Tkii KK VS ,' A3fU 113 lt Vim. W HL)iX'-3JAY lAUGUGT J5; 0' oman mid Society ... TODAY-; AMD 0 MlOiROW 1 ' lil ; - ' ' ' ' ' 1 - ' ! ' . ' . v . ' ' - SJBBJBlSBSBflBMBMMnBHBJMBBSBaSSrV- . i 1 1 ' , f ' ' 0 i'l'e fJ( L " S.ULOR BLOUSE. ' -'. The sillor tr middy blouse has been li high favor with young girls this tummer. To slender" youthful figures nothing 'seems more ' becoming for morning wear, and . certainly nothing more: comfortable. The .design, above la along these lines,, but has 1n- 1 dlviduality to commend It.- It Hips 1 over the -head.- The vw. at the neck la i trimmed at Intervals with small tabs (held by clothniovered .buttons, under which a tie Is passed and knotted in la four-in-hand -at the front. Forxcold -1 days a high neck shield is substituted ior me one pictured. HERE'S TO BEAtjTT. ' ' Beauty soon grows : familiar ty the : lover :.-- . . . r i ; Fades In his eyes,' and palls upon his ' v : senses. vw,; . -v. '-Addison. ,-; There's nothing that allays an angry . t 1 mind , .- ":''. ' -vv;1 s .So soon as a swet beauty. . '"' " Beaumont and Fletcher, i We do love' beauty at first sight, and ' we Ndo "'-;;-,: ' v-'.' -;. .,'4ui - - . Cease to love it,, IT it . is not accom- ; ' panled by amiable qualities. ' , Lydla Maria Child. . ' If eyes were- made for, seeing,, a Th en beauty is Its own excuse for , being. ' : " Emerson. - '.Beauty is the Index of a larger fact ' " than wisdom. '- C ; , : . w ; ' ,:-Y.--i -0. w. Holmes. . Beauty, like wit to judges should be 1 showni '' ."'''r l;" ', ) JRth most valued are, where best they .v.jf are-known. ; '-r v-:::-'-. : , . Lord Lytton.' ' ' Beauty .la Nature's .brag,, and .must be ': &sown )--:'i-,-P-"'-y 7 "V In co-irts and feasts and high solem- nltles, . V' ' f ' v 7 Where most .may wonder "at its work ' . ,.manship.'"5c,---:f. :i Milton. ;.r: ; Beaut provoketh thieves sooner, than tr.i - gold, . ''-' V, ' v.'. j' .tv . '::v; ' '. ' ' "- k ;" ' Shakespeare' " All tie beauty of the world, .'Ui but' skin-deep.. ";-, ;.v' r, ' w -.'l' -r : , -,4-Ralph . Venning. ) 'x;-.'. 5 4 ,iy - ' " Mrc J. V. Slmms has . returned from ' Charlotte. .-, -. : i:-.!' " . Mrs. Edgar McCulters,' of T Clay ton, T2nt yesterday In the city. , , .j Dr. and Mrs. U' D. McPhalU f of Ro.ijtlagham. were In the city yester day -en route to Mount' Olive. r I - ; -iiisa Gussie Hood, Mr. and Mrs. C Rowland and . Master George .Howland nt Rnrntcr. S?outh Carollna.Ji . were- in their wy home, from Henderson. ' Mrs. 1m V: McDowell - and MUi Lilly; Wynne McDowell left yesterday for Emith:l"?!d. . - :" "- . -! Mrs. J. M. Hllliard. of Cary, was in the ci-r. . yesterday , while ?n '.her, way to Wilson, where sue-wllr attend the iPOwsIl-Kingr wtddinff, S ' Mrs. .U 11. Allred, of Eelma, sptnl ; yesterday .in the city... " - . ;.J: U M1?s3j Alma and Ida Raney, " of Chapel ITiH, were in the city yesterday while', oa their -way to. IClttrell. 'U' TIle3 Annie and -Lu la Page of Hendertjon'were in the city -yesterday while on their , way home , " from ; Y'ayn?3vllle, where they have, ' been snenain the summer, ; 1 .-. ' Mi33 Nannie Dinwiddle arrived 'Saturday from Callfom''U and, is at ;the home o! Dr. B. VV. Kilgorei ' ' v nr. and Mrs. J. A. J. Robertson tnd Mrs. K. Schelllng left yesterday , aftPrnoon- for a : visit to; friends - at rDurham' ' v - - ' , -U rs, William .Whltten" of Hender- son, was" in the" city yesterday while 'on" her Ivuy. to Durham,; where "she wilt visit friends and relatives. M t. and . Mrs. - II. ' IV. Seawell, of - Carthage, spent yesterday; in the city, ' Miss Li' la Blue, .of Carthage, .was . in the city ye3terday. ' , j Mis Louise .Whiter of Macon; Ga,, t after .visiting at the home-of Dr. D. H. Hill, in 'West .Raleigh, returned ' home yesterday .afternoon, yisy; ; Misses Lucy Pool and Maude Gul ley,of Clayton, are the guests of Miss Maybell J Jordan. .fV. Mis lCale "ReiJ, 6f i Jackson, ; was " In . the cuy yesterday while on her yray to the western part of the State. : : Mi Alma Jordan, of Cary, spent - yesterday in the city.1 Miss Mary Belle Maeon, of Iui8 burg, who has been visiting at. Golda- I a M I mm- till or is fir.Q 41V U ; v if, you are .a . thinker ...your . brain t ', :'- wears laway, in .proportion m you'use ','-.V.-; , if and' this waste' iniwt- be rebuilt -by jooa itneres no lotner way) else the . brain grows 'dull 'and V 'a poor .instru- 'menu .: W'' :-;' ..?,' .-;'.;.-.:. 3,:r: In Grape-Nuts food all the elements i required 'for this .brain: building v are found 1n the most liberal proportions, yt the parts "of gralns-ihat " iwpplythe riivtpnaie i . rviun aim Aiuumen De- Ing especially selected in making V: 4 :,' FOOD Let a trial 10 1 days tell, any brain weary or, nerous wreck its own tale of better .-feelings. li-iji:rz-A M--V :'t7 1-;- "There's a Iteason. '? " Read the, little book,' "The Road to tVl1vHl " In nlrcr ''" - " -..--- ". . .... v..; , , J V. ' - ;- V. 1; VrosTusi; : cere'al ; col, " ltd. Battle Creek, Mich. .i !C; '.''"-.'' ....--'' '" 'i V'...". Eflds Thursday at 6 o'dot H ; 1" STANDARD GAS ,.... . . ..... v . "... . ..... , -.(.:.. . . ; ..-.:;: . ' .- ... -.. . '." i :' ,." JVi--.. .v .'.-.,-... . ,f. . ".... '. - " . j.- A " ' . - . j l - ' . -..7 1 . -- . -.- . ; - .... v-;- -,r----' '. ?? bore was' In -.the. cif Yesterday While on- her. way- homa. --.-" -. ? -. . Mlss Elsie. Yates has.gone to Cary -i visit relatives. ' -. , . -x---v.. -'.- 1 Mrs. ' Fuller Terrell and ".Master Thomas Marlon left .yesterday after noon for Durham. " 4 i Miss Onner May left yesterday af ternoon for Durham. -- ' : ' , MJss Louise LIndsey. of Durham, after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra Fuller TerrelL returned home yesterday&p.'.-:..;"V.;,-'?r w:,;f .-:? Miss Hannah Ashe has returned fromtWayneHVllle, Ashevllle and Black Mountain,' where she visited friends. , Miss Jlenrietta Hancock, of New Bern, was in the city yesterday while returning home from Oxfordri Fr? -ManQ,Airs..naries r aiesi Brooklyn, N. Y.i -Js visiting , at .-the. home of Jars. James A. Higgs. ? ? -r-Mr. A. w. ; Haywood, Jr., j of Nnw York City, is on a visit to Mrs.. Burke Haywood. , . , -- '- -: c, Mrs Sattcnvalte v Entertains, c ' Pactolus, Aug. 24. Mra .:J.": J. Sat- terwaite proved herself a most charm ing hostess 'When .'on'. Thursday 'even ing she ; delightfully .; entertained , a number 'of I young; people in honor of Misses Eliza J and ; Mary 1 Moore, Jot ureensDoro, -and Miss Wood Moore of Greenville. :' ;-:v'---" '.? ' ' i;;:;; IIolt-Fogleman, ; . KyjA ' ureenstoro. Aug. Z4.-Mr. Halle a. Holt and Miss Ava. C- Fogleman were united in marriage yesterday, at the residence of Mr. C. X Davis, 707 Rail road street. . The ceremony was per- formed by Rev Shu ford Peeler, pastor of the First Reformed Church; in the presence koi a number of relatives and friends .of -the young couple. Mr, Holt hoLuds a position at Spencer and he.and his. bride wjll make their home there. ;. ; " . .": - ::':;:;" Given a IIay'lUdeV';(V';.tl Grensboro, Aug. 24. Miss Susie Cox, of Durham, who is visiting Miss Douglas Hendrix "and Miss Corlnne Gant,- of. Burllngtorw who is visltnlg Miss ; Male Ldndley, were guests of honor on a delightful hay fide given last night by a number. , of . young gentlemen. ' Und,er - the ; chaperonage of. Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer Leak, of Thomasvllle the twelve couples in the party were driven to the battle ground and spent a happy evening. A. de licious i luncheon and refreshments were served at the battle ground. A DOUBLE WEDDING. . . ' Brother and Sister Marry Brother ami V ,"v .i- .i.;Slster.v-'' ; - . Statesville Aug. 2. There was a double wedding at 'Squire P. B. Ken nedy's, in Eagle Mills townsHlp. Satt urday night, the principals being Miss Denia Myers, and Mr. Joseph Myers, daughter and son of Mr. . and Mrs. Myefs, who: live about a mile from Net postofflce, and Miss Eva Goodwin and Mr. Azar Goodwin, daughter and son' ot; Mr. and MrsJ L. IK. .Goodwin, of- the same neighborhood. The four young people "took .the floor' at the same time and. by the solemn ; mar riage ceremony repeated by Mr. Ken nedy Miss 'Myers became the bride Mr. r Goodwin and Miss Goodwin - be came the -; bride of Mr. Myers.- Whether-the -."swap" of. sisters was arranged by the young men or the "swap" ; of brothers -was arranged by the. young women is not known, but It is known that it was a mutual affair; but all f our decided that: it would be .fine to have a "double knot tied." ; V DANCE AT PITTSBORO. German Lead by Mr. Long and Sflss "... Plttaboro, Aug24.wThe beaiity and chivalry-of our ancient fcorouirh with thejr. guests- enjoyed a most! delight ful german Saturday evening' between me. nours or s and 11:30. The new hosiery mill, which had Just .been completed, was. through the courtesy of -Mr.-A.-H; London,J .opened. iu m-vciww,,ui ..lerpsicnprc. .. xn liantly lighted and deliahtf ullr venti lated. this haU made an idea, place for-dancing;.- - k . "vfL'-"-'fi " Tmr german was led by Mr. J. Elmer Lon of Graham with Miss Lessie Peay. of Durham. - v - -To the strains of Ramsey's orchestra the following 'couples "tripped: the light fantastic": Mr. Isaao London, of Slier: City, with Miss-Elsle V.llllains: If You Intend . CO&K WITH -GAS '- :- HEADACHES. 10 CSMTC. . EfERYWHSRS; Mr. ' Louis Nooe with Miss - Eunice Elliott of Linden; . Mr. Jesse MillikenH with Miss Betsey London; Mr, Don Scott, s of - Graham- with Miss -Ross) Green of Durham; iir. Bennett Nooe with Miss Virginia Townsend, of Greensboro: : Mr. 'George Chapin with MIm Lit Hill: Mr, Ross, of Asheboro. with Miss Belle Anderson; of Wllming ton;;Mr. Henry Nooe with Miss Carrie Hill; Mr.f y L. Powell with , Mrs. Powell. .-v-M'?."-:- : .- : ' : -':;- Chaperones:' Mr.- and ' Mrs. H. O, Brown, of "Washington. D. C.' Stags: Jacob- Thompson,: Headen Bynum. Fred - Williams ands c .. w. Hanks. j; j i - JIOUSE ' PARTY. i LoVcole Ue- Seene of Happy' Con ' tontment 'Young . People . on : a Week's Outing. ;; : '''': '-: '; Wilson,-C Aug. 2 4. -Yesterday morning that was a happy and joyous party of young ladles and gentlemen who Wt Wilson under the chaoeron- age of Mrs. Charles E. Haskett, f&r the beautiful surburban home of Mr. and - Mrs. John A.-:- Corbett "Love- dale" a few, miles from Wilson. They go for - a - week's stay to muse with woodland fairies and to inhale the odors from the new-mown hay. It is to be hoped that nothing will happen to mar the pleasure of these light- hearted lada and. lassies not evan the monotonous droning of the honey; bees as they sip the sweets from the woodbine and other fragrant flowers that abound In the dells, adjacent to Lovedale," nor the chirping of, the SPECIAL LOW RATES Via Seaboard Air Line tol mm m Account North Carolina State Farm- - ers' Institute ana lAve kiock ' -W and Dairy Association ACCCST 24TH-27T1L - ; Account the above : Occasion the SEABOARD 1 anounces SPECIAL LOW RATES from an points in North Carolina and Virginia. a . , i Rates account this occasion wilt be on CERTIFICATE - PLAN. When purchasing t ticket those attending should cai on Ticaet Agent ror CER TIFICATE, and if Hhere are as many as ( 1 00 ) one hundred In attendance, tickets returning can be secured -at half the rate. paid going plus . fifty cents (50c). y , For further, information : apply to local agent or address -the - under signed. . - t . . .. - C. GATIS. District rPassenger - Agent, f , . - Raleigh, N. C. FAtiCV IIOfJEY IN THE COMB " Original packages 20c. per lb. BEECH-NUT SLICED BEEF.. I t and Bacon V 30c. fper Jar. Beech-Nnt Peanut Batter, small, medium and Large size,. 10, 15 and 24 eta. . Dfldiililli Buying Any -ICiad of a Gas Stove Save; the Difference in Price ; crickets, nor the pestiferous chiggers which are as numerous in that local ity; . as are -pink-tinted shells on the sands; beside old ocean. " i v " ' The party ' is' composed of the fol lowing; ladles and gentlemen: ; M3ss Lydia Winslow, of Goldsboro: Miss Lillian1 Carr. ; of "Greenville, and Miss Sue Corbett, Mis Alice Roberts and Miss Clair Jordan," of Wilson. .The gentlemen are all f of . Wilson Messrs. Alex Webb, Jiim Hackney; Tom Uzzell. Henry Paschall. . Allle Corbett and Stanley, Boykin. . . . : . " ' : l -. ' o""4' ?f ; ' : v' -V-'";-.'' rowoii-igiisht. it :. f -.Wilson, N.. C' Aug. 24. Tonight at the residence QkJJr. - and - Mrs. C W. Knlghtj in Spring Hill -township. Dr. E. C Powell, of the Rock Ridge sec- tion.wlll lead to the altar the beauti ful, accomplished and popular Miss Annie Knight.;. :?ArtK ?r -v - The ceremony will -be performedrhy the- brother of the. groom-to-be, - Rev Willie Powell, pastor , of the Baptist Church of Roanoke, va. - ---: ... j, i: Immediately after ; the-' words 'are spoken that bind t these loving hearts as man and'.wlfe they . will proceed to Kenly; where ' they will board the train, for Lake Toxaway, , where s they will spend their honeymoon. " v . ,Yt j '" j .a.-! ; " j: ti'yfi' i." ! f lATTER . Q SPECVLATIQX v'?"-' - a'-1' y't-v'i- How : Young . Lady's : Trip Was - Pro. longed, by a 'Little Abaent-Mindedr - $ nes ; !, v .' V"'.-"'.' - V-: .. " Special "to' News and Observer.) ? V ; Statesvllle, Aug. 24: "Was he so excited and 'grieved because she was going away that" he waa attacked with one 'of :the'new:forjhs of insanity, or did he do v it intentionally, in . order that he mlgh be able to be with her again 2 Is the question some of the friends of a certain young man of the town. who , was responsible for a certain visiting young lady's sudden return to Statesvllle Friday and , her presence here from then until yester-da- It came about in this wiy: ' ! ' ' A certain young lady from another State ' came to ' Statesvllle t some - days ago to visit a relative ,here until Fri day, when she was' to go to a point in Tennessee tof Visit; t Next door c to the home of the Statesvllle relative of the young woman lives a young man. who became acquainted with the visit ing young lady, and as. is his custom paid her considerable attention. When, the young lady went to the railway station Friday to leave or .Tennessee; the young manwas there, of course. to ."see her off In style." . He courteous- ly iuu& liic -juus iuf purse-ana purchased .,hcr, OJckeuto,, her . destina tion' in Tenneraee, but when he ac companied, her 'to a, seat in the train he retained the purse and ticket and when the "good-byes' were said And the train began: to move. the accom modating young fellow hurried from the train with the - pocket-book and ticket' in his hand, and right here is where; the., question set orth in the above paragraph comesf in. At ' any rate, the younf ilady. found herself without ticket or tmonoy when the conductor came, along and had to ex plain to the -; latter !"how come." Fortunately the, train on' which the young lady was a passenger :was near ing the point where It meets a train coming towards Statesvllle, and when the two trains met the conductor sent her back to Statesvllle. .where the frus trated young, man awaited her to turn over the goodaihe .had regained The young, woman could ; not make, good connection' former ye.nnessee destina tion Friday evening? or; Saturday.: and not desiring Jtof. travel on Sunday, -she remaine. in, Statesvllle irnhtll yester day, , ; .i:- i v. "-; -, " ii r -. . v.- ' - ' " -.- - . .. ,- .. , r DEATH OF 31BS. MULLIGAN. ' .... ' y . Dies as Result .of Fall Woman of . High ;; CbrisUan Character; t ; 4 (Special 'to -News 'and' Observer.) ' ; Asheville,? Aug., 24. Mrs. Eljzabeth R. Mulligan; -Who was. nearly. 84 years of age, died , last night at the" home ofher son-in-law,-Dr.. J.;f. Ramsey,, oni Cumberland ftveftue, from, the ef fects of a serlOya fall which she sus tained about two weeks ago.. She was the widow of the late Judge Samvjel MWllgan; of .the United States Court Vpman V of "high Christian character and retained even at her advanced age her splendid memory. Her re mSlna were taken to Greenville, Tenn, fort interments H . P . S . ICELLER ; Arcnitect5 fRaleigh,: FUNERAL OF MIL W. W; PICKARD. Held at o Presbyterian Cburcii : at : s Chapel Hill Largely Attended. ' (Special to News and Observer.) -hapel Hill, N. C7 August 24. The funeral of - W. W. Pickard, Jr., was held at the. Presbyterian 'Church yesterday v afternoon at four o'clock. The services were conducted byRev. W. R. Royall, pastor- Of the Method ist Church, and Rev. R. W.- Hogue, rector of - the. Episcopal Church. Christmas "Good Night." was sung by Mrs. Yearby, of Durham.- r--- The Chapel HI 11 -Fire Department of . whlch-Mr. Pickard was chief, at tended, the funeral in a body. - There were a large number of beau tiful floral designs. The most beau tlul one was given by.the firs depart ment. jThe funeral was one" of the largest attended funerals ever held in Chapel' HUL i There were 4 aiarge number of peoplev from a distance present..: ,F -: :--.;', : v The pall bearers . were: " ' Messrs. John Markham, : Albert Lloyd, Wal lace Strowd.- Don MacRae and Jim Patterson, of Chapel HiU;. Dave Levy of Durham : M. V P. ; Cummings. ipf Reidsville; ' Mercer Oates, of Tarboro. The Interment was In the Chapel Hill' Cemetery. nP-ji y -'j DIVORCE FOR HELEN GOULD. , Court Granted : Final Decree Yester. : - day Alimony; Not Mentioned. 1 - (By; the Associated: Press.) ' New York, v:Aug( 24. Mrs. : Helen Kelly Gould obtained her final decree of divorce from Frank J Gould today. The interlocutory decree was granted on May 29th of this year,. There was no opposition today when Mrs. Gould's attorneys made a formal . application to Supreme Court Justice Gelgerich for the final papers. ' J . r ; '- The decree gives the custody of the two children," Helen and Dorothy, to each , parent f on six months In each year, v Mr. Gould is not permitted to re-marry in this State until the'death of his wife. The papers do net men tion alimony. - ; ; ?v.. , - Franklin Saperlor Court. Special to News and Observer. Loulsburg, Aug. 24. Court conven ed here yesterday morning. Judge C. M. Cooke presiding. . Solicitor - C t C; Daniels- irf here. but visiting' lawyers have not come in .yet.:; ft .;. ;, In his charge to the grand Jury, the Judge emphasized several points earn estly, that all officers of the law should be vigilant in holding all violators ret sponsible, naming town and county of fleers, all fiduciary, agents . and.- any violations at- social, function . . A ckrnlya . company is. here putting up. tents on .the. streets and - other places.. Ferris '.wheel, merry-go-rounds oi. signt-seers. - jxnaa ijju .inu xuu; tuiii ' A Freshy as green - v TV As ever was seen Aprroached the college door, "And into his eyea t i, . Came a glad ' surprise r : 1 - At sight of a Sophomore. r y "Good luck." quoth he. ; 1 "Most surely to me - The fates have kindly sent; ' For 'who can 'doubt -.' ' That I am about , r To meet the President ? . With heart all abeat, ;Yet scorning retreat,- ' He passed through the sacred door; ' And even though death '-'Seemed stealing his breath, -Addressed he the Sophomore. a "The Presidents sir. u . ; You are, I infer, Uf tnis aispenser or lore; v a I'm here,.aa you Aiee.v, fr . To take a degree," . Said the Fresh to the Sophomore. ' . c With rage quite insane ' The Soph clutched his -dine , , ' And-thumped v it y half through the "The President sir ? r You impudent cur! - " Why. Jfam a Sophomore!" , . -'v September XlppincoU's.' Do It Now and t . :':;:;:BltfrHiu ... .V w.1 ITISIIIUPTOCEllCEri ' ;;''- ;:' . -'; ;"3 Ilorfpfk andScuthern Heady ta Predicted. Tliat the City of New Bern ; WU1 Give Authority for the Conf i strnctlon of the Proposed Shed on -jp-siree:: It wbulof seem, that 4he New Bern union station proposition is now up to thatclty; and that the erection of a union Btatlon at that place depends upon the city's action.' The Corpora tion Commission yesterday, received a telegram from General Manager E. T." Lamb, of the Norfolk : and Southern Railway, stating that both the Norfolk and Southern and the Atlantic Coast Line are ready to go ahead with the construction of . the union, passenger station as soon as the city will give authority for the construction of the proposed shed on -Queen street. . . . 1. The - elegram ?.to .. the - , commission reads as follows: u . 'V - ! "We are .now rP-red to go ahead with union station -at New J3ern pro vided' te city will give us authority for construction of proposed, shed on Queen street.- Have taken matter up with them with . that end in view and will advise soon as, permission . is granted." i A - . x v On. July 18, Mr. Lamb advised the Corporation Commission that his com pany; was. prepared to go ahead with the union station matter as soon as an Agreement could be reached with the of the expenses, r ' ;'..f 7 -.. - - The -telegram received by thet com mission yesterday conveys .the jdea that the union station proposition is now up to New Bern, and that if the city is willing for .the. shed -construction on Queen street , that - the work will go ahead. , . ' ;.: '. J. Revival Still Go sr, hu Statesvllle. N. C Aug. 24. -The protracted meeting which has been .in progress, at Race r Street 'Methodist Church for some' days, conducted by the:. pastor,. Rev. IL H. Bobbins, and Rev. R."N. Hartness. of Roanoke. Va will probably continue, through this week. Mr. Hartness' is delivering some strong aermons which are , ap parently accomplishing, much good. Large crowds ar attending the ser vices; the church is being revived and quite a number not affiliated with any church have professed conversion. . . ' Its Quality id It s$tls bp t69 carioadethir cefftsb2 th cass dm Va.yi:jtj7 cr.3 cf.t:n oi t:::r:r.r yo:r j A i-.V. ';,-'MiJ vV'r..J -4 ..;,)r-'f!v,f.-'a- '"1 - . ... : i i. y a 124;Fayettevi!l2 Sfresi . ... h 4.9 1- ml V . . U 'XL Vi m V 4 ;7i;SALi:' IN EAILEUPTCY.f ;: Under -and by virtue of an order of : V--JL- Boyden., referee In bankruptcy ; in me ca?9 ci eDuion j-umDer com pany, bankrupt, I will, on Tuesday, August 31 t. 19C9, at 12, o'clock m, at the court house door In Raleigh, N." C expose to sale at public auction for cash, the following described per sonal prorertyof the Zebu lon Lumber Company, bankrupt, to-wlt, six mules, descriptions ct which are as follows: ' One blac; Lorse mule, named Bob.' 7 years c'.J. i i--e - - One I'.ack ncrts mule." named Tom.' 7-yep- j old. '! v v.- - " -r - - O- t'ack r-" : .a mule, na-ned Mollte. Or: rioc ? colored ' horse mule. name X I .11, 11 ; ears old. - - i . One ..aoui cc!ored v horse- ' mule. named 'rom, 11 years old.. , v One bay mare mura, named Bet. 14 Time of sale, 12;o'clo!k,mM Aurust 31t. 90S. .'. . - !, .-". ., .... Terms ,ot salts 'crjh, subiect to-lm- mediate confirmation.8 " -- : v' R. I.jQRATf. ; : '. .Ns-Trustee "la Bankruptcy. ' ;.;S 20 lott 'r'r.Y ;T7r, : - : .. J , . r -J : : t Uoiiloriiiu Said The Elircst hoe Sale will start ,Acnst.7th at 1S3 East Martin . Street' Don't wait, come quick --7. and-, set your noes. We also 4 ; cary a nice line ot Drj Coods, : r- v Special attention Circa to dies Underwear. ( , . " '. ' ' ''.Yours,. , , i -.' X'HAILEY".''. i'-j- riht.Iji flavor. $ tfcht.1 ! tTS rr,.;"': Its' price is Tight;':'::;' :vrr. . ;xt::i's;;a c.1 j:;3 c!I I:":r;;';.; cr.3 to ci?-fq F.;; 4 I,- - - i Si ... :f : a- t '. .;-';':'.:--v't:,'vs:vl-' :-:',,:; V . f ';-;.. v,.:v -r-:.t - 5: : - ' 1

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