THE yEWS A30) UHSKKVKK; Fit HP AY, DECEMBER i!4, 1009 3 2 I nth Supreme Court Decision ;as to Near Bear iXaTABBB CURE Bad! Breath. K'Kawkln. Ringing In the Ears. Deafness, Harking Cough and Splttbig Qulcklj Cured. - i I RECESS TILL JANUARY BTH Tho Supreme Conrt Yesterday Handed Down the Opinions In Thirty Cases Decide Cities Have the Right to Issue Bonds for Necwary Improve- ; inent Digest of Opinions. The Supreme Court of North Caro lina .took a recess yesterday until January 8th. The regular spring term for-the Supreme Court; does not begin until the first Monday In Feb ruary, but "owing to this exceedingly heavy docket this fall, the court has Yound it necessary to return In Janu ary to finish all the fall work. This is the first time in several years that this has .proven necessary. Yesterday morning the court hand ed down the opinions in thirty cases. Among the cases handed down is that of Parker v. Griffith, which is another of the . "near beer cases." The Su preme Court in this case decides that a sheriff has not the right to refuse to issue a near beer license. Parker tendered the sheriff of Union county J40 as payment for the State and county tax, and asked for a near beer license. The sheriff refused to Jssue hinvone. and he brought suit to com pel the issuance of the license. The Supreme Court, through Judge Brown, who writes tho opinion, states that the" legislature of 1909, having legal ized tho sale of near beer and having placed a license tax of 20 on the sale and having ; authorized the county to levy the same amount, a county can not prohibit tho sale of near beer.' Be ing legalized as a" business by the State, no county, city or town can prohibit the sale of near beer. A county may leVy the license tax of $20 and a city or town under the law as laid, down in State v Dannerberg at this term, may impose regulations and may place such license tax . onthesale as will regulate, but they-cannot prohibit, ; ' . In Bradshaw v. High Point, decided yesterday, the old question of the right of a town to issue bonds to pay for necessary improvements is again de cided. The town of High Polnt.cxm tractcfl for the improvement of its water -and fewer system, and not hav ing sufficient funds or current revenue? to pay for the same, was preparing to .lisue bonds, to 'pay the Indebtedness. One of the citizens of the town In stituted suit to enjoin the town from lining these" bonds. ! Chief Justice Clarke speaking for the court, says: ' "The contract was for a public ne cessity and therefore a-valid lndebted- - ness.; and a popular vote was -. not necessary unless the charter or some statute required it." It was argued for the plaintiff, that the legislature of 1907 had given the citizens the right to vote on a bond Issue for-125,t00 for diverso purposes among them being .to Improve tho water and sewer sys tem, and that this would prevent the Issuance of bonds unless there was a .popular 'pte;Jor a, bond Issue. .In li09. a new . charter waa granted to the town of High Point, giving them the full right to provide for a system f sewerage and waterworks and the larttr further - repeals all laws ln- onslstent with the charter. The Su preme Court decides that the granting of the new charter by the legislature of 1909 eliminates the act of, 1907, au- inonnng an election for a bond issue, .and that the city has the right Co Issue bonds for a water and ewer system, a necessary Improvement, without sub mitting it to a popular vote. : -.: ...... i?tate v, Fowler. Polk County. Xo .Error. Brown, J, , v , 1. Indictment for murder ln'second degree and conviction for man slaughter.; Defendant contends that he cannot ) be. convicted for man daughter. Held, that under State v. Quick, 150 X. C. 820. If error In con victing . defendant ; of manslaughter v hen charged with murder, it was er ror favorable to the defendant and of rwhlch he cannot complain. 1 " Held, that a killing with a dead ly weapon raises two presumptions, 1, hat killing . was unlawf aL "s nci 2. that it was'. done with malice. Lf The de fendant rebuts only tht. ;ur.i :!o that the -killing was vr.tli v"- lc, 'Yr Iz guilty .nl ' manslaughter '' " ' - 5 ' . the Jury in this Instev; s;-. 3. The; Trial Judge . ,;u Jury that If they were ." ' o; b " as to pelf defense, they 0 4 cou Vict of manslaughter. r: i , c iC words, taken In connec': . v full charge whjch was a c : j r-atl luminous exposition oJ e "', c oi. "homieklei could rot hav, . ' 1 Jury and Is harmless s;ri; ; . . ' I. J BOTANIC BLOOD BALM Tle Remedy Which Cares Catarrh by Killing the Ca tarrhal poison and Purify imr the Blood. , liarge Sample Free. You tmisl not neglect discharge of NAUSEAllNG YELLOW MATTER from tlie Ear, Noe and Tliroat. CATARIi U IH NOT ONLY DAN(JEROrs in this way. but it onnsoH ulreratlons, OentU nl rierny of bons, kills nmtifion. often; croups 1oh of nrfet!te and rer.ebf to .genernl debility, idiocy and insanity. It needs attention at, once. Cnre it by taklug Uod.aic Hld Balm (D. B. B.). It is a quick radical, permanent cnre, be cause it. rids the eystem of tho poison; germx that cause catarrh. At the anie time Blood Balm U. B. B.) purities the blood, does away with every nynaptom of catarrh. B. IV B. Bendn a tingling flood of warm, rich, -pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves, aud part: affected by catarrhal io1hou, giving warmth and strength Just where it is needed, and in this way naklng a perfect, lasting eure of catarrh n all its forms'. B. B. B. tan caured thousands of catarrh canes even the in out deep-Heated kind after every other treatment bad failed. Botanic f lood Balm (B. B. B.) is, peas ant and safe to take; coranoted of pure Botani.- ingredients. SAMPLK SKNT FRKB by m rltlng Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. ' SOLD BY DUUiSGISTS, or aent by express. At fl PEK LAUGE BOTTLE. waa not alleged that anyone was pre- f vented from voting by these facts. The : lower, court found that all persons had an ample and full notice of election, ! polling place an opportunity to vote ; and 'that a majority of the voters In j the district Including those who did i not ' vote, voted for the special tax ! IIHd, that the errors complained of re. not sufficient to vitiate the re sult of the, election as all voters were i aware of the voting place and no one failed to register or asked to register ' the days the books were not open as required by statute. Attention Is called to the fact that the provisions of the election law should be fully complied ; with. verdict thut defendant obtained prop erty by representing; himself as an other person. Upon the special ver dict, the court adjudged defendant not guilty. II ?ld, that special verdict not stating th3 intent of the defendant, and the court being confined solely to the facts lound In the special verdict, no Judgment is warranted by the ver dict, and a. new trial must be had. State v. ror. areen. th4 to work rant in Ive In ant was described ment of law in lie arrest of' affirming 862. thb Catex v. Tvlegraph Co. Alamance County. New Trial. Walker, J. 1 Action for damages for the negli gent delay of a telegram. Message received by the operator at Haw River after office hours and forwarded by him to Richmond as usual for all mes sagesnd gn opening of offloe in High Point ftext' morning the message waa forwarded from Richmond to High Point. Held, that telegraph companies have the right to establish reasonable office hours and If an operator re ceives message after office hours, he must forward it to proper office, but if office, is closed, and the message is forwarded at once when it opens in the.rnornin- there Is no liability for failure of the tolegTaph comoany to forward message sooner, affirming Carter v. Telegraph Company, 141 X. C. 274. mUZ COFFTCK WITH TWO MILLION" ITUEXPS (Two Million Cups Drunk Pally.) LUZIANJSTE COFFEE AMERICA'S FOREMOST BRAND N'ot a noar-coffeo. ',or a make-believe coffee, hut a ismooth, rU ii, .roivg, high-grade. Real "offe for rel-blooll people who demand the Bet. And its price l S imnhrate; ' i ' : .. - i . - AsK Your Grocer. THE REILY.TAYLOR COMPANY,! NEW ORLEANS, LA. WIIjSO.V NEEDS UNION DEI HIT. Franklin County. Er- lloke, J. 1. Criminal prosecution for failure roads. Held, that the war case, being fatally defect- falling to allege that defend- asslgned to work the road and falling to negative pay- tie one dollars allowed by of service, the motion for udgment must be allowed. State v. Lunsford. 150 N C, Dawson t.J EnneU. Craven County. : Aflirmol. Hoke, J. !'. 1. Plaintiff contracted to convey with good title a tract of land to de fendant and defendant refusing to pay purchase t rice, alleging that title was defective, whereupon this suit was In stituted for purchase price. Defend ant demurred to the complaint and the demurrer was allowed. The land In controversy was -willed to Marietta O'Leary w! th the condition that If she died without issue, the land was to go to a third party. Marietta O'Leary has no living child. The plaintiff had purchased her Interest In raid land. Held, that the plaintiff not being able to make a title in fee. the demurrer was properly sustained. versed. Parker v. Griffith. Union county. Re- Browi, J. ht. Plaintiff tendered sheriff of Union county S40 and demanded a near beer license, o-hJlch was refused by the sher iff. Plaintiff sued out a mandamus to compel the sheriff to issue the license. Vhe- trial Judge dismissed' the; plain tiffs 'petition. Held, the Acts of 1909, chapter 438, legalized the sale of pear beer and levy a tax license in $20. The censed thel ty. city or authorized the counties - to of S20 for the issuing -the (addition to the State tax of county commissioners of Union levied such tax In accordance with 1 the Act of the Legislature. The Legislature having legalized and 11 sale of near beer, no coun town may prohibit its sale. Counties may levy a tax of 120 and Incorporated cities and towns may by imposing reasonable It- cense taxes but neither- can .prohibit. affirming State v. Dannen berg, at this term.' . YountA r. I Affirmed, I 1. Civil tiffs to a special under Rev school tiffs named in that Oen Coinmrs. Fnion Coanty. 3iannin, j. action on motion of plain- enjoin the defendants from for school purposes voted isal section 4115 in special district of Union county. Plain- contend that no polling place was order calling election and registration books were not kept during time required by law. It nousancQ Male McLeod. flcah..uf" r'r' .V New TriaL : Manning " 1. Defendant indicted fa.' . hiif property under false p. x. 2 ., ;.' v. Section 5432. ;' Jury re,tu. iv') pjc a. Yon cab insure comfort and rood Health, for all your family against over i irg and krinking by seeing to it that taey all isle a CASCADE? at bed time 0urL3gihft ftolida js, CAS CARETS best I f ecicins 012 earth, $0? the little folks i-A i Lit 1 SASCAIRTi roe 1ms week's treat, -mcnt. All drttgritta. Bilges aeOer t a tte jorld. VriiKw h- ;SPE1M FUR DELIGHTFUL GIFTS , . ..-4 1 ' . . - ., i 1 iVfiVRE VThey are growing fewer and fewer of folks have taken advantage of this . have purchased their Christmas gift Be "penny wise" and do likewise. articles are In stock yet, and if you htirry , . . . , ( . , , . the very thing that's , needed most, haven't many articles of a kind we ferent articles represented by a piece Get In on the big discount sale. Capital Furniture Couipany every day. Lots great sale and from our stock. Some handsome you can give for while we have many dlf or two. RALEIGH, N. C 20S-20S FajettevUIe St. S-IO K. Uargett St. Brad.siiaw v. Hlsh Point. iullford County. Affirmed. Clark, C. J. 1. Action to enjuin the City of High Point from Issuing bonds to the amount of $30,000, the proceeds of which to pay a debt contracted for a necessary expense of the city. The city contracted with a company for the extension and Improvement of their sewerage nnd water systems. XotN having sufficient funds or current revenues to yay fhis indebtedness, the city was preparing to issue and sell bonds to pay indebtedness. Held, this contract, was for a public necessity and therefore a valid indebtedness and a popular vote was not necessary unless the charter or some statute required it. 2. Chap. 19 Private Laws of 1907 gave the city the right to hold an elec tion for the purpose of issuing bonds to the amount of J125.000 for diverse purposes, amopg others of establish in", and improving the water and sew erage system. Held, the city of High Point wis given a new charter by the Legislature of 1909 which elemlnates this act as it gives the city the right to provide, for a system of waterworks and; sewerage. - . The other opinions were as folows: Lloyd v. Railway, from Orange, reversed. Hodgin, from Guilford, Sides, from Rowan, af- K-jrkman v affirmed. Graeber v. firmed. Teeter v. Manufacturing Co., ,from Cabarrus- affirmed. Trull v. Railway, from Mecklenburg, affirmed. Luckey v. Tel. Co.. from McDowell, affirmed. Hardware Co. v. Graded School, from Burke, affirmed. Burgln v Smith, from Burke, re versed In both appeals. Wright v. Hallway, from Yancey, affirmed. Moore v. Moore, from Henderson, new, trial. 5 Wllkle v. J. O. V. A. Mm from Ruth erford, new trial. Power 1 v. Water Commissioners, from Transylvania, reversed. Curtis v. Railway, from Buncombe, affirmed. Merrltt v. Railway, from Buncombe, reversed. Cathey v. Lumber Co., from Gra ham, affirmed. - ' Colvard v. Railway, from Swain, af firmed. . Busbee y. Lumber Co., from Swain, ne trial. Howell ' v. Howell, . from Haywood, affirmed. Phillips v. "Lumber Co., from Gra ham, affirmed. Cezad v. McAden, from Graham, tht. court being enely divided in opinion (Hoke, J., not sitting) the Judgment below stands affirmed. S,tate v. McColL from Richmond, dismissed for want of proper order to appeal in forma pauperis. State v. Lavenir, from Richmond, dismissed for want of proper order -to appeal In forma pauperis. Passenger Cha-ing lom One IX-pot to Lhe Other Frequently Get Ixfl. (Special to News and Observer. 1 Wilson.. N. C. Dec. 2:?. That Wil son stands sorely in need of a union passenger depot is demonstrated nearly every day in tho year if for no other purpose than to keep ptplo from chasing, themselves to death. Tho Norfolk and Southern and the Atlantic Coast Line depots are separated by more than two blocks: the trains her make close connections and if onH or the other is a fv.' minutes late and hackmen are a little out of place pas sengers frequently get left when at tempting to it transferred from one depot to the other. Tuesday two passengers came In Ion the Norfolk and Southern, and reached the A. C. L. depot just In time to see the train pull out. Another passenger came in on the Atlantic Coast line and in trying to make connection with the Norfolk and Southern reached the depot platform Just In time to make an attempt to get aboard, unsafe for him. He had to remain over in Wil son until the next tratn for Raleigh arriving in the capital city so late that It waa Impossible to transact his busi ness and return the same day. Such happenings are of frequent oc currence, and If Wilson had a union depot these annoyances would cease. There are many other reasons why this statu of affairs should not con tinue. As stated, if the hackmen hap pen to be out of place, the Incon venience to passengers especially the ladies and those who may b sick Is of importance enough to attract the attention of the Chamber of Com merce and open their eyes to the im portance of a union depot for the city of Wilson. WILSON COURT ADJOURNS. IN 2 New Bern.N.C. If You Have an Eye to Business Look Into our BIGOY and CAR RIAGE proposition. Hand made to order, opra aad tap Baggira from S&VOO to SAA.00 aad np to $100.00 with ball bearing axlo and large ctmhloa rubber (Ire. Good Itoooot to dealer and otablo men. Your truly, G. S. WATERS & SONS AT DEATH'S DOOR. Policeman J. T. Corbett, of Wilson. Critically III in Ilaltlmoro Hospital m i-Wirc Leaves for His Bedside. (Special to News and Observer.) Wilson, N. C. Dec. 23. A few days agb Officer J.T. Corbett, who received a lick on the head last August while returning to Wilson on an excursion train, by an unknown negro was ta ken, to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Bal timore for treatment. He waa operat ed on and a clot of blood was re moved, from over one of his eyes. Tuesday night a telegram was received by Mrs. Corbett stating that pneumo nia had developed and that the chances for her husband's recovery are slight. Mrs. Corbett left for the bed side? of her loved one. v Death of Mrs. Tliaxton. (Special to News arjdAPbserver.l Spencer, N. C, Dec 23. Mr. Mol le; F. Thaxton, one of Spencer's nest known and highly esteemed women, died at her home here last night fol lowing a severe illness from typhoid fever, lasting several weeks. 8h wa desperately ill for the past week and no hepe waa entertained for her re covery. She was about' forty-five years old, and Is survived by two daughter?;, three sons, four sisters and two broth ers. She was the wife of the late B. W. Thaxton, a well known Southern Railway conductor who died three years ago. The interment takes place tomorrow in Richmond, the old home of the family, to which place tne re mains were carried tonight. Death of Mr. William Harrison. (Special to Nows and Observer.) Snow Hill, Pec. 23. Mr. William H. Harrison died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Bunn, after a lingering illness, which was pro nounced pellagra. He was 69 years of age and was a consistent Christian. During the civil war he was a mem ber of the North Carolina C7th regi ment. v Stoic live Dollar Bill. (Special to News and Observer.) Siler City. Dec. 23. A bold robbery was committed here at the depot. While t lie agent was meeting a train a thief slipped Into the express olfice and grabbed five one dollar bills from the. money drawer. Tho guilty party was suspected and made to disgorge. No Trace of Eloping Conple. (Special to News arnd Observer.) New Bern. Dec. ?3. Though great effort has been made to ' locate Alf Bragg and the wife of Charles Hoover, who eloped with him, so far nothing has been heard of the couple. . The beautiful grounds of the Greensboro Keeley Institute are much admired by visitors to that City. When in Xreenaboro don't, fail to go to the Institute, whero visitors are always welcome. ' Twcntyrflve Criminal Cases Disposed of in Two Days Judge Cook Left for IBs Home This Morning. (Special to News and Observer.) Wilson, N. C. Dec. 23. There were twenty criminal cases on the supreme court docket Monday morning when Judge C. M. Cook arrived in the city, and seven more were sent over from the mayor's court a bunch of gam blers. Nothing was tried but the Jail cases; but there are on the criminal docket many more. From the time court was opened Monday morning until It adjourned Tuesday afternoon two juries were kept as busy as bees, and the rapidity with which the work was done showed that every court offi cer was onto his Job. The Wilson lawyers are of one ac cord in their opinion of Judge Cook as a Jurist that he is undoubtedly one of the most learned men on the bench today. The general public look on this great man as a fair and Impartial judge, a high-toned gentleman, who does his duty, at all times, to his State, and to the public at large rich and poor, white and black.. Horse Dashes Into Show Window, (Special to News and Observer.) Tarboro, Dec. 23. A good deal of excitement was created here In the vi cinity of the furniture emporium of F. M. & S. Q. Carlisle, when the dray horse of J., B. Cummiags & Son, dash ed into one of the large plate glass' windows of the furniture firm. Mr. Frank Ray, who passed the dray on the street, touched the Messrs. Cum mlngs' horse upon the back, which frightened the animal so that it rear ed and plunged. The swingle-tree was broken, and Mr. R. B. Cum mings and the colored drayman, who were in the wagon, leaped to the pavement, after doing all they could to prevent the beast from doing any Chesapeake & Ohio RAILWAY SCENIC ROUTE TO THE WEST TWO FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Slerpers to Louis ville, Cincinnati. Crucmgo, and St. Iiools. Lv. Richaiond.109 p. m. C 43 p. ra. 11 00 p. ua. t Lt. Cnar'sYtlle 125 p. m. 9:1$ p. m. j Lt. Lynchburg 4 09 p. ra, 1 Ar. LoutYlile...ll Q0a, m. 7Jlp. ra. i Ar. CinctnnaU $ 04 a. ra. l0 a. iu. 1 04 p. m. j Ar. Chicago $:2Sp. ni. 4 00 p.m. 7:10 a.m.! Ar. St, Louis s SI p. ai. 4 iff p. to. 7:17 a. m. Only one night out between Raleigh ; and Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis. ; Direct Connections for All Points West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE. ' The Line to the Celebrated Resorts of Virginia For descriptive matter, schedules and Pullman Reservations, address V. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A Richmond, Va. JNO. D. POTTS, : Gen'l Passenger AgenC damage or Injuring himself. Th damage sustained by the Messrs. Car lisle will not amount to much, but Dr. Lewis, who owns the building, and the landlord are about equal losers. Hurt in a Runaway. (Special to News and Observer.) Elkin, Dec. 23. Mr. Rufus Key. while hauling a load of lumber, near Burch, was thrown from his wagon jand both bones of one of his legs was broken. He was given prompt medi cal attention and Is doing as nicely as could be expected. PLUMMETS STABLES UP-TO-DATE LIVERY- THE BEST TURNOUTS. GOOD DRIVERS AND SADDLERS. MOVING VAN. OUR MOVTXQ VAX IS MADE ESPECIALLY FOR MOVING EUR XTTURE AXD IS IN CHARGE OF EXPERIENCED -HELP. I-ET USMOITCYOU. MIL HENRY CARVER . IB WITH US AND WILL HAVE HIS FRIENDS CALL UPON ILIM. BE GLAD TO PLUMMER'S STABLES, East Morgan Street l Only the purest, richest part of the wheat berry is retained in MT. VERNON An exclusive flour from an exclusive process. For sale in Raleigh by CROWDER & RAND FURNITURE- We are Agents for the Celebrated Shaw-Walke Sectioned Filing Devices and Card Systems. They delight the office man We manufacture .11 kinds of Loose Leaf Svstems and other Specially Ruled and Printed Books. Write for catalogue and rrtees. Edwards & Broughton Printing Company Printers and Blank Book Manufacturers, Raleigh, 11 Carolina FREE Twelve Specimen Lessons in Bookkeeping will be ssnt Free If kDDlled for. A BUSINESS COURSE ef Fifty Lessons sold for U.00. jCt& J No Teacher required for Home Study. The Science of Accounts mad Clear ar.d Slmole. JTor use In Schools and Colleges In place of Friday's Arithmetic Lesson It. rontains valuable and practical information for Business Mon, Pro fessional Men and Young People. This Book Is Commanded by Business Men and School Boards. 7,600 CopleN of Allen's Works in Bookkeeping have been sold. Money will M refunded If not entirely satisfactory. Address. GEORGE ALLEN. Ralelrh. N. C. Foot Balls Striking Bags Single Guns $3.50 Stevens' Rifles $3.00 Air Rifles 50, 75c, $1.50. Toy Rifle 25cts Shoots a cork. Bread Boxes Coal Vases Pocket Knives Scissors, Watches Razors Boxing Gloves Carving Sets THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS W BEATING ITS RECORD FOR 1908 New business written in North Carolina this year in THE Union Central Life Insurance Co. Is much larger than written to the same time last year. The large an- . nual dividends on Its policies mako buyers prefer THE (UNION CEN TRAL. Therefore, its policies are easiest to selL . Larger dividends mean lowest cost for Insurance. Connect your self with this great company. Write to . CAREY J. HUNTER O BRO., Sfafe flgenfs, Raegh, W. C Yoa haven't the time or conveyance. WE THE COFYEYAITCE and THE TIME LET US MOVE YOU ROBBINS That means the best turncuts and the best stock in the city. Both Telephones 81 ROBBINS' LIVERY STABLES Do Yoiir Can stmas Skoppiag Mow While you can make your selections from choice stock. We have on oar counters large stock and variety of goods for both tlie yoanj: and the old. Call and Inspect our stock. All the newest fiction of note and gift books displayed. Teachers edition Bibles for tZJLO. - - Thumb indexed Bibles, u u equalled ; name pat ' on witli- i out extra charge. A variety , of leather ! irxwls, shopping bags, bill books, etc. Eastman Kodak supplies. - . WRITE US V ALFRED m &coMPMnr MRS. FRANK REDFORD 13 West Uargett. A Few Dainty Christmas Novelties Every Week Somthing Neew in Millinery TO YERS BRETSCH'S SANITARY BAKERY XM AS CAKES of every description Send orders early. - - Fajetleillle Street, Raleigh, II. G. 1 All penontt who liave not paid their taxes for the year 1909 are hereby notified to come and settle their taxes, and Uiose who do not settle by tho 25th OF DECEMBER, 1909 will have to pay tlie coat, and levies will be issued against their' property. Tliis is positively the LAST NOTICE that I shall .. send v out. ;Tlte taxes ahoald liave been paid not later than the first day of November, 1909, bat I have taken the responsibility to extend the time, so as to be as lenient as I can. I now authorize and Instruct all my deputies, both in Raleigh and outside, to LEVY upon all property and garnishee tho polls on which the TAXES HAVE NOT BEEN PAID, ON AND AFTER j DECEMBER '.li, 1909, and those who are cau?lit by the leries and hare the costs to pay will have no one to blame bu; themselves, 1 am compelled to collect tlie Uxes, and I do hope ihat all will coma AND SETTLE, so as to avoid the necessity of my collecting their taxes by distress.- ! . ' '.....,.. v.;- . Deoeraber 11, 1909. - JOSEPH II. SEARS, fcheriff of Wake County. .- :fi