8 r fa t ft- L. FALL AliD - iVKITER BLOOMIIID sums ' I- ! HYACINTHS, NARCISSUS, TULIPS, nd LILIMUS. Plant early SPr best re : suits., . ' 1 n!iiT TTirwimf-c a CroJ.ilHr Iloses, Carnations and all flowers In season. Wedding bouquets, and floral offerings, arranged In artistic style. HOSE BUSHES AND SHRUBS FOR FALL PliANTTNG. J. L, O'QUIlifl COMP'Y 'Phnno IAQ RjIpMi M ft. i nviiv : . iiitiwisMf ws C. B. AYCOCK. R. W. WINSTON. Aycock & Winston I Attorneys at Law Practice in both State and Federal Courts. Office In Electric Building, opposite postofflce, on Martin Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. ! IN THE FOREGROUND is where we seek to be. No wall flowers or dark alley objects for us. In the foreground, and foremost in es timation of best Judges is the FINEST STOCK JEWELRY IN ;', - TOWN . now to be seen" here? Don't ' take our word, i but come and see. Critical Judges, as well as experts. all advise to buy of us. Do it. Privett -i & Gonipaiiy.' ; WILSON, NiC. a a mm liNiUY. . , DOIECT USE WEST. ', rliednle In effev Juna 20. 1B09. . X- 7F nrr n m Mu..u.iii " i .... .. Lv, Norfolk v. . r 7 30 a.m. T 40 p.m. ;Lv. Petersburg .10 25 a.m. 10 20 p.m. ', Lv. Durham . . . , , 1 00 am ' 6 80 p.m. Lv. Lynchburg $ 3 0 p,nu. 2 30 p.m. 1 An CinclnnaU TAi T,3ft a.m. ; 4 25 v.m.1 at. voiumous , .s atxu - 1 1 o& p.m. l Pullman Sleepers and N. A W. CaXe ' . . t'loa. connection mrt fop Cbles.ro. ' Et Leuis. Seattle. San Francisco and all western,' points. For rates, tims tames. ana run - miormation, write to c. h;bosley. . . w. d. be vill, . mmmmmmmmmmmmFtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Acme Drag Co., Wholesale and Manu facturing Druggists. v " i 123 East Martin Street, . :, . RALEIGH ' If. C Distributor for the L FAMOUS BUCKHQRN LITHLV WATER. Sold by all 7'etaU . druggists.: Ev ery1 bottle. and demijohn is, thor oughly sterilized before ,fillh-g at the Springs. . . ' . FRESH CAKDY EVERY DAY RALEjSII SAVINS BAIX .7 Fil!c!!lf N Ct JOHN T. PULLEN," President.1 CHARLES ',ROOT, Cashier. f , Gepltal & Surplus $75,000 j Fccr psr cs:t btrtsf piJ ca de posits. Call ca Ca Bnk crwrt'jfcr firthw lafcrcsSIca. . . . . . . SAFETY DEPOSIT EOXES FOR RENT OYSTERf J! IDEAL ELECTRIC CO. General Electrical Contractors. CHARLOTTE and FAYETTEYILLE, H C. nv rAnnvivn wawp a- nnx rkers nave not been able to locate mm. CANDY - ROYSTER'S JOHN D. BRIGGS Engineer , Architect .'. Superintendent RALEIPU.N.C. SHECIALTIEK Surveys, PUut. Estlmstea nd Hupcrlutndcnce, Roada, tiUeeU. Sew erage, Dralnace, Town I'lata. and sddltloos laid oat, and Grade Systems Ealtabtahed VETERANS MEET - Heroes of the Gray Gather at Winston iriTERESTING EXERCISES Gorernor Kit chin Was the Orator of the Occasion and Delivered an Elo quent Address Former Lieut. Gov ernor Winston Also Made Strong Address. (Special to News and Observer.) Winton, Aug. 24. The Confederate Veterans Reunion of Hertford county was held here yesterday. More than a- thousand of the county's best peo ple were present. The Daughters of the Confederacy, of Winton, under the guidance of Mrs. R. C. Bridges. President, had made every arrange ment possible for the comfort and entertainment of the visitors. The court yard and court house were fes tooned with bunting and the speaker's stand was enveloped in a Confederate nag. The exercises were conducted by Capt. Thomas D. Boone, a brave soldier. Rev. M. Sherwood prayed a most fervent prayer. Hon. B. B. Winborne, In a well conceived speech, presented the orator. Governor W. W. Kitchin. Governor Kitchln was in good trim and his address of an hour and a half held his audience closely. His discussion of the causes of the Confederacy was new and striking. His reference o the part the soldiers have played in the peace times after the war was often greeted with cheers. His tributes to the Confederate soldier were Just and elaborate. It was a great speech and won for our Execu tive the hearty congratulations of a discriminating public. Then came din ner. It was an Eastern North Caro lina spread everything of the best. As in the morning the afternoon session was interspersed with , fine singing by the Daughters. A unique feature was the singing of the "South ern Girl." by Mrs. Peterson, herself a girl of the Confederacy. She was dressed in the homespun dress of that period. Hon. W. P. Shaw presented a sword of a Hertford soldier who was in the cavalry Former - Lieut.- Governor Francis D. Winston was then introduc ed with the imposed task of raising funds for the proposed monument.. His speech was sulgenerls, fill ed with wit and touches of pathos. A large sum was readily subscribed and the monument Is how an. assured success. The guiding hand In it all has been Mrs. R. C. Bridges, president United Daughters, of the Confederacy here. She is a master , hand In such matters. '''. . Many Veterans were here front Ihv adjoining counties. After the exer cises came the - usual drifting Into, groups. Yonder were half a " doxea men who were at Spottsylvania. Then a few who were at Gettysburg, and here a remnaht-that , wept at Appo mattox. There was no note of sadness. It was all ' Joy: The grandest ' figure In all history Is .the Confederate Soldier In peace. . . :v"i" RIGGSBEE DOES NOT BUCK COURT (Continued from Page One.) that technically he had violated the law and that it had tendered the State a settlement whereby , the defendants were to pay fines of not exceeding $250 in each case, and that the other cases be nol prossed. Solicitor Everett ac cepted the terms and recommended that they become record. Case Created Much Talkv This was the ' most ' talked of ' case that had ever come up in the Durham courts for retailing..- Mr. .Rigs bee is- a young man of almost unlimited means and -has a tremendous , following. He Is an aggressive Republican politician and wields great power. Few fellows here are better liked no matter how much he courts' trouble and puts it op the other fellow, , ., . - - . Solicitor. 'ETerctt. ; Aside from these spectacular Inci dents to. Jhe cases, ih two victories of the State, yesterday and 'today, have been notable, and there. isn't a young lawyer, practicing In the State courts. who . has had such sudden glamour as1 young Everett who won such a distinct double header yesterday, and today. A bitter. fight has been stopped. That it will have political significance. the ultimate attack upon the recor der's attack is freely threatened r by those standing by the defendants. Solomon Shepard. Solomon Shepard, the negro who has. confessed to the-' murder of En gineer Fred Holt, yesterday afternoon called W. G. Bramham. attorney Jot Koonce Patterson, charged with bur glary, snd accepted the blame for a series of robberies that. Patterson had saddled upon him. Shepard occupies the same cell as Patterson. When Pat terson was committed to Jail, there was positive identification of him and he went up without bond. About the time of this robbery of Dr. J. ' W. pettys house,; the home of J. M. Whit ted was entered and a burglar chased from it He carried the trousers of Mr. Whit ted, a bunch of keys and a knife. When Shepard got into trouble r in Petersburg. Va., the keys were found with the knife. They had Mr. Whltted's ' name on the bar. This series of burglaries In one night puz zled the officers but another was com mitted that night which has never been reported. When Mr. Bramham went in to talk to the negro,, he said "Koonce is not guilty of those " rob berles. I broke into Mr. Hockfleld's house and stole from Dr. Petty. : robbed Mr. Whltted too." The attor ney had not 'heard' of the Hochfield robbery. Shepard has never been In trouble more than once "- here. That was for cutting Koonce Patterson badly with a rasor. One of the strange coincidences of; the two men's meet ing was that, they came together once uui ii ib curreniiy reporvea n wwn today that Hitman High, wanted here for the abduction of Miss Markham, is on the streets. The Abdnctlon Case. The neighbors are as badly but raged as ever and they are hot on his trail, c, T. High, his brother, and whose sister is the girl's .mother, is most energetic after him and next to his; cups, likes the enforcement : of the law against his brother. There is no further report from the abscond ing abductionlst. If does not take much millinery to snut heaven. from out eyes. r Southern People are being made in efficient and the South's Progress is Stopped by a Dis ease that can be Cured for Seventy five Cents per Per son. The disease is taking the vitality from millions of Southern tenant whites. Its cure is more important than the tariff the "nigger" question, the boll weevil or anything else. Its cure is the answer to the South 's labor problem in field and factory but the South doesn't seem to know it. A bill to spread information for the cure of this disease was introduced in the last Congress but Congress was too busy talking tariff. Now it is proposed to import Italians to work Southern farms and factories. Does the South want Italians? Well, it's up to the South itself. Here is the whole startling story in Pearson 's Magazine for September, the most essentially . important to the South's welfare that was ever printed. Read and ask your Congress man what he is going to do about it; This issue also contains the first complete and authentic story of the great Adana Massacre, written on the spot by James Creel man. A remarkable . query fot Christianity. The West's grievance against Ham man is told by a man who knows. The West admits Harriman's genius in railroading, bat says he now demands a tribute which they cannot pay, . and the West is getting ready to fight and wants everybody to know the story. Why Canada .does not want reciprocity is explained by a Canadian. Also, there is the story of W. O. Bradley, the first Senator of the new white Republican Party in the South. Herman A. Men, Comptroller of the City of New York, writes of New York as it will be, And there are eight splendid short stories. ears on 1L i i Magazine RUfcYARD KIPLINC-TEK VOLUMES. Printed" front Urge type, white p6ef, bound in deluxe d6lh; it haadv, easy-to-read edition, containing all the most important material that the standard libraryeditions contain, and PEARSON'S MAGAZINE for one year only $4.00. You may send $2.00 with the order, and we ' will end the books $2.00 collect' if you desire. The regular price of .these books and the magazine, $6.00. If this interests you, yon will have to write at once. Address Dep't 4. V krV 8 ' -v :'-.;.,'.-. . ...'--.',: f ' 4 ivas h i n GTorrEriTERTAi n s HOSPITALITY EXTENDED TO DIS- ; TTNGUISHED BALEIGH PARTY " EN ROUTE TO HYDE 1 - COUNTY. ( (Special to News and Observer.) Washington.' N. C, Aug. 2 i.--Messrs J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary . of State, Dr. B. F. Dixon, State Auditor; Sup erintendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner. and Mr. Josephus Daniels. Editor of the. News and Observer, of Raleigh, who are In the party that will investigate' the conditions surrounding Lake Mattamuskeet in Hyde county. the advisability of draining same to reclaim the land, and the matter of the Mattamuskeet Railroad, in both of which the State has an Interest, ar rived in the city last night and were the guests of the Washington Country Club, at an Informal reception and dance at their charming clubhouse at Washington Park last evening. Governor Kitchin was escorted from the train , by the local military com ranv under the command of Can'taln Simmons. In the automobile with the Governor were F- H Rollins, Capt. G. J. Studdert and Dr. I. M Hardy, High Glass Seashore LAST EXCURSION TO PORTSMOUTH Via SEABOARD AIR LINE AtUKSUST 242 The SEABOARD announces the last GRAND EXCURSION of the sea son to Portsmouth-Norfolk, Virginia Beach. Old Point Comfort, and ALL VIRGINIA'S FAMOUS SUMMER SEASHORE RESORTS. FROM RALEIGH, DURHAM, OXFORD. HENDERSON AND ALL INTERMEDIATE STATIONS; leaving the above points Aug. 24th, return ing from Portsmouth 9:00 a. m. August 26th, arrivlngln Raleigh 2:30 p. m., Durharn5:30 p. m. ; ' ' Train on going leaves Raleigh 9:30 a. m., Durham 9:30 a. m., 'Oxford 10:30 a. m., Henderson ,11:00 a. m., arriving Portsmouth 3:30 pjm.: Rate from Raleigh $3.00 Rate from Durham SS.00 Rato from Henderson $2.50 Kate from Oxford $2.50 Rate from Weldon $2.00 On same basis from other points. This is strictly a high-class excursion with equal accommodations of regular trains. Pullman Cars being provided for THOSE WHO MAKE AD VANCE APPLICATION FOR SAME. SEAT RATE from Raleigh and Dur ham 75 cents. SAME BASIS FROM OTHER POINTS. Every one should take advantage of these low rates and spend two nights and one and one-half daya at Virginia's FAMOUS SEASHORE RE SORTS., getting away from the hot City. FOR FULL INFORMATION SEE FLYERS, CALL ON LOCAl AGENT. OR ADDRESS THE UNDERSIGNED. ' C. H. G ATTIS ; . District passenger ' Agent, Raleigh. N. C. 'I - ' for September who entertained him while hers The streets of the city were decorat ed In American nags as a nttlng tribute to the Governor. Governor Kitchin and staff left for Belhaven this afternoon by automo bile, and will proceed to Swan Quarter tomorrow. . - ... ' - Will Twist Its Tall Some. (Wilson .Times.) If the Ware-Kramer Company has the same good fortune in its suit against" the American Tobacco . Com pany as the Pennsylvania Refining Company had in requiring the Sugar Trust to pay for putting it out of busi ness, it will twist the tail of the giant octupus some. ''' " Formerly, when I had played cards or done wrong. I used to tell my wife. But I had to auit it" "Why?" "She kept raising the price of for giveness." Kansas City Journal. Act Quickly If von have a sudden chill if you hart eMic, cramp or diarrhepa dant wait a min ute. Take a teaspoonful "cat Perry Davis' Painkiller in half a glass of hot water or milk. You'll be on the road to quick recovery. Have this tried remedy on hand for !mme diatense. Being prepared is half the bat. tie. Hew size bottles 85c also la 60c siza. OF THE SEASON Excursion NORFOLK ODJEGTIOHS OF Heard Before Corporation Com mission Yesterday Decision Reserved Carolina, Cllnchfldd and Ohio Filed No Exceptions to Order of Commis sion To That Road and The South ern "Provide Adequate Facilities at Marion Junction. On July 18. the Corporation Commission- ordered that the Carolina. Clinchneld and Ohio Railway and the Southern Railway provide adequate facilities at Marion Junction for the interchange of passengers and bag gage. The Southern filed objections to this order on the grounds that its effect would require them to establish a depot and join in the construction and maintenance of a union depot building to be used by it and the Car olina, Clinchfield and Ohio's passon gers at a point two miles distant from the town of Marlon, when the latter passes under, but does not connect with their tracks. Further, that the order was contrary to law, because, while the power is given the Commis sion to establish depots, it is expressly provided that the Commission shall not require any railroad company to establish a depot nearer to another than five miles. The. Southern objected, further, on the grounds that it would be unreason able to require the maintenance of a depot both at Marion' and . Marion Junction, and that' it was not an ac cessible place for a depot, as the tracks of the Southern are twenty-five feet above the tracks of the Carolina, Clinchneld and Ohio and would be a source of great danger to the' passen gers. There was a hearing yesterday on the exceptions of the Southern Rail way. There were present. J. H. Pou. counsel for the Southern Railway, and General Superintendent E. H. Coap- man; J. Norment, of the counsel for the Carolina. Clinchneld and Ohio; M. J. Caplea, vice-president and chief en gineer, and J. H. Peltier. The Carolina. Clinchneld and Ohio officials filed no exceptions to the or der of the Corporation Commission, but expresses their readiness to Join in the erection of passenger accommo dations. SUB-STTIOflllO. 1 ROBBED ROBBERS BREAK GLASS, ENTER AND STEAL $26 IN STAHPS AND MONEY. Sub-station number t. " of the Ral eigh postofflce, corner Jones and Sal isbury streets, was broken into and robbed Monday night about. 11:30 o'clock. This station la located In the store of Mr. G. vF. Smith. The fact that the robbey had been made was not discovered until about six o'clock yesterday - morning when Mr. Smith opened his store, although it is said that a lady Just across the street heard the -robbers break the glass of, the front door. The robbers entered the front door, after breaking the glass and secured about S2f in stamps and pennies, also a quantity of tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. The nearest police box to this station is two blocks' -distant, and the officers knew nothing of the rob bery until it was discovered 'by Mr. Smith yesterday morning. There Is no clue a sto the guilty parties. ' POSTMASTER APPOINTED. . i Thornburg Succeeds Summer at Cher ry villc, Gaston County. . (By the Associated Press.) Washington, D. C, Aug. 34. David 8. Thornburg Is appointed postmaster at Cherryville, Gaston county, vice T. E. Summer, removed. The Earning Capacity of the Educated and Uneducated. (Biblical Recorder.) It is not the purpose of an educa tion to enable, one to be a money maker? Not primarily. For exam ple: It Is stated that a certain editor started 20 years ago with 15 cents and is now worth $100,000, his accumula tion of wealth being due to his frugal ity, strict attention-to business and the that an uncle died and left hlxh $99,998! And yet the money value of an education Is not to be overlooked. It has been shown that the average earning of the uneducated man is $460 a year, while that of the educated man Is $1,000. That Is, allowing forty years of active life, the value of a life of uneducated labor t $18.d00. while that of educated labor Is $40,000, thus leaving a difference of $22,000 as the value of an education. This is low estimate of education, but It nevertheless stands the test An up-to-date maiden named Rita Was expecting her fellow to meet her; So she sang, little songs As she heated her tongs In her dainty electrical heater. Every Kind ol eh Electrical Appliance . CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. PEABODY CONSERVATORY OF UUSIC BALTIMORE, SID. HAROLD RANDOLPH. Director. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. MAY GARKETTSON EVANS, Snpt. Endowed. Thoroughly Equipped. Faculty of 60 European and American Masters. . Scholarships, Diplomas, Teacher's Certificates, Concerts by leading artists of the day, free to pu pils.' Recognition of high standard is shown In demand for eabody Alumni for Musical positions throughout United States. Tuition fees, $20 to $60 a year. Cir culars of courses, gcs. term, etc.', by mail. ! i , Another Betterment Assoclatioau r "At avery ' interesting 7 e'ducaUonal picnic, hold hear Method yesterday, a woman's betterment association' was organised and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Carrie Finch; -'Vice-President. Mrs. W. ' Q. Page; Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs. J. C. Matthews; Librarian, Ml&s Inek Avent . i . i . , , .,, :.: .. i MiaaaBaiiaaai SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture End .Mechanic Arts ' -v ' The State's college for vocational training. Courses i i Agricultural and Horticulture; In Civil,. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Milling 1 and Dyeing. in Industrial Chemistry. Why not fit yourself for life by taking one of the.ie courses? Address, D. H. HIIjIi. President, West Raleigh. N. C . ThsBfngham School Orange Cotincy, near MeMne. North CacoHna I Ktmblitked 173 A boy and lorabl ttome for bora, on Southern Ktl iray. la Um ooantry. A location famona for aafety, nealtti and beauty. Strong mdMU faeolty of Chrnv tlan mm, aiTtnc conatant and IndtTVtoal atunUon. IfUitarT aiacinUne. firm Ufa vKh Tannla mnA other , -till mn 1 HiKla. fcwlal- miunii n Or nuuiv Ml Unr. ,mwA pMim.Mhtlft apeelaltl Uflc and afoa(6 Conrw. Small claaa-a. Trna roMonable. Tor uiMtrmtad eaiaiorae. addreaa 9 estssToai Lewis eaav. ax. eiia-iuai. m FASSIFEIiN UNC0LNT0N, ti. C. . A Preparatory School tor Girls in the healthy piedmont section.' Certificate accepted by leading colleges lrf North Caaollna. South Carolina and Virginia; New house with every modern convenience, -Principal, MISS KATE C. SIIIPP. Teachers' Diploma, I Cambridge, University, . . - , Musical Director, Mlu Chellan , A. Pixley (Paris, 1906,) Latin , and Modern Langnages: Miss Margaret Coffey, A. University of Ireland. SCII00LS A!(D. COLLEGES. t m F. m aTAN 7 vt,.v. m .- ,,r-.--.-.. ... ... r'ANi3talChrit!aIldne,c!sorH lre-trtl;-Ti ic:"- -tie- I xrrealcn, layalcai CultUT X ttj i - cy, 1 :e c ca. r i II I Mnsle, lliri sudar r3siitaiet 1 lii iuclexr ie . ooi: A trtnMl2..etors.ltiMt5iyi:S-t Ft rit-it:a:-cu-si tUu-U v ' UnsurDassed health record, trlclc buL-asa-bUiAmhi.' T viTl Unsurpassed health recordTtrlcic buUasa. btera beat. .xct. )nt table? - - 1 - Lam rvru xsw - VEbsil, writs lor our catalog before aen ' i, cAprrAii stock . $36,000.09. ' :M . V . TkJ C!i:sV LaTSSSt tzipx Et!;;:l h Cri feiih'-X More graduates holding responsible positions than an other business ccS leges to the State combined. You will ment u yon ravor us wnn your patronage. - FALIi ; TERMT BEGINS "SEPTEZ2BER . 100$. : Write " ac once for . Catalog , and Special Offers. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Raleigh, N. or: GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, Fall term opens September S, 1909. Elegant new building with '- every asaaa w auu utfeauM iisaa vuuvu w i l, i . Literary, Scientific Classical, and Business Courses. I Schools of Music. Art and -Expression. . . - Full corps of ible and experienced teachers. rpec!i!its Jn. their sevenj department , Terms moderate.' For t urther -inform men spplr to --. -"1J ' : -;-;,: . . LUCY IL UOr.XUON rreatSent. EASTCAROLINATEAGHERS ; Established and maintained by the State for young men and wo- -- men who wish to qualify themselves for the profession of teach-' i Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sanitation perfect. ' For prospectus and infoiUon ROBT. H. WRIGHT, PRESIDENT, -J RAND OLP HMA CON COLLEQ B ! POR MEIN. AAttLtAND VlWOllSIA r ! Ba. a BSSEpwBt . . fVl . , a$SaSfaaaaaaaw-iai - Littleton Female College One of the tost successful and best ' equipped v boarding schools in the South wlth-hot warer. heat, electric lights and other modern im-.; provements. 2 8th annual session will begin Sept 15' 1$P$ ? v; ' it v . -For catalofcue, address .r. - ---j 4:r'-- .taagta-MM-Masasasaa-sasa ,i .... ; WARRENTON 1786 - rWwrentom N.:C. M Gives excellent prepargUon for V$A m, aul . tiliAM r las uuui u till at- ssv healthful athijetics, activb LlE?i-;i;iSs . . " SUCCKSSFUL YOUNG , MEJTS- CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. . ; Fall'Tcrm begins Sept -IstV. For, catsloguo '$rt-;,-.,.;v,-.;;. ': --J01IN GRAlIAM,'PTliKlPaI,, :c::ccl5 Aim colleges. XC231 to"- u 1C03J CtsSug5Tl -'-' --rT1MiiJHW-L -- - - V RicBnouD,vA. ; : Irtfs aiia abk' raltW Tnlaad fa the bwf wuuwvuuw jai mluiuu lor ruamcM nduwnMUk Aeeammodationa ftrt-rL . lABzs tassx, n aWu;.p, 1 S0AKSIS3 SCBOCf ia iiiitf.- mm I w.warwm.fi.ii( WMm ta. K-rta OarHC BBBBSamBaB) i Alisrti Ss-a la I842 : 68 th Session Opens ; v Sept: i6tii, 1909 4 ; . . . t . ? Two new VTJormitbrlcS and ' larg new building " eontainlag , dlnlns room and Gymnasium ready la 'September.-1"" Ii-f. -',. ; r; I REV; GEO. Wa LAY, SCHOOLS AliD COLLEGES. ArV e - c Uw. rvatory ct wjx toeccilc;a lor your cmtktesv lncur.no risk or lnduln In no experl V modern copfort frnd. eonvnlsac address n':". '-" m :B GREFriVILLE II. C. '- 0 ,. HIGH r .17Uy the TJmversity and - 1 ' V ' coUegea. Sta U"tlf luii RtanA fa. f ry wi " rt . Swa IS X