THE 3$nEX7T3 OBSERVE!!, TTEDNE&PAY, AUGUST 25 .' 4 V The News and Observer 1 WEDNESDAY, ; -V-Augusti 25. 1809. ' 5 IHAINft tiHAVINa RALEIGH DAILY. H Seaboard Air line Railway. ! i&otng North. ;; Going South. n 4 AAA 4 1:10 a.m., " . 1:60 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. ,4:05 p.m. Uli :01p.m. x : 6:15 p. m. Souther lUBway. : 'Wing aiifa - uviut v. ,az:u p. rn. . ,v : " y :IOp.ra. C r ' ' 4:05 p.m. Raleigh-and .fioutbport. A; r Xfoinf South. . A Arrive Raleigh. f:00a.ra.. 1:10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. r 1:45 p.m. 1 Norfolk and Southern. kGolnc East A Arrive. Raleigh. 7 :15 a. m.. ' ; 11:27 a. m. : IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. V License -to marry. has been granted the following colored couples of this iclty: Bob Hill and' Nannie Shepherd; i '.Weldon Sorrell and Lula Richardson. ' The work of repairing; the. Federal "Court room Is progressing; rapidly The walls are being; painted ana sev eral other Improvements . are being A made. ' " Aa The cHjr guard houses-was without .a single prisoner - last night.. , "It-Is lna first time in, many (days that such has been the case." said Turnkey Johnson. ' A." - A Rev. W. W. Staley, the pastor of the. Christian , Church, of Suffolk. Va,, was In -the city yesterday. He left in the -afternoon , for Elon College, where today he will officiate at the Bradshaw-Clendenin marriage. A bill of complaint In equity en 'A titled- Geo. W. Benedict.: et al, vs. 'the i American Talc Company, et al. has been filed .In the United States Court. i and a subpoena has been . issued to f'gether with an order. appointing , Henry ; N. Bates temporary receiver. PERS02JAL ' friends in the city, returned to his hhone in Wilmington yesterday.. .. i ": Mr. Harvey McPhaJl, of - Rocking 1 ham. was In the city yesterday. - Rev. H. T. Williams; of Chase City, rt Va. Is the guest of : Rev.' R; T. Vann, .at Meredith College. . - '- Mr. h Harvey Hill left i yesterday af- ternoon for Charlotte. " l Mr.' C. 8. Watson, of Greehsboro, - was In. the city yesterday,' stopping at the Yarborough. f- . y 7 ; L Mr. T; G. Frasier. of Greensboro. ; wa in the city; yesterday rllon. vji " here yesterday. ." , . Mr. B. H. Stephens, of Wilmington , was In the city yesterday. .j 1 1 Mr. N. M. Palmer, r of. Warrenton, ' , was here-yesterday. ; -' X Mr. II. B. Wail, of Mexico' City, reg ! lstered at the .Yurborofcgfcr yesterday. Mr. 'F. P. Cotton, "of t Winchester i 'Mass.,' was in th.-cHv yesterday, v .1 tAYMEN'S DAV AT i EDENEZER. ."i-" . - ;Mr. T. B. pldridgo Will 3iake The Ad- jj h'' .' drew on Sunday. J I Next Sunday will be observed as 'Laymen's Day at Ebenezcr Methodist ! ; Church, six .miles east of the City. iSonday School will be held atthe f usual mornlns hour, and. at? eleven -o'clock Mr. T. B. ; Eldrldge will de- ; liver . .. an address on the . Laymen's 'Movement, ' The Ebenexer" people .re preparing for a big day. " Their sing -jing people, "who have a fine reputa- tion all over Wake county, have re i entiy taken a, course of instruction: 'I to they are expected -to do better thas Wer. . It -will be worth a trip through the country to hear the singing. Be 1 1 sides the "principal; address there will be . one or. two 'short talks..- . .; - ' TWO CHARTERS YESTERDAY V Hofticry Mill for Hlsh ' Polntl-NeW. I A, x Corporr Uon for. Mebane. y t -1 There" wre filed with the Secretary of State yesierday tvo certificates "of ; Incorporation. o . ' - . . .. -. The Holtnes-Corbett-Ilam Company. 1 ' of Mebane, wll do a mercantile and r; land buslnea with an authorized capl : tal of. IS0.D0O. .The Incorporators are: t Jno. , A.- Ilclmes, L.. C. . Corbett and W. E. Ham. all of Mebane. 1 1 f t The Piedmont ! Mill Company, ". of r High Point, will run a hosiery mill ' with an authorized - capital stock of $125,000.' The incorporators are J. H. Adams. J. E.-MUUs and C. ' C. Robblns, -; -all of High iPoinW -: ... .'': , -' 'i "4 -tS'r '"" '' . I int-'1- ,!:...' : --- r-'-r " V' . I The strenuous business life of today produces a disease known, as. , Nerve Exhaustion." The .Greensboro Keeley Institute , is prepared x to treat , this disease. Write for confidential ' in formatJon. - ' . '; , I ic Rl KacKTUAN. ATTY. ', ... Aiigiist Should to ft ifroaare a busy businesi man this J wulTsry likely be your best-time ... . to supply jrwunelf . wltk i.necesaary - T J a We sre tnxlout to know your needs Uy'ra our. wants. - Anytbing and. V ; VBL J. CARROLL, Printer f SCHOOL BONDS FOR SALE. ' Sealed proposals will be received by J. C. Marsh; secretary to Board of , Graded . SAool Trustees of Marshvllle, Union county, N. C, until ' August 18th, 12 m., for the purchase of 810, '000.00 5 per cent 20 year . school ' bonds, interest semi-annually. Bojnds of $500 denomination. Bids to be ac companied by certified 'check of S50. Sun-Wed&Sup. ' ". r f f : FOR REfiTSflLE A SpleaSlJ 9-rcca Residues. 1 ; t Lot 86zi 10. Excelltsl Loa-' ' PARKER IIUIITEB i 1 LI HE 2 (8UWordto-UiUa) -,A-. AA CASH WITH ORDER Wants ads. received at The News and Observer Building or without charge tor messenger service from the Postal . . . - . graph '- Messengers? Call Western Telegraph or American District Tele Union . or Postal messenger boys by telephone or call box from any point In the city who will receive advertise ments for 'this column at rate of ten cents per line, counting six words to the line, just as they receive tele grams for' transmission over Western Union or Postal lines. WANTED: YOUNG IiADY WISHES reasonable board in private family near Capitol. Answer, "D.." care this, office. 8-25-ati WANTED: PROMOTER TO HAN (l!e high c1sm electrical enterprise 'which will revolutionize one of the - greatest Industries In the . world. The company ,is-now receiving the widest publicity by the press throughout the country. Is a proven commercial success and has a mo nopoly in its particular line of busi ness; adapted to eery city, town and 1 district; thoroughly protected by U. S. patents; is one of the largest public utilities in the country x known everywhere by everybody. Sub-companies and sj-ndlcates may be organ ized; parent company now operating. Demonstrating outfits, which con vince the most skeptical will be fur nished. This is a rare chance for the right- man; business clean, 1 stands high, largely profitable. City, country and State agencies open, r Shares sell very readily and appeal to all classes of investors. A'ddress for Interview, stating Qualifications, etc.. P. O. 818 Realty Building, Charlotte. N. C. ; v FOR. SALE OR LEASE: ONE OF the best and oldest hotel bar and restaurant stands In Baltimore City. Situated on the principal -thorough-' fare right In the heart of the city. Address J. J. Hynes, 122 East Pratt . St. Baltimore. Md. 8-25-3t FOR RENT (OR SALE) : PHOTO . graph gallery. Address Darnell & ' Thomas. "Raleigh. N. C. Vved., Thurs., Fri. A Sat. ACCOUNTANT. SEVEN YEARS EX- peri e nee In banking,, desires posi tlon. Best of references. Address. , "Clerical," care News and Observer. FARM FOR SALE: 154 ACRES OF . good land for tobacco, grain, stock, etc. Good improvements. W. W.' Upchurch, Morrlsville, N. C. ' g 25 it ' " .. .. WANTED TEACHER OFXPERI ' ence to teach in Seventh and Eighth Grades. Apply at once with full information to "A," care News and ' Observer. ,. t-25-2t FOR SALE: CQ3IPLETE SAW MILL, 1 ' only' used about, six months. For particulars address Jno. E. Croft, Saratoga, N..C. ; ' 8-26-2t WANTED: HOTEL. HELP LUM ; bermen ' (Sawyers, ( Inspectors); combination bookkeepers, stenogra phers; shipping, billing and railroad clerks, Piedmont ' Ebployment Agency,' Durham. V 8-2 5 -Wed., Thur....Fri Sun. : U N R E G 1 8 T E R E D.i DRUGGIST Wants position In drug store; three . : years experience, good habits," best S references. - Address . : Phenol," qare "News and Observer: . ' - i NEW $450 -KI3IBALL : PIANO, '. party won In ad writing contest and J does not need piano, will . sell at "X bargain, cash or easy terms. For particulars write P. O. Box 441, Ra "j lelgh. N.: C f: r ,- . . .. .6t NO. F. P. KODAK! AND OUTFTT for sale. Address GW. Underbill, Knlghtdale, N. C. Route No. l. 8 24 3t WANTED--POSrriON:BY COMPE- tent, experienced , bookkeeper; best references. ' Address M. F care . News and Observer. , :' ;: xv-xS:-' WANTED : BY MARRIED COUPLE: Nice room and board in a first-class private home for the winter. Best of . references ' given. r - Answer, Couple, care News and Observer. ; - i 8 24 3t -; -j V -ri , SALESMEN MONEY : IN MAPS: 835.00 to 850.00 per week being made by men In the. field; work is congenial , and permanent; experi ence not necessary; write at once for descriptive circulars and full In formation. Rand, McNally" & Com pany, .142 Fifth Avenue, New York City , .:; -.-. :; . 8-24-3t - WANTED: A YOUNGMAN TO FILL position or News Agent on Norfolk and Southern Railwgy trains. Ad- dress P.4 H. Brouellet, -Norfolk. -Va. 8-24-St, FOR SALE: ONE OF THE FINEST combination saddle, and buggy horses In the country. Weight about 1,250 pounds. For particulars ad dress Box 104, : Black Mountain, N. C.:V " . 8-343t. LUMBER WANTED: FR-MIXG, boards, shingles, laths, flooring, etc. New Lumber Yard, Raleigh. ? !-"i.1.r.iv;.:.v.- 8-24-6t FARMS FOR SALE; 325 ACRES IN Chatham county. . Strong land . and good improvements. - Look while the crops are growing. R. E. Prinee, Raleigh. .;.-- i -- -2t THE TYPEWRITER W ITH THE Long Guarantee; The L. C. Smith machine is guaranteed twice as long as any other "s so - called standard make. sBtbp and consider a moment the' reason for this. Superior con struction, durability strength - and efficiency make it possible- for thla broad gauge guarantee. Investigate fully and put . your. : '-money into a writing instrument that will givei the longest service. and, the best work. J.'E. Qrayton.& ; Co., Char lotte. N. C. .22-24-25. Jim BARGAINS: FOR SALE IN SEO ' . ond hand boilers and engines, from 8 to 80 H. P. -Crawford Plumbing and Mill Supply Co., Winston, N. C. -'r .. - ..- - -v.: iu-. 8-22-3t WANTED: LLMITED NU3IBErt OF young foxes. W.:T. Hughes. Chase City, Va. ' 8422-3t WANTED: YOU TO PREPARE FOR ; a good position by taking courss at King's Business College. Raleigh. MAKE-UP WANTED ON MORN J Ing daily. Address -Foreman" iNews and Observer, Raleigh,. N.' C. CEI1TS 0 THE QUARTERLY STYLE BOOKi-For Fall. 1009, HlnstraUng jth6 - Ladles' Home Journal Patterns. 20c. Wm Free Pattern. , By-Mali s Beginning Just at this tninie o'ycar, Mhen merchants are cleaning out their summer stocks and Hacri flclng their rightful ' profits. Is most opportune for the shrewd buyers to advantageously replete their sum mer wardrobe. The savings go into the dimes, dollars and eagles. Tlio early fall styles In Ladles' Tailor-made Suits arc being shown. FANCY COLORED SILKS. Splendid Silk values In high-clasg novelties worthy your. Imme diate attention. Fancy weave, stripes and blended colors. Suitable for Suits, Dresses, Waists and Skirts at badly broken prices. Valuations up to $ .75 for v . . . . .A 39c. Valuations up to $1.00 for , 59c. Valuations up to $1.25 for ........ ... .. .. ....; .79c. PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE. ' " ' All Fancy Silk Parasols to be sold at figures that do not represent the oot. Parasols at our regular low valuations of $2.00, $2.5Q, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00 at the lialf prices ...... $1.00. $1.25, $130, $1.75, $2.50. EXTRA CURTAIN VALUES. Mlsslonet, Nottingham Lace and Printed Muslin Cottage Cnrtalns The few odiVCurtalns and single pairs are marked lialf-price; others at. manufacturers' prices. Sale prices, per pair - $1.19, $1.39, $1.59, $1.98, $2.48 and $2.98. E3IBROIDERDZS We are selling 59c. All-over Embroideries for $l.QO and $1.50 Kabo Corsets 50 and 75c PERSIAN LAWNS AND INDIA LINONS. About IS or 20 pieces of thin Lawns; then no more bt such quali ties at these prices 7, 8 1-2, and 10c. RUGS FALLING FROMTHEm PERCH. ; Every day 9x12 feejt Art Squares tjte dropping f rom the Rack; go ing out to beautify somebody's home. 'The wise ones take advantage of the two to" eight dollars, saving on each purchase and buy now. Room rugs, worth . . $12.50 to $30.00 Are sold at .. .. $10.25, $12.25, $15.25, up to $42.25 - Hearth Rugs wrth ................ , . . .' $3.00 and $4.00 Are sold a$ f. .. .. .. .i $2.25 aW $3.23 FALL STYLES OF LADIES' TAILOR-MADE COAT SUITS AND SEP- . - ARATE - ' V rate Skirts are ready for your Inspect Coat Suits .. Sepamte'Sldrts ............ J We HAVE !' SEVERAL THOUSAND ..dollars to loan for a cUent on. first 4 mortgage or other good - security. . Grimes & Bamhlll. Attorneys, Com tm mercial Bank -Building. ' t -- -8-18-Wed-FrlSun-tf. " 'J WANTED: YOUNG LADY STENOG- rapher September first. . Light work. . Apply in own handwriting, stating I ' experience. If: any, . and . salary ex- 6 dress, P. Box;No.-34Ir Raleigh,' NCV " : 8-22-Sun. & Wed, FOR SALE: ONE COMPLETE. GIN- nlng outfit (Winship), one 40-horse - return tubuiar-oller, one 50-horss-' Fricx engine and Stem cotton press, i For. terms and prices apply to W. F. Martin; Mount Olive, N. C. . 8-lt-4t-Wed-Fri-Sun. ? ' . CITY PROPERTY WE RENT AND sell-ity .- property on commission. Pullen puBldg., , Raleigh. J. H. Fleming San.' - -' 8-17-0 t" vy other day " i i i'' MENOUR ILLUSTRATED CATA :; logue explains, how we .teach barber trade in : few weeks, mailed free. Moler Barber College. Atlanta. Ga. 8-2t-lw. ,: r . . - - s FARMS-7-WE HAVE FARMS ' IN HouSe Creek, Bartons Creek and Cedar Fork Townships,, Wake' coun- ty, for sale. J. H. Fleming & Son, . Raleigh. . ; : ' ,;"'-v 8-1731 e.-o. d:vO- w:'-' f.-'" TRAVELING SALESMEN EARN$1 000 to 810,000 yearly. Write for free bok, "How Salesmen sSucceed" '. and secure position with - reliable . firm. Bradstreet System, Dept. 110, Rochester.t N , Y. - ' - : . 7-4-sun & wed. tf. WE COLLECT BAD ACCOUNTS. Write us today.-- International Col 1 lection and Adjustment Co.,.Ralelgh, N XJ. ' Sun wed ffl'lOt 8ALES3IEN, EXPERIENCED, TO handle on commission, staple, easy ' : selling line. F. W. Main, 7 1; Iowa i City, Iowa. ' . 8-22-4t LADIES OUR CATALOGUE Ex plains how we teach hair dressing. . f manicuring, - facial massage, - etc.,' in it few, weeks, mailed free. ; Moler Col lege, Atlanta, Ga ; ; ; 8-21-lw. V ;: FOR RENT A WELL EQUIPPED : ' successful foundry connected with a hustling machine shop. Can supply plenty of work. A reason. Address Foundry, care News and Observer. MODERN, FIRST-CLASS EQUIP roents, strong, practical courses of study, up-to-date methods of in : struction and an able faculty are ' somo of the points of Superiority of King's Business College, Ralvigh. N. C. - . KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE WANTS to put you 'in a good position. We have thousands of former students ' holding responsible places. Write , : for catalogue. Address. King's Bus iness College. Raleigh. N. C. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. RAL eln, offers strong eommereiat . training In Rnnb.keeDin: Phnrthn and Telegraphy Send for catalogue J 3! WANTED:. YOU TO PREPARE FOR a jood position by taking a courss L at King's Business College. ' Ral- W ANTE D R AIL WAY- BIAIL clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers, ex aminations -in Raleigh November 17. Preparation free. r Franklin Insti- : tute. ,Dept. 240, Rochester, N. Y. ' ! ..- 8-1 5-1 5 1 v :";-. f" B0YMN FOR SALE: 1,000 PIECES OF BAG ging. 1.000 bundles of ties, Raleigh , Cotton Mills. v..- ,8-l4-l0t . - - , ''"',: 'Great i g in Frices. AND CORSETS. .39c, of discontinued numbers at SKIRTS. . , .... ... . . ! Coat Suits and Sepa- foil. .... .818.50. $22.50. and 825.00 $3.73, $1.93, and up. GO. f ONE, ELLIOTT7 . A r HATCH BOOK Typewriter;: In good condition com plete with table for $40. Write quick ?v if jou want"-.this bargain. - J. ; E. Crayton &' CciCharlotte, N. C. WANTED ONE , OR TWO MOULD. . era for plow .castings Apply to J. H. Gll Iron Foundry Raleigh, N.C ': . FOR SALE: J0TXRDF2mra ;pine' wood. Apply to J. H. Gill, Raleigh, N. C. . 8-10 tf WANTED YOlp Tp GET OUjl HOME l StUdr Circular' -!ne Shorthand, and Penmanship taught oy man. King's Business CoUege, Raleigh. N. C ' : : no i Having been in business " over TWENTY YEARS, selling: PIANOS to MUSIC LOVERS lii the OLD NORTH STATE. ONR EXPERIENCE- IS A VALUABLE ASSET. WE ARE PROUD. of the reputation we" have won 1 for STRAIGHT!-FOR-WARD. UPRIGHT METHODS of do ing business, ' and can . ' not afford to place this reputation" in JEOPARDY by deceiving, JN ANT . WAY; pros pective customer. 1 , , ! : ? 1 WE SELL THOSE PIANOS ONLY which' have PROVEN their f MERIT If anticipating the purchase of a piano In the near'future, kindly let ui quote you prices and terms. . . f We will sell you on : as i CLOSE MARGIN as ' SUCCESSFUL BUSI NESS ; PRINCIPLES i will admit. WRITE US. . 7 V," ' DARNELL & THOMAS V" RALEIGH, N. v COST! COST! - : COST! '- " That's what counts In. life la 's : surance. Policies differ in lit ! ; tin else. tJnion Central Pol. 1 ; Icies cost less than any others. " Write for facts and compara tive figures. - UNION CENTRAL LIFE J: INSURANCE C0. tThe Great Annual Dividend , Payer,' GareyJ. Hunter &"Bm ' State Agents I RALEIGH,tfORTH . CAROLINA. ' r7 I'vrxujfH. PEftRCE WW THe Signal that warns against provincial tailoring may save your name as a man of discernment. Some of ; the dangers are antique pr freakish styles, faulty fit and careless ' workmanship. In measuring to a hairbreadth, we study your particular needs, and- the gar ments are crafted with consummate jrace and v;il OUR FALL LINE OF SAMPLES NOW READY! JUST RECEIVED. OUR FALL STYLE HATS'!! - Onr facilities, for meeting, your demands for unique and .exduslro design's In .. r c'-l Dianibi are unsurpassed hereabouts. - - We can furnlsli any desigrt yoa wish, executed bj expert artisans and tlie guarantee of Al quallr) will make dealing here Sauefactoii to 'beth'partlcsV 'rS :M;. , Jewlers, ;Rdeigb,WC : V : A .. - lORi-SffiE ; "inca.5-rc:p Ci;!l:ia . bgc:J i:es":ii:' Prfcj $i, -Kerb f:t J 2.50 HldHtOWEfiSFORTT ;ja!.:es iioniB vora, ; - - - Mamh al Ian. ' '."'.., i .'- .. UMiUJlU, DANK OF COM3IERCE , DUELDING. 1 Norfolk Virginia. : ! 3 Si Ota dry wS Mat? naUHUaSIm Mil 1'wawSfJi.Ua. t WASHINGTON eKSTCH BOOK- - Ut Sam tveos ileiwM T . emm ttr i mti. Sm mm twwtKMHTT CO., w. Specie! r.n$-S!m3r: ; :f it Furniture Qargafris. ; ' i '-""- - 'tv v fc , Right now Is a good time for yoa to secure some t the rich est values in Furniture that you ' will And this year. . It, la . bctneen-season - time,; and we are cleaning- out sum , mer goods broken lots otld pieces broken 'sets, &c4 and are offering special prices. Nowhere else; in the -'South ; can you find such-a magnifl- ! cent shoeing of Furniture of all kindv -..-?;wy . - Rich, styles, superb quality, endless variety , and attractlvo prices. r - i-rrr-'l - Write ns for-prices. Do not " be content tu, make. your scire- ' tions from tlie little store with Its still smaller stock. " ; &Hundley FURNITURE FOF. THE HOME ' BElim i'L. v . l-I09-11-1S E Broad Street, A RICHMOND. VA. FuiiffiAt Fi,c;vEns The kind you get here ar , properly made,, of good ma . teriaL -, . , s- ,. ;i : l Wreaths-oi 3Vheai roond ' orat to , 1 3 ! , each, iheat Sheaves, plain, same: Vltlx ribbon 'and flowers. $3 :"to UK . r., J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY , r COMPANY, :.. : Greensboro f Pomona. N. C MS Sydnor T bbp-st s sr w ssgi sai' n"- m - - Is f1 sr a I ' " S x-. . - - - - - ' Just few days left before your opportunity for ' -genuine stylish suit at an old-time price will have passed. V Our spring suits will serve you for fall wear for set eral rnonths : yet, and you are mightily in ' your own f own light" If you fail tb buy one or more of these suits. ..T s 8 Brighten np, and come Kuppenhelmer $2 6 garment, and watch na only charge J you two-Uiirda ti)la emount. . , h tl . ; , Other' suits to: be sotd as low aa talhe 'dolV ' ' I i 8'.. a. W'e" have bargains ,tn with (theie, and which R-'' V -a ROSENGARTERGO n -.FaixttevCsrS&cct 4 r- X " THE-NEW, LIFZ: 'ANDENDOWSIENX-lXSLXCEZSO! . . ; the PEii butu;:!. L!;:.; RO. - - are Issued at lower races and, larger gaarantep"&lues tfcsn evrr before, Prospective . policyholders and. agenti will serva their own Interests by . conferring with :; , f : Ujj. (m-i- . Mcpherson & BARNEs7Rdci-h n.Cc; i , . . v-.: -v I., V- -;., IJ .-I - v . .... r GENERAL AGENTS FOSC NORTIL CAjdoilNA. . 1 " V '.. ' . ' ' ' ' ' . , .' r ' (Successors to I .. ' '.' 1 . - " ' i " ' . ' a- ' ;y: Fine Combiilation -k a " Several Tins Horses Expected T cda Buggy.-Caddie and Farm Horses, , , , . 'r'iiRTnt strtEET. .nX leigc; "k; c. ' Ty ' " y? -:V; - AT LOWEST- RATES DEPOSECORS INSUTUCD AGAIN American Bonding Company; ;of Address McPHERSON & BARNES, (successors 10 w u. wr.. . . .j .-'-:--.--.-'.,- L ... ... .t-T - 4 . PELL'S I REVISAL, r. ,:You get cheaper express rates -MclNTOSHa ASES ON.TUE - rHIII -- TTahSB . 1 aBW AF. MtrK STT 1 At A:;-' '.fA: " MVMaMHMa hMISSESREESE G0:!POTi ; -t rr 109 KAYCTTEYllXJt tTBECT. ...... . to ; i .! ! In and let ua Itt lro.nP in ) otlicr deparunenta In keeplnr shonM interest you. i! , r i , L" D. - IlANEY. ) 1 ;- ; from .Ylrclniaj all wa brokk " ; ."The" Ilrery" service you hare oecn looking for la to be found at 'this -estatllhmenuv. v'. - V Modern vehicles kept 'In, the very , best of condition excellent -. - horses low -chargesand prompt. v couiteous attentloi--will - make ; your .dealir.r 3 -with us satisTac- ! tory in every rrpeci..V .' - , ; Would you f ire? U2a share oi 4 , .... ... -::r.3 livery ST LOSS BY BAN pAixUKE, 'BaltIrior'e Md.- Locat -seents "wanted, ti Genet al Agents' for North Carolina. :.r . . .y KAIJCIGU. N. XX 7 . ,. v ' I , ..... , , VOLUME3 1 A;.T' 3 Jty buying trom'rxtC' -yJZ-?i ' LAW. QF CONTRACTSt, $3.00. ; ' ; .-JZ A I SL -i in n MaSSSS .- .Ui.-,- J., ' vuur ii.i i r ii:, y -, l ' is EEsrukEnsnrr pr tk:si vthd use jhe -AV- j; ;5yv-,"l'v ;v,:Jf-"'.. :"A A jDai(?iiiMliiundiy ' i a-. - -