5 TH C AROLM A:1t5eTA.T H AS . OVER : 1 5,00 6 SUBSCRIBERS ONLY-DAILY ' IN : NqPl W csthcr Ycctcrd ay Weather Today Fore nt for North m St; mlnimu minimum temperntcre, 5. Total predpltfttlon fcr -24 hoars rutln l p.m. jc9 terday; O Inchen, : k ? ucwi.iy and Thursday; mod- ftnle cast .., , i RAXEIGH, C, "WEDNESDAY MORNING AUGtjST 25f 1909 J Banlii , - "' f.v'"-" ., . : t, t ' " . r. - t . .'. 1. . -.i - - r a. i i North Garol5n& Soffit s lie news OTttfe fjCHARLQITEHAS CAPITULATED TO TK e !B at ie s ?lpT-t n q g? Q u e e n City flung : Wide IIIIIEI! KxGorernor JarvU " Amotij ; First or i list.tnsuMuJ 'Jltor8 "to Arrive- fieneral Care. to Arrive With 125 IN Durliam VeteransAdjutant Oen- eral tondon and Sta ff There About 400 ireadv 1 Have Arrlted About 3,000 'KapecteoVlvldlni: for laif tertUinent-Eerctee In cademy of luslc This sublied Speakers. Morning Dlstln- THE STATE ITS Ail 1HD C .'t I (Special to Jfew and Observer.) : :J-i 1 Charlotte, Jf.C- Au. 24. Char-i ' lotte U belnir . Invested tonijrht by the vr glorious remnant of oneuof the great ; ept armies; that ever took ;.the field, v and the capitulation of .the city, heart. : pocketbook ; and ; all alse': Is assured vv lthout the tiring of a single gun. The ( old . soldiers bejran comlnr early to - i day aad this. afternoon" and tonight s ; the records show that there are nearly . 'four hundred present up , to eight , o'clock, -with probably twise that hum V! .."j ber comlnc tn before midnight. The, , : total attendance lll 'be between five '.' hundred 'and fires thousand,' besides . - me ouwers wno win auena. . - , - r ' ' u ' Ex-Go v;',"-.Xr-V-''Rrvla w"aa amons V- the hrst 'dlstliiSTiIhod. visitors to ar- r rive. ! He Is the uest of Judse Arml Head Uurwella.the. la tters elegant -f--; hoHe-tn4 Cli q rXQiyai,, Oeneral- J. S. iUx-i head . of ; the , ; ' North Carolina refers n?:. organization; has sent word that he would arrive , tonight lToni Durham -with 125 veter ' .. an. ('; . I Adlntant Genf"31ru l C.Icf of . II. A. LiJon, cf VIV. yoro, i3 Z.lzcz.lj J here, havln.? ;. .c?UUl ; hed hl3 head quarters t the Central Hotel, , He an i Itiounces that; he will give out the 137 badges to the 137 delegates entitled . to vote In the business aession, these belnjc given to the heads of the State , . divisions for' distribution among the :r delegates -from other districts. ; ; 'V ,i The Charlotte Auditorium has been transformed Into a great dormitory, In which hundreds.- of ; comfortable, cots have bcenrc laced. and - veterans not able to. meet the-pecunlary demands ' .!fi the - reunion f i'l -bs handsomely cared for b:? the local camp and the city. A lar3 lrlUt eighty :by one hun ; dred feet, has ben iltted:up as a'tls dining hall-, two blocks. from. the aacl torlum, -and here -several hundred vet-j erans will be taken care of.l The re-! malnder will t v at the hotels or amons: the'.famllier jo(,th9 jcl(y where doors :have ben tthrownTrpen wride. ' . , 1 Charlette recognizes that the honor ;ef the reunion -isnot. cajlly , won - and -the" people to a man are 'united , In their determliaion tomake. ;tUs 'visit pteanant 'and agrreaHe ;to" the fast thlnnini?llns of the old soldiers who wore, the gray-uniforms. f . v Wednesday's .program . includes an address of welcome In the Academy o1 . Music, Aftd rreanonae ' by Gen. .J.. S. 'Carr, and format ;Rddre-'s hy Chief Justice WaiUs-CWk. and ex-Governor T. J. Jarvis In tha morning,' while the Afternoon sesakm - will consist of a se Yles of songs, recitations, etc:, under the manapment. of-the - Daughters of the" Confed;iracy, .'reminiscent of .the , eventfiil- cars .of the war,' following which thta.lecU jo t.-officer wlll be held. ' The, grand ' parade v will take s place Thursday, followed by the bar- becue for four thousand people, The rlty Is for, the rtlma being: wide open to the veterans, ana eacn one may De raid to carrz a. key to the Queen City in his pocket"-.',' r There' left hefre yesterday to attend the Confederate Reunion In Charlotte Chief; Justice Walter, Clark, who de-- livers an. addressr, MaJ. W,. A ,. Gra ham, Commissioner of " Agriculture, and. Capt.,. Vf.T. Davls. i . s, 45K-KIIIGI1II0TEDCEDE 'ANTICIPATING . SUIT SWEDISIX CMlOsiT6RS UNION PLACES' . . v ...5. . . . i :- .. - I iiJNDS IN PRIVATE HANDS. .. 1 -I .. ( By Jlhe Associated Prpas.) q , K Stockholm, Aug;.; 24. Anticipating a . courtorder. sequestrating Its funds pending the trial of the suit for dam sees beaun ' by the - newspapers of Stockholm liV connection, with the re cent strike,, the. Swedish Conipositors Union har transferred all Its. posses sions to f private ihands. . , , if'J-' ; A petition ; signed by women from all classes of society, has been-pre- entd to th Klnsr begging Jiim -to In terCede to bring about , arbitration : of the depute betweea the laborers and their employers that resulted 5 In the strike now . almost a "month - old, ; ? The mlnlstery of tb Interior has sent telegraphic instructions to all lo cal .governors to take drastic meas ures to protect the laborers ,vh4 have returned to work: ; a. - i ' I One hundred and twelve German twed ores hv rtvAl - here from Travemunde: to .unload .a ' humber -of coal steamers, that! have been;' lying in tne narogr-over. & fortnight. ' r OF FOR THE STRIKERS ,.. Long Funeral Processions Yesterday THE DEAD CAUSED TiCE Tlirre . More Dead Bodies of Strike ytupathlzers Found Yesterday by . . ,Troopers Searching for Dead Debs, on the FleldV Says Men Have placed Themselves Ontl -of ' Pale Law - Reigns. .",' (By. the Associated Press.). 'Pittsburg, Pa .1 Aug. 2,4. Gloom cov ered; the 'little manufacturing village of McKees Rocks Uke a pall , today. Long: funeral processions, pitiful In their attempt -at proper ; decorum, wended their way at queer hours from the , Greek Catholic , ChurcTi ; to St. Mary's. - Cemetery, r. a small, burying; plot just outside of SchoenviUe. Strik ers and their families crowded In the van of these funeral trains, dressed In their finery and bearing; ah air of deep grief. One band of eight musi cians furnished the tunes to which the strikers tramped in dust and grime to pay their respects to : the men they look upon a martyrs to a now lost cause. .'"'-' ':':'': -:.: . t r The finding late today of three more bodies of terribly beaten strike sym pathizers was also- horrifying in its ghastliness. for troopers appointed, to the 'work of - searching, for the "dead, and - wounded.,- made little . effort , to spare the feelings of ' the men who gathered about them when the bodies, two .under a pile of railroad ties, and one under a culvert on the tracks of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad were pulled Into sig-ht- The. corpses, hardly recognizable as those .of human beings, were . - hastily piled r Into a morgue wagon and turned, over to the 'county facials,," i-. " ' - - i With the. -burial or. the; dead. striK ers" and the ; finding ;of - the; additional bodies, came a trucei tn. police. From dawn., to nishtfall. not' a pistol ehot made. ; ; -. i; ' 1 ' ; , i . v '-' ' The striking men nd their sympa thizers during the day kept o.uIeUand even gave up t rn&mis1 slieeCS planned for t!;e late afternoon,' as they be lieve 1 any gathering of the workmen could do no good at this time. Debs, the- Socialistic oratox1, was in McKees Rocks' to- address? the strikers, ' but even-he -declared thit words were of little avail. nowi as the riots of Sunday night had for once and all placed, the strikers In the position of outcasts whose cause was all but lost.; ' ; . And on every hand tonight It Is con ceded that the strike rs have lost their fight The Pressed Steel Car -Company plant "today wis . in " . operation with over 1.000 men at work." These men. while not all s tilled or finished workmen, turned oht three steel cars, whic were placed on view Just out side the;plant :gates. ,'"":-;?; V-': Law was supreme In the strike zone today. -There was little chance-for disorder to - have Ideveloped much headway.-' ;;;k- r-i. .r Elxty-six men , were loaded-" Intd a special car from the! box car jails' In the car company punt ' yara -'. ana brought to Pittsburs; ,ln the afternoon, where they were arraigned before a magistrate , oa -Charges- or , disorderly conduct and carrying; concealed weap ons. The informations were sworn to Btate trooper. ;The tmen . Were', later transferred to the county jail to await court hearings....;"-- ;; , :"1-:-f"-: AX sundown tonight the search be gan for weapons by the State police. uslmrr. search warrants, -Issued -by a magistrate unaer a law passed by the last Legislature, making it Illegal for foreigners to ;have m their homes or la their possession fire-arms of any description. - '"' i X .. ; i . ''. . . " The total "death- list resultta f f 6m Sunday, night's : disorders now totals eleven, .wOxlle. two rln- hospitals ' ex pected to die within the next twenty four, hours, r The lessseriously injured are all reported to be Improving; SlOWiy.C; ' 1, -'-. - .;. r :- iZl' ' Washington, Aug. 24. -eyond ad mitting that Instructions - had been nveft to the United States Attorney at Vlttsburg to maintain close observation of affairs at the tlant of Pressed Steel Car Company at McKees Rocks, near Pittsburg, officials of the ' Department at Justice would not discuss the strike conditions today. It la rumored that there may be prosecution or officials of the company on charge of peonage but this could not be confirmed y: f Dividends j Declared. ' r . ; 5 ( By the 'Associated Press. .J New York, Aug. 2 4. Directors of the Union -Paciflo , Railroad Company today declared a regular -4. quarterly dividend of : J 1-2 per cent on the com mon stock and a regular semi-annual dividend v of 2 "per cent on preferred stock. - f y i t ., ; , .v v i . , Directors .? of ; the Southern Pacific Company declared a regular quarterly dividend of 1 12 per cent on the com mon, stock. ; Saratoga Races.' ; T k . -;. -';l By, the Associated Press. ) : pi f,'' Saratoga, N. Y., Aug.. 2 4. Nlmbusa, the 4 ?. toy.S favorite, - easily won the Amsterdam selling! stakes, one niile, here today In the fastest" time of the meeting, when : he stepped the dis tance vin 1:31. He was always . the choice and taking the lead at the start, led all the way and won by 1 1-2 lepgtbsu ; -X.z,,yc.ti a;---'. ., : ; I,.. ... .,!. , i , ., T ' Church Struck by Lightning. ' -.r! 'V --' :v.'.,;'-'J:' i , .-'h- ;" ; " (By the Associated Press; ) Lucca, Italy. Aug. 24. The; village cnuren b.i ukiiu. i nci(nuunn( nam- 4 let, was struck by lightning today. The roof of the building collapsed, killing two of the . worshippers within and Injuring fifteen others, j.. ; - ... I'.-.. , - -.. ,. ,. : , .1 . j .- . . STATE POLICE GUARDING WORKS - ;'"' ' ' hi "" ' i . :. V JU..!,.. I ::.f I vCU tyS? . - -V - i Vk 1 5;'::' f &l;5i'sl:M ' 1 . .V ' v f . . " -'r II)'... ' . ;.. i'v 1 v . ' v--.:: .' I I': n. : - eOAi:Diw.. CEK3tiniTIIS!!0T(lUO :::VccfcroiioV;w Killed 1115 CODY WAS BURNED William Wade, a Negro, Runs Amuck on'rrmclpai; Streets of Monroe, La-, $lUnax Indiscriminately at Wliltes ipor 'Fancied Injury Three of : Victims ; Seriously W ounded. ":-.',;:P;,. :4-' . ., 5? By; the "Associated Presa ) MonroeLa Aug. J4.--Angered, it Is belleved.'.because two of his friends had recently , been f shot: by; police offl cera In thlsj city William S.- Wide, a negro, today raft amuck on the prin cipal business street pf Monroe with a double : barreled ' shot ' gun, ; shoot ing "first ' at every : white mkn he saw -1 every oojeci uexore mm. . ; r . t-TheHre was returned and tne-negro finally fell dead with a bullet through his eart, but not before twenty-nine men; three of' them member sof his own racei had been more or less ser iously wounded. 1 .t' s ' THU SERIOUSLY WOUNDED: - Hugh Bigger; police officer, ahot In abdomen and thigh, may, die,: j ' . - T. H. Grant, deputy sheriff, ; shot In neck : and . breast, may die. , v ; Simon 'Mark, merchant, Tuskegee. Ala shot.. In . breast and face, may die. - : ' 'A'': - , i George -McCorrolck; r manager Ou chlta Lumber . Company, West Monroe,- arm shattered.- f SLIGHTLY WOUNDED: Tit. A- A. ,rorsyth, Mayor of Monroe'.-'-:. 'r - ; : ; - . , . .' D.a; Bread; banker; - Ed. 1 Strong, cashier Southern Express Company; Steve Burke, telegraph operator; Joe Thompson, dispatcher; A. A Grenly, lumberman ; " Manuel k Abromowltz. ciet-k ; Alberts Marx, merchant; C. E. Bynum, stenographer; J. L. Kendall, trainmaster; D. C ' Trousdale, mer chant; JjV W. Merrlman, ! express agent; 'Armand Bere. clerk; j D. En sell, traveling salesman; E.P. Da vies, clerk; D..t Bran blacksmith; Roy Fisher, messenger boy; E. B. Edwards, steamboat man; I. L. Haas, merchantr Herman Ablona, merchant; R, R. Ross clerk: Fred. , McGrath, clerk; three negroes shot In -face and body. ;, Wade's. I body was publicly -burned after It had "been cut down, from, a pole on which It hung half an hour or more . after he ; was , stilled. I ; -' An : investigation by. the police this afternoon t shewed that when Wade purchased .the shot gun - and 'a box of shells J a few minutes before he Opened " ftre ; on? the first man there was nothing unusual In ' his,; manner. Other , negroes, - who . were .with him in the ; morning, say that, he; had . not been : drinking . nor did he show any evidence of having taken cocaine.' Wade" removed to Monroe- recently from Pine Bluff, Ark. rHe ! was ac companied by several ; other negroes and they commenced to make trouble for the local police" soon after they arrived.' i;'V;;-7Hr yu "" .. It; was alleged that they were mem bers of or society In Arkansas, which had at itjr ,obJoct revenge for all In juries done the black race.: tAs a re sult these negroes '. clashed with the police on Fmany occasions and twice recently they, have exchanged shots wKh officers'., .. .' ; . , , It was alleged, that Wade was heard to say. that no white- man Taa going to shoot nun.". -.no .more attention was paid to him, however, until he started 1 oh' hi wild rampage today, i . - , ' - AT SCENE OF V 1 J Judge Webb Imposes a Fin? cf I $250 and Costs - -I." l . , HE IS; TO, PAY1 WIFE $3,000 -t- Tlio Sensational . Shooting Case ' In Cliarlotte Is AbruptlyTernimatecl in the Second; For Disfiguring DuUdOg, 11 Was Taxed With Cost, the Matter DUposed of in Open Conrt. (Special id News and Observer.) -H Charlotte, N. C Aug. 24.Mr. D. A. Hurley. 'charged with assaulting his wife, Mrs. Katherlne Jordan Hurley,' with s- pistol several months ago at the apartments of the couple in the . Buford Hotel, this morning submitted ancl entered a plea of guilty In - tlte l criminal! court and ! Judge James L. Webb fined! the defendant $200 and the costs. He pays his wife the sum of.js.ooo. ; ;..,"A:.'rv;-.v";,' '' - ; In thei second case against Mr. Hur ley, in which he was charged .with disfiguring -a . buildlag, the - defendant also pleaded guilty and was taxed with the. costs. ;Ths pleas of the - de fendant ;w ere. - entf-red before "Judge Webb by Mr. R. G. Lucar, attorney for the defendant, tnd the entire mat ter was disposed of In open court In a very short time, -In fact it was not generally known yhen the case would come up,, and the abrupt ending of the matter today, was unexpected. It was at one time believed, that there would be a sensa tional hearlrig held and, that the caserwould , require sev eral -days in being disposed - of, but today's action puts ' an end to the whole matter and'. Mr, Hurley, who has been a social leader here. Is now a free man a'to everything that the court might hold against him. e. .; OLYMPIA HOTEL WRECK. On Person ' Ki tlctl Caused ,v by Ex plosion, Origin Unknown: (By the Associated Press.) , Elmlra..N. Tf.. Aug. 24.- An explo sion of unknown origin today, early, wrecked the Olympia liptet and caus ed the death of Mrs. E.AV. Roby. who was sleeping In an adjoining frame building. . :. , . , The force of the explosion tore a hole 12 feet long and 20 Inches wide through the ceiling of Mrs. Robys room, and. the concussion ,threw her from the bed to the floor. She had been suffering from heart trouble and the shock kilted her. The whielrwas.hdt occupied, was burned. The money loss ws small. " FIX PRICE OF YARN. Spinners Meet to Make Minimum -.v Price to Prevent -Undercutting. ; : ; -N (By the Associated Press.) Manchester. Aue. 24, At a meeting held here today of the owners of two- j thirds of the ring spindles In the Lan cashire cotton, .trade. It was decided to form an association to fix, a mini mum price for. yarn and prevent un dercutting,' :. - ' - '. i ... m a -w' "-- x-- v--'v Steam Unrge WrecketL C (By the Assoclate Press.) Frankfort, Mich.,? Aug.: 24. The kteam bartre Tlnhcrt C. - Wente. 141 Being feet long, of Manltee. Mlch is re-' Lexington, Ky., Aug. 24. Mrs. ."'Hen pored wrecked on Piatt. Bay .reef, off rv Youtsev. wife of the only man who Point Betsey and in danger of going io pieces unless, me ino suosioes. The Frankfort life saving crew has j gone to the rescue.of the crew. FATAL STRIKE RIOTS Ono of ridst Popular Edi ' ; -7 toro:of nt".to OF'"- piti-h;.' 4 ;-",,- .. . i - --',;, r Tlie-.Endf Was Nt-Ui ed awTAU . .- . : Knew tlie IlHiese FaUH-AU the Members'; of Fa lit The End Cam tO:SO O'clock -The '... - -; f -' - A ' ' ' - ' 1' : Funeral Today at 5 O'clock.' '? ' s . i-..-. f 4 V.V..JX.--.- .:ii . .-. Tc' ?--s (Spe.cial to7 News apd ,ObirverO ; ,Louisbg4ug:v24d(iJ'.vOU Thomas i dled, here tonight at il& : 3 OXy; ... The -end " was not 'unexpected.; and he v-rim unded by. the memters ct hlsfartU;-.. X Wlgbr0thers es4ra.Tr. G. Thn laa and ,; Henry L. Thomas were also 'dierei.j;.-;-... A- Id the u-ath of Mr. Thomas Frank lin county has lost a most useful cltl sen - and- rt. who Is greatly - belo ved, not only here, but .throughout , the State.- . :Vv..-';-::;-i;v ir ! Mr., Thomas was a toyaft Democrat and his paper, the Franklin Times, has been a power for the cause of the party In this county and section . as WU as fhr the moral uplift and .ad-J vaucemeni . qi mis secuon. , 'in the Democratic councils he alwas took a prominent part, He was also honored by, liia peppier politically, with -the of fice of county, treasurer, besides other .'Offices ofJ trust. 1 '- : v, vv Among! the press of the SUte hi was a welcome face. He always car ried gladness and sunshine,; and he will be sadly missed In these annual gath erings, as he was at the last . rrteeUng. and at which time he was president of the association. v - .'.; v. -J lie was a native of Wake eountv Land came to LouUburg about 35 years 'turn anrf Kaj., m, tH. ,t. ago and became Identified, irr the pub- The. funeral will be held tomorraw afternoon; at I o'clock. , A v MillDIST MOVEteXTv - Takes on Revolutionary Character at : Yemen i Southwestern Arabia, , r (By the' Associated Press.) v , , .4 - .Home, Aug. 24. A semt-offlclal note says the Mahdlst movement at Yemen: southwestern Arabia, has taken on acute revolutionary character, the rev olutionists Indulging in massacre and pillage.-vj Turkish troops - are H inow marching! to.Hodelda, a seap ort on the Red Sea.) . ' ' -' .- :" . It is stated that the governor has telegraphed to Constantinople, urgent ly requesting reinforcements. Pending their arrival he will ask for the as sistance of the British and v Italian warships: in the Red Sea. -' At the request of the under sec re tary of the foreign offlce. the Italian minister I of marines has dispatched the gunboat Volturne from Aden to protect its own Interests. i OLERA ON STEAMER. FIv Deaths on Vessel From Russia Wlilcii Arrl-es. at Antwerp, r- .. ( By the . Associated. Press. ' Antwerp, Aug. 24. The stesmer Singapore arrived here todav frnm Riga. Russia, with five -members - of her crew dead. Dresumablr- from cholera appreh The news has caused much apprehension. The Singapore has been delayed in quarantine. - v :, Takes DeiKisex -'eh's Residence, (By the Associated Press.) ":i " St PdlNhnrir A ii tr 91 Th,a fn. nex nauy : at" hotej4elgn office has 'leased; the Dalstein vuia at Odessaas a residence for the the deposed Shah of Persia. ; The vil la Is situated picturesquely -on. the ! cliffs fronting the sea at the outskirts or me eity and anoras rne seclusion desired LaGrang Items. ' (Special to News and Observer.) . LaGrange, Aug. 24. J. W. Graham expeets to leave, for a trip to the Pa cific coast, including Seattle. , next week: Others will probably accom pany him. .'.,-'. . Dr. BJ. M. McDonald lert for a' two weeks' visit to Wilmington this week. MrsJ Yontsey Wants Divorce. - t tin serving sentence for "complicity ln:f iin the murder of Governor ooeoei in' lists h suit for divorce. The' paper were filed at Winchester, Uy. Rather Nettled at Actions . . r; ; of Attorneys 3MlEllSlHl!lSESilllE0 ' '-. i -.tft ;" -i. ;' ;u-f..-k -Xrf.V':it':7Ji His Honor, However, Vaa Assured by the Rar Tliat Soon ahd Good This Slornlrtg Tliey Wonld Put Hint . Ui ' Work Jind Give Him Enough Re. Observer.) fore Saturday Night. 4 Speclal to News ; and - Greensboro,, N. C. Aug. 24-ln the Superior; Court this morning, after the attorney had secured ' continuance of : every case on the .diy's 'calendar,' except a little one hofsi appeal case from High Point "; justice, Involving a ,clain4 of fifty dollar ; In .a horse trade. Judas Birrs asked the attor neys lf.s the .court had not aa well be. adjourned for the term. - He said he wagjanxioua to star here and er but It wa Impossible for him .to have cases ' tried, when every one set - on on ' the, calendar' for trial, . for. one cause or another, had to be continued. His; honor w assured by the bar that th;y woutl put him to work good and -' ocn ' ;eiaesday morning; and five hls enc -h of It before Saturday iht. ; So V. r devoting two: hours a, trying the dollar horse case, j and -aout ;u,, "tea ln;twotdl-' -Wednesday.-:- -- - - . . ' yorcf , cases, court t 'turned until A well posted law-er iere said last week that the Board of County Com missioners were s not only? indictable for neglect of duty In not summoning a Jury for last week's term of court. but he thought a' civil suit for dam- at least to - the extent of the cost of the court and the! amount paid to the Secretary of -: State for a certified-copy of the ' statute . giving ; the extra week, could - be brought - by ' any tax payer, and the amount recovered. . ; This same attorney ; was asked , thP mornlig-t if, 1 ,tat. payeri and party p jamim or oeienasni m some imp on ant tfor- the costs holding court, with, nothing .done- be-' cause the - attorneys . wpuld - not try cases. ' The lawyer looked e. little bit shocked at the novel 1 and Impudent suggestion. i But after scratching his head a moment he -saldi in all serl- ousnes; . . . "By. George, I! am not cer tain but what there , might not be something In that proposition. Any how X believe I wtll think over It and Investigate It. as a matter' of novel action , In damages." - NOV. wouldn't that be a peach of .a law suit. If any lawyer could be obtained I to press It. Dwelling Partially Rurned. F The dwelling of- Mr. 3. J. Cooper, on mutt Washington street, was par tially burned this morning before the fire company, succeeded in Quenching the flames. The roof , was burned off and i the damage to the furniture by water was considerable. was Insured for 12.000 4 m- m,m . ..u ?Mra Coop- er, who keeps a boarding .-house, was away from home when the. fire burst out in the attic. Mr. Cooper waa la bed sick, rand It ; was . with the great est difficulty that he could be induced to leave, the building. . He was so ex ftm7 ISsB 9miMl.mMiA (a laava1 . men picked him up and r carried him across the street to a place of safety ana comfort. ; , v -1 Mr. C-A. Pike,-who has been stew ard at a hotel here for some time, ha gone to Raleigh to accept , a , similar position. Mr. Barker er succeeds, Mr. read. i. 'r,"ri y 7 ?' Pike. i ' . Elegant Spread. The member ' of. the ..Greensboro's baseball team were given an elegant spread last night by Mr. Wr F. Clegg. proprietor or Hotel Clegg. ; The.-oc caslon waa greatly enjoy deby the nail players and a few. invited guests. Ejt-Mayor :. I . J. Brandt capacity of - toastmaster : TSAmJIA JmmmAmm. acted 1nthe and happy speeches were made by several around the .banquet, board. - MISSIONARY STE.3IER. Veaeel nod Her Master Are Reported - -?:.,vi';;r; Lost, -', ' (By the Associated ' Boston Mass. Aug. 24. th missionary steamer Press.) V The .loss of Hiram Bing ham and the death of 1 her master. Captain Alfred C. Walkup. were re ported In a cablegram if rim : Sydney, that was received today by the Ameri-, can board of commissioners for- for eign mlssiona The cablegram gave no details of the disaster and did not say where. or when It occurred. The Hiram Bingham sailed : from San Francisco on November; 10. 10S, and after visiting Honolulu proceeded to the Gilbert Islands. ISho waa last heard from on March 25. when : she was at Ocean Island, one of the Gil-, pert group. - i Death of 3Ir. p. T. pteaunan.. ( ' (Special to News and Observer.) - Winston-Salem, N. C, Aug. 24. Mr. D. T. Steaoman, in many, respects a remarkable man. died at his home. pear Germantown. last flight 'as a re sult of a stroke of apoplexy. His age was 2 years. He -; hail always been remarkably active and Was out driv ing yesterday. . J v U t "".. y Coffee Exchange WIU, Close. t (By the; Associated Press.) J l:i . New York. Aug. - 14. The? coffee exchange here will be closed Saturday, September 4th. and, Monday, Septem tth. ;. ..- ::;..'.-.., ' ';;' ' narriaonborg Went Wet. . :J - (By ;the': -Asoc,Utedl: Press. )'v :";Roanoke, Vtu, Aug. 24. At a local option election today.- Harrisonburg. Va. voted wet by a majDrlty of 11. anlt COUlo-AOlUialn:jactk!S' ptaceand t ..--is io connect i..:n ci zmagea agalnxt the members, of lywltmt:f r-vrcr- i - . bar toxthe, extent. at; least of -the ff Trinity Ci.:;..'. t: J ;,T , the , county was being, put ini wa pul u?' R 1 -1W" '.-'r J 1 RIGGSOEE DOES OT GUGu COURT lie and James Hunn Sub- nlit'ThcirrCasca t-vv:-.;-. 1" FIlillilltlllEE 1 '.t X' i.'-i I' I. ..... '. ' u '.' I. Tliere Was No Cliarge Against 'RVgjs- bee As to Actual- Sale He. Was AI- leged . to Hare , Been Owner of k the; PUt-e-CbJef Evidence' Waa nLnheJ jr Detective rajflcLlJ .'- ."!.'" -i-'rl f":-i.i ,' i- . FurwV'j,; . , (Special, to News and' Observer.). 4 r Durham, ; August. 1 2 1-What ! was prophesied ; .a ; furious1 legal battle came quickly : to.'ut jend ' ,thls "af ter'p-; noon when William; T..'Rlgsbee! and James Nunn, .charted.! with; Totalling lager beer; for near beer; entVred a, no! contendere and' submitted (to 'dnes of; 1250 In. eachcase.j7; r' V' '.1 The defense had worsted, th 4 Suite, Fernle Foster the Eiate'a tar witness evidently having losthis 'nervi;nd making a better defense testlSsr than a 'States lie 'has been In Jail .some deys and not knowing"; what was to happen to him In therway of pualah menu he did not assist the State vs he had done before. ! There waa no reference to the affidavit -of - Foster which played such an important part in .the Rawls cae, "and the tactics, were entirely different. ' - Chief Evhlence by MayCeld. ; .The chief 'evidence "in this notable case was-that furnished by Detective, i Mayfleld; who said he sent Fernle ' Foster out end asked .him to vffat him some real beer, : not the abominable . subterfure.- ' Fernle told him tht he vi could get It; himself by .going -to the Man gum street stand and calling for nothing, lust laying down tho monypi i He went and bought i,t. Mr. Rlcsbee and Mr Nurni were there ; and Zlr. . j Rigsbee'asked Foster what he wanted. '! Mr. ,Nunn did the selling. : - ; :Vn--v Analysis. cf .the Xicr. ;l : .,'' There Was no - charge as Inst Mr.- Rigsbee"as' to actual .sale, . lie was t alleged to have" been the owr of the made Unsafely over the coninaerc! beer alcoholic star.ajrd. One bottla was 3.a5 and the other 3.t0., He, said it had every eylderijce of b?la;4he real ' thing, j f- : j " f ni:- '-' Cross Examination of Detective. On cross,-exam!natlon of Mayfleld, Mr. Rramham, representing the de fendants asked, hlra'. by; whose dlrc- tlontthe detective came here, He said the Baldwin Agency had sent him. A-'rr- t M t'-. I' - i analysis- or - two 'ooiucr cr -i-e t iv.- down here and the city attorney .had ; oaid him $ a day and expenses. II " ! was asked if It was his bu l-ess t; work. up these .eases, and. fcv replied : that It as. -Questions "wera" asked I him as'; to whether, he hr. 1 not bej ?! I instructed to proceed aalr-st Ricbee ; And the detective r Id not krci'cally. v t He was saked If he had been-es'ied tOj ;' omit from his surveillance any pan;,;: In Durham. lie replied, that . Mr. ; -A Everett pad told him that It waa un- ' ' derstood 1 that druggists sold concoc- r - ; tlons like . tonics and liniments which ; had tod much alcohol in - . thorn, and r that one, of. the; -druggists waa Mr. - r Yearby,v 'a police commissioner, that ;:- j the detective understood that these. ; men were aware of his being here and : he did not watch them. ' -; - 1 ; : There wa no objection 'upon tha ; part of the city attorney to-thla. ev1- .; dence. and nothing waa put up show ing what was-meant '".It. had Jeen . ; bit of town talk some dayn,.:' .'; J ; r; . c."-: Stat Rests . Case, -V' -: At the conclusion of the charactsr T witnesses the State announced that U v',' would' rest,? and the defense' decimal , i to Introduce testimony; If was ap ; narent . that the-, derencam itigse. indicted In other cases, bad " hot been, ; connected with the ownership of the ; stand. There waa not a little wrang- . ling among counsel as o the. admission '. : mr mvtAmfmfm JnArm ... Pvkea deciding '-. ! HI . " v. w . a f: with tne state generauy.; y-v j V ;; :, V .(; ;vr .1 : Agree' to Fine. ',-''': t i The attorneys, ' Messrs. Bryant and Broaden., uramuam ana jorawiey ana . ex-Mayor .Graham. ".for p the .'defense, ,-jr ' ; and Messrs, Holton, and Everett re-('jK -; tired for a short consultation, , ' On m ; ' returning Mr. - Bryant - addressed tha t court and said that while the defense ? believed that there had . been no testl- mony that ? tended to show the guilt . of Mr. Rigs bee. there might: be found (Continued on Pag?1 Elgbt.). ,,.a;a . t-.i .j'V,... nussiA SEVENTY-NINE NEW 7ASES RE- ; PORTED TWELVE DEATHS ;.;vr-4-;V:,ijc; i hours. .V' .-.-!"';;;' -:...:V'.;.',. i-:-- VC- !:- f f Bv the Associated Press.) i'-f, St. Petersburg. Aug. 24. Thero- were 29 new cases' of cholera here nd 12 deaths from the disease during-. the 24 hours ended at', noon todoy. v Tmlrt .m.-m nlinlMA -& hVA Vlt .'i registered at Kolplno.; in ; the -Tsarkoe- , M. l.k.J -- - Selo district. CHOP Pnrtv.nn nessanta ."have been' ar -.1 rested at Pakov charged with parti- t . clpatlon in the present cholera rioting ' : In that town. ' .' " '.. ' i -t ',; i. ,-,'; .;' - ' Large Dry KUn Burned. S --'.: -v- f. ' "' .. -; .'-,--, - r" ? Statetvllle, a Xiigi" 24. A" large dry ; 1 kiln with Its contents of lumber was ,.; totally destroyed by fire i yesterday at ' f noon at Mr. R. F, Gaither's lumUer v. plant In the viclalty.of Harmony, The "i. loss Is; probably from - 22SO to $200. A cutton . rln and a large amount of s '. 1 nm her 41111 aide - tn kiln WiM mved . bK-tho hemic work of the number of i persons who responded t- the alarm . and used backet , of ,w .n- to relt -','-, advantage.; ii ii 11" ;,1 a it '.v ''St () k" "'It ' 'lii.'-'. . ' ,. -. . ( ' 1 '

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