Justice Badger in-the presence ox uuei ox fonce nuuins. upon reaching there i iouna tne ioara 01 Aiaermen in session, ana learned for the first time that the records nal been mutila ted or destroyed. ! EDWARD L. CONN. Acknowledged and sworn to before me this, the 27th day of March, 1909. VICK C MOORE, Notary Public My commission expire s April 6th, 1909. ; MM DISGHEPAHGY DISCOVERED E . Ill Gin OFFfCIALS' HEGORDS T' v ; (ConUniicd Trotii Page One.) . .. ' ; . 1903 the fines and costs in the recorder's court ag grsgated $14,12715. In . Raleigh for the fiscal year 1908 the total fines and costs paid into the city treas ury and the county school fund from the police Jus tice's court amounted to only $1,904.65. Of this sum $836.50 was, according to the statement .of Chief of Police Mullins, turned into the county school fund, as fines, and $1,063.15 went into the city treasury as costs. A reporter yesterday interviewed Police Justice : Badger and Chief of Police Mullins with regard to the fines imposed in the police justice's court, their amount and the disposition of them. Justice Badger opened the booXs. explaining his method of Keeping the judg ment docKe V and Chief Mullins gave statements of the amount of fines collected and paid oyer to the county treasurer during the past two years and the amount of fines, uncollected for the same period. . Both offi cers stated that every man who was unprepared at the time the fine was imposed to pay it was not sent to the roads, but opportunity was given' many to pay their fines later, some as long as six months after they had been imposed. According to the statement pf the Chief of Police the total amount of fines unpaid for the past two years1907-1905 is $169. ' - The reporter made a careful examination of the booKs, going over them twice to verify the figures. A large difference was found in the" totals furnished by the Chief of Police and those revealed in the police jus tice's docKet, as regards fines. Wherever a judgment had been changed, the prisoner being sent to the . roads, and wherever the defendant tooK an appeal to the Superior court, the fine was stridfen out, and such are not included in the totals published below. The fines for 1907 and 1908, as shown by the po lice justice's booKs, were as follows: f 1907 . ..... .$2,454.55 WILL THEY STAND FOR IT. The following are the annual receipts of the city as given in by the city derK for the years from 1901 to 1909, inclusive, all of which' was spent: OF THE Raleigh Expects Every Citizen to Do His Duty - in (lie Year ending Feb., 1901 .. . . Year ending Feb- 1902. Year ending Feb- 1903 Year ending Feb., 1904 Year ending Feb., 1905. Year ending Feb- 1906. Year ending Feb- 1907. ... , . . . Year ending Feb- 1908 Year ending Feb- 1909. .- Are the citizens satisfied with ing? Do they think the expenditures? $ 63,868.86 . 81,337.94 77.942UJ6 74,501.26 .98.319.29 106,165.70 .103,186.17 98,499.10 103,500.31 this show- results justify these 1908 x 1,290.85 Total . .... .'. . . ... . ... . . . . . .$3,745.40 ., The fines for the same period, turned over to the county treasurer for the school fund, according to the 'statement of the Chief of Police, were, as follows: .-1907 r 96485 1908 .. ; r. . . . . . . 8360 . Total .... . ...... . ... . . ... $1,801.35 The amount of fines uncollected during this pe riod,, according to the statement of the Chief of Po lice, Is $169. ;: . : A large disparity is shown in the two statements. Adding the" $169 of uncollected fines for the two ysars to the total of $1,801.35 collected according to the rtatement .of the Chief ' of ' Police , ; it gives 1,970.35, which is $1,775.05 less than the nount of fines which v the books . . of . . ths :lice justice, show to have been imnosed, and the hole amount 'of fines paid through the county ureas-; :cr into the school fund, for the two years is $484.20 :s than the .total amount of fines for the single year 37. . . if A atPtriPnt nrPtiarAfl vMterdftT hv ConntvTreaS- pr Pegram tallies with that of Chief of Police Mul l with thp Trpntinn of the amount naid to him ren- resehtingl the April, 1907, fines, the chiefs figures being $57 and those of the county treasurer $72.1 0. The ccanty treasurer's statement shows no ; amounts ; as ; fines received for the months of December, 1908. "and January and February, 1 1909, the fiscal yearJSCS although the statement of the Chief ; of Police shows : that $34 for December, $55 for January, and $65 for February should have bee turned over, v P r -? ; The above article is exactly as it was written Fri day night for publication in Saturday; morning's pa per. After it was finished -V I thought it would b best not to print it until I crald gst a statement from the Felice Justice and the Chief of Police, so that their statements would aopear in the same, paper with the- anovexrucis, ana 4ms xacrim encre . nsan- i-x the rcrris hrJ t:cn cictilatsd and prtidly f'rrtrcy ed. I pent to Cirs cZv: cf the Pclica Jr-"-? c ' C 'let AND THE BOOK IS MUTILATED I . Police Justice Badger Remits Fines Without Its Showing On His Docket and The Record of Chief of Police Mullins Is Destroyed; Police Justice Badger in the past two years has im posed fines aggregating $3,745.40. The County Treasurer! has received only $1,801.35. Chief of Police Mullins still owes $1,775 to the Coun ty Treasurer, unless the fines were remitted by the Po lice Justices The Police Justice says he cannot tell How much of fines imposed he has remitted. The only evidence is the Record of'the Chief of Polices Oh Friday night that record was destroyed, but was not destroyed until it was known that the News and Observer was investigating the discrepancy. It would not have been destroyed, if the investigation had not been going on. : . ' NOT A BUSINESS WAY. Police Justice Badger says if he fined a man $25 to iay, the record of $25 remained on his docket though He might have reduced the fine to $10 the next rfflv: The only record kept of the! change was on the record J Kept toy the Fouce justice. Ana tnat recoxa.was muti lated on Friday night after the . investigation had be gun. rv; , . , -, ' ;;r ; --: i -1 :U , ; , v : f-"- - The x procedure by the Police Justice js not business like and does not follow t e plan in other courts. His Judgment docKet should show exactly 'what was the final fine in the case. Nothing else is business like. AV v TWO QUESTIOKS JIND A COCT.tfOV ? V " . Ilcrp are two question: ' : " . : .: ; v 1. ( Doe anyonr honestly contend 'hat the nreftent atlminMratlon Hns (ondtKted the affairs of the, city In the way tluit har.retNihed best for the , city? . - m- ' r - v:" 2. Have the en1cia now hi rrxe of tlvr city's bnsineM glTeanr inUi cation of a dispoMUon to channt tbHr methtHls? - .,. i. It the answers are No," then no ne wlo denires mor- economical cn doct of the city'a business can vote ta keep the present officials of b power. ' ' . . : 7 r T m . Price; $175.00 j; IlcslMters frHn lik !. .A . 1 PTiuoj rword of every saJe. . A" j . Rorordn all trnsiaKn CmH and 1 charge mlrs. . Money paid on accoorit. !noney paid ont and- cOfn or bill (tianged. , ' - ;iru 'r'"'4 ' f DROP rs A POST .POB ITRTH- ITatioi&li i - He Issues of the Campaign By J. W. UAILKY. Lrt us kei in niiad Uif erac shiI wcll-tlrfiiHI Ismio iiivtrivrd present conu.-!. j 'H, Tlicy are too grave to be (H'liiiil oven by llta exciuiiieiil Uat lite city s Iuih been tlinmn Into, j . ' . TIm-jt are fo larse to be obMirol by ihtmhih or icnuual relation, nf rcctinMiH or rcjndlccs. We are flglitini; for projcri'. . We are fijclitins agnlt tlic dr -rot. Wc are riglrtlng for a greater H iIcIkIi. We are fllditiiiK aaiWt Ihc I.ittle-Ifaileigli Hlrit. AVe are flghtlmr for a bettrr ltalt lgh. We are fighting to restore onr i lly to tlip reflect of Xorth Carolina. i We are fighting for a lower lav rate. Taxes have been increased e:ior inoacly la RalHslt. and the t-itlac-Hs Inve iKXliiic to show for It. The pre-sent administration offers ik-II U r pretext "or excuse. We must reduce taxes in the Interest of business tetitcrprisc. u-opert-owncrs and rent-payers. ' IU21' taxes hit us all, but they lUt liartfa' tlic poor man. Tltey Increase Ids rents and make property owning a liartWnp. Tliey paralyze Industry. 1 . . We are fighting for the adinini-t ration of miuiicipal business by men if proved bustness capacity. One man succeeds et business wliere aaotlicr fails. There Is nothing wrong t1t1i It sleigh. $lie In n good basinens pro sition. Iut her in the tmnds of bti--liU's men and every cltism-wUl reap a lrofit In lower taxes, better work and more advantageous conditions.' We are fighting for enforcement of the laws. It Is on every trend ac knowledged tliat tlie latvs are not euforrrd luH-e. The houses of Ill-fame floariKh . un halk-ngetl. viltliout let or hindrance. Tlie Mind tigers sell not -cidy whiskey, but poistai. They liave added rubbery and murder to their nefarious trade. Oilier cities are meeting tlie law breakers with tlie law's Ilea view! penalties. Raleigh meets them with a wink and a shrug what time it does not lioid up its laands in abject surrender! -( And, to cap tlie climax, somebody destroys the records of the Police Court! : Tlie law tan lie enforced, and men who are not inclined to enforre It or too weak to enforce it. muH give way to men nlm will enforce It. We will not surrender tol the lawless! . TlieHc are tlie praetical Issues be fore tlie people of Ilaleiglu Tlic ' lenficralic citizens of Raleigh have called out some of our best men to espouse tliesc causes. .Aad it becomes every citizen wlio believes in tliese causes to Mtand by Uk-m- men. Ntioukl . they rail to do so, w hat encourage nieiit could we offer in lie future to our best citizens to stand for offices of trust and responsibility :in Kaleigh? TlMwe arc the practical iwues; and tliey are not to be forgotten. Rut the progrexs of the campaign lias evolved other Issues of equally grave significance. 1 We have learned tliai Utere hi a political ring In charge or tlie party's affairs liere which Is determined to stay in power at any cost, and they have paid a fearful prtcc They called a snap primary, on less than ten days' notice, for lite purpose of rushing their candidates into office before the people could be aroused to tlie situation. Fortunately , their high-band-d action had the opposite effect, and our bleeping electorate was aroused. They Un-11 gave only foui days for registration, and that on ten hours totlte, in the hope that citizen would not register In the requisite haste. But that, too, proved a boomerang, and the aroused citizens became also determined ciyzen. It looks like l,0O Democrats will enroll themselves u this struggle. jj ' r x And tliey arc deterpuned to' liave fair play and party honor in Kaleigh -is well as business administration lower taxes, law cnforcenicnt and belter uvtmmciit. ,' j 5 1 . ' - - It becomes us to keep down personalities. The issues are drawn; let the men before ns rise or i fan accordingly. 4 it is admitted that tliere are good men on the other side. "But what their goodness Is worth. let the rnwrds those two' years slnrnv, lias their goodness reduced taxes? Has tbetr gooilncss' enforced tlte laws? lias their' goodness made for good govern ment? Has their goodness) made for efficient and successful administration of our affairVt 1 j . . ! . j. .7 ' wr7 r ' X Hiere ls.n saying wtrttiy to be remembered by the citizena of Kaleigh:' it Is this, All the goodness of a good egg win wH make up for the badness of bad one! ' Put tlie two into your pie political or ' otherwise hum! your gorge rises!' ' :U':7 i 7;, . '! .'' 7.- Tliere Is a fable beltigj ienacted here today. . .It Is the fae of OM Dog Tray. lie was a good, dog. He was well bred. ' Ills glossy coat and full, rftotuach proclaimed 1dm a good dog. lie had, many gooddog akin to hiui. His first cousin was a prize-winner.1 Dot Okl Dog Tray got to running with bad company, and lie was sliot one night w ith the rent of them. Itht prise-1 winning Hrst cousin availed 1dm nothing. He died with Ids crowd. : 7.vT. : If tlie good men on tli other side: would' come out and repudiate tlie. actions of their managers lit calliug thy snap primary and the cyclone regisf tratlon, somcUang might bo said for taem. JBut Uiey are sllent.7 - Thfy ae qaiescc TJioy expect to reap ibe' benefit of that outrageous prorcdurej and aCfirdlngly Uur invite ui to reward tbem with the jienalUes of an outraged citizenship. k , 7jV--. M ' ' rf ,-y ; . . :-. '. This is the situation. There are e.Ttaln principles tliat lsuld govern, us at such a time, Iiet me state Uiem. . . '.... ' . ; ' . Urst, rljiht. must prevail. Ta fall taw Is to fail forever :ir we can- not win this ftght, we can never whv " ' . -t:, " tiecond, Raleigfa'a welfare asoHt be the central motive of our contest,' ao aflts iose wi must all get together, m ' ,-"'" -. ' r- -v -. Third 'ring politics roast be broken tip for the mke of tb Democratic parly. Tlie party's honor i at stake, t -f v : : ' v ' .. a : Tlie city must be ,run fbr the titlzens, not tlie poUtkians. ' . :.-' We mm have a fair efcrtion. ff we have to die for It. ' FVand in tlie ballot is worse than poison .In tlie blind tigers. . It corrupts the heart of the , : ' 1 ' . . . . r .1 . the NOTICE OF ELECIJ05T. By order i of the Board of Commis sioners of Wake County North Caro lina, adopted on Tuesday the 2nd cay Of March, 10S, notice is hereby given that there wilt be an, election held in Wakelon Graded ' and HIgb. School District of ftVake County, North Car olina, on Tuesday, the th day of April. 1909. according to the law snd regu lations provided for the elecoi-. of meaibers ofl tl;e Oeneral Assembly, at which election the question :tMa 11 Wakelon Graded and High, School Dis trict, in Wakfc County. Hsue llstt0 of the bonds of said district, with in terest coupons attached, to aid In , the construction! End equipment ot a Graded and) High School buildfns? In said districtj." Said bonds to hear. Interest at tlie rate-of 6 per cent ler annum, payable semi-annually, tin principal whereof to be redeemable within SO years from the date of thi issuance. jsild election being r ail, d and conducted under an act entitled "An Act to i Permit Wakelon Gradt U and high' School District.' in .Wake County, to tote- $10,000 -ot boads." ratified at tke session of the Legisla ture of 1901. Notice is hereby furtiii given that by order of; said Board, -of Commis sioners of Wake County. North Caro lina, adopted on Tuesday, .the 2nd day of March. 1909, -there will be a new registration. In accordance with the law of tbe Qualified elector., "f said district. Registration books will be open for . registration . .between 9 o'clock a. m. and ounset -of each day r(Sunday excepted -ffJ days ' pre ceding the day.zor the; closing . or the registration books as hereinafter pro vided and will be kept open, -for the registration of any elector residing within said district , and entitled to registration; Tho registration books will be closed for registration at sjn set on the 27th day of March. 1909. It being the I second Saturday before said election) That during the period of registration herein provtdsd for tne registrar wll" attend with, his regis tration, books: on each Saturday at the poling place I herein named, for the registration of voters. That the' chal lenge of voter at said election shall be conducted: in the same manner as is now provided for the - election of the members! of . the General Assem bly. . That alt qualified electors who favor the Issue of bonds shall vote a, ticket on which shall be written or printed , the! words "For school bonds,7' and all qualified electors who may be opposed to the . issuance of bonds shall rote1 a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words, "Against school bonds.'" That on the- said' Cth day of April. 1909. the polls shall, be open from sunrise" until fainset and at the close of the polls on said election day the votes shall b counted and returned to the Board of County Commissioners on Thursday pezt following the elec tion, it beingt ths tth day of April, 1909. .r ..; ' That the polling place - for said school district shall be at ths Wakelon Graded and High School building, be tween the towns of Wakefield and Zebulon. - That the f dllowirig named . persons have br.en ' appointed . - registrar and judges of election for said school dis trict. . - , 1 ; - J. H. WTATT.- Registrar. P1TTMAN STELT4, . . ' i Jndge of Election. . J0HN ROBERTSON. . i Judee of Election. By order of. the Board ot County Commissioners ' of Wake County, this March Jnd. 1909. . I J1. BERNARD, Register of Deods and Clerk of Board. As adminlstsation that Will not trust tlie people will not be trusted by people,- t -., ii i , . .. ; -.v. '-"-s-,;, v ,t Personal work and eternal' vlzliaucc rre4he nrlce of ; vlcharr :- i Every man to his nod! . - t ". . I - f-: Tlie power is ours. , We cave It. It his been abused. We '.will' tak it away. , : t . ' --1 " ' ' 1 We "have is matchless nifort unity. We confront great Crisis" In "' thi city's history.. Other e'Ucs hve" t tacked !-pr. Tlie number of ber crilic has, grown rapidly In North Caroil'i-t. We can put aa end- to this sort' f thing, or we can bid It go on; We have many good movements on foot--, We can encoursce' them or dlsenanuce tiienw We have tlie- best cftv In Xortu Carolina, f 1ii(w is nothins; tue matter with - Raleiglv.. She - to .destined . to iionrMv HerNglory toes bwn eclipl, but ft bs nH departed. -The fottts'C calls her to a great destiny; ed the cal! to her p i In t' - r report 1 - ' " calling Is conu t ti r ' '? evct cf ? - i i - j JUIe':'! c ' NOTIiE OP &XLES : Under and 7 by virtue of a' deed of mortgage from the' Ceiiko Company fb the Raleigh Savings Bank, regis tered in the office of the vHegister of Deeds of Wak county In Book lXi. Page 160, which said mortgage and the note thereby secured and ths pow er 'of sale" and (property thereby conveyed..- have been -duly -aaelgned and conveyed to. the Raleigh Banking and Trust Company, said conveyance be ing registered ia Bald Keg toter's -office. Book 235. Paga Ztl. the- pnder signed. will expose tot public-paie to the highest bidder at the county .court house door, in the city of. Raleigh n' Wednesday. AfU ; ? &. . l99i- at 12 o'clock . M-, ia ' certain ',lot or parcel . '. of land yo;n. the. 1 .south side - of . Vffsi:V Martin " "street in snfd city described as follows tiar Beginning 150 ft. 4 In. west of the northeast corner of tha7 Academy 'if Music,- running jthence' west with the south line of Martin street 43 ft. 8 in. to the agreed line with C B. Kdwards, thence' perpendicular to .Martin, street. Si ft- with said! Kdwards line, thence east 4 3 ft 8 Jii to the "Academy, of, Music lot corner, thence north with Its line 54 ft. to! the beginning, it be ing -understood that th-!arreed Er warns line vunsialone the west of the walls ot the area pf the annex of the Academy of Music so as to include'the aid areas a.nd walls in ths lot herein conveyed. -. ( A;" - Terms of- sale feash- - - - " Ralcieh Ranking ft Trust JCrnnpef.T- Assineeand Grants of ljwrtra' " :r. ri'Sr'", JSf.:-rr.y... . 1 X