THE NEWS A2tt OBSERVER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 190?) a I -1 . OF RIMES Te Bo FittinglyObservcd in Churphes WITH 3 CS MD SRRVICE Splendid Music in Raleigh Churches;, to Tell the I Christinas Message, "Christ Is Born in Bethlehem" Glorious Services in Beautifully Decorated Houses of Worslup Spe cial. Christinas Sermons. Tomorrow will be observed In the , Cathoilc and Episcopal churches o tn city with apprJpiace serviced. L.x celient muMcai programmes have bcu : arranged ana the t-rmona will be in keeping with the aay. Ihe churches are beauinuliy decpiaied tor the Occasion. - ; ' feat mi Heart Catholic Churth. Tornu.row, the lea-i or tne AaUvlty orcnrifct, id a noiy, uay ot ouugiiuon in tne vainuuc cnurcn. iwre win do three mrtksts at the Church of the Sacred Heart at 6 a, m., 7 a. m. and 11 a. m.. the pastor; Rev. Father (initln, officiating. At the six o'cIock mass there will be special music. "Adest Fideles" and "Harkl W hat Mriin Ihi'iA Itnlv X'nrnK't" will b sung, and the Holy Communion will be administered. At 11 o clock hign mats will be celebrateu and the pastor wiu preacn tne cnrisimas sermon. ": In the Catholic, church the Driest is allowed to. offer up the Sacrifice three times on-" Christmas day. The lirst mas U in honor of the eternal birth of the Son ot God; the second in honor of His bpirltual birth in the heart of men, and the third in honor of His birth of the Blessed Virgin. Midnight Mass at Nazareth. Hlgn mea will be celebrated at Nazareth tonight at midnlghtl During masses celebrated and- the-Holy Com munion will be .administered. At Christ Chunh. . c : . With urilUting strain and reverent ceremonial the, services at Christ church .tomorrow .will mount higher i ana higher until they find their loftiest . of worship; the Sacrament at the arlar. t -. mo tnuitii -win. I'reeiii a. oeauiiiui appearance; arrayed sfor the great v Festival of Christ's-Nativity i All the " accessories of Joy will be used to fm i phaelze the meaning of the gift of the Son of -God to a; world -that was lying in-sin and darkness.1 5 ' 1 The first celebration of the Holy ; Communion .will, take place at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Julian E. Ingle being the At 11 a. m. the hitch celebration be gins, the ..rector otflciatlng. j, : The music at "this service will be rendered by a large and well trained choir, with orchestra and -orc-an. oil under the direction of Mr. R. RJinn ; Owen. Tb offering .will, be, for the general clergy relief fund. - . irk. - l . i .. ...... . ' Vr t: j iic rricvwuns win ne: , ' Prelude: Chorus. Manrer .Throne. oratorio riloly Child" Hontin. Par ker. . .;" , ' V ; ; ; ' , - ...-ww. Uft (jtAis uu r 1.1414 V-IIWH., Processional, ' "Adeste -' ndeles." . Tteading. Venlte Rxultemus . ia IT f at. Dudely ' Buck. . U , , . , . GlofK Patrl, 1. 2 8 Owen. A.n jttm x: j in. r cauvsi in k i ar A DYICEO SHOPPERS To relieve the burdens of Raleigh Merchants and in sure proper handling of large packages CARRY SMALL PACKAGES HOME WITH YOU STATEARCHltEGTSADJOURN!S17,00? VERDICT STANDS Will Meet at Wrightsville Beach July First Business Matters Were Given At ten tloii to Yftcrday and tlw Session SUrKOrE t'OVItT milMS LOW- Kit COIKT IX CASE OF MltS. ALLI.X. (ispecial t News and Observer.) Ash. v hie. Dec. 2 3. One of the most j interesting opinions to. this section 01 'the State was handed duwn today by Closed After a Mast Skietcsul Meet- Ule -preme court is mat 0l urw me ooainern iva.ii way, diiv mm.11 Jubilate Buck.- Deo, in E flat Dudley 1 Intro!t,.JIymn 82. fShouf the Glad xiainrs" Avison. Kyrie Fleisonrrvkkshahk. niorla TlbiCrulcksbank.' . 'Hymn' It, "O Uttle Town of Beth lehem." -Redner.l Offertory. "Hymn of Prslse from , Oratorio: ."Holy CMJ(tM U... Parker, PresenUtlen-DoxolOfy r'Crulck- shank' '-')'' fiursum Corda Crulckshank. : Sanctus Cru'ekshank. . Kucharistlc Hymn, "And Now, O. Father." ,. .-, . " Gloria in Excels's CtulcVthank. Peeessiopsl. "nTfls from the Realms of G!ory."-postude. ' "' The choir is composed as follows: Sopranos: Mnt Thomas M. Ashe, r Mrs. . Pessie White Pass. Mr. G. Lyle Jones. Mrs.; P. B. .Colt. Mrs. J. A. Prisrys. Jr.,- Mis Marira'rt 8tedman. ..Miss Ellen Dortch. M'ss Fannie Hlnes - Johnson. ; MiM itarjorie King, Miss .Florence II. Jones. ; Alfos: Mrs. Cha-l MKlrwrnon. Mies M; Susan Marshall. Miss Sinhy . D. Busbee, Miss Margaret iMcKlm- ; Tenors: Everard H. Baker. SheK i.wooa iiaywooa, jon Campbell. -Pases: H. G. Miller, n. W. Smith, E. H. Kin. Dr. W, C. Horton. The public Is cord'ally ln,vlted. V ' -l 'ood Shepherd . Church. '. ! t the Church of .the. Good Shep herd there -will be Christmas services tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, at whici time an excellent musical pro gram will be .rendered by the choir. Ihe loly Communion adminis tered. The offering for the morning will ae for the building fund. At the morning service Sunday the Christmas music will be repeated. Ther 111 also be special music at the Sunday evening Bervlce. Tht? musical selections to be ed tomorrow are: Processional: Hark, the Herald An gels Sing Mendelssohn. Vanite Chant 20. Te Deum In C Whlttiers Jubilate B flat Warren. Introit O Come all ye Faithful Reading. Kyrle Gounod. rsi- ria Tibi Gounod. Hymn, "Shout the Glad Tidings." Anthem 'There Were Shepherds Abiding In the Field." Tours. Sanctus Stainer. Eu:harlstlc Hymn Shepherd of Souls Gloria In Excelsis Old chant. Recessional O. Little Town of Bethlehem Barnby: Sojranos: Misses Dumals, Hervey, Perkins, Frogden, Thomas, Ransonv Monk. Habel, Barden. G. Ransom. V. Fardin, Mrs. Leigh Skinner, Mrs. Wilson. , . Alt a: Misses Hollmanand Skinner. Baisosj Messrs. Hinf, E. Wilson, Lees, G. Cheshire -Dlbrf 1L Tenors: J. B. Cheshire, Jr. Pitten ger. C haw. Director: Miss Dumals. Violinist: Mrs. Emily Kse Knox. On ;anlst: Mrs.- Frank Ward. v. AT TICE SOLDIERS' HOME Del'fclnfnl Christaras Tree Given L"st Night to the Veterans In ;llrpltal-n Dahflng Contest the Feature. delightful Christmas tree" was giv en thle veterans in the hospital at the 8oldWrf-Horn'lat nijfct, under the direction of Miss Oulrbrldge, the Vio nnni. The occasion was a Lry one, thoroughly en'oyed by the old soldiers. Col. Ulus was mere wun words cf cheer, Thi f eatura jbt the evening was a fiddling and dancing contest. In which Messrs. Charles Mcuuers ana idling- ton d d the naaung ana ir.' junimn Iaws the dancing. And Mr. Laws dance i as though he were but axyouth Jn -kn 6 .trousers. ' . At the conclusion or the. aanong contest, gifts . and confectionery were distributed from ; the-'targe Christmas ttee that adorned one end or the rWhen the rifts had been distributed Miss Dutef bridge served luncheon In honor ..of the guets, - ; : antisTSLCa entertainment. G red BOUND OVER PERU W. If. RAY ANI XORFLEET IICX TEH OF FEDERAL COURT W. H. Ray and Norfleet Hunter, of Fartcn's .reek township, were tried before United - States Commissioner John Nichols yesterday on the charge tff per.ury. The evidence being suffi cient to satta'y the commissioner, the delendants were bound over to the (Lnlted States court and will stand I thai at the January term. The case grew out of the trial of a tflockader recently, when the, defend ants are alleged to have sworn false ty. Before they could leave the court rcom. Commissioner Nicho's hod them or.-tsted and placed them under bond ,ior their appearance before h;m. ! In. ' The Architect?' Association of North 1 Carolina ad.o.irned yesterday morning 'after a most successful session, ther heln many members present. Th- scsslons were held in the rooms of the . hamber of Commerce. At the session yeHttrday morn'ni, which was devoted strictly to bus'nes. j the association determined to hold it- next meeting at Wrightavlllc- on the j tirst and second days of July. Thit will be the iinnual meeting and at if 1 oflicers will be elected, j .Among the matters discussed at th session yesterciuy was thnt of mnk n j changes in the law relative to th ? I qualifications o architects. A commit 1 tee was appointed to take this matter 1 in nartd and to confer with State In : surance Commissioner J. R. Young. I At the meeting at Wrlsrhtsville ir ; July it was arranaro-1 to have an ev I hitdt of the work of the various arrh itects of the State, these to stow pHi and specifications of builJ'n'rs. The manufacturers are also expected to make an exhibit of value Alter the conclusion of the n"?tln7 tho members of the association. 03 corted ' - Col. V. A. Olds, went on tour of inspection of the various po nt of interest In the city and en:oyJ the visit greatly, this being the ex pression of members of the party. The association has in it repres?ntatives or the most regressive 1 fe in North Car olina and it has been a pleasure tr. Raleigh to have the meeting helJ in this city. v the uec.oion of the lovver court is ! amrmed. This was t'.ie case in which the; widow. Mrs. U. Allen Bryant, sued the railway company through her lather, is exec utor, nr damages lor the ueatn ' ol hor husband, who was 1 tiled in th. , uiiay atciuent near Hucid, two years ago. ' Lryant was a traveling salesman at 1 .he time of the accident and been mar- ried but a month when he was Killed. In the Superior Court the plaintiff j won a judgment for H .OOO and the Supreme Court now ainrms that de- j 1 ion. This artirmed .udsment fori .1..C00, it is said, is the largest se- 1 :ured in this section of the State fori personal in.ury or death against a ' railroad. Locke Craijj and Zb F. Curtis, of his place, represented the plaintiff n the lower court and in the Supreme Court. The Ashellle Electric Company and Wtaerille Electric Company Xero 1 adly intciiered with today in the op- ration 01 tneir curs as a result 01 a am of ice last nisrht at the Weave! Electric Power Plant ah1 the Ivy l l. n.t. I he Aheille company was forced to resort to its '-"i ph"t . hile the Weaverville company was unable to operate at a.i a.Uii near noon today than the situatit noon today then the situation was re eved. TuniKht both plants are working. 1 nfmri Kenffnn r Warms the whole house; saves coat. l MODEL HEATINQ COMPANY . I i TMl SlTMi. Ph4MM i ! FAMR-COLE M-t MBINC CO. , J t lllh FayettevllU St, kalelSte. v CUT OUT TELEPHONES. TO PUB FOR MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF HEX TAL ASSOCIATION TO MEET N . . HERE. U.S. GIVES AID TO IKEINSUR GENTS (Continued from Page One.) rausted.1 their own men, numbering three thousand. are well fed and i clothed, rut they cannot find means whereby to care for their increased burden. "I have discussed the seriousness of the sUuft; n ful'y with Captain Ship A ment room at the First Eitlst Sunday Ht hool, Vnsy EveiCng. dellrhtf ill 'Chflstmai entertain- was given in the Sunday scmoi of the tirst Baptist church, last. evening. The feature of the evening was te postofflee, from which were distributed Rifts to the classes and members or the school. Tne postmas ter wm Postmaster Willis Pr'gs. wno was assisted by Mr. Talcott Brewer. There were in the postofflee many articles to 'b: attributed amtn? the poor. . These donations . consistel of groceries, clothes and money. There Were also several boxs of fruit to be sent t the Thomasville Orphanage. 1 At the conclusion of ,the exercises Santa Claus distributed confectionery aimnj; the audience. 1 The occasion was : a unique one thoroughly en'ovM y alL v ZfS Pensioners In Wake. CleJk of the Court. William M. m busy paying pensions to the, Wake Counlj' veterans and. their widows, the monAy having been received from the State, Auditor on the 16h. In the count' there are fire second class pen sioners, who receive $60 each; nine third class pensioners, who receive $48 euch; two hundred' and thlrtv flve soldiers, who receive $28 each, and 15 8 wldoVs, wl.o receive $2Seach. OTHER SIDE OF THE BROKAW PICTURE houthern Express Did Not Use Seiche for Hours Hut Manager liowen Says It Was During a Rush. People who yesterday tried to get (telefhone connection with the South ern Express Company were told by Capital City telephone operators that the Southern Express Company had directed that its telephone be not rung. Hence there was no chance to ask it packages had arr.vea, had been sent out, or to get the rates. This was an inconvenience to th public that was not at all liked and there was much complaint about the Southern Express Company's action. 'There were some parties who said that they proposed to , take up the matter with the North Carolina Corporation Commission, that the Southern Ex-, press Company had no right to shut men up in a ceil, t" Clerks at the office of the company on Fayetteville street yesterday af ternoon said that telephone connectipn had been ordered cut off, and last night. In response to many Inquiries, the News and Observer asked Manager J..J. Bowenr.of the joutbern. Expres tympany, about the cutting -out of telephones in his office. He said that this had only been done during the cWecking up In a heavy rush of bus -ness, and that the service had been re-opened. The, telephone service in the city during the wek has been exceedingly poor. This is bad enough, and when a public service corporation of which the public asks informat'on cuts out Its phene. the situation becomes worse. Some things, ought not tobe, for if there is so great a rush of business tbbat inquiries over the phone can not be answered by the regnHr em plpyes, then extra service should be put on. The Southern Exprs Com pany gets extra, business dur'ng Chr'st. mas tiroes anj It should give attention to: this at all times. A meeting of the executive commit- ice ui .wic . ri" -"".". " l A ley. of the Des Moines, and I believe social ion win iff np n in ine iar-- . ...... . . borugh House, Tuep-lay. De-'1"'1 r k8th. Those who will be In attend ence are: Dr. D. L.. James, of fJeen vl'lle, chairman: Pr. C. F. Smlthson. of Pocky Mount: Dr. C. W. Regan, of Louisburg; Dr. J. C. WatHns. of Winston-Fa iem, president of the Associa tion: Dr. A. H. Fleming, of L.ouisburg, secretary. This wMl be sn important meeting, as the plans will be made for the meeting, the place and date to be fixed. TRAINS RUN IN SECTIONS. WE PtACE TO GET THOSE WAtl PAPERS Ton will be sure in bujinf rlgL getting the quality that you tu -rt in papers that will hold thwir lustre, al way looking fresh and unfadd and An the . rich coloring ef- v fects end designs that will be most appropriate f for your heme. Make your selection bow. ' s R.Lr GREEN 11 W. Uargett vStreet. (Continued from Page One.) Regarding, an Ipcident said to have occurred while the couple were at At lantic City,, Mr. Brokaw. was asked: Did you tell your wife that her father had threatened to kill you if you did not behave yourself?" "Ye," was Mr. Brokaw's reply. He Objected to her returning to At lantic Pftv after that vrvAWbfrff fw sv a 9 n vttb The testified. He followed her "be cause he was lonesome" as he express ed it. There was . another' quarrel and a separa :ion at Atlantic 'City. When he went back to New York he found Mrs. Brokaw at- the Bavoy. He bought a bunch of violets, and going to the hotel near midnight, placed the flow ers on the bed beside his wife. I "This is my coffln." was her remark, Mr. Ptokaw said; and she followed it up by saying that she did not want Mmy flowers or me cither." Asked if he made any other remark, MS Brokaw replied: , . 1"She said she was going to get a vorce and marry another man." That made him so angry that on Is oc cation he believed he did go back t) his club, order his clothes packed and get ready for removal. He finally Wgned a separation agreement with Mra Brokaw on February 21. lmhVsaid.. '--,,- Drys Win at Duena Vista. . (py the Associated press.) Roanoke, Va.. Dec. 2$. -In a spe cial op :ion election at Duena Vista, Va., toilay the drys won by a majority of 71. The total vote cast was 258. At the last local option election In April, : 807, the town went dry by a majority -of 46. -- DEATTI OP MR. W. T. CHEATHAM. Prominent Cltlz?n of Henderson Passes Away. (Special, to News and Observer.) Henderson. N. C. Dec. 23. Mr. W. T. Cheatham, aged 45 years, a prom inent citizen of th's plce. died yes terday afternoon. Death was the re sult of tumor of the brain. He was the son of the late Dr. W. T. Cheat ham. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Samuel Watklns. Misses Jennie and Ldrzle Cheatham, of Durham, and two brothers. Dr. Goode Cheatham, of Hendersonville, and Dr. Archibald Cheatham, of Durham. The funeral wtti be hell tom-'fw. A. For Potttmasters. (Special to News and Observer. Washington. D. C, Dec. 23. Repre sentative Cowles has recommended J. D. Dorsett for postmaster at Spencer, and A. C. Kerley for Mooresvllle. Dor sett was born in Chatham. INSURANCE v that protects your lifenot In- L come on j. Go wart's Preparation via the home insures againstpnea- monia, colds, croup, soreness in lungs and throat by destroy ine: 1 JixternaJ and penetrattntr. Druggists. $1.00, 00c, 25c urc todaj. All la. AGUP OF s" L Is satisfying, when the coffee, is good. Think of what people say about ' poor coffee. Everybody lira Is our. coffees. TRT .' THEM- - J. R. FERRALL & COMPANY v. i 1 tTfileplMMiei 7 orders "Oroinotly. Oiled Heavy Holiday Traflio Made It Nee "rv Other Tralna Late Yester day. As the heavy holiday traffic delayed the trains running Into Ualeigh yes terday, the Seaboard Air Line ran two sections of No 38, the first reach nr Raleigh at 12 o'clock; the second at 1 o'clock. No. 41 was also run In two sections, ; the f rat reaching here at 4:35; the second, at 6 o'clock. There were also- two sections of the South ern westbouni passenger tra'n No. 19. The- first, section -arrived .rv schedule time. 4-05; th second at S-10 ovjock. On the Seaboard Air Line No. 66 was one hour and thirty minutes late: No. 4 3 forty-five minutes late. On the Southern, No. 44 was one hour ani forty minutes late; No. 22 over an hour late. The Norfolk anl South ern, due to reach Rale'gh at 11 ?7 a. m.. was about thirty-five minutes late. and suggest that a s ip should be sent to Colon immediately to bring here Futficient quantities of the provisions c-umeraUd to feed two thousand men for thirty days. Present situa tion threatens starvation and disease. Jt Is cs'lmatcfi nowth-t -ver n?ne nun dred were killed on both sides." trat.b wtn- iSteu- q i.n ght to the Prairie to be in rea1Inei 'o sail at once from Colon with supplies. SHOT AT FIVE TIMES. Ernest Praswell Hit In the Ann at a loX Party" Held by W bon Ne- WiU n. N. C, Dee. 23. Tuesday n'sht while at a "Box Party," held at the home of Herbert Clark, a mile and a half from Wilson on the Tarboro road, Oscar Barn. w'tho'it provoca tion, shot at Ernest Braswell Ave times, one shot taking effect In the right arm. A warrant was sworn out for Earnes but it is thought he has sklrped to Richmond. HEGHO-BURHEDT0 DEATH WAS 90 YEARS OLD AND WAS CONSUMED IN 1 IRE WHICH BURNED HIS HOME. ' ! - (Special to News and Observer.) AjBhcville, Dec. Zj Hudson Vance, a negro aoout 90 years ot age, wa burned to aeath some time lat. night when his cottage on the iexanuer road, about six miles from here, was destroyed. j 'ihe old negro, formerly a slave in the Hay lamtiy. and also an employ of the lato Senator Vance,1 was living alone on a small larm. which the Rays haa given h m as his support for life. When asblstance reached the burn ing cottage, the charred remains were lound In the dying blaze. The fire U supposed to be accidental. Lloyd Morris, whose throat was cut last night by an unknown drunken ntgro, who attempted to push him off 1 the sidewalk, showed Improvement to day. The gash extended irom ear to ear. The negro escaped and la still at large. OATEWOOD HELM OH MURDER Buy Christmas Candy To-day and buy Nunnally's de licious confections the finest in quality, in purity, in downright goodness made in the South. Candies famed for 25 years ' are used exclusively by those who choose only the best. A fin, fresh supply now rtmdy at TUCKER lit li.i.. 1'ilAiw.U. a. II. T. inCKS CO. , Is Charged With th Death of Arthur Meacham, a Rrotl)er-in-La.vv. (Special to News and Observer.) Wadesboro. N. C, Dec. 23. Earl Gatewood has been ariested and is in jail charged with the murder of Arthur Meacham. who died last wee as a result of Injuries received De cember 11 at Clio, S. C. Gatewood . Is a step-brother of Mfcuciiani and was arretted at the In stance of William Meacham, another brother. Ihe three men were at Clio to gether. Gatewood and Meacham charge each other with being with the dead man when the assault was committed. $1,209,000 CAnGO COTTON. Larft Shipment of the Season From Wilnuugtoii 10,127 Bales. (Sneclal to News aid Observer.) Wilmington. N. C. Dec. 23- The steamer Hariyn cleared today with the largest cargo o tton ot the season lb. 127 balesvalued at 2f9.000, and consigned by AlexanJer Sprunt & Hon fr Liverpool, England. Svvinuler fcx.utenccd. New Orleans, La.. Dec. 23. John L. Collins, .recently convicted ot furtu-j stveral cheeks and charged by the police with heading a clever gan of bwindiern, who have been operating in the South, was today sentened to. se-v lourteen years in the State pen t-iitiary. Collins was wanted on r.Irr.iar charges In a score or more of cities throughout the country. -s I Killed Over Pool Gama Pirmlngham, Ala., Deo. 23. A dis pute over a pool game this morning m-u'ttd in Luther Smith, the 18-year-old son of S. L. Smith, a Frisco rail road conductor, shooting H. L. Mar tin. jower watchman of the terminal three times. The bullets entered the abdomen. Inflicting mortal wounds The boy w alked to the county jail and sur rendered, i ELECTRIC LIGHT will always be the 1'ght for illuminating purposes. It Is nature's own llluminant Every year sees added im provements to its efficiency. "SEE OUR LIGHT MAN." CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Just a Few Suggestions For Christmas "t t ..... Huyler's Gandy rrjm Half to Five Pound Boxes v Cigars All the Best and Most Popular Brands Perfumes Hudnuts, Roger & Gattels, Speihlcrs and Others LET US SHOW YOU OUR $1.00 COMPLETE MANICURE SETS KING-CR0WELL DRUG CO. DuTl K'd Top 1 'a tent Vamp rialn Toe, Welt Solo An ideal gift $4.00. Sensible, Practical Presents For the little, blsr-rrr and Wjrsrest. Give them a pair of SHOES. EVEN ING SLIPPERS, HOUSE SLIPPERS, SHOES TREES, RUDDERS, TRAVEL ING BAGS OR SUIT CASES. HERBERT ROSENTHAL The Shoe Fitter 129 Fayettevllle St.. Rale gh. N..C. 5s THOMAS A. PARTIN CO. Fall UX1B TA!L0?,EU SUITSPrlC3S S12.50 M S4D.93 IVCCL crzs CCCCS-PriC3S 11 Ctfils 1o S2.33 NEWEST ICEAS III DRESS TRIMMINGS I SILK FETTiC3AT3, Attracts jSli--C3.-33 TH0S. A. PARTIN COUflP'Y L.DIES FURNISHINGS N0 VorLTTES. Street, Raleigh, N. C Next to MaL-nlo Temple. 131 FayettfrUle A Real Gold and Grip Remedy The new scientific remedf f of CoMi end Grip, tKe most effectrre erer brought out is Hicks9 Copudlne Kelievet tie aching and fereraKnen 1 te.o ei Dormal conditions, it's liquid pleasant to uke xffecti immediately, Try iL I ' 10c. 2Sc and SOc ! Dreg Stores ELLINGTON 'S XMAS SUGGESTIONS F"lrt nd foreTxt. plvc Pictures, Copley Prints. Cnrbom. Wnter Colors, Leather Table Covers and Throws, Cedar Chests Cathedral Clilmes and Gongs. Pyroxraphy and BleUlography Outfits, Narona Umbrella Stands, Jardlneees, ete., China and Cut Glass, Indian Suits, Dolls and Doll Brass Beds, Books, Calendars, etc. THE ONLY REAL XMAS STORE IN RALEIGIL ELLINGTON'S ART STORE, Raleigh, N, C. MERRY CHRISTMAS Don't worry about what to give him, come di rectly here and we'll solve the problem in a way that will please you. SOME OF THE THINGS HE'D LIKE Bath Rober Overcoat, Suit Case, Leather Collar Bags, Smoking Ja ket, Leather Tie Case Umbrella, Tie,Suit, Muffler. Ties, Suspenders, Garters and Arm Bands in fancy boxes and they are daisies, too. I Gome to a Man's Store for Man's thingsJ CROSS & LINEHAN COMPANY . Fayettevllle Street, Roigh, N. C. i : as X r-v

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