7 : 31LV -P&LjO UCJ. TJOCIVCj OC: -- r p0- . .- " - u u j TH2 w A.A A iUw4l I V . - ..'..J Ilaxlrar.n irrrt; craluf1. f.3; . minimum tf mnilurf ' Forecast for JjwUi Caro lina, Local k1ioitm Friday; Sut unlay fair;, lUht outh and KoutliwfKt AvUuls Cwin Ins variable. E'CSUJft CS; totr.l rTCC?r!:at.oi- fn 24 hours ' cnuin 8 p. inches '-' : lu., M f r ' - . . HO. 22 l. RATiinGH, T. Cm FBIDAY, JUNB 11; KM' : amun - . I : y- - - , ; -t- . . "-.i ' ' "" ' " " ' - " ' ' II I ! I I I III. . I II I I - a Dalies ie News audi Cii Enrif 6v the Two principal RaiU Roads of Eastern Carolijha. It Is Going Forward '. I MCi FI5II Kfl FIIIiilG ThA Rifh IflndS Of th6 COUntY JnO llCn Lnu5 . wl 1110 vuuiii eu..i. W.efcUiilln nminW - ' , ; , : ':r' ' Offers Exception ! vantigfcs . int.- i:-U lUOCiiicia tiuu ... i w vif j . , t - . . 1 J i IfULR 1UI iiio 'rr ? .FnnanA n PfCf !2b a; AarffiU ! ' : " : tUre. Fishir.H II thO ' LarflD brick building m the northeastern see tuic. J y .luott oftha fitate-at that time. J j TU .'DatnUfc' Vatlih Industry Th"t Cnnos cal h . .. ' . i :.-A . InterestTha Peznyt Grov;n Profitably---; Business: I. IS Growln'n and Thcro'Aro r.aiiy . . o- i .! Evidences cf Prc:pcrity An X Interesting ind llincrcibio History, v ; By. EDWAICIU' Jjl.' 'dONX -'. p Eneirt bv th tvo principal raili roads of northeastern Carolina with the waves of the historic; Roanoke kisslng'her feet, Plymouth, te.tuy iu, ana rnoeni!K vwn,-c isc. v.... her own ashes, ..favored by physical geography a a mMt a.avantageousj mttnif nlat e.for the .lnt chance 01 T -, - . - . . . . i. . products. Ij tit tlio.llirfcsiu.oia ui uyr evolution into tm .Important cmmer . lal and indm trlal tn nter, Plymouth :o. u ......-.x-m (,r ntinnrnin iv. f . . 1 a mo ;v'w' - i - ""v; . i Some one lias fcald thpt UleRsea sj the country whose annals dre without ihcldent." Plymouth, like; her ancient prototype, Peiuslu-rj. has .a past too. rlth In thrilling IntUieiiis to lay claim to a ahare in 1 any itacld ' dlstriDution , or tne Diessina u m the site or the town .wai not, ner- raina.PFon;pwnwiiiuy jn'' """ started upon ; W'.cfaUPVS" against Qovernori Carey, a Batr.he ia.ucu ......v...- -. mourn twel waa brought House. "arX5.;ah7KU appeaiea io ;,wijwwijj"vi" lumueruiaii ,r o .f, wnicn xo ereci tic.j. .o canoe) wai their chler means oi transportation, and thU iruation ne- . . . i : ti ? . n v. . lha l a An iwtea, ins i.uuhuub au- mvV-, black Waterb of Conaby offered a con-1 venient plate for tne- -eatcnange oi proven the relative menq ot mo " Plymouth at the very eral localities.. , presenung: "em!e'co I hostilities. ' . Later tnr (ttnam nt BMtlemfent bV'the COlon- I j ..'nti,ii.M.i W -v - - .T - - - - r ' lata. -wnen in ha. ;uu or tne - uuanvAc, au .Mufc, B-hi-tanp- nf one domnanv of lnfantrv. nny commencement crown mat nasi , I. !.-"r T 7. 1 . oiH'v so n reit iusti-ii '. ; . , . . . . . . ;v muiwa, hiic ii, iur a kch- umcs aeoartment wnicn it. la said naa aT. elj,n i, so net eiiiumi , preakt capturing a number, of prUon- home, most of them. . Th final fea- eral dlacuaalon of all thnaa mnttpr.1 k1. t ' t tI... lunHnouuiM, auiiun yiperioq aiier iiiimcvcj iew jrrun ny I hou their; storea-were e-'r0 depredations, of prowling -Indian. bands. As i agriculture became Jnore . . , . 4...t. thai 'ana more tn ocucatiort or tne -neo-1 m ... . - B mm uiw uiuuis juiitb gi iuo vuici tar. pitch and turpentine Whad to" i Kaiurrvu . in i.uq lAortjaii vi ic i buck country and carded to the, land- lnKs by oxen. "areenlllU V presented udvanlae ova? a uardi Island' and ' a as the dangarous Indian had been; van-1 tiuUhed by th white man's rum. he I vtt. no .oaw'. factor tp n-ld- ered In -thy lcJJ-0yw Ve"u ffl.T?.'JS! rl , " ..Jj,.m there had liee.1 no attempt to IS V out I . V.-.IA.I- nf vih att-itata hut ih 1 VC v 1 . L..7-"a.i,i- LZultlun frSflnt'iouJ settlement, baing In fluent ouc.yvhen this battle Waa ovr there waa with the coaswls traders fromMas-1 nii-iMiBcin u( iu .h- i viiiuiurnng - ruin, y eeycrai mi wm i name of) riyndu;h. ' V V . clforta -and the ttaatliy constructed I The present aits of tbe tow was graves vdf several hundred dead. Gen- j e.ta.ii,hed In ,1730, .. ncrenr dlvjded inlo 172 ots. U was . - -. j'uriiiiuwu i irvm 'Aiwiiwi', . . , . r .ik.tk; '.(ix 'iiiniui Hhtdes bynlns "'trustaea, , Johnston, Thomaa StuartJohn Stuart, r.umuiiu nil) u ii l. jr.. vwunii 4-w hihivomi William Armlstead. Thomas, .Hunter. ;fiarun.i,uyra ana eyi; uu,i,u I land was known as the fBrick House farm, the name Brlckrilouse-Hbelng nu voiumon . in. a""'-. records as early as the war or tne ung house, is at the corner of Wash-1 : Revolution, the, town waf called Plyrllngton'AndsThlra streets. For a time mouth t,a d.il- TTnimM rarm nd.lrh VAirt SiwH m p v....v. . uiouin. i ne uriCK iiuuws Joined Green Hill, on ! the wes?. s The attempt to build h. town at, this point metiwlth very general approval, f- and the lota were disposed of ; In. a anort time. with aucn- rapiajsty ;oia the r settlement -progress 4 that .'a 'pro - moter. in I8l,:iald out-rd town ot.200 lots at, Green Hill, and sold them i largely to people living: In Plymouth, ; It seems te have been the lileaof the enterprise to ' mak thla a prosperous! suburb of the towji It I adjojrted, ' but! the plan .utterly failed, g the lots were I ' never occupied, or disposed of !by thel purchasers. ; but the title passed ' to those holding fedverse possession. Thtetthrough the smokestack of the Albe ; sue is now ccvrsd by , great : wooa - . woraing lacioriss. i y After th3 -rtavolutiortary War Ply mouth qul2k?y built ui ?x lare coast wise trad3 Ja, aaval' storf , shn' tim ier Bucr ac riosts atnl ; ; rs; iunlper ana . .ypr?ri2. snmprif-:?. .'':' -rr--e ma terial 9-ic- 'Tr. i r ' '-cr; h- '"imm-n'virein naniP fluaser.-Deing xuieo vj. ne i from the Aero Club of America. Prom seekers, y while v the Immense rVlwn rebound of one of hi own gTins. Be-1 nent reDresentatlvea of. thU and for. rAFASfa rar inn r icsnr ninai ana s?nurinuuB . ---- - bermcn; dream , of fortunes; Quickly I Washington coynty was Uken froxn ihe territory of Tyrrell in 17, and ?rlhim.? atfSS corporated Deceml Jj 2, December 17th, l5W tnere waa i iKwvi iivui in- moumianq. me jurrounu n"cuir, no ueqrgia, Aiissiasippi ana xtnnnwe, Kmii t V ! . irft v A V n a ' rnWII If C 1 T ' 9UT at I ! w.c ....... quickly regained Its presUge, however, and In 1880 had become the Mrw - ft ted In i Plymouth. was the. largest bank with tne hundred thousand dol- ffrn;Mn and butfor the beginning of the Civil War. 1U doors would have been open- d forVlnifilneEa within a vear. As I fQ rOrUUBineBS Wlinwi year, Sw T n Carb! na.. , lil those days it 1.. .VhkU. .JTn!,! ... Jt h- not an uncommon sight to witness two?'f.."?.:!t.ur:?i!?,.Jllr fnd a ?te the importance of tn town'BB a, crreai traains: ana iiud. i Xi' u. n.jinof? , .ftot. I ping; noint, was maintained, , After the wathe custom. house wa trans - led., . :1T " i steamers were opera! ed -from this town td -ICorfoik and Baltimore. Schooner; drawg r Wef it i9n niivlnl th RoanoVa even aDOve njrraouin. J -V r I . i - - . . -t If aa mart-of trade Plymouth had I won distinction, she was destined to I become much mora: famous for herlmouth. of the southeastern deUa of gjng, ana dire misfortunes. The beginning of the Civil War found her iiiriri ft' anlmntfcrt hV a AVfktlOII fl th SouthIand that prompted any sacrifice for- the) protection of their, liberties. Under the Jjrave leadership of , Major L.C. Latham company.of 152 strong. iolned :lhfr FJrBtv negiment of North uaronna tstata trooDS.-wnivn was or- i. .. . . . . . . . . . t tha rac. track, near War. renton ln tne pring of 181." . Wl on theblghth day or February; II jjurna4 captured "Boanoke Isls rxien, 1IS2, A. -M f!. - i n,,vH v r!i- aooomhinri h Plymouth. : forming a Quite formidable fcrmy in numbers, thus attracting the! attention of the Federal authorities to outset of active General f Clark parative peace until the morning of p ecembAr .loth, 1S, when Col. Jphn liamn.- un ms recirnent. ana. tne t" kittoi irom me nau gi ouiifu PQuna r.pw" l 1 U'..U,CI5 iiMi i jne gunooais m m nver opvpea rlof on. the Xovyn at shpyt range, setting I re to . the s buildings, and when vthe iconiiici uau icriinuavcu atarwi-ijf n I & ai.i &M..i. a, m. mL .1 dozen were ' left standing within the 1 corporate limits. ; Ana for, a iongl . . . . . -. 1 JI...I..... 41 .- t ,T mouth tufTered a disastrous Are. Col. Lamb .and his little army ndt berng able to drive, 6fL the gunboata In the 6ft the gunboaU In thel & . - river, withdraw from the town, and i ine reoerp. nuinunviea inuuviaiviy i undeftodk Its fortification. ! They I maae iruuiui use oi tneir ume tor aihtra tk.,. I- in., in k i year or more, building forts, erecting breastworks and cutting away the - w -. forest growth near the town. i , r .' On the afternoon of Sunday, April IT. 1S4. Oeneral R. F. Iloka attack-1 td the town, the battle beinfi terHnc nd deMi rat for three day-. - It w llkanuirl. 'annanrarl ittnnn thai "T . T"Tj"rr , . . . . i acana. plvlntr Aft or alnklnr the shlnsl little remaining of the town except Z? Sth ?h l eral Hoke at the capture of Plymouth. I (i Kvcra iiuiiuicu uii- rauv ui ineai nnvn u im nouie ui . ...ti- . i . - . . i Mr. FletcterAuibott, In the side of which A counted U bullet hole The icari maue uv anaiia rrnm r v na a-iin. I poata are still1, observable : od the vniraney ana aoor siamg or thia resii I dence. ..A Confederate iharpshooter I was.mortaily. wounded, on the second 1 iwwc ua'.in ouiiamg. -rnis interest- 1 ine x twiaoea uwq is cnurch as a 1 table,hd Ihley. atripped the weather boarding ' froihtrvthe Kplscooal churcl o Use asfurf. fl' ' j j 0n Miij. 6 UU. Captain J. W. Cook, 1 cummanaing. tne Ainemarie. lert Plv J mouth,.; and. followed by two.emal tender) , steamed out into Albemarle Sdundhere It found seven heavily armed Federal gunboats. These im mediately upon sighting the Albemarle ran r sjxteen mlle down , the. sound, but 'finally gave battle.' for many hours their nfty-flvej guns hammering the mailed sides of their pursuer. 1 Over a hundred holes C, were shot 1 mArje. 'r' tC S P 1 Tlr? th,U,rI found tht Bhe had been betrayed when hV. Altemarlewaa. descending .he left Rocky Mount, and for quite theanoe to aid Oeneral, Hoke in a. while her whereabouU Were Tun- captuHng tha town. It had to silence .Fort Iokouti Just above Plymouth. It then gave battle to the punboata of !rrl Flusr p. - wl" - - 1 ret r t : ? Colonel Fluaser came to the town dis KUised as a citlseh before the attack Fluaser. His Kuide waa Mr H. B. iprulll, the present mayor of Ply mouth, coming from the home of Mr, SprulU'a father., in Bertie county. I C?.12nt1. F1.UMfr' after "Pn,n Vf?, wint iH uruuiri, iciuiiicu w . county. The . ram Albemarle then I sank the Mariana, Admiral Flucser'S I jior5 capiurins rjjrrouum lire m a.m -k a a i .1 . on Fort Vesatls. losing; four or five I ent RansonVs brigade around Conaby creek to attack Forts Williams and Conab7 - A&r Conaby was captured - - - - . i flflu, . iiPrnd.rine. Althouirh thlsllookine to a reduction, of th finance t wa.jJfnftde hv ths infantrv I there Wll very little loss of life. Thel. breastworks of tha Federals were like I wall surrounding the . town, and iwncn iney .were taKen ine v;onir.oer a a . es .captured about four thousand On the night of October 17th. 1SI4, Lieutenant -;W, B. Cushlng. with a torpedo boat 'and twelve -men, ap- preached the Albemarle lying In Jier I berth at Plymouth and sunk ner. Hl : r-iymuum n -u.. ntr. i YJSi".. gf f 5WiJS"5f '"f. W -- . unuui aim t.V,.- .hn. - Thnt Anlat thai 1: uiaii win tuci ca if fia f ibvh a a wtsa - Plvmnnlh wan -riven ova to - the to the I sgonies ana sickening numiuationa ot I n n,tril-t,on,, M "nv hf hpr .,obI(, - : i - - . i t"I been in very I of every hard foilsht field of glory I or rl aan3 V JJJ,, "cmc M? oin anu winr aa.ruit-n iu ." j:!L10 uo riuuui. .v ,.i iuc. , 7 w,.w. Iii.m,.., .r. Situated about eight miles from the (Continued on Page Eight.). . ii I I OH "ETC CLOSES It Was aDrilliant Affair- Think Thoy Will Land Orphanago v. Durham, Kf. C., June , 10. The I go,n and prominent people and - n I ' isowi fall JITII HECEP noo o , . . . adaiuoa there were, many from outlt tn ciaie ana irom otner. mm ceni town. Tha retention waa of theliers, tnrre will te P'.esent a aeiegar I naual kind ; and thera ware dalicloua I refreshments and Drettv decorations. I rnnalitlntf f nMUd ntonta an1 ; nil I ----- - - nowera. 4 It waa a brilliant scene. r I . Tha ta law- in nurham haa Kaan I made . this ! belna done this mornlna. I and the lrafe U left the same a. last year, tl cent on each tl0 valuation and h- reBniiar tar on the nolL Part . . ' " ' I an ha nii.r- . on tha nii wrtl waaa sawat'anaapa - - awwa ... : i trcount of the. recent bond liiue. I umi. .v.i,..t.,M.h... k. I amount. aWM.d The varlouV sne-1 m.ou.nf .!.LV 7 '11 a a . ma 11 ihia - u in a h.l . LBAra wm cm auiia a oveV and thimounu for each dls- mximA . it. V'Vr' haUok'.i TtoVAship Ktotbi board .of commisstonera today. .Ills reason for, thla waa that ha had ac- Mr. JJ M. Cgle presented his reslg-1 . . . ... . . .1 cepiau av .poimon aa qcik aergeam i wnicn . an ot tne cotton- manurac'; -T. ...l. ... . lwn uo n nw unity. ii several ap- I Pucation and elected Mr , W. 8. Farth- In k- u. ..nAn hula mmr.nv.tJ nrAtatinn I duties at once lt i. now aW T3u;hAm : 11 i-n aa ..-a a" .a . B rinrMM . m i unn tM Pvih n a.i PhW. The Grand Igenow In a iTandaraonviii. i. on.iit. ..i.. k '..,.. m.. . i. 1 -.--. ...... today-, papera that Durham had n fArea -$B.O0O In cash atid sixty acre i u .l. L.nhniL'iL Awa iharaf ... .everal Durham men DresenL twe raoklna- after thTrnhanaae nronosU j jt la now thought tharthe generally thought tnatioa uie leaamg mill men oi: tne state i I rirand IjOdee will adoot tha re nor t otll'rT"nvm larae onrgiuun inim mei rh. rBmmittee and eive to Durham! I J2 oriaMre - u r" I w r(Hiwi5. I : ;:p f::iif.EEino;:i5E wAnrs ntT.rv. is ftf AnnKn wttti 1 . , , " nuixns'G ufp of a vouno A t "(SDeclal to News and Observer.) Wilson; N. C. June 10.Some time since, under promise of marriage, Wade Riley. It Is alleged, caused the! uuwmmi ui b wrnumui uuiik laujr' TY nrr ae fnAAAma. ttrttAM tkU waaAkA .tt ft. ...t..l .. . eu A J t A1UU1IU , llliru l.llaf; UIIVO JJ U T known. Yesterday she Waa located In the Him City section Her fathe r was In Wilson this r-":r.:r.T u. :r.t rcr the 'ticrc :. r. of the . direction ; of, Goldaboro' riding red - rtotor-cycte, ' Ilia complexion dark; velghs about one hundred and forty - D0unda haa a snort - foot with all the toes mashed off,land.to wanted d In Wilson very much, - " - AT NATIONAL CAPrTAJU Summary of " Tlic ' Moat,; IniMrtant . iiappcmnai ' (By the Associated Press.) .,-J'i.t Capital today were aa follows: In recognition. ,of their wonderful achievements In the world of aero- -lltir. , vllle and Wilbur Wright, of Dayton, Dy president Tart in tna Historic east rnotn th Whin. ttatit a m medals, on for Mr h nt th hmthr eign governments were present. schedule- of the taHff bill was under the 'Progressive"- Bfpubllca-ha - to break the ranks of the Aldrlch forcca were defeated. Numerous : amend- - " v. m bv Ben A tor DoUIverl committee's rates were Voted down. inai it is not -aeairawe to build a I rouneen root water-wayN rrom St. Ixuls to the Gulf was the report made to Congress-by a. sneclal board, of I engineers appointed' to tnake a care- question. , They say It would cost I $lf 1. 000,000 to build and SS.000.000 1 annually to maintain. -. : ' I Prltlnt Tnft mnVa !af 'ha nlhtl session of . the Congress ofv . Roman Catholic missionaries now holding Its! catholic missionaries now ho : . DRTit OP ima Al A. irrnnvu.n , i 'T - - - ' . - : Wa Visiting Uolativcs In Cliarlotte -1 Aotca of Jackxon 8irmi, - r (Special, to News and Observer.) Jacksorr Springs, N. C June 10 Mrs. A. A. McDonald, wife of Dr. A. A. McDonald, died In ft Charlota sanl- 1'r"',rw,'iu'Hn She was' vistlng relaUvtsJn Davidson I ,r-. 1 i Colg and CharloTt aHhe "wr nra"n r over a year. iter re-i opportunity to snake the hand of the ma,ni were borJe1 at Jackson Springs I son of theJf old-tlma enerhy.!, , From vt-atarrtaa.: ; Tha funeral .MrtsAa tL...lthot yesterday. The funeral servlcea wera I conducted by Rev. Mr. Brown, of I Aberdeen.: . T .10. shake handa with ' General , Grant. a large numoer ox people came over i irom eartnage on an excursro today. I Many neoole are com nt In- evarvltlon aa ha aal4t ' .. -' . day.- The cottages' ar filling - un rapidly. The hotel has many gue3ts. immm: F STATE TB ilEI Sessions to: Do Held at . : . - : - . , I Cpariotto Icxt; : Vcok (Special to News and Observer.) participated in by the leading mill men I tlon of railroad men, who have ben Invited by the local committee headed I k... , -. n r inn.. . j t . . j "I Mr.-n, a. auiicr. inu it i urouOBcu I to noIa an Important conference with I gentlemen, tor tne. purpose ot I """?, "u . iinrr- riwuiiB u i , . kit.M. . . . W . 1 u"'. w nc mc manufacturers a direct opportunity to I ac With the railroad men the ordlan Inspection of the zrotosed section . ..41 m ar V A a. A fa . yunuutt oi ireimv rain. - in muiior the inland r otita tM.tn ..... ........... i conceaaiona mat ougxn to oe maae in i . . . ... . - , snot,,a nowmr i eiae- appear on ..the Proiramme, this conference ,with the V.". tt'?tZ:-JZZ C1!T a a mam .a h . H m a. . 1 . .-. a . . in .1 ..a Mr, Miller also announces that a smoker wl quarter! of Jr.' Club will be held in the pleasant the Southern Manufactur - , . - . . . mrfn nu mt visitors irom outsiae the State will he rue its 6f honor, The North Carolina AssoclMon l - AfwwaaaB i wiai a.a waa but , Its members Include nearly all al A a . a a a-Aa - In the cWn manufacturing wot I The membersh d In the association has I ana' in nnwiT niiBireaav Mni i nrovn or-nn iitti v in a tn tha mom- , - - w i r.. and the organlsktion la adding t rnemhershlp annuaUy a Urge laiinio ni naw man - - . . . Thefe wlll be present. It la expect-L bera. but who are Interested In the I 1 cotton manufacturing business, with! c,UPf 01 tne Nortn, commission men nd manufacturers, and cotton mill 1 iDacMntnr tnn. alt of hom vyfll hal machinery me'n. all of whom will be nven an opportunity to orrer auggea . I m - .... . ... iiuiiB anu ho vice- tor tne improvement of the textile business and for the Addmion of 'betler trtr(dj inhere possible. HYAN PHESIDKNT lilectca to Succeed V tle l4tfe II, H. - iiocere. New York. June-19.-John D, Rns today was elected president of ;h Amalgamated Copper XomDHny to succeed the late. Henry It. Rorera of thp ' Anaonnia. Mlntnr Com na na . u. Thaver was' elected president . . .m .. 9 i succeeding John D. Rin. '. I 9 Q I I WANT STATK TTTERANS ; f 1 ?Krri ii CIIA - V ? .MEET IN, 7IIA CIIARIXyrTE. CharlollA J. f C June 10. -Mecir. le'nburg Camp, Uatted Confederate Veteran", have : deckled to a.ek the 1 tats Dlvl.ion to r.M its. r.f xt cr.nua.l . i . ' ' , . . lit' T Votorans Ruoh Forward to Grbot Ilini ' . V - . .r . a. : BEDDIOD COHES TO EhD 1,00 Thousand Horpes of South March in & iuii icnrniai-iiie uau .vi tho Sponsors and Makla of Honor Waa the Bis Social Featured (Uy the Associated Prew.). . Memphis, Tenn - June 10. A fren zied demonstration of welcome by the men In gray for the son of the man ' ... ... . wn? conquea.tnem marKeq tne t :nai Confederate Veterans today. It took P'ce during the parade. In the re- viewing stand stood General Frederick Dent OMIlti Of lh UnftMl StfltM armv The first few divisions In line passed only, a limited number recogn !x- mg me son or me- man wno acceptu the' surrender of Lee. But final 1 v s. L.'""0-" 3?. l" i - ummanuing oracer, uenerai iyier. l nirlrm.n Vv nU.l.l4lnl....i steadily at General Grant a moment Then he turned In ; his saddle and yelled:' .. ' - . l( ' . . . Ovation to General Grant. ' "Come on, you kids, here's General Grant come to life again In his son." ' nn, yells the one or . the old-time, ' rebel b: c 7 un stand and Jostled ona'another for an that moment every gray-clad vetemn who could reach tha at And ruthnd n Tne stock v officer's eves flllari with tears, and his body. shook with emo- 'God bleaa , you all, bgya, ; Qod 1. (Continued on Page Three.) : ssitfs j ninnnT OF PLULTUflniETY ': ) - 1 1 Strugolo . Amonji Jorth . ....... - '.. -Jr j .Carolina Republicans i s "For AVhito Ilouao - -. ' (Special to News and Observer.) tlon Ty tle Senate. It pay a a salary or ir.00. ThO struggle among Nprth Carolina Republican, la nvar th, . hla nluma that coma from tha AVItita House. Yet Britt's selection sneaka . - - . well roe tha artlvltv of Matlonal Cnni. mitteeman Duncan, i t ?T ' Benresentatlve Small left todav for rnnaaeipnia along Wltn XJonaressman Aiexanaer. ana other members of the nivar urn HrUr Mmniit In mav . . . .. rniwuf ipni ana uauimore. ' ttepre- tentative Morehead left for the State iwuay. . nrpreaeniauve rare u DtCK from a visit to hi district, j ! , " Thomas a Rolllne- of Ashevlll-, . . i ' W ' : ' 1 NORTH C.UtOLINA'POSTMAKTFJtS Appointments for l'anccjr, Randulpli, , AiecKienDurg and intt ountio to t.FUl Vacancies Cauaca by Utlgiuf Mini mm iinvoTii. 4. v j j . (Special to News and Observer.) J..J,. t.V.7. Vtl tVi"i-'A. wi ( 1 I A . m as -a hows: Boonford. Yancy county. John iiibaIlci bb m i aa v aa aaavja. a abl li ajuaaa a as aa mm iiiii - . " ' - . - ' ' w- Robinson.; vice M. D. Hunter ro timAv,iit hmws,', uiiia . i).n,.int coVntN nitar ra.ianaHr n.m. uui.nv,.., Anantv tnhn aiia iu i o ir " - . . .. D Hodges resigned; WWchard. Pitt eoun ty, Lee B. WhJchard. vloe 1 V. -It. i ii;i,i.i..j - t. . ... . . r , . q. . - v. Hdwaril E. Hale Head. ' ; ' ' . . . ' (By the Associated Press.) v Tt uoeton, - Atass., tiune , lBv-"ltfl in TMward EJveretf Hale, chaplain Uj S, Senate, died here today. J . - . . . ' n" f y4 - lir .1 he mnnO! 1 -.i WIXSTOJf - SALEM- ' CtVtl : ' -.- - . . -- :. 1 : FOR GREATER TOWN t AND ' sets: men mark, ; I r (Special to Newn 'and Observer.) i- Winston-Salem. N C.; June 9. A club to be known; aa the Hundred I Thousand .Club la being "organised I . . .1 .(.i .k.. here for the . purpose of raising the population to that figure. -. Effort will be made to enroll every citlxen. Hand some magazine will be organ and sev eral thousand , copies ' will be , sent throughout the1 country. The plan have not been completed yet but the organization 1 to : be a stronsr cn .ir 1 conducted apart from the Uoard GECEII n uu POLLIIlfiTIIEljlL OVER THE? PEOPLE '".V C " ' Pronrcctivcs Gives, Aid- rich a TugsIo r; OUT THEY ' LOSE Tfte Committee . for Jllgher "Rates on Woolen Bchedulo ' Vas ' SutnUied I Every .t Time Debate ; TJunurfout r Day Was . Good - Taturcd Im-onic Tax Set for Today, - . (By the Associated Pres3.. Washington, D C. June 10. Time and time again Senator Dolltver and eight or 'pine others of the so-called rogresslve Republicans - went - down to defeat In their efforts to break the ranks of the Aldrich forces on ; the wool schedule of the tariff , bill, i The .Iowa Senator occupied the fl-.wr - the greater part of the day and offered numerous amendments looking? to the reduction, of the. finance committee rates, but In each instance. th amend ments were voted down, afbd the com mittee , sustained. . j ' - i Tne nrst of Mr. Doiiivefa suTees- tlona had for, its object the confining t. the wool In them the duty on so called yams which are only part vjo1 and after considerable spirited discus sion In which Messrs. Dolllver - and Warren were the principal participants tne amendment was defeated by a vote of 31 to 4 3 In the course of tha deMte Mr. : Warren- contended that the ob- ect of this nrovlslon waa to nrevent the importation . of cheap cloths but this waa met by & suggestion from Mr, DoUlver that there might be iom( ro fcle who would be benefited, by ha vine" cheap cloths brought In from abroad. On this vote Mr. Dol liver was sup ported by Senators Beveridge. Brtetow: Brown. Burkett. Clapp, Cummins, Ia Follette and ' Nelson, while i Senator v t tuontinuea on fare xnree.) ." ; m:i mi icadinn unttcr; - Dofcro tlio CohfcrcncD of Gharl tics and Corrections " 4. ,(By the Associated Press.) ; Buffalo, Y..' June lft.-lmmlgra- tfon; with sail Ita .Involved - problems and the question of just how far vest ed authority should gov In breaking up or sustaining;, the integrity of fam ines Where vice and crime exist offered two absorbing topics for - the second day's sessions of the thirty-sixth na tional conference of eharltles and cor rections here today. . '. The "yellow' perir'f. caused a alight flurry in the section devoted to Immigrants but the debate, acrimonious - at times, ended with , the beat of - feeling among; the delegate. W. A. Gates, secretary of the Beard of Charities of Ran Fran. cUeo, . declared' that the . yellow peril Was more - of a menace today , than at ahy time In the past "It la so gravely doubted," declared Mr. Gates, "if Jkpan is faithfully keeping the 'gen tleman's agreement' entered lnto.wjth tne unitta states regarding the re striction of - the , Immigration of, the Coolie class. A similar arreement en tered Into ' with j Great-Britain with regard to British ColumVa haa been deliberately violated.. Japan - recog nizes no uooue class, besides this BOO Japanese and 6,000 Chinese entered the country, over border of Mexico arid Canada in the last year and a naif, ' ' "J l- -4 ' '" '.- ', The slave trade in Oriental women. Mr. Gates said, waa worse today than ai ariy previous time. r ; ; ; - Cyrus ty Sultbarger, president of the United Hebrew Societies ,of JCaw Yprjt. took Issue with Mr. Gates. "The condition of 'the slave trade ln Oriental women onrthe coast la an Indictment bf your own white women," declared Air.- Buizoeraer. ,"They shpuid have wiped it out long ago." : - . . you nave fust as rotten a Chinese hell In your Mott and Pell streets In New York, as anyv in Ban. Francisco etorted Mr, Gates with some show of heat.- v.- "Not only brown rirl slaves are held in - bondage there but: police reports within a week show that half a dozen White artrla have -. been found there.- ' Other, speakers Jn - the Immltt-ant Section ;-f ; the .conference. were Davrd A. Pressler. of . the Industrial Removal Society of New York, and. Miss Grace Abbott, director of the Gcgue for the Protection of Immlrranta. .t - ' -r . 1 . - . 1 jt i - ', . jubi ubd, vic-urexuei at me Aiaaa echunetts Civto League, Boston,' spoke on "The .Integrity, of the Family." 1.1. t iDAViit court noesi; drpoer JBtenet for. New nulldltij Lalil - Yewterdax t WlUi . Maeonio Cere, . moideti. . ' ,. . ", - ; ; ' Winston-Salem, N. C, June 10 The Forner.atoi -of Davia count v' : nrvi $4,000 court-house was laid today. with ceremonies 'by the' Grand Lodge of Masons, the exercises being conducted by Grand Master S. M, Gattis, of Hills-! bqro. ; :In his address, the Grand Mas ter said it' was riot aporopriat that the order of MasJons should have P,irt In the exercises, as the county 13 named for General Witiram ntchard eon D.ivle, who ws- tl thir l Crir J'-':t cf tl-5 :r.:th Carcll:; x f-" OU is mm Bv";';Rf:i mm hi. 1 v 1 Liil ii IVhatCIcvclsnd CdlcJ Act : 1 '"''' ' " " ' " ' " w - 5 j - of Prot30tion D:n:ccrat3' OilEj 1 , EXPOTIOiiS fi . v ' v-a" Senator Slmraona Seek to Pnt IUm- eef .ln the Same Boat With Vance ' and Vest u the Tariff, Forjcltlna" - That aw Few " pemotra tic ProUxtloii Senators Compelled flio Bona to to Amend Urn Wilson Tariff Tliat Paw. : ed the IIoosq Until It Waa a Sfcas W Not to Tlielr Uklnsi . and Ac- cepted by Tliem Only Bccanse Tliey . Had ta Accept : Certain, Protection ;- Schedules; orv Get Nothlns, WhU h : Would j Have Forced Them to Viive r Up rasslns the Income Tag and .j, Some A Improved 1 Schedulesllie ; Tariff i Reformers Accepted , TJrtdcV ' t Compnlslora-rA Tariff On. Iron nn BVl TIIOJIAS J. PENCE. Washington. June 10. The ma lor. ity. of the Democrats 'In the Eenatw ' voted to reduce the duty on iron ore from forty to twenty-five cents a. ton. . and their action has been much crlt clsed by some . newrpapers in thfl East, which charged that any kind of -a duty rn iron ore favored the steel trust. -"The people of North Carolln ' will be very loath to believe that ' Vance, ; Ransom and Jarvls voted trt favor any trust, and yet these three great Senators voted for a hi -her du ty on iron' ore than did the Der .ocrats of the present enate,V fears Senator Simmons, who.vctei v.ith the rf.ajor- ity' cf - ht3 party. - 11 I. - made '-'a study of thia aueftlon end in. dlr-ci'n t into th' part. 'he haa. rr.r.Je T.'hat.li' .uu n ks i.coverica in i;,- i; - :,t cr re-cent.'- crltl'"ri.a. '"cf t:.j ' i. -'.tr ' ca!J;:j ct ' tl.U . ' tut!, cl tl;;.,Aor Simmons said: " : ' ' ; I see certain newtr trers " In the State are criticising me ar:J t' 5 eevr n- teen Democratic Senatora who voted with me for a duty of 25 cents a ten on ron ore as being traitor! to the Dcm- ocratic "party, and caJlln upon the -people to hark back, to the dayjs of ' Vance, Ransom' fend Jarvis.. "Well, I thought I Would Pee what hese.old Romans did about thla mat ter, when they were in the rnate. , and what do ypu think I found ;. "I found that the -duty cf. 40 cents a ton on , iron ore which I voted re- ' cently to reduce. to IS cents was put on Iron we by the Democrats with the help of Ransom, and Jarvia. and has been kept there. ever since. ...' ?v . ' " "It happened In this wav: in igflj. when the Democrats had every branch of the government, . the, Wilson bill v came to the Senate from the House " With iron ore . on the Tree iUt.' ThA senate committee-on finance, .headed by. the 'great Democrat. Daniel -.' Vporhees, with that other Irreat Dem . ' ocrat. Vest, of-Missouri, as first lieu tenant,' reported the bill to the Senate with an amendment imposing a duty 01 fo cents a ton on Iron ore. .Old . man Pefferi the , long-haired Populist Senator from Kansas, didn't lik6 that. - une populists were free traders, you know, and he offered an amendment to strike out thla duty of p. cent, a ton and put iron on the free list, IV f- ; fera amendment: received just 1 io6r ' votes Allen. Kyle, and .PefTer, Popu lists, jand . IlUl, Democrat I EVery-one of the other Democrfl's who voted." Ransom and JarvU in-' eluded voted solidly acalnst ths Pef t fer amendment and for the 40 cents ton duty. Later, the committee amend-. . ment Imposing a duty of 40 cents a, ton on iron ore was adopted by th s aerate without a dissenting voteanl was' afterward concurred in bv tha. . House. - " ' :.- "When the-DInirleV bill w&m adonteil thla provision 6f the Wilson bill was simply re-enacted. ; , ,.- - , - "Senator Vance was s member of. the Senate in 1190. when the McKIn- . ley bill : was ' adopted. This bill ns H , came-to tne senais rrom tne House -carried ra -duty of 78 cents a ton on Iron ore. In the senate. Mr. Oormait moved to. reduce thia duty to 60 cents. . Later- he - asked to withdraw a amendment, wten Senator Vance , arose and said t 'I object; . I want te. have a vote, on reducing, the uu.y u 60 centa. ' , -. - v. "The amendment was withdrawn a . hllttle later. Immediately- afterwards Senator Plumb offered en amendment reducing, the duty on. iron qre to CO . ; ....... . ...' n .. . r ! cents a, ton,' A yea and nay vote was . ! . 1 w ' . ii . a a- a . K taken.' and the amendment was de feated. All the Democrats who voted. Including Senator. Vance, voted -"yea. and vail the tiepublicans exceptinve voted no. During; the debate upon. ( t . (CpntmnedomPage flhrse.) - ESiElfSTEoT if i opposi;. bill in coNannss al- i .v .''-,-.. ; , - -'. : $ . ; iAlU-ING.ritODUCIlS TO lib , . . ; . r : TAiiv iirrTTt TQ?Acca V;. . (Special to. News 'and Observe;' '''' r Wlnston-Salern. N. . C" June, lt.-r i The tobacco board of trade today ar pointed a committee to-draft suitable , t resolutions to be suLmlted to the F-ti-atora tr d Cvir.rrt ita "froni t! is ' . ttat, prttef V.r " ' l.t!."a enactment , ' of tVe-blll jpo.w-r-r il"glaConr' ef.. alowi:- the rrcacvrs to. retail .f-i.lr tt-lrca f-cf-.v in -.. t " ... (, I , I V 1 4 1 ills ?-.' '-.f r '..:'A In t! 5 C. rr ? . : t: 3 i.2 1.23 L- - in .rr.cctlr.5 her? ia Au-u't next. 1 ci